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Don’t let them take away your guns, they will defend your family and your country

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin  J. RamírezMarvin J. Ramírez

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” Adolph Hitler.

While the power behind the Obama administration works hard world-wide and domestically to ban all guns from civilians at a time when the World Order leaders shift the nation’s direction to install a Soviet-style dictatorship in the U.S., Dr. Ignatius Piazza, a millionaire patriot wants people armed and trained.

In a paid ad posted at different alternative media sites, Dr. Piazza offers up his own money so people get a free handgun plus five days of training and a 30 state concealed weapons permit for pennies-on-the-dollar!

Let’s see history.

On November 11, 1938, the Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, passed Regulations Against Jews’ Possession of Weapons. This regulation effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other weapons. And we all know what happened to them.

We know by way of alternative media, that one of the main the banking elite’s goal is to destroy most of the world population, and we can see it everywhere where international organizations are pushing hard to sterilize women, and offer every comfort available to those pregnant women to abort.

They don’t want any more people. They want to shrink our numbers, so they can take complete control of the world.

Billionaire entrepreneur Kevin Trudeau, who has been constantly harassed and sued by the FTC for promoting alternative health treatments, told The Alex Jones Show that elitists and Bilderberg members who he had personally conversed with spoke of their desire to see “two thirds of the dumb people” wiped off the planet.

So, if you can see the parallel with Hitler’s Germany, after they banned guns there, the government started hauling the Jews off to concentration camps for extermination.

“Would Hitler have been able to carry out this mass ethnic genocide if the Jews had been armed and able to defend themselves against his tyranny?

It all starts with gun registration, and then comes confiscation.

From the beginning of his presidency, Obama has had an agenda for the forces of evil to take over the liberties our Founding Fathers secured, such as the creating of a tyrant government.

“A civilian “security force” that’s as powerful and as strong as the US military?,” asks Jay Mac’s blogg, Cryptic Subrranean. “Does Obama think that the continental U.S. is about to be invaded? Has he been watching Red Dawn over and over on the tour bus? Somehow, I don’t think so.”

Jay Mac adds: Is anyone else alarmed by the idea of such a force being created? In a less fawning environment, the MSM would have asked Obama why exactly such a massive new group like this was required – and exactly why they needed to be as well-armed as the U.S. Army.

But no, says the writer, in this election cycle the media is even more in the tank for the Democrat candidate and they seem to be completely unwilling to ask even the most obvious of questions- in fact, I’d be surprised if even half of the American voters were aware that Barack wants to establish a brand new security force – especially one so well-funded and well armed.

Why does the US need an additional one and a half million people in a paramilitary force? Who will these people be? What role will they serve? How will they be trained and, perhaps more importantly, deployed? What powers will they have? Why do they need to be so well armed? What threats specifically does Obama see them facing that their budget needs to be the same as the US military ($110 billion for the Army alone or a total of nearly $500 billion for all the military combined)? What job will they do that the National Guard cannot? Who will they answer to? Where in the ­Constitution does it say that Obama can create such a force?

Protect this nation, dear reader. You have the right to bear arms to protect your family, and your country. Don’t let any politician tell you that is “for your own safety” to turn it and register your guns. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS per the Constitution.

You don’t need to ask your local authority to ask for permission to obey the Constitution.

Researchers use math to reduce jet lag

by the University of Michigan

Ann Arbor, Mich.— Reducing jet lag is the aim of a new mathematical methodology and software program developed by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and the University of Michigan.

A major cause of jet lag is the desynchronization of the body’s internal clock and the local environment when a person travels across several time zones. Symptoms include trouble sleeping at night and trouble staying awake during the day.

The new methodology and software program helps users resynchronize their internal clock with the local time using light cues. The software program gives users exact times of the day when they should apply countermeasures such as bright light to intervene in the normal course of jet lag.

The findings are published in the June 19 issue of PLoS Computational Biology.

Timed light exposure is a well known method for synching an individual’s internal clock with the environment, and when used properly, this intervention can reset an individual’s internal clock to align with local time. This results in more efficient sleep, a decrease in fatigue, and an increase in cognitive performance. Additionally, poorly-timed light exposure can prolong the re-synchronization process.

“Because the timing of proper light exposure is so important in synching the internal clock with local time, we have developed this mathematical computation that is able to automate the process of determining the timing of appropriate light cues,” said Dennis Dean, a researcher in the Division of Sleep Medicine Vocesat BWH and the paper’s lead author.

Using the computation, researchers simulated shifting sleep and wake schedules and the subsequent light interventions for realigning internal clocks with local times.

They found that the mathematical computation resulted in quicker design of schedules and also predictions of substantial performance improvements.

“Using this computation in a prototyped software application allows a user to estimate background light level and the number of time zones traveled to determine the recommendation of when to expose a subject to bright light, such as bright light sometimes used to treat Season Affective Disorder, to realign the internal body clock,” said Dean.

“Although this method is not yet available to the public, it has direct implications for designing jet lag, shift-work and scheduling for extreme environments, such as in space, undersea or the Polar Regions.”

This is a very practical way to combat jet lag, which can be a significant problem, says Daniel Forger, an assistant professor in the U-M Department of Mathematics and research assistant professor in the Department of Computational Medicine and Biology at the U-M Medical School.

“There are a lot of situations in which being alert and not falling asleep at the wrong time is critical. Imagine you’re a military pilot, for example. You want to be at your optimal performance because mistakes can have huge consequences,” Forger said.

The next phase of this research includes the addition of interventions such as naps, caffeine and melatonin to help the process.­

“If there is probable cause I will report them to the immigration”

­by Marvin Ramírez

El nuevo Jefe de Policía George Garcón (derecha) estrecha la mano del Alcalde de S.F.: Gavin Newsom durante su introducción como el nuevo líder policíaco de más alto rango.ENew SFPD Chief George Garcón shakes S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom during his introduction as the new highest rank police leader. (photo by Marvin J. Ramirez)­

For the first time, the Golden City picked a Latino to lead its police force of a little more than 2,000 sworn-in officers.

The mayor went outside the city and hired George Gascón, police chief of Mesa, Ariz., to replace outgoing Chief Heather Fong.

Gascón a Hispanic, an immigrant who came as a boy from Cuba, is an advocate for sanctuary policies for undocumented immigrants, which San Francisco has long embraced. He is also considered an expert on the issue of racial profiling of suspects.

At a press conference, Garcon articulated his plans as the new chief, stating as one of the most important ones, to follow the Constitution.

This has been violated repeatedly by the SFPD for a longtime, even though the city prides itself highly on issues of civil rights and bill of rights, especially on the City Sanctuary status. The sanctuary mandates that no city resources shall be used to assist immigration officers in the enforcement of immigration laws.

He said that if any of his officers conduct themselves unethically or outside the scope of the law, “we need to talk.”

Garsón had been in charge of the Mesa Police Department since August 2006, after serving in the Los Angeles Police Department for more than 28 years. In his final assignment before joining the Mesa Police he served as the LAPD’s Assistant Police Chief and Director over the Office of Operations.

He Received a B.A. degree in History from California State University, Long Beach, and a Juris Degree from Western State University, College of the 1Law, and is an active member of the California Bar Association.

You’re saying you’re going to follow the Constitution, is that right,” asked El Reportero’s editor.

Yes, responded Garcón.

Well, San Francisco, its mayor and the police, have been confiscating the cars of the undocumented for lack of a driver’s license, and this is unconstitutional, it is illegal,” said the reporter. “Unconstitutional in capital letter.”

The U.S. Constitution states that no private property shall be confiscated without due process.

This reporter handed in to the new chief a coy of former and highly decorated ex police officer Jack McLamb of Arizona, whose articles exposing government and police corruption, have been read and republished in dozens of media outlets.

The article’s headline states that, “Despite actions of police and local courts, higher courts have ruled that American citizens have a right to travel without state permits,” meaning no one is obligated by law to be demanded a driver’s license.

Garcón promised El Reportero to look into it, and to discuss the matter later.

The actions of the police confiscating the cars from the undocumented have been followed and covered by the El Reportero during the past three years, with both, editorials and news reports.

­The Police and the Mayor’s Office, as well as the Board of Supervisors have put a deaf ear to the issue on the racial profiling going on within their motorcycle unit that end up in confiscation of automobiles. It’s a profitable business to the city, while it is a hardship to those poor and disadvantage people who lose theirs cars for simply making a wrong turn, or in most of the cases, looking too humble in an old model car, giving the impression to the cops, that they might be undocumented.

So, they become prime suspects instantly by some motorcycle officers who apparently have a grouch against immigrants, taking their cars and sending them home on foot, sometimes carrying bags of groceries with infants and elderly people.

None of the mainstream media present during the press conference at the Mayor’s office, said a word about the issue of confiscation mentioned by the El Reportero.

Peru crisis likely to become endmic

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Alan GarcíaAlan García

Prime minister, Yehude Simon, began to negotiate a settlement to the confrontation at Andahuaylas on June 22.

The simmering unrest across the country that has been a constant feature of President Alan García’s second term is unlikely to boil over into outright conflict, but nor is it likely to disappear.

García’s credentials as the centre-right leader of a successful economy have been shredded by the confrontation at Bagua on June5, which left 24 policemen and 10 indigenous protesters dead. Politically, neither of García’s most likely successors, the rightwing populist Keiko Fujimori, nor the leftwing populist Ollanta Humala, are benefiting from his difficulties.

Instead, opinion polls indicate rising disenchantment with the political class as a whole. Presidential elections are due in April 2011.­

As Hispanic numbers grow, Peace Corps alumni remind president of funding pledge

by Roxana Hernández

Some 300 Peace Corps alumni and supporters gathered at the Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C, June 14 to encourage Congress and the Obama Administration to expand the program The two-hour rally was part of a campaign organized by, a National Peace Corps Association initiative.

Currently, with 7,232 volunteers, the Corps is active in 74 countries, including a dozen in Latin America. During his campaign for the White House, Presidential candidate Barack Obama promised to double the number of volunteers and increase its funding. Volunteers sign for two-year stints.

The Corps was created in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy.

“For 2009 the funding is $340 million’” said spokesperson Erica Burman, “The purpose of the rally was to call on President Obama and Congress to increase funding to $450 million.”

Former Peace Corps volunteer, journalist/ author Ron Arias of Hermosa Beach’ Calif., told Weekly Report, “For young Latinos, joining is a way to reconnect to your roots and understand the variety of Latin America.”

In 1963, at age 21, he served in Sicuani, a Peruvian town several hours south of Cuzco.

“Reading books is one way to get an education, but the foundation comes from helping others. It is an experience you don’t get in a classroom,” said Arias, who is first generation Mexican American.

Persons of color represent 15 percent of the Corps’ volunteer force. Hispanic involvement has increased dramatically in recent years—from 223 in 2005 to 373 last year.

Only Asian Americans, at 380’ outnumber them among persons of color. Read about Arias’ Peace Corps experience on

Judge rules Padilla can sue

A California judge June 12 ruled a man convicted OR terrorcharges can sue a former government lawyer for drafting the legal grounding for his alleged torture.

Jose Padilla, 38, is serving a 17-year sentence on terror charges. He claims he was tortured while being held for almost four years as a suspected terrorist.

U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White ruled that Padilla, also known as the “Taliban Boricua,” could prove that former senior Justice Department official John Yoo “set in motion a series of events that resulted in the deprivation of Padilla’s constitutional rights… Like any other government official, government lawyers are responsible for the foreseeable consequences of their conduct.”

Yoo authored memos on interrogation, detention and presidential powers from 2001 to 2003. He is currently a professor at the University of California law school. Recently released Yoo memos stated the military could use “any means necessary” to hold terror suspects in custody. Another said treatment of so-called enemy combatants constituted torture “only if it caused pain equivalent to organ failure or death.”

White rejected the Justice Department’s argument that courts are barred from examining administration decisions during wartime and doing so would harm national security.

Padilla, born in Chicago to Puerto Rican parents, was arrested in 2002 and accused of conspiring with al-Qaida to detonate a radioactive “dirty bomb.” He was held at a military prison in South Carolina for nearly four years and classified as “an enemy combatant. “

His lawsuit claims, in addition to exposure to temperature extremes, painful positions and other tortures, he was threatened with harm to himself and his family.

Yoo personally approved Padilla’s prison time and treatment. Padilla nosotros ­was charged in an unrelated conspiracy of sending money and suppOes to extremist groups.

He is appealing his 2007 conviction. Hispanic Link.

Nicaraguan coffee takes position at San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival

Actress Rita Moreno and Mayra Centeno, sales manager of Cafe de Mi Abuelo.Actress Rita Moreno and Mayra Centeno, sales manager of Cafe de Mi Abuelo.

The annual San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival celebrated its’ 31st year with a gala event held on Saturday June 14th. This year actress Rita Moreno was selected as Honorary Co-Chair of San Francisco’s most prestigious dance festival.

The majestic Palace of Fine Arts welcomed distinguished guests who enjoyed exquisite food and fine wine from some of the best restaurants in the City. After dinner, guests were treated with a very special coffee from the high mountain region of Dipilto, Nicaragua – El Café de Mi Abuelo. This sustainably grown, organically grown coffee is an award winning aromatic coffee that hints of citric and chocolaty flavor without the acidic bite.

The Ethnic Dance Festival is held at the Palace of Fine Arts each weekend throughout the month of June. Dance groups present their cultural dances from around the world and this year there are 72 countries represented. The dance groups pass through auditions throughout the year and are finally selected by the Festival Committee to perform.

Mayra Centeno, CEO of sales and marketing for Café de Mi Abuelo stated, “We were selected from various coffee companies for this important Gala, and we proudly represent the excellent quality of the Nicaraguan Coffee”.

Café de mi Abuelo is roasted with a special technique developed specifically for Nicaraguan coffee and Café de Mi Abuelo. Café de Mi Abuelo is some of the finest coffee from one of the best coffee growing regions in the world. The wonderful flavor was verified by the numerous kind remarks by the VIP guests attending the gala. ­

Veteran Savadorian sax player dies in S.F

­by Jaime Vanegas

Roberto "Beto" ÁvilaRoberto “Beto” Ávila

Roberto “ Beto “ Ávila, saxophonist of Salvadoran nationality, died at age 81 in the ­city of San Francisco.

Don Beto, as he well known by all the musicians who played with him, was already retired from the music, but in his years of youth he lived many years in Colombia many, and travelled around Europe in several occasions with the best Colombian bands of the time.

Once he started residing in San Francisco, one of the last bands with which he played for a period of time in the 80s, was “Sun and Rhythm”, at the already disappeared Club Siboney where presently Club Tropigala is located.

A mass in his memory was performed at the Church of Epifania of San Francisco on Saturday, June 6, to which there came his relatives and musicians who played with Don Beto. Among them were Mariano Acevedo, of group Marianao; (retired) saxophone player Carlos Castillo, a good friend of Don Beto; base player Carlos Ramírez of Orquesta Bakán; Joaquín Pla, Colombian percussionist; and this writer, percussionist Jaime Vanegas.

The staff of El Reportero sends hearty condolence to the family and friends of Don Beto.


June 8th (Monday), 2009 At Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan

Manabu Fukushima (34-8-2) vs. Yojiro Onozawa (8-6-4).

Shoji Kimura (22-2-2) vs. Tomoki Kanazawa (12-3-2).

Takahisa Masuda (20-7-3) vs. Takayasu Kobayashi (14-2-2).

June 10th (Wednesday), 2009 At Centro de Convenciones Atlapa, Panama City, Panama

  • Alfonso Mosquera ­(19-6) vs. Nilson Tapia (10-1-1).
  • Walter Tello (12-2) vs. Marlon Chavarría (8-4-1).
  • Jesús Arboleda (7-3) vs. Edwin Gamboa (7-3).
  • June 11th (Thursday), 2009.

At Club Nokia, Los Angeles, CA

  • Vernie Torres (27-12) vs. Cornelius Lock (18-3-1).
  • Juan García (14-2) vs. David Rodela (12-1-2).
  • Luis Ramos (10-0) vs. Baudel Cardenas (18-16-2).

Historic Dream graduation ceremony

by the El Reportero’s staff

Hear a lively conversation between Commandante Anza and Father Serra and learn about Spanish colonial life in California.: Thursday, June 25, 7-8 p.m. Presidio Officers' Club, at Arguello Blvd.Hear a live­ly conversation between Commandante Anza and Father Serra and learn about Spanish colonial life in California. Thursday, June 25, 7-8 p.m. Presidio Officers’ Club, at Arguello Blvd.

There will be a DREAM Act graduation ceremony at the San Jose City Hall This is one of several such events to be held on June 23rd, in which hundreds of students/youth from all over the country, along with education, faith, business, immigrant and civil rights leaders are expected to participate in a National DREAM Graduation ceremony, hosted by the United We Dream Coalition (UWD).

UWD is committed to supporting im­migration reform policies that create a pathway to citizenship, keep families together, and promote the social, economic, and political integration of all immigrants.

DREAM Graduation Ceremony highlighting the achievements of our nation’s undocumented youth and the vast support for passage of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act.

On Tuesday, June 23, 2009; 2:30 p.m., at San Jose City Hall, N 4th St. and Santa Clara St, San Jose CA 95112.

There will be Immigrant students and their supporters of access to higher education Diverse group of immigrant youth in caps and gowns will hold an emotional ceremony in front of the San Jose City Hall.

Similar events are being held from coast to coast on the 23rd. A list of the events is available at

City College Board of Trustees to meet

The Board of Trustees of the San Francisco Community College District. (City College of San Francisco) will hold its regular monthly business meeting on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 6 p.m., at the College’s 33 Gough street facility. The public is invited to attend. This meeting will be videotaped and telecast Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. on EaTV Cable Channel 27, beginning July 1.

For further information, visit the City College of San Francisco website at

Carmen Milagro to release her new music video

Coro Hispano de San FranciscoCoro Hispano de San Francisco

This month, Carmen Milagro and her World Band will play and premiere her brand new music video, entitled, MILAGRO (Asi es la Vida) on Friday, June 26th, 2009 at 7 p.m. at the Union Room, Biscuits and Blues 401 Mason Street, SF, CA.

The hostess, Carmen Milagro, “Elegant Rebel” is not only the well-known lead vocalist, lyricist and bandleader of The Carmen Milagro.

Band (, who has lived/performed in Tokyo and has toured Europe but she is also the radio talk show host and creator of Women & Legends Who REALLY Rock!

­The finest and prestigious Coro Hispano of San Francisco will be in action

Coro Hispano de San Francisco and Conjunto Nuevo Mundo, with special guest Los Lupeños de San José, Friday and Saturday, June 26 and 27, at 7 p.m., at the Presidio Officers Club (Moraga Ave. and Arguello), at the Presidio of San Francisco. Free.

Latin American arts generate more than $11 million

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

Mario’s Carreño’s Fuego en el batey, de/from 1943Mario’s Carreño’s Fuego en el batey, de/from 1943

ART FOR SALE: Several records for Latin American artists were set at New York auctions last month, although at least one auction house recorded its lowest sales totals in recent years.

Latin American works fetched more than $11 million in the strongest of the auctions—at Christie’s—five world records were set. The three top-sellers were from the 1940s, a period rarely seen at auction.

A 1943 masterpiece of Cuban modernism by Mario Carreño titled Fuego en el batey, believed to have been lost, was the top seller at $2.1 million. Leonara Carrington’s The Giantess, at $1.42 million, set a record for the English-born painter who settled in Mexico. She is still active at 93.

A 1941 self-portrait by Mexican master Diego Rivera solUfor$1.02 million.

Other records were set for Brazilian artists Helio Oiticica and Lygia Pape and for Cuban René Portocarrero.

Sales were weaker, in contrast, at the sale in Sotheby’s, where the total take of $6.7 million was a fraction of the house’s Latin American sale in November, which brought in $16.7 million.

Niña con rebozo, by Diego Rivera, was the top seller at $794,500. It was followed by Construccion portuaria, a 1942 painting by Uruguay’s Joaquín Torres García, which took $626,500.

Five records were set, all for under $54,000, for artists from Argentina, Venezuela and Mexico.

MORE iAZUUUUCA R,: A retooled version of a popular Celie Cruz musical has returned to the stage in Miami.

Celia: la vida y la música de Celia Cruz is on stage at Miami’s Adrienne Arsht Theater through June 21. It tells the story of Cuba’s best known female singer, who died in her New Jersey home ­in 2003.

The current production has new costumes and choreography and several added characters, including musicians Tito Puente and Johnny Pacheco.

Celia opened in New York’s off-Broadway district in the summer of 2007 and has since toured in Latin America and Europe. Anissa Gathers now plays Cruz. Isidro Infante is the show’s musical director.

In other theater news: New York’s Puerto Rican Travelling Theater is currently reviving Borinquen vive en El Barrio, a play by Tere Martínez that the company premiered at last year’s Festival de Teatro Latino. The play is again part of this year’s festival, which continues June 18 with Marga López’s Long Island Iced Latina and Bill Santiago’s Pardon my Spanglish on June 19. Hispanic Link.