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HomeHealthMarch against Monsanto taking place everywhere on May 25

March against Monsanto taking place everywhere on May 25

by Lance Devon

With President Obama’s recent signing of the Monsanto Protection Act, food safety advocates are up in arms. As GMOs fill grocery store shelves at an alarming rate, more people are growing aware of the health risks associated with genetically altered organisms. People are growing tired of this disease-promoting, genetically manipulated food. They are sick of controlling multinational corporations like Monsanto dictating their food supply. That’s why on May 25th 2013, rallies across the world are organizing, from Australia to Germany, from New York to California. A March against Monsanto is expected to take place.

How important is real, organic food to you? Do you want to support small farmers and their independence?

Do you want to protect the future of the seed and health of your family?

Research – look for ways to speak up and make a difference.

Join a march against Monsanto rally on May 25th in your city:

Monsanto Protection Act awakening the republic

This new “Monsanto Protection Act” signed on March 26th, 2013, gives executive powers to the USDA that grant permission to companies like Monsanto to sell its genetically modify seed to farmers without any judicial accountability. The provision is written in a way to assure farmers a profitable and safe venture with GMO seed, but in reality, this law is designed to grant GMO producers like Monsanto legal immunity from the health problems their products will cause down the road.

This provision removes the judicial system from the picture, allowing Monsanto to dominate agriculture, selling genetically altered seed to farmers and damaging human genes – all without any real justice.

U.S. Senator and family farmer Jon Tester, spoke out on the Senate floor, “The United States Congress is telling the Agricultural Department that even if a court tells you that you’ve failed to follow the right process and tells you to start over, you must disregard the court’s ruling and allow the crop to be planted anyway. Not only does this ignore the constitutional idea of separation of powers, but it also lets genetically modified crops take hold across this country, even when a judge finds it violates the law,” Tester said.

Tester’s concerns were apparently disregarded. Five days later, Obama signed the Monsanto Protection Act into law, ignoring the scientific evidence GMOs have on human health. Now multinational corporations like Monsanto have legal permission to make farmers their serfs, and to use the population as a science experiment with their altered, disease-spreading seed.

Government complying to Monsanto’s demands, despite health risks

Dave Murphy, founder of Food Democracy Now, said, “I think the Monsanto Protection Act, how it was passed and how it was slipped into law is just another example of how this company (Monsanto) operates, how they manipulate our democracy, and how they buy off our elected officials.”

It’s apparent. The industry demands profit. Instead of upholding justice, the government is bought off to pass laws that permit companies like Monsanto to trample the people’s health and environment.

For example, scientists indicate that the world’s bee population is collapsing due to the presence of genetically modified seed. Altered food is also linked to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer, tumors, infertility and birth defects.

Read more on the dangers here:

March against Monsanto

How can people everywhere stop this mad machine from controlling the world’s seed?

• Is it time to spend an extra dollar, buying only real, organic food?

• Is it time for a warning label to be required on all products that contain genetically modified food? This would help consumers make more informed decisions.

• Is it time to pressure the government to repeal the provisions of the Monsanto Protection Act? The provision is temporary and is likely to come back up for a re-authorization vote in September 2013.

• Is it time to write and inform others about GMOS, making more scientific studies available to people everywhere about the negative
health effects of GMOs?

• Is it time to hold Monsanto executives accountable through bold, direct communication?

• Is it time to take the action to the streets in peaceful protest, shining a light on Monsanto’s influence over government and their direct contribution to disease in the world?

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