Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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Calderón obliquely invites Mexicans to debate of drugs


by the El Reportero’s news services

Felipe CalderónFelipe Calderón

Whether it w­as his intention or not, President Felipe Calderón has raised the level of th­e d­ebate over the co­nvenience of legalising drugs as a means of delivering a blow to the finances of the drug cartels. He himself has admitted that the argument has its merits, but remains opposed to legalisation on the grounds that it would make no sense for Mexico  to adopt it unilaterally.

An ominous month for Calderón

President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa opens this September, traditionally one of the most difficult months of the year for any president, in a fast weakening position. The opinion polls disguise this slippage: his support, at  55% (well above the 36%of the voters who backed  him in the 2006 elections) is still considerably higher than his disapproval rating of 37%. Nevertheless, his support is the lowest since he took office.

Changing perceptions: the U.S.  military in the region“Important economic and political trends have emerged [in Latin America]  in recent years. […] New regional, economic, political and defense [sic] structures have evolved, some excluding the US. These trends present both opportunities and challenges for US policy.” That is how a US Southern Command July 2010 white paper, “Command Strategy  2020: Partnership for the Americas”, defi nes the current situation in the region [Latin America]. For the US, the emergence of a new type of sub-regional cooperation  ceptical about the northern giant has provided the opportunity to re-shape perceptions on the role of its military in the region, placing special emphasis on its humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts (HA/DR).

Latin America’s moment

Latin America’s economic policymakers, apart from those in Mexico and Venezuela, are basking in an unusually unanimous chorus of praise. according to international organisations such as the UN’s Economic Commission for Latin America (Eclac), South America will be one of the fastest growing regions, if not the fastest growing, in the world this year.

Bomb attack on Colombian DAS

Around 4pm on 8  September, a mediumpowered explosive device  was activated outside the offices of Colombia’s intelligence agency, the Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), in the city of Pasto, capital of the southern department of Nariño.The explosion, which left 12 people seriously wounded but no fatal victims, is the latest in a series of deadly attacks launched by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc) and the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), the two  largest leftwing guerrilla groups in Colombia, whom the government believe to be acting together; three individuals have been arrested. The attacks have led local security analysts  to question if the democratic security policy (DSP), which has been the central pillar of Colombia’s security improvements in the last decade, may have reached  its zenith, as the guerrillas appear to have adapted their modus operandi.

Latin America pays for China ties Exports from Latin America and the Caribbean will grow  again this year, driven large ly by demand from China. The high proportion of commodities may increase dependency on China, and Asia as a region, according to a report by a United Nations agency for the region.

“Clearly, trade relations between the region and China could give rise to center- periphery dynamics. We supply it with raw materials, with little added value, and it sends back manufactured goods,” Claudia Casal, a researcher at the non-governmental National Center for Alternative Development Studies (CENDA) in Chile and a contributor to an earlier non-UN report related to China, told IPS. (Latin News and China Times contributed to this report).



The dead were not 72

by Jorge Mujica Mexico del Norte

I read the whole note, courtesy of my dear friend Gato Álvarez in an e-mail, and I just could not believe it. I had to look it up, old habit from an old journalist who wants to report the truth and not gossips, and I found it in several news agencies (not Mexican, actually, but  from Guatemala and even Spain, in the digital edition of El Mercurio.)

“The Mexican Superintendence of Administration of Taxes (go figure why this agency!) revealed the intention to build a wall in the estate of Chiapas. According  to the institution, the barrier would seek to control the influx of illegal merchandise. Superintendent Raúl Díaz said the state of Chiapas has the intention to build the wall alongside the Suchiate River, by the border between México and Guatemala. The reason to build it would be to stop smuggling boats. Besides, Díaz added, it could also work to stop the free transit of illegal immigrants”.

I still don’t believe it, despite the confirmation. Even worse, some reports  link the announcement with assassination of 72 immigrant brothers and sisters in the state of Tamaulipas.

But I realize than not believing it is just a shock  reaction. It is all real. The announcement is there. And the bodies are there, “piled up”, as our friend Raúl Dorantes says, “as used-up things”. In a second reaction, I realize how truthful was that sentence, wrongly attributed to Joseph Stalin but really authored by the German

journalist Kurt Tucholsky, “one death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic”. In this case there are 72 deaths, but the real number goes up to  10 thousand; 10,000 immigrants whose lives has been wrecked, one way or the other, trying to make it  o the United States.

And no, I am not even talking about the 10 thousand who have died trying to cross the border since President Bill Clinton started “Operation Gatekeeper” and put up the first wall in the border in the mid 1990’s, but about the 10 thousand kidnapped in México by gangs, traffickers drug lords and Mexican  authorities.

The other 10,000

The number was given by the “Special Report of the National human Rights Commission (CNDH) on the Cases of Kidnapping of Migrants”, issued in México on June 16th, 2009. According to the CNDH “kidnappings of Central American immigrants by armed groups is commonplace”. The report documents the kidnapping of 9 thousand 758 migrants, just between September of 2008 and February of 2009, cases “in which Mexican  police and other authoritiesacted in unison with organized  crime, particularly the (drug dealers) Los Zetas, and members of the Mara Salvatrucha”.

The official Mexican response to the Report was simple until today: “It’s Los Zetas” and that’s it. Starting today is the wall in Chiapas. “And there is not”, says Fernando Batista, regional director of the CNDH “a  reduction on the number of cases”, due to “the impunity”, and the lack of a “particular public policy in favor of immigrants by the three levels of government, specially the federal level”, despite the fact that the Mexican Immigration Institute, Mexican equivalent of ICE, “counted last month, in Tamaulipas alone, 815 rescue actions of Central American immigrants”,and another 130 in the rest of the country. The kidnappers made, as profits from their actions according to the CNDH, “an average of fifteen hundred to five thousand dollars per immigrant”, a grand total of some “25 million dollars”  in six months.

Besides the killing climate in the desert, the drowning currents of the Rio Grande, police persecution, ICE, the smuggling mafias, or the corruption in the sale of contracts by state authorities for temporary workers who sell visas at a higher price than what the smugglers charge at the border, now immigrants have to  deal with kidnappers who want them to pass drugs or just for the rescue money.

Some say the killers just sent a message to the U.S., México and Central American that reads “Here we decide who crosses the border, enters and leaves the Mexican territory”. The New York Times editorial agrees, stating that given the lack of a working immigration system “we left to the Drug  Lords, just like in the case of our drugs, the flow of our immigrant workers”.

They are right. It was not Los Zetas. It was Barack Obama, the gringo Senators and Congressmen, Democrats and Republicans, Felipe Calderón, Carlos Slim,  the Guatemala and Honduras governments, the Mexican Immigration Institute, Janet Napolitano and John McCain, and the American people who rejoice when they pay one dollar for then limes harvested by working hands without See COLUMN page 4 working documents. They all created the system that does not allow international workers to legally go where jobs are waiting for them; who turned the movement of people into a deadly crime and a profi table business. h t t p : / / mx.groups.yahoo.com/ group/mexicodelnorte/

The agenda of the Illuminati – fifth part of a series

­by Marvin Ramírez­

­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Marv­in­ R­amír­ez­­­­­­ ­­­­­


EDITOR’S NOTE: Given the important  and historical information contained in this 31-page article on the history of the secret and evil society, The Illuminati, El Reportero is honored to provide our readers with the opportunity to read such a document, which mainstream media has labeled it, a conspiracy theory. To better understand this series, we suggest reading the previous articles published in our editorials.

The following is a tra nscript of a recording distributed in 1967 by Myron C. Fagan. He had hoped that if enough Americans had heard (or read) this summary, the Illuminati takeover agenda for America would have been aborted, just as Russia’s Alexander I had torpedoed the Illuminati’s plans for a One World, League of Nations at the Congress of Vienna from   1814-15.

At this point, bear in  mind that the Illuminati was not set up to operate on a shortrange

basis. Normally a conspirator of any type enters into a conspiracy with the expectation of achieving his objective during his own lifetime. But that was not the case with the Illuminati. True, they hoped to accomplish their objective during their lifetime, but paraphrasing “The showmust go on,” the Illuminati operates on the very long-range basis. Whether it will take scores of years or even centuries, they have dedicated their descendants to keep the pot boiling until they hope the conspiracy is achieved.

Now, let’s go back to the birth of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, teaching in Engelstock University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the luciferian conspiracy. It was in 1770 that the professional money lenders, the thenrecently organized House of Rothschild, retained him to revise and modernize the age-old Protocols of Zionism, which from the outset, was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the luciferian ideology uponwhat would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.

Weishaupt completed his task May 1, 1776. Now  you know why May 1 is thegreat day with all communist nations to this very day (May 1 is also “Law Day” as declared by the American  ar Association). That was the day, May 1, 1776, that Weishaupt completed his  plan and officially organizedthe Illuminati to put the plan into execution. That plan required the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective was to be  reached by dividing the masses of people, whom he Weishaupt, termed: “goyism”or human cattle into opposing camps in everincreasing numbers on political, social, economic, nd other issues – the very conditions we have in our country today.

The opposing sides  were then to be armed and incidents provided which would cause them to fi ght and weaken themselves  and gradually destroy national overnments and religious  nstitutions. Again I say, the very conditions in  the world today.

And at this point let me  stress a prime feature of the Illuminati plans. When and if their blueprint for world control, the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, is discovered and exposed, they would wipe all the Jews off the face of the earth in order to divert suspicions from themselves. If you think this is far fetched, bear in mind that they permitted Hitler, a liberal socialist himself, who was fi nanced by corrupt Kennedy, the Warburgs, and  the Rothschilds, to incinerate 600,000 Jews.

Now just why did the  conspirators choose the word: “Illuminati” for their satanic organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means:  “holder of the light.” Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one-world government to enable those with mental ability to govern the world and prevent all wars in the future.

In short, using the words: “peace on earth” as his bait, exactly as that same bait as: “peace” was used by the 1945 conspirators to force the United Nations on us, Weishaupt fi nanced, I repeat, by the Rothschilds, recruited some 2,000 paid followers. These included the most intelligent men in the fi eld of arts and letters, education, the sciences, fi nance, and  industry.

He then established Lodges of the Grand Orient; Masonic Lodges to be their secret headquarters  and I again repeat, that inall of this he was acting under  orders from the House of Rothschild. The main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:

Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control  of men already in high places in the various all levels of all governments and other fields ofendeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail,  threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families. Do you realize how many present top offi cials in our present government in Washington are controlled in just that way by the CFR? Do you realize how many homosexuals in our State Department, the Pentagon, all federal agencies, even in the White House are controlled that way? WILL CONTINUE   NEXT WEEK.

Lung cancer cured with Omega-3 fats

The article below has to be regarded as a natural cure for lung cancer. D.H was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in 2000. As of April 2004 he managed an overall decrease in lung  cancer tumor mass by about 90 percent.

by Gang Wu

Ron Pardini is not a medical doctor. Yet he is seen as a hero by his cancer-stricken neighbor, “D.H.” Pardini helped the 78-year-old after D.H. was  diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

“In 2000 he was told by his doctor he had only a few months to live,” said Pardini, a professor of biochemistry and associate director of the Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station at the University of Nevada, Reno. “But five years later, he is still alive, and has even gained a little weight.”

The cancerous tumors found in D.H.’s lungs have shrunk to 10 percent of what they were in 2000, according  to last year’s computed tomography (CT) scans.

What worked with DH is not a common medical treatment such as chemotherapy or surgical excision. It was a nutritional intervention, drastically increasing the patient’s intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are often found in fish oil or golden algae oil.

Pardini’s previous research showed that omega- 3 fatty acids significantly depressed the growth of human mammary, ovarian, colon, prostate and pancreatic cancer cells that were injected into athymic mice—also known as nude mice

His studies  also demonstrated that fish oil consumption improves a mouse’s responsiveness to chemotherapy.

Fish oil research was  inspired by observations that Inuit Eskimo populations have less breast and prostate cancer deaths.

So far, though, most studies in this country are limited to animal models, but a case study about D.H., which was published in the recent issue of the Nutrition and Cancer journal, could be a major step forward for human clinical trials.

While beginning to take high dose of fish oil and golden algae oil capsules daily, D.H. also reduced  corn-based foods from his diet. Corn contains omega- 6 fatty acids that Pardini said are found to increase cancer growth.

Pardini is optimistic of what his findings may  contribute to cancer treatment.

“We ha ve good evidence for employing nutritional interventions to improve cancer treatment and patient well-being,” he said.

Pardini wants to be able to provide viable non-toxic,  over-the-counter solutions for the numerous people with fear of cancer in the back of their minds.

The Nutrition and Cancer article is co-authored by Nevada nutrition Professor David Wilson and University of Nevada medical school Professors, Steven Schiff, Stephen Bajo and Randall Pierce.

SF protest joins Ron Paul, Matt González and John Dennis

­A new political era without Democrats and Republicans is being born
­Congressm­an Ron Paul and presidential candidate Ralph Nader.

by Marvin Ramírez

While the mainstream media keep the people living in an illusion with yellow journalism images and entertainment mockery that make many believe that everything is fine in the country – a movement of people denouncing that everything is really not alright, is unfolding.

Three third-party candidates, Congressman Ron Paul, vice presidential candidate and former San Francisco Supervisor Matt González and John Dennis, 8th Congressional District  candidate, will stage a big rally from 2 to 4 p.m. in San Francisco Civic Center on Sept. 4, which promises to be the beginning of a united front against the status quo and the monopoly of politics by a multi-millionaire elite.

It will be a non-partisan, antiwar, anti-Washington and anti-incumbency free speech rally, and is expected to attract a big crowd of Green Party, Republicans and Independents members and sympathizers from many parts or the country.

This denunciation includes violation of the Constitution (Patriot Act, FISA), illegal wars, usurpation of the basic human and bill of rights of the people, taxation without representation, an imposed police state that mostly serves to collect taxes for the international bankers and not serve the people, and the advent and consolidation of a new world government to control the masses and enslave North Americans through the United Nations and the current corrupt banking system.

This enslavement, activists say, is conducted via the private Federal Reserve Bank, owned by the International Monetary Fund, a foreign corporation. Paul wants just that, to take away the power to printing the currency from a private bank and give it back to the government, including the introduction of a new bill to audit the U.S. gold reserves, which are reportedly stored at the New York Federal Reserve and Fort Knox.

Currently, the Federal Reserve Bank prints the paper money (the dollar), which is backed by nothing, and then loans it to the government with interest  – while the people pay the interest. He believes that by having the government to start issuing money, it will eliminate all interest rates that everyone, including the government, now pay on all loans when purchasing automobiles, student loans, real estate, etc.

Paul has championed the cause to remove the Federal Reserve Bank as the issuer of money for a longtime, and has submitted legislation to Congress for it, but it has failed to pass. This would also eliminate the national debt and save the nation from an eminent economic collapse.

“Today’s coming together of third party candidates marks the beginning of the realignment of American politics,” said Green Party leader Ralph Nader, while criticizing the current two-party political system funded by the same money donors that holds a monopoly of the entire U.S.  political system.

“The strongest message can be sent by rejecting the two-party system (Democratic and Republican), which in reality is a one-party system with no possible chance for the changes to occur which are necessary to solve our economic and foreign policy problems,” Paul said in an interview.

“I think its important to build alliances, especially with others whom we may disagree with on other issues, in order to achieve the critical mass we need to truly end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and to keep these conflicts from expanding, as they currently are, into Yemen and Pakistan,” said vice presidential candidate and former San Francisco Supervisor Matt González in an interview to Fog City Journal.

And while many worry of the danger Paul is exposing himself to, with his political revolution challenging the bankers, he doesn’t seem to be dissuaded from his political goal to guarantee Americans their civil liberties, privacy rights, low taxes, low regulation while opposing the police state.

Children want to know Is the President listening

by Raisa Camargo

Editorial cartoonists delight in exaggerating the size of Barack Obama’s ears, but families being torn apart by federal immigration policies are wondering if he’s ever going to listen to them. In the latest attempt to repair the nation’s broken immigration system, more than 500 children paraded outside the White House on July 28 to prevent the deportation of their parents.

Elementary school students Jonathan Monterosa and Edgar, who didn’t reveal his last name, traveled from Chicago to stand and march for more than two hours under a blazing sun.

“We want to keep  ourfamily united,” Jonathan told Hispanic Link.

Edgar added that his father feared deportation as he described his personal terror — and he’d be left alone with nothing to eat.

An estimated four million children are citizens living in the United States, mostly born here to an undocumented parent, according to data collected in  2008 by the Pew HispanicCenter.

The number of children who risk losing their parents overwhelms the 400,000 persons the Immigration Customs and Enforcement Agency (ICE) anticipates deporting this fiscal year. That is nearly a 10 percent increase above the total in 2008 during the Bush administration.

Congressman Luis Gutiérrez of Illinois, speaking before the march, bared the empathy he felt for the children while stressing the importance of immigration reform to a crowd of more than 1,500 persons. He was arrested in May for civil disobedience along with 35 advocates in favor of the DREAM Act outside the White House.

“The next time I come to the White House and they shackle me, I am not going to bring $100 to pay the fine. If they let me go, I am coming back because of these innocent children,” Gutiérrez, who is Puerto Rican, said in Spanish. He repeated his promise severaltimes. “We are not going to permit leaving them without shelter, without justice and left in need of their parents’ love.”

Advocates and children representing organizations in states spread from coast to coast — Florida, Maryland, Illinois, Texas, Illinois, California — waved signs with slogans and wore shirts emblazonedwith such pleas as “Don’t Deport My Mom” and “It’s in your hands, Mr. President.”

Daisy Cuevas, the 7-year-old girl who told Michelle Obama this past spring about her mother’s undocumented status, energetically led the march.

The crowd shouted in unison, “¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido, Obama escucha, estamos en la lucha, aquí estamos y no nos vamos!”

Although the vibrant speeches captivated onlookers across the streets, for parents waiting on their deportation status, the march was more than just a gamble.

Viviana Oxlaj López worried about her six children’s wellbeing if she is deported back to Guatemala. She said her 10-yearold daughter was becoming ill thinking about the separation.  Hispanic Link.

Colombia and Ecuador make progress

by the El Reportero’s news services

On 26 August the foreign ministers of Colombia and Ecuador met in Ipiales, Colombia (7km from the border with Ecuador) and got on well. The two neighbours do not yet have full diplomatic relations witheach other and have had a series of rows ever since Colombia raided a Fuerzas Armadas Revolucuionarias de Colombia (Farc) camp inside Ecuador on 1 March 2008, killing 26 people. The clear results of the five hour summit were an agreement to restart bilateral commissions and a commitment to  clear away obstacles to betterrelations.

The 2011 race for the Peruvian presidency heats up

The elections for mayor in Lima and for the presidencies  of the country’s 25 regions on 3 October signal the start of the final lap in the race to become Peru’s next president. The presidential and congressional elections are in April 2011. Latin News.

Ceremony to recognize local heroes in San Mateo

The Berríos Brothers and their father (with the micro

by the El Reportero’s staff

With the number of  home foreclosures on the rise in recent months, moreand more Americans are facing the harsh consequences of where they will live. For people living on limited incomes, who are also struggling with mental health issues, substanceabuse conditions, or  physical disabilities, it can be even more challenging to find and maintain affordable housing.

Change Agent Housing Committee will present the third annual Housing Hero Awards to honor individuals who help secure stable housing for people with complicated behavioral, medical, financial and social issues. This year, more than 100 local housing providers were nominated to be “Housing Heroes” by their coworkers, clients/consumers, and community members.

The ceremony will be held on Wednesday, September 15, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the San Mateo Main Library, located at 55 West 3rd Avenue in San Mateo. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Mary Taylor Fullerton at 650-573-2306 or mfullerton@co.sanmate o.ca.us

CCSF starts school semester with Mexico of my heart concert

Elena Durán, one of the leading flute players in the world today, will perform at City College of San Francisco, when this learning institution is celebrating its 75th anniversary, the Mexican Revolution its 100th anniversary and Mexico’s 200th year of independence.

The event, “México de  Mi Corazón” is a concert of music from the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema as performed in the movies by‘Los Tres Gallos’: Jorge Negrete, Pedro Infante and Javier Solis, and it includes movie clips supplied by Fundación Televisa.] Luis Zepeda on piano.

Durán was born to Mexican-American parents in East Oakland, California and was self-taught until the age of eighteen. After high school she studied at Mills College and at the age of only twenty she was appointed Lecturer in Flute  at Stanford University.

However, after two years she resigned her post at Stanford to resume her studies in Europe with Jean Pierre Rampal, Alain Marion, Aurèle Nicolet and James Galway.

On August 28, at 7 p.m., at Diego Rivera Theater at Ocean Campus of City College of San Francisco 50 Phelan Ave., San Francisco. Tickets: $25.00/ $15.00 seniors/students. Free parking on street and campus lots.

San Francisco celebrated with art

Celebrate! San Francisco ™ is a gallery-based exhibit to be launched at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts. It is a pilot project focused on two simple questions: How are San Franciscans celebrating the human experience given present circumstances?

And, what innovations/ best practices are being developed in local communities and industries that can be replicated on a broader scale? By meaningfully engaging the dynamic talentpresent in San Francisco, we hope that gallery visitors will have greater reason to celebrate the life and culture of San Francisco.

Exhibition Participants Angela Angel, Michael Arcega, Karen Brasier, Robert Burnside, Rosie Byers, Angelis Candler, Tân Khánh Cao, Susan Cervantes, Ilana Crispi, Robin David, Darren de Leon, Jazmin Jones, Toan Lam, Raymond Madarang, Jane Martin, Mike L. Miller,Derrick Miller-Handley, David Molina, Juanita MORE!, Ellen Murland, Diego Pacheco, Virgo Paraiso, Tino Rodriguez, Rafael Sanhueza-Leni, Susana Valdez, Marilyn Yu, and Zineblasters.

Curated by Emael. For a complete list of bios and  event calendar, please visitwww.icelebratemycity.com. What city will be next?

Two salsa legends got together for a one-time, live performance of a classic recording

The Berríos Brothers and their father (with the micro

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas­

REUNITED: Composer Larry Harlow conducted a 40-piece ensemble in the staging of his classic 1977 recording – as part of the Aug. 1 Lincoln Center Out of Doors concert series. The concert at Damrosch Park in Manhattan featured a special performance by Rubén Blades, who sang lead vocals for the Grammy-  nominated album.

It marked the first performance together in decades of two o salsa’s most  respected musicians.

Harlow, a fierce pianist audiences best remember as “el judí maravilloso”– said it wasn’t hard to get the Panamanian singersongwrite to  recreate. “Rubén had just finished being the tourism minister for Panama. He hadn’t performed for four  years and he was raring to go,” Harlow said in an interview.

Harlow was a rising salsa star at New York’s Fania label in the early ’70s when Blades worked  in the mail room. Harlow recognized Blades’ talent and eventuallly hired him for his band, helping launch one of salsa’s most distinguished careers.

“He said it was payback,” Harlow said of Blades’ acceptance. “Reuniting with Harlow, a true star in this genre and an old colleague at Fania, is important to me,” Blades said in a separate interview.  “It will mean going back to pieces of my past, to when I started in New York as a young undocumented [worker].”

To mark the historic performance, Código Music, which now owns the Fania catalogue– is releasing a re-mastered,  limited edition of Laraza latina.

Harlow said he had dreamed for years of staging a live performance of the rare salsa suite, which tells the history of Afro-Caribbeanmusic. The lone other time it had been performed live was in a 2009 student production at Cal State Los Angeles, where Harlow endows a  scholarship. It was there where Harlow met Cuban singer Adonis Puentes, who will be featured at the New York concert.

While Blades could commit only to the New York show, Harlow said he hopes to take the show on the road, perhaps with  salsa stars Luis Enrique or Gilberto Santa Rosa singing the lead part.

HE WROTE THE SONGS: Roberto Canto- ral, the Mexican composer of some of the best known Spanish-language songs of  the last century, has died.He was 80.

His songs — El reloj and La barca are among the classics — were performed  by the top stars in the Spanish-speaking world. As one of his country’s top composers, he was a strong advocate of copyright laws and had been the president of the Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de México  since the ’80s.

He was als o the father of actress Itatí Cantoral. Roberto Cantoral reportedly fell ill while at his home in Brownsville, Texas. He was put on a flight to a Mexico City hospital, but his wcondition forced the pilot to land the plane in Toluca, where he was hospitalized and shortly thereafter died, on Aug. 7.

The SACM said that El reloj and La barca each were recorded over a thousand  times. Hispanic Link. Has notado que por mucho que trabajas y te

SF students continue academic achievement

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

A SFUSD statement said atht district-wide, San Francisco’s test scores continue to improve in both English Language Arts (ELA) and Math tests. Proficiency rates in ELA improved by 2.3 percent (Grades 2-11) and by 3 percent in Math (Grades 2- 7). Over half (56.3 percent) of the district’s students are ‘proficient or above’ in ELA and approximately two-thirds (65.2 percent) of students are ‘proficient or above’ in Math (Grades 2-7).

Over 90 percent of SFUSD schools showed increases in either English Language Arts or Math scores. Approximately two-thirds of the schools  improved in both content areas.

For the second year in a row, San Francisco public school’s African- American and Latino students have narrowed the  achievement gap in their California Standards Test (CST) scores.

In 2010 testing, the growth in Math profi ciency rates for African-Americans was 4.8 percent and Latinos was 3.6 percent (for the entire district, the 2010 growth  was 3 percent). In English Language Arts (ELA), African- Americans matched the district performance at   2.3 percent while Latinos exceeded the rate at 3.2 percent.

USCIS reminds eligible Salvadorans to re re-apply for the TPS

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS, for its initials in English) reminds Salvadorans (and persons without nationality, whose last residence was in El Salvador) who are in the country under the Temporary Protection Status (TPS), to submit  their re-inscription before the deadline of September 7, 2010.

The 18-month extension of TPS for El Salvador will remain in force until March 9, 2012. The persons who have received the TPS previously have to re-apply for the extension during the period of re-inscription. If you do not present a request of re-inscription during the period stipulated without a justifi ed excuse, you might lose the benefi ts of the TPS, such as the employment authorization and protection from deportation from the  United States.

Additional details on the extension of the TPS for El  Salvador, including requisites of petition, tariffs and procedures, are available in www.uscis.gov/espanol, on the TPS page and in the Notifi cation of the Federal Record. To obtain more in formation, the petitioners can communicate to the USCIS calling 1-800-375- 5283, or their Consulate General.

Applicants who do not have access to the Internet can call the Line of Forms  at the USCIS, 1-800-870-3676.

Nurses protes t management plans to slash their healthcare benefi ts

Registered nurses from Children’s Hospital Oakland, joined by other hospital employees, rallie outside the facility Aug. 18 to protest management efforts to sharply reduce current healthcare coverage for nurses and their families. Children’s has signaled that they also intend to demand cuts in health benefits for other hospital workers as well.

The nurses charge that hospital administrators are trying to penalize the RNs and other employees for extremely poor management decisions with sharp and unwarranted reductions in health coverage.

Such cuts would push  Children’s well below community standards for healthcare coverage offered by other Bay Area hospitals, driving RNs away from the hospital and reducing patient access to the hospital’s most experienced nurses, warns the California Nurses Association.