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Do not believe Jerry Brown’s environmental idea

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

This week, California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr., sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging them to include language in any automaker bailout that would authorize California and other states to implement and enforce the state’s greenhouse gas emission standards.

The California requirement is a 30 percent reduction by 2016 for motor vehicles, which the auto industry has opposed, according to a communicate from the Attorney General’s office.

Writing to House Majority Leader Harry Reid and other congressional leaders, Brown pleaded for California to be allowed to implement and enforce emission standards, which “for over 40 years it has had the authority to set stricter standards than the federal government.”

However, what Brown is not saying is that the more regulations, the more money will be taken away from the people who drive when they go and register their vehicle to the DMV, causing them to be more financially squeezed out of their dollars, badly needed for medical, clothing and mortgage expenses.

Every regulation and the thousands of laws passed every year, and the ones about to start taking effect in January, don’t serve to liberate the people from the state’s yoke. They just oppress them more.

This legislation or authorization Brown seeks, will basically play into the money-making green fad, while the state continue benefiting from the gas tax revenues, as cars are not requested to be built hybrid. Why?

How many millions of gas-only cars will be built between now and 2016 if we don’t put a halt their production? So, what Brown is trying to do, is baloney.

The state is not working for the people, rather the people are working for the state, and that is how they have maintained us for so long. So we all should start waking up from the illusion that the state really works on our behalf.

They help us get dependent on cars because they want to tax us everywhere they can, with the brainwashing slogan that it is for our own good. They help build new cities which are non-pedestrian or bicycle friendly, send us shopping to faraway malls which are out of our reach without cars, and put all the roads trap they can, so we have to drive through thin rope to fall through, while they have their deputies, who are hiding in the bushes, take our money with their own phony statute violations. Why we do not hear instead, a plead to the Legislature to require that all the cars built by 2011, be built hybrid, and that they engineer a device to be adapted into current vehicles to use air or water, which many drivers are already using. Have you seen those ads ­online, that say: “discover how to convert your car or truck to use water and gasoline, to double, even triple your mileage?

People have been using water-to-gas converters in vehicles for over four years. This is proven technology, according to information posted on the internet, and to someone I know who uses it.

Using a simple device, you can use the electricity from your battery to separate water (H2O) into a gas known as HHO.

I think it would be more beneficial to all of us if Brown instead demanded that cars carry these devices, instead of enforcing legislation that requires costly demands to the auto industry, and which will make us – the consuumers – pay for. This not only  will  improve the driver’s economy, but the environment as well.

A believable formula for immigration change

by David Bacon

Since 2001 the Bush administration has deported more than a million people. It’s no wonder Latinos, Asians and other communities with large immigrant populations voted for Barack Obama by huge margins.

The election, taking place as millions of people were losing their jobs and homes, had its hysteria-mongers trying to scapegoat immigrants for this crisis. But most voters did not drink the Kool-Aid. In fact, every poll shows that a big majority rejected raids and want basic rights and fair treatment for everyone, immigrants included.

People want and expect a change ending the Bush administration’s failed program of raids, jail time and deportations. So does the political coalition that put Obama into office–African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, women and union families–expect change.

From the beginning, the administration’s enforcement program has been cynically designed to pressure Congress into re-establishing discredited guest worker schemes. The Southern Poverty Law Center called the program “close to slavery.”

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has cynically stated that the raids were intended to “closing the back door and opening the front door.” No one whose eyes are open to the terrible human suffering caused by them will be very sorry to see Chertoff go. So far, Barack Obama’s choice of Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano is not encouraging.

The Tucson “Operation Streamline” court convenes in her home state every day. The situation for immigrants in Arizona is worse than almost anywhere else. Napolitano

herself has publicly supported most of the worst ideas of the Bush administration.

The economic crisis does not have to pit working people against each other, nor lead to demonize immigrants further. In fact, there is common ground between immigrants, communities of color, unions, churches, civil rights organizations and working families. Legalization and immigrant rights can be tied to guaranteeing jobs for anyone who wants to work, and unions to raise wages and win better conditions for everyone in the workplace.

The AFL-CIO’s campaign for the Employee Free Choice Act supports the surest means of ending the low-wage, second-class status of immigrant workers organizing unions. Repealing unfair trade agreements and ending structural adjustment policies would raise the standard of living in places like Oaxaca or El Salvador and reduce the pressure for migration. In the United States, jobs become more secure in working class communities.

But stopping the raids is the first step in a process. At the same time it can help the administration begin to address the larger issues of immigration reform, jobs and workplace rights. Here are steps the new administration can take right away:

  • Stop ICE from seeking serious federal criminal charges when a worker lacks papers or has a bad Social Security numbers.* Stop raiding workplaces.
  • Halt community sweeps, checkpoints and roadblocks where agents use warrants for one or two people to detain and deport dozens.
  • Double the paltry 742 federal inspectors responsible for all U.S. wage and hour violations.
  • Allow all workers to apply for a Social Security number and pay legally into a system.
  • Re-establish worker protections, ended under Bush, connected with existing guest worker programs.
  • Restore human rights in border communities, stop construction of the U.S. and Mexico border wall, and disband the Operation Streamline federal court.

[This commentary condenses a 1,600-word analysis labor writer David Bacon prepared for the New America Media, a nationwide association of more than 700 ethnic media organizations representing the development of a more inclusive journalism. Hispanic Link is a member of NAM. Bacon is the author of “Communities with­out Borders,” (ILR Press, an imprint of Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2006.)] ©2008

The care and feeding of an Aztec blender

by Elisa Martínez

EL PASO, Texas — There’s always a good reason to cross the border into Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. This time I needed to go to the tortillería to get some dried corn. Just a handful, I said to the lady that makes the tortillas. I bought ten kilos of hot steaming tortillas and she filled a plastic bag with the corn. “A gift,” she said and handed it to me.

I needed the corn to “cure” a molcajete (moul-kah-hete). You grind the corn in the molcajete with the pestle to dislodge any debris that might be stuck to the stone. It’s not easy work. It’s long and laborious. After the molcajete is rinsed, diced garlic and onion are ground in it and scrubbed away. Now it’s ready to use. It’s cured and we needn’t worry about any unwanted visitors in the food.

It’s a gift and it needs to be cured for the new owner.

The one I use was my grandmother’s. I learned how to use it by watching.

“Tenga,” she would say and hand me the pestle. Here, take this.

I remember the sound of rock against rock. I would say it’s as old as a molcajete can get. It’s a museum piece.

Molcajetes are wonderful things. Tejolotehey have existed forever in the Mexican kitchen. Over 1000 years I read somewhere. La licuadora Azteca My daughter Analissa calls it: the Aztec blender.

A molcajete is a heavy mortar and pestle made out of basalt, with three stumpy feet to hold it steady. The pear-shaped pestle used to grind the food is called a mano and is made of the same material. It fits in your hand and it’s a perfect instrument to release the oils and the flavors of the food. When this is done carefully it produces a tastier product. Molcajete is a name derived from Náhuatl, the language of the Aztecs. Molli meaning sauce and coxtl meaning bowl.

I use my molcajete often to make salsa. It’s one of the joys of being a retiree. I have time to cook “como Dios manda,” the way God meant one should cook.

Tomato, and tomatillos and jalapeños are roasted on a comal on the stove. The aroma is mouthwatering. I rotate the tomatoes on the griddle so that they roast evenly. They get very hot and squishy. They’re skinned and set them aside to cool off a bit. Garlic and diced onion are ground first. The tomatoes are gently pounded and mixed with a twist of the wrist.

The roasted jalapeño is next. Again the ingredients are ground and mixed with care. I remember the good sound. Rock against rock. Not pureed, not in tiny pieces, but a perfect blend of ingredients where the juices and the flavors have been released and combined to a perfect consistency.

­Next, if you like some cilantro. Salsa is not salsa without cilantro. Watching me quietly on my counter are my Vita-Mix and Kitchen Aid blenders. They can’t do what I do with my Aztec blender. The salsa is set on the table in the same vessel it was made in and disappears in no time.

I wash it by scrubbing it with a small escobeta (natural bristle brush). The Aztec blender usually sits on the counter next to the other powerful blenders. “Dos culturas,” two cultures side by side.

Molcajetes are not relegated to quaint mercados in Mexico. In Juárez they can be bought at Williams Sonoma and Sur la Table and other places. They’re used by many of the famous chefs on TV. You can see a video on the Williams Sonoma web site showing you how to make guacamole.

Fancy restaurants in Santa Fe, New Mexico, make your guacamole in a molcajete at your table to suit your taste and in Ciudad Juárez, they make your salsa in the same manner.

Maybe you’ll decide to buy one and make it a part of your global kitchen.

Good eating. ¡Buen Provecho!

(Elisa Martínez, of El Paso, Texas, is s retired speech therapist. Her e-mail: ©2008


Thursday, Dec. 11 — at Newark, NJ (Versus)

  • IBF cruiserweight title: Steve Cunningham vs. Tomasz Adamek.
  • ­Joseph Agbeko vs. William Gonzalez.

Friday, Dec. 12 — at TBA, USA (TeleFutura)

  • Urbano Antillon vs. TBA.

Saturday, Dec. 13 — at Mannheim, Germany (HBO)

  • IBF/WBO heavyweight title: Wladimir Klitschko vs. TBA.
  • Mario Preskar vs.TBA.

Saturday, Dec. 13 — at Atlantic City, NJ (Showtime)

  • WBO light welterweight title: Kendall Holt vs. Ricardo Torres.

Saturday, Feb. 14 — at TBA,

  • USA Miguel Cotto vs. TBA.

Workers rights seminar at Mexican Consulate

by the El Reportero’s staff

Robin Cornwell y Aaron Thayer del Balet Smuin en el Balet de Navidad: (photo by Tom Hauck)Robin Cornwell and Aaron Thayer of Smuin Ballet in The Christmas Ballet.(photo by Tom Hauck)

The community is invited to take part in a Minimal Rights of the Workers in the State of California Workshop.

The presentation will be in conducted by federal researcher Adriana Iglesias, of United States Department of Work Employment Standards Administration Wage and Hour Division, who will chat on the minimal labor rights of every worker in the United States, regardless of their migratory condition. She will answer questions on claims of salary, over time, labor law for minors, among other issues.

Also, it will offer consultancy on the procedure to follow on a federal investigation to protect their rights.

It is important to remember that all the information will be provided in Spanish, and all the information will be confi dential and completely free. Tuesday, Dec. 9, starting at 10:00 am. Confi rmation is required by calling 415-354 1715. At 532 Folsom St., San Francisco 94105, between 1st and 2nd streets) BART Montgomery Station.

The salsa Christmas party that will make history

According to its promoters, never before in the history of Richmond salsa have all the Richmond salsa promoters, instructors, DJs, musicians and meetup groups collaborated under one roof to throw what will be the biggest, hottest, sexiest, salsa party of the year.

The repertoire will include avid Prado & Jay Cuba of Cubariqua Dance Co. & The Richmond Salsa Meetup Group, Abby Toro of Salsa Family of Friends International Dance Group, DJ Steve Green, Nino Torre & Tony Tan of Night Mix Production, Joey of Richmond Salsa.Com, DJ Eddy, DJ Oscar Trujillo and his HOT SALSA BAND Conjunto SaSon (Charlottesville), DJ Gabriel of La Selecta 1350, Marquita of Salsa Vida (VA Beach), Jeanette Reyes (Fredericksburg Salsaholics).

Dec. 12, from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., at The Shenandoah Club House, 9601 Redbridge Rd. (just off of N. Arch Rd down the street from the Old Razzles Club). For more info contact David Prado at 804-304-9007 or Abby Toro at 804-400-0791.

San Mateo Harley Bikers bring toys to the Children of San Mateo Medical Center

The San Mateo Harley Owners Group (HOGs) will ride their motorcycles from Redwood City to the San Mateo Medical Center to deliver toys and donations to children cared for through the Medical Center’s clinics and hospital. Over 100 bikers are expected to roar into the parking lot.

The Harley riders and visitors will place the gifts they bring under a Christmas tree decorated especially for this event. Kids will have an opportunity to explore police and rescue vehicles that will be here for this event and will also have the opportunity to see a canine demonstration. Attendees are asked to bring an unwrapped gift to share with a child who otherwise might not receive anything this holiday season.

Saturday, Dec. 13, 2008, 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (bikers expected to arrive at 10:15 a.m.), at San Mateo Medical Center 222 W. 39th Avenue (corner of 39th and Edison), San Mateo, CA 94403. For more info call Beverly Thames, San Mateo County Health System, (650) 573-3935.

Join SF State for the Smuin Christmas Ballet

Dance into the holidays with San Francisco’s beloved Smuin Ballet’s Christmas Ballet a holiday tradition since 1995. Presenting both the warm and spiritual aspects of the season along with all the color, fun and frolic of today’s holiday music. The 2008 edition of Michael Smuin’s holiday legacy features incredible décor and special effects.

Celebrated for its accessible and innovative repertory, the Smuin Ballet believes that ballet should be a living dance form that can engage and delight modern audiences.

Friday, Dec. 19, at 8:00 p.m., Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Novellus Theater, ­701 Mission Street, San Francisco. Tickets: upper Orchestra – $50, upper Orchestra, side – $35.

Latin youth orchestra on tour for a noble cause

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

Orquesta Juvenil Simón BolivarOrquesta Juvenil Simón Bolivar

ON TOUR: Two U.S. performances this week by the Symphonic Youth Orchestra will pay tribute to the man behind Venezuela’s successful music education Sistema and raise funds for similar programs throughout the Americas.

The orchestra, whose members are children and youth from the U.S., Spain, Venezuela and other Latin American countries, was set to play Dec. 1 in New York’s Carnegie Hall and Dec. 3 at the Adrianne Arts Center for the Performing Arts in Miami, as part of an international tour that started last month in that city.

The tour pays tribute to maestro José Antonio Abreu, a veteran pianist and music teacher who founded Venezuela’s Sistema, which teaches music and provides instruments for the country’s impoverished youth and established a chain of national youth orchestras.

El Sistema’s most famous student is Gustavo Dudamel, who conducts Venezuela’s Orquesta Sinfónica Juvenil Simón Bolívar and is a guest conductor with top orchestras around the world. The tour is sponsored by the non-profit foundation SaludArte, which aims to provide medical and educational programs for children throughout the Americas.

The Symphonic Youth Orchestra was founded 15 years ago in Spain and currently includes 90 musicians between the ages of 14 and 19. Ten U.S. musicians from the New World Symphony recently joined the orchestra, conducted by Pablo Mielgo. The bulk of the musicians — a total of 50 — come from Spain. The rest are from Venezuela (20) and Latin America.

In a related item, Gustavo Dudamel recently completed a U.S. tour with the Israeli Symphonic Orchestra and is performing this week with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, for which he will become full-time director next year. Retiring director Esa-Pekka Salonen praised Dudamel in a recent interview in London, saying the 27-year-old Venezuelan will bring much needed diversity to the orchestra’s program ming and audience.

­ONE LINER: Puerto Rican actress Roselyn Sánchez and actor Eric Winter married Nov. 29 at a historic San Juan fort. Hispanic Link.

Researchers learn how bleach kills bacteria

by the University of Michigan

ANN ARBOR, Michigan.— Developed more than 200 years ago and found in households around the world, chlorine bleach is among the most widely used disinfectants, yet scientists never have understood exactly how the familiar product kills bacteria. New research from the University of Michigan, however, reveals key details in the process by which bleach works its antimicrobial magic.

In a study published in the November 14 issue of the journal Cell, a team led by molecular biologist Ursula Jakob describes a mechanism by which hypochlorite, the active ingredient of household bleach, attacks essential bacterial proteins, ultimately killing the bugs.

“As so often happens in science, we did not set out to address this question,” said Jakob, an associate professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

“But when we stumbled on the answer midway through a different project, we were all very excited.”

Jakob and her team were studying a bacterial protein known as heat shock protein 33 (Hsp33), which is classified as a molecular chaperone. The main job of chaperones is to protect proteins from unfavorable interactions, a function that’s particularly important when cells are under conditions of stress, such as the high temperatures that result from fever.

“At high temperatures, proteins begin to lose their three-dimensional molecular structure and start to clump together and form large, insoluble aggregates, just like when you boil an egg,” said lead author Jeannette Winter, who was a postdoctoral fellow in Jakob’s lab.

And like eggs, which once boiled never turn liquid again, aggregated proteins usually remain insoluble, and the stressed cells eventually die.

Jakob and her research team fi gured out that bleach and high temperatures have very similar effects on proteins. Just like heat, the hypochlorite in bleach causes proteins to lose their structure and form large aggregates.

“Many of the proteins that hypochlorite attacks are essential for bacterial growth, so inactivating those proteins likely kills the bacteria,” said second author Marianne Ilbert, a postdoctoral fellow in ­Jakob’s lab.

These findings are not only important for understanding how bleach keeps our kitchen countertops sanitary, but they may lead to insights into how we fi ght off bacterial infections. Our own immune cells produce significant amounts of hypochlorite as a fi rst line of defense to kill invading microorganisms. Unfortunately, hypochlorite damages not just bacterial cells, but ours as well. It is the uncontrolled production of hypochlorite acid that is thought to cause tissue damage at sites of chronic inflammation.

How did studying the protein Hsp33 lead to the bleach discovery?

The researchers learned that hypochlorite, rather than damaging Hsp33 as it does most proteins, actually revs up the molecular chaperone. When bacteria encounter the disinfectant, Hsp33 jumps into action to protect bacterial proteins against bleach induced aggregation.

“With Hsp33, bacteria have evolved a very clever system that directly senses the insult, responds to it and increases the bacteria’s resistance to bleach,” Jakob said.

Civil rights groups unite to sound alarm hate-crime spread

by José de la Isla & Jackie Guzmán

Marcelo LuceroMarcelo Lucero

The Suffolk County, N.Y., murder of Marcelo Lucero, a 37-year-old Ecuadorean national who had lived in the United States for 16 years, has sparked a new level of concern about hate crimes.

Six of the nation’s leading civil rights groups are sounding the alarm about the nature of such incidents.

The National Council of La Raza, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Asian American Justice Center, Anti-Defamation League and National Urban ­League conducted a video-streamed news conference Nov. 24 at Their press alert was themed as a “wake up call for America.”

Janet Murguía, president and CEO of NCLR, said that the polarized debate over immigration has led to the increase in violence and hate groups targeting Latinos.

“And the key players in this wave of hate are found among elected officials and the media, especially talk radio and cable news,” she said, referring to hosts such as Lou Dobbs and Michael Savage.

Seven teenagers have been arraigned on gang assault and other crimes in the Lucero murder. Some are now facing new hate related charges. They are also alleged to have attacked another Hispanic man who escaped a half-hour before Lucero was assaulted near the Patchogue train station.

Federal authorities including the FBI have investigated 750 incidents involving violence, threats, vandalism and arson against Arabs, Muslims, Sikhs and South Asians between Sept. 11, 2001 and March 2007. NAACP Washington bureau director Hilary Shelton said that now, while the nation should be celebrating, “There are unfortufi lled with hatred, fear and division.”

Last month the FBI released a report claiming, “Hate crimes involving race and religion declined by 1.3% in the U.S. last year.” However, the same report showed crimes against Hispanics increased for fi ve straight years, from 595 in 2003 to 830 in 2007, with similar increases for Asians.

­The presidential election drew public attention to one form of race bias, while other animosities remain unharnessed.

Referring to incidents around the country that rise and fall, AAJC’s Priya Murty told Weekly Report, “We are supposedly in this post-racial state, but that has not been borne out.”

Noting that individuals often do not even report incidents, her group has documented many occurrences which attempted to associate the president-elect with Arabs, Islam, unchristian faith, and terrorism — all xenophobic digressions from reality.

The same phenomenon, she claimed, has been abundantly expressed about Sikhs and immigrants in noteworthy incidents of intimidation perpetrated on South Asians.

The Anti-Defamation League at the time called for a renewed commitment to prevent prejudice-based crimes. Hispanic Link.

Students, teachers protest policy of Scholarship Fund

­by Jackie Guzmán

Sworn in the new District 9 Supervisor: David Campos, next to Mayor Gavin Newsom, after he was sworn in as a San Francisco supervisor Thursday, Dec. 4 in front of a large, boisterous crowd at San Francisco City Hall. (Photo by Jorge Luis Garcia)Sworn in the new District 9 Supervisor David Campos, next to Mayor Gavin Newsom, after he was sworn in as a San Francisco supervisor Thursday, Dec. 4 in front of a large, boisterous crowd at San Francisco City Hall. (Photo by Jorge Luis Garcia)

More than 100 students, parents and teachers protested Nov. 20 what they consider a discriminatory policy of denying scholarships to undocumented students­ at Hispanic Scholarship Fund headquarters in San Francisco. Similar demonstrations had been held earlier this year in San Diego and Los Angeles.

HSF, the nation’s largest Hispanic student scholarship provider, made awards totaling $26.5 million during the 2006-2007 academic year. Undocumented students are ineligible because of their legal status, according to HSF communications director Chino Chapa, who states the scholarships are for “Hispanic-American” students only. Undocumented students do not qualify as they comprise only half of that designation.

The California-based Association of Raza Educators says it plans, with more than 20 other groups, to pursue additional strategies to press HSF to change its policy.

ARE co-chairs José Lara and Eilene Cruz met with Chapa prior to the demonstration. Lara told Weekly Report that Chapa challenged ARE’s contentions that undocumented students are the most needy and a “safer bet” than other scholarship recipients to complete their schooling.

Chapa maintained that legal-resident students are 2008better prospects when it comes to completing their education, have greater opportunities and are more likely to contribute to the workforce.

Lara said that undocumented youth, “who are some of our brightest and hardest working students, are being thrown out in the cold. They are the ones with the greatest need because they are not eligible for state or federal financial aid.”

The press has reported many instances of students, brought to the United States without papers as infants, who went on to become valedictorians of their graduating high school classes or who lost college scholarships because of their status.

Kristan Kirsh, HSF’s public relations manager, told Weekly Report that the exclusion of students who could not prove legal U.S. residency was an HSF board decision.

­When Weekly Report requested details, including a copy of the board minutes when the action was taken, Kirsh responded by email, saying, “We are not required to give out board meeting minutes, but we thank you for your interest.”

Lara stated that HSF does not “want to jeopardize its funding” from donors, including many major corporate givers, and wants to avoid any controversy that could result.

His group and its affiliates see their next step involving a campaign to contact HSF board members for re-consideration, if the board has taken formal action on the matter. Hispanic Link.


Amero to become U.S.’s new currency when dollar collapses

by the El Reportero’s news services

Pictures of the new currency that will supposedly replace the US dollar have appeared on the Russian Internet. The United States is reportedly working on the new currency, the amero, which will be common for the USA, Mexico and Canada.

The unstable financial situation in the world, the collapsing oil prices and the growing foreign debt of the United States may eventually crush the US dollar as the world’s major currency. Needless to say that the US authorities reject the rumors and promise to keep the dollar afloat.

Amero notes have no portraits of US presidents on them and resemble the Belarussian rubles. For example, there is an image of a deer depicted on a 50-amero note, whereas a picture of a pyramid of Mexican Indians can be seen on a 100-amero note.

Chile steps up pressure on Peru

On Dec. 1, Chile’s rightwingers stepped up the pressure on Peru’s president Alan García over his apparent recanting of his promise to sack Peru’s army commander. Chileans, probably accurately, believe that García is wavering over whether to sack General Edwin Donayre Gotzch because he wants to build up his popularity in Peru. In the Chileans’ view García wants to boost his dismal popularity (under 20% in the opinion polls) by tapping into Peruvians’ traditional hostility to Chile.

Chavistas win majority of states, but opposition makes key gains

President Hugo Chávez interpreted the results of Venezuela’s regional elections on Nov. 23 as a victory for his Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) and a message from the electorate to keep travelling down the path of 21st century socialism.

­The opposition, naturally, placed a different interpretation on the results. While PSUV candidates won 17 out of 22 states, the opposition won fi ve, including three of the six key battlegrounds. Perhaps the most eye-catching development, however, was that dissident Chavistas, widely tipped to pose more of a threat to the PSUV than the offi cial opposition, suffered a crushing defeat.

Nicaragua: Venezuela has offered to replace U.S. aid

MANAGUA, Nicaragua — President Daniel Ortega says Venezuela has offered Nicaragua $100 million in aid if Washington and the European Union cut off funding over disputed elections.

Ortega says his leftist ally Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez made the offer last week “without blackmail, without conditions of any sort.’’

The U.S. government said last week it would freeze $64 million in anti-poverty aid to Nicaragua amid accusations that local elections were fraudulent. The EU has withheld $54 million in budget support.

Ortega spoke Monday in a televised address.

Ortega’s leftist Sandinistas won most of the country’s mayorships in the Nov. 9 elections. Counting with a majority of legislators, 47, the opposition proposed legislation to cancel the results, but Ortega issued a decree declaring that effort unconstitutional.

And then, On Dec. 1, three opposition deputies announced they would not support the bill proposed by the Partido Liberal Nacionalista, so giving a blow to the opposition in Nicaragua. (Latin news, Associated Press, and Pravda, contributed to this report. )