Tuesday, February 25, 2025
HomecolumnMonsanto may occupy the White House with a vote for Hillary Clinton

Monsanto may occupy the White House with a vote for Hillary Clinton

by Daniel Barker

Something truly terrible has happened in America. It didn’t take place overnight, and the truth is that what went wrong happened so gradually — so incrementally — that most people didn’t see it coming until it was too late.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. I want to talk about two problems, actually, one so big that I have to zoom out a bit to describe it. The other is almost equally huge and is directly related to the first. The first problem will take a lot of concerted effort to solve. The second one, however, can be solved soon, and in doing so, we make great progress towards at least beginning to grapple with the first.
The main problem, in case you haven’t noticed, is that our government has sold us out. Our so-called “leaders” — both Democrats and Republicans, and nearly every last one of them (with a very few possible exceptions) — have been bought and paid for by mega-corporations, cartels, monopolies or whatever you like to call them.
Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Arms Manufacturers, Big Agriculture — you get the idea…
Through lobbying and other forms of bribery, influence and coercion, these “Big” interests have managed to grab the reins of our once-free nation, and are now steering us in the direction they wish us to go. You can call it an oligarchy, but that’s too dignified-sounding. These people are dangerous criminals; they are as close to pure evil as human beings can be.
These people wantonly murder in the name of profits. They start wars that kill millions of innocent people, they manufacture false enemies, they poison oceans and chop down forests. And perhaps worst of all, they tamper with the very essence of Nature…
The main problem has become so enormous that, as I already mentioned, there now seems to be almost no way to fix it. I hate to sound cynical, but we have allowed a small group of evil humans to push ourselves to the brink of self-extinction.
We have two choices as citizens of this planet and this nation. We can either resign ourselves to what almost looks at this point to be an inexorable fate, or we can stand and fight — even knowing that we may suffer a bitter defeat in the end.
And if we are to fight, we may as well start by picking one of the biggest and most dangerous dragons of all. If we can slay this one monster, there is hope for us yet. And although this dragon is immensely powerful, I believe we can bring it down.
The beast I am referring to is Monsanto (http://www.naturalnews.com/Monsanto.html). If there is truly such a thing as an evil corporation — and I think there is — Monsanto fits the bill. It’s far beyond the scope of this article to list a litany of this company’s sins, but many of you already know exactly what I am talking about. If you don’t know what’s wrong with Monsanto, I have provided enough links below to give you a very good idea of why this corporation needs to be stopped in its tracks before it’s too late.
The main thing I want you take away from this article is the FACT that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been bought by Monsanto, and that a vote for Hillary is a vote for Monsanto.
Mike Adams (AKA the Health Ranger), the founder of Natural News, has written a must-read article detailing the sordid truth:
If you haven’t read it already, I strongly urge you to do so. Hillary Clinton is not who people think she is. She is not working for the greater good, she is working for the elites. She is not a champion of the average American citizen, as she would like to have you believe.
Hillary Clinton is part of a soulless political dynasty that could care less about you and your family, your health, your well-being.
We can not allow this person to become president, and we can not allow Monsanto to pursue their deadly agenda. It’s as simple as that.
This issue goes far beyond political affiliation. Many of the familiar labels and terms such as “liberal” and “progressive” have become almost meaningless in the face of what has happened in our country. Both the so-called Left and Right paradigms have been hijacked. America is now the victim of a hostile takeover, and we must fight to take our nation back.
If we elect Hillary Clinton as our next president, we will have essentially thrown in the towel. I will be writing more about this issue, but I urge you to do your own research — don’t take my word for it.
It’s time to wake up, take responsibility and get the word out. This could be the most important presidential election in the history of this country. We are at a crossroads, and we must be very careful which path we choose — Hillary Clinton and Monsanto are not the answer. (Natural News).

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