Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeMainstream U.S. media: government propaganda

Mainstream U.S. media: government propaganda

by Marvin J. Ramirez

More than ever, alternative media is taking the place of the ‘mainstream media’ for real information, especially on what our government is doing. Most people, however, still believe that if the information doesn’t come from CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox News, Univision, or the S.F. Chronicle, etc, they call it “a conspiracy theory,” a phrase that has become a populace’ slogan. And that is precisely what the government-faithful news media has made people believe for decades, while little by little take our constitutional freedoms away.

The more I navigate the internet, the more I am exposed to new sites rich in investigative information, far more than what I find in our local daily, or when I watch local TV channels, since I have no access to cable.

And you’ll find all kind of information, from what and how foods sold in the traditional supermarkets are poisoning us, to alternative health guides sources to the real players of the economic crisis to what and how the financial crisis works and why we are in the situation we are. All these also include news on ways to saving the planet and ourselves from a foreseeable destruction we are about to witness, thanks to our current corrupt Congress and Senate, judicial system and presidency.

People are waking up, they are starting to perceive mainstream media as too heavily biased, and since most alternative media outlets have little advertisements, they can’t be bought and silenced by advertisers, or worse: political parties and special interest groups.

The media establishment is seeing its days ending.

Readers and audience are coming to the conclusion that, “we’ve been lied to.”

“The price of obtaining alternative views is falling fast. In fact, the main expense today is the value of our time. We have less and less time for the boring, superficial, and lying mainstream media. They know it. There is nothing they can do about it,” says Gary North in an article published in the blog. North is a former president of the Los Angeles Newspaper Guild/Southern California Media Guild.

“The monopoly that they have enjoyed … is coming to an end. So is the free ride of political parties that rely on the mainstreammedia to keep the masses in line,” North added.

I am driving home one night listening to the radio, and this KGO radio personality, whose name I can’t remember, is pushing a question about the Israeli Gaza bombardment on to his listeners, who, like children, call him to respond to the question. He is monopolizing public opinion like they were children. And this is seen everywhere in the news media and broadcast networks, full-of-crap programming like telenovelas (soap operas), and crime movies teaching viewers at any age how to kill.

They have had control of the print media and the airwaves for so long, that they have

practically maintained control over the people – like zombies.

“What would you do if your neighbor wants to destroy you and start bombarding your country… don’t you have a right to fi re back?” and so on. It was so obvious his biases toward the Israeli government. It just reassured me on my believe that mainstream media is really a government-corporate voice, and is not there to serve us the public to tell us the true, but to conceal it and to entertain us to keep us busy and distracted.

Mainstream media rarely criticizes the government and never the system of financial and military oppression Americans live under, as we would expect it to do, which is to confront the power. Instead they have become the protectorate of the powerful and the elite, and the status quo.

“Politicians in the two parties have built their power base on the basis of controlling local media,” said another blog.

“The media’s continued over-reliance on official sources, despite being fully aware of a long history of lying and manipulation by those sources, suggests that the corporate media is quite content to operate as an instrument of U.S. foreign policy by providing disinformation and outright lies to the U.S. public,” said Garry Leech, in his article

published in the Global Exchange blog. Leech is an independent journalist and editor of the online publication Colombia Journal, which analyzes U.S. foreign policy in Colombia. He also teaches international politics at Cape Breton University in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Check out the nationally syndicated news/talk show, The Alex Jones Show, which can be found on over 60 AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations across the United States.

Jones has been referred to as a conspiracy theorist by mainstream media outlets, while Russia Today (R/T TV) has referred to him as an investigative journalist.

Here’s one of his videoradio shows you can copy and past into your web browser.

Another excellent show is that of Mike Rivero’s What Really Happened radio show on GCN six days a week His WRH website is among the top ten ranked daily political news sites on the Internet. It might be fair to consider it like the “New York Times” of internet news…only instead of the Times’ slogan ,’all the news that’s fit to print’, WRH ‘s slogan could be ‘all the news that’s “not fi t to print” ‘…and that’s why the information found at WRH is almost always shockingly enlightening to fi rst time visitors.

Other independent media:,,, ­, The Jones Report,

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