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Calderón goes to Washington amid rows

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Felipe CalderónFelipe Calderón

Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, opens his two day trip to Washington today (March 2). The trip is awkwardly timed. The Libyan crisis means that President Calderón is unlikely to get the attention Mexico’s continuing problems warrant, though he does have a meeting scheduled with President Barack Obama for tomorrow (March 3).

Mexico’s longstanding problem of gang violence has been compounded by the killing in Mexico, on Feb. 15, of a U.S. government official, Jaime Zapata, a special agent with the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Republican congressmen are campaigning to force Mexico to extradite the Mexican suspects to face trial in the US. Such a move could mean Mexico sending its citizens to face the US death penalty. Under a 1980 treaty, Mexico has the right to refuse to extradite a suspect unless the US provides assurances that the death penalty will not be imposed.

Mexico riled as its violence is again labelled an ‘insurgency’

Once again, a prominent U.S. offi cial has raised hackles in Mexico by comparing the drug-cartel violence there with an insurgency and, to boot, by hinting that the US might have to send troops across the border. There have been half-­apologies for political and diplomatic reasons, but what is clear is that US offi cialdom is very alarmed at the prospect of the violence spreading into their own territory, and even President Felipe Calderón has gone on the record about the political dimension of drug-cartel violence.

Ron Paul: Tea Partiers choose Ron Paul over Sarah Palin for presidential bid

by Steve Watson

Congressman Ron Paul has topped a Tea Party presidential straw poll, beating Sarah Palin as the favourite to run against Barack Obama in 2012.

The former Alaska governor was placed a distant third, behind Paul and Georgia businessman Herman Cain in the poll of close to 1,600 members of the Tea Party Patriots grassroots activist group.

The Congressmanromped home with 581 votes, while Cain received 256 votes.

Palin scored just 149 votes, almost four times less than Ron Paul, and was almost beaten into fourth place by Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who was shy of Palin by just 6 votes. “Mr. Cain and Rep. Paul’s positions resonated with Tea Party Patriots this weekend,” said Mark Meckler, the Tea Party Patriots’ national coordinator.

The poll was conducted jointly online and in house at the groups’ convention in Phoenix this past weekend. The result echoes that of other recent surveys, including the CPAC straw poll, which have shown that Ron Paul has a greater chance of beating Obama than Sarah Palin does.

A string of victories in the polls, as well as a huge injection of $700,000 of support in the form of a recent “moneybomb” on behalf of supporters, is sure to influence Paul’s impending decision of whether to embark on a third presidential campaign.

The former Governor of Alaska trails Obama by 11 per cent in current approval ratings, whereas Paul only trails the President by 9 per cent. Once Paul is able to mobilize his hugely effective grass roots base, which outstrips anything the likes of Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich or Mike Huckabee can call upon, a 9 point deficit is far from insurmountable.

Indeed, an April 2010 Rasmussen poll showed that Paul was almost level with Obama if the two were to go head to head for the presidency. Following a 15 point bounce in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings, Obama has pulled away from all potential Republican candidates, but given the momentum Paul could build with his energetic grass roots base, beating Obama would be a distinct possibility.

When Obama was at one of the lowest ebbs of his popular approval, a YouGov/Polimetrix study found that establishment Republican candidates like Palin, Gingrich and Romney were all losing popularity at a similar pace to the president. Only Ron Paul has bucked this trend.

On the other hand, if the Republicans go with Palin, Obama’s second term is virtually guaranteed. In addition to the fact that she is an archetype neocon, numerous interviews have highlighted the fact that Palin has little grasp of any policy issues and is a poor public speaker in a debate context. It was only a few months ago that she made another faux pas in claiming that North Korea was a U.S. ally.

Congressman Paul delivered a 20 minute speech at the event, with the opening gambit “every once in a while they ask about who started the Tea Party. I want to put that straight, I have never claimed to be the father of the Tea Party movement, but I do claim I am the father of the junior Senator in Kentucky!”

The Congressman is modest, however, as we have consistently highlighted, Ron Paul was the figurehead at the inception of the Tea Party ­movement, which consisted of a small but dedicated team of people who organized Boston Tea Party re-enactment protests in 50 different cities in late 2007, in support of Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign.

The libertarian themed protests became extremely popular, and continued throughout 2008 and into 2009, prompting thousands of people to engage in peaceful political protest.

Since that time the movement has been somewhat co-opted by the establishment GOP and figures such as Palin, who is as much a pro-war hawk as the neocons responsible for miring the US in two endless, devastating and extremely costly wars.

During his speech, Paul went on to speak of the unfolding crisis stemming from the Federal Reserve system’s manipulation of monetary policy and big government mismanagement.

“We allowed the wrong kind of people to take over our government, and we allowed too many people to go to Washington that did not ever take their oath of office seriously.” Paul commented.


Friday, Mar. 4 — at Kissimmee, FL (ESPN2)

Ismayl Syllakh vs. Yordanis Despaigne.

Hector Sanchez vs. Ray Narh.

­Saturday, Mar. 5 — at Copenhagen, Denmark

Evander Holyfi eld vs. Brian Nielsen.

Saturday, Mar. 5 — at Anaheim, CA (HBO)

Saul Alvarez vs. Matthew Hatton.

Adrien Broner vs. Daniel Ponce de Leon.

James Kirkland vs. TBA.

Daniel Jacobs vs. TBA.

Diverse art arrives at de Young

por Annalis Flores

Olmec head.Olmec head.

The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco at the de Young is proud to present Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico. The exhibit will feature the iconic colossal heads carved from giant boulders by the Olmec culture. The Olmecs are said to be founders of the Mesoamerica culture and created the monumental heads centuries ago.

The collection includes loans from 25 museums along with the 100 objects from Mexican national collections. As stated by the FAMSF, “ Olmec brings together for the first time new finds and monuments that have never been seen by American audiences and reveals new scholarship on Olmec culture and artifacts.”

The Olmec: Colossal Masterworks of Ancient Mexico will be displayed from Feb. 19- May 8. For more information on the deYoung museum hours and admission prices call (415) 750- 3600.

Katia Cardenal to perform at La Peña Cultural Center

Come check out Nicaraguan singer-songwriter Katia Cardenal of the Duo Guardabarranco take the stage at La Peña Cultural Center along with fellow Nicaraguan musicians Omar Suazo, Nina Cardenal, and Maria José. The event will be sponsored by MangoMundo Foundation which promotes Nicaraguan culture in creative media and arts.

Cardenal is a renowned Nicaraguan artist that emerged into the music scene in the 70’s with her late brother Salvador Cardenal. Their original style of music went on to catch the attention of La Nueva Cancion Latinoamericana. The duo toured with many music artists such as Jackson Browne and Daniel Viglietti.

Cardenal went on to her solo career with songs such as Dame tu Corazon  and now the rendition of “San Francisco (Flowers in Your Hair)” titled Si Te Vas a San Francisco.” The event will be held Sunday Feb. 27, 2011 at La Peña Cultural Center in Berkeley at 7:30 p.m. For more information visit  or call (510) 849- 2568.

Balé Folclorico Da Bahia performs at Zellerbach Hall

Expect the contemporary dance company to return with performances that will be an unforgettable mix of African and South American traditions at UC Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall. The new production, Sacred Heritage, will take the stage with the direction of José Carlos Arandiba and Walson Botelho, founder and choreographer.

The new works promise to display Afro-Brazilian religious traditions and    have the crowd dancing by the end of the night. Balé Folclóricó Da Bahia is a distinctive folk dance company from Brazil founded by Walson Botelho and Ninho Reis in 1988.

The dance troupe has performed all over the world including Australia and France. The performances range from slave dances, capoeria, samba, and dances celebrating Carnival in form of dance, music, and singing. New York Times claims, “ No company ­better embodies the idea of black dance in Africa and beyond than vibrant Balé Folclórico da Bahia.” This is a must see show for anyone interested in contemporary dance and music.

Cal Performances presents this event being held Sunday March 6 at 7 p.m., in Zellerbach Hall. Tickets are now available, for more information visit  or call (510) 642-9988.

Santos and Kindembo bring hope


by Annalis Flores


Latin music is buzzing with the recent release of La Esperanza (Hope) from Grammy nominated John Santos and the Coro Folkorico Kindembo.

This is the fourth fulllength album by Santos and Kindembo who previously released La Guerra No back in 2008. The album promises to captivate the essence of Afro-Cuban/ Carribbean music with original folkloric compositions. Santos directed and produced the album which “brings together an incredible collaboration of dozens of the greatest inter-generational interpreters and pioneers of Afro-Cuban/ Afro-Latin music, ” according to Machete Records. Artists such as Nelson Gonzalez, Manny Martinez, and Samora Pinderhughes contributed to the album now available in the Bay Area.

BILINGUAL ALBUM: Bilingual singer and songwriter Gaby Moreno is set to release her sophomore album Illustrated Songs on April 5th. Moreno is a Guatemala born and raised artist who fell in love with music after listening to an African American woman sing on the streets of New York City. Her first album entitled Still the Unknown was released back in 2009 but Moreno has gone on to co-write the theme song for NBC’s “Parks and Recreation” and toured with fellow musicians Ani DiFranco and Tracy Chapman.

The album’s first single, “No Regrets” is a bilingual song with Moreno’s vocals and David Piltch’s acoustic bass. Overall the album is full of Latin American and R&B influences that will appeal to any listener.

LATIN DESCENT JAZZ MUSICIAN: After twenty years Adam Cruz finally debuts his solo album Milestone set to release April 12. Milestone is a long awaited album for the New York born drummer who has collaborated with artists such as Danilo Perez, Charlie Sepulveda, Charlie Hunter, and Chick Corea. He has maintained a long time relationship

and performed with ­these and many other artists, a few of which are featured in the jazz musician’s album.

“I’ve just turned 40 and I’m happy the record is coming out now. There’s a certain amount of growth and maturity that I have gone through, deepening my dedication as a drummer and compose, particularly over the last decade,” Cruz commented. The album is long overdue for the Latin descent artist but he is very glad that his dedication and time to the album will reflect in the rhythmic songs.

LATINOS IN “AMERICAN IDOL:” Now that “American Idol” (FOX) is well underway in its tenth season, the audience ratings have remained steady for the show featuring a few Latino contestants still in the running.

Along with fellow judges, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler, Latin recording artist Jennifer López is a judge in the famous reality music competition. Her presence brings the heart-warming charm once brought by Paula Abdul but it is her Puerto Rican roots that bring a big change to the program.

The Latina has already being serenaded by fellow contestant Jovany Barreto. A few Latinos have already been voted off the show but audiences will have the chance to vote, as the Top 24 will begin their journey in the coming weeks.


Feinstein and Pelosi targeted by human rights groups

­by the El Reportero’s staff

Members of the human ­rights and antiwar group, Codepink held a protest in front of Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Nancy Pelosi on Feb. 14, to denounce the unlawful treatment of whistleblower Bradley Manning, charged with leaking information of U.S. war crimes and failed foreign policy in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Codepink and other human rights groups claim they have documents presented to Feinstein Monday – which will prove Manning has been mistreated in violation of his constitutional rights, noting he has been detained in solitary confi nement for more than eight months, without trial, and is not allowed to have any meaningful exercise. His sleep is regularly interrupted.

In a Codepink statement, the group demanded that Manning be treated like any U.S. Citizen because he has a constitutional right for a speedy trial and humane treatment. “Instead, he is being punished without a conviction of any crime, but rather for suspicion of leaking truth about the war crimes of others,” the statement said. “Like the prisoners at Guantanamo, he is being held in indefinite detention… It is the duty of all elected offi cials to protect the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens. His case is a testament to the current assaults on our democracy.”

Proposed funding cuts to Head Start

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives would vote on a plan to cut 200,000 of the most at-risk children across the country from Head Start classrooms. “H.R. 1, a budget proposal for the remaining seven months of fi scal year 2011, represents an unprecedented cut to a program that has historically received bipartisan support,” says Rick Mockler, Executive Director of the California Head Start Association, in a written document.

According to the organization, the proposed cuts would reduce Head Start funding by over 20 percent. If these cuts are enacted, in California 27,000 children and their families will be dropped from Head Start’s education, health, and support service programs.

ACLU send letter to Sheriff Hennessy against supporting immigration raids

Citing the ACLU new report, Costs and Consequences: The high Piece of Policing Immigrant Communities, it lets know Sheriff Hennessy the price to pay for enforcing immigration laws.

“It can discourage witnesses and victims of crime from coming forward, undermine local peace officers’ credibility with immigrant community members and ultimately harm public safety for the whole community,” the letter said.

The report, says the ACLU’s letter, draws on many conversations they had with law enforcement leaders over the last year and a half.

Computers for students who live in public housing

Fifty-eight Malcolm X Elementary students who live in public housing will be given computers to extend their learning at home. This Bayview school has the highest percentage of students in SFUSD living in public housing, where residents now have wi-fi access. At home, they will be able to use the online Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) and School Loop (a website to keep parents informed about their child’s progress at school).

Students are being encouraged to spend about three hours a week studying on EPGY; their progress will be monitored by the district in this pilot program.

The intelligent border

Jorge Mújica Murias

It started about two years ago, and is called the “Intelligent Border Project,” a very commercial but full of sense initiative, so border merchants lose less money due to the long waiting lines at the border crossing. According to its organizers, merchants from both sides of the border lose each year around 8 billion 580 million dollar because their clients take hours to cross the line. More time waiting to cross means less time shopping, and as the saying goes, “time is Money”.

According to their numbers, at the Tijuana-San Diego crossing, the busiest in the world, with well over 10 million people, loses about 5 billion 100 million dollars a year. The close-by crossing at Mexicali-Imperial County loses 3 billion 300 millions every 12 months.

And let me repeat it, the “Intelligent Border” is a purely commercial project. To be a “partner” of the smart border you have to come down with 50 thousand dollars, which has not been an obstacle for a bunch of States and Counties. Another kind of “partner,” with less money but maybe more intelligence, are private companies serving as advisors to evaluate programs to shorten the waiting crossing times, and each one of them has to come up with 25 thousand dollars to have the right to speak their minds.

The last Partners of the venture are private companies with real state interests in both sides of the border, who lobby and advocate on both sides of the border. These are the real heavy weight guys, investing about 6 billion dollars a year, which they hope to recover implementing measures to reduce the famous waiting times.

Part of the business partners is being used to design and engineer triplelane crossing points, cashonly fast lines, community awareness programs about the “crisis in the border towns,” and to “educate and teach the community about the economic advantage of crossing rapidly and have an expedited commercial exchange between both nations.”

The Stupid Border

All that comes to mind because a few days ago the Obama regime finally, like the donkey in the fable, blew the right way and played the flute.

The boss of the so called Homeland Security offi ce, Janet Napolitano, announced in a low publicity way, that she’s cancelling the high tech border Project, the so called “virtual fence”, in which the US government had put about one billion of taxpayers money. It had been started in 2006, by congressional decision, and it barely covered 53 miles at the border.

The “Virtual Fence” has a network of cameras, movement sensors and radars that supposedly would detect undocumented immigrants crossing the border, and the Border Patrol would be notifi ed to immediately  stop them. Instead, theygot a bunch of “coyotes”, not the two-legged ones but the real four-legged animals, a ton of deer and rolling sagebrush, but few immigrants, at the cost of 15 million dollars a mile.

Those results lead us to the conclusion that the only intelligent guys in the project were the Presidents and CEO’s of Boeing, company who sold the government a ton of junk, making millions on the process. And they will keep making money, because they will continue “giving maintenance to the technology already installed.”

Of course, Republicans who approved the Project in the first place, are now complaining and criticizing Obama because he took “too long to cancel the Project”, and because he is “taking too long to decide what to do instead”. They want more personnel, new technology and equipment for the Border Patrol. I say the Money would  be better invested on the Intelligent Border Project. One billion dollars would suffi ce to put a bridge every mile across the border, or at least two in every border town and village, and maybe to triple thenumber of guys who ask ­you if you are a citizen at those bridges. That would promote business and improve social relations on both sides of the border, both badly needed in times of crisis and recession.

But I don’t think it will happen. A plan like that renders no profit to any congressman, the President or any executive. It would be viewed as a very farfetched idea, because no one in Washington is intelligent enough to appreciate it.

Our chosen wars: Iraq, Afganistan. Now drugs?

por José de la Isla
Hispanic Link News Service

MEXICO CITY — There was “victory” in Iraq and a pending one in Afghanistan. Now, we’re told, it’s time to turn our weapons to the war on drugs.

The need for an escalation and murky triumph at any price led U.S. Army Undersecretary Joseph W. Westphal to let out a horrifying peetoot. He has planted the thought in public discourse that Invading Mexico Is not out of the question.

We also don’t like losing wars. We fight only for the right side because our intent is for a happy ending. Just consult any public-education history book, if you’re in doubt. Given that, a mistake was made from the beginning with the misapplication of ”war” to the campaign to minimize illicit drug use and its distribution. Wars provoke resistance from the other side. We don’t like or understand that.

The Nixon administration gave the war on drugs a law-and-order spin in the early 1970s. Its concern was with out-of-control youth (mostly in college), the association of pot-smoking with draft-resistance, hippies, yippies, cultural drift and the Beatles. Drug use was considered the common denominator with what was causing disorderliness and threatening the upright, the straight-laced, the moral community and what made over-thetop youth go bonkers.

A law-enforcement, rehab, talk-and-treatment therapy, and a public relations industry grew up around legitimate concerns over distribution and illicit drug use. However, the application of drug laws today tends to serve other social-control purposes.

For example, low-level pot possession is the number one cause of arrest in New York City, 50,383 cases. Of those, 86 percent of the arrests last year were of blacks and Latinos despite consistent research showing young whites use marijuana at higher rates, according to the Drug Policy Alliance.

In another theater of the war, a November 2008 report from the Brookings Institution think-tank in Washington, D.C., co-chaired by Mexico’s former president Ernesto Zedillo, declared the U.S. war on drugs had failed. The report called for rethinking the “asymmetrical” U.S. policy which calls for countries like Mexico to stanch the fl ow of drugs without making a successful effort to stop the flow of guns going south and avoiding the public health issue that large-scale illegal-drug consumption presents. The drug fi ght will fail so long as law enforcement remains the policy’s emphasis. Neglect of the problem of consumption, despite all the health and brain-science evidence on addiction, shows how wrong-headed the policy is.

More than two years after the Brookings report, the Inter-American Dialogue also labels the policy a failure. It challenges the policy whose purpose is to fi ght on and spend into oblivion, with seeming disinterest on whether drug use and distribution is declining. Debate about the 40-year U.S. war on drugs,” said the Dialogue, “remains muted.” Inter-American Dialogue president emeritus Peter Hakim presented his case to “drug czar” Gil Kerlikowske. He briefed staff at the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and discussed the report with assistant secretary William Brownfi eld of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs.

Who was Hahim trying to move? The very people whose careers and budgets depend on keeping the drug war going? Have we sat and watched this scenario before?

Try public education, where bad results get more money, which produces more bad results. Good money chasing good policy is the prescription. Not good money chasing bad policy. The “farreaching debate” Hakim wants is sound but unlikely because of war promoters.

Look long and hard into the public-policy syndicates that lie and have no serious public interest at heart. Reason demands something different.

­With drugs, even the law and justice theme rings phony — like documentaries for future TV episodes of Cops. Some days, the glowing reports about a bust or a capture look suspiciously like that banner “Mission Accomplished,” but eight long years before the Iraq war began winding down.

To make the Iraq war increasingly a thing of the past, it took some bold changes of policy, personnel and public attitude. Just as it will take in the war on drugs.

(José de la Isla, a nationally syndicated columnist for Hispanic Link and Scripps Howard news services, has been recognized for two consecutive years for his commentaries by New America Media. His forthcoming book is “Our Man on the Ground.” His previous books include “DAY NIGHT LIFE DEATH HOPE” (2009) and “The Rise of Hispanic Political Power (2003).” Available at

The Agenda of the Illuminti (24nd part of a multi series)

­by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­a­m­­­í­r­­­ez­­­­­­

NOTE FROM THE ­EDITOR: Given the important and historical information contained in this 31-page article on the history of the secret and evil society, The Illuminati, El Reportero is honored to provide our readers with the opportunity to read such a document by Myron C. Fagan, which mainstream media has labeled it a conspiracy theory. To better understand this series, we suggest to also read the previous articles published in our previous editorials.

This is the twenty- fourth part of the series.

The following is a transcript of a recording distributed in 1967 by Myron C. Fagan.

He had hoped that if enough Americans had heard (or read) this summary, the Illuminati takeover agenda for America would have been aborted, just as Russia’s Alexander I had torpedoed the Illuminati’s plans for a One World, League of Nations at the Congress of Vienna from 1814-15. Fagan correctly describes those members of congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch of that time as TRAITORS for their role in assisting to implement the downfall of America’s sovereignty. It’s understandable that most listeners of that period would have found it impossible to believe that the Kennedy’s, for instance, were (are) part of the Illuminati plot, but he did say that Jack had a spiritual rebirth and attempted to rescue the country from the Illuminati’s stranglehold by issuing U.S. silver certificates, which apparently greatly contributed to the Illuminati’s decision to assassinate him (his son, John Jr., was also murdered because he had intended to expose his father’s killers after he gained public office).

— And surely you know that the U.N. policy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning those wars?

Do you know that all the battle plans of General McArther had to go first to the U.N. to be relayed to Vasialia, Commander of the North Koreans and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the U.N. flag would have to be fought by our sons under the control of the U.N. Security Council? Do you know that the U.N. has never done anything about the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary? Where was the U.N. when the Hungarian freedom fighters were slaughtered by the Russians [1956]?

Do you know that the U.N. and its peace army turned the Congo over to the communists? Do you know that the U.N.’s own, so-called, peace force was used to crash, rape, and kill the white anticommunists in Katanga?

Do you know that the U.N. stood by and did nothing while Red China invaded Laos and Vietnam? That it did nothing while Nero invaded Goa and other Portuguese territories? Do you know that the U.N. was directly responsible for aiding Castro? That it does absolutely nothing about the many thousands of Cuban youngsters who are shipped to Russia for communist indoctrination.

Do you know that Adlai Stevenson said: “the free world must expect to loose more and more decisions in the U.N..” Do you know that the U.N. openly proclaims that its chief objective is a “one-world government” which means “one-world laws,” “oneworld court,” “one-world schools,” and a “one world church” in which Christianity would be prohibited?

Do you know that a U.N. law has been passed to disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the U.N.? Such a law was secretly signed by saint’ Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you realize how that fi ts in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the U.N. Charter, which states and I quote: “the military staff committee of the U.N. shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all armed forces  placed at the disposal of the Security Council” and when and if all our armed forces are transferred to the U.N., your sons would be forced to serve and die under the U.N. command all over the world. This will happen unless you fi ght to get the U.S. out of the U.N.

Do you know that Congressmen James B. Utt has submitted a bill to get the U.S. out of the U.N. and a resolution to prevent our President from forcing us to support the U.N. embargoes on Rhodesia? Well, he has and many people all over the country are writing to  their representatives to supportthe Utt bill and resolution. Fifty Congressmen, spear headed by Schweiker and Moorhead of Pennsylvania, have introduced a bill to immediately transfer all our armed forces to the U.N.? Can you imagine

such brazen treason? Is your Congressman one of those 50 traitors? Find out and take immediate action against him and help Congressman Utt.

­Now do you know that the National Council of Churches passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the U.N. and that all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member of the National Council of Churches? In connection with that, bear in mind that God is never mentioned in the U.N. Charter and their meetings are never opened with prayer. IT WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT WEEK EDITION.

Gadhafi’s grip on military and media shows atrocities

­An analysis by Andrew Bossone

La gente en Libia protesta para sacar del poder al dictador Moammar Gadhafi.Libyan people protest to oust Moammar Gadhafi. (photo by Associated Press)

Moammar Gadhafi’s totalitarian control over the military and media has made Libya’s revolution the most violent so far in a region beset by uprisings.

The dictator has gone to extreme lengths in an attempt to beat down the protest movement, bringing in mercenaries to slaughter people on the streets and ordering aircraft and boats to fire on crowds of civilians.

“We managed to capture mercenaries and we discovered chemical weapons to use against protesters. Now we are afraid of the chemical materials we found. We don’t know how to store it or destroy it,” Mohamed al-Hasy, who defected from the military, told AOL News.

Gadhafi, of course, does not hold a monopoly on oppression among the now-shrinking list of the world’s dictators. But in his Machiavellian quest to be both feared and loved, he has wielded an unmatched amount of control over both the military and communications.

“In the whole western area, airplanes are used to bombard people from a low altitude,” al-Hasy said.

“They don’t use bombs but machine guns so they don’t leave any trace. I heard of 2,000 killed in Tripoli and 3,000 injured. Bodies and injured are hidden in stores, many of which are incinerated.”

An accurate accounting of the number of deaths ­and injured is nearly impossible because of a blackout on communications. Press estimates vary greatly, from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

The death toll might have been far worse if members of the Libyan military had not disobeyed orders. Jets, helicopters and warships have landed in Malta after soldiers refused to massacre fellow Libyans.