Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeLatin BriefsMexico: Party PT considers inadmisible to close Ayotzinapa case

Mexico: Party PT considers inadmisible to close Ayotzinapa case

by the El Reportero’s wire services

In a statement issued today, the party Partido del Trabajo considered unacceptable the attempt of the Attorney General’’s Office (PGR) to close the case of the missing students of the Ayotzinapa teacher training college.
Alberto Anaya, national coordinator of the Partido del Trabajo (PT), said in the statement that “the case cannot be closed when it is not clear yet what happened or who are the real perpetrators of these acts”.
The statement asserted that it is absurd that the Mexican Government insist on leaving behind the matter as if nothing had happened, covering up impunity and corruption of the responsible institutions.
Anaya, who is also a congressman, warned about the increased social discontent for both, the facts of Iguala, in Guerrero state, and “everything that happens in the country where there is no security and justice does not respond as it should”.
Meanwhile, Luis Raul Gonzalez, president of the National Human Rights Commission, said yesterday that the disappearance of 43 students from the rural teacher training school of Ayotzinapa on September 26 and 27, “has not been overcome and it cannot be said that the case is closed”.
“The reports by the judges and experts requested abroad are missing, it cannot be closed, there is no conclusion and for the National Human Rights Commission the case remains open”, he said.

CELAC reaffirms support to Argentina in claim for the Falklands
The heads of State and Government of the 33 member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) reaffirmed today their solidarity with Argentina in its soverteign right over the Falkland Islands, also known in Spanish as Malvinas.
In the final declaration adopted by the Third Summit of Celac, held in the city of Belen, the leaders reiterated the strongest regional support to Argentina’s legitimate rights in the dispute for the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the maritime spaces surrounding them.
They also express their permanent interest that the dispute is resolved in a peaceful, negotiated way, according to the Resolution 31/49 of the UN General Assembly.
In several occasions the Argentinian government has ratified its right against the ilegitimate British colonial occupation of that part of its territory for 182 years.
The reprsentatives of the 33 member countries of Celac also supported the quest for an agreement to restructure Argentina’s sovereign debt without compromising its development policies and the people’s welbeing.
The Summit, which ended today after two days of sessions, was attended by the Latin American and Caribbean presidents, prime ministers and Foreign ministers of the 33 member countries of Celac under the slogan Building Together.

Governor Rick Perry and Chris Christie interrupted by dreamers in Steve King’s Freedom Summit event
Des Moines, Iowa- A group of undocumented youth interrupted prospective 2016 Presidential candidate and former Texas Governor, Rick Perry.  Marco Malagon, Dreamer from Texas, shouted “Governor, do you stand with King, or do you stand with us and our families? Do you think I’m deportable?” while others stood up with signs that read “DEPORTABLE?” in reference to Representative Steve King’s comments about an undocumented student who attended the State of the Union address as a guest of First Lady Michelle Obama. Following Perry, Christie was also interrupted by Cesar Vargas, Dreamer from New York. Two dreamers were arrested.
For years, Congressman Steve King has been one of the most vocal GOP voices against Dreamers, the undocumented community and has been on the record using derogatory language against Dreamers.

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