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Recovery from the pandemic is a slow process for Mexico’s mariachis

With slashed incomes and colleagues’ deaths, the iconic musicians are struggling


Mexico City’s mariachi musicians are more affected than most by the pandemic, losing a substantial portion of their income and scores of their colleagues since the virus reached Mexico early last year.

Despite the downturn in demand for their services, groups of musicians continue to make their way to Plaza Garibaldi – the capital’s mariachi mecca – night after night in search of paying customers celebrating events such as birthdays, anniversaries and engagements; mourning the loss of a family member of friend; or just looking for a good time.

But for the past 18 months, such people have been few and far between, especially compared to the heady days of pre-pandemic life.

Speaking to a reporter from the newspaper El Economista, a mariachi guitarist maintained his sense of humor. He joked that fewer people are coming to the square because all the musicians are wearing face masks and potential customers can’t see how handsome they are.

“They don’t come because you frighten them away, loco,” countered one of his fellow musicians.

Jokes aside, the pandemic has hit the iconic musicians hard. Guadalupe Sánchez, a female mariachi and single mother who began her career as a professional musician just a few months before the pandemic began, told El Economista that groups were forced to lower their prices last year to get would-be customers to part with their cash.

A song would go for 150 pesos (US $7.50) in pre-pandemic times, but mariachi groups – who commonly have to split their earnings between six or seven members – had to lower their prices to 120 pesos or even 100 pesos last year, she said.

Hour-long visits to play at people’s homes previously cost 2,500 or 3,000 pesos (US $125 to $150), but the going rate now is just 1,800, Sánchez added,

As for revelers in Plaza Garibaldi – which attracts Mexico City locals as well as interstate and international visitors – the numbers are up slightly compared to the peak of the coronavirus outbreak last year but still well below pre-pandemic times.

“[Things] are getting better little by little,” Sánchez said. “But look now: there’s nothing and nobody has hired us for the Fiestas Patrias,” she said, referring to the Independence Day holidays.

Fernando Carmona Coronel, a trumpeter, third-generation mariachi and leader of a musicians’ union, said mariachis intend to ask the Mexico City government to launch a promotional campaign for Plaza Garibaldi in order to attract more business.

“… We are intangible cultural heritage,” he said, referring UNESCO’s designation for mariachi musicians in 2011. “We have to preserve this tradition that is an essential part of the life of Mexicans.”

Carmona also indicated that his union will ask for the government’s help to offer better working conditions to musicians, who typically don’t have access to social security and other benefits afforded to formal sector workers.

“We hope things pick up on the 15th [of September],” one young mariachi told El Economista. 

But even if large numbers of Mexicans do descend on Plaza Garibaldi and the bars around it to celebrate the 200th anniversary of independence from Spain, a dark cloud will still hang over the square. More than 100 mariachis have died from COVID-19, Carmona said.

Mariano Gutiérrez, a 40-year veteran of the Plaza Garibaldi mariachi scene, was luckier than some and managed to survive his bout with the disease.

“When I first got symptoms, I went to the health center and they sent me to a hospital and to get a test. I went and I tested positive, but as I wasn’t doing too badly, they sent me home. In the following days, I felt really bad. [I had] difficulty breathing more than anything,” said the 56-year-old violinist, who has given up singing due to the lingering effects of his illness.

“[But] I thought, ‘This fucking disease isn’t going to stop me from reaching 50 years of [performing] music,’” Gutiérrez said, adding that he sought treatment that ended up costing him 20,000 pesos (US $1,000). “And I did well — because a relative who got sick spent more than 30,000.”

His resilience and positivity in the face of adversity amid a long and devastating pandemic are shared by many of his colleagues.

“It’s been very difficult, [but] we’re going to get through it,” Carmona said. “The music, the happiness of the people and even their sadness give us the energy to go on.”

With reports from El Economista.

ZOPPÉ – the Circus is back in Downtown!

by the El Reportero‘s news services


The Zoppé Italian Family Circus is returning for Fall 2021 and will be back in downtown Redwood City as they were when they first rolled into the City over ten years ago! Zoppé will welcome guests back into the authentic one-ring circus tent, from Oct. 8 through Nov. 21, for matinee and evening showtimes.

The Zoppé Italian Family Circus welcomes guests into an authentic one-ring circus tent, in downtown in Redwood City from Oct. 8 through Nov. 21st for matinee and evening show times. This one-ring circus honors the best history of the Old-World Italian tradition and stars Nino the Clown, along with many other thrilling acts. Tickets and info at:

The Zoppé Family Circus has an amazing, unique story. The Zoppè Family Circus emerged 179 years ago to become one of the legendary circuses in all of Europe. And like many good legends, it begins with a boy and a girl falling in love.

Napoleone Zoppè began his career in Budapest, Hungary where he met a ballerina named Ermenglida and founded a circus in Venice, Italy which still bears their name today.

Alberto Zoppè, Napoleone’s great-grandson, inherited the circus, a grand equestrian in his own right. Alberto toured Europe with the circus since his youth and forged a friendship with famed actor/director Orson Welles.

Alberto was then offered a job by John Ringling North of Ringling Brothers fame, who was putting together the circus acts for Cecil B. Demille’s Oscar-winning film, The Greatest Show on Earth.

Alberto would remain in America, and together with his wife Sandra, ushered in a new generation that continues the family tradition. His son, Giovanni, revived the Zoppé Family Circus fourteen years ago, and has since been building its reputation with audiences and critics as an enchanting example of a traditional European circus. Giovanni is grateful to his family for keeping the tradition alive, especially to his father, who performed with the circus into his eighties, and managed to wow the crowd every time he stepped into the ring.

Other exciting FREE events in Downtown Redwood City include:

Shakespeare in the Park on weekends in September (9/11 & 9/12); & the fall cultural festival, Oktoberfest (9/16-9/26)

More info at


Redistricting: Shape San Mateo County’s Future!

Redwood City – Redistricting, or the redrawing of district lines based on population data, is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to ensure a fair democratic process at the local level.

Here in San Mateo County, the effort is led by 2021 Supervisorial District Lines Advisory Commission. The commission is seeking your input and ideas for the County’s five supervisorial districts.

The commission’s next meeting will be at 9 a.m. this Saturday, September 18. Learn more at

All are welcome to participate. This meeting will have special focus on the following cities and communities:

–  East Palo Alto

–  Menlo Park

–  Redwood City

–  Unincorporated North Fair Oaks and other unincorporated communities currently in District 4.

At the hearings and workshops, we would like you to:

–  Share your story

–  Define your neighborhood or community of interest

–  Explain why redistricting is relevant to your community

–  Get the tools you need to draw a map of one district or of all five districts

–  Share your opinions of the draft maps

–  Talk to your neighbors and local organizations

Meeting Details:

Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Virtual Hearing Zoom Webinar Link: Webinar ID: 951 1174 2122 Dial-in: 669-900-6833.


Vision and action for equaty

Join the Campaign for College Opportunity on Zoom for a livestream of an in-person conversation with California’s higher education leaders as we discuss strategies for achieving racial equity in our state’s public colleges and universities.

Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021, 5:30 p.m.


Message from the San Francisco Public Library

we are still serving the Mission Branch Library community by bookmobile on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. at John O’Connell High School located at Harrison and 20th streets.

We are also working to expand that service. By mid-October, we will start SFPL To-Go service at the Mission Branch so patrons can check out materials for front door pickup Tuesday through Saturday. In addition, we will install a bookmobile onsite several days a week for browsing and access to the Spanish-language collection.

Simultaneously, we will pursue our goal to establish a temporary Mission Branch Library  in the neighborhood for holds pickup, limited browsing and public computing. We also plan to provide in-person public programming for youth and adults when the branch libraries are able to resume in-person public programs.

Public programs for the Mission community will either be presented at the temporary site or at a partner site elsewhere in the Mission.


Virtual webinar Doing business with the State of California

An introductory session for all small business and local chambers of commerce. Join the CHCC and our subject matter expert from DGS to learn more about the State Procurement process and how to be competitive in the procurement process. Do you have what it takes? Register to learn more. Link to register: htpps://

5 Good reasons you should eat more beets

by Joanne Washburn


Beets are a unique root vegetable known for their impressive nutritional profile and health benefits. Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, beets support your overall health in many ways. Beets are also easy to incorporate into your diet.

Here are five good reasons to eat more beets. (h/t to

  1. May help prevent cancer

Beets get their vibrant red color from betacyanin, a potent compound thought to protect against some kinds of cancer, including bladder cancer. Beets also contain high levels of antioxidants like carotenoids, which help protect cells from oxidative stress and free radical damage, both of which have been associated with cancer.

  1. Helps lower blood pressure levels

Beets are a good source of nitrates, which your body converts to nitric oxide (NO). This compound relaxes your blood vessels so that nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood can flow more easily. That means healthier blood pressure levels as well.

In a 2012 study, Australian researchers found that men who drank one glass of beet juice lowered their systolic blood pressure temporarily by an average of four to five points. In another small study, Italian researchers found that drinking beet juice led to a 10 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) drop in blood pressure.

  1. Improves exercise performance

NO promotes optimal blood circulation and muscle contraction, which are important during exercise. As a rich source of NO precursors, beets can help athletes and fitness enthusiasts maximize their workouts. This is why beet juice is a popular post-workout drink. Additionally, beets help your muscles recover after a workout by helping to deliver more oxygen to muscle cells.

  1. Helps lower inflammation

Beets contain plant pigments called betalains, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. They help protect cells from damage as well. Additionally, beets are rich in vitamin C, which also helps fight inflammation. Vitamin C is also known for keeping your immune system healthy.

  1. Supports digestion

Beets are one of the richest sources of glutamine, the most abundant free amino acid in your body. It is critical to the health and maintenance of your gut. Glutamine is also the main fuel source for your body’s lymphocytes – the white blood cells that fight infection and disease.

Beets also contain insoluble fiber. This type of fiber promotes regular bowel movement by adding bulk to stools so that it’s easier to pass through the intestines.

Take note that eating beets can cause your stools and urine to look reddish or pinkish. If you have recently had beets and notice a reddish color to your stool or urine without experiencing unusual symptoms, don’t be alarmed. It’s completely harmless.

Recipe for roasted beet salad

Beets are known for their earthy and mildly bitter flavor. If you’re not a fan of that flavor, boil beets in a pot of salted water or dress them with balsamic or red wine vinegar. Beets are also easier to enjoy when they are paired with bright, sweet and savory flavors. This recipe for a simple roasted beet salad has all of those flavors.


2 pounds fresh beets, scrubbed and washed

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

3 Tablespoons olive oil, divided

3 Tablespoons thyme or oregano, chopped

2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1/4 Tablespoon pine nuts

Ground black pepper



  1. Preheat the oven to 450 F.
  2. Cut and discard the tops and bottoms of the beets. Place in a baking dish and season with a pinch of salt, black pepper and 1 tablespoon of olive oil on all sides.
  3. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 45 to 55 minutes or until tender. Set aside to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, place the pine nuts in a pan and toast over medium-low heat. Shake the pan constantly until the nuts are fragrant and golden brown. Once done, transfer to a small bowl.
  5. Lightly peel the roasted beets, then cut them into one-inch cubes. Place in a salad bowl.
  6. Add the feta cheese, pine nuts, remaining olive oil, vinegar and thyme or oregano. Toss to combine, then season with salt and black pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy.

5 Good reasons you should eat more beets

by Joanne Washburn


Beets are a unique root vegetable known for their impressive nutritional profile and health benefits. Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, beets support your overall health in many ways. Beets are also easy to incorporate into your diet.

Here are five good reasons to eat more beets. (h/t to

  1. May help prevent cancer

Beets get their vibrant red color from betacyanin, a potent compound thought to protect against some kinds of cancer, including bladder cancer. Beets also contain high levels of antioxidants like carotenoids, which help protect cells from oxidative stress and free radical damage, both of which have been associated with cancer.

  1. Helps lower blood pressure levels

Beets are a good source of nitrates, which your body converts to nitric oxide (NO). This compound relaxes your blood vessels so that nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood can flow more easily. That means healthier blood pressure levels as well.

In a 2012 study, Australian researchers found that men who drank one glass of beet juice lowered their systolic blood pressure temporarily by an average of four to five points. In another small study, Italian researchers found that drinking beet juice led to a 10 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) drop in blood pressure.

  1. Improves exercise performance

NO promotes optimal blood circulation and muscle contraction, which are important during exercise. As a rich source of NO precursors, beets can help athletes and fitness enthusiasts maximize their workouts. This is why beet juice is a popular post-workout drink. Additionally, beets help your muscles recover after a workout by helping to deliver more oxygen to muscle cells.

  1. Helps lower inflammation

Beets contain plant pigments called betalains, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. They help protect cells from damage as well. Additionally, beets are rich in vitamin C, which also helps fight inflammation. Vitamin C is also known for keeping your immune system healthy.

  1. Supports digestion

Beets are one of the richest sources of glutamine, the most abundant free amino acid in your body. It is critical to the health and maintenance of your gut. Glutamine is also the main fuel source for your body’s lymphocytes – the white blood cells that fight infection and disease.

Beets also contain insoluble fiber. This type of fiber promotes regular bowel movement by adding bulk to stools so that it’s easier to pass through the intestines.

Take note that eating beets can cause your stools and urine to look reddish or pinkish. If you have recently had beets and notice a reddish color to your stool or urine without experiencing unusual symptoms, don’t be alarmed. It’s completely harmless.

Recipe for roasted beet salad

Beets are known for their earthy and mildly bitter flavor. If you’re not a fan of that flavor, boil beets in a pot of salted water or dress them with balsamic or red wine vinegar. Beets are also easier to enjoy when they are paired with bright, sweet and savory flavors. This recipe for a simple roasted beet salad has all of those flavors.


2 pounds fresh beets, scrubbed and washed

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

3 Tablespoons olive oil, divided

3 Tablespoons thyme or oregano, chopped

2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1/4 Tablespoon pine nuts

Ground black pepper



  1. Preheat the oven to 450 F.
  2. Cut and discard the tops and bottoms of the beets. Place in a baking dish and season with a pinch of salt, black pepper and 1 tablespoon of olive oil on all sides.
  3. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for 45 to 55 minutes or until tender. Set aside to cool.
  4. Meanwhile, place the pine nuts in a pan and toast over medium-low heat. Shake the pan constantly until the nuts are fragrant and golden brown. Once done, transfer to a small bowl.
  5. Lightly peel the roasted beets, then cut them into one-inch cubes. Place in a salad bowl.
  6. Add the feta cheese, pine nuts, remaining olive oil, vinegar and thyme or oregano. Toss to combine, then season with salt and black pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy.

Mexico asks US to commit $108 million a month to Central America jobs plan

The funds would support two employment programs in three countries


Mexico has asked the United States to provide US $108.4 million a month to fund the implementation of two employment programs in Central America.

As part of efforts to attend to the structural causes of migration in the region, the United States agreed last week to collaborate on the expansion of the Sembrando Vida (Sowing Life) tree-planting employment program and the Youths Building the Future apprenticeship scheme.

The programs – signature initiatives of the federal government, albeit ones that have been allegedly tainted by corruption –  will be rolled out in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Mexico wants the United States to provide $86.4 million per month for Sembrando Vida and $22.03 million per month for Youths Building the Future, according to the newspaper Milenio, which obtained a document submitted to U.S. officials at high-level bilateral talks in Washington D.C. last Thursday.

Mexico proposed that the funding be provided via the United States Agency for International Development, commonly known as USAID. Mexico will design the programs and provide technical support to them, according to the document, entitled A Common Vision for the Region.

The federal government proposed the participation of 240,000 Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans in Sembrando Vida and 90,000 people aged 18 to 29 in Youths Building the Future. Participants in both would receive $360 per month.

Sembrando Vida beneficiaries would also have the opportunity to study at agricultural schools, according to the document. Mexico acknowledged that one barrier to the program could be participants’ inability to find land on which to plant timber-yielding and fruit trees. However, plans to facilitate access to land will be implemented, it said.

The apprenticeship scheme will provide training and financial support to young Central Americans for a period of two years. Some 5,000 workplaces are slated to participate in the program, which would likely commence sometime next year.

President López Obrador said earlier this year that the United States should issue temporary visas to Central Americans who work in Sembrando Vida for three years. But the United States has shown little interest in the proposal.

Mexico and the U.S. did, however, sign a memorandum of understanding in June to establish a strategic partnership to address the lack of economic opportunities in northern Central America.

After last week’s High Level Economic Dialogue in Washington, the White House said the United States and Mexico “will identify complementary and cooperative opportunities to improve livelihoods through the creation of jobs and opportunities in the short, medium, and long term in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and southern Mexico.”

The increased cooperation between the two countries comes as record numbers of migrants stream into Mexico en route to the United States, while more than 212,000 migrants were detained in the U.S. in July after illegally crossing the border. The figure was the highest monthly total in more than 20 years.

With reports from Milenio 

Cuba’s president will be the guest of honor at Independence celebrations

López Obrador continues to show his affection for the nation

The president of Cuba will be the guest of honor and give a speech at Thursday’s Independence Day celebrations, becoming the first foreign leader to address the event.

President López Obrador confirmed Tuesday that Miguel Díaz-Canel would speak at a ceremony prior to a military parade in downtown Mexico City to celebrate the 211th anniversary of the beginning of the fight for independence in Mexico.

Speaking at his regular news conference, López Obrador defended the Cuban leader’s participation in the Fiestas Patrias, emphasizing that Mexico has friendly relations with all the world’s nations.

However, the president has a special affection for Cuba, declaring in July that the Caribbean island nation is an “example of resistance” and the whole country should be declared a World Heritage site.

He also called for an end to the United States trade embargo as a way to end large protests in Cuba earlier this year, and sent three ships carrying diesel, medical supplies and food to the country in what experts described as Mexico’s biggest aid run to the country in three decades.

At his press conference on Tuesday, López Obrador also responded to criticism from former president Felipe Calderón, who said that it was unacceptable for a dictator to take a central role in Mexico’s Independence Day celebrations.

“ … It’s good that he doesn’t like it!” the president said before accusing his longtime foe of hypocrisy because he met with former Cuban president Raúl Castro while he was in office.

López Obrador also said Tuesday that United States President Joe Biden wouldn’t come to Mexico this month to join celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the end of the 11-year War of Independence against the Spanish.

“President Biden was invited for the 27th [of September]. He can’t be here, but the head of the United States Department of State will be here,” he said, referring to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Mexico asks US to commit $108 million a month to Central America jobs plan

The funds would support two employment programs in three countries


Mexico has asked the United States to provide US $108.4 million a month to fund the implementation of two employment programs in Central America.

As part of efforts to attend to the structural causes of migration in the region, the United States agreed last week to collaborate on the expansion of the Sembrando Vida (Sowing Life) tree-planting employment program and the Youths Building the Future apprenticeship scheme.

The programs – signature initiatives of the federal government, albeit ones that have been allegedly tainted by corruption –  will be rolled out in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Mexico wants the United States to provide $86.4 million per month for Sembrando Vida and $22.03 million per month for Youths Building the Future, according to the newspaper Milenio, which obtained a document submitted to U.S. officials at high-level bilateral talks in Washington D.C. last Thursday.

Mexico proposed that the funding be provided via the United States Agency for International Development, commonly known as USAID. Mexico will design the programs and provide technical support to them, according to the document, entitled A Common Vision for the Region.

The federal government proposed the participation of 240,000 Guatemalans, Hondurans and Salvadorans in Sembrando Vida and 90,000 people aged 18 to 29 in Youths Building the Future. Participants in both would receive $360 per month.

Sembrando Vida beneficiaries would also have the opportunity to study at agricultural schools, according to the document. Mexico acknowledged that one barrier to the program could be participants’ inability to find land on which to plant timber-yielding and fruit trees. However, plans to facilitate access to land will be implemented, it said.

The apprenticeship scheme will provide training and financial support to young Central Americans for a period of two years. Some 5,000 workplaces are slated to participate in the program, which would likely commence sometime next year.

President López Obrador said earlier this year that the United States should issue temporary visas to Central Americans who work in Sembrando Vida for three years. But the United States has shown little interest in the proposal.

Mexico and the U.S. did, however, sign a memorandum of understanding in June to establish a strategic partnership to address the lack of economic opportunities in northern Central America.

After last week’s High Level Economic Dialogue in Washington, the White House said the United States and Mexico “will identify complementary and cooperative opportunities to improve livelihoods through the creation of jobs and opportunities in the short, medium, and long term in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and southern Mexico.”

The increased cooperation between the two countries comes as record numbers of migrants stream into Mexico en route to the United States, while more than 212,000 migrants were detained in the U.S. in July after illegally crossing the border. The figure was the highest monthly total in more than 20 years.

With reports from Milenio 

Cuba’s president will be the guest of honor at Independence celebrations

López Obrador continues to show his affection for the nation

The president of Cuba will be the guest of honor and give a speech at Thursday’s Independence Day celebrations, becoming the first foreign leader to address the event.

President López Obrador confirmed Tuesday that Miguel Díaz-Canel would speak at a ceremony prior to a military parade in downtown Mexico City to celebrate the 211th anniversary of the beginning of the fight for independence in Mexico.

Speaking at his regular news conference, López Obrador defended the Cuban leader’s participation in the Fiestas Patrias, emphasizing that Mexico has friendly relations with all the world’s nations.

However, the president has a special affection for Cuba, declaring in July that the Caribbean island nation is an “example of resistance” and the whole country should be declared a World Heritage site.

He also called for an end to the United States trade embargo as a way to end large protests in Cuba earlier this year, and sent three ships carrying diesel, medical supplies and food to the country in what experts described as Mexico’s biggest aid run to the country in three decades.

At his press conference on Tuesday, López Obrador also responded to criticism from former president Felipe Calderón, who said that it was unacceptable for a dictator to take a central role in Mexico’s Independence Day celebrations.

“ … It’s good that he doesn’t like it!” the president said before accusing his longtime foe of hypocrisy because he met with former Cuban president Raúl Castro while he was in office.

López Obrador also said Tuesday that United States President Joe Biden wouldn’t come to Mexico this month to join celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the end of the 11-year War of Independence against the Spanish.

“President Biden was invited for the 27th [of September]. He can’t be here, but the head of the United States Department of State will be here,” he said, referring to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Following a year of uncertainty, chase home lending study finds first-time homebuyers may lack confidence – but are still motivated to buy

Research Indicates that Consumers’ Likeliness to Purchase a Home in 2021 Remains High Amid Income Fluctuations

Sponsored by J.P. Morgan Chase

With the summer homebuying season well underway, today, Chase Home Lending released the findings of its new First-Time Homebuyer Study. The survey included more than 1,100 consumers who indicated that they are looking to purchase a home and are actively preparing to buy. Though the COVID-19 pandemic had a considerable impact, 60 percent of respondents said they were likely to purchase in the next 12 months, and 69 percent still see homeownership as an important part of building wealth.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of first-time homebuyers indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic changed their thoughts/plans on buying a home in 2020. Seventy percent of respondents said they were waiting to see how the housing market would play out last year. Change of income (61 percent) and re-evaluating how they would finance their home purchase (58 percent) also had a prominent effect on timelines and urgency to buy.

The study was commissioned to better understand the needs of first-time buyers looking for a home following the pandemic. Homebuying attitudes, behaviors and expectations were evaluated, placing an emphasis on how the events of the past year have impacted confidence, financial readiness and more.

“The events of the last year upended various aspects of our lives, including prospective homebuyers and their plans to purchase,” said Sean Grzebin, Head of Consumer Originations for Chase Home Lending. “Despite possible income changes and prolonged timelines, buying a home as a means to build wealth and stability still resonates with first-time homebuyers. The research shows that they are also open to making lifestyle changes in order to reach their homeownership goals.”

Consumers Take Action in 2021

Only one-in-four first-time homebuyers said they had strong confidence that they would be financially ready to purchase a home in the first half of 2021 – but this didn’t stop them from taking steps to set themselves up for success.

– 7 of 10 respondents made lifestyle changes in order to work toward homebuying success.

– 66 percent have already created monthly budgets and worked to improve their credit score

– More than half of respondents plan to research down payment assistance programs this year; 33 percent have already done so in 2021

– 77 percent of respondents said they are actively saving for a down payment

Confidence Higher Among Black and Latino Respondents

The study also revealed that nearly three-quarters of Black and Latino respondents agree that owning a home is an important step to building wealth, slightly above the overall average of 69 percent. Additionally:

48 percent of Black and Latino respondents felt knowledgeable or comfortable with the homebuying process while the average for all respondents came in lower at 40 percent

65 percent of minority respondents expect the homebuying process to be enjoyable, which is higher than the overall average of 51 percent

– When it comes to desired features in a home, 51 percent of Black and Latino respondents are looking for dedicated office space in their first home (vs. 45 percent total) and 42 percent want workout space (vs. 34 percent total)

The study is based on the responses of 1,100 U.S.-based consumers fielded between March 10 – 24, 2021 amongst those who have never owned a home. For more information about Chase Home Lending, visit

The photographic show ‘My Moment in the Park’ opens

The exhibition will be available to the public throughout the year


by Araceli Martínez


The Presidio Association, in collaboration with the New York-based nonprofit Photoville, inaugurated the free outdoor photographic show My Park Moment at Presidio National Park in San Francisco with images showing favorite memories of a visit to the park.

The exhibit features 400 photographs taken by amateur and lens professionals, selected in a competition, capturing favorite memories in the parks such as a family picnic, a visit to Alcatraz or Yosemite, a walk in the Presidio, among many other experiences in parks. Some of those selected will receive prizes.

The contest was organized to celebrate the opening in the spring of 2022, of the Presidio Tunnel Tops, a new area within the Presidio National Park, built on top of the tunnels of the Presidio Parkway, which extends over 14 acres of trails, panoramic viewpoints, picnic sites and an interactive play area for children.

It was a distinguished committee of photographers, artists, and community leaders who chose more than 400 photos from 7,000 submitted by lens hobbyists and professionals from across the country.

The images capture the outdoor beauty and joy that time in nature can bring, as well as the social and cultural connections that are part of the park experience.

The photos are displayed at four sites in the Main Post and Crissy Field, which surround the future site of the Presidio Tunnel Tops: the Main Parade Ground on Anza Street, Sports Basement, 1180 Old Mason Street, and the Presidio YMCA.

What can we expect

While all of the photos in the original My Moment in the Park exhibit are professional quality, the majority in the “Instant Community” category were taken by people from across the country who attend the parks fairly frequently.

“The photo exhibit builds on our continued collaboration with the community to create the Presidio Tunnel Tops, which we hope will be welcoming and inclusive spaces for all of its visitors,” said Michael Boland, parks director for the Presidio Trust. He added that he offers a preview of the new experiences the park will offer at Tunnel Tops.

Laura Roumanos, executive director and co-founder of Photoville stated that “photography is a universal language that allows everyone to tell their own story. The opportunity to show these stories publicly is priceless. ”

“We are delighted that this program represents such diversity of gender, class and race in one of the most beautiful national parks in the country.”

In the Visual Story Award category, the winners come from the San Francisco Bay area and their stories portray the impacts of the covid-19 pandemic and the political events of the past year.

The images by Francess Santos show her two young children enjoying nature outdoors in Presidio Park. Marissa Leshnov photographed the Oakland OMies, a community of women of color who promote wellness, mindfulness and healing through yoga. “The parks continue to be a place of refuge, where the sense of community and wonder can be renewed,” said Leshnov.

In the group of people who selected the photos that were presented in the exhibition, are Jacqueline Bates, director of photography for California Sunday Magazine and Pop-Up Magazine; Sergio De La Torre, associate professor at the University of San Francisco; Isaac Haney-Owens, Creativity Explored artist; Ben Moon, Instagram Art Director; Nicole Frugé, visual director for the San Francisco Chronicle; Bruce Getty, owner of the agency and photographer; Moanalani Jeffrey, agency owner and photographer; Sean Uyehara; Jackie von Treskow of the San Francisco Arts Commission; and Monetta White, executive director of the Museum of the African Diaspora.

An exhibit guide, roadmap, and virtual exhibit listing all photographers will be available on the website beginning September 1, at

Not enough subs: California schools face severe teacher shortage by Joe Hong

Kelly Rhoden, the principal at Nevada Union High School, spent her morning Monday scrambling to find substitutes for her absent teachers.

The school, about 60 miles northeast of Sacramento, has 86 teachers. Thirteen were out on Monday.

“We have quite a few teachers out either because they’ve tested positive, they’re symptomatic, or they have their own children who are in quarantine,” she said. “At the end of the day, we just don’t have enough substitutes.”

Across California, the substitute teacher shortage is another burden in an already challenging school year. Administrators are taking desperate steps to make sure there’s an adult in the classroom when teachers are absent, resorting to using non-teaching staff who have their own critical responsibilities during the typical school day, especially during the first fully in-person school year of the pandemic.

Nevada Union High and the rest of the Nevada Joint Union High School District share a pool of substitute teachers with eight other districts in Nevada County. Last year, the pool was stretched so thin that Nevada Joint Union shut down schools due to a sub shortage. District officials are worried it’ll happen again.

“Last October, we had to go back to distance learning because I ran out of substitutes,” said Brett McFadden, superintendent of Nevada Joint Union High. “Not because we didn’t have enough protective equipment. I ran out of adults.”

McFadden said even he has had to sub for a class.

According to County Superintendent Scott Lay, the county went from having about 200 substitute teachers before the pandemic to less than 70 today. As a result, principals like Rhoden are forced to place counselors and administrators in classrooms. Even then, Rhoden fell short three substitutes on Monday.

The substitute shortage is worsened by an underlying teacher shortage. Several district officials interviewed by CalMatters said they started the school year with some classrooms being assigned a long-term substitute.

In hopes of attracting more subs, districts have increased their pay rates, triggering similar raises at neighboring districts. But administrators say money won’t create more educators.

“You get to a point where you’re just begging and borrowing people from all over the district,” McFadden said. “I love my students dearly, but I’m not gonna leave 30 of them alone in a room.”

How bad is the sub shortage?

California has seen declining numbers of new substitute teachers every year, according to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the agency that licenses full-time and substitute teachers.

In the 2018-19 school year, the agency issued about 64,000 substitute teaching permits. In 2020-21, it issued close to 47,000.

Prospective substitute teachers need to hold a bachelor’s degree and meet the “basic skills requirement” either by providing a standardized test score or by having B’s or better in college-level reading, writing and mathematics courses.

“It’s not terrifically challenging to get a sub permit in California,” said Mary Sandy, the executive director of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. “But the need is utterly critical.”

At San Bernardino City Unified, the number of substitutes at the district’s disposal shrank from 1,000 before the pandemic to 700.

Marcus Funchess, who oversees human resources for the district, said only about 92% of teacher absences are covered each day.

“Right now our substitute teacher shortage is a concern due to the number of teachers who might need to quarantine,” he said. “On one day we could have up to 45 jobs uncovered.”

Why is the substitute teacher force shrinking?

Aaron Estrada, a substitute in the Chula Vista Elementary School District, said many substitutes left the profession last year because the pay wasn’t worth the risk of being surrounded by unvaccinated students and staff.

“It’s difficult to try to make a living off substitute teaching,” he said. “For a lot of people, it didn’t seem worth it.”

Some school districts, especially those in rural communities, rely heavily on retired teachers to work as substitutes. But for those older educators, the risk of returning to the classroom is even greater.

“Retirees have their own fears,” said Rhoden, the principal at Nevada Union High. “They want to keep their own health at the forefront.”

Mike Teng, CEO of Swing Education, a company that helps over 200 school districts find substitute teachers, said the sub shortage is consistent with staff shortages in the service sector.

“It’s tough. Substitute teachers have left and haven’t come back,” he said. “And we’re potentially trying to compete with all the other industries for workers.”

Rosi Martinez, the president of the local teachers union at Chula Vista Elementary, said former substitute teachers are reluctant to return because they’re making more money from unemployment benefits.

“At one point we were only filling about half of teacher absences,” she said. “That’s pretty much unheard of.”

Rising pay and lowering barriers

In an effort to entice substitute teachers back into the classroom, the administration at the Chula Vista Elementary School District held an emergency meeting in early August to increase pay for subs.

The district increased pay for short-term subs from $122 to $200 a day. For long-term substitutes, the pay went from $180 to $283 a day. In response, the neighboring Sweetwater Union High School District increased its rate from $160 to $240 a day.

“You can say it’s a bidding war, but that’s just the market,” Teng said. “But substitute teachers still aren’t paid enough.”

Elk Grove Unified has proposed raising its substitute pay rates, especially for current and retired teachers and counselors. These substitutes could make $350 a day, once the district’s school board approves the raises.

At San Bernardino City Unified, the district gave substitutes a 2% raise and paid $12,000 for digital billboards to advertise its substitute positions on the freeways. Funchess said the district would increase pay if this aggressive advertising campaign doesn’t attract enough substitutes.

Apart from raising pay, district leaders said the Commission for Teacher Credentialing could take steps to remove other barriers like the $100 fee and the requirement for a bachelor’s degree.

“We could use any temporary reprieve,” Funchess said. “Some other states don’t require a bachelor’s degree to be a substitute teacher. It’s worth a discussion here.”

A sub shortage on top of a teacher shortage

The substitute shortage is just a symptom of an ongoing teacher shortage, according to district administrators. Because some districts across the state started the school year with unfilled teaching positions, some students have only had a substitute teacher in the weeks since school started.

In the 2020-21 school year, 13,558 of California’s teachers retired, 1,000 more than the previous year, according to data from the California State Teachers’ Retirement System.

Mary Sandy at the Commission on Teacher Credentialing said the agency must credential about 20,000 teachers a year to keep up with the staffing needs of districts across the state. Last year, only about 14,000 teachers received their credentials.

And while this year’s state budget includes a historic amount of funding for California’s schools, no amount of money can overcome the bottom line of a personnel shortage.

At Nevada Joint Union High School District, Superintendent Brett McFadden said despite raising the daily rate from $100 to $150 per day, finding substitutes continues to be a challenge especially in more rural and remote parts of the county.

“I don’t have a money problem,” he said. “I have a resource problem.”

Until district and state officials find more effective ways to recruit qualified teachers, principals like Rhoden will start their days rushing to put an adult in every classroom.

“I don’t know if another pay raise would work to be honest,” Rhoden said. “I just don’t think there’s enough teachers out there.”

Joe is the K-12 education reporter for CalMatters. His stories use data to highlight inequities in California’s public schools. Before joining CalMatters in June 2021, he was the education reporter at KPBS, the public media station in San Diego. Previously, he covered the schools in the Coachella Valley for The Desert Sun, a daily newspaper in Palm Springs. He has a bachelor’s degree in comparative literature from the University of California, Irvine and a master’s degree from Columbia Journalism School.

Request for Qualifications/Request for Proposal – Peralta Community College

The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) is requesting the submittal of Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms to provide College of Alameda Construction Management Services Aviation Modernization Phase 2 (RFQ/RFP No. 21-22/06).  SOQ and Proposals are to be delivered to the PCCD Purchasing Department, electronically (via Vendor Registry), by 2:00 PM, on October 4, 2021.


Peralta Community College District (“District”) is seeking proposals from qualified persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide construction management services for the District’s Aviation Modernization, Phase II project (“Project”).


A Mandatory Pre-Proposal conference will be held on September 21, 2021 at 9:00 AM via Zoom: Conference Meeting: 977 9162 2691. Register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Copies of the pre-qualification documents may be obtained by clicking on the following link: or, by contacting the Peralta Community College District, Office of Purchasing, 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California, 94606, Phone (510) 466-7225, Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Governing Codes:

GC 53068

EC 81641


Publication Dates: September 10, 2021 and September 17, 2021


If you have any questions regarding this RFQ/P, please submit them via Vendor Registry at the link above before 2:00 PM PST on September 23, 2021. Answers will be posted on the District website by September 30, 2021.