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Ex president Zelaya might return to Honduras

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Manuel ZelayaManuel Zelaya

Former President Manuel Zelaya plans to return to Honduras in May, in the wake of efforts started this month with the mediation of Venezuela, Deputy Coordinator of the National People’s Resistance Front (FNRP) Juan Barahona announced.

Barahona said that the FNRP fully trust the mediation of President Hugo Chavez so that institutional order can be restored in Honduras.

Leaders of the resistance front participated along with Zelaya in a meeting on Saturday in Caracas with Chavez, who expressed his willingness to contribute to restore peace and democracy in Honduras. Zelaya’s return is a main demand made by the international community to Honduran President Porfirio Lobo so that the country can be readmitted into the Organization of American States.

Mexico Rercovers stolen archeological pieces

Authorities in Hessen locality, Germany, returned a lot of 49 Pre-Columbian pieces to Mexico, which were seized at Frankfurt airport in 2004, local press reported on Saturday.

A joint text of the General Attorney of the Republic and the Foreign Affairs Secretariat says that among the stolen objects are a stone-carved mask and another 42 pieces made of gray and green granite rock.

Mexican and German investigations revealed that the lot is directly linked to operations staged by Leonardo Augustus Patterson, internationally known as an alleged smuggler of Pre-Columbian pieces.

Patterson is also linked with the robbery in Spain of an important lot of archeological pieces coming from different Latin-American countries, which is already saved in Munich for returning to their countries of origin.

The joint note also expresses the appreciation of the Mexican government for the cooperation offered by Hesse’s authorities, who especially made possible the checking of the lot and preserved it in peak condition.

Fernández divides and rules

President Cristina Fernández announced on April 18, a series of new benefits for Argentina’s pensioners and extended the child benefit program, Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH), to include pregnant women in their second trimester. Government critics slated the move as a preelectoral and populist stunt by the government ahead of the Oct. 23 general election.

Likewise, the opposition has cried foul over the revised (and reduced) allocation of media air time for the 2011 campaign, arguing that it puts the government, which is not affected by the new regulations, at a clear advantage. However, while the opposition complains (and bickers internally), the (undeclared) Fernández is making full use of the state machinery to boost her image.

Peruvians opt to live life on the edge

Two candidates at either extreme of the political spectrum will contest the second round of Peru’s presidential elections on 5 June.

After the first round on 10 April, many Peruvians will be puzzling over how they have been left to choose between two options which 40 percent of voters apiece consider unpalatable: a left-wing ethnic nationalist, Ollanta Humala, and a right-wing populist, Keiko Fujimori, ­the daughter of a former president who ran an authoritarian kleptocracy and has been convicted of corruption and human rights abuses.

The run-off will be very closely contested and could hinge on which way the centre-right, urban middleclasses in Lima, who distrust both candidates, sway.

Amid global meltdowns, what is the U.S. gov. fiscal solvency?

by Mike Adams

Natural News

Thanks to the recent (and laughable) “largest annual spending cut in history” announced by Obama and Boehner, it is now abundantly evident that the U.S. government is headed toward a complete economic meltdown that will make Fukushima look chilly by comparison. While cesium- 137 may have a half-life of 30 years, and iodine-131 a half-life of 8 days, if the U.S. government continues on its current path of spending trillions of dollars it doesn’t have, the half-life of the value of a dollar may soon be measured in hours.

Want to buy a loaf of bread at the store? Bring a bucket load of cash, because by the time you get there to buy it, the price may have doubled yet again, Zimbabwe-style. Such absurdities are now headed our way, and they will arrive sooner that you’ve been led to believe.

The downward spiral of the debt addiction

That’s because in order to avoid a government shutdown, the U.S. government has recently decided to go bankrupt instead. Already drunk from the freewheeling spending of other people’s money, the feds have now resorting to the intravenous mainlining of new debt just to take another “hit” that will get them by for another week or two.

To call the U.S. political leaders “debt junkies” is an insult to heroin addicts. After all, heroin addicts mostly destroy only themselves and their loved ones, not entire nations. But Washington’s new policies — endorsed by both the Democrats and the Republicans — are based on the street drug equivalent of snorting five lines of cocaine while mainlining heroin while riding a double hit of meth chased down with the desperate chugging of unfiltered Russian vodka smuggled into the country in used gasoline cans.

Like a drug addict passed out face-down on the sidewalk in a pool of his own vomit, wearing nothing but a ragged pair of underwear soaked with his own urine, the United States federal governmentis now beyond the window of opportunity for rational intervention. It is now a basket case of “schizonomics” where key economic decisions are made by leaders who, instead of following the laws of economics, follow the persistent voices in their own heads. And those voices keep repeating the same disturbing mantra: Spend! Spend! SPEND!

There is no medication strong enough to quell this chorus of fi scal insanity, either, because these voices are not based in reality but rather a kind of economic mental illness that has infected the minds of nearly every lawmaker in America today. Strangely, the CDC offers no statistics on this unsightly epidemic, perhaps because the White House has named this insidious disease “Economic Policy.”

IMF declares USA is headed straight into a dead end

As if to underscore the chilling degree of derangement in Washington D.C., the IMF has issued one of the strongest statements yet about U.S. debt spending, declaring that the USA lacked a “credible strategy” to stabilize its debt (…). Furthermore, it warns that runaway debt spending from Washington threatens to cause a global financial crisis.

So far, all we’ve seen from Washington is financial sleight of hand and trickery.

Most of the recent $38.5 billion in cuts — which were already puny compared to the total debt spending — were achieved by using accounting tricks and claiming to have cut programs that were already slated to be cut anyway (…).

­Even then, Democrats screamed as if they were having their fingernails plucked out. If they can’t stomach a miniscule $38.5 billion in cuts, how on Earth are they going to fi nd a way to stomach the trillions of dollars in spending cuts that must be made to keep the government solvent?

Huge 15.7 percent increase in budget deficit in just one year

Almost as if to underscore the insanity of the situation, recently-released fi gures from the U.S. Treasury reveal that the budget defi cit has shot up 15.7 percent in just one year. The deficit for just the October-March period (half a year) was $829 billion. (…)

What we’re seeing here is the U.S. government burning through nearly a trillion dollars in new debt every six months. This is beyond the bounds of everyday, crazydude-on-the-street insanity. It is very rapidly approaching a level of economic terrorism on the part of our national leaders. To continue to drive America’s fi nances into such unbearable depths of debt is very nearly an act of economic warfare against America — a “fi nancial dirty bomb,” if you will. A bomb that, when it goes off, will sadly injure America’s economy in a way that will absolutely dwarf the economic fallout of 9/11.

Estudiantes latinos find selves in the spotlight

por Bianca Fortis

Hispanic Link News Service

President Obama officially launched his re-election campaign today with a strategy to engage super-rich supporters, but he has already started efforts to court the three constituencies that helped ignite early fires under his 2008 presidential bid — Latinos, youth and immigrants.

Obama roped in all three during a forum March 28 at a high school established in 1979 to serve immigrant students in the heart of the capital’s biggest barrio.

The president’s message rang like a dinner-bell: “The Latino community in this country will be a key for our future success,” he told the assemblage of 300 students, parents and community members in the gymnasium of Bell Multicultural High School, one of two public institutions located on the Columbia Heights Educational Campus.

“And all of the young people who are sitting here are going to be a key to our success.” He pressed the point, “It is critical for all American students to have language skills…Make sure you don’t speak just one language. You speak a bunch of languages. That’s a priority.”

The forum was hosted and telecast nationally that evening by Univisión, the Spanish-language TV network, as part of its threeyear- long “Es El Momento” initiative to inspire academic achievement among Latino students.

It followed by only three weeks Obama’s first diplomatic venture into Latin America since his election nearly two and a half years ago..

Linking last month’s trip with a First Family vacation, he visited Brazil, Chile and El Salvador. Only days prior to that, he hosted Mexico President Felipe Calderón for talks at the White House while First Ladies Michele Obama and Margarita Zavala paid a photo-op visit to Oyster Elementary, a model Spanish- English bilingual school nearby.

Both Bell and Lincoln Multicultural Middle School embrace diversity and focus on multiple languages as a cornerstone of their curricula. Together, they enroll 1,300 students, predominantly from Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. Two-thirds are Hispanic and nearly onethird black, with a sprinkling of students from Asia.

At the Town Hall-style session, President Obama acknowledged that the U.S. public education system is failing the Latino community, which new 2010 Census Bureau data show has exceeded the 50-million threshold. In nearly every major urban community, the Hispanic dropout rate exceeds 50 percent.

Univisión news anchor Jorge Ramos led the questioning, calling on some students and parents in the gym and playing video submissions by others from the community. Bell senior Kenrry Alvarado, 17, whose family emigrated from El Salvador, asked the President about funding for Pell Grants.

­Obama said his administration has boosted their level of funding by $800 per recipient. Afterwards, Alvarado said that while he liked the additional funding, he wished the President had addressed the program’s cost, whichcould reach $20 billion.

“I wanted to find out how he’s going to reduce the deficit for that program.”

A parent asked what the President what he was doing to support Head Start. Obama answered that his administration increased its funding during the past two years, but more still needs to be done.

Head Start director Yvette Sánchez Fuentes told Hispanic Link that the budget passed by the House would cut its funding by $2 billion. She added that children make better progress academically when taught in their first language.

“Clearly we do want kids to learn English, but it is not the be-all, end-all to being academically prepared to go into the public school system,” she said. “Being bilingual plays a huge part in how the brain develops and the skills that kids pick up.”

José Rico, deputy director of the White House Initiative on Education Excellence for Hispanics, added that the administration’s plan to improve Latino education involves three steps: 1) improve the Head Start program’s quality and funding 2) raise high school graduation rates and 3) guarantee access to higher education.

He called the educational status of Latinos “terrible,” pointing out that only 13% of its adult population has a bachelor’s degree.

“That rate has been about the same for the past 30 years.”

In his closing remarks, Obama assured the students, “I’m confident that not only is the Latino community going to succeed, but the American family is going to thrive and succeed in the 21st century.”

(Bianca Fortis is the editor of Hispanic Link Weekly Report. Email her at

Prepare for the upcoming earthquake – part 2

­by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­­a­­m­­­í­r­­­ez­­­­­­

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers, while navigating the internet, I ran into this interesting article, which conveniently, at this time when we have been threatened with a major earthquake in the West Coast of the United States, most of us lack important information to help us survive. The following article, which is an extract from Doug Copp’s article on ‘The Triangle of Life,” contains valuable information that could be used in case we have a natural or man-made catastrophe. Due to its length, I will share it with you in two parts. You may access www. in old editions to read Part one of this article.

­Where to go during an  earthquake (part two)

5) If an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by getting out the door or window, then lie down and curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa, or large chair.

6) Most everyone who gets under a doorway when buildings collapse is killed. How? If you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls forward or backward you will be crushed by the ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case, you will be killed!

7) Never go to the stairs. The stairs have a different ‘moment of frequency’ (they swing separately from the main part of the building). The stairs and remainder of the building continuously bump into each other until structural failure of the stairs takes place. The people who get on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the stair treads – horribly mutilated. Even if the building doesn’t collapse, stay away from the stairs. The stairs are a likely part of the building to be damaged. Even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake, they may collapse later when overloaded by fleeing people. They should always be checked for safety, even when the rest of the building is not damaged.

8) Get near the outer walls of buildings or outside of them if possible. It is much better to be near the outside of the building rather than the interior. The farther inside you are from the outside perimeter of the building the greater the probability that your escape route will be blocked.

9) People inside of their vehicles are crushed when the road above falls in an earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly what happened with the slabs between the decks of the Nimitz Freeway. The victims of the San Francisco earthquake all stayed inside of their vehicles. They were all killed. They could have easily survived by getting out and sitting or lying next to their vehicles. Everyone killed would have survived if they had been able to get out of their cars and sit or lie next to them. All the crushed cars had voids 3 feet high next to them, except for the cars that had columns fall directly across them.

10) I discovered, while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices and other offices with a lot of paper,  that paper does not compact.

Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper. Spread the word and save someone’s life…

The entire world is experiencing ­natural calamities so be prepared!

‘We are but angels with one wing, it takes two to fly’ In 1996 we made a film, which proved my survival methodology to be correct.

The Turkish Federal Government, City of Istanbul, University of Istanbul Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this practical, scientific test. We collapsed a school and a home with 20 mannequins inside. Ten mannequins did ‘duck and cover,’ and ten mannequins I used in my ‘triangle of life’ survival method. After the simulated earthquake collapse we crawled through the rubble and entered the building to film and document the results. The film, in which I practiced my survival techniques under directly observable, scientific conditions, relevant to building collapse, showed there would have been zero percent survival for those doing duck and cover.

There would likely have been 100 percent survivability for people using my method of the ‘triangle of life.’ This film has been seen by millions of viewers on television in Turkey and the rest of Europe, and it was seen in the USA, Canada and Latin America on the TV program Real TV.

Youth leaders in training congregate at City Hall

­by Marvin Ramirez

Estudiantes de secundaria de San Francisco participan en una conferencia de prensa celebrando el Día: del Joven Líder en la Alcaldía. (PHOTO BY MARVIN RAMIREZ)San Francisco high school students participate in press conference celebrating Youth Advocacy Day at City Hall. (PHOTO BY MARVIN RAMIREZ)

Several dozen high school students had a taste of leadership on Wednesday, April 6, when they were taken to meet government officials and city department heads, as part of a program sponsored by the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth & Families, designed to create youth leaders for the future.

The students from three San Francisco schools – Balboa, Washington and John O’Connell Highs – began their day at 9 a.m., travelling through ­various city departments. All San Francisco high schools were invited to participate at the Wednesday press conference, but only three responded to the invitation.

Holding a large banner that read, “Youth Advocacy Day, Bringing Youth Voice to City Politics,” the students stood proudly, while District Nine San Francisco Supervisor David Campos greeted them with a warm welcome from the podium. And they took their experience seriously.

“This was an utmost experience,” said one unidentified student leader who took the microphone during the press conference held on the stairs of San Francisco’s City Hall.

“All those who attended were able to meet the mayor, who emphasized to them the importance to staying in school and shared with them a personal story,” said Bryant Tan, a project coordinator.

“I strongly believe that youth should have a voice in policy-making,” said DCYF director María Su. This day gives city leaders a direct connection to youth, including some who have never stepped foot into City Hall.”

Key components of Youth Advocacy Day are the 15 Youth Warriors who will lead the entire day and help their peers determine their platforms to present to city officials, said a written statement from the youth organization. The Youth Warriors have participated in a six-month fellowship program preparing them to be leaders for this event, the second of what is planned to be an annual occurrence.

Participating offices included those of Mayor, Supervisors Mark Farrell, Jane Kim, Sean Elsbernd, Scott Wiener, David Campos, Malia Cohen and John Avalos. Participating city departments included DCYF, Recreation and Parks, Public Health, Municipal Transportation Agency, Police, Juvenile Probation, Library and Office of Environment.


Microwaved water kills plants in home grown experiment

by Richard Stossel

Natural News

(NaturalNews) An experiment conducted at home for a high school science fair five years ago has verified the dangers of microwave ovens not only to humans, but even to plants and other organic matter. The experiment showed that microwaved water given to a plant causes the plant to wither and die within days; however, another identical plant given water that was boiled on a conventional stove grew normally during the same time period.

Many studies conducted throughout the world have repeatedly highlighted the deleterious effects of microwave ovens on human health. In fact microwave ovens are so dangerous that they were banned in Russia from 1976 to 1987. Twenty years of thorough research by Russian scientists convinced them that the dangers of the devices outweighed the benefits in cooking time. This experiment further verifies their findings.

In the home experiment, filtered water was divided into two parts. One part would be microwaved and allowed to cool before being given to the plant, while the second part would be heated on a conventional stove top and given to an identical plant. Results were observed over a nine day period. By the third day it was already clear that the plant given the microwaved water was not faring as well as its counterpart.

By the ninth day the microwaved plant was virtually nonexistent in its pot, having literally shrunk in size to just a few inches above the soil. The second plant was growing beautifully. Microwaved prepared meats cause the formation of d-Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen.

Microwaving can also cause some amino acids in foods such as milk and cereal grains to be converted into carcinogens. Even very short exposure for cooked, frozen or raw vegetables turned their plant alkaloids into carcinogenic matter unfit for human consumption. These carcinogenic free radicals formed in plants and especially in root vegetables exposed to microwaves. Broccoli showed a 97 percent loss of its vitamin C when cooked in a microwave oven.

Studies have shown that human breast milk heated in microwave ovens is altered and that not only is its vitamin content depleted, but some of the amino acids are also rendered biologically inactive. Some of the altered amino acids are poisons to both the nervous system and the kidneys.

Microwave ovens do not heat food evenly. This means that some parts are overcooked, which can change their molecular structure into dangerous carcinogenic substances, while other parts are undercooked increasing the risk of food poisoning. Not only is the food cooked in microwave ovens dangerous, but also are thedevices themselves. Every part from the power chord right up to the magnetron itself, which is the part that actually emits the radiation heating the food, is dangerous due to high levels of EM emissions.

Tests performed by manufacturers at a distance of two inches show that microwaves do leak out of the devices no matter how expensive or well made the model is. However since microwave radiation drops off dramatically with distance, at 20 inches the radiation is approximately 100 times less than at 2 inches, so it’s a good idea to stand back from the unit if you must use one.

Microwaves can pass through walls, so if it’s placed against an adjacent

wall, those on the other side will be exposed to higher levels of radiation. As this experiment clearly shows, microwaving your food, even if you are just reheating your tea, is definitely not a good idea. The microwaved plant would agree if it could talk.

Sources:  Dr. Magda Havas, Trent University

Learn more:­

Mexico investigates kidnapping of C.A. immigrants

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Immigration authorities are investigating the legal situation of 14 undocumented Central American immigrants who were rescued by police in Chiapas after being kidnapped.

The immigrants, 13 of the Salvadorans and one Guatemalan, were kidnapped by three alleged  Mexican smugglers, knownas polleros, who intended to take them into the United States, police said.

The three Mexican suspects were arrested by federal police in the town of El Aguaje on the road between San Cristobala and Comitan in southern Mexico.

A woman and two minors were among the group of 14 immigrants, whose identities had not yet been revealed. Their situation, including the possibility of deportation, is being analyzed by immigration authorities and the Chiapas General Prosecutor’s Office.

According to Mexican law, when people from other countries illegally enter Mexico and are victims of kidnapping, abuse or human rights violations, they have the right to remain here legally for up to one year.

Costa Rican Opposition Rejects Docking of US Military Ships

Costa Rican opposition politicians reiterated their rejection on Friday to U.S. military ships docking in Costa Rica under the pretext of fighting drug trafficking.

“We want to fight drug trafficking, but we do not accept the docking or prolonged stay of military ships in our country, because it violates   our Constitution and ournational sovereignty,” said Juan Carlos Mendoza, head of the Citizen Action Party (PAC) bloc in the Legislative Assembly.

Last week, President Laura Chinchilla criticized legislators for delaying authorizations for joint Costa ­Rican/U.S. patrols. The Costa Rican LegislativeAssembly approved the entry of 46 U.S. Coast Guard ships in December 2010, but did not authorize the entry of 26 military ships.

In statements published online Friday by El País newspaper, Assemblywoman Carmen Muñoz (PAC) said the ships had artillery emplacements with weapons contravening Cooperation Articles 5 and 6 signed by the United States and Costa Rica.

U.S. Blockade against Cuba, example of human rights violation

Beijing, Apr 10 (Prensa Latina) China on Sunday said the U.S. blockade of Cuba for almost half a century was an example of the United States violating human rights in other nations.

This criticism appeared in a report issued by the Information Office of the Council of State as a response  to a document on human rights published on Friday by the White House referring to 2010. The Chinese document recalls that last October, the UN General Assembly approved for the nineteenth  time a resolution demanding the end of the U.S. blockade, which violates the right of the Cuban people to develop.

(Prensa Latina) The U.S. blockade against Cuba classifies as a act of genocide according to Article 2 of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Chinese government said. The White House uses the human rights issue as a political tool to discredit other countries and achieve U.S. strategic interests.

The Chinese report, Human Rights Record of the United States in 2010, analyzes the situation in that country taking into account civil, political, economic, cultural and social rights.

Jesse Ventura challenges Ron Paul to leave Republican Party

by Steve Watson

Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has an important message for Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul – ditch the Republican Party and run for President as an independent. On the day that Obama officially announced his 2012 Presidential campaign underway, the spotlight will now turn on those who are expected to set the wheels in motion to run against the president.

One name mentioned over and over again for the past few months has been Republican Congressman Ron Paul. However, Ventura, who was victorious as an Independent himself in 1998, believes that Paul can mount a more powerful challenge by distancing himself from the GOP establishment. And Ventura even offered to throw his own name into the hat as a possible running mate.

“If Ron Paul would quit the Republican Party, and he asked me, then I would give serious consideration to running with him.” Ventura told syndicated radio host Alex Jones today. “I will not run as a Democrat or Republican. I want nothing to do with these parties. They are the problem, they are not the solution.” the former Governor  added.

“They’re the ones that have been in control of this country, as Ralph Nadar calls them, the two party dictatorship. They are the ones that have us in this mess. They are the ones who have caused all the debt problems… it’s time to throw them out. The people of this country can do a major thing and its so easy. The next election, don’t vote for ANY Republicans or Democrats. That would be the greatest thing that could happen in this country, to bring down and destroy these two political parties.” Ventura urged.

Congressman Paul has recently been victorious in several Republican straw polls of potential presidential nominees, and he has raised a staggering $3 million already this first quarter via his various grass roots organizations. That is more than any other potential Republican nominee thus far. Ventura believes Paul should fully capitalize on his political popularity and make the break from the GOP. “He won’t get the Republican Party nomination, he has to understand that.” Ventura said.

“The Republicans are not going to put Ron Paul up as their Presidential  nominee. He is too muchof a rogue, he is not bought and sold by multinational corporations. Plus the biggest thing of all, he calls for an audit of the Federal Reserve.” he added.

Though many Paul supporters would agree with Ventura, others will point to a shift in GOP attitude  toward a more Libertarian outlook in over the past year as one reason for Paul to stick with the party and continue to use the apparatus toreach more people. Paul previously ran on a Libertarian Party ticket  in 1988, but struggled to make inroads against the establishment parties.

During his 2008 campaign for the Republican nomination, the corporate media and mainline conservatives attacked the Congressman over his outspoken opposition to big government and US interventionist foreign policy. Senator Rand Paul, the Congressman’s son believes  that it will be different this time around, however. “I don’t think there would be any chance they’d exclude my dad now,” said the U.S. senator from Kentucky.

“I think everyone in politics, whether it’s explicit or not, has their own agenda and if they can exclude you, they will. I don’t think that will happen again.” Ventura is currently promoting his new book, 63 documents The Government Doesn’t Want You To Read. The former Governor explained that he had dedicated the book to Congressman Paul as a thank you for his tireless efforts to bring more transparency to Washington.

“He was the only Congressman we have that had the courage to go out on the floor of the Congress and support Wikileaks,” Ventura noted, alluding to the whistle blowing website. “Like Ron Paul said, no one has died from Wikileaks. How many people have died from the trumped up intelligence and the lying that got  us into the Iraq war. And then he said something even more  profound. He talked about in a free country like ­ours, when the truth equals treason we are in big trouble.”

While Ron Paul has yet to announce whether he will mount another presidential run, he may want to take Ventura up on his offer before the former  pro-wrestler turned political powerhouse looks toward an even more ambitious role. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad) “I never said who would be President and who would be Vice President.” Ventura  quipped.

“Ron and I may have to flip a coin.” Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and Prisonplanet. com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.


Thursday, May 6 — at Paris, France

Jean Marc Mormeck vs. Fres Oquendo

Saturday, May 8 — at Carson, CA (HBO)

Paul Williams vs. Kermit Cintron

Saturday, May 8 — at Aguascalientes, Mexico

Antonio Margarito vs. Roberto Garcia

Interim WBA World super featherweight title: Jorge Solis vs. Mario Santiago

Brandon Rios vs. Urbano Antillon

Friday, May 14 — at Rancho Mirage, CA (ESPN2)

Julio Diaz vs. Herman Ngoudjo

Dominic Salcido vs. Guillermo Sanchez

Saturday, May 15 — at New York, NY (HBO)

WBA light welterweight title: Amir Khan vs. Paul Malignaggi

Víctor Ortiz vs. Nate Campbell

Saturday, May 15 — at Culiacan, Mexico (FOX)

WBC lightweight title­: Humberto Soto vs. Ricardo Domínguez

Saturday, May 15 — at Ciudad Obregon

Mexico IBF featherweight title: Cristobal Cruz vs. Orlando

A Nicaraguan young woman needs your aid to save her life

­by the El Reportero’s staff

Juan De Marcos González and his Afro-Cuban All StarsJuan De Marcos González and his Afro-Cuban All Stars

Heyling Pichardo, a youth of 23 years is asking for your help; she is very ill. She suffers from chronic kidney failure in its pre terminal phase, needing urgently a premature kidney transplant.

“The surgery is very costly and I have to carry it out in Cuba, and sadly I do not have the sufficient economic resources to sponsor all that, by this I decided to fight with all my strength to continue alive”, Pichardo said.

For such motive, the Nicaraguan community will hold to raise funds, a kermess. with Nicaraguam music and food, on Sunday, April 10, from 1 – 7 p.m., at the Rod and Gun Club, at 520 John Muir Drive, San Francisco. For more information call 415-285-1745. Donation $10.

Edgardo Cambon and His Orchestra “ CANDELA ”

Come and enjoy a great salsa show and dance at the beat of some of the best Latin performers in SF. Edgardo Cambon and Candela will be the playing, along with several other groups in night that you won’t forget in a longtime. On Thursday, April 14. Two shows, one at 8 and the second one at 10 p.m. At Yoshi’s Oakland, 510 Embarcadero West Jack London Square O a k l a n d , C a l i f o rnia [94607] For more info call 510.238.9200 C o v e r $ 1 6 ( 8 p.m.) $10 (10 p.m.).

Poetry film

Get ready for some poetry as WritersCorps presents Poetry Projection Project, short fims based on youth poems.

The film festival is set to take place in April as it will be National Poetry Month. It will feature shorts from emerging filmmakers and video artist from the Bay Area and others outside. Guest juror, Peter Bratt, director of La Mission will attend and present two of the $150 cash prizes. Screenings will begin April 16 at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts. The event is completely free, log on to www.writerscorps. org for more information and calendar listings.

Afro-Cuban all stars in Berkely

More Afro-Cuban music will be heard around the Bay Area as Juan De Marcos González and his Afro-Cuban All Stars perform at Zellerbach Hall.

Gonzáles is a well known figure in Cuban music today not only as a voice in this genre but as a musical director, guitarist, and tres player. The Cuban born artist has been surrounded by music since growing up, gaining popularity as the co-founder of Sierra Maestra in 1978. After much success in that band González went on to form Afro-Cuban All Stars. Since the early 1990’s the group has been performing traditional and contemporary Cuban music in big-band format. The group futures such names as Eliada Ochoa, Omara Portuondo, Manuel Licea aka “Puntillita,” Pio Leyva, and Félix Valoy. These and other members range from ages 13-81, four generations of musicians.

Check out Gonzáles and the Afro-Cuban All Stars April 19 in UC Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall at 8 p.m. Tickets are now available, for ticket info call (510) 642-9988.

T i c k e t s o n s a l e for ‘night of magic’

Tickets are on sale now for ‘A Night of Magic,’ an April 25 performing arts event benefitting summer education for Western Addition youth, San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi announced today.

The event, put on by youth advocacy collaborative Mo’ MAGIC, will be held at Yoshi’s San Francisco, 1330 Fillmore St. A reception begins at 6 ­p.m. and the program follows at 7 p.m.

The night will feature performances by magicians, Pop Lyfe and recognition of community leader Leroy King. Scheduled to attend are Mayor Ed Lee, former Mayor Willie Brown and Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi.

Tickets are $20 – $75, with discounted rates for children and Western Addition neighborhood residents. To reserve, call Mo’ MAGIC at 415-563-5207 or emai i n f o @ m o m a g i c . o r g .