Sunday, March 2, 2025
HomeMore states join against federal mandate and protest with legislations

More states join against federal mandate and protest with legislations

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. R­amirez

It seems that legislators nowadays, because they don’t have any other ways to pay for an overweight government, or because they obey orders from their political supporters for political favors, are doing away with most of the safeguards that the Founder Fathers of this great nation created to assure, for the forthcoming generations, liberty and financial success that we the people can pass on to our children.

Have you noticed very recently, that some laws that have been passed in the states have been ignored by the federal government and not respected? Why? Because with the loan dollars from the Federal Reserve the feds can bribe states legislators and the devil himself.

But this is sending a chill alarm to the states that are creating legislations to remind the feds, that it was the states that created the federal government, and not the other way around. They are considering the feds actions, a very serious aggression.

Now a great number of states in the Union are drafting legislations to assert their states sovereignty over the continued federal expansionism which buys states’ liberty for Federal Reserve Notes (green money) that they borrow from the Federal Reserve, in the name of us and our children’s future.

Actually, constitutionally, the Federal government only has jurisdiction in Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgen Islands, Washington, D.C., its territories, and the federal buildings. And, for your information, the Federal Government, which operation is funded by the Federal Reserve Bank, the privately-owned bank which prints the United States’ currency (the dollar), was created by the states to serve the states, not to control them.

In fact, it is subordinated to the states’ mandate. This has been changing over the years, thanks to corrupt legislators, who in their quest for money have been eroding the citizens’ state rights, giving more power to thefeds over their lives.

In an appealing headline on an internet site, Oklahoma was one of the fi rst of several states to say no to the feds’ expansionism.

They send the feds a declaration, which reads as follows: “Joint Resolution claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States over certain powers; serving notice to the federalgovernment to cease and desist certain mandates; and directing distribution.

“The powers delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people… “Whereas the Tenth Amendment defi nes the total scope of federal power as being that specifically granted by the Constitution of the United States and no more.”

A growing number of states are in the process or passing, have passed, or are in the process to draft bills, that affirm 10th Amendment rights. Some affirm additional rights and/or give specifi c reasons. New Hampshire has written the most aggressive legislation. And all this is happening because of the federal government overreaching against states’ rights.

Matt Shae, a Washington state representative, is one of those brave state legislators

who have introduced its own legislation intended to stop the feds.

Speaking in a telephone conference at a news internet TV show, Shae said: “We’re trying to send a message to Barack Obama, the President of the United States that we are a sovereign state and we want to be treated as such,” while citing the so infamous federal mandate, “No Child Left Behind,” which comes with a lot of requirements, and orders the states to implement it – without any funding sources for its implementation.

And it adds by citing the recently Newsweek cover, which indicates that now we (the United States) all are socialists. We know the feds are currently nationalizing banks and key industries.

“ We think that this type of federal intervention and overreaching is exactly why states governments are starting to fight back… and I think we need to reclaim our sovereignty, particularly over these massive areas with unfunded mandates expecting the states governments to foot the bill,” Shae said.

Oklahoma and New Hampshire for example, have bills telling the feds that they are not going to allow guns confiscation, after the feds wrote bills banning semi-automatic guns and to require Americans to submit to psychological testing.

“I think right now we’re in a crisis as state legislators throughout the country… and it’s incumbent upon us to take the message of what’s happening in our states and our local governments and take it to the President of the United States and say, “Enough is enough. We’re not gonna take this anymore,” Shae said.

He cited that Washington State came under the same compact that Montana did when it became a state back in the late 1800s.

“And as part of that 3compact, we have in our state constitution that we have the right to bear arms in defense of ourselves. And it’s a lot more specific than the federal constitution is.

­There’s been, as most concerned citizens know, runs on ammunition and guns in sporting goods stores all over the country but especially in Washington as well.

“So, I think this is one of those times in American history where people are starting to wake up and one of the other reasons for my bill was to help wake people up to this issue,” he said.

Oklahoma, have passed these resolutions saying, “No” to the New World Order, “No” to tyranny, “No” to the FEMA camps, “No” to the gun confiscation.

I, personally, am afraid that California is in danger of becoming a puppet of the federal government with legislators like Fiona Ma, who seems to be in the business of ceding more powers to the feds. She is struggling to get the U.S. Arms Forces to recruit our youth for their dirty wars abroad and possibly to crash civil protest within the U.S. with her AB 223 legislation that will require the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) to reinstate Junior ROTC in San Francisco public schools.

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