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Proposition K will decriminalize prostitution

by Mark Aspillera

Supporters of Proposition K, a prospective measure which would decriminalize prostitution in San Francisco, held a press conference at Pier 5 Law Offices on Oct. 29, 2008 as part of what they called a “final push of a historical campaign.”

The conference stressed a CNN broadcast that said that “according to the polls” 73 percent of San Franciscans support the proposition. The broadcast did not specify which polls were being cited. (Broadcast viewable at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn-UoXbPu2I).

Rachel West with the U.S. Prostitutes Collective said that $11.4 million is spent yearly to arrest sex workers and that Prop. K would redirect the money, and that recommendations for the money will be “thought out when Prop. K passes.”

The proposition would implement “the main recommendations made by the San Francisco Task Force on Prostitution, a task force created by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1996, according to Prop K advocates.

Carol Leigh, a sex worker activist and another Prop. K supporter, said the $11.4 million would go to voluntary programs for sex workers.

Prominent critics of Prop. K include San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, District Attorney Kamala Harris and the San Francisco Police Department, all of whom officially oppose the proposition.

Harris, who played a part in a 2006 state law making human trafficking a felony, said Prop. K will impede the progress of human trafficking investigations.

Newsom attended a No on K press conference, also on Oct. 29. Opposition to Prop. K has said that the proposition will increase crime and allow human traffickers to thrive in the city.

West described said criticisms as “just another scare tactic,” adding that the proposition says nothing to support what has been called slavery.

“There is a difference between trafficking and prostitution,” she said.

Pro-Prop. K pamphlets state that by decriminalizing prostitution, San Francisco police will be able to “vigorously enforce” laws against violent crimes associated with the sex trade including trafficking.

West said the criminalization of prostitution “empowers” pimps and traffickers.

Slava Osowska with Industrial Workers of the World, an international union, characterized Prop. K as a “labor issue.” He said that sex workers have García“no recourse whatsoever” for crimes perpetrated against them.

Referred was made at the conference to the Oct. 28 FBI operation aimed at child prostitution, which resulted in the arrest of more than 100 people in the Bay Area and 642 nationwide.

“How much did that cost?” said West. “Why aren’t they helping child prostitutes? Why are they arresting them?”

Margaret Prescod, radio host and a Prop. K supporter, described raids that impact immigrant women as “basically ICE raids,” in reference to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and “a vice racket.”

High school students turn Halloween into protests against ICE

by Mark Aspillera

Locked in with their arms inside the barrels, young people from different parts of the Bay Area protest against the abuses: and raids of the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE). The teenagers managed to block the bordering streets to the immigratin building. (photo by Marvin J. Ramirez)Locked in with their arms inside the barrels, young people from different parts of the Bay Area protest against the abuses and raids of the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE). The teenagers managed to block the bordering streets to the immigratin building.(photo by Marvin J. Ramirez)

A group of student protesters demonstrated in front of San Francisco’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement office on the morning and afternoon of Oct. 31, 2008.

The Halloween event was not a youth party, but an organized protest directed against immigration raids conducted by ICE.

The week before the protest, ICE agents conducted 17 raids as part of a three-year investigation in the East Bay and San Francisco. The raids resulted in the indictment of 29 individuals. The 52-count indictment includes charges of murder, trafficking and extortion.

Protesters carried banners and signs with messages such as “Our Immigration is Forced Migration,” and “We are ready to fi ght ICE out.” Many were clad in solid black clothing and wore black and white face paint in the likeness of a skull.

Among the signs were banners for non-Latino organizations such as United Native Americans Inc. and the Filipino Community Center.

The group marched around the perimeter of the building in what guest speaker Renee Saucedo of the Day Worker Project described as a “funeral procession.”

“No more raids,”protesters chanted.

The march stopped before the front doors, where organizers burnt incense, performed a ritual dance to a drum and spoke to the crowd using a PA system covered by a plastic sheet and carried along on a shopping cart.

Among the speakers was Barbara Lopez, a Tenderloin-based community organizer and San Francisco School Board candidate, who criticized critics of San Francisco’s 1989 Sanctuary City law.

“It is unacceptable that immigration is used as political football,” she said.

Lopez also praised the youth groups and organizers taking part in the protest. She also warned of adversities, saying that “there are plenty of forces against you,” referring to the young protesters.

Renee Saucedo criticized the tactics of ICE to wild cheers.

“This building represents death,” she said, referring to the Immigration building behind her.

After speaking in front of the front doors, the march split in two and continued down both Jackson and Montgomery Street, where they paused to let photographers take pictures of the procession.

­The two groups stopped within feet of the gated automobile entrances of the building, where, reportedly, detainees acquired in raids are brought in and out.

The entrances were guarded by offi cers from the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department and the United States Federal Protective Service, the security and law enforcement arm of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security. Officers of the SFPD were present as well.D espite the tension generated by the security presence and several profanities shouted against ICE in general, neither side adopted a confrontational attitude.

On Jackson Street, protesters approached the gates with two steel fuel drums emblazoned with slogans and several people bound at the arms with cardboard tubing.

On Montgomery Street, several participants were invited to speak on a bullhorn.

Four East Bay BART stations including Richmond’s were shut down that morning, preventing several people from joining the protest, and rumors indicated that several students were detained.

The stations were reopened around 11:45 a.m. according to BART spokeswoman Luna Salaver.


Arena makes bold but risky change of tack in El Salvador

by the El Reportero’s news services

Rodrigo ÁvilaRodrigo Ávila

The ruling Alianza Republicana Nacionalista (Arena) has finally appointed a candidate as running mate for Rodrigo Avila in next March’s presidential elections. It made a highly controversial choice: Arturo Zablah, a wealthy businessman and former economy minister.

Zablah is a political chameleon. He tried to run for the left-wing opposition Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) in 2004, and when that came to nothing he attempted to stitch together an anti-Arena alliance last year. He has also been fiercely critical of some of the current Arena administration’s economic policies.

Tension in Mexico over energy reform

Mexico City, Oct 27 (Prensa Latina) The Mexican political scenario its still tense today with only a few hours left for the presentation to the Senate of a bill on energy reform.

This Sunday former presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador called the people to protest the approval of the initiative which will decide the future of Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX).

The opposition leader convoked a demonstration tomorrow at the site of the lower chamber to reject the PEMEX reform because he considers that proposal hurts national sovereignty.

Many Mexican academics warned that the reform has favorable openings for transnationals of the industry.

Analyst Carlos Payan commented that there are numerous holes in the legislation, and insisted that PEMEX is on the verge of being privatized.

Chileans vote for change

In the municipal elections on 26 October Chileans voted against incumbent mayors. This was the clearest conclusion to take from the elections which are a pointer to the general elections due at the end of 2009. Over 50 percent of the country’s 345 mayors are new to the job. The anti-incumbent swing is, therefore, bad news for the left-of-centre Concertación which has ruled Chile since the return of democracy in 1990. The ruling Concertación, however, played up the fact that it still won more council seats and mayorships than the rightwing opposition Alianza por Chile, even though it actually lost 55 mayorships. The Alianza won more mayorships and controls most of the big cities.

Bolivia’s congress approves referendum on constitution

The government of President Evo Morales this week clinched a signifi cant victory after striking a deal with the opposition to approve legislation calling for a referendum on the new constitution. Morales’ agreement to ditch the article on presidential reelection was the decisive concession. While over 100 articles were amended as a result of the negotiations in congress, the revised draft constitution retains its original spirit in terms of enshrining indigenous rights, consolidating state control over key natural resources and addressing land reform. The government victory is a setback for the political opposition, Podemos, and the regional opposition prefects.

Indigenous arrive in Cali

Tens of thousands indigenous protesters arrived in Colombia’s third largest city Cali Saturday, Oct. 25. Organizing indigenous organizations expect over 50,000 protesters to be in the capital of Valle del Cauca when they speak with Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Sunday.

Bolivian President Evo Morales, one of the prominent international figures invited to join the protesters said Friday he isn’t able to come. It’s uncertain if other international invites will be able to come.

The natives hope to be joined by other groups like labor activists, truckers and cane cutters that have been demanding improved working conditions for weeks.

Indigenous leaders will meet Uribe Sunday morning to discuss their five-point proposal to improve the situation of approximately one and a half million natives in Colombia.

Stop the raids in the first 100 days

­by David Bacon

The first of the 388 workers arrested in the immigration raid on the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa, were deported in mid-October, Salvadorhaving spent five months in federal prison. Their crime? Giving a bad Social Security number to the company to get hired. Among them will be a young man who had his eyes covered with duct tape by a supervisor on the line, who then beat him with a meathook.


The Postville raid was one of the many recent immigration operations leading to criminal charges and deportations for thousands of people. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff calls this “closing the back door. “ Meanwhile, his department seeks to “open the front door” by establishing new guest-worker programs, called “close to slavery” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Something is clearly wrong with the priorities of immigration enforcement. Hungry and desperate workers go to jail and get deported. The government protects employers and seeks to turn a family-based immigration system into a managed labor supply for business. Yet national political campaigns say less and less about it.

Immigrant Latino and Asian communities feel increasinglyafraid and frustrated. Politicians want their votes, but avoid talking about the rising wave of arrests, imprisonment, and deportations.

This month national demonstrations across the nation are protesting the silence, asking candidates to speak out. Immigrant communities expect a new deal from a new administration, especially from Democrats. They want a new U.S. president to take swift and decisive action to give human rights a priority over fear, and recognize immigrants as people, not just a source of cheap labor.

Agenda for the Next President

In its first 100 days, a new administration could take these simple steps to benefit immigrants and working families:

  • Stop Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from seeking serious Federal criminal charges, with incarceration in privately run prisons, for lacking papers or for bad Social Security numbers.
  • Stop raiding workplaces, especially where workers are trying to organize unions or enforce wage and hour laws. This would help all workers, not just immigrants, to raise low wages.
  • Double the paltry 742 federal inspectors responsible for all U.S. wage and hour violations and focus on industries where immigrants are concentrated. The National Labor Relations Board could target employers who use immigration threats to violate union rights.
  • Halt community sweeps, where agents use warrants for one or two people to detain and deport dozens of others. End the government’s campaign to repeal local sanctuary ordinances and drag local law enforcement into immigration raids.
  • Allow all workers to apply for a Social Security number and pay legally into the system that benefits everyone. Social Security numbers should be used for their true purpose – paying retirement and disability benefi ts – not to fi re immigrants from their jobs and send them to prison.
  • Reestablish worker protections ended under Bush on existing guest worker programs, force employers to hire domestically fi rst, and decertify any contractor guilty of labor violations.
  • Restore human rights in border communities, stop construction of the border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and disband the Operation Streamline federal court, where scores of young borders are sent to prison in chains every day.


After the first 100 days, Democrats will have to decide what reforms to bring before Congress, and when. Some would delay action for a year or more. But the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and dozens of trade groups won’t sit on their hands. They’ve been pushing for years for big guest-worker programs, more raids and enforcement, and a weak legalization program. But many immigrant and labor rights activists advocate three steps toward an alternative, more progressive reform:

  1. A moratorium on raids, while protecting human and labor rights, in the fi rst 100 days.
  2. A law to give green-card visas to the undocumented and clear up the backlog of people already waiting for them. If visas are more easily available abroad, people won’t have to cross the border without them. That law could also create jobs in unemployed communities, repeal employer sanctions laws that make work a crime for immigrants, and encourage labor law reform to protect workers’ rights. Guest-worker programs with a record of abuse should be ended, as they were in 1964.
  3. A new approach to trade policy and renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), so they stop causing poverty and uprooting communities, making migration peoples’ only alternative for survival. Reject new trade agreements with countries like Colombia, which will cause job loss in the U.S. and spread low wages, labor violations, and displacement abroad. U.S. tax dollars, instead of being spent on the Iraq War, could expand rural credit, education and health care in Mexico and other countries, easing the pressure behind migration.

There’s common ground here among immigrants, communities of color, unions, churches, civil rights organizations, and working families. Legalization and immigrant rights, tied to guaranteeing jobs for all working families, can bring people together. All workers, including immigrants, need the right to organize and enforce labor standards, the same goal sought by unions in the Employee Free Choice Act. Changing trade policy will benefit working-class communities in the U.S. while helping families of immigrants back home from Oaxaca to El Salvador.

The diverse communities who need these reforms can and will find ways to seek them together. In fact, if Barack Obama wins the presidency and a larger Democratic majority takes hold in Congress, they will owe their victory to this coalition.

After the election, this same coalition will need jobs and rights. But immigrant workers are going to jail now. The wave of raids continues to divide families, even as candidates hold rallies and ask for votes. In Los Angeles’ Placita Olvera, activists have begun a hunger strike to stop the deportations. Marches and demonstrations are making the same point from coast to coast.Promises of change aren’t enough. For candidates who want working-class votes, the fi rst step is to speak out.

Silence on Immigration David Bacon | October 23, 2008 Foreign Policy In Focus http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/5620.

The other business of the City of SF

The other business of the City of SF: SFPD officer C. Lewis waits for the owner of the car to recover his belongings to confiscate his vehicle. Apparently, confiscating the cars from the undocumented for not having a driver's license, is part of the sanctuary business. The more undocumentedSFPD officer C. Lewis waits for the owner of the car to recover his belongings to confiscate his vehicle. Apparently, confiscating the cars from the undocumented for not having a driver’s license, is part of the sanctuary business. The more undocumented come to the San Francisco, the more profit there is for the city, because they take their cars. (photo by Marvin J. Ramirez)

Pensions to be nationalized in Argentina population

by the El Reportero news services

Cristina FernándezCristina Fernández

The government of President Cristina Fernández announced Oct. 21 that it will send a bill to Congress to nationalize Argentina’s 10 private pension funds. The nationalization will give the government control over some $US30bn currently managed by private funds, around half of which is invested in Argentine government bonds.

The government says that the decision was made to safeguard pensions against the global economic downturn. It may well, however, be motivated by a less noble concern: Fernández’s increasingly cash-strapped government is desperate for money to service its debts next year, when its financing needs are set to almost double.

The news was met with horror by foreign investors, dealing a crushing blow to already shaky market confidence in Argentina, and has given the opposition another reason over which to unite against the Kirchners. An opposition daily, La Nación, went so far today (22 October) as to describe the decision as “legalized robbery”.

“World Series” is finally beginning to live up to its name

­by Robert Heuer

For those who are jittery about the growth and influence of the U.S. Hispanic Argentina population, there’s a lesson to be learned from the experience of one U.S. institution.

Major league baseball long ago stopped freaking out about its own “Latino takeover.”

It discovered Latinos are not a threat that should be fenced out. The pathway leading to baseball’s transformation is truly international. Spanish-speaking ballplayers have become a dominant force in the game as baseball has been setting attendance records and generating lucrative TV deals.

Baseball’s future is decidedly multicultural. Fears about allowing too many foreigners on the diamond are very much part of its past. A century-long Latin American connection is the cornerstone of MLB’s strategy to tap talent and fans worldwide.

Cubans began playing major league ball in 1911. At first, obviously-white guys were the only ones allowed, then sort-of white guys and, since1947, ballplayers reflecting the island nation’s full spectrum of racial hues. That pipeline closed after Fidel Castro seized power in 1959.

With Cuba off-limits, various teams found cheap talent elsewhere in the Caribbean.

This trend did not sit well with Minnesota Twins manager Cookie Lavagetto.

Claiming the “national” game was in jeopardy’ he told a reporter in 1961: “How will you ever fill the stands for the World Series if you have nine Yankees from Venezuela playing nine Giants from Puerto Rico?”

Latinos accounted for 7 percent of major league rosters that year. Twenty years later the numbers had climbed to 11 percent. Latinos were hardly taking oven but the prospect worried others in baseball.

Pittsburgh Pirate scout Howie Haak was another insider willing to say so. This scouting legend got his start !n Latin America in the 1950s on orders from Pirates general manager Branch Rickey to find the next Roberto Clemente.

Noting the game’s best young players were African American and Latino, Haak told a Pittsburgh reporter in 1982 that the Pirates probably should trade for a few whites.

Haak’s offhand remark made headlines nationwide. Baseball management’s heated denial fueled speculation !n the press about some magic percentage of white players needed on the fi eld to fi ll the ballpark.

In a recent interview, Philadelphia Phillies’ general manager Pat Gillich said Haah stated a fear then widely held inside baseball. With many of the best U S.-born athletes pursuing football and basketball careers, baseball was forced to seek talent outside of the U.S. despite uncertainty as to how its white fan base would react to changing demographics.

Gillich credits Hash with opening his eyes to prospecting opportunities overseas. In the 1960s, Gillich launched his baseball management career by developing Latin American scouting operations for Houston and then Toronto. In the early 1980s, the Blue Jays and Dodgers were at the forefront of a major league acceleration to secure players from around the world.

On opening day 2008, players from 16 foreign countries and territories fi lled nearly one-third of MLB’s rosters and nearly half of its minor league feeder system.

Dominican major leaguers totaled 86, Venezuelans 52, Puerto Ricans 29 and Japanese 16.

Clearly, ethnicity is no longer a concern. After all, eight of 17 players that fans voted onto starting lineups for this summer’s All Star game were either Latino or Japanese.

“Americans are a lot less prejudiced than they used to be,” Gillich explained. With the talent search now global in scope, Gillick sees the greatest promise in China and Cuba. And he considers nearby Mexico City on the short list for future expansion.

Meanwhile, MLB’s international business arm expands the enterprise’s appeal through special events, broadcasting, licensing and sponsorship initiatives. Many corporations see baseball as a vehicle to sell consumer products through out the planet.

An MLB spokesman said 2008 game broadcasts were retransmitted in 13 languages to more than 200 countries. Next March, teams from 16 countries will take part in MLB’s second World Baseball Classic.

The plan is to hold the tournament every four years thereaffer, including an expansion of the participant fi eld in 2013.

Baseball’s internationalization could lead to reinstatement in the 2016 Olympic Games. The Olympic committee dropped baseball from the 2012 schedule because professionals don’t participate. (National Basketball Association players can compete because summer Olympics take place during the off-season; the National Hockey League takes a two-week hiatus so its players can participate in the winter Olympics).

MLB is receptive to scheduling a vacation in August 2016 for the Olympics, allowing players to represent their homelands.

According to a 2007 ESPN sports poll, 63.1 percent of U.S. Hispanics are MLB fans. Seventeen of its 30 teams broadcast at least partial schedules in Spanish.

(Robert Heuerr of Evanston, IIL, is a public policy consultant. He has covered baseball’ Latinos for Hispanic Link since 1983.)


October 24 (Friday), 2008 At TBA, Montreal, Canada

  • NEW Lucian Bute (22-0) vs. Librado Andrade (27-1) (The Ring Magazine #3 Super Middleweight vs. #4) (IBF Super Middleweight belt).

November 22 (Saturday), 2008 At The Stadthalle, Westerburg, Germany

  • Roman Aramian (25-7) vs. TBA.
  • Mario Stein (19-4) vs. TBA.
  • Yakup Saglam (14-0) vs. TBA.

December 6 (Saturday), 2008 At TBA, Las Vegas, NV

  • (PPV) Oscar De La Hoya (39-5) vs. TBA (The Ring Magazine #3 Jr. Middleweight vs. Unranked).

30th Street Senior Center 9th annual dinner autumnmagic dinner and dance

by Mark Aspillera

Come to Patio Español to join this bilingual fundraiser event for the 30th Street Senior Center. Senior citizenship is strictly optional and not required in order to attend.

Salsa lessons and dinner at 6:30 pm. Latin dance music will be provided until 10:30 pm by DJs Entertainment and Sound Connection.

Demonstrations of Tango, Salsa and Mambo dance will be performed at the event by Oye Productions.

All proceeds go to 30th Street Senior Center programs such as “Always Active,” a senior-oriented fi tness program and the new computerized “Brain Fitness” program. The event begins on Friday, Oct. 24, 2008 at 5:30 pm. For more information on 30th Street Senior Center or the dance party, call (415) 292-8732 or E-mail Cynthia Tam at ctam@onlok.org.

Consciousness, community, liberation: fulfilling the promise of ‘68

Come to San Francisco State University to join special guests and invited scholars as well as alumni, students and faculty for this free commemoration of the 1968 San Francisco State student-led strike.

The event recognizes the 40th anniversary of the longest student-led strike in history. It will commemorate “the event’s legacy in social justice, student leadership and access to higher education.”

Issues to be discussed range from student activism, civil rights, and social justice to equity in the political, educational and economic spheres.

Event begins Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2008 at San Francisco State University on 1600 Holloway Ave. on 19th Ave. Register and obtain a full schedule of events and speakers at http://www.sfsu.edu/~ethnicst/home5.html. For information call (415) 338-1694 or e-mail fortieth@sfsu.edu.

Imperial Silence: Una Ópera Muerta/A Mariachi Opera in Four Acts

Director John Lota Leaños celebrates the Day of the Dead in this collaborative multimedia production in San Francsco.

The four-act opera integrates animation and a soundtrack of Mexican folklore dance, Mariachi music, hip-hop, bossa nova and blues written and performed by Leaños, composer Cristóbal Martinez, Mariachi ensemble Los Cuatro Vientos and actor Sean Levon Nash. Performers include a live DJ, stage actors, folklore dancers and Mariachi singers who interact with projected animations.

“Imperial Silence” will be performed twice concurrently on Nov. 1 and 2, 2008 at the Brava Theatre Center and Mission Cultural Center for the Latino Arts, respectively. Tickets for the Brava Theatre performance can be obtained for $10-$15 at (415) 647-2822. Mission Cultural Center (415-821-1155) tickets are $5 with free admission for children.

Día de Los Muertos family concert

The Mexican Day of the Dead is set to be welcomed by the San Francisco Symphony’s first-ever performance of a Día de los Muertos family concert in the Davies Symphony Hall.

The performance features compositions by Mexican composers José Pablo Moncayo, Silvestre Revueltas and Astor Piazzolla among many others. Performers with the symphony include composer Enrique Arturo Diemecke, violinist Danielle Belen Nesmith and Peter Soave on bandoneón.

SFS has joined with the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts to offer a series of pre-concert activities in the Davies Symphony Hall lobby. These include face painting for children, refreshments such as pan de muerto and Mexican hot chocolate and a centerpiece Día de los Muertos altar, commissioned by SFS and created by Mexican artist Herminia Albarrán Romero.

Doors to the symphony will open on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008 at 1 pm. The concert begins at 2 pm. Tickets range from $15-$57. Children under the age of 17 may enter for half price. Order tickets via the SFS Box Office at (415) 864-6000, or http://www.sfsymphony.org.

Celebrated singers from U.S., Spain and Latin America recipients of Lifetime Award

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

Cheo FelicianoCheo Feliciano

CELEBRATED SlNGERS: Six vocalists from the U.S., Spain and Latin America are this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipients selected by the Latin Recording Academy.

Awards will be presented Nov. 12 in Houston, a day before the Academy hands out its Latin Grammy awards.

The two U.S. singers are from Texas: three-time Grammy winner Vikki Carr, who was born in El Paso, and Houston-born Angelica Maria, who was raised south of the border and whose popularity as a singer and actress earned her the title of “La novia de Mexico”.

Recipients also include Puerto Rican singer Cheo Feliciano, a major figure of the 1 970s salsa explosion in New York. The native of Ponce is the only male among the six honorees.

Two of the singers are from South America: Argentina’s Estela Raval, known both as a soloist and as a member of the group Los 5 Latinos, and Brazil’s Astrud Gilberto, a leading voice of the bossa nova movement known for her recording of The Girl from Ipanema.

The sixth recipient is Spain’s María Dolores Pradera, a vocalist known for such classic singing styles as bolero, ronda and fado.

Angélica MaríaAngélica María

Along with the six Lifetime Achievement Awards, the Academy announced three musicians to receive its Trustees Award: Venezuelan singer and composer Simon Diaz, Cuban guitarist and composer Juanito Marquez and Jewish-American band~leader and keyboardist Larry Harlow, known in salsa circles as ‘’El Judío maravilloso”.

BACK TO SCHOOL: Last year’s top Latin AndradeGrammy winner Juan Luis Guerra says he’s returning to his Boston alma mater, this time as a teacher.

­The Dominican singer-songwriter surprised fans last week by saying he called the Berklee College of Music and asked to start teaching classes next summer. He also hopes to enroll in courses as a student.

Vickki CarrVickki Carr

The 51-year~old musician graduated from Berkley in 1982 with a degree in jazz composition.

ONE LINERS: Mexican director Servando Gonáalez Hernandez, who worked in Hollywood films in the 1 960s, died Oct. 4 at age 85, reportedly a cancer victim: he is best remembered for fi Iming a 1968 student massacre in Mexico City, although his footage never screened publicly and disappeared shortly after it was shot… Univisi6n anchor Jorge Ramos will receive the Award for a Lifetime of Achievement in Hispanic Television Oct. 23, at the sixth annual Hispanic Television Summit in New York… and police in Corona, California, are investigating the theft of a video from the home of Jenni Rivera, in which the popular banda singer appears having sex with an unidentified man… Hispanic Link.