by the El Reportero’s staff
Evelina Fernández
Hope is a story about a handsome, idealistic young President in the White House. He has a lovely wife and two beautiful children. It is a time of global crisis. He has come to bring America hope. It’s not 2011. It’s 1962. The President is John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
In the months between August and October of 1962, Americans lived in real dread of a nuclear confrontation with the U.S.S.R., as the Soviets placed missiles in Cuba, within striking distance of the Gulf Coast states.
Hope, however, has a Latino twist.
Elena García has endured the philandering and the violence of husband Carlos for a long time. Many times she has forgiven him. But she cannot continue to do this and face her children. Her brother-in-law wants to comfort her and treat her like a queen. Her older daughter Gina is angry, rebellious and sexual. Younger daughter Betty is obsessed with President Kennedy, and speaks to him on the phone, regularly.
Evelina Fernández’ new play Hope, part II of a Mexican Trilogy will have its world premiere on Friday, Oct. 21, 2011. Written by Fernández and directed by Jose Luis Valenzuela, Hope is presented by the Latino Theater Company at the Los Angeles Theatre Center in downtown Los Angeles.
The new play Hope is Part II of A Mexican Trilogy. The Trilogy received a public reading in January of this year. Hope is the first part of the Trilogy to be fully produced.
SF Film Society debuts Center for Investigative Reporting new film
The San Francisco Film Society will showcase, Behind the Story: Under Suspicion, a new film which draws attention to some of the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) most controversial stories, with particular attention focused on how 9/11 has hampered our civil liberties.
The first of this film Mexiseries kicks off with its Under Suspicion segment, reflecting upon how 9/11 programs like “See Something, Say Something and Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting” have resulted in American lost of liberties, like privacy, taking a back seat to National Security.
Attention is paid to anti-terrorism laws eroding our great democracy.
This SF Film Society and Center collaboration draws attention to the naïveté of Middle Americans by showing how Homeland Security performed identity checks and questioned thousands of people at a mall in Minnesota – and then passed on the information to the FBI and local police – without the subjects ever bulking or questioning the process.
Tickets are $11 for general admission and $10 for seniors. For more information, visit or call 415.561.5024.
EMMY NEWS: Producers under pressure to cut Charlie Sheen from broadcast
Charlie Sheen is planning on going to the Primetime Emmy Awards and that has a whole lot of people in an uproar. Well people
Sheen is suing, anyway.
The Emmy Awards buzz is that there has been some pressure put on the TV Academy and the producers of tonight’s Primetime Emmy Awards telecast not to have former Two And A Half Men star Charlie Sheen as a presenter. The word around Tinseltown is that Two and a Half Men creator Chuck Lorre, who was the subjects of many of Sheen’s public insults last spring and is currently being sued by the actor over his termination from the show, confronted TV Academy’s chairman John Shaffner, who is the production designer of 2 of Lorre’s comedy series, Two And A Half Men and The Big Bang Theory.
We hear that Lorre demanded that Sheen’s planned appearance be cut from the broadcast. Meanwhile, Warner Bros. Television Group president Bruce Rosenblum, who oversees the studio producing Men, Warner Bros. TV, which also is being sued by Sheen, made a call to Fox chairman Peter Rice asking whether it would be possible for Sheen to be dropped.