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HomeNewsMyths and dreams of Calixto Robles

Myths and dreams of Calixto Robles

by Margine Quintanilla

Myths and dreams is a series of paintings whose images are inspired by fables and myths and they build upon the connection between real and imaginary. It is an incredible exposition of art th­at you cannot miss, created from the imagination of the artists Calixto Roles, Alexandra Blum, and Ana Hurka Robles.

These works will be available to view to the general public form June 6 to July 25 at Front Fallery, 35 Grand Avenue in Oakland from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Frida Kahlo’s works open to public for viewing

The most famous paintings of the memorable artist Frida Kaholo will be presented to the public during a public exposition that will commemorate a centennial celebration since her birth.

This exposition will be held June 14th to September 28th in San Francisco museum of modern art, located at 151 Third Street, it will begin with an inauguration ceremony at 11:00 a.m. where the artist’s life will be remembered.

Surco Latino and Benito Cereno’s presentation

Surco Latino and Benito Cereno national and foreign artist will lead a presentation on Saturday June 14th at 9: 00 a.m. at East Side Cultural Center, 2277 International Bld in Oakland (close to Fruitvale Bart Station) cost of admission is 12.00. For more information call 510-533-6629.

Homage to legendary singer Atahualpa Yupanqui

A group of recognized artists El Suni Paz, Rafael Manriques, Lichi Fuentes, Ramon Romero, Hugo Wainzinger and Ingrid Rubis bring a selection of immortal songs of the legendary Argentine guitarist and composer, Atahualpa Yupanqui.

The event will take place June 20 at 8:00 p. m. at el Centro Cultural La Pena. Cost of general admission is $15.00, students $13.00.

VIII Social Responsibility meeting

Anew America will organize their eighth annual Social Responsibility event. During these events there will be a competition of best foods, where a group of chefs will judge. First prize is 300.00, Second price is 200.00, and third price will be 100.00. The competition will be open to the general public. Experts in the field of Justice will bring their knowledge and skill to talk about refinancing and immigration.

This event will take place on Saturday June 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Fruitvale Parkland, at Plaza de Fuente 34 Avenue (cross street Bulevan International). For more information call (510) 532-5240.

Film Festival celebrates five years

The film festival 2008 will be existentialist in that it will focus on human existence and the medium that in which humanness unfolds within the community, nature family and society. The organizers of this festival will focus profoundly on ecological and social themes.

Participating categories will be: Documentary (no more than 60 minutes), Short Fiction (no more than 20 minutes), Juvenile videos (18 yeas and above, no more than 10 minutes), Neighborhood/Community videos (no more than 20 minutes). Videos made before 2004 are not eligible.

Youth video will be $1,000.00 (first place), $500.00 (second place), 300.00 (third place). There will be a special panel of judges specializing in video production, deadline to submit videos will be on 9/11/08, and the cost will be 20 dollars. On 9/23/08 final videos will be selected and participants will be informed. Festival will be held on October 17 and 18, 2008 at Centro Cultural de la Mision for the Latin Arts.

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