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Seven states positioned to advance ‘Arizona’ initiatives

by Ali Noorani

In the vacuum left by the federal government’s failureto reach a comprehensive fix of the nation’s broken immigration system, states have taken it on themselves to fill the void through a patchwork ofstate-based laws that mirror Arizona’s approach. However, states considering harsh immigration proposals should heed Arizona’s cautionary tale.

According to a report compiled by the National Immigration Forum, at least seven states are likely to propose immigration enforcement laws similar to Arizona’s “Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act,” commonly referred to as SB 1070, the nation’s broadest and most punitive immigration measure. Some will attempt to follow Arizona’s example despite overwhelming evidence that Arizonalike immigration legislation will further strain already fragile state economies.

Out of the seven states likely to consider Arizonalike legislation, Pennsylvania and South Carolina are highly at risk of approving such harsh immigration enforcement measures. In Pennsylvania efforts to pass anti-immigrant proposals failed in the summer of 2010 but efforts in 2011 could be supported by the now-conservative controlled legislature and Governor Tom Corbett who as Attorney General, filed a legal brief in support of SB1070. Several Arizonastyle bills have also been pre-filed in South Carolina. Like Pennsylvania, passage of a bill similar to South Carolina also has a conservative controlled legislature and governor supportive of the Arizona law.

SB1070 diverts scarce resources away from community policing by forcing police to spend time playing a federal role. In addition, taxpayers will bear the inevitable financial burden of lengthy court litigation.

As efforts to reform the nation’s immigration laws have stalled in Congress, the number of state-based immigration laws has increased dramatically. In 2008 alone, 1,305 bills were considered by state legislatures, 206 were enacted, and three were vetoed.

Arizona’s legislation is mired in a costly legal battle that appears headed for the United States SupremeCourt and could take years to resolve. Several key policy and public safety questions remain unanswered by proponents.

According to independent analysis, the lawwould exacerbate problems it purports to address, such as public safety, a state’s budget deficit, and confusion around the role of law enforcement agencies to enforce federal immigration laws. Analyses also show that SB1070 has already cost Arizona millions of dollars in tourist and convention revenue.

Preliminary assessments of the likely outcome of proposed copycat measures in state legislatures across the country indicate that at least

seven states, Georgia, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Tennessee, are likely to pass a measure similar to Arizona’s.

These states have some combination of the following: a re-elected, highly-motivated potential bill sponsor, an alreadyintroduced measure similar to Arizona’s or a legislatureapproved resolution supporting Arizona’s SB 1070, as well as a conservative governor and conservative majority in the legislature.

Politically, the law had an electoral ripple effecton races and campaigns in Arizona and the rest of the country. It had a powerful and negative impact on the Republican brand among the nation’s fastest-growing electorate: Latino and immigrant voters. Republican leaders in these states now have

tough choices to make as they weigh the responsibilities of governing.

Who will speak for their party on immigration reform and what path will they choose as their states contemplate Arizona-style policies in response to the broken immigration system?

How will they answer questions of cost and safety?

The exact number of states that will pass harsh immigration enforcement laws depends on a number of factors.

We can, however, be certain that the immigration battle in state legislatures in 2011 and 2012 will have a profound impact on independent voters’ perception of leadership in troubled economic times and the progress of changing the public face of the Republican Party among Latino voters.

Republicans will have a real electoral problems in 2012 if the party continues to be seen as one that lacks respect for Latino ­and immigrant families.

The immigration problem is a national one that requires a federal solution.

We can’t solve it on a state-by-state basis, and we certainly can’t solve it with proposals like SB1070 in Arizona or in any other state. We need the federal government to take bold and decisive action, and fix our immigration system now.

(Ali Noorani is executive director of the National Immigration Forum.)

The Nicaraguan community is mourning

by Marvin Ramirez

Francisco Ramirez MirandaFrancisco Ramirez Miranda

Mr. Francisco Ramírez Miranda, born in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, delivered its soul to the Creator on Jan. 13, 2011 in the city of San Francisco. He was 82 years old.

Born Nov. 14, 1928, Mr. Ra­mírez-Miranda, who was a professional accountant in his native land, worked at the to prestigious fi rm in Nicaraua, such as the Desmotadora Betsa in the city of Chinandega, where he was accounting personnel manager for more than 30 years. He also worked for the store Almacén Villa-Pereira.

In 1968 contracted nuptials with the also Nicaraguan lady, Mrs Rose Emilce Miranda of Ramírez in 1968, with whom procreated two children, Francisco M. Ramírez Miranda and Víctor Manuel Ramírez Miranda. Was also a father of two daughters of its fi rst marriage, Magda and Margarita Ramírez Mejía.

His funeral was held at Duggan Serra Mortuary in Daly City, California, January 13, and then taken to Holy Cross Cemetery on that same day.

Terminate Mexican-American Studies class or lose $15 million in funds

por James J. Lyons

Hispanic Link News Service

Hours before relinquishing command of the Arizona State Department of Education and being sworn in as the state’s new Attorney General, Tom Horne issued his final education decree — that the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) must terminate its Mexican American Studies program or lose 10 percent of state funding, almost $15 million. Horne’s 12th-hour edict ended his eight-year tenure as Arizona’s education chief, a period marked by clashes with Hispanic parents and teachers and costly federal court litigation. Horne’s action was the latest in a long and highly-personal crusade against ethnic studies that some educators say smacks of state censorship and racist historical revisionism. Horne said his order was necessary to carry out a new Arizona law (House Bill 2281) which took effect on New Year’s Day.

The law prohibits a school district or charter school from including in its program any courses or classes that promote the overthrow of the United States government, promote resentment toward a race or class of people, are designed primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group and/or advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals. Although the Tucson school district offers all students the opportunity to take four ethnic studies classes — African American, Asian American, Mexican American and Native American Studies — he said he was acting only against the Mexican American program because it was the lone one he had received complaints against. Horne commented that any may run afoul of the new law, TUSD’s ethnic programs were developed as part of a plan to end a school desegregation court order. Horne was elected State Superintendent of Education in 2002 on a promise that he would vigorously enforce Proposition 203, a measure passed by state voters in 2000 banning bilingual education.

He kept his promise and led the development of a program under which all non-English-language background students who are limited in their English proficiency (LEP) must be instructed in special English-only classes, separate from other children, for a minimum of four hours per school day. Educators and researchers have challenged the effectiveness of Horne’s instructional program and the legality of the segregated English-only program, which is currently undergoing scrutiny by a Federal District Court in Tucson pursuant to a 2009 U.S. Supreme Court decision. Anticipating Horne’s action, TUSD board members held a special meeting on Dec. 30, passing their third resolution on the issue.

The resolution restates their support of the Mexican American Studies program and their commitment to abiding by the new state law. They sent ­Horne and the incoming state education superintendent a letter calling for “collaboration, not legal action.” TUSD superintendent John Pedicone issued a statement pointing out students who took the challenged course had higher test scores and were more than twice as likely to graduate and three times as likely to go on to college.

Horne’s successor as state superintendent, John Huppenthal, will decide whether to uphold Horne’s edict. If he does, the TUSD has vowed to appeal. Meanwhile, a federal court suit brought by 11 TUSD teachers and the ACLU challenging the constitutionality of House Bill 2181 under the free speech clause of the First Amendment is pending. Having moved up the political ladder to become Arizona’s chief law enforcement officer, Horne will now oversee enforcement and defense of the state’s controversial anti-immigrant law SB1070. He told a Phoenix FOX news station that he will also use his new position to end the TUSD Mexican American Studies course.

He stated: “I’ve never yet seen a school not come to compliance, or school district not come to compliance, when there was a threat to withhold funds. So, I am expecting that to happen here. If it didn’t, I think the school board would be recalled. The parents wouldn’t stand for it, for them to give up 10 percent of their entire budget just so they could be in defiance of state law.”

The agenda of the Illuminati – 21st part of the series

by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­a­m­­­í­r­­ez­­­­­

­NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Given the important and historical information contained in this 31-page article on the history of the secret and evil society, The Illuminati, El Reportero is honored to provide our readers with the opportunity to read such a document by Myron C. Fagan, which mainstream media has labeled it a conspiracy theory. To better understand this series, we suggest to also reading the previous article published in our editorials.

This is the 21st part of the series.

The following is a transcript of a recording distributed in 1967 by Myron C. Fagan. He had hoped that if enough Americans had heard (or read) this summary, the Illuminati takeover agenda for America would have been aborted, just as Russia’s Alexander I had torpedoed the Illuminati’s plans for a One World, League of Nations at the Congress of Vienna from 1814-15. Fagan correctly describes those members of congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch of that time as TRAITORS for their role in assisting to implement the downfall of America’s sovereignty. It’s understandable that most listeners of that period would have found it impossible to believe that the Kennedy’s, for instance, were (are) part of the Illuminati plot, but he did say that Jack had a spiritual rebirth and attempted to rescue the country from the Illuminati’s stranglehold by issuing U.S. silver certificates, which apparently greatly contributed to the Illuminati’s decision to assassinate him (his son, John Jr., was also murdered because he had intended to expose his father’s killers after he gained public office).

— In short, the day that Roosevelt entered the White House, the CFR conspirators regained full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government. I wish to stress one other very vital point. That Wilson’s “League of Nations” flop brought Schiff and his gang to the realization that control of just the Democratic Party was not enough.

True, they could create a crisis during the Republican administration as they did in 1929 with their Federal Reserve manufactured Crash and Depression which would bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House, but they realized that a four-year disruption in their control of our foreign relation policies could play havoc with the progress of their conspiracy. It could even break up their entire strategy as it almost did before Roosevelt saved it with his recognition of the Stalin regime.

Thereupon, after that Wilson debacle, they began to formulate plans to achieve control of both of our national parties. But that posed a problem for them. They needed manpower with stooges in the Republican Party with additional manpower for the Democratic Party and because control of just the man in the White House would not be enough, they would have to provide that man with trained stooges for his entire cabinet, men to head the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc. In short, every member of the various cabinets would have to be a chosen tool of the CFR, such as Rusk and McNamara, as well as all the under Secretaries and assistant Secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all our policies, both domestic and most important, foreign.

That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges, instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other exigencies. All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people, but they would have to be­men without honor, without scruple, and without conscience.

These men would have to be vulnerable to blackmail. It is needless for me to stress how well the CFR succeeded. The immortal Joe McCarthy fully revealed that there are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies. Scott MacLeod unmasked thousands more and you know the price that Oetega had to pay, and is still paying, for his expositions before a Senate Committee of the traitors in the State Department and you know that the men in the State Department, who delivered Cuba to Castro, have not only been shielded, but promoted. Now let’s go back to the crux of the whole oneworld government plot and the maneuvering necessary to create another “League of Nations” to house such a government.

As I have already stated, the conspirators knew that only another world war was vital for the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that the peoples of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could secure an everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations were at peace. None had any quarrels with their neighboring nations and certainly their stooges in Moscow wouldn’t dare to start a war. Even Stalin realized that it would mean the overthrow of his regime unless, so-called, “patriotism” would weld the Russian people behind him. But the conspirators had to have a war. They had to fi nd or create some kind of an incident to launch it. They found it in a little inconspicuous and repulsive little man who called himself Adolf Hitler.

Hitler, an impecunious Austrian house painter, had been a corporal in the German army. He made the defeat of Germany into a personal grievance. He began to rabble rouse about it in the Munich, Germany area. He began to spout about restoring the greatness of the German Empire and the might of the German solidarity. He advocated the restoration of the old German military to be used to conquer the whole world. Strangely enough, Hitler, the little clown that he was, could deliver a rabble rousing speech and he did have a certain kind of magnetism.

But the new authorities in Germany didn’t want anymore wars and they promptly threw the obnoxious Austrian house painter into a prison cell. IT WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT WEEK’S EDITION.

Why focus on health freedom?

por Mike Adams,

Health Ranger Editor of

(NaturalNews) We’ve been covering health freedom topics with great intensity lately, and that has taken away from our typical coverage of natural cures, herbal remedies, medicinal foods and so on. Some people are asking why we’ve shifted our focus, and I want to answer those questions with clarity and determination.

It’s one thing to know HOW to use herbs and superfoods, and there’s a wealth of knowledge to be gained in that area. But it’s another thing entirely to have ACCESS to those herbs and superfoods without being criminalized or harassed by the government in the process. I would say that unless you have access to those healing remedies, all the knowledge in the world of how to use them makes no difference.

Our access to natural healing remedies, superfoods and herbs is under constant threat. For example, the FDA has outlawed supplement companies and food companies from offering scientificallyvalidated free speech about their products. If a cherry company links to a scientific study on its website, providing a scientific basis for clinical evidence that cherries can help prevent gout, for example, the FDA sends them a threatening letter claiming they may be subjected to criminal prosecution, have their products seized, and even thrown in prison for selling “unapproved drugs.” (

Both local and federal authorities, meanwhile, have declared war on raw milk producers, treating them like drug dealers with armed raids, arrests and criminal prosecutions. If milking a cow and selling that milk to your neighbor is now a federal crime, what other foods or natural substances might the feds go after next? (It looks like they may soon outlaw the selling of breast milk!) With the passage of the recent Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA will be moving forward with so-called Codex Alimentarius harmonization.

It’s written right into the bill text (…). This law also requires the FDA to set up enforcement offices in foreign nations to run a global food safety scheme that will try to pasteurize, irradiate or fumigate virtually all foods entering the United States. This is an effort to kill these foods and destroy most of their nutritive qualities. “Safety” is just the excuse to sterilize your food.

This same law also gives the FDA authority to inspect and shut down backyard gardeners, small local famers, small greenhouse operations, people who sell items at the farmers’ market, and so on. No, these groups are not automatically exempt from the bill as was claimed by bill proponents: They must “apply” to be granted exemption by the FDA — a process requiring them to produce tax returns, safety documentation and a pile of paperwork that the FDA can choose to declare “insufficient.”

With our health ­freedoms under attack, it’s crucial that we take a stand and support our Natural Law rights (Godgiven rights) to grow our own food and medicine, to buy food and natural medicine, and to sell what we grow to our local neighbors and community members. All these rights are under assault by the federal government, and if we don’t work to oppose the tyrants who want to take away our access to healing foods, herbs and supplements, we may end up living in a nation where vitamins are outlawed (or at least the natural, food-based vitamins are), herbs are regulated off the shelves and local farmers’ markets are shut down. Instead of getting your food from a neighbor, you’ll have to get it from a food factory that passes the FDA’s “safety” inspections even though it’s still injecting aspartame, sodium nitrite and a MSG into its food products. (The FDA considers all those chemical food additives to be “safe,” believe it or not.)

Jesse Ventura lawsuit to ignite TSA revolt


by Paul Joseph Watson

The scanners at the airports have become a nightmare for millions of travellers, who have to endure being watched naked in the: machines. (PHOTO BY AP)The scanners at the airports have become a nightmare for millions of travellers, who have to endure being watched naked in the machines. (PHOTO BY AP)

News that Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura is striking back against being personally subjected to TSA harassment by suing the federal agency is sure to re-ignite a TSA revolt that has led many airports to consider abandoning the TSA altogether and replacing them with private security, while the TSA has until the end of today to respond to a FOIA request filed by former Congressman Bob Barr that could send further shockwaves through the Homeland Security-controlled federal body.

Having first privately told Alex Jones back in November of his intention to sue the TSA in a lawsuit that directly names DHS chief Janet Napolitano and TSA head John Pistole, yesterday’s announcement of legal proceedings against new invasive groping measures introduced last year has provoked a tidal wave of media coverage.

The TSA has become embroiled in a number of lawsuits and legal challenges over the past few months as the agency’s policies are flagrantly abused by TSA staffers in numerous blatant examples of sexual harassment, violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and wanton disregard for the 4th amendment to the Constitution.

Nowhere was this more evident than in the case of Lynsie Murley, 24, of Amarillo, Texas, who received compensation from the agency after TSA workers pulled down her blouse, exposed her breasts and then laughed in her face, leaving Murley, “extremely embarrassed and humiliated” according to the lawsuit.

The actions of Ventura, who is risking his television career by refusing to fly until TSA policies are changed, are sure to once again stir a

national debate about TSA ­policies that peaked back in November and culminated in a national opt out day protest on Thanksgiving.

The revolt was led largely by the Drudge Report website, which flexed its significant media muscle to ensure the issue was kept in constant focus for weeks on end.

In a crude political stunt designed to deflate the success of the opt out protest, the TSA completely reversed its procedures as travelers across the country reported that the agency had temporarily roped off naked body scanners and relaxed supposedly mandatory invasive pat down policies.

This led to former Congressman Bob Barr’s Liberty Guard organization filing a Freedom of Information Act request demanding an explanation as to why the TSA felt comfortable in briefly mothballing policies it claimed were vital for national security simply as a propaganda ploy. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad) Obviously reticent to address the FOIA, the TSA pulled out all the legal tricks to delay their response and in fact Liberty Guard’s Shane Cory informs us via email today that the agency has until the end of the day to formally respond to the FOIA request.

Any admission that the TSA amended its policies as part of a coordinated media stunt will send shockwaves through an agency already on the ropes, and we’ll have more on this story within the next 24 hours. Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.

Journalism groups press to preserve network neutrality

by Amalia Deloney and Joseph Torres

Last August, Latino organizations throughout the country joined forces to launch the coalition “Latinos for Internet Freedom” warning our community that the future of the free and open Internet was in jeopardy.

It now seems that our worst fears are about to be realized. The Internet is the most transformative communications network of our time because of the principle of Network Neutrality, which requires Internet service providers to treat all Web traffic equally. And for years big companies like Comcast, AT&T and Verizon have been trying to get rid of Net Neutrality. Now, finally, the Federal Communications Commission is poised to weigh in on this crucial issue. According to numerous reports, the rules being proposed by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski would fundamentally change how the Internet has always operated.

If approved at the Commission’s Dec. 21 meeting, the chairman’s proposed rules would permit companies to discriminate online for the first time by interfering with the public’s ability to have unfettered access to content of their choice. The rules are worse for wireless, allowing carriers to block, degrade and slow down applications they don’t like. That is especially problematic for Latinos because mobile phones are the primary way this growing and significant segment of the community (almost 20 percent) accesses the Internet.

It would permit the big phone and cable companies to favor their own online content or that belonging to a select few by creating a pay-for-play scheme known as paid prioritization.

Any company that can’t afford the extra cost will be slowed down. The FCC chairman’s proposal is fake Net Neutrality that betrays President Obama’s pledge to “take a back seat to no one” on the issue. Many critics of open Internet protections claim that only so-called “privilege” Internet users care about Network Neutrality.

But this bogus argument is dismissive of the nearly 20 million Latinos who are online and use the open Internet to communicate with our families, organize in our communities, fight discrimination, support our businesses, educate our children, and speak for ourselves online.

In recent years, we have seen the Latino community use the power of the open Internet to fight for immigrant rights or to denounce anti-immigrant hate speech spewed by media personalities like former CNN host Lou Dobbs.

That is why more than 45 Latino organizations including,, Center for Media Justice, National Hispanic Media Coalition and National Association of Hispanic Journalists joined the Latinos for Internet Freedom coalition to fight to preserve the open Internet that has allowed our community to speak for ourselves and tell our own stories.

The FCC chairman’s proposal would make it harder for Latinos to establish an online media presence. It would erect the same kind of economic barriers online that historically have prevented Latinos from owning their own radio and TV stations.

To get his proposed rule passed, the FCC chairman will need the support of Commissioners Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn, both of whom have strong ­track records of standing up for the interests of the Latino community and communities of color.

We urge Commissioners Copps and Clyburn not to vote for a fake Network Neutrality rule that fails on several counts. It fails to ban paid prioritization, does not extend protections to wireless networks, does not close all loopholes, thus allowing broadband providers to exempt themselves from the rules; doesn’t prevent the creation of a private Internet, nor does it establish the commission’s clear legal authority to pass open Internet protections.

To protect our Internet freedom, the commission needs to hear not just from lobbyists, but from the public. Hispanic Link.

(Amalia deloney is the grassroots policy director for the Center for Media Justice. Joseph Torres is senior advisor for the public interest group Free Press. Contact the FCC at Juliu . Phone 202-418-1000).


­Friday, Jan. 14, 2011 — at Key West, FL (ESPN2)

Peter Manfredo Jr. vs. José Rodríguez.

Edwin Rodríguez vs. Aaron Pryor Jr.

Friday, Jan. 28, 2011 — at TBA, USA (ESPN2)

Chris Arreóla vs. Joey Abell

John Molina vs. Raymundo Beltran.

Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011 — at Pontiac, MI (HBO)

WBC/WBO light welterweight titles: Devon Alexander vs. Timothy Bradley Ryan Coyne vs. TBA.

Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011 — at TBA, USA (HBO)

WBC/WBO bantamweight titles: Fernando Montiel vs. Nonito Donaire.

Saturday, Mar. 5, 2011 — at Copenhagen, Denmark

Evander Holyfield vs. Brian Nielsen.

Start the year with good music

por Yashenka Baca y Mark Carney

Coro Hispano de SFCoro Hispano de SF

Machete DVD set for release

The revenge-drama, Machete, will be released on Jan. 4, 2011, on Blu-ray and DVD. The film, directed by Robert Rodríguez, who also directed Sin City and Grindhouse,stars Danny Trejo, Robert DeNiro, and Jessica Alba. In the film, Machete, played by Trejo, is left for dead, but alas! he is not; soon, all feel his wrath: assassins, paramilitary squadrons and a drug cartel. The Blu-ray disc contains many scenes of violence and nudity edited from the movie. It will cost $39.99, and the DVD $29.98.

Art exhibition in the Mission

Southern Exposure, a nonprofit visual arts organization founded in 1974 and located in the Mission district, will be exhibiting the works of three artists in Jan. 2011. Universal Remote, an exhibition created by Jaime Cortez, is a meditation on the life and death of pop musician Michael Jackson; Both are True, by Ginger Wolf-Suarez, deconstructs experience into its sensory particles; Every Stone Unturned, by Kenneth Lo, is a self-examination, by the artist, of his life’s purpose.

The exhibitions run from Jan. 7 to Feb. 11, with a reception to introduce the artists and their exhibitions on Jan. 7.

In addition, two of these artists, Cortez and Wolfe-Suarez, will present public programs. On Jan. 29, Cortez will curate a performance of Truth Be Told, which, like his exhibition, will explore the meaning of Michael Jackson’s death. Singer Cedric Brown, and authors Tisa Bryant, Joel Tan and Ignacio Valero will also be on hand to eulogize the selfproclaimed King of Pop. On Feb. 10, Wolfe-Suárez will lead a discussion, entitled Uncertainty of the Expanded Field, which will be, in fine, a lecture on the history of West Coast sculpture, followed by a panel discussion. Southern Exposure, 3030 20th St., SF. (415) 863-2141 or

Kings’ Concert at the Mission Cultural Center

The Coro Hispano de San Francisco, funded in 1975 to celebrate the bicentenary of the Mission and leader in the preservation of the Latin American coral legacy, will present a free concert aimed at those who love their extensive vocal ­and group repertoire. With songs and music from Latin America, Spain and Portugal, the concert promises to make you dance from your seats and send you home happier than when you arrived. On Jan. 8, 2011, at 1 p.m., at the main Gallery of the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco. (415) 821-1155.

Teatro Raw-Dios HeadRush Productions presents its new play Raw-God. When a popular radio DJ publically questions the war, he is forced to elect between the prestige and his principles. Meanwhile, the radio you listen will also have to decide what side they are in. Josie Talamantez, leader of Programming in the Counsel of Arts of California said “Master Raw-God, is a contemporary and incisive piece that combines a rich history, artistic quality and social comment.” January 20, 21 and 22, at 7:30 p.m. Admission $15. Young, students and seniors $12. Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco. (415) 821-1155.

Here’s the season for Grammy Awards nomination news

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

Bruno MarsBruno Mars

The second most nominated artist for the 2011 Grammy Awards is a 25- year-old singer, songwriter and producer who honed his talents performing as a child with his Puerto Rican-Filipino musical family. Bruno Mars had seven nod, mostly for his collaborations with other singers, when Grammy nominations were announced Dec. 1. He was bested only by rapper Eminem, who has 10 Grammy nominations this year. Three of his nominations are for Nothing on You, a hit by rapper B.o.B, in which Mars is featured as a guest vocalist and which competes for Record of the Year. The two singers share a nomination for Best Rap/ Sung Collaboration and Mars earned his third nod in the Best Rap Song category as one of its songwriters.

Mars competes against himself with a second nomination in the Record of the Year category, as one of the producers of another raphit, F… You by Cee Lo Green. He has a second nomination as one of the songwriters of F… You, in the Song of the Year category.

As a member of the producing team The Smeezingtons, Mars shares a Producer of the Year nomination with partners Philip Lawrence and Ari Levine. His only nomination for solo work is in the Best Male Pop Performance category for Just the Way You Are, the first single from his debut album.

Released in October, the album Doo-Wops & Hooligans (Elektra) did not qualify for most Grammy categories this year and may still earn Mars a Best New Artist nod for the 2012 awards.

­Mars was born Peter Gene Hernndez in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father, a Puerto Rican percussionist from New York formed a musical act that featured his vocalist Filipina wife and several other family members and performed doo-wop and Motown hits in Waikiki hotels. Nicknamed Bruno after a chubby wrestler, Mars first performed as a 4-year-old Elvis impersonator. Praising his showmanship, a recent New York Times article described him as “one of the most versatile and accessible singers in pop, with a light, soul-influenced voice that’s an easy fit in a range of styles…” and called Mars “the most important male singer working in hip-hop.”

Mars is one of a handful of Latino recording artists nominated in non-Latin music Grammy categories this year: Los Lobos compete in the Best Rock Instrumental Performance category for Do The Murray, and Danilo Pérez has a nod in the Best Jazz Instrumental Album category, for Providencia.

The biggest news in the Latin music categories was who did not get nominated. There were no nominations ­in the Mexican Regional category because fewer than 10 qualifying submissions were received, according to the Recording Academy. The hardtodefine category has been awarded only in 2009 and 2010, and is one of seven existing in the awards’ Latin field. A complete list of nominees is available at Hispanic Link.
