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To see the future, defrag Latinos

by José de la Isla

José de la IslaJosé de la Isla

HOUSTON – How Latinos are perceived can no longer be ignored. The issue arises with the release of a book of essays, edited by former Clinton-era HUD secretary and former San Antonio mayor Henry G. Cisneros.

“Latinos and the Nation’s Future” by Arte Público Press, was released Jan. 26 in Washington, D.C. at the Center for American Progress, a think-tank closely associated with the Obama administration.

The dilemma is perhaps best illustrated by generalization in the forward made bt Janet Murguía, National Council of La Raza’s CEO. She says immigrants are assimilating well but Latinos as a group are below par on educational achievement, in wage earnings, have dead-end jobs, are growing in numbers exponentially and “put our entire country’s future at risk.” Say what?

To be perfectly frank, if the nation is hanging at the edge of a cliff you don’t want a blind cripple weakling coming to your rescue, as seems to be portrayed. And well-intentioned Latino advocates sometimes make paltry arguments for Latino strength. That is sometimes the case here and there throughout this book.

It does not give as much clear thinking and insight as it could. The audience is presumed to be naïve. More attention needs to go into highlighting Latino strengths. Less needs to go into pleading for government programs. But old habits are hard to break, I suppose.

If this book were a computer, its hard disk needs defragging. Regardless of its merits, this volume needs a spring cleaning.

The reason is that some of its 17 contributing writers — not all — as policy advocates have fallen into a groove that points out social failure as an appeal to caring and government intervention. The social work perspective comes at a time when organizing, democracy and self-help have already won the day. The essays sometimes use cowering language and statistics instead of the bold assertions that policy leaders could make.

Recently, anthropologist Barry Isaac told me, for example, that the Obama election, was not a paradigm shift, but an affirmation about what had already taken place in U.S. society.

In the same way, a Latino affirmation is needed here about the United States’ future. An inevitable Latino imprint is in the making. Basic demographics make this so, as well as the ascension of so many to the middle-income ranks. This inevitably means — as it did in the time of President William McKinley in the 1890s — that the nation’s cultural axis is changing too. And that means facing up to the real story about what is happening and how it is transforming the nation.

Raul Yzaguirre, the former executive director of the National Council of La Raza, writes an exceptional essay on civil rights (a story all citizens should know) and Tamar Jacoby should probably serve as the last word on immigrants and newcomers and the emerging new nation.

What’s frustrating about the book is that it has such a loose handle on Latino assets–as business owners, culture trendsetters and among the most aggressive computer and technology users or that Latinos will probably change the politics of the Old South.

If you heard Frank Sinatra doing hip-hop, wouldn’t you think an out of place old guard was pretending like it’s with it? That’s what seems to be going on here.

The tip-off came early. There were two references to salsa overtaking catsup as the number one condiment in the nation. That’s an old one, isn’t it? Meanwhile, they don’t seem to realize Anchorage alone has 30 Latino restaurants or that there’s a taco hut north of the Arctic Circle.

If I hear that line one more time about salsa and catsup as an indicator of change, I’m going to vomit.

[José de la Isla writes a weekly commentary for Hispanic Link News Service. He is author of The Rise of Hispanic Political Power (Archer Books). E-mail ­]. ©2008

Why Obama’s financial bailouts stimulus won’t work


by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ram­írez­­­

Did you notice how convincing have been the TV networks and print media in presenting and covering the government propaganda in support of the stimulus bailout money for private companies?

Many of you probably won’t be able to tell, they are presented in such a credible manner, that even the most skeptical could be deceived.

In an article headlined, How can the U.S. economy recover without manufacturing capacity?”, authored by Glen Ford, of Black Agenda Radio, he describes the hoax that North Americans were exposed to with the so much publicized bailouts.

“The strength of the federal economic stimulus package is seriously diluted by the fact that many of the manufactured goods that will be purchased for the attempted recovery must be imported from outside the United States., said Ford. “America simply doesn’t make lots of things, anymore.

That means many billions of dollars that folks assumed would go towards fueling an American economic comeback, will instead provide work and paychecks to employees in other countries, that still have manufacturing bases.

He accuses the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is he says, is dominated by large multinational corporations – the same guys that began stripping the United States of manufacturing jobs decades ago.

He says that the United States’ lack of a manufacturing capacity makes it even less likely that anything resembling a lasting recovery can emerge from President Obama’s approach to the economic crisis, since, he says much of what will have to be bought is only available in other countries, made by foreign workers.

Barack Obama has put a huge emphasis on building a green economy. However, according to the New York Times (­pagewanted=2) most of the sources of solar panels and wind turbines are located in Europe and Asia. There can be no green economy without a mass transit makeover of the United States, but the U.S. hasn’t made subway and light rail cars in many years. They’d have to be imported, explains the article.

“Most of the sources of solar panels and wind turbines are located in Europe and Asia.”

How can Obama claim that most of the stimulus package will help the economy, when every product that must be imported for the infrastructure project means a watering down of the stimulus impact of the dollars spent. You can’t put people to work in American factories that don’t exist, Ford continues.

For Ford, it has to be a true national recovery effort, which would mean reindustrialization, on a grand scale and a green model. And he quotes Billy Preston: “Nothing’ from noth in’ leaves nothing’.” The U.S. cannot create the conditions for economic health without rebuilding a manufacturing capacity. And the remnants of Wall Street have nothing to contribute to an economic recovery, but an infi nite capacity to steal.­

Congress can pass all the stimulus packages they want for their big financial supporters, including their international bankers lords, but without a production infrastructure based in the U.S. it’s only be another theft to North American taxpayers.


USA Learns helps immigrants learn English

by the University of Michigan

ANN ARBOR, Michigan.— A new website that teaches English to Spanish-Speaking immigrants – ** – has attracted more than 500,000 visitors in its first three months of operation.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the site is the result of a collaboration between Project IDEAL at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) and the Sacramento County Office of Education in California.

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the usage this new site has attracted so far,” says Jerome Johnston, an ISR research professor and Project IDEAL director. “It’s an important attempt to increase our capacity to supplement classroom-based English as a Second Language instruction for some 12 million U.S. adults who have low levels of English proficiency.”

According to Johnston, the site has been averaging more than 7,000 visits a day, with users studying the materials for 25 minutes per visit.

Before launching the site, Project IDEAL staff conducted extensive testing in communities around the country, including Detroit. Even adults with little or no computer skills were able to use the site.

“For the last ten years, we’ve been working on the problem of adult literacy,” says Johnston. “Even though there is a large classroom-based effort, this only meets the needs of between five and seven percent of adult learners. So we’ve been concentrating on using technology to increase opportunities and reach more adult learners.”

“USA Learns is one of many experiments in using technology to get more resources out to learners than we’ve been able to afford to do using only classroom-based education.”

In addition, Johnston points out, on-line instruction is more accessible to adults who may be juggling several jobs and family responsibilities, and who find it difficult or ­impossible to attend formal classes. “USA Learns is available whenever learners have the time to study,” said Johnston.

On-line education also has great potential for assisting U.S. workers to retrain for new occupations and careers, Johnston notes. “We’re making tremendous progress in developing on-line learning programs that are both effective and user-friendly. These programs are shaping up as important tools in creating a workforce that fits the needs of the 21st century.”

Border Angels kee up pressure for immigration action this year

by Jacqueline Baylon

The Border Angels, a human rights group founded in 1986 by Enrique Morones: to stop the unnecessary deaths of people traveling across the U.S./Mexico border areas of San Diego County and the Imperial Valley.The Border Angels, a human rights group founded in 1986 by Enrique Morones to stop the unnecessary deaths of people traveling across the U.S./Mexico border areas of San Diego County and the Imperial Valley.

With the arrival of their 2009 Marcha Migrante IV in Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, followers of the San Diego-based immigration advocacy organization Border Angels have declared, “Our time has come.”

More than three dozen supporters spent three days lobbying Congress and the Fresident Barack Obama administration to pass and sign a bill thatwill provide relief to some 12 million undocumented ­immigrants residing in the United States.

Since February 2006, the Angels have led caravans coast-to~coast four times to further their cause.

This time they met with U.S. Reps. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), Mario Díaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and with David Martin of the Department of Homeland Security, among numerous other advocates and listeners.

Founder Enrique Morones described the Border Angels’mission as reminding the new administration of President Obama’s campaign promise to address immigration reform during his first year in office. “They have to come through with their promise,” Morones told Weekly Report.

Angels representatives were among some 500 pro-immigrant supporters who marched in sub-freezing weather to the White House the day after Obama’s inauguration.

Achieving a comprehensive and compassionate bill this year “is not going to be easy, but we are full of hope like the rest of the country,” Morones said.

This year’s journey began in San Diego with representatives from about 30 supportive Latino organizations taking part. It featured rallies in California, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. The trek ends Feb. 20 back in Washington.

“We are going to keep the pressure up,” promised Morones, who plans to return to the capital in April to lobby some more.

In other related news:

Obama postpones use of e-verify program

by JacqUeline Baylón

President Obama has postponed until May 21 the implementation of an executive order issued by his predecessor, George Bush, requiring all federal contractors to Utllize the E-verify program to ensUre their employees can legally work in the U.S.

After that date, it would require new hires of employers with more than $100,000 in federal contracts to use the program.

Established in 1997 as the Basic Pilot/ Employment Verification Program, it was created to prevent undocumented immigrants from gaining employment.

The American Civil Liberties Union said, “It’s only used by a fraction of our nation’s employers, but its ongoing technological snafus, database errors and bureaucratic bungling have caused enormous financial losses for both businesses and employees.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform, a national lobby group that proposes to cut back on immigration, stated, “E-Verify has proven to be the single most effective tool to protect American workers from losing jobs in their own country to illegal aliens.”

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the press Jan. 30 that she believes “it has to be an integral part of our immigration enforcement system. The review is in­tended to see what needs to be done to increase the capacity for the E-Verify system, how quickly that can be done.”

A Wall Street Journal article by Miriam Jordan stated that E-Verify “could be postponed further or even cancelled.” Hispanic Link.

Concerts nd dance displays conclude each day of the festival

por el personal de El Reportero

GRANADA, Nicaragua – Nicaragua has a rich history of poetry, and a common passion for the spoken word which unites class and cultural divides.

This past week has seen the Fifth International Poetry Festival take place in the beautiful, old city of Granada, bringing together more than 130 poets from 54 different countries.

Poets from Uganda and Iraq have made the journey to this Central American nation – testament to the festival’s credibility and commitment to the poetic cause.

Award-winning Nicaraguan poet Gioconda Belli was on hand to give the opening reading.

As vice-chair of the festival and author of 15 literary works, including seven poetry collections, she is one of Nicaragua’s big literary stars.

She thinks the festival is important because it opens up Nicaraguan poetry to an international audience.

“It also provides a big showcase for the different poetic tendencies in the world today,” she says.

Poetry in Nicaragua has often been, and still is, an outlet for political and social commentary.

In the years prior to the Sandinista revolution of 1979, it expressed many of the hopes and fears of the people.

And then, we’ll go wake our dead with the life they bequeathed us and we’ll all sing together while concerts of birds repeat our message through the length and breadth of America.

This extract, from Belli’s poem Until We’re Free, contains both a political message and a paean to the joy of poetry.

Modern poetry could be said to get a bad press – or not much press at all – so it is interesting to see a small country in Latin America putting so much emphasis on this literary form.

“Poetry is still as relevant today as it has been in the past,” insists Ms Belli.

“It can be used as both a celebration and a weapon in our society.”

DAS scandal could jeopardise U.S. assistance to Colombia

Colombia’s defence minister, Juan Manuel Santos, explicitly stated that the intelligence service, the Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), should be wound up. His comments were heavily infl uenced by time and place.

Santos was speaking to an audience in Washington; fresh revelations about the DAS carrying out illegal wiretapping of government offi cials, the opposition, the judiciary, and the media, had just emerged. It is this sort of scandal which has deterred Democrats from approving an FTA with Colombia.

The US House of Representatives did approve a bill this week preserving 2009 financial assistance for the counter-narcotics initiative Plan Colombia at last year’s levels, but President Barack Obama is starting to send out signals that he might change direction on drug policy.

Where’s the crisis heading?

The insouciance about the world economic crisis in Latin America’s bigger economies has proved shortlived. In Brazil and Mexico companies are slashing costs and downgrading forecasts.

Among the middle sized economies, only Peru seems to believe that it will escape the crisis unscathed. Venezuela and Colombia have expressed worries about the crisis but barely touched the policy tiller. Chile, typically, has taken action. It has decided to raid its sovereign wealth fund to pay for a welter of new infrastructure projects. Ecuador has gone back and opted for blunt protectionism.

(Latin Briefs and BBC contributed to this report).

Concerns on immigration issues spread as Obama talks stimulus

by Jacqueline Baylon

As Washington’s political partisans and pundits attempt to decipher or frame the messages built into President Barack Obama’s Feb. 24 stimulus presentation to the joint session of Congress, immigration reform continues to attract major attention across the rest of the county.

Both advocates and opponents of the comprehensive immigration reform package that has been promised by the Obama administration are already noting that the word “immigration” never once passed his lips during his 52-minute speech.

Commented National Immigration Forum spokesperson Katherine Vargas to Weekly Report: “Although President Obama did not mention immigration we remain confident about his commitment to immigration reform. Fixing the economy and fixing our immigration system should not be seen as priorities that are mutually exclusive.

She explained,”Immigration reform can be part of the solution to our economic woes.

By legalizing an essential part of our work force, we can level the playing field for all workers, reduce worker exploitation,lift wages for all low-wage workers and generate revenuefrom increased tax contributions from workers who have been operating off the books.”

Nationally, the issue sounds a constant beat on nightly newscasts and front pages. Here’s a sample of what they’re reporting:

Napolitano Questions ICE

Compiled from several outlets, Feb. 23-25

BELLINGHAM, Wash.— Federal officials have been asked by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to provide her with a detailed report on the agency’s Feb 24 raid of an engine remanufacturing plant that resulted in the arrest of 28 undocumented persons, including three women.

It was the first worksite raid conducted since Obama took off ce. Napolitano told the House Homeland Security Committee that she had not been advised in advance that it was taking place.

Dozens of armed ICE agents entered the Yamato Engine Specialists plant and apprehended the 28 individuals, most of them from Mexico and Central America.

White House spokesperson Nick Shapiro said Napolitano was not happy and this incident sent the wrong message about the administration’s approach to reforming U.S. immigration policy.

Immigrants Block Jobless

Newsmax, Feb. 18

WASHINGTON, D.C.— A report released by the Center for Immigration Studies showed 6 to 7 million undocumented immigrants are holding jobs that could provide paid work 1for unemployed U.S.-born residents.

The study listed the unemployment rate of native-born high school dropouts as 17.0 percent and that of undocumented workers with no high school diploma at 10.6 percent.

CIS noted it is “diff cultto find any evidence of a shortage of less-educated workers.” More immigration law enforcement would improve job prospects for U.S. citizens.

Protesters Support Haitians

France Presse, Feb. 18

MIAMI, Fla.— Immigration activists are calling for a protest Feb. 28 at the Broward Transitional Center in Broward County.

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has processed deportation orders for more than 30,000 Haitians in the community. Hundreds have been put in detention centers or on electronic monitoring at home in preparation for deportation.

Haiti claims it is not prepared for the return of so many refugees.

Stimulus’ Helps Undocumented’

The Chartotte Observer, Feb. 19

­CHARLOTTE, N.C.— State residents fear the stimulus package that has promised to create jobs and millions in wages will end up helping many undocumented workers.

North Carolina is expected to receive at least $1.3 billion for school and highway construction. This could translate to jobs for more than 5,000 undocumented immigrants. Studies show at least 14% who are employed in the construction industry are illegally employed.

The bill originally required recipients of stimulus money to use the E-Verify system, a federal program that checks Social Security numbers. That requirement was dropped. While acknowledging the program has flaws, supporters say it helps catch frauds. Opponents call it a waste of money. Hispanic Link.

In Joe Arpalo, Arizon reincarnates Alabama’s Bull Connor

por Jonathan Higuera

PHOENIX, Arizona – As I sat through a recent meeting of Somos América, an immigrant rights group doing its best to confront the many hostile actions facing undocumented residents of this city, I had a distinct feeling of being in a time warp.

Is this what it felt like to be at a 1965 organizing session in Alabama as civil rights advocates planned a protest or discussed how to avoid harassment and arrest by Birmingham Sheriff Bull Connor or getting chewed up by his dogs?

Only this isn’t 1965. It’s 2009. And the nemesis isn’t Bull Connor. It’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who for the last several years has made it his business to round up undocumented immigrants and find ways to dehumanize and humiliate them in his jails.

I wish I understood what drove Bull Connor so I could compare his motivation with that of Arpaio. I know enough about Arpaio to paint him as a political opportunist who never tires of grabbing the media spotlight.

In recent years, his goal has been to add to his reputation as “America’s Toughest Sheriff.” Now it’s degenerated into capitalizing on the anti-immigrant sentiments sweeping Arizona and much of the rest of the country. With this state’s reactionary voter support, he has a blank check to run his office in whatever manner he sees fit.

It’s quite a spectacle from afar. But it’s a nightmare for anyone who dares challenge him. He’s had a publisher arrested for opposing him in print; numerous activists have been arrested and harassed for trying to expose his warped, self-serving ways, and he continues to terrorize the immigrant community through his raids and unconstitutional searches.

It’s no coincidence that his policies which single out undocumented residents surf on our national and local waves of nativism and xenophobia.

He can do this because he consistently wins election with a comfortable majority of votes. Never mind that’s he’s made metro Phoenix look like a backwater eddy, an ugly smudge on the nation’s conscience and the epicenter of anti-immigrant attitudes.

His latest stunt involved segregating undocumented prisoners from others in his jail, dressing them in chain-gang stripes, shackling their ankles, and staging a media circus as he marched them from one facility to another known as Tent City. He justified his action to the press by saying the move would make it easier to transport the mortified young men to their deportation hearings.

Arpaio’s vaudevillian performance would be laughable except that it inflicts excessive harm and humiliation on already desperate people from our poverty-pocked neighbor Mexico. The only “crime” the vast majority of them committed was to cross the border without papers in search of survival — a life for themselves and their children. Crimes for which any were doing jail time were relatively minor state offenses that merited no hard prison time.

A federal court ruled Feb. 11 that a class-action suit filed last summer by community-based Somos América and five individuals accusing Arpaio of profiling and mistreating Hispanics can proceed. The suit, with support from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union, charges Arpaio with violating both the U.S. and Arizona constitutions.

Some national civil rights groups plan to visit here later this month to protest the sheriff’s segregation policy and raids. They will ask for an end to the 287 (g) agreement between the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Sheriff’s Office. The agreement essentially gives local law enforcement, with minimal training, the authority to act as immigration officers.

Without federal intervention, Arpaio’s terror campaign will likely continue unchecked until he feels a need to tap another critical mass of reactionary voters. Four leading Congressional Democrats who serve on the House Judiciary Committee (interestingly, none of them from Arizona) have now called for an investigation into his office for human and civil rights violations. Hopefully, that will send him another message. Ridiculing defenseless, undocumented residents doesn’t earn Arpaio an “America’s toughest sheriff” sobriquet. More realistically, it says “Coward.” Hispanic Link.

(Jonathan Higuera is an independent journalist based in Phoenix, Ariz.Email: ©2009

Civil disobedience to save your homes

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ram­írez­

In times of despair and confusion, when there is no hope in a system of statutes that mostly benefits the elite – the bankers – people finally find a way out.

And this happens when foreclosures keep growing, and bankers increase their harassment tone to evict those homeowners who have fallen victims of the same banks’ unethical lending practices.

This time, though, homeowners are fighting back with one tool: organizing in civil disobedience.

Community leaders and some law enforcement have started to join homeowners in New York to support families who refuse the orders to vacate their homes.

“You want to haul us out to jail? Fine. Let the world see how government has been ineffective,” Bertha Lewis, Acorn’s chief organizer, said in an interview, published in The New York Times. “Politicians have helped banks, but they haven’t helped families in the way that it’s needed, and these families are now saying, enough is enough.”

As reported in the Times, the community organizing group, ACORN, unveiled the campaign with a spirited rally on Feb. 13 at a Brooklyn church and will roll it out in at least 22 other cities.

More than 40 New York ACORN members and allies rallied at the Nassau County foreclosure auction and bid $0 on home after home. ACORN member Suzanne Gray was in tears as she explained how happy she was that her family’s home, which was supposed to be sold at this auction, had been saved by ACORN. She had come to ACORN the day before, just in time for ACORN Housing to stop the sale.

The city of Oakland has been one site of said scenarios.

In Oakland, 40 ACORN members “moved in” to a Wells Fargo Bank, with a cot and sleeping bags, to demand that the bank work with ACORN members Rosa and Juan Rico, who have been trying for months to get the bank to negotiate with them in modifying their loan. With an impending foreclosure, they could be the next family on the street if the bank does not work with them.

According to news reports (November 2008), so far this year about 3,800 of the adjustable rate subprime loans in Oakland have reset or been adjusted to a higher interest rate. That number is expected to climb in the next several years as many subprime loans are scheduled to reset. In addition, recent statistics indicate that the foreclosure crisis is continuing to expand and the adjustable rate mortgage loan resets will not fully peak until 2011.

The slogan of the day for you victims of banks’ fraud is: Do not leave your home. Contact Oakland ACORN: ­ Phone: 510-535-9882.

Chávez wins re-election referendum but opposition support grows

by the El Reportero’s news services

When President Hugo Chávez narrowly lost a referendum on constitutional reform – including continuous re-election – in December 2007, banners proclaiming “Por ahora” (“For now”) appeared around Caracas, a defiant reference to his surrender speech after a failed coup in 1992.

On Feb. 19, unlike then, the objective that he set himself was achieved: the Venezuelan electorate voted to grant Chávez the option of continuous re-election.

The opposition, however, managed to win more than 5m votes for the first time, which, if replicated in legislative elections next year, would make it a serious force in the national assembly.

Unearthing a leader sufficiently charismatic to challenge Chávez in 2012 will be harder.

Hernani goes in Peru

The interior minister, Remigio Hernani Meloni, was replaced on Feb. 19, as interior minister by a congresswoman from President Alan García’s ruling Partido Aprista Peruano (PAP). Hernani’s ­departure weakens the nominally independent prime minister, Yehude Simon.

Simon and Hernani only took up their posts in October 2008, following a corruption scandal that forced the resignation of the previous prime minister, Jorge del Castillo. Hernani’s ejection points to another period of PAP supremacy in the government, despite the fact that only four of the 17 cabinet ministers are Apristas.

At least one political commentator in Lima claims that the new interior minister, Mercedes Cabanillas Bustamente, will in fact be the de facto prime minister, so weak is Simon’s position.

Angelo Falcón takes a closer look at White House ‘takeover’ over of the Census

by Angelo Falcón

The controversy over White House plans to play a more direct role in overseeing the operations of the U.S. Bureau of the Census as some sort of “political grab” reflects, more than anything else, an astounding ignorance of how the Census operates. The charge is that having the Census Bureau director report directly to Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s chief of staff, would allow him to manipulate the 2010 population count for partisan advantage in reapportionment and redistricting.

That contrasts with the myth under President George W. Bush, where he kept the Census Bureau “independent.”

This became an issue when President Obama surprised most of us this month with his nomination of Senator Judd Gregg, since then declined, to be Commerce Secretary.

Gregg had in the past voted to eliminate this Commerce Department and been a strong opponent of providing needed resources for the 2000 Census. The move raised serious concerns by black and Latino leaders working for an accurate count of their communities in the 2010 Census. Nomination of the New Hampshire Republican, given his track record, was grounds for reasonable questions about the appropriateness of his candidacy for the post.

The reactions, largely by Republicans, to the White House’s announced plan to play a more direct role with the Census have been either purely political or based on ignorance of the way the federal government works. The Census Bureau or any other agency under a full department is overseen directly or indirectly by the White House.

When the Census Bureau ran into problems last year with management of its failed handheld computers program that would have automated the population count, the Bush White House set up a special group inside of Commerce to oversee the matter. The Commerce Secretary under Bush was in no way an independent

player “protecting” the Census Bureau from partisan influences.

Accepting these assertions would be tantamount to making up history from scratch. It is not possible for the White House or anyone else to manipulate the 2010 population count to rig reapportionment or redistricting in favor of one party or the other. The Census Bureau has a well-developed set of protocols and procedures to assure as objective a population count as possible. No one, neither a powerful figure like Emanuel nor even the President, can manipulate this process.

Finally, influencing broader policy issues on the use of Census data, such as using sampling to adjust population counts, is most definitely a political process ­beyond the purview of the bureau. It would not be affected by who the Census Bureau reports to. Whether it is the White House or the Commerce Secretary, this is an issue that would be framed by whoever is President.

The use of sampling for adjusting Census numbers is ultimately under the jurisdiction of the federal courts. In addition, the political redistricting process is something that is overseen by the Department of Justice in its administration of the Voting Rights Act.

And as we have seen with the Bush Administration, the Justice Department has certainly not been kept “independent” of politics.

By taking a direct interest in the 2010 Census, President Obama will be assuring that this population count, only 15 months away, would get the attention and resources needed to make it accurate and assure that hard-to-count populations are included.

Currently, there are thousands of Census staff working hard to make sure that the 2010 Census is the most accurate and fairest possible.

President Obama is telling them he supports them fully and understands the importance of the 2010 Census to the country.

It is the critics who seem to want to politicize this situation, at the cost of turning the 2010 count into a disaster and tremendous waste of money. Hispanic Link.

(Angelo Falcon is president of the National Institute for Latino Policy, based in New York City. He chairs Le Latino Census Network and serves as a member of the Census Advisory Committee on the Hispanic Population, as well as the national steering committee of the Census Information Centers Program of the Census Bureau. Email: info@/atinopo/