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City government challenged over decision regarding Columbus statue

The artistic community has made its displeasure known over the choice of sculptor and the process 21


by Mexico News Daily


An empty plinth on Mexico City’s Reforma Avenue, which once exhibited a statue of Christopher Columbus, continues to cause controversy. In the artistic community, the debate centers on not what should stand on the plinth, but who should be given the right to create it.

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum announced Sunday that a sculpture of an indigenous Olmec woman would stand, and that the Columbus sculpture — removed in October amid threats it would be knocked down — would be relocated to Parque América, a park in the affluent Polanco district.

Writer Guillermo Sheridan and Twitter users have argued that the choice of the new statue should be decided by a public vote, but it is the city government’s choice of sculptor that has sparked the most intense debate. Pedro Reyes has been selected to create a figure he said would be called Tlalli.

Artists collective Moccam said he was the wrong person. “The tribute to 500 years of the resistance of indigenous women must be created by a woman, identified as part of an original peoples and sculptor. Enough of neocolonialism,” it said.

The chief curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Cuauhtémoc Medina, called the process into question. “For decades, artists, historians and critics have expressed our disagreement with the arbitrariness with the way in which the elected authorities … perpetuate the idea of the artist as an ideological servant,” he said.

“I am very sorry that an artist of some importance, such as Pedro Reyes, has fallen into the trap of operating as an official sculptor,” he added.

Sheinbaum explained her reasoning for the new symbolic Olmec effigy, but did not address the choice of sculptor. “The most important thing is that indigenous women are recognized on the main avenue of the capital of all Mexicans. It is something extremely profound, it goes far beyond a single sculpture. It recognizes the place of classism and racism in the history of Mexico and how colonialism not only left different legacies, but ones that we have to put at the center: the discrimination that exists toward different cultures and particularly the recognition not only of the original peoples but of women,” she said.

She added that Columbus would not be banished from the city. “It’s not about [the Columbus statue] not existing in the city, but that it has an adequate, dignified location.”

Reyes, meanwhile, said he appreciated the weight of his duty .”It is a responsibility that I take with great seriousness and with a deep sense of love for our country … if anyone can teach us how to take care of this planet, it is our native peoples,” he said.

With reports from El Economista.


Hundreds of Bay Area janitors rallied as their contract expires and a potential strike moves closer

The strike comes after an eight-month long stalemate with real estate businesses who own buildings in the city and failed in negotiations to reach a new contract

by the El Reportero‘s wire services

More than 700 San Francisco janitors walked off the job Wednesday for a three-day strike over what they said are unfair labor practices following eight months of failed contract negotiations.

The contract for over 20,000 janitors across California expired on Aug. 31st, and if no resolution is reached in negotiations with their employers, they may go on strike as soon as next week. Janitors who clean the largest office buildings and tech and biotech campuses have worked throughout the pandemic as Essential Workers, at great danger to themselves and their families, and now, they are making the economic demand to be treated as Essential.

Essential Workers, like janitors, are struggling through the second wave of the pandemic as many of the companies in the buildings that they clean are thriving. Their employers are some of the largest employers in the industry, including ABLE, ABM, and Allied Universal Services.

They work in buildings with the biggest companies in the world like Apple, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Gilead, Netflix, and Visa. Those companies continued to see profits soar during the pandemic, while the Essential Workers that helped keep them running are having trouble getting by.

Seventeen of the top 25 most profitable US corporations are expected to make almost $85 billion more in 2020 than in previous years. Nine out of every 10 dollars of excess pandemic profits are likely to end up in the hands of white Americans, with only 32 cents for Black and Latino communities. Study

Janitors are at the frontline of this global health crisis, cleaning and disinfecting work and public spaces to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. They have worked throughout the pandemic, many have gotten COVID-19 and some have died. Many risk their lives because they have no choice. Even though some janitors are older or are dealing with health issues, they continue to work because their pay does not allow them to retire or make plans to protect their health. Guadalupe Ramos, a janitor in Oakland said “I know co-workers who had pre-existing conditions like diabetes, that continued to work during the pandemic because they couldn’t afford to lose their health insurance. They had to put themselves at risk of catching a deadly disease to keep their health insurance.”

Janitors, who are mostly black and brown immigrant workers, are in the process of bargaining with their employers for fair wages and compensation and have filed Unfair Labor Practice Charges with the National Labor Relations Board. They are seeking fair wages, affordable health care that will allow them to care for themselves and their families during this ongoing pandemic, and fair retirement so that janitors who are in their 60’s and 70’s can retire without risking becoming homeless.


Turnout will decide recall election – important vote is simpler than it seems  

The Washoe County Registrar Of Voters on Monday, June 8, 2020. (David Calvert/The Nevada Independent)

by Mark Hedin

Ethnic Media Services


California voters have less than two weeks to decide if Gov. Gavin Newsom should be kicked out of office and, if so, which of 46 candidates would be better suited for the job.

For those who vote in the Sept. 14 election, the process is relatively simple. The ballot has only two questions. Those questions, although both related to the recall, are independent of each other.

In the first question, you can vote for or against the recall. You could ignore the second question, which offers you a choice between 46 potential next governors, if that first question gets a majority “yes” vote.

Similarly, you can sidestep that first question of whether you want to fire Gov. Newsom, and in response to the second question simply state your preference from among the 46 candidates to replace him, again, if the vote to recall succeeds.

Voting is already under way.

On Aug. 30, California Black Media and Ethnic Media services hosted a press briefing to address any confusion over how the recall election process works.

Raphe Sonenshein, Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs at Cal State Los Angeles, provided a history of the recall process by which elected officials in California can be removed, and California Secretary of State Shirley Nash Weber, the state’s top elections official, answered questions about how this election is being conducted.

In hopes of making things as clear as she could, Sonenshein emphasized that a “no” vote for the recall would be a vote in support of Newsom, whereas a “yes” vote would be to end his time as governor.

With the recent mailing out of absentee/mail-in ballots to registered voters statewide, he said, it’s “a two-week election.”

“The real ballgame,” Sonenshein said, “is in that first question. That’s the history maker.”

Voter turnout is expected to be a decisive factor in the election. This is what is known in political circles as an “off year,” in which neither Congressional, Senate nor presidential elections are on the ballot. Typically, off-year elections attract much less interest and many fewer voters.

“This is a meat and potatoes election,” Sonenshein said. “You know what this is about? Who sent their ballot in!”

So far, he said, “early voting is coming in at very high levels,” particularly among older voters, as is generally the case.

Voters age 65 or older had already cast ballots at a 35% rate, he said, and the percentage is even higher among those age 71 and up. But “there’s a lot of work to be done,” he said. Voters age 18-34, he said, have so far been responding at a very low level.

Although ballots don’t precisely indicate the race or ethnicities of those who cast them, in estimates of voting so far, Sonenshein said, “White voters are overrepresented and Latino voters underrepresented.”

He recommended free daily updates on voter participation available from the organization Political Data Intelligence.

Weber described various aspects of the voting process.

She discussed how there will be cameras monitoring the tabulation process, wherein a machine separates the ballots from envelopes, and what to do if your ballot is lost or spoiled (contact local registrar of voters).

And you can track the progress of your vote once you’ve cast it at her office’s website.

“This is such an important election,” she said. “Whatever you do,” she said, “be sure you vote for number one” (the first question, about whether or not to recall the governor), “because that really starts whether there’s going to be a recall or not.”

The state will tally up the votes for the replacement governor, she said, even if the recall vote is defeated: “We’ll count the votes, but it’s immaterial.”

The recall process was first devised in Los Angeles County in the late 1800s, Sonenshein said. It proved popular in local districts across the state, along with the initiative process to create new legislation and the referendum process to eliminate them. In 1911, California made all three processes available statewide.

In the 110 years since then, Sonenshein said, there have been 179 attempted recalls of state officials, but only 11 of them got enough petition signatures to qualify for the ballot.

One of the unique things about this “critically, urgently  important” 2021 recall election, Sonenshein said, is that a court last year gave recall petition signature-gatherers an extra four months to get the recall qualified to be on the ballot, in light of COVID-19 pandemic-related difficulties in gathering signatures.

An inexplicable oddity of California’s original 1911 recall legislation, Sonenshein said, is that the election for someone to replace someone being subjected to the recall is conducted simultaneously, and “it is incredibly easy to become a candidate.”

But for elected officials facing a recall, he said, “it’s terrifying!”

To get on the ballot, a would-be governor has to pay a $3,500 filing fee, or gather 10,000 signatures from a political party. Most pay the fee.

Experian goes bilingual with its industry-leading credit and personal finance Twitter chat

Monthly #ChatDeCrédito series and “Ultimate Guide to Credit” e-book provide access for Spanish-speaking consumers to get their credit and personal finance questions answered

by Corporate Outreach

Costa Mesa, Calif., Sept. 01, 2021 — In an effort to educate more consumers about credit and personal finance, Experian® today announced new free resources created specifically for bilingual and Spanish speakers, including an online Twitter chat series and other education content. The new monthly series, #ChatDeCrédito, will explore financial topics important to Hispanic-Latino consumers and provide them with a fun and interactive platform to build their understanding of important credit and personal finance topics.

#ChatDeCrédito will kick off at the start of Hispanic Heritage Month at 3 p.m. Eastern time on September 15. Both bilingual and Spanish-speakers are invited to join the chat to tweet in English, español or a combination, and learn how credit can be used as a financial tool, what can impact credit scores, tips for building credit, and more. Consumers can join and ask questions by searching @Experian or #ChatDeCrédito on Twitter.

“We believe arming the more than 40 million U.S. Spanish-speaking consumers with in-language information about credit and personal finance is key to improving the financial health of the Hispanic-Latino community overall,” said Wil Lewis, chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer at Experian. “We are excited about these new resources for Spanish-language speakers and this is just the beginning. We are committed to being an ongoing resource that diverse communities can trust to deliver helpful information and resources to improve our financial lives.”

The new #ChatDeCrédito series follows the model of Experian’s award-winning #CreditChat program which started in 2012 to help consumers learn about credit. Since its inception, the program has grown a dedicated online following with hundreds of consumers joining each week. The program has helped thousands of consumers learn about important topics and over 300 personal finance experts have joined to share their knowledge.

Upcoming #ChatDeCrédito topics include:

Drink Montmorency tart cherry juice to help improve sleep

by Tonie Benally


08/25/2021 – If you are having trouble getting enough sleep, then you might want to drink a glass of Montmorency tart cherry juice an hour before you go to bed.

Also known as sour cherries, Montmorency tart cherries are a rich source of antioxidants that are known to provide you with many health benefits. These include fighting inflammation, reducing muscle soreness and strengthening the immune system.

Now, you can add promoting better sleep to that list.

A 2017 study found that taking a glass of Montmorency tart cherry juice prior to hitting the sack can help extend your sleep by up to 84 minutes.

Fight insomnia with Montmorency tart cherry juice

Insomnia doesn’t just leave you feeling tired during the day. In recent years, it has also been linked to diabetes, dementia, depression, stroke and even cancer. At the same time, it’s estimated that about one-third of all adults suffer from occasional bouts of insomnia.

Meanwhile, Montmorency tart cherries have long had a reputation for helping improve sleep.

With this in mind, researchers from Louisiana State University, with partial funding by the Cherry Marketing Institute, looked into how Montmorency tart cherries may benefit insomniacs. They published their findings in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

“Insomnia is quite common among older adults and it can lead to a range of health issues if left untreated,” said lead researchers Jack Losso. “However, many people are hesitant to resort to medications to help them sleep. That’s why natural sleep remedies are increasingly of interest and in demand.”

The study involved participants who struggled to sleep at least three times a week. The participants were split into two groups, one which drank tart cherry juice twice a day and another that did the same with a placebo.

After two weeks, the researchers found that sleep efficiency increased in those who drank the Montmorency tart cherry juice twice a day.

Upon analyzing blood samples from all participants, the researchers found that those who drank tart cherry juice had reduced levels of kynurenine. Numerous studies have shown that kynurenine contributes to sleep disturbances.

In addition, the researchers also found that the tart cherry juice increased the amount of tryptophan in the blood. This amino acid is known to help induce sleepiness.

Looking further, the researchers also noted that the tart cherry juice inhibited the production of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO). This is an enzyme that’s known to slow down the release of tryptophan.

Other benefits of Montmorency tart cherry juice

Helping you sleep better is just one of the many benefits of drinking Montmorency tart cherry juice. Over the years, scientists and researchers have also noted a number of other benefits that it can provide.

Studies show that tart cherry juice may be able to:

– Reduce muscle soreness – A study among runners showed that those who took tart cherry juice experienced less pain during and after races.

– Reduce symptoms of arthritis – Tart cherry juice has been shown to reduce certain blood markers for inflammation in women with osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis.

– Promote brain health – Degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are thought to be caused in part by oxidative stress. Meanwhile, Montmorency tart cherries and their juice contain large amounts of antioxidants and other plant compounds that can protect your brain cells from oxidative stress.

– Strengthen the immune system – Montmorency tart cherry juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds that are known to boost your immune system. In one study involving runners, those who took tart cherry juice in the days leading up to a marathon race did not experience upper respiratory tract infections. The latter is something commonly experienced by runners after a race.

Palo Alto Community Events/Grupo Malo Live in Hayward

compiled by the El Reportero‘s staff

Malo in Hayward

MALO Live In Concert Sat, Sep 4 – Sun, Sep 5 Historic BAL Theatre, 14808 E 14th St San Leandro. Conozca de cerca y en persona a los legendarios creadores de éxitos latinos. Get Up Close and Personal with the Legendary Latin Hit Makers.

Did you miss the deadline to register to vote?
You can still vote in the Sept. 14, 2021, California Gubernatorial Recall Election by completing the Conditional Voter Registration progress at the County Registrar of Voter’s office or at any Vote Center.

The City Public Art Program will host an interactive media event, Code:ART, Oct. 7-9, 2021 that will offer an opportunity for our community to experience engaging artworks together, while offering adequate space for everyone to participate within their personal comfort zone.

The seven installations each have a unique interactive component utilizing light, sound, and projections to animate underutilized spaces downtown.

Public Art staff and Commissioners will conduct two public tours of all intervention sites each evening.

They are also seeking partner businesses offering special experiences or events during the festival, as well as volunteers to assist with the event.

To volunteer, become a festival partner, or for more information about the event and the installations, please call the City of Palo Alto Public Art Program at (650) 617-3517.


The ACGA Palo Alto Clay and Glass Festival returns to the Palo Alto Art Center on Sept. 11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sept. 12, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The Clay and Glass festival offers the public an opportunity to view and purchase some of California’s best clay and glass artwork. Stroll the beautiful Art Center grounds, meet the artists, and find inspiration in amazing works for the home and garden.


Art makes everything better

As you can see, I’m pretty excited about seeing my artwork popping up on billboards to promote ArtSpan San Francisco Open Studios this year, back with all kinds of events from September 16 to Nov. 21, 2021. Check my What’s Up page for event details.

To kick off the artful season I will be hanging out at the Zuri shop on 1902B FILLMORE STREET on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021 from noon to 5 p.m. taking profile photos of any of you wanting to join my pool of faces for the artwork of my Inner Worlds series. I love including pieces of Zuri textiles in my collages and hope to photograph you trying on your favorite Zuri wonders.

Hope to see you next weekend, meanwhile take good care!

I’d love to help you add more ART to your life! Soad Kader, Artist  StudioSoad visits or video chats by appointment call 415.606.9875 or text or email, or visit


Alliance for Social and Economic Justice

Thursday, Sept. 23, 11 a.m. to Sunday, Sept. 26, 9 p.m. The Social and Economic Justice Film Festival showcases films made by independent filmmakers that advocate change around the world and promote a global culture of equality – works that challenge exploitative and oppressive social and economic systems and structures on a global and local level.

Cultural performances by musicians and poets contribute to the series of feature length and short films in this online event.

Funds raised benefit the Center for Social and Economic Justice in San Francisco’s historic Redstone Labor Temple, a community center in the heart of the Mission district dedicated to protecting worker and immigrant rights. Tickets start are $5 for each four-hour segment. For more information, call the Alliance for Social and Economic Justice at (415) 863-1927 or check online at

U.S. grows ever-more diverse

Census data show a multiracial, urban and older U.S.


by Mark Hedin

Ethnic Media Services


The United States population is more diverse than ever and increasingly urban, according to new data collected in the 2020 Census. But overall population growth in the country has slowed, newly released Census Bureau data show.

The Census Bureau released on Aug. 12 the first trove of narrowly focused information gathered in the 2020 Census. It will immediately be put to use in the redistricting process whereby states and local political jurisdictions re-draw political boundaries to create districts of equal populations for upcoming elections.

The information will also be used in countless other ways over the next decade, for instance, to decide where new schools or hospitals are needed, or roads, or where it might profit a business to set up shop.

“The U.S. population is much more multiracial and more racially and ethnically diverse than what we measured in the past,” said Nicholas Jones, Census Bureau director and senior advisor of race and ethnic research and outreach.

Of the 331,449,281 people enumerated in the 10-question census form last year, 204.3 million identified themselves or other household members as white. There were another 31.1 million identified as mixed-race — white and something else – and 2.7 million described as mixed race in a combination that did not include white.

The 204.3 million ‘white alone’ population is 8.6 percent less than it was the last time everyone was counted, in 2010.

The census questionnaire data on ethnicity parsed the population into the following racial categories: White, Asian, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Some Other Race. There was a separate question asking if the responding household members were Hispanic or Latino.

Once those questions were answered, respondents could further describe themselves by tribe or other origins within those six initial categories.

Being Hispanic or Latino is a matter of ethnicity, according to the census, not race. Sixty-two million people in North America identified as being of Hispanic or Latino origin, a 23 percent increase, and then chose a racial identification in a separate question.

That growth was greater than any other population’s except Asians, up 36 percent, to 24.6 million, including those with mixed-race identifications.

Black Americans, including mixed-race, now number 46.9 million, according to the Census Bureau, American Indian or Native Alaskans are 9.7 million, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1.6 million.

Those choosing “some other race” alone or in combination were 15.1 percent nationwide, led by New Mexico at 32 percent, California at 31.6 percent, and Texas at 28.3 percent. Nationwide, 10.2 percent claimed “two or more races,” led by Hawaii, with more than 25 percent so identifying, followed by New Mexico at 19.9 percent.

There are 22.7 million more people in the United States now than there were when the last decennial census was taken, in 2010, enumerators found. But that population growth of 22.7 million is the smallest gain in the once-every-10-years count since 1990, and the smallest gain percentagewise since 1930.

Most of that growth occurred in already-populous counties, the Census Bureau reports. If a county had less than 50,000 residents, it lost population. Counties of 50,000 to 99,999 people gained an average of 4.1 percent more; counties of more than 100,000 people grew by 9.1 percent.

The top 10 most-populous cities remained unchanged, with New York at the top of the list, followed by Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas and San Jose.

The only change was that now-5th place Phoenix and 6th-place Philadelphia changed places. All of them grew larger, as did metro areas in general (8.7 percent), while the more rural areas declined by 2.8 percent.

Census Bureau statisticians compiled a “diversity index” that measured the likelihood that two randomly chosen people would be of different ethnicities.

Overall, in the United States, that likelihood is 61.1 percent, up from 54.9 percent in 2010. In Texas, Nevada, California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Hawaii and the District of Columbia, the percentage exceeded 65 percent.

The likelihood that two people chosen at random would be of different ethnicities was lowest in Maine (18.5 percent), Vermont and West Virginia (20.2 percent each), and New Hampshire (23.6 percent).

The U.S. population is aging. Of respondents, 77.9 percent are 18 or older (258.3 million), a 10.1 percent increase from 2010. The 73.1 million who aren’t yet 18, represents a 1.4 percent decrease from 2010’s statistics.

The Census Bureau in April released the state-by-state population counts that determine which states gain or lose seats in the House of Representatives.

In non-pandemic times, census data has typically been released a year after “Census Day” – April 1 last year – but, “as we all know, the delivery has been delayed,” said James Whitehorne, chief of the census’ redistricting and voting rights data office.

The material, currently only available in the same format in which it was released in 2000 and 2010 (, will be re-released in more user-friendly version on Sept. 30 at

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – the Peralta Community College



The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide District-Wide Network Infrastructure Upgrade (RFP No. 21-22/04), at its four campuses and district office. Proposals are to be submitted electronically (via Vendor Registry), until 2:00 P.M. on October 1, 2021.


The project involves upgrading the wired and wireless network infrastructure and associated structured cabling at four campus locations within the Peralta Community College District. At a minimum, this project requires replacement of existing LAN infrastructure, installation, configuration, and integration of new wired and wireless LAN infrastructure including, but not limited to, campus switches, data center switches, firewalls, wireless LAN controllers, access points, copper, and fiber structured cabling.


A Mandatory Pre-proposal video conference meeting will be held on August 31st, 2021, at 10:00A.M. via Zoom: Conference Meeting ID 965 4350 0481. Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


A Mandatory Site visit will be held on each of the following locations:


District Office (outside District Administration Center Building) – Wednesday September 8, 2021, at 9:00 am, 333 East 8th Street, Oakland CA, 94606

Laney College (Laney Tower Building Lobby) – Wednesday September 8, 2021, at 10:00 am, 900 Fallon Street, Oakland, CA 94607

College of Alameda (outside A Building) – Wednesday September 8, 2021, at 1:00 pm, 555 Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501.


Berkeley City College (2050 Main Lobby)Thursday September 9, 2021, at 9:00 am, 2050 Center Street, Berkeley, CA 94704


Merritt College (outside S Building)Thursday September 9, 2021, at 11:30am, 12500 Campus Drive, Oakland, CA 94619


Copies of the proposal documents may be obtained by clicking on the following link:


Governing Codes:

GC 53068

EC 81641

Publication Dates: August 20, 2021, and August 27, 2021

City and County of San Francisco Elections Department

It is hereby communicated that, for the Election of
removal of the governor of California, to be held in the City
and San Francisco County on Tuesday, September 14, 2021,
the Elections Department may begin to process the
early voting and vote-by-mail ballots beginning on
August 2021 at the following location:

Elections Department
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102

For more information, visit or contact
Elections Department at the above address or
by phone at (415) 554-4366.
The addresses of the polling places that will be used during
the California Governor’s Impeachment Election,
to be held in the City and County of San Francisco on Tuesday,
September 14, 2021, are as follows:

Pct 1101-Ingleside Police Station – Community Room-1 Sgt John
V Young
Pct 1102-Garage-37 Rudden Ave
Pct 1103-Garage-2 San Gabriel Ave
Pct 1104/1105-Church – Corpus Christi-62 Santa Rosa Ave
Pct 1106-Temple United Methodist Church-65 Beverly St
Pct 1107-Jose Ortega Elementary School – Lobby-400 Sargent St
Pct 1108-Garage-583 Victoria St
Pct 1109-Holloway Terrace-1099 Capitol Ave
Pct 1111-New Providence Baptist Church-218 Granada Avenue
Pct 1112-Firehouse # 15-1000 Ocean Ave
Pct 1113-James Denman School – Front Lobby-241 Oneida Ave
Pct 1114-Balboa Baptist Church-200 Onondaga Ave
Pct 1115-I. T. Bookman Comm Ctr – Multi Purpose Rm-446
Randolph St
Pct 1116-Ocean View Library-345 Randolph St
Pct 1117-Minnie & Lovie Rec Center – Gymnasium-650 Capitol
Pct 1118-Minnie & Lovie Rec Center – Gymnasium-650 Capitol
Pct 1119-Garage-2584 San Jose Ave
Pct 1121-Cayuga Playground Clubhouse-301 Naglee Ave
Pct 1122-Geneva Car Barn & Powerhouse-2301 San Jose Ave
Pct 1123-Sheridan School – Auditorium Lobby-431 Capitol Ave
Pct 1124-Garage-155 Sadowa St
Pct 1125-Firehouse # 33-8 Capitol Ave
Pct 1126-S F Christian Center-5833 Mission St
Pct 1127-Garage-483 Ellington Ave
Pct 1128-Garage-55 Mount Vernon Ave
Pct 1129-S F Christian Center-5833 Mission St
Pct 1131-Longfellow School – Front Lobby-755 Morse St
Pct 1132-Silvana’s Party Supply-950 Geneva Ave
Pct 1133-Garage-494 Pope St
Pct 1134-Garage-39 Naylor St
Pct 1135-Guadalupe Elementary School – Hallway-859 Prague St
Pct 1136-Garage-8 Chicago Way
Pct 1141-Garage-263 Maynard St
Pct 1142-Monroe School – Multipurpose Room-260 Madrid St
Pct 1143-S. F. Community School – Library-125 Excelsior Ave
Pct 1144-Monroe School – Multipurpose Room-260 Madrid St
Pct 1145-Garage-250 Athens St
Pct 1146-Sons Of Italy – Hall Of Mirrors-5051 Mission St
Pct 1147-Garage-437 Lisbon St
Pct 1148-Garage-542 Moscow St
Pct 1149-City Arts & Tech High School – Lobby-325 La Grande
Pct 1151 Mail-in ballot — This precinct does not take place
voting. Your official ballot was mailed.
Pct 1152-Geneva Ave United Methodist Church – Fellowship
Hall-1261 Geneva Ave
Pct 1153-Firehouse # 43-720 Moscow St
Pct 1154 Ballot by mail — This precinct does not take place
voting. Your official ballot was mailed.
Pct 7001-Garage-2530 19th St
Pct 7002-Firehouse # 29-299 Vermont St
Pct 7003-St Gregory Church – Rotunda-500 De Haro Street
Pct 7004-S F International High School – Lobby-655 De Haro St
Pct 7005-St Teresa Of Avila Church – Sammon Hall-1490 19th St
Pct 7006-Bryant Elementary School – Multi Purpose Room-2641
25th St
Pct 7007-Potrero Hill Neighborhood House-953 De Haro St
Pct 7008-Daniel Webster Elementary School – Lobby-465 Missouri
Pct 7009-Starr King Elementary School – Library-1215 Carolina St
Pct 7011-Garage-524 Connecticut St
Pct 7012-Muni Barn – Room D106-700 Pennsylvania Ave
Pct 7013-U C S F – Lobby-654 Minnesota St
Pct 7014-Rickshaw Bagworks-904 22nd St
Pct 7015 Ballot by Mail – This Precinct does not take place
voting. Your official ballot was mailed.
Pct 7016-City College – Southeast Campus – Lobby-1800 Oakdale
Pct 7017-Mission District Neighborhood Centers Inc-1329 Evans
Pct 7018-Thurgood Marshall High School – Cafeteria-45 Conkling
Pct 7019-Garage-1887 Palou Ave
Pct 7021-Providence Baptist Church – Gym-1601 Mckinnon Ave
Pct 7022-Joseph Lee Rec Center – Gymnasium-1598 Oakdale
Pct 7023-Joseph Lee Rec Center – Gymnasium-1598 Oakdale
Pct 7024-Hunters View – Community Rm-1101 Fairfax Ave
Pct 7025-Our Lady Of Lourdes Church-410 Hawes St
Pct 7026-Allen Chapel – A M E Church-195 Scotia Ave
Pct 7027-Charles Drew Elementary School – Cafeteria-50
Pomona St
Pct 7028-Bayview Y M C A – Gymnasium-1601 Lane St
Pct 7029-Bayview Apartments – Community Rm-5 Commer Ct
Pct 7030-Bayview Police Station – Lobby-201 Williams Ave
Pct 7031-Armstrong Place Senior Housing – Comm Rm-5600
3rd St

Pct 7032-United Council Of Human Services-2111 Jennings St
Pct 7033-Firehouse #17-1295 Shafter Ave
Pct 7034-Willie Mays Boys And Girls Clubhouse – Rm 103-195
Kiska Rd
Pct 7035-Wu Yee Children’s Services-729 Kirkwood Ave
Pct 7036-Saint Phillips Missionary Baptist Church-745 Velasco
Pct 7037-Sunnydale Development Community Rm-1654
Sunnydale Ave
Pct 7038-Coffman Pool – Lobby-1701 Visitacion Ave
Pct 7039-El Dorado School – Main Hallway-70 Delta St
Pct 7041 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7042-New Greater Prosperity Church – Sanctuary-3560 San
Bruno Ave
Pct 7043-United House Of Prayer Church – Hall-1249 Jamestown
Pct 7044-Alice Griffith Apartments – Multipurpose Rm-2600
Arelious Walker Dr
Pct 7045-John King Senior Community – Lobby-500 Raymond Ave
Pct 7046-Fire Station #44-1298 Girard St
Pct 7047-Pure Skinz Aesthetics-2189 Bayshore Blvd, Suite101
Pct 7048-Heritage Homes Child & Family – Community Rm-243
Rey St
Pct 7049-Church Of The Visitacion-701 Sunnydale Ave
Pct 7051-Visitacion Valley Branch Library-201 Leland Ave
Pct 7052-Symphony Church – Cafeteria-333 Tunnel Ave
Pct 7053-Office Building – 1st Floor Conf Room-150 Executive
Park Blvd, Suite 4000
Pct 7054-Bret Harte Elementary School – Auditorium-1035 Gilman
Pct 7055-California College Of The Arts – Student Lounge-1111
8th St
Pct 7056-Islais Creek Muni Facility – Community Room-1301
Cesar Chavez St
Pct 7101 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7201-Galileo High School – Room 210-1150 Francisco St
Pct 7202-Norwegian Seaman’s Church – Garage-2454 Hyde St
Pct 7203-Garage-2412 Polk St
Pct 7204-Garage-2424 Larkin St
Pct 7205-Garage-1166 Filbert St
Pct 7206-Garage-1928 Webster St
Pct 7207-1880 Pine St Apartments – 2nd Level Community Rm-
1880 Pine St
Pct 7208-First Unitarian Universalist Church-1187 Franklin St
Pct 7209-1880 Pine St Apartments – 2nd Level Community Rm-
1880 Pine St
Pct 7301-Northbeach Place – Community Rm-455 Bay St
Pct 7302-North Pt Wet Weather Facility – Lobby-111 Bay St
Pct 7303-North Beach Library – Community Rm-850 Columbus
Pct 7304-Francisco Middle School – Auditorium-2190 Powell St
Pct 7305-Firehouse #28-1814 Stockton St
Pct 7306-San Francisco Evangelical Free Church-756 Union St
Pct 7307-Joe Dimaggio North Beach Playground-651 Lombard St
Pct 7308-Garage-1227 Montgomery St
Pct 7309-The Church For The Fellowship Of All Peoples-2041
Larkin St
Pct 7311-Garage-2200 Larkin St
Pct 7312-St. Andrew’s Society Of San Francisco-1088 Green
Pct 7313-Jean Parker Elementary School – Multi Purpose Room-
840 Broadway St
Pct 7314-Salvation Army – Lobby-1450 Powell Street
Pct 7315-S F Italian Athletic Club – Upstairs Function Room-1630
Stockton St
Pct 7316-S F Italian Athletic Club – Upstairs Function Room-1630
Stockton St
Pct 7317-John Yehall Chin School – Library-350 Broadway St
Pct 7318-The Church For The Fellowship Of All Peoples-2041
Larkin St
Pct 7319-Helen Wills Park – Garden Room-1965 Larkin St
Pct 7321-990 Pacific Ave Apartments – Community Room-990
Pacific Ave
Pct 7322-Firehouse #2-1340 Powell St
Pct 7323-Garage-1630 Clay St
Pct 7324-Spring Valley Elementary School – Lobby-1451 Jackson
Pct 7325-Garage-1145 Pacific Ave
Pct 7326-Chinatown Branch Library – Comm Rm-1135 Powell St
Pct 7327-Gordon J. Lau Elementary School – Auditorium
Lobby-950 Clay St
Pct 7328-C C S F – Chinatown North Beach Campus – Lobby-808
Kearny St
Pct 7329-Firehouse #13-530 Sansome St
Pct 7331-Golden Gateway Ctr – Lobby-155 Jackson St
Pct 7332-Old First Presbyterian Church – Fellowship Hall-1751
Sacramento St
Pct 7333-Firehouse #41-1325 Leavenworth St
Pct 7334-Old First Presbyterian Church – Fellowship Hall-1751
Sacramento St
Pct 7335-Garage-1362 Sacramento St
Pct 7336-Grace Cathedral Church – Conference Rm.-1051 Taylor
Pct 7337-Betty Ong Rec Center – Lobby-1199 Mason St
Pct 7338-Gun Mun Center – Conference Room-777 Stockton St
Pct 7339-First Congregational Church Of S F-1300 Polk St
Pct 7341-Redding Elementary School – Music Room-1421 Pine St
Pct 7342-Mary Elizabeth Inn – Dining Hall-1040 Bush St
Pct 7343-Saint Francis Medical – Lower Level Conf Room-1199
Bush St
Pct 7344-1001 Pine Street Apartments-1001 Pine St
Pct 7345-Grace Cathedral Church – Conference Rm-1051 Taylor
Pct 7346-1082 Post Street Apartments-1082 Post St
Pct 7347-450 Sutter Building – Mayan Room 310-450 Sutter St
Pct 7348-450 Sutter Building – Mayan Room 310-450 Sutter St
Pct 7349-333 Bush Street – Lobby-333 Bush St
Pct 7501-Garage-80 Wilmot St
Pct 7502-Japanese Cultural & Community Center – Conference
Rm-1840 Sutter St
Pct 7503-1760 Bush Street Apartments – Community Rm-1760
Bush St
Pct 7504-Jones Memorial Methodist Church – Multi Purpose
Rm-1975 Post St
Pct 7505-The Sequoias – Auditorium-1501 Post St
Pct 7506-Boba Guys-1522 Fillmore St
Pct 7507-Rosa Parks Elementary School – Auditorium-1501 O’
Farrell St
Pct 7508-Western Park Apartments – Community Room-1280
Laguna St
Pct 7509/7511-Urban Life Center – Auditorium-1031 Franklin St
Pct 7512-Eritrean Community Center-1055 Fillmore St
Pct 7513-Royal Apartments – Community Rm-1390 1/2 Turk St
Pct 7514-Ella Hill Hutch Center – Computer Lab-1050 Mcallister St
Pct 7515-Neighborhood Network Center-460 Fulton St
Pct 7516-Opera Plaza – 2nd Fl Mezzanine – Community Rm-601
Van Ness Ave
Pct 7517-New Traditions Elementary School – Auditorium-2049
Grove St
Pct 7518-John Adams Campus – Cafeteria-1860 Hayes St
Pct 7519-Garage-1854 Grove St
Pct 7521-Garage-710 Masonic Ave
Pct 7522-Garage-715 Scott St
Pct 7523-Firehouse #21-1443 Grove St
Pct 7524-Junipero Serra House – Parking Garage-926 Fillmore St
Pct 7525-Neighborhood Baptist Church – Confer Rm-608 Hayes
Pct 7526-La Boulangerie-500 Hayes St
Pct 7527/7528-Mercy Terrace – Rec Room-1555 Hayes St
Pct 7529-Garage-1035 Hayes St
Pct 7531-Garage-634 Oak St
Pct 7532-Fell St Housing – Community Room-333 Fell St
Pct 7533-Park Branch Library – Community Room-1833 Page St
Pct 7534-Urban School Of S. F. – Gym-1530 Page St
Pct 7535-Arc Mercy Community Building – Community Room-
1099 Masonic Ave
Pct 7536-Garage-1168 Page St
Pct 7537-Garage-305 Scott St
Pct 7538-Garage-141 Scott St
Pct 7539-Garage-628 Haight St
Pct 7541-Cafe International-508 Haight Street
Pct 7542-John Muir School – Auditorium-380 Webster St
Pct 7543-Garage-225 Waller St
Pct 7544-First Baptist Church Of San Francisco-7 Octavia St
Pct 7545-Firehouse #36 – Chief’s Bay-109 Oak Street
Pct 7546-Eco-home – Garage-728 Cole St
Pct 7547-Waller Center-1525 Waller St
Pct 7548-Chinese Immersion School – Room 200-1250 Waller St
Pct 7549-Carl Street Free Library – Garage-321 Carl St
Pct 7551-Grattan Elementary School – Auditorium-165 Grattan St
Pct 7552-Garage-1057 Ashbury St
Pct 7553 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7554-Firehouse #12-1145 Stanyan St
Pct 7555-Grattan Elementary School – Auditorium-165 Grattan St
Pct 7556/7557-Garage-130 Carmel St
Pct 7601-Firehouse #3-1067 Post St
Pct 7602-Ellis Gardens – Social Room-666 Ellis St
Pct 7603-Tenderloin Rec Center – Art Room-570 Ellis St
Pct 7604-Crosby Hotel – Activity Room-516 O’ Farrell St
Pct 7605-Glide Memorial United Church – Freedom Hall-330 Ellis
Pct 7606-Arnet Watson Apartments – Lobby-650 Eddy St
Pct 7607-555 Ellis St Apartments – Community Rm-555 Ellis St
Pct 7608-Cadillac Hotel-380 Eddy St
Pct 7609-Boeddeker Park & Clubhouse – Meeting Room-246
Eddy St
Pct 7611-The Maria Manors-174 Ellis St
Pct 7612-Tenderloin Community School – Lobby-627 Turk St
Pct 7613-Hampton Court-378 Golden Gate Ave
Pct 7614-Faithful Fools-234 Hyde St
Pct 7615-Hospitality House-290 Turk St
Pct 7616-150 Van Ness Apartments – Basketball Gym-150 Van
Ness Ave
Pct 7617-Civic Center Residence – Front Lobby-44 McAllister St
Pct 7618-Human Services Agency – Born Auditorium-170 Otis St
Pct 7619-The Arc Of San Francisco – 2nd Floor-180 11th St
Pct 7621-Odd Fellows Building – Lobby-26 7th Street
Pct 7622-Bayanihan Community Center – Hall-1010 Mission Street
Pct 7623-West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center-175 7th Street
Pct 7624-The Rose Hotel – Lobby-125 6th Street
Pct 7625-Yerba Buena Center For The Arts – Grand Lobby-701
Mission St
Pct 7626-Museum Of Modern Art – Atrium-151 3rd St
Pct 7627-The Commonwealth Club-115 Steuart St
Pct 7628-Tenderloin Neighborhood Develop – Lobby-1346 Folsom
Pct 7629-Mercy Housing – Lobby-1028 Howard St
Pct 7631-Firehouse #1-935 Folsom St
Pct 7632-S O M Arts Cultural Center-934 Brannan St
Pct 7633-Columbia Park Apartments-1035 Folsom St
Pct 7634-Mendelsohn House – Activities Room-747 Folsom St
Pct 7635-Hoogasian Flowers – Display Area-615 7th St
Pct 7636-Firehouse #8 – Chief’s Bay-36 Bluxome Street
Pct 7637-Rincon Green Apartments – Lobby-333 Harrison St
Pct 7638-Metropolitan Transportation Commission – Temazcal Rm
102-375 Beale St
Pct 7639-S F F D Headquarters-698 2nd St
Pct 7641-Steamboat Point Apartments – Community Room-10
King St
Pct 7642-Delancey Street – Store Space-600 Embarcadero
Pct 7643-Mission Creek Senior – Community Room-225 Berry St
Pct 7644-Rich Sorro Commons – Lobby-225 King Street
Pct 7645-South Beach Harbor Pier 40 A – Comm Rm-Pier 40 A –
The Embarcadero
Pct 7646-U C S F Housing – Comm Room-1505 4th St
Pct 7647-Ship Shape Community Center-850 Ave I Bldg 497
Pct 7648 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7649-Hostwell Warehouse-758 Natoma St
Pct 7651-111 Minna Gallery – Zappa Room-111 Minna St
Pct 7652-Rene Cazenave Apartments – Program Rm-25 Essex St
Pct 7653-1180 Fourth St Apartments – Comm Rm-1180 4th St
Pct 7654-Fox Plaza – Fitness Center-1390 Market St
Pct 7655-Natalie Gubb Commons – Community Room-255
Fremont St
Pct 7656-The Infinity Apartments-301 Main St
Pct 7657-Mission Creek Park Pavilion-290 Channel St
Pct 7701-Avalon Sunset Towers – Lobby-8 Locksley Ave
Pct 7702-Clarendon Elementary School – Lobby-500 Clarendon
Pct 7703 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7704-Firehouse #20-285 Olympia Way
Pct 7705-Garage-99 Saint Germain Ave
Pct 7706-Miraloma Elementary School – Gym-175 Omar Way
Pct 7707-Garage-366 Marietta Dr
Pct 7708-Garage-130 Los Palmos Dr
Pct 7709-Garage-722 Monterey Blvd
Pct 7711-Sunnyside Conservatory-236 Monterey Blvd
Pct 7712-Sunnyside Conservatory-236 Monterey Blvd
Pct 7801-Garage-366 Roosevelt Way
Pct 7802-Randall Museum-199 Museum Way
Pct 7803-Garage-38 Ord St
Pct 7804-Mckinley Elementary School – Front Lobby-1025 14th St
Pct 7805-Garage-2286 15th St
Pct 7806-Harvey Milk Recreation Center-50 Scott St
Pct 7807-Firehouse #6-135 Sanchez St
Pct 7808-Community Room-25 Sanchez St
Pct 7809-Community Room-462 Duboce Ave
Pct 7811-S F Gay Men’s Chorus – Lobby-170 Valencia St
Pct 7812-St. Francis Of Assisi – Garage-145 Guerrero St
Pct 7813-Garage-71 Landers St
Pct 7814-Valencia Gardens – Community Room-390 Valencia St
Pct 7815-Garage-40 Danvers St
Pct 7816-Garage-130 Douglass St
Pct 7817-Harvey Milk Memorial Branch Library-1 Jose Sarria Ct
Pct 7818-Everett Middle School – Hallway-450 Church St
Pct 7819-Boys & Girls Club – Dance Studio-450 Guerrero St
Pct 7821-Garage-128 Eureka St
Pct 7822-Eureka Valley Rec Ctr – Multi Purpose Rm-100
Collingwood St
Pct 7823-Garage-4014 18th St
Pct 7824-Garage-177 Hancock St
Pct 7825-Mission High School – Cafeteria-3750 18th St
Pct 7826-Dolores Park Church-95 Dorland St
Pct 7827-Mission Police Station – Community Room-630 Valencia
Pct 7828-Rooftop Mayeda Campus – Gymnasium-500 Corbett Ave
Pct 7829-Garage-65 Grand View Ave
Pct 7831-Harvey Milk Elementary School – Auditorium-4235 19th
Pct 7832-Garage-4046 20th St
Pct 7833-Garage-708 Guerrero St
Pct 7834-Apartamentos De La Esperanza – Garage-3590 19th St
Pct 7835-Garage-264 Glenview Dr
Pct 7836-Garage – Enter Through Glass Door-885 Corbett Ave
Pct 7837-Firehouse #24-100 Hoffman Ave
Pct 7838-Alvarado Elementary School – Motor Skills Rm-625
Douglass St
Pct 7839-Garage-3753 21st St
Pct 7841-Edison Charter School – Auditorium-3531 22nd St
Pct 7842-Edison Charter School – Auditorium-3531 22nd St
Pct 7843-Marsh Theatre – Cafe-1070 Valencia St
Pct 7844-Garage-3549 23rd St
Pct 7845-Garage-4323 23rd St
Pct 7846-Noe Valley Branch Library – Program Room-451 Jersey
Pct 7847-Garage-368 Jersey St
Pct 7848-Theresa S. Mahler School – Room 4-990 Church St
Pct 7849-Garage-21 Jersey St
Pct 7851-Garage-96 Turquoise Way
Pct 7852-Casa De Vida Apartments – Garage-5157 Diamond
Heights Blvd
Pct 7853-Garage-829 Duncan St
Pct 7854-James Lick Middle School – Hallway-1220 Noe St
Pct 7855-Bethany United Methodist Church – Chapel-1270
Sanchez St
Pct 7856-Firehouse #11-3880 26th St
Pct 7857-Garage-400 Fair Oaks St
Pct 7858-Templo Da La Fe – Church Lobby-1220 Valencia St
Pct 7859-Garage-1421 Diamond St
Pct 7861-Mission Ed Center – Room 101-1670 Noe St
Pct 7862-Garage-1532 Church St
Pct 7863-Garage-181 27th St
Pct 7864-Upper Noe Recreation Center-295 Day St
Pct 7865-Dolores Huerta Elementary School – Cafeteria-65
Chenery St
Pct 7866-Goldmine Hill Homeowners Assoc – Rec Rm-43 Ora
Pct 7867-Garage-291 Sussex St
Pct 7868-Firehouse #26-80 Digby St
Pct 7869-Garage-209 Randall St
Pct 7871-Glen Park School – Auditorium-151 Lippard Ave
Pct 7872-Glen Park Library – Program Room-2825 Diamond St
Pct 7873-Garage-126 Chenery St
Pct 7874-Garage-99 Bosworth St
Pct 7875-Hair Junction-3718 Mission St.
Pct 7876-The S F L G B T Center-1800 Market St
Pct 7901-Marshall Elementary School – Cafeteria-1575 15th St
Pct 7902-U C S F Mission Center – Confer Rm #126-1855 Folsom
Pct 7903-Mission Hiring Hall-3080 16th Street
Pct 7904-O D C Dance Commons – Studio-351 Shotwell St
Pct 7905-Mission Language And Vocational School-701 Alabama
Pct 7906-Ana’s Salon-2248 Mission St
Pct 7907-Firehouse #7-2300 Folsom St
Pct 7908-Bethany Center – Multi Purpose Room-580 Capp St
Pct 7909-Mission Arts Center – Auditorium-745 Treat Ave
Pct 7911-Garage-2291 Bryant St
Pct 7912-Bethany Center – Community Room-580 Capp St.
Pct 7913-Cesar Chavez School – Main Hallway-825 Shotwell St
Pct 7914-Boys & Girls Of San Francisco – Dining Room-901
Alabama Street
Pct 7915-Garage-2700 22nd St
Pct 7916-City College – Mission Campus – Main Lobby-1125
Valencia St
Pct 7917-Mission United Presbyterian Church-3261 23rd Street
Pct 7918-Garage-2774 Folsom St
Pct 7919-Endgames Improv – Storefront-2989 Mission St
Pct 7921-Garage-3232 25th St
Pct 7922-Garage-3059 25th St
Pct 7923-Sunshine School – S F Education Fund-2730 Bryant St
Pct 7924-Brava Theater – Cabaret Room-2773 24th St
Pct 7925-Monteagle Medical Center – Lobby-1580 Valencia St
Pct 7926-Garage-28 Mirabel Ave
Pct 7927-Leonard Flynn School – Auditorium-3125 Cesar Chavez
Pct 7928-Garage-151 Peralta Ave
Pct 7929-Mission Workforce Development – Career Link Center-
3125 Mission St
Pct 7931-Garage-514 Peralta Ave
Pct 7932-Garage-685 Peralta Ave
Pct 7933 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7934-S F Taekwondo Center-3469 Mission St
Pct 7935-Garage-246 Bocana St
Pct 7936-Garage-267 Anderson St
Pct 7937-Garage-1419 Cortland Ave
Pct 7938-Garage-176 Highland Ave
Pct 7939-Bernal Heights Library – Community Room-500 Cortland
Pct 7941-Paul Revere Elementary School – Lobby-555 Tompkins
Pct 7942-Market Heights Apts – Garage-1000 Tompkins Ave – Bldg
Pct 7943-St Mary’s Rec Center-95 Justin Drive
Pct 7944-Firehouse #32-194 Park St
Pct 7945-Alemany Apartments – Community Room-560 Alemany
Pct 7946-Hillcrest School – Auditorium-810 Silver Ave
Pct 7947-Palega Rec Center – Lobby-500 Felton St
Pct 7948-Portola Baptist Church-225 Pioche St
Pct 7949-Garage-1315 Silliman St
Pct 7951-Palega Rec Center – Lobby-500 Felton St
Pct 7952-Firehouse #42-2430 San Bruno Ave
Pct 7953-Garage-363 Princeton St
Pct 7954 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7955-Garage-430 Somerset St
Pct 7956-Martin Luther King Jr School – Cafeteria-350 Girard
Pct 7957-Garage-750 Mansell St
Pct 7958 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 7959-Arriba Juntos – Computer Lab-1850 Mission St
Pct 9001 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9101-Seal Rock Inn – Restaurant-545 Point Lobos Ave
Pct 9102-Legion Of Honor – Cafe-100 34th Ave
Pct 9103-Presidio Middle School – Auditorium Lobby-450 30th Ave
Pct 9104-Garage-463 28th Ave
Pct 9105-Rochambeau Playground – Clubhouse-250 25th Ave
Pct 9106-Garage-142 20th Ave
Pct 9107-Alamo Elementary School – Lobby-250 23rd Ave
Pct 9108-Richmond Rec Center-251 18th Ave
Pct 9109-Garage-249 17th Ave
Pct 9111-Y M C A Richmond District-360 18th Ave
Pct 9112-Sutro Elementary School – Cafeteria-235 12th Ave
Pct 9113-St James Episcopal Church – Parish Hall-4620 California
Pct 9114-Richmond Branch Library – Program Room-350 10th Ave
Pct 9115-George Peabody School – Library-251 6th Ave
Pct 9116-Senior Housing – Community Room-345 Arguello Blvd
Pct 9117-Firehouse #34-499 41st Ave
Pct 9118-Anza Branch Library – Program Room-550 37th Ave
Pct 9119-Garage-687 40th Ave
Pct 9121-Garage-561 34th Ave
Pct 9122-Washington High School – Beacon Teen Center-600
32nd Ave
Pct 9123-Firehouse #14-551 26th Ave
Pct 9124-Garage-479 23rd Ave
Pct 9125-Argonne Playground Clubhouse-463 18th Ave
Pct 9126-Argonne School – Multi Purpose Rm-680 18th Ave
Pct 9127-Garage-647 14th Ave
Pct 9128-Firehouse #31-441 12th Ave
Pct 9129-No se encontró un lugar de votación en este momento.
Recibirá un anuncio por correo en breve.
Pct 9131-Richmond Police Station – Community Room-450 7th
Pct 9132-Garage-574 5th Ave
Pct 9133-Columbarium-1 Loraine Ct
Pct 9134-Garage-260 Collins St
Pct 9135-The Butterfly Joint-4411 Cabrillo St
Pct 9136-Garage-734 46th Ave
Pct 9137-Cabrillo Playground – Clubhouse-853 38th Ave
Pct 9138-Golden Gate Park Sr. Center – Lobby-6101 Fulton St
Pct 9139-Garage-3245 Cabrillo St
Pct 9141-Fulton Playground – Fieldhouse-855 27th Ave
Pct 9142-Academic & Professional Dev – Room 118-735 24th Ave
Pct 9143-Garage-626 20th Ave
Pct 9144-Garage-725 14th Ave
Pct 9145-Garage-632 11th Ave
Pct 9146-Church Of Christ Church – Community Rm-701 8th Ave
Pct 9147-Mccoppin School – Cafeteria-651 6th Ave
Pct 9148-Garage-700 3rd Ave
Pct 9149-Garage-276 Willard North St
Pct 9151-Leo T Mc Carthy Center – Room 116-281 Masonic Ave
Pct 9152-Koret Center – Gymnasium-2975 Turk Blvd
Pct 9153 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9154 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9201-Log Cabin-1299 Storey Ave
Pct 9202-Firehouse #51-218 Lincoln Blvd
Pct 9203-Garage-1867 Jefferson St
Pct 9204-Garage-3760 Webster St
Pct 9205-Garage-1526 Francisco St
Pct 9206-Claire Lilienthal School – Scott Campus – 2nd Floor
Hallway-3630 Divisadero St
Pct 9207-Garage-2248 Francisco St
Pct 9208-Marina Middle School – Auditorium Lobby-3500 Fillmore
Pct 9209-Garage-3632 Fillmore St
Pct 9211-Garage-3201 Baker St
Pct 9212-Moscone Rec Ctr – Community Room-1800 Chestnut St
Pct 9213-Garage-1259 Bay St
Pct 9214-Garage-3002 Baker St
Pct 9215-Edward I I Youth Housing – Program Room-3155 Scott
Pct 9216-Firehouse #16 – West Engine Bay-2251 Greenwich St
Pct 9217-Garage-3150 Steiner St
Pct 9218-Garage-3020 Laguna St
Pct 9219-Garage-1570 Greenwich St
Pct 9221-Garage-2835 Broadway St

Pct 9222-St Vincent De Paul School – Gymnasium-2350 Green St
Pct 9223-Garage-2151 Green St
Pct 9224-Golden Gate Valley Library – Program Rm-1801 Green
Pct 9225-Sherman School – Library-1651 Union St
Pct 9226-Garage-1745 Vallejo St
Pct 9227-Garage (on Left Side)-211 27th Ave
Pct 9228-Garage-90 25th Ave
Pct 9229-Garage-38 20th Ave
Pct 9231-Garage-54 7th Ave
Pct 9232-St John’s Presbyterian Church – Lobby-25 Lake St
Pct 9233-Garage-3820 Washington St
Pct 9234-Jewish Community Center Of S F – Atrium-3200
California St
Pct 9235-Garage-3150 Jackson St
Pct 9236-Garage-3176 Washington St
Pct 9237-Garage-2929 Clay St
Pct 9238-S F Public Montessori School – Auditorium-2340
Jackson St
Pct 9239-Garage-1905 Broadway St
Pct 9241-Caritas House – Garage-1615 Broadway
Pct 9242-Golden Gate Church – Garage-1901 Franklin St
Pct 9243-Presidio Library – Program Room-3150 Sacramento St
Pct 9244-Senior Housing – Social Room-2698 California St
Pct 9245-Congregation Sherith Israel – Lobby-2262 California St
Pct 9246-S F Public Montessori School – Auditorium-2340
Jackson St
Pct 9247-Firehouse #38-2150 California St
Pct 9248-Store-Relax The Back-1765 Van Ness Ave
Pct 9249-Roosevelt School – Auditorium-460 Arguello Blvd
Pct 9251-St Gregory Armenian – Youth Hall-51 Commonwealth
Pct 9252-Sfusd Office – Assembly Room-20 Cook St
Pct 9253-Menorah Park- Conference Room-3365 Sacramento St
Pct 9254-William Cobb E. S. – Main Hallway-2725 California St
Pct 9255-Muni Barn Classroom C-2640 Geary Blvd
Pct 9256-7th Day Adventist Church – Imani Center-2520 Bush
Pct 9257 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9258-Wallenberg High School – Cafeteria-40 Vega St
Pct 9401-Garage-1296 La Playa St
Pct 9402-Firehouse #23-1348 45th Ave
Pct 9403-Garage-1279 41st Ave
Pct 9404-S F Korean United Methodist Fellowship-3030 Judah St
Pct 9405-Garage-1330 29th Ave
Pct 9406-Garage-2625 Lincoln Way
Pct 9407-Garage-1230 21st Ave
Pct 9408-Jefferson Elementary School – Auditorium-1725 Irving St
Pct 9409-Jefferson Elementary School – Auditorium-1725 Irving St
Pct 9411-Garage-4242 Lawton St
Pct 9412-Garage-1558 47th Ave
Pct 9413-Garage-1342 41st Ave
Pct 9414-Lawton School – Auditorium-1570 31st Ave
Pct 9415-Garage-2226 Kirkham St
Pct 9416-Garage-3733 Lawton St
Pct 9417-Francis Scott Key Elem. – Auditorium-1530 43rd Avenue
Pct 9418-Garage-3240 Lawton St
Pct 9419-Lawton School – Auditorium-1570 31st Ave
Pct 9421-Sunset Rec Center-2201 Lawton St.
Pct 9422-Garage-1700 Lawton St
Pct 9423-Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Ctr – Computer Rm-3925
Noriega Street
Pct 9424-Sunset Elementary School – Hallway-1920 41st Ave
Pct 9425-Ortega Branch Library – Program Room-3223 Ortega St
Pct 9426-Garage-1871 34th Ave
Pct 9427-Episcopal Church Of The Incarnation-1750 29th Ave
Pct 9428-Sunset Bible Assembly Of God-1690 21st Ave
Pct 9429-R. L. Stevenson Elementary School – Main Lobby-2051
34th Ave
Pct 9431-Firehouse #18-1935 32nd Ave
Pct 9432-Adath Israel Synagogue-1851 Noriega St
Pct 9433-Sunset Bible Assembly Of God-1690 21st Ave
Pct 9434-Garage-2142 47th Ave
Pct 9435-S F U S D Special Ed Center – Multi Purpose Rm-3045
Santiago St
Pct 9436-Garage-2831 Rivera St
Pct 9437-Garage-2275 32nd Ave
Pct 9438-Abraham Lincoln School – Teachers’ Lounge-2162 24th
Pct 9439-Abraham Lincoln School – Teachers’ Lounge-2162 24th
Pct 9441-United Irish Cultural Center-2700 45th Ave
Pct 9442-Garage-2386 45th Ave
Pct 9443-Ulloa Elementary School – Gymnasium-2650 42nd Ave
Pct 9444-Ulloa Elementary School – Gymnasium-2650 42nd Ave
Pct 9445-Church – Living Water Fellowship-2316 Vicente St
Pct 9446-Dianne Feinstein Elementary School – Cafeteria-2550
25th Ave
Pct 9447-Taraval Police Station – Community Room-2345 24th
Pct 9448-Garage-2477 21st Ave
Pct 9449-South Sunset Playground- Community Room-40th
Avenue And Vicente
Pct 9451-Garage-2715 35th Ave
Pct 9452-Sava Pool – Multipurpose Room-2695 19th Ave
Pct 9453-Garage-20 Crestlake Dr
Pct 9501 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9502 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9503/9504-Western Addition Library – Program Rm-1550
Scott St
Pct 9505-M L K – Marcus Garvey Square Apts – Comm. Room-
1680 Eddy St
Pct 9506-Robert B Pitts – Community Room-1150 Scott St
Pct 9507-Garage-1959 Golden Gate Ave
Pct 9508-Creative Arts Charter School – Room 103-1601 Turk St
Pct 9509-Pentecostal Temple Church – Dining Room-1915
Mcallister St
Pct 9511-Rachel Townsend Apts – Community Rm-1750 Mcallister
Pct 9512-Zygmunt Arendt House – Community Rm-850 Broderick
Pct 9513-Third Baptist Church-1399 Mc Allister St
Pct 9514/9522-Lobby At U C S F Parking Garage-1 Irving St
Pct 9515-Firehouse #22-1290 16th Avenue
Pct 9516-St Annes Church – 1390 Center-1390 14th Ave
Pct 9517-Garage-1364 12th Ave
Pct 9518-County Fair Building – Gallery-1199 9th Ave
Pct 9519-Independence High School – Multipurpose Room 107-
1350 7th Ave
Pct 9521-St John Of God Catholic Church-1290 5th Avenue
Pct 9701-Garage-1439 18th Ave
Pct 9702-Garage-731 Judah St
Pct 9703-Garage-1689 17th Ave
Pct 9704-Alice Fong Yu Alternative School – Room 401-1541
12th Ave
Pct 9705-Garage-1539 10th Ave
Pct 9706 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9707-Garage-540 Ortega St
Pct 9708-Garage-1813 9th Ave
Pct 9709-Garage-1921 17th Ave
Pct 9711-Garage-1816 Funston Ave
Pct 9712-Forest Hills Christian Church – Lobby-250 Laguna
Honda Blvd
Pct 9713-Firehouse #40-2155 18th Ave
Pct 9714-Herbert Hoover Middle School – Cafeteria-2290 14th Ave
Pct 9715-Forest Hill Association – Club House-381 Magellan Ave
Pct 9716-Collins Center-2560 18th Avenue
Pct 9717-Garage-2243 14th Ave
Pct 9718-Convent Presbyterian Church – Portalhurst Hall-321
Taraval Street
Pct 9719-St Brendan’s Parish – Parish Hall-29 Rockaway Ave
Pct 9721-Garage-44 Vasquez Ave
Pct 9722-Garage-261 Wawona St
Pct 9723-Garage-472 Country Club Dr
Pct 9724-Garage-27 Springfield Dr.
Pct 9725-Lakeshore Elementary – Multi Purpose Room-220
Middlefield Drive
Pct 9726-Firehouse #19-390 Buckingham Way
Pct 9727-Unity Spiritual Center-2690 Ocean Ave
Pct 9728-Aptos Middle School – Room 231-105 Aptos Ave
Pct 9729-Garage-32 San Jacinto Way
Pct 9731-Firehouse #39-1091 Portola Dr
Pct 9732 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9733 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9734-Garage-19 Maywood Dr
Pct 9735-Garage-111 Robinhood Dr
Pct 9736-Garage-295 Valdez Ave
Pct 9737-Garage-390 Melrose Ave
Pct 9738-Saint Thomas More Church – Scanlan Hall-1300
Junipero Serra Blvd
Pct 9739-Villas Park Merced – Lobby-350 Arballo Dr
Pct 9741-Annex 1 – Student Event Center-1 North State Dr
Pct 9742-Merced Branch Library-155 Winston Dr
Pct 9743-Villas Park Merced – Lobby-50 Chumasero Dr
Pct 9744-Villas Park Merced – Lobby-750 Gonzalez Dr
Pct 9745-Villas Park Merced – Lobby-150 Font Blvd
Pct 9746-Aptos Middle School – Room 231-105 Aptos Ave
Pct 9747-Garage-55 Borica St
Pct 9748-Garage-168 Dorado Ter
Pct 9749-New Providence Baptist Church-218 Granada Avenue
Pct 9751-Ingleside Branch Library-1298 Ocean Ave
Pct 9752-Garage-1494 Plymouth Ave
Pct 9753-City College – Visual Arts Building – Lobby-50 Frida
Kahlo Way
Pct 9754-Sunnyside Elementary – Main Hallway-250 Foerster St
Pct 9755-Garage-158 Flood Ave
Pct 9756-Ocean View Shopping Center – Suite 1003-3931
Alemany Blvd, #1003
Pct 9801-Garage-293 Cayuga Ave
Pct 9900 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9901 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.
Pct 9902 Boleta por correo – Este recinto electoral no tiene lugar
de votación. Su boleta oficial se envió por correo.

John Arntz
Director de Elecciones
Ciudad y Condado de San Francisco
18 de agosto de 2021

Immunity and memory: 7 Reasons to consume foods full of vitamin C

by Joanne Washburn


08/24/2021 – Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble nutrient, which means your body can neither make nor store it. It gets a lot of buzz for its ability to boost the immune system. But this only scratches the surface of its role in the body.

For starters, vitamin C protects cells from damage. It also aids in the formation and maintenance of your bones and skin. It’s also needed for the growth and repair of tissues throughout your body.

Here’s a closer look at what this essential nutrient can do for your health.

  1. Strengthens your immune system

Vitamin C’s most well-known benefit is its positive effect on the immune system. In a 2017 review in Nutrients, vitamin C was found to strengthen the immune system by protecting against oxidative stress, aiding in microbial killing and lowering the risk of tissue damage.

In addition, vitamin C helps encourage the production of white blood cells, which protect your body against infections. Vitamin C also helps these white blood cells function more effectively. For these reasons, a deficiency in vitamin C can lead to an increased risk of infections.

It’s unlikely that loading up on vitamin C once you start sniffling will stop you from getting a cold. Still, it could help you recover more quickly.

  1. Supports healthy cognitive function

Vitamin C may also reduce your risk of dementia, a general term for the impaired ability to think, remember or make decisions.

According to studies, oxidative stress and inflammation near the brain, spine or nerves can increase the risk of dementia. Luckily, vitamin C works as an antioxidant to lower oxidative stress and inflammation. Vitamin C also helps in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which send messages from the brain to the rest of the body.

Interestingly enough, experts have also found that people with dementia tend to have lower levels of vitamin C. In one study, Australian researchers found that cognitively intact participants had higher vitamin C levels than those with impaired cognition.

Therefore, eating foods rich in vitamin C or taking vitamin C supplements may help prevent you from developing dementia.

  1. Prevents iron deficiency

Another plus to vitamin C is how it interacts with other nutrients in the body, such as iron. Iron is necessary for growth and development. It also helps deliver oxygen throughout the body.

Non-heme iron, which is the type of iron found in plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, can be tricky for the body to absorb. Studies indicate that eating foods rich in vitamin C or taking vitamin C supplements can help your body absorb iron more efficiently. This can help lower your risk of developing symptoms linked to iron deficiency, such as brittle nails, fatigue and shortness of breath.

  1. Lowers high blood pressure

High blood pressure can put you at risk of heart disease, the top cause of death globally. Fortunately, vitamin C may help lower blood pressure in both those with and without high blood pressure, according to several studies.

In one animal study, researchers found that taking a vitamin C supplement lowered blood pressure levels by relaxing the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart.

In a review of 29 human studies, researchers also found that taking a vitamin C supplement lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure in healthy adults.

  1. Lowers cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol, particularly low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol, can raise your risk of a heart attack. Luckily, there’s evidence that vitamin C can lower your cholesterol levels.

For instance, a review showed that people who took at least 700 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C daily had a 25 percent lower risk of heart disease than those who didn’t take a vitamin C supplement.

In another review, researchers found that people who took at least 500 mg of vitamin C daily had lower LDL cholesterol levels than those who didn’t take a vitamin C supplement.

  1. Protects against free radicals

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from free radicals. These unstable molecules are sometimes naturally created by your body as a by-product of digestion. If there are more free radicals than antioxidants in your body, oxidative stress will occur. Oxidative stress is linked to the development of many chronic diseases, including diabetes and its complications, kidney disease and liver disease.

If left unchecked, free radicals can also end up damaging cells and DNA. This could trigger cancer.

Studies show that eating foods rich in vitamin C can raise your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30 percent. Therefore, incorporating foods rich in vitamin C into your daily routine may help lower your risk of chronic diseases.

  1. May lower blood uric acid levels

Gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by high uric acid levels, which occur when the kidneys don’t eliminate uric acid efficiently. Gout causes sudden and severe pain, usually in the joint at the base of the big toe.

Interestingly, studies have shown that vitamin C can lower uric acid levels and help prevent gout attacks. For instance, a study including nearly 1,400 men showed that those who consumed the most vitamin C had significantly lower uric acid levels than those who consumed the least vitamin C.

Meanwhile, a review of 13 studies showed that taking a vitamin C supplement for 30 days lowered uric acid levels better than taking a placebo.

Recipe for an immune-boosting fruit smoothie

Drinking vitamin C smoothies is one of the tastiest ways to boost your intake of vitamin C. Here’s a simple recipe for an immune-boosting vitamin C smoothie:

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 2 medium navel oranges, peeled and quartered
  • 1 large mango, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 2-inch piece ginger, peeled and diced
  • 1 ripe banana, peeled
  • 2 1/2 cups pineapple chunks
  • 1 1/2 cups ice
  • 1/2 cup water


  1. Add the fruits, ginger and ice to a blender. Blend on low speed for 1 minute.
  2. Stop the blender and scrape down the sides. Add the water and blend on medium speed for 1 minute.
  3. Thin the smoothie with more water as needed. Pour into glasses and enjoy.

Vitamin C occurs naturally in various foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Good sources include orange, berries, lemons, peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach and papaya. To maintain adequate levels of vitamin C, add these foods to your diet. You can also take vitamin C supplements. Natural News.