Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeLatin BriefsMass evictions of tenants after forclosures

Mass evictions of tenants after forclosures

Compiled by Mark Carney

Most tenants renting ­properties that are in foreclosure are in danger of being evicted, according to a report released by Tenants Together, a California organization advocating for renter’s rights. Because at least 37% of residential units in foreclosure in California are rentals, a large number of renters could face eviction.

“Banks are gobbling up millions of renter-occupied homes across the country through foreclosure. There’s no rational reason for them to kick out renters after foreclosure. They should start acting like responsible landlords”, says Dean Preston, Executive Director of Tenants Together.

Despite federal law preventing eviction of tenants in foreclosed properties—the Protectin Tenants of Foreclosure Act was passed in 2009—most banks continue to evict tenants, with the exception of JP Morgan Chase, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae.

“Banks will continue being landlords for years to come. Why not earn rental income, prevent homelessness, and earn the goodwill of their communities?” argues Gabe Treves, Program Coordinator for Tenants Together.

Oakland RNs demand better security at Children’s Hospital

After several incidents of compromised security at Children’s hospital, Oakland RNs are, in the course of their collective bargaining negotiations, demanding better security at work. On two occasions in recent months, armed individuals entered the emergency room; in one of those incidents, a RN and a ward clerk were held hostage.

While noting the recent killing of a RN at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center, Martha Kuhl says, “Nurses want to be able to concentrate on our patients’ care and not do double duty as security personnel. By introducing the proposal in negotiations we hope the Hospital will decide to work with us cooperatively to make our workplace safe for our patients, their families and all hospital employees.”

Comercia Bank donates $30,000 to food banks

Comercia Banks has donated $30,000 to California non-profit agencies that deliver meals and holiday turkeys to people in need. In the Bay area, the San Francisco Food Bank received $5,000, as did the Second Harvest Food Bank in Santa Clara County.

“Thanksgiving represents not only a time of thanks, but a time when families gather around the table for a wonderful celebratory meal,” says Crystal Ulrich, associate director of donor services and campaigns for Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. “Unfortunately for many in our community, funds simply aren’t available to purchase the food we think of for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Comercia Bank’s gift of $5,000 will help provide Thanksgiving meals to thousands of families in Santa Clara County.”

Jeffrey Smith interview on GMO food

Jeffrey smith, author of Seeds of Deception, a book detailing the dangers of GMO (genetically modifi ed) food, is disturbed by President Obama’s lack of policies regarding GMO.

During his presidential campaign, Smith notes, he had promised to force agribusiness to label all GMO food as such. Upon election, however, he appointed several pro-GMO executives to the USDA and the FDA. Watch the interview at

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