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Oregano: the most powerful antibiotic in the world (last part of the four-part series)

by the staff of El Reportero

Note of the editor: Here we present the fourth and last part of a series with which we have enjoyed the benefits of a surprising ingredient, oregano.

Wild oregano oil is a powerful antibiotic and fungicide. When we eliminate these pathogens, they release toxins in the blood torrent that cause the person to feel tired or get the symptoms of a cold or, in unusual cases, of skin irritation. This is a sign that the body is detoxifying and it is known as a healing crisis or Herxheimer reaction.

This uncomfortable sensation can be avoided by drinking 8 to 12 glasses of spring water a day to help to purge the toxins from the blood.

Most people feel better immediately when they start to take oregano oil; however, if there is any of the abovementioned symptoms, reduce the intake of oregano oil and drink a lot of spring water.

Once these symptoms have disappeared, you can increase the dose of oregano oil. Some people will need a lower dose; others will need to double or triple of the recommended dose. If necessary, distribute the extra dose along the day, instead of taking everything at once. For example, take 3 drops 10 times a day instead of 10 drops 3 times a day. Listen to your body, as it is the best judge.

Use known infusions: Infusions, also known as tisanes, are prepared with one small spoonful per cup and dried mashed flowers. Drink three cups a day, before or after meals. Moreover, you can use honey as a sweetener. This is useful to appease period cramps or against the cough and it is recommended that in this latter case, infusions are complemented with steam.

In addition, oregano wine can also relieve cough. This is prepared by macerating 250 grams of the plant in 1 liter of white wine for 9 days. Later, it has to be filtered and you should drink one glass after meals.

Asthma: Infusions relieve asthma, cold and b­reathing problems .

Laryngitis and tonsillitis: These are relieved by gargling with infusions. Add two small spoonfuls of mashed herb to a half liter of boiling water. Cover and let it stand for 15 minutes. Reheat before gargling 3 or 4 times a day.

Digestive. It contributes to eliminate intestinal gases, it is a biliary stimulant and works as a stomach tonic. Take one infusion of dried leaves and flowers of 12 grams per liter and a cup after every meal. Muscle pain, stiff neck and lumbago. It must be applied externally in poultice or in frictions on the skin.

Preparation: cut, mash and heat up the fresh plant in a pan. Cover in a hot cloth and keep it the longer the better in the affected area (repeat as many times as necessary).

Rheumatism: when combining oregano with rosemary and thyme you get a type of oil that is recommended. Its preparation consists of macerating a mixture of equal parts of each plant in one liter of olive oil. Then, it is exposed to the sun or left in a warm place during seven days.

Chilean workers react to decades of globalism

por Kurt Nimmo


Evo MoralesGreg Palast

According to Euronews, the riots now taking place in Chile are related to a demand for “free education.” Education, however, is only one of a number of demands made by workers as they participate in a 48-hour national strike. Chilean unions demand that tax reform be imposed on transnational corporations, international consortia, and the wealthy elite to address social problems caused by decades of globalism. They also want to change the country’s social security system that has left millions of elderly people and pensioners impoverished. For details, see Six reasons for Chile’s nationwide strike.

As journalist Greg Palast noted in 2006, Pinochet was credited with the “Miracle of Chile” that was “just another fairy tale.” In fact, the CIA’s neoliberal agenda resulted in widespread unemployment and an increase in poverty. Pinochet and the CIA “abolished the minimum wage, outlawed trade union bargaining rights, privatized the pension system, abolished all taxes on wealth and on business profits, slashed public employment, privatized 212 state industries and 66 banks and ran a fiscal surplus,” Palast writes.

The so-called “Miracle of Chile” was in fact a neoliberal experiment that would be applied elsewhere in South America.

“In 1998, the international finance Gang of Four – the World Bank, the IMF, the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Bank for Settlements – offered a $41.5 billion line of credit to Brazil. But before the agencies handed the drowning nation a life preserver, they demanded Brazil commit to swallow the economic medicine that nearly killed Chile. You know the list: fire-sale privatizations, flexible labor markets (i.e. union demolition) and deficit reduction through savage cuts in government services and social security,” Palast writes.

The marches and scattered riots taking place in Santiago and elsewhere in Chile are a response to the neoliberal agenda imposed on the country regardless of the will of the people.

The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves,” said Henry Kissinger following the CIA coup. I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people.” ­


CFR president Richard Hass calls for NATO occupation of Libya

by Tony Cartalucci

Aug. 22, 2011 — The Financial Times has featured an editorial penned by Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass titled, Libya now Needs boots on the ground, 2011where the arch globalist states that Libya’s rebels are in no way capable of rebuilding Libya properly and will require an “international force” to maintain order.

Haass breathtakingly admits that the NATO intervention to “protect civilians” was in fact a political intervention designed to bring about regime change.

With NATO leading the offensive against Tripoli, a relatively calm city until now, the alleged cause of “protecting civilians” rings hollower than ever.

Haass goes on to explain that NATO’s “success” is what requires this international assistance in the predictable form of an occupation force to deal with looting, “die-hard regime supporters,” and tribal war. Haass also implores Obama to reconsider his decision to rule out American boots on the ground and to do so quickly.

Of course, NATO didn’t just spend the last 5 months conducting 7,000+ airstrikes on Libya to “protect civilians” and then ride off into the sunset.

This was a war of conquest from the very beginning, with globalists openly declaring it would determine the “primacy of international law” over the nation-state.

In fact, the initial uprising itself was gestated in Washington and London where opposition leaders were provided resources and safe-havens to conduct their sedition, with globalist stooges like Ibrahim Sahad literally sitting in front of the White House calling for NATO to bomb his homeland.

NATO, its members, particularly the U.S., U.K., and France, and the globalist corporate-financiers behind them, fully intend to rebuild Libya according to their own aspirations shoehorned into a national consensus imposed upon the Libyan people under the guise of “democracy” and “civil society.” We are watching a modern empire expand its boundaries into yet another sovereign nation.

Readers may remember an April 2011 article titled Libyan rebels fighting the globalists’ war with the ever increasingly appropriate subtitle, How the devil pays.

In it a caption attempts to sum up Libya’s future by stating, “if these rebels really think the West is going to hand them Libya and its riches, they have anotherthing coming. The Neo-Con arm of the globalist agenda is already seeding the ground to deal with “extremists” coming to power after the “Arab Spring” runs its course. That means Libya’s oil & future will be left in the hands of NATO troops, not the Libyan people.”

The article continues: “While the dichotomy of Western politics is merely for public consumption, what each camp states publicly can be put together as a composite giving us a clearer picture of the overall globalist agenda. Neo-Conservative war monger Daniel Pipes, a PNAC signatory, CFR member, and co-conspirator in many of the darkest chapters of recent American history, was recently sharing his “doubts” over the final result of the “Arab Spring.” He believes that ultimately extremists will prevail in many cases and only complicate US relations with certain countries.

Of course, Pipes most likely didn’t miss the memo and is fully aware that the “Arab Spring” is a US funded gambit, one his fellow “Neo-Cons” lining the National Endowment for Democracy and the fraudulent Freedom House are admittedly involved in.

At the very least, he must have picked up the New York Times and read as much. So what exactly is Pipes trying to tell us? He is saying that as soon as the Libyan rebels secure Libya, or the Muslim Brotherhood takes hold of Syria, or Yemen, or wins out in a co-opted counterrevolution against International Crisis Group stooge Mohamed ElBaradei in Egypt, the blinders Western propagandists seem to be wearing will suddenly drop and point out that indeed the globalists have installed extremists “by accident.”

To rectify this, Libyan rebels will be betrayed just as quickly as Qaddafi was. They will be removed from power, and replaced by Western stooges protected by NATO ground troops, conveniently already being put on the ground in Libya, and will stay there permanently. The globalist “Neo-Con” think tank Foreign Policy Initiative has stated, “The best way to reduce the potential dangers posed by extremist infiltration is for the United States and its allies to remain engaged in Libya.”

This engagement most likely will take the shape of the other unending “engagements” in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the years of cross-border raids into ­Pakistan. The oil money that once built water ways, public housing, and farms from Benghazi to Tripoli, will be funneled directly out of the country and into the corporate-financier’s accounts. The corporate-financier oligarchs will have taken yet another nation-state down with the help of its own gullible population, and for their gullibility, they will pay for the rest of their lives, as will their children and their children’s children.


Saturday, August 20 — at Mexicali, Mexico

Alfredo Angulo vs. TBA.

Saturday, August 20 — at TBA, Mexico

IBF super featherweight title: Juan Carlos Salgado vs. Argenis Mendez

Saturday, August 27 — at San Jose, CA (HBO)

WBA light welterweight title: Marcos Maidana vs. Robert Guerrero

Saturday, August 27 — at Erfurt, Germany

WBA World heavyweight title: Alexander Povetkin vs. Ruslan Chagaev

Robert Helenius vs. Sergei Liakhovich.

Saturday, Sept. 3 — at TBA, USA (HBO)

IBF welterweight title: Jan Zaveck vs. Andre Berto.

Randall Bailey vs. TBA.

Saturday, Sept. 3 — at Yerevan,

Vic Darchinyan vs. TBA.

Saturday, Sept. 10 — at Wroclaw, Poland (HBO)

WBC heavyweight title: Vitali Klitschko vs. Tomasz Adamek.

Saturday, Sept. 10 — at Atlantic City, NJ (HBO)

Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Daniel Ponce de Leon.

An intimate evening of Latin American songs with Chilean singer Mochi Parra

­by The El Reportero’s staff

Mochi ParraMochi Parra

Mochi Parra is a Chilean singer and multi-instrumentalist. In 1985, she won Chile’s Luis Cruz Martinez national medal of music for best young concert cellist. Currently, her work is based on the folkloric music of the Peruvian and Chilean coast, and is composed of a collection of exquisite works that are representative of the voices and the struggles faced by indigenous and native people throughout Central and South America.

Directed by Master (Maestro) Carlos Hayre, her repertoire is composed of rhythms such as: festejo, lando, marinera, limeña, samacueca, tondero and valses and incorporate the guitar, cajon, quijada, cajita, and voice. In addition to the cello, Mochi also plays cajon, cuatro venezolano, and charango.

At 8 p.m. on Friday Sept 2 at La Peña Cultural Center; 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, Ca. 94705. Tickets $12 advanced. $15 door.

The 21st annual Potrero Hill Festival

The 21st annual Potrero Hill Festival is back with another full day of delicious food, exciting performers, art and craft works from locals, and tons of great activities for kids. With over 7,500 residents from Potrero Hill and all of San Francisco, the festival will benefit the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House (NABE). It all kicks off at 9:00 am, Saturday October 15 with a Cajun style brunch and continues throughout the day until 4:30 pm. For more information please visit

The California Culinary Academy will cater the lavish and delicious New Orleans Style Mimosa Brunch at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 De Haro Street. Enjoy the great food with the sweet sounds of the Harvey Robb Trio and a great view of the bay. Tickets for the New Orleans Style Brunch are $12 and $5 for kids younger than seven. All proceeds will go to the Potrero Hill Neighborhood  House (NABE).

Tickets can be purchased at ­ or at the door.

The Potrero Hill Festival will support the programs of the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House (NABE), an invaluable community resource that provides important programs for the community, including youth and senior nutrition, employment and supplemental education programs and programs for developmentally disabled adults.

Café Rumba in community participatory event

The Afro-Cuban folkloric drums, dances, and songs of rumba. Rumba is the word used for a group of related, community-oriented, music and dance styles in Cuba. Rumba developed in rural Cuba, with strong influences from African drumming and Spanish poetry and singing.

At 3:30-6p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4 at La Peña Cultural Center; 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, Ca. 94705. Free entrance.


SFFS announces winners of Spring 2011 SFFS/KRF filmmaking grants


by the El Reportero’s staff

Matthew Lessner, director of The WoodsMatthew Lessner, director of The Woods

The San Francisco Film Society and the Kenneth Rainin Foundation today announced the five winners and two honorable mentions of the fifth round of SFFS/KRF filmmaking grants. The grants are awarded twice annually to filmmakers for narrative feature films with social justice themes that will have significant economic or professional impact on the Bay Area filmmaking community.

Carlton Evans and Matthew Lessner (Ross), $50,000 for screenwriting; Aurora Guerrero (Mosquita y Mari), $88,000 for postproduction; Adam Keker (National Park), $35,000 for screenwriting; Timothy Kelly (The Cherokee Word for Water), $75,000 for production; Benh Zeitlin (Beasts of a Southern Wild), $55,000 for postproduction. Honorable Mentions went to: John Dilly (Rubbish), development and Ian Olds (The Western Habit), screenwriting.

This satirical attack on young, modern, globally conscious citizens tells the story of eight grown-up American children creating utopian society as best they can. With gorgeous Super 16 footage and an eclectic soundtrack featuring Dirty Projectors, Sun Araw, and Lucky Dragons, filmmaker Matthew Lessner playfully subverts counterculture films of the seventies while questioning the shortcomings of his own complacent generation. In a world where new technologies merely distract us from reality, the greatest revolution can only begin by leaving everything behind.

SFFS/KRF filmmaking grants support work by local filmmakers as well as attract projects of the highest quality to the Bay Area, providing tangible encouragement and support to meaningful projects and benefiting the local economy. In addition to a cash grant, recipients will receive various benefits through the film society’s comprehensive and dynamic filmmaker services programs.

For more information visit

­Black tide to release second album “Post Mortem” on August 23

Miami brings us one of the most acclaimed new heavy rock bands of the United States. During its short career, Black Tide, a quartet consisting of 3 Latinos and one American, has already been on the Warped tour, at the main stage of the Ozz Fest, at the Rockstar Mayhem Festival together with Slipknot and Disturbed, has shared the stage with legendary groups like Iron Maiden and Metallica, and has been the opening act for the veteran band Avenged Sevenfold.

After the spectacular debut the band has made with its first album, Black Tide is ready to present its second record called “Post Mortem” which will be released on August 23 on the DGC/Interscope label. In support of this release, the group is getting ready to conquer America by performing at the prestigious Rockstar Energy Drink UPROAR Festival which will kick off at Camden, New Jersey, on August 26.

A long tour featuring 32 shows will take the band all over the country, where they will again share the stage with Avenged Sevenfold besides other heavy rock groups like Bullet For My Valentine and Sevendust, among others.

The band -Gabriel García (guitar, vocals), Steven Spence (drums), Austin Díaz (guitar), Zakk Sandler (bass)- with Latino roots that stem from Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic, made their debut on the English-language rock scene with their first album “Light From Above” (2008) while they were still teenagers.

That first record earned Black Tide an unprecedented attention from prestigious international magazines such as Rolling Stone and the British magazine Kerrang! which lauded the group as “Best International Newcomer”. Several tracks from their debut album have also succesfully been featured in numerous videogames, from Rock Band to NHL 09.

After intense pre-production, they hit a New York studio with Wilbur (Lamb of God) and GGGarth Richardson [Rage Against the Machine, Mudvayne] in May 2010 and worked towards crafting this cohesive

and dynamic second outing.

“We grew as writers, musicians, people and friends,” says Gabe Garcia. “Most importantly, we became more of a family. Everything about our operation nezuela.

Court orders access to Obamacare secret meetings

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, today announced that the U.S. District Court for District of Columbia (Honorable Richard Roberts), ruled that a he and others at Freedom Watch may, in principle, gain access to secret White House meetings with lobbyists in the healthcare and related industries over the President’s so called Obamacare legislation, and learn whether there has been a change in the “composition” of the group of persons and entities the President and his advisers had been meeting with.

Previously, in the months leading up to the controversial Obamacare legislation, the President and his staff had met secretly with lobbyists from Planned Parenthood, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a host of other special interests seeking to influence the White House and the Democratic Party to craft the bill to their liking.

While parts of the case were brought under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the same law that Klayman years earlier had used to try to pry information from the Cheney Energy Task Force under the Bush administration — which case eventually landed in the U.S. Supreme Court — Judge Roberts made his decision on other grounds, which involved so called mandamus proceedings.

Judge Roberts gave the parties until September 26, 2011, to advise the court whether President Obama and his colleagues were still meeting with healthcare lobbyists and whether the case may be moot if they are not.

In this regard Klayman stated: “Clearly, whatever the White House tells the court will be carefully scrutinized, as it is more than likely that they are still meeting and consulting with lobbyists given the complexity, controversial nature, and political ramifications of its implementation — particularly during a year leading up to the 2012 presidential and congressional elections. Too much is at stake for this not to be occurring.

Its just a shame and an affront to the American people that a president who proclaimed that he wanted more transparency in government has chosen to fight tooth and nail to keep his communications with lobbyists secret. This ruling is a huge victory for the American people’s right to know what their government is doing behind closed doors. In the current economic climate, where Obamacare will prove to be a huge cost to the nation as it faces more economic peril and deprivation, this case takes on huge significance.”

A copy of the court’s decision can be found at ­


Is it amnesty or just just another promise to undocumented immigrants?

Jorge Mújica Murias
México del Norte

Immigrants without papers arrested and in process of deportation but without a criminal record would be able to stay in the country. Those two lines are the whole meaning of a change in direction of Barack Obama’s immigration policy announced this week, ordering the review, on case-by-case bases, of some 300 thousand people without immigration documents currently in the hands of government.

“From the perspective of public safety and law enforcement”, wrote homeland Security’s Janet Napolitano in a letter sent to a Group of Senator who support immigration reform, “homeland Security’s resources should focus on our highest priorities… or we will fail in our mission, will crowd immigration courts and waste resources we should be using on those individuals who are a real problem for public safety”.

Awkward wording, simply meaning ‘we should not be deporting honest workers even if they had a drink too many, and we should really go after drug dealers and rapists’.

Shame there is another document made public not so long ago announcing that Homeland Security’s goal for the year was to deport half-a-million immigrants. We would sure have liked the new letter to clearly say ‘that goal is no longer valid’. Otherwise, the contradiction will be too gross. If the goal is still valid, then detentions will keep happening at their current maddening pace, and then they will take the time to check each case to see if it was worth to detain so many people or not.

In other words, if that is the case, we are tempted to recommend all undocumented immigrants to do their best to get arrested (unless they have ‘real’ criminal records, because the new policy means they could end up getting a work permit, Social Security number and possibly their Green Cards.

To put it simp l e , Obama finally gave us what we have demanded for so long, a sort of amnesty, even if the path takes us first to jail.

But, as all immigration activists told me when I asked them their opinion when the announcement was made, we are like Saint Thomas, who wisely said: “Seeing is Believing”. I strongly agree. Only one organization publicly declared that “Obama Listened To Us”, when the announcement came, but what I think Obama heard was the very wide and transparent threat that “Without Legalization There Will Not Be Reelection”.

Because Obama is a politician in the middle of a campaign, and politicians in campaign measure the effects their actions will have in the next election, and Barack knows that no immigrant will give him a vote in 2012 if he keeps deporting housekeepers, nannies, aunts, uncles and cousins and workers who have been here for 20 years working from sunup to sundown, paying taxes they can claim back.

­The bad part of anycampaigning politician is that they promise everything just for the sake of getting votes, and then they don’t deliver. I guess no one has forgotten Obama promised “immigration reform in my first 90 days in office”, and he’s been there for about a thousand days and we did not see it. What we saw were one million people deported.

If the guy in the White House is really serious, then he would have to complement his “new immigration policy” with some actions: he has to get rid of E-Verify; he has to cancel Secure Communities; he should eliminate the 287-G Polimigra agreements, and he should stop repeating “the law is the law and we have to enforce it”.

If the takes some action, then we may do as Saint Thomas and start believing… if not, if there is nothing but a letter from Janet Napolitano to some Senators and see the Polimigra still acting, Secure Communities and other anti-immigrant programs still in place, then we will not believe and he will still lose his beautiful house in Washington in November of next year…

Gun-crazy U.S policy

by José de la Isla
Hispanic Link News Services

Mexico’s presidential election, coming up a year from now, could very easily have the U.S. gun policy, known as “Fast and Furious,” at the center of public debate.

Revelations about how the policy was implemented and its consequences are still developing, but the bullhorn of new disclosures tends to show it was crazy from the start.

“Fast and Furious,” as it now seems, was one phase of a caper managed out of Phoenix involving arms purchases destined to Mexican drug cartel members. The buys were known to U.S. government officials who were attempting to identify higher-ups in those organizations. More than 2,000 guns were sold, including those linked to the ambush killings of U.S Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and ICE agent Jaime Zapata.

ABC News reported in early July that Fast and Furious weapons were used in several crimes committed in Arizona.

But the “higher-ups,” who authorities were attempting to identify through the operation, were already known to other investigative agencies and may even have been paid informants. Kenneth Melson, the federal agency Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ acting director, said the others included the FBI and Drug Enforcement Agency, which kept his agency in the dark and he would not be the fall guy now that disclosures show what a deadly fiasco they were all engaged in. Had he known, Melson claimed, the ATF could have had a material impact on the Fast and Furious investigation as far back as late 2009 or early 2010.

Approximately 1,800 arms were allowed to slip by AFT agents into presumed organized-crime hands. One disgruntled agent was said to have reported that only 20 arms traffickers were detected during 14 months of the operation and no cartel was dismantled because of it. known as Z-7 of the originalOn July 3, Mexican authorities captured Jesús Enrique Rejón Aguilar, 14 principle leaders of the extremely violent Zetas drug cartel. He disclosed his belief that the U.S. government was involved in facilitating arms to a rival criminal gang, the Gulf cartel.

According Mexico City’s daily Excelsior, he stated to federal police that for a time buyers for the rival gang said even the U.S. government was selling arms and facilitating transport of them and there seemed to be some kind of agreement with the authorities. Fast and Furious may not have been an isolated matter.

According to Excelsior Mike Vanderboegh, who facilitated putting ATF informants before a House panel investigating the matter, about 5,000 arms reached criminals’ hands. One hundred and fifteen of the arms confiscated from cartel members were found to have originated from Texas.

The lawyer for gun dealers in Houston, Dick Deguerin, told Excelsior that his clients reported suspicious purchases of assault rifles, 9mm revolvers, and AK-47s. One chain store was told by ATF to continue providing them with information about suspicious sales and to continue selling arms to Hispanic purchasers of high-powered weapons who paid in cash. ATF took the information, said Deguerin, but his client never heard from the agency.

A third staging, in Tampa, Florida, was called “Castaway”. It apparently ­let arms flow to Honduras that later showed up at crime scenes in Mexico, according to Excelsior.

Novelist Larry Corriea blogged, “If I were to write a thriller in which a federal law enforcement agency knowingly allowed and even encouraged thousands of American guns to cross the border to arm Mexican drug cartels, in an effort to pad their stats to push for more gun control laws, even though innocent Mexican citizens and a U.S. Border Patrol agent were killed in the process and afterward there would be a huge cover-up that went all the way to the President,… some reviewers would say that my plot was silly.”

U.S. policy insanity is already severely criticized in Mexican civic society. Some Mexican senators have called for the extradition of responsible agents to answer for arms trafficking.

That does not sound so crazy anymore.

[José de la Isla, a nationally syndicated columnist for Hispanic Link and Scripps Howard news services.

New York police prepare for civil unrest

­Special unit set up to ‘troll Twitter and Facebook’ for “suspicious activity”

by Paul Joseph Watson

Conserjes marchan por sus derechos laborales en Los Ángeles, California.New York police officers.

In the aftermath of last week’s riots in the United Kingdom, the NYPD has held a “mobilization exercise” to train police to prepare for civil unrest in the United States, while also launching a program designed to spot signs of potential trouble via social networking websites.

The NYPD Disorder Control Unit brought together police from all five of the city’s boroughs to rehearse what the response would be “should out-of-control riots break out here”.

“Approximately 180 police officers total from each borough’s task force, including the horseback and aviation units, came out for the drill,” reports the Metro.

However, unlike in the United Kingdom where the rioters mainly comprised of teenage kids taking the opportunity to steal iPods and other high-end electrical goods, civil unrest in the United States is far more likely to have a political motivation.

With many Americans now becoming “pre-revolutionary” as a result of their fury at the Obama administration and equally unpopular lawmakers in Washington, potential civil unrest could spring not just from a poverty-stricken underclass, but also the shrinking middle class.

Perhaps that’s why the Department of Homeland Security is increasingly focusing its anti-terror apparatus on white middle class Americans, portraying them as domestic terrorist in a series of PSA videos.

In addition to the riot training, a new NYPD unit has also been set up to “troll sites like Twitter and Facebook for suspicious activity” in order to pre-empt potential flash mobs and other civil unrest.

Social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter came in for harsh condemnation following the UK riots, with Prime Minister David Cameron advocating authorities have the power to shut down access during times of public disorder.

For his part in decrying social media, Cameron was praised by none other than Communist China, 1which habitually censors the Internet to hide political corruption or prevent legitimate protesters from receiving media attention. The Communist state routinely uses such powers, which Senator Joe Lieberman has called to be introduced in the United States, to cover up atrocities and abuses against its own citizens.

Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are all banned in China and even sanitized government approved versions of these websites are now being shut down for long periods of time so that they can “remove all politically sensitive content under orders from Chinese internet authorities”.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out ­Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.