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HomeHealthMeteoric rise in modern diseases could be synergistic effect of glyphosate and...

Meteoric rise in modern diseases could be synergistic effect of glyphosate and vacine

by Jonathan Benson

Something sinister in the modern era is destroying the bodies and minds of today’s children at an accelerating rate — and no, it isn’t better diagnoses or other such lame excuses peddled by the media. People today, especially in the U.S., are increasingly overweight, chronically fatigued, perpetually brain “fogged,” and in a growing number of cases regressively unable to function normally or interact socially due to inexplicable mental problems and neurological disorders.
The autism rate, as a highly relevant example, has risen exponentially since the 1970s, jumping from about 1 in 5,000 children back then to more than 1 in 68 today — a more than 7,400 percent increase! Surely this dramatic surge isn’t solely due to improved diagnostic protocols that, because they supposedly didn’t exist 40 years ago, somehow allowed tens of thousands of autistic children to slip by undetected.
Believing such tripe is like believing in the tooth fairy, as common sense dictates that something other than just modern advancements in disease diagnosis is responsible for ever-escalating disease rates. If you pore closely through the data, you’ll find several common denominators that the mainstream media and health authorities try their best to ignore, but that also turn up in conjunction with disease: pesticides like Roundup and vaccines.
Roundup damages gut bacteria and greatly amplifies toxicity of other herbicides and toxins
Contrary to what Monsanto, its manufacturer, claims, Roundup (glyphosate plus “inert” ingredients that greatly increase its toxicity), the world’s most popular herbicide, is extremely toxic to humans. The complex microbiome in the human gut contains the infamous shikimate pathway that Roundup was designed to inhibit, which means that this necessary process to produce essential amino acids is barred from functioning properly when exposed to the herbicide.
Most of the conventional wheat grown in the U.S. today is doused with Roundup just prior to harvest, as are virtually all commercially approved genetically modified (GM) crops, the derivatives of which are commonly added to processed foods. Roundup is everywhere, in other words, and data on its use over the years reveals a direct correlation between increased exposure to the herbicide and increased disease rates.
Worse is the fact that Roundup has been shown to synergistically increase the toxicity of other herbicides and toxins, making them that much more destructive than they otherwise would be in isolation. MIT researcher Dr. Stephanie Seneff has covered this extensively, noting that Roundup greatly amplifies the toxicity of aluminum, for instance, which is found in many childhood vaccines.
Glyphosate prevents gut from absorbing nutrients, causes toxins to accumulate in blood and brain
Glyphosate, which is just one of the many toxic ingredients used in Roundup, also impairs the expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes, which the human body needs to chelate minerals and synthesize amino acids. When cytochrome P450 enzymes aren’t functioning as they should, virtually every system of the body suffers.
“Despite its reputation, Roundup was by far the most toxic among the herbicides and insecticides tested,” reads a 2014 study published in the journal BioMed Research International. “This inconsistency between scientific fact and industrial claim may be attributed to huge economic interests, which have been found to falsify health risk assessments and delay health policy decisions.”
The link between glyphosate exposure and autism is extensively documented in the scientific literature, as is the corresponding link between glyphosate, vaccines and autism. More on the synergistic toxicity of Roundup and vaccines can be found in the following report by MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff: People.CSAIL.MIT.edu. Natural News.

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