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HomeArts & EntertainmentNicaraguan rock singer launches her first original song/video

Nicaraguan rock singer launches her first original song/video

by the El Reportero’s news services

As part of her cultural legacy, Nicaraguan singer Martha Vaughan has just embarked on a journey towards what she has always wanted to do: create original music – and of course create her own video.

For that dream has just begun for the rocker and performer with the recording of a powerful song, which will dazzle very soon the international musical environment: Turn my Life On (Enciéndeme la Vida), and whose recording was carried out in the studio Gotera Production, accompanied by great professional musicians.

Her son Pavel Palma Vaughan accompanies her with the guitar and his voice, while the leading guitarist Hugo Lezama, is ensnared by making the electric strings vibrate in Enciéndeme la Vida (Turn My Life On); Miguel Ángel Oviedo Cuadra in the percussion; Carlos Fernando Baltodano Altamirano on the bass; and Jaime Hernández on the keyboard. The recording and mixing was done by Rodrigo Castro, while Johanna Baca Fotografía was in charge of recording and editing the video, which of course required fine professional lighting, which was done by Memo Productions.
And this great work is also thanked to two men who have been part of her life.

The theme of the song is a composition by the great Nicaraguan rocker, guitarist, Ricardo Palma, with whom – years ago – she was married to and is the father of her children. Her current husband, Carlos Solórzano Cuadra was also a great support for the realization of this musical work.

Jackeline Cacho nabs two Daytime Emmy Awards

Triunfo Latino,” a Spanish-language talk show produced and hosted by international journalist Jackeline Cacho, was nominated for two 2017 Daytime Emmy Awards. The two awards are for Outstanding Entertainment Program in Spanish, and Cacho herself was nominated for Outstanding Daytime Talent in a Spanish Languag TV Program.

Cacho helps her audience reach their full potential as the host of her own Spanish- language weekly show, “Jackeline Cacho Presenta Triunfo Latino,” which for the last four years has been seen in 42 U.S. markets on VMe TV. The show promotes Latinos who are making major strides in their professional careers and are recognized as true leaders and award winners.

Mexican composer wins first place at California Song Festival

In the National Final of the 37th California Latin American Song Festival 2017, which takes place online the song Alza la mano won the first place, Platinum Album in the Original Romantic Songs – Pop.

On the subject, its composer, Mexican Manuel Romero, Jr., son of the children and grandchildren of the “Dreamers”, children born in the United States and children of undocumented immigrants.

This song tells us of the terrible emotional impact of the possible separation of the “Dreamers” from their relatives, given the imminent reality of their parents being deported. A highly controversial and vibrant topic. It is possible to mention that the white voices in the theme Lift the hand are members of the choir of Angelitos.

Other winners

Another Mexican singer-songwriter Víctor Arredondo won a Gold Record in the Original Folk Songs for his song El muro, where he tackles another controversial subject, the projected wall between Mexico and the United States. In the poems and lyrics category, the poet Guatemalan Rodolfo Quetzal 5 of the Bay, resident in San Francisco, California, was winner of the Platinum Plume trophy with his poem Pequeña, dedicated to his granddaughter Natalia.

At this year finals, in addition to the United States, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Puerto Rico, France, Spain, Mexico and Guatemala participated.

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