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HomeLoud voices demand Obama to reopen investigation into 9/11 cover-up

Loud voices demand Obama to reopen investigation into 9/11 cover-up

­by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin  J. RamírezMarvin J. Ramírez­

As the eighth anniversary of 9/11 approaches – this week, prominent personalities are calling President Obama to reopen the investigation on the­ tragic attacks to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City that left approximately 3,000 dead on Sept. 11, 2001. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 countries.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, also known as the 9/11 Commission, was set up on Nov. 27, 2002 “to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 attacks”, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks.

However, the government conclusions that the attacks had been planned and perpetrated by outside terrorists, were rejected from the very beginning by a number of scholars, scientists, engineers and architects experts in demolition who did their own research and study, while the corporate media served as an instrument to shut down these dissident voices. To this day, those critics continue to claim that the attacks were nothing more than an inside government job responding to a secret banking elite plan to advance their New World Order agenda and suppress the constitutional rights on the people to gain total control of the country and the masses.

The 9/11 commission served as the instrument for the government to create a false flag of alert – with the corporate media’s complicity – to create panic within the population, and therefore be able to pass any unconstitutional laws that restrict the fundamental rights of the people and to create a police state in the country.

Then came the final product that would guarantee that the President could do anything he wanted to control the people, overstepping the sovereignty of all of us, and so turning the United States of America into a straight forward dictatorship, like in the Soviet Union or China: the USA Patriot Act.

The USA PATRIOT Act, commonly known as the “Patriot Act”, is a statute enacted by the United States Government that President George W. Bush signed into law on October 26, 2001. The contrived acronym stands for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (Public Law Pub.L. 107-56).

The Act increases the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; eases restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expands the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and enhances the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expands the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.

As I write this article, prominent celebrity, actor Charlie Sheen sent a letter to President Obama demanding a 20-minute meeting, entitled “20 Minutes With The President.” The letter was published exclusively on radio talk show host Alex Jones’ and Prison websites this week.

According to Alex Jones, the letter cites evidence backed up by a substantial online bibliography. It proves the official story behind 9/11 is a fraud and that this conclusion was also reached by the majority of the 9/11 Commission members, a fact that mandates President Obama to reopen the investigation into the terrorist attacks.

In the words of Jones, Sheen expresses his hope that President Obama will follow through on his promises of change, accountability and government transparency by using his executive powers to re-examine 9/11, adding that he voted for Obama with the understanding that he would follow a different course to the Bush administration.

“However, as Sheen highlights in his letter, the course of Obama’s first year in office clearly indicates that he will do nothing to reverse policies crafted by the Bush regime, and in fact has sought to exceed outrages of the previous administration in areas such as warrantless wiretapping, rendition, detention without trial, and wars in the Middle East – all of which arrived as a consequence of 9/11,” Alex Jones says.

Sheen’s letter is a public declaration demanding the truth behind 9/11 as America approaches its eighth anniversary since the tragic events of that day. His questions are shared by a majority of victims’ family members, according to Bill Doyle, the representative of the largest 9/11 families group.

The letter focuses around the fact that no less than 60 per cent of the 9/11 commissioners have now publicly stated that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11 and that the Pentagon was engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack.

Sheen also presents a plethora of other evidence to illustrate how the official story is a fraud, including the revelations of whistle blowers like FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, who recently ­broke a Federal gag order to expose how Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were working for the U.S. government right up until the day of 9/11, Jones says.

Meanwhile, just a few days ago, President Barack Obama’s environmental adviser Van Jones, who became embroiled in a controversy over past inflammatory

statements, has resigned his White House job after what he calls a “vicious smear campaign against me.”

An article on American Online on Wednesday, Sept. 9, reported that the resignation of Jones, an administration official specializing in environmentally friendly “green jobs” with the White House Council on Environmental Quality was linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the 2001 terror attack.

According to the article, the matter surfaced after news reports of a derogatory comment Jones made in the past about Republicans, and separately, of Jones’s name appearing on a petition connected to the events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. That 2004 petition had asked for congressional hearings and other investigations into whether high-level government officials had allowed the attacks to occur.

The poll results from the readers of the article overwhelmingly gave thumps up for approval to Jones comments. Of 88,176 votes, 79,244 approved it.

And my question is, why the media decided to cover this one?

I suggest and suspect that the media can see there is heat on the subject and that the public really wants to know, and want an investigation to reopen, but the government pressures the media to keep it low key.

My opinion is that an investigation can only help to bring the truth up and people should not feel threaten if they have nothing to hide.

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