by Marvin Ramírez
Members of the Latin Business Network during their six monthly reunion at La Corneta Restaurant.(photo by Marvin Ramírez)
While business is down for most merchants nationwide and the city looks for ways to finance for most social services that serve the poor, a group of merchants are uniting as a block to find ways to survive a predictable financial collapse that many experts call, will be worse that the Great Depression in the 1920s.
“What can we do?,” asks Mission merchant Jorge Luis García Linares, who worries about the taxes the might increase. He and several other merchants, have organized a group that meet once a month to brainstorm and come up with ideas in how to approach the decrease in sales vs. an increase in taxes.
The group, called Latin Business Network, created on December 2008, had their sixth reunion on March 26, which attracted approximately 72 business owners and other guests, most of them business owners, and professionals.
San Francisco’s District 9 Supervisor David Campos recognized to El Reportero, that although is trying to help businesses, tax increases are contemplated “Our agenda is to protect business,” Campos said, but was admitted that taxes are imminent.