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Russia boots relations with Latin América

por Pravda.ru

Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin

The tangible results of the visit of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to Latin America were, in a word, massive, the first concrete step in laying the cornerstone of a new geopolitical order based on multilateral values, a New World Order which spells a clear message to the U.S.A.: either you are with us, or against us.

The much-heralded visit of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to Venezuela this weekend was far more than a continuation of the excellent ties between the socially progressive Latin American growing giant of Hugo Chávez and the Russian Federation – Bolivia’s President Evo Morales was also present.

The scope of the bilateral agreements signed was massive and indicates that Moscow has huge potential in overtaking Washington as the main trading partner for this continent, where Russia is regarded with respect and the United States of America is considered by many as a pariah, in part due to its cruel and inhumane stance against Cuba and in part because of the history of its relations with its neighbors to the south.

Tremendous range of bilateral agreements spells new age of bilateral relations Russia-Latin America

The tremendous range of agreements signed primarily between Russia and Venezuela spells a clear message that Moscow is in this continent to stay: oil, defense, nuclear power, agriculture, education, fishing, infrastructure, transportation, healthcare.


As regards the petroleum industry, an agreement was signed last Friday which set up a joint stock company (PDVSA of Venezuela and a Russian consortium composed of Rosneft, Lukoil, TNK-BP, Gazprom and Surgutneftgaz) to operate the field June 6, while the option remains open to widen the bilateral cooperation to three other fields in the Orinoco strip.

The original prediction is a production of 40,000 b/d. Under the same agreement, the Ayacucho-3 and Junin-3 fields will be developed.


The United States of America’s self-imposed blockade of Venezuela damages Washington and those states which agree to pander to Washington’s dictates, namely Brazil, whose President Lula told Hugo Chávez that the Supertucano contract with Embraer was off, due to pressure from the U.S.A. As Vladimir Putin stated (causing Hugo Chávez to laugh) “It is good that the U.S.A. does not wish to sell”.

The last four Mi-17 helicopters have been delivered, completing the deal signed in 2006 for 38 aircraft, part of a deal which began in 2004, namely for 24 Sukhoi-30 fighters, 53 transport helicopters and 100,000 AK 103 guns.

(This article was first published in Pravda.ru).

Visitors remind Congress about the millions of immigrants still in limbo

by Shayla Selva

A sea of people, mostly dressed in white, paraded March 27 through the streets of Los Angeles in the lucha, or struggle, for justice and immigration reform. U.S. flags were raised high while participants in cars between the closed-off streets honked. Hands stretched out from windows in abandoned high buildings to let the marchers know they were not alone.

The movement to declare justice and rights for immigrants began with a chant that roared, “A unified community will never be defeated.”

Organizations including the Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) and the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) came to support more than 10,000 participants, declaring their support of the message: “No More Separation of Families.”

Many had stories and causes to share, from better treatment of immigrants to improved working conditions and access to driver’s licenses.

“We ask President Barack Obama to stop the human raids,” said Mexican American Feliciano Gómez. “We can no longer see whether or not they are truly voting in their best interest of their families and constituents.”

Additionally, the NLC evaluated members of Congress in terms of their positions with respect to immigration law. The outcome of these evaluations may be important to the electorate during the November elections, it noted. An American Community Survey showed that 225 House districts had more than 50,000 immigrant-profile constituents during 2007-2009, but only 120 House members received pro-immigrant scores.

Within the House, 68.4 percent of representatives in districts with more than 50,000 Asian-American residents favored reform. This contrasts to 51.9 percent of representatives in districts with 50,000 or more Latino members and to 58.2 percent of representatives of districts with more than 50,000 foreign-born members.

These data should invite inquiries into the factors that create the differences between the relative strengths of non-white voices.

The NLC also recorded significant pro-immigrant legislation support variation between regions; 28 percent of senators from the South received pro-immigrant scores greater than 70 percent compared to 77 percent from the Northeast, 56 percent from the North-­west, and 50 percent from the Midwest. However, the South itself is far from homogenous in terms of proimmigrant support among representatives.

The South Atlantic region shows the highest levels of support with more than 50 percent of representatives achieving scores of 70 percent or better compared to 13 percent of the West South Central region and 0 percent of the East South Central region.

The statistical representation of these southern areas, which contain large numbers of Latinos, heavily contribute to the overall disconnect between the general population and members of congress. Hispanic Link.

Direct from Colombia: Grupo Niche

by the El Reportero’s staff

Grupo NicheGrupo Niche

One of the hottest salsa group in the Latin music world, from Colombia, Grupo Niche.

Get your ticket at the Roccapulco box office 415-648-6611. Saturday, April 10, 2010.

Sign up for a exclusive bottle service and 4 admission by texting your name to 415-297-0199 keyword vip Niche 2010 or by emailing your name to ROCCAPULCO@YAHOO.COM.

Simple Ensemble in Berkeley

Simple Ensemble rides again into Art House Gallery & Cultural Center after a lively and well-received first show last Autumn. Tunes from the upcoming CD “Trouble In Paradise” will be featuring interpretations and influences of Thelonius Monk, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Jessica Williams, Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Turtle Island and Richard Bona, and some original compositions by mandolinist Pat Fahey.

Bringing three centuries of musical experience together on one stage, Bay area music lovers have seen documenthe members of Simple Ensemble for the past 25 years in various stage performances. Come take an intimate journey with us once again, as we grace Art House Gallery’s canvasses with dreams of ancient and modern times.

Saturday April 17, 2010 at 8:00 p.m. doors open at 7:00 p.m.) at Art House Gallery, 2905 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA 94705. Donation $10.00. For information call Harold Adler at 510-472-3170. Wheelchair Accessible.

­Spanish Civil War veteran lecture and film

Anti-Fascist Lincoln Brigade Fighter Speaks Out. Nathan Thornton, a veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade fighting Franco in the Spanish Civil War and lifelong activist, recollects the resistance against fascism and lessons for today. With documentary film footage and additional commentary by Corine Thornton. Sunday, April 18, at 1:00 pm.

A spring lunch with vegetarian option for $8.00 served at 12:15 pm. New Valencia Hall, 625 Larkin Street, Suite 202, San Francisco (located five blocks from the Civic Center BART station, and on the #19, 31, 38, 47 & 49 Muni bus lines). Sponsored by the Freedom Socialist Party. Everyone welcome. Wheelchair accessible. For more information or childcare, call 415-864-1278, or email bafsp@earthlink.net.

Calle 13 in the Cuban capital

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

El Malecón in Havana, Cuba.El Malecón in Havana, Cuba.

­BORICUAS IN HAVANA: Calle 13’s free concert in the Cuban capital March 24 attracted as many as half a million fans. The hiphop/ reggaetón act, led by brothers René Pérez “Residente” and Eduardo Cabra “Visitante,” played at a public square known as the “Anti-Imperialist Plaza.” They performed on a stage set against the city’s famous Malecón seawall, not far from the U.S. Interests Section. Singer Pérez made several references to the U.S. government while presenting the song Querido FBI, about slain Puerto Rican independence advocate Filiberto Ojeda Ríos.

The concert was the highlight of a five-day stay in which the group visited schools and had exchanges with Cuban musicians and artists. At a press conference earlier in the week, Pérez urged other Puerto Rican musicians to visit the island.

Like all U.S. citizens, Puerto Ricans must obtain permission from the U.S. government. The paperwork for nearly a dozen Calle 13 band members was processed without incident. Cultural exchanges between the U.S. and Cuba have become more commonplace since President Obama took office. In December, the R&B group Kool & the Gang held a concert in Havana, and in January, veteran Cuban salsa band Los Van Van played in Miami, the first of several upcoming U.S. dates.

As Calle 13 visited Cuba, artists around the world joined in a campaign to urge the Cuban government to liberate political prisoners. In February, dissident Orlando Zapata died after a hunger strike. Among those signing an iInternet petition were Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar and Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa.

Calle 13 was scheduled to play Miami on March 26 and anticipated some backlash from those in the exile community who opposed his trip. Just a day before, Cuban-American singer Gloria Estefan was to have staged a protest in support of the wives and mothers of 75 Cuban dissidents jailed in 2003. Hispanic Link.


René Pérez y Eduardo CabraRené Pérez y Eduardo Cabra

La MISSION, written and directed by Peter Bratt and starring Benjamin Bratt will be released in April. In San Francisco Bay Area, the long-awaited film will be ready for view in the local theaters on April 16.

La MISSION is the story of Che Rivera (Benjamin Bratt), a San Francisco bus driver respected in the Mission district barrio for building beautiful low rider cars, yet feared for his tough and machismo ways.

A reformed inmate and recovering alcoholic, Che’s path to redemption is tested when he discovers that his pride and joy—his only child, Jesse (Jeremy Ray Valdez)—is gay. In a homophobic rage, Che violently beats his son, disowning him. Out of pride, Che loses his son—the “best friend he’s got”—and once again loses himself.


Berkeley recommends amnesty for some war military resisters and veterans

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

The Berkeley (California) City Council passed Resolution No. 64,803 — N.S. recommending “Universal and Unconditional Amnesty for Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan War Military Resisters and Veterans Who Acted In Opposition to the War for Mat­ters of Conscience.”

It was adapted, with some changes, from the original resolution passed by the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission on Nov. 2, 2009.

The resolution recommends that all military personnel, serving since Oct. 7, 2001, be granted Universal and Unconditional Amnesty amounting to forgiveness for all convictions or pending charges of desertion or Absence Without Leave (AWOL) or Unauthorized Absence (UA) if such leave or absence is determined to be caused by matters of personal conscience in op- position to the illegal wars in Iraq and/or Afghanistan and/or Pakistan. It also recommends that military personnel who have been convicted of charges stemming from their exercise of free speech regarding their opposition to the wars in Iraq and/or Paki- stan since Oct. 7, 2001 be granted amnesty for those convictions. And it supports granting amnesty for all veterans with less than honorable discharges for absence offenses determined to be due to personal conscience regarding opposition to the wars commencing on or after Oct. 7, 2001 and that those veterans have their discharges automatically upgraded to honorable discharges or to general under honorable conditions and that those veterans be granted all benefits otherwise due to them. Contact: Bob Meola (510) 644-1102; bob@couragetoresist.org.

Cities in San Mateo County debut car-free “Streets Alive”

San Mateo County announced today the launch of Streets Alive, the County’s inaugural open street event. Streets Alive will transform public places in the county into car-free outdoor spaces for people to play, walk, bike, run, roll and rediscover the uniqueness of their communities. Cities throughout the county will host the event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 11.

“Streets Alive’s premise is simple — leave the car at home and walk, bike, or skate to the Streets Alive hub nearest you,” said Supervisor Carole Groom. “In the process you’ll get some exercise, spend quality time with friends and family in a community setting, and — should you happen to stop into a shop or two along the way — promote your local economy. It’s a great way to get healthy and connected with your neighbors.” added Groom.

100 pro-immigrant reform visitors pay surprise visit to Republican headquarters

by Luis Carlos López Hispanic Link News Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With a loud but peaceful protest, more than 100 pro-immigration-reform and faith-based activists showed up unannounced at Republican National Committee headquarters March 22 and demanded a meeting with party chairman Michael Steele.

Their chanting, praying persistence resulted in Steele’s promise, delivered on the spot in a letter, to meet with representatives from the religious and other reform groups at the end of this month.

Their visit came fewer than 24 hours after 200,000 protesters gathered at the National Mall to press President Obama and Congress to act on a comprehensive immigration reform bill this year.

With a light rain falling, Joshua Hoyt, executive director for the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant Refugee Rights, made his way into the RNC building with a few pastors and other protestors while the rest, representing constituencies across the country, stood outside chanting for the Republican Party to show support for their cause.

Nicaragua-born Manuel Rosales, an RNC deputy, served as a spokesperson for Republican officials with the protesters.

“I’m more an immigrant than you are,” Rosales joked to Hoyt to demonstrate his desire to accommodate the group’s wishes.

Hoyt related to Rosales and those who were kneeling and praying in the lobby that they had already tried to schedule a meeting but were unsuccessful in getting Steele’s attention.

“We’ve been pushing and they’ve felt the pressure. We are up, we are moving, but Lindsey Graham is very lonely,” Hoyt said.

Graham, the Republican Senator from South Carolina, is working across the aisle with Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) to structure a comprehensive immigration reform bill that will gain support from Republicans as well as Democrats. Rosales then returned inside and, following a series of songs, prayers and petitions, handed Hoyt the letter promising that Steele would meet with them on the morning of March 31 to discuss the Republican commitment on immigration.

­Hoyt told Hispanic Link News Service that the group will delegate six or seven people to work on gaining Republican support.

Francisco López, lead organizer for Oregon’s CAUSA Immigrant Rights Coalition, emphasized that the successful March 21 rally was only the beginning. “Yesterday we showed we were serious,” he said. “This will not stop. It will only get louder and better until we get what we want.” Hispanic Link.

(Luis Carlos López is editor of Hispanic Link Weekly Report. Email: luisl@hispaniclink.org)

A lesson in democracy taught by its new beneficiaries

­por Deepak Bhargava

One of the most corrosive effects of our toxic political environment is the decline of belief in democratic possibility. Whether of the left, right and center, most all of us share the sense that Washington is an impenetrable bubble where politics has been captured by special interests, and ordinary people are not capable of making a ­difference

The events of the past two months have proven that wrong. Thousands of the newest and most vulnerable of U.S. residents have demonstrated that we still live in­ a nation where people power can have an impact.

Back in January, the conventional wisdom was that immigration reform was going nowhere this year. Despite the immense costs and human suffering created by our broken system, despite President Obama’s promise to make reform a priority, despite the fact that both parties have a positive stake in change, the wise men told us the issue was off the table. It was too complex, too controversial for a weary and divided Congress. The message to immigrant communities was clear: sorry about that, be realistic, wait ’til next year­ – or maybe 2013.

Then an astonishing thing happened. Rather than accept the summary judgment of the political class, immigrants pushed back.

They organized marches and demonstrations in their local communities.

They sent tens of thousands of emails and text messages to their representatives in Congress. They launched a young people’s pilgrimage, the “Trail of Dreams,” from Florida to Washington. They called on allies in the civil rights and labor movements to stand behind them and insist that this urgent issue could not be deferred. They had the audacity to believe that our political system could be responsive to our common values and shared needs.

And the system did respond. The President invited immigrant leaders for a chat at the White House. Sens. Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham revived discussions on a comprehensive reform bill, and this past week unveiled the framework for their legislation. The issue was covered on talk shows and editorial pages. Now the pundits are saying that immigration reform might just have a chance this year, if all the stars align and supporters of reform continue to press their case.

The latest chapter in this remarkable story was written over the weekend in the form of the largest march of the Obama era. People from nearly all 50 states converged on the National Mall to call on Congress to pass a comprehensive reform bill that:

• Honors families: Immigration policy that keeps families together is good for the country. Families help their relatives get jobs, get housing, and get started.

­• Protects democracy: Our democracy is betrayed by having 12 million people who work, pay taxes, and are part of our communities, but are excluded from the full American family.

• Protects U.S. workers: Decades without immigration reform have created a second class of workers who are exploited by unscrupulous employers. Immigration reform must slam shut this trap door on the wage floor that drags all workers down.

• Honors justice: It’s time to restore justice by ensuring immigrants have full due-process protections and by re-prioritizing judicial discretion over capricious bureaucracy.

The rally’s theme is a message that resonates with special force at this moment: Change takes courage.

There is no way to know for certain whether an immigration reform bill will be enacted this year. As the roller-coaster debate over health care vividly illustrates, reform comes hard these days and political fortunes can change overnight. Immigrants have reminded us of a basic tenet of citizenship: only those with the courage of their convictions, and the confidence to act on them can redeem the possibilities of democracy.

Hispanic Link. (Deepak Bhargava is executive director of the Center for Community Change, based in Washington, D.C. Email him at dbhargava@communitychange.org) ©2010

Billions for the bankgsters and debt for the people

The true story about the money control in the United States

This is the second part of the article “Billions for bankers – debt for the people,” by Pastor Sheldom Emry. The first part dealt with history of the United States national debt in the beginning of 1900s. This second of this series of several parts, will show you how the control of money has played a key role into the enslaving North Americans by depraving them of owning property and money, while the bankers own everything.

by Pastor Sheldon Emry

Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth, seem always to be short of money. It’s impossible for many families to make ends meet unless both parents are in the work force.

Men and women hope for overtime hours or take part time jobs evenings and weekends; children look for odd jobs for spending money; the family debt climbs higher.

Psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is “arguing over money.” Much of this trouble can be traced to our present “debt-money” system.

Too few Americans realize why the Founders wrote into Article I of the U. S. Constitution:

“Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof.” Thomas Jefferson.

They did this, as we will show, in the hope that it would prevent “love of money” from destroying the Republic they had founded. We shall see how subversion of Article I has brought on us the “evil” of which God warns us ­in 1 Timothy 6:10.

Money is “Created”, Not Grown or Built.

Economists use the term “create” when speaking of the process by which money comes into existence. “Creation” means making something which did not exist before. Lumber workers make boards from trees, workers build houses from lumber, and factories manufacture automobiles from metal, glass and other materials. But in all these they did not actually “create.”

They only changed existing materials into a more usable and, therefore, more valuable form. This is not so with money. Here, and here alone, man actually “creates” something out of nothing. A piece of paper of little value is printed so that it is worth a piece of lumber. With different figures it can buy the automobile or even the house. It’s value has been “created” in the truest sense of the word.

“Creating” money is very profitable!

As is seen by the above, money is very cheap to make, and whomever does the “creating” of money in a nation can make a tremendous profit.

Builders work hard to make a profit of 5 percent above their cost to build a house.

Auto makers sell their cars for 1 percent to 2 percent above the cost of manufacture and it is considered good business. But money “manufactures” have no limit on their profits, since a few cents will print a $1 bill or a $10,000 bill.

That profit is part of our story, but first let consider another unique characteristic of the thing — money, the love of which is the “root of all evil”.

Adequate money supply needed

An adequate supply of money is indispensable to civilized society. We could forego many other things, but without money industry would grind to a halt, farms would become only self-sustaining units, surplus food would disappear, jobs requiring the work of more than one man or one family would remain undone, shipping and large movement of goods would cease, hungry people would plunder and kill to remain alive, and all government except family or tribe would cease to function.

An overstatement, you say? Not at all. Money is the blood of civilized society, the means of all commercial trade except simple barter. It is the measure and the instrument by which one product is sold and another purchased. Remove money or even reduce the supply below that which is necessary to carry on current levels of trade, and the results are catastrophic.

For an example, we need only look at America’s depression of the early 1930’s.

Restore North American declaration shakes up governors across the U.S.

­by CT News

El actor Edward Olmos saluda al profesor de matemáticas Jaime Escalante durante el evento del CYC’s Highest Office:: Citizen Award in 2005.Actor Edward Olmos greets math professor Jaime Escalante during the CYC’s Highest Office: Citizen Award in 2005. Mr. Escalante died on March 30.

A Declaration of American Rights is making waves across the nation and apparently State and Federal Government is very concerned. Notices are being sent to all 50 Governors offices in America demanding that America be restored to its original intention or officials face removal from office.

The declaration also included a Dejure Grand Jury Warrant.

Conspiring Times –Triggering heightened security at government offices and investigations by law enforcement, the Restore America Declaration is aimed at taking back God-given unalienable rights declared in the American Declaration of Independence and other founding documents. The Guardians of the free Republic are comprised of police, military and other citizen activists that believe America should not be under corporate or admiralty law and should self-govern.

CNN and other mainstream media outlets have been actively demonizing the group as “extremists” as well as the American people with commentary from Southern Poverty Law Center’s Mark Potok who is known for lumping radical neo-Nazi and hate groups in with legitimate activist groups who do not espouse hate to further leftist political agendas.

· Restore and reinhabit the de jure institutions of lawful government.

· Terminate illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation (corp. ref. 28 U.S.C. 3002) posing as the de jure United States of America.

· Terminate all presumed powers of attorney to such corporations.

· End the foreclosure nightmare (for borrowing against one’s own credit).

· End tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign banking cartels such as I.R.S. (former Puerto Rico Bureau of Taxation).

· End street assaults against the sovereign People for failing to exhibit a State-issued confession of subject-class citizenship.

· End all prosecutions which lack an injured party.

· End admiralty prosecutions for kidnapping and other heinous crimes against mankind as “commercial crimes” against the corporate State under a contrived corporate color-of-law venue (corp. ref. 27 C.F.R. 72.11).

· Terminate the intrusion of corporations posing as the state into every aspect of the 5People’s lives.

· End the use of covert contracts such as Form 1040, car registrations, birth certificate applications, and bank signature cards which confess the signer to be a legal fiction subject of the United States Federal Corporation (“U.S. person”) that has waved his/her rights in favor of state-issued privileges.

· End the use of deeds which classify the People as “tenants” on their own land, thereby transferring control to incorporated County registrars and tax assessors.

· End the perversion of marriage into a commercial system of state-issued privileges through the so-called “marriage license” whereby incorporated “courts” presume the “right” to trespass on families and kidnap children.

· End the hijacking of automobile ownership through DMV registrations which covertly exchange the divine rights of travel and ownership for the state-issued “privileges” of “driving” and “title.”

· In place of all of the above, substitute sovereign identification, diplomatic immunity and sovereign passports to facilitate safe passage throughout the world free from corporate State molestation and terror.

To read the rest of the article, the document is able to be viewed and downloaded in the bottom of the article at: ­http://conspiringtimes.com/news/?p=3151.


Spanking spards aggression, does not reduce children’s behavior problems

by the University of Michigan

ANN ARBOR, Mich.— Discipline – whether it’s spanking, yelling or giving time-outs – may sometimes do little to reduce children’s behavior problems, a new study indicates.

The study – which involved researchers from six universities, including the University of Michigan – looked at practices and perceptions of discipline in six countries. Spanking led to more child aggression and anxiety, regardless of the country, said Andrew Grogan-Kaylor, U-M associate professor of social work.

So what should parents do to teach children right from wrong?

“It may be that the long-term investments that we make in children, like spending time with them, showing that we love them, and listening to them, have a more powerful positive effect on behavior than any form of discipline,” he said.

The study examined the associations of discipline techniques with children’s aggressive and anxious behaviors from mothers and children from in China, India, Italy, Kenya, Philippines and Thailand.

Unlike other studies, this project collected information from both mothers and their children. Participants included 292 mothers and their 8- to 12-year-old children.

Researchers used the sample to address two questions:

· When multiple discipline techniques are considered at the same time, which forms of discipline emerge as having the strongest associations with ­children’s aggressive and anxious behaviors?

· Are significant associations between discipline practices and child be1haviors moderated by the extent to which mothers and children perceive these practices to be normal in their communities?

The 11 discipline techniques analyzed were: teach about good and bad behavior; get child to apologize; give a time-out; take away privileges, spank; express disappointment; shame; yell/scold; withdraw love for misbehavior; threaten punishment or promise a treat/privilege.

Mothers and children were asked was about the frequency with which others in their communities used each discipline technique.

“When children perceive a discipline technique to be (normal) within their culture or community, they may be less likely to evaluate their parents’ use of it as aberrant or objectionable,” the study conjectured.

Grogan-Kaylor said the research showed that the relationship of some kinds of discipline with behavior problems varied according to how common use of that type of discipline was in the community. However, despite these small variations, there was a strong consistency in the results across countries.

The bottom line: giving a time-out, using corporal punishment, expressing disappointment and shaming were significantly related to greater child anxiety symptoms. Child aggression resulted from spanking, expressing disappointment and yelling, the study said.

Researchers include lead author Elizabeth Gershoff, University of Texas at Austin; Jennifer Lansford and Kenneth Dodge, Duke University; Arnaldo Zelli, Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie; Lei Chang, Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Kirby Deater-Deckard, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

The findings appear in the March/April issue of Child Development.