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The Federal Reserve Cartel Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: I have divided this series titled The Federal R­eserve Cartel into four sections, with this one being the fourth of the third part. Here, we will share with you that unknown part of a story that has changed our lives so much.

In these excerpts, we make you, the reader, aware of a small group of people who, like puppeteers, direct or indirectly control the world – the Illuminati! If you want to read the previous sections of this series, from its very beginning visit our Old Editions link: last part of the third part of a serie of four.

por Dean Henderson

— The Knights created the Prieure de Sion on Mt. Zion near Jerusalem in the 11th century to guard such holy relics as the Shroud of Turin, the Ark of the Covenant and the Hapsburg family’s Spear of Destiny- which was used to kill Jesus Christ. The Priory’s more important purpose was to guard Templar gold and to preserve the alleged bloodline of Jesus – the royal Sangreal – which they believe is carried forth by the French Bourbon Merovingan family and the related Hapsburg monarchs of Spain and Austria. [17] The French Lorraine dynasty, which descended from the Merovingans, married into the House of Hapsburg to acquire the throne of Austria.

The Hapsburgs ran the Holy Roman Empire until its dissolution in 1806, through King Charles V and others. The family traces its roots back to a Swiss estate known as Habichtburg, which was built in 1020. The Hapsburgs are an integral part of the Priory of Sion. Many researchers believe that Spain’s Hapsburg King Philip will be crowned Sangreal World King in Jerusalem. The Hapsburgs are related to the Rothschilds through Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa’s second son Archibald II.

The Rothschilds- leaders in Cabala, Freemasonry and the Knights Templar- sit at the apex of the both the Illuminati and the Eight Families banking cartel. The family accumulated its vast wealth issuing war bonds to Black Nobility for centuries, including the British Windsors, the French Bourbons, the German von Thurn und Taxis, the Italian Savoys and the Austrian and Spanish Hapsburgs. The Eight Families have also intermarried with these royals.

Author David Icke believes the Rothschilds represent the head of the Anunnaki Serpent Kings, stating, “They (Rothschilds) had the crown heads of Europe in debt to them and this included the Black Nobility dynasty, the Hapsburgs, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 600 years. The Rothschilds also control the Bank of England. If there was a war, the Rothschilds were behind the scenes, creating conflict and funding both sides.”[18]

The Rothschilds and the BilderWarburgs are main stockholders of the GermanBundesbank. Rothschilds control Japan’s biggest banking house Nomura Securities via a tie-up between Edmund Rothschild and Tsunao Okumura. The Rothschilds are the richest and most powerful family in the world. They are also inbred. According to several family biographers, over half of the last generation of Rothschild progeny married within the family, presumably to preserve their Sangreal. [19]

The 1782 Great Seal of the United States is loaded with Illuminati symbolism. So is the reverse side of the US $1 Federal Reserve Note, which was designed by Freemasons. The pyramid on the left side represents those in Egypt- possibly space beacon/energy source to the Anunnaki- whose Pharaohs oversaw the building of the pyramids using slave labor.

The pyramid is an important symbol for the Illuminati bankers. They employ Triads, Trilaterals and Trinities to create a society ruled by an elite Sangrealfew presiding over the masses- as represented by a pyramid. The Brotherhood of the Snake worshiped a Trinity of Isis, Osirus and Horus- who may have been Anunnaki offspring. The Brotherhood spread the concept of Trinity to Christian (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Hindu (Brahma, Shiva and Krishna) and Buddhist (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) faiths. [20]

The reptilian eye atop the pyramid depicted on the $1 bill is the all-seeing eye of the Afghan Roshaniya, known alternately as The Order and Order of the Quest- names adopted by Skull & Bones, Germanorden and the JASON Society. [21] Take a magnifying glass and look at the eye’s pupil. There is an image of an alien inside the pupil. I’m not kidding.

Novus Ordo Seclorum appears beneath the pyramid, while Annuit Coeptis appears above the all-seeing eye. Annuit Coeptis means “may he smile upon our endeavors (Great Work of Ages)”. Above the eagle on the right side of the note are the words E Pluribus Unum, Latin for “out of many one”. The eagle clutches 13 arrows and 13 olive branches, while 13 stars appear above the eagle’s head. America was founded with 13 colonies. Templar pirate Jaques deMolay was executed on Friday the 13th.

The numbers 3, 9, 13 2and 33 are significant to the secret societies. 33rd-degree Freemasons are said to become Illuminati. According to the late researcher William Cooper, the Bilderberger Group has a powerful Policy Committee of 13 members. It is one of 3 committees of 13 which answered (until his recent death) to Prince Bernhard- member of the Hapsburg family and leader of the Black Nobility. The Bilderberg Policy Committee answers to a Rothschild Round Table of 9. [22]. IT WILL CONTINUE

Nurses strike

­por Charles Augustine

Enfermeras en todo el estado de California se lanzan a un paro laboral de un día en contra de los: recortes que ponen en peligro a los pacientes.Nurses around the estate of California went on strike for one day to protest against the cuts that put patients in danger.

Throughout California thousands of register nurses (RN’s) took part in a massive one-day strike Thursday September 22. This protest which included more than 23,000 RNs picketing hospitals around the state, resulted from an attempt by Sutter Alta Bates (Berkeley), Kaiser Permanente (Oakland) and Children’s (Oakland) hospital’s, to cut operating expense’s, at the cost of, either reducing patient services or cutting their nursing and caregiver’s staff personnel.

The response of state’s nurse’s, represented by California Nurses Association (CNA) and National Nurses United (NNU), was a resounding and emphatic, “no.”

At issue is: Sutter and other hospital’s administrative policy-makers desire to limit RNs ability to challenge their directives. The nurse’s say, even when it is out of concern, for their patients. They also allege these medical institutions are advocating that RNs show up to work, even when they are ill, hence exposing patients to infections.

RNs also differ with administration’s view on cutting hospital management cost by reducing nurses’ healthcare coverage and retiree health benefits.

Admin point’s out though that the only alternative would be to reduce vital patient care services. Understandably, nurses have a problem with. “They disrespect you by attacking your healthcare, your retirement benefits, your right to advocate for patients; and now they want to force you to work when you are sick. Having sick nurses care for sick patients is sick,” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka stated.

CNA Co-President DeAnn McEwen went even further, stating, “When nurses are on the outside, there’s something wrong on the inside.”

She went on to say, “They’re harming patients and we’re standing in the gap.”


Locally, Children’s Hospital RN (of Oakland) Martha Kuhl said, “Nurses will never be silenced, in standing up for patients and our communities or members and our families.”

In contrast, management’s point-of-view, of how the lack of operating cash, might be remedied, the NNU is lobbying for “Taxing Wall ­Street.” To this end on Sept. 15, 1000 NNU members engaged in a demonstrations statewide.

Locally, a rally took place in front of the Federal Reserve Bank building in San Francisco at Main and Market streets that same day; and followed on the heels of similar actions held by labor and community nationwide. NNU Co-President Deborah Burger, RN points out that taxing Wall Street trading ventures could raise hundreds of billions of dollars.

What started out as a cute chi-chi clique, the notion to tax Wall Street, seems to be on the fast track to becoming a hot new political trend, and as it gains momentum, many Americans are being swept up in its wake; on Sept. 15 NNU got on board. At a speech in San Diego, NNU Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro said, “What we have to say to Wall Street is, you have taken and taken and taken, and you have given nothing back. You have abandoned this country, and you have conabandoned the people. There should be no hungry people in America, and no people without jobs in America.”

Also on board with the concept of taxing corporative institutions is a growing number of homeowners, who are currently finding themselves in a situation that might result in them losing their homes. They too believe financial giants like Wall contribute to the growing number of evictions and home foreclosures by skirting paying its fair share of taxes.

Coinciding with the action that took place in front of the Fed in SF Sept. 15, a coalition of homeowners in San Jose (SJ) calling themselves, “Refund and Rebuild California.”

They then went door to door to make residents of the blighted area aware of this new movement that is underway – to use Taxing Wall Street – as a means of helping to aid the government in digging itself out of the current economic mess the U.S. economy is in.

Their rally cry was, “It’s time to make Wall Street pay” for its short-sighted approach to doing business – that puts profit above all else – even human.


Cinnamon may eliminate the need for drugs in patients with type 2 diabetes

by Christine O’Brien

According to Dr. Wright, cinnamon/MHCP might not only help control blood sugar but also, when combined with appropriate diet, exercise, and other supplementation, make patent medications and their myriad adverse effects (including significantly increased cardiovascular mortality and occasional deaths from other causes) totally unnecessary.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes who aren’t using patent medications should also consider this addition to their diet, exercise, and supplement plan. If you have a mild case of diabetes, it’s quite possible that your blood sugar level will normalize simply by using cinnamon or MHCP. At the very least, it should improve.

And in either circumstance, using cinnamon or MHC should postpone or even help prevent progression of type 2 diabetes and its complications. Of course, always work with a physician who can monitor your progress and help you withdraw from any patent diabetes medication you may be taking.

Since insulin and MHCP have been found to be synergistic, taking MHCP or whole cinnamon should make it possible to regulate blood sugar with less insulin. Some complications of type 1 diabetes may come from insulin use itself, so using less insulin while maintaining blood sugar control could be beneficial. Always work with a physician whenever trying to taper down insulin usage.

But before you start sprinkling it on…

Dr. Anderson noted in his research that all species of cinnamon and numerous bottles of commercial cinnamon were tried and that they all worked to help regulate glucose metabolism in his research teams’ experiments.

Coupled with the widespread availability of self monitoring devices for blood sugar measurement, it isn’t hard to tell if cinnamon or MHCP is helpful. However, keep in mind that whole cinnamon, like most plants and other living things, has both fat-soluble and water-soluble fractions. There is some evidence that high levels of the fat-soluble fractions of cinnamon could be cause for concern.

Some researchers have found that substances in the fat- (and oil) soluble fractions of cinnamon may be both carcinogenic and genotoxic (damaging to genes, and leading to an increased risk of both cancer and birth defects). Fortunately, these risks are easily avoidable, and you can still get all the benefits of cinnamon just by taking a few simple ­steps.

Dr. Anderson has observed that essentially all toxic materials in cinnamon are fat soluble. He simply recommends that, to be safe, anyone using more than 1/4 to 1 teaspoonful of whole cinnamon daily first boil it in water, then pour off the resulting watery solution for use, and discard the solid remainder, which would contain the fat- and oil-soluble fractions. Since MHCP is water soluble, it’s still readily available in the watery solution poured off after boiling the cinnamon.

A helpful hint for actually going about separating the oils and fats on the surface of the water: Try pouring the water through a cheesecloth (cheesecloths are available in many supermarkets and other cooking-supply stores).

If you prefer not to take these steps, but still want to try this natural approach to controlling diabetes, you can avoid the potential hazard of whole cinnamon by using the cinnamon derivative, MHCP, in supplement form.

Note: Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone’s personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Gang killings in Mexico spread south

­by the El Reporero’s staff

Felipe CalderónFelipe Calderón

On Sept. 29, 35 bodies were found dumped in two trucks on the main road from the port city of Veracruz to Boca del Río (also in the state of Veracruz). The state and federal authorities are losing control of Veracruz. This could have major political implications, because the state is the third biggest electoral district in the country after the Estado de México and the Distrito Federal. If drug gangs intimidate voters, they could determine the result of next year’s general elections.

In Veracruz’s 2010 gubernatorial election, 3.1m people voted, of a total electorate of 5.3m. In the 2006 presidential election, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa won the presidency by the narrowest margin ever: 243,934 votes.

Guatemala heads into the unknown

Right-wing former general Otto Pérez Molina of the Partido Patriota (PP) will face populist businessman Manuel Baldizón of Libertad Democrática Renovada (Líder) in the Nov. 6 run-off for the presidency. While this is in line with poll predictions, the big surprise on Sept. 11 was the relatively poor performance by Pérez Molina, who had consistently led the polls by a country mile.

This, together with the surge of Baldizón, who has most benefited from the exclusion of former First Lady Sandra Torres of the Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE)-Gran Alianza Nacional (Gana), and the strong performance in the congressional and municipal vote by the UNE-Gana, which has rejected outright a future alliance with the PP, suggest that the second round is a far from foregone conclusion.

­Is Humala setting himself up for a Bolivian dilemma?

President Ollanta Humala has had a good run of it in his first six weeks in office, scoring two important triumphs. First, he secured the unanimous approval of the new congress, in which his ruling Gana Perú doesn’t have a reliable working majority, for a new ‘Law of Consultation’ (Ley de Consulta), which will give local (mostly indigenous) communities more say over mining and other investments in their areas.

Secondly, he secured the agreement of mining companies for a new regulatory framework for the sector, including a new royalty tax scheme applicable to operating profits known as the ‘Gravamen’ or ‘Obolo Minero’.

Politicians and commentators from all sides applauded. Yet the two reforms risk creating the very tensions they were supposed to avoid.

The Law of Consultation enshrines the right of indigenous groups to have a say in how their land is developed; the mining deal binds the government and mining companies together in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which effectively says that the government will respect investment rights in exchange for higher taxation – revenues the government is ultimately dependent upon to implement its plans for social development and economic inclusion. (Latin News contributed to this report).

Global breaking point this October

Published by The Financial Times

Will global financial markets reach a breaking point during the month of October? Right now there are all kinds of signs that the financial world is about to experience a nervous breakdown. Massive amounts of investor money is being pulled out of the stock market and mammoth bets are being made against the S&P 500 in October.

The European debt crisis continues to grow even worse and weird financial moves are being made all over the globe. Does all of this unusual activity indicate that something big is about to happen? Let’s hope not. But historically, the biggest stock market crashes have tended to happen in the fall. So are we on the verge of a “Black October”?

The following are 21 signs that something big is about to happen in the financial world and that global financial markets are on the verge of a nervous breakdown….

#1 We are seeing an amazing number of bets against the S&P 500 right now. According to CNN, the number of bets against the S&P 500 rose to the highest level in a year last month. But that was nothing compared to what we are seeing for October. The number of bets against the S&P 500 for the month of October is absolutely astounding. Somebody is going to make a monstrous amount of money if there is a stock market crash next month.

#2 Investors are pulling a huge amount of money out of stocks right now. Do they know something that we don’t? The following is from a report in the Financial Post….

Investors have pulled more money from U.S. equity funds since the end of April than in the five months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., adding to the $2.1 trillion rout in American stocks.

About $75 billion was withdrawn from funds that focus on shares during the past four months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from the Investment Company Institute, a Washington-based trade group, and EPFR Global, a research firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Outflows totaled $72.8 billion from October 2008 through February 2009, following Lehman’s bankruptcy, the data show.

#3 Siemens has pulled more than half a billion euros out of two major French banks and has moved that money to the European Central Bank. Do they know something or are they just getting nervous?

#4 On Monday, Standard & Poor’s cut Italy’s credit rating from A+ to A.

#5 The European Central Bank is purchasing even more Italian and Spanish bonds in an attempt to cool down the burgeoning financial crisis in Europe.

#6 The Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank have announced that they are going to make available an “unlimited” amount of money to European commercial banks in October, November and December.

#7 So far this year, the largest bank in Italy has lost over half of its value and the second largest bank in Italy is down 44 percent.

#8 Angela Merkel’s coalition is getting embarrassed in local elections in Germany. A recent poll found that an astounding 82 percent of all Germans believe that her government is doing a bad job of handling the crisis in Greece. Right now, public opinion in Germany is very negative toward the bailouts, and that is really bad news for Greece.

#9 Greece is experiencing a full-blown economic collapse at this point. Just consider the following statistics from a recent editorial in the Guardian….

Consider first the scale of the crisis. After contracting in 2009 and 2010, GDP fell by a further 7.3 percent in the second quarter of 2011. Unemployment is approaching 900,000 and is projected to exceed 1.2 million, in a population of 11 million. These are figures reminiscent of the Great Depression of the 1930s.

#10 In 2009, Greece had a debt to GDP ratio of about 115 percent. Today, Greece has a debt to GDP ratio of about 160 percent. All of the austerity that has been imposed upon them has done nothing to solve their long-term problems.

#11 The yield on 1 year Greek bonds is now over 129 percent. A year ago the yield on those bonds was under 10 percent.

#12 Greek Deputy Finance Minister Filippos Sachinidis says that Greece only has enough cash to continue operating until next month.

#13 Italy now has a debt to GDP ratio of about 120 percent and their economy is far, far larger than the economy of Greece.

#14 The yield on 2 year Portuguese bonds is now over 17 percent. A year ago the yield on those bonds was about 4 percent.

#15 China seems to be concerned about the stability of European banks. The following is from a recent Reuters report….

A big market-making state bank in China’s onshore foreign exchange market has stopped foreign exchange forwards and swaps trading with several European banks due to the unfolding debt crisis in Europe, two sources told Reuters on Tuesday.

#16 European central banks are now buying more gold than they are selling. This is the first time that has happened in more than 20 years.

#17 The chief economist at the IMF says that the global economy has entered a “dangerous new phase”.

#18 Israel has dumped 46 percent of its U.S. Treasuries and Russia has dumped 95 percent of its U.S. Treasuries. Do they know something that we don’t?

#19 World financial markets are expecting that the Federal Reserve will announce a new bond-buying plan this week that will be designed to push long-term interest rates lower.

#20 If some wealthy investors believe that the Obama tax plan has a chance of getting through Congress, they may start dumping stocks before the end of this year in order to avoid getting taxed at a much higher rate in 2012.

#21 According to a study that was recently released by Merrill Lynch, the U.S. economy has an 80 percent chance of going into another recession.

When financial markets get really jumpy like this, all it takes is one really big spark to set the dominoes in motion.

Hopefully nothing really big will happen in October.

Hopefully global financial markets will not experience a nervous breakdown.

But right now things look a little bit more like 2008 every single day.

None of the problems that caused the financial crisis of 2008 have been fixed, and the world financial system is more vulnerable today than it ever has been since the end of World War II.

As I wrote about yesterday, the U.S. economy has never really recovered from the last financial crisis.

If we see another major financial crash in the coming months, the consequences would be absolutely devastating.

We have been softened up and we are ready for the knockout blow.

Let’s just hope that the financial ­world can keep it together.

We don’t need more economic pain right about now.

Oaxacan vocalist Martha Toledo in the Bay Area

by the staff of El Reportero

Martha ToledoMartha Toledo

Oaxacan vocalist Martha Toledo will be performing in La Peña Cultural Center with guitarist José Roberto. Toledo is a Zapotec singer from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Oaxaca, Mexico. She is an expressive singer and dazzling presence, who has performed all over Mexico (including the National Auditorium in Mexico City); at La Peña in Berkeley twice; Brava Theatre; MoMA (for its Frida Kahlo exhibit) and the Mission Cultural Center in San Francisco; and throughout Austria, France and Spain. She is currently producing her third CD, after “Teca Huiin’i” and “Nostalgia”. Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011 – 7:30 p.m. La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA.

­(510) 849-2568 $16 advance; $18 at the door. Advance tickets via Brown Paper Tickets:

Pete Escovedo at Roccapulco Supper Club

Pete Escovedo will perform in Roccapulco Supper Club in the event 80 Minutes of Escovedo 90 Minutes of Zumba Master Class on Saturday, September 24, from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. The event will benefit the Foundation for Children with Cancer, Admission is $25 and tickets can be obtained through Roccapulco Supper Club, 3140 Mission Street.

Cal Performances launches 2011/12 season with the Second Annual Free For All

Cal Performances kicks off its 2011-12 season on Sunday, September 25 with its second annual Fall Free for All, a full day of free, high quality music, dance and theater performances on the University of California, Berkeley, campus.

The event includes a performance at 11:00 am in the Pauley Ballroom of members of Los Cenzontles Mexican Roots Music and Dance. Founded in San Pablo, California in 1994 by musician and educator Eugene Rodriguez, Los Cenzontles is an artist-driven organization committed to celebrating and increasing the appreciation of Mexican culture through classes, events, media and performances.

Latino-themed movies open at the Opera Plaza in San Francisco

­by the staff of El Reportero

Corina CalderonCorina Calderon

“Forged” by William Wedig and “All She Can” by Amy Wendel and Daniel Meisel will open at the Opera Plaza San Francisco, September 16. “Forged” tells the story of an ex-thug and his son who attempt to find a way to move past impossible circumstances to forge a bond that has been forever broken by the murder of the child’s mother.

“Forged” is a Revere Pictures release, set in the cold and rusty steel mill town of Scranton, Pennsylvania. It follows ex-thug Jesus “Chuco” Barrera (Manny Perez) on his quest to redeem himself for committing a horrific sin, the murder of his wife. After Chuco’s release from prison, his now 13-year-old, abused and homeless son, Machito (David Castro), seeks him out and simply mutters, “You killed my mother. Now I kill you.” As Chuco’s guilt and Machito’s need for a father take hold, they must both find a way to move past impossible circumstances to forge a bond that has been forever broken. Engulfed by a bleak and lonely air, “Forged” tells a profound, introverted story that is both exhilarating and heartfelt, an exploration into the deep bonds of family­ when one man’s search for redemption might beg for more than he can give.

“All She Can” is set in Benavides, Texas, where petite girls can deadlift 280 pounds, military recruiters roam high school halls, and a patriotic Mexican American community that has been there since before it was Texas struggles with an economy literally collapsing around it. “All She Can” is a Kapok Pictures release, and revolves around a small south Texas town, where there aren’t many career options for young people besides oil rigs, the military, or fast-food restaurants. Luz Garcia, a fiery high school athlete, is determined to forge a different future. She’s gained admission to the University of Texas at Austin. The problem is that she can’t afford to go. With her one shot at a scholarship riding on the state power lifting championship, she sees no choice but to bend the rules to ensure her victory. Although Luz’s rashness and frustration land her in increasingly hotter water, they also fuel her with courage and empowerment.


Protest in San Francisco on September 17, U.S. Day of Indignation

­by the El Reportero staff

Some 300 people protested against what they consider a banking abuse, and the loss of civil liberties in the nation. The event was part of a series of non-violent nationwide protests as the ones that the Egyptians carried out to oust the dictator, Hosni Mubarak.

The event, named the US Day of Rage, was carried out at the same time as another event was happening, called Occupy Wall Street, in New York, where the demonstrator intend to remain on the street for weeks or months.

The event, titled the “US Day of Rage,” it in conjunction with a similar event that is taking place in New York City, titled “Occupy Wall Street”.

The reason: Americans are outraged at large corporative financial institutions who employ “ruthless and desperate tactics” in conducting business.

They denounce that these entites are of the mindset that “puts profit over and above all else” and will do anything to “minimize costs and maximize profits. Some assert that “even the act of being alive has a price tag”.

For financial these entites, who are in line with the rich and powerbrokers, are a point in our historical evolution where –of one accord- they are able to set prices for staples, like food, clothing, fuel, that all humans need to get alone in its day- to- day survival. And, those disproportionately feeling the brunt of these “monopolized” business practices –poor uneducated Third World minorities.

Similar protests are taking place in Austin, Los Ángeles, S.F, Seattle and Washington D.C. Others are underway in Spain, Italy, England, Canada, Greece, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Netherlands, Israel and France.

The reason Wall Street was choosen is it is viewed as the primary trendsetter in the “corporative plunder” of our nation. Wall Street also has tremendous influence over political parties, like the Republicans and Democratics, because “political campaigns require financing”.

This Day of Outrage is well planned out, but protestors expect resistance from the powers-that-be as their right to peaceful assembly has at times been hampered by forces created to serve and protect civil society, i.e. , “the police”.

“Like the revolutionary tactics of the Arab Spring of massive occupation of the streets, his brothers and sisters in Egypt, Greece, Spain and Iceland, you get in America. And they want to endorse the use of non-violence as the first objective to achieve their goals and ensure maximum safety of the participants.

The Federal Reserve Cartel Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader, here we present the third part of the series The Federal Reserve Cartel. This one, just like the second part, is divided into four chapters. Here, we will share with you that unkown part of the story that has changed our lives so much.

In this third chapter of the third part of a four part series we will go on refering to a group of people who directly or indirectly pull the strings in our planet, the Illuminati.

— The Templars controlled a huge fleet of ships and their own naval fleet based at the French Atlantic Port of La Rochelle. They were especially cozy with the royals of England. They purchased the island of Cyprus from Richard the Lion Heart, but were later overrun by the Turks. On Friday October 13, 1307 King Philip IV of France joined forces with Pope Clement V and began rounding up Templars on charges ranging from necromancy to the use of black magic. Friday the 13th would from that day forward carry negative connotations.

“Sion” is believed to be a transliteration of Zion, itself a transliteration for the ancient Hebrew name Jerusalem. The Priory of Sion came into public view in July 1956. A 1981 notice in the French press listed 121 dignitaries as Priory members. All were bankers, royalty or members of the international political jet set. Pierre Plantard was listed as Grand Master. Plantard is a direct descendent, through King Dagobert II, of the Merovingan Kings. Plantard, who owns property in the Rennes-le-Chateau area of southern France where the Priory of Sion is based, has stated that the order has in its possession lost treasure recovered from beneath Solomon’s Temple and that it will be returned to Israel when the time is right. He also stated that in the near future monarchy would be restored to France and other nations. The Templars claim to possess secret knowledge that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene, fathered children to launch the Merovingan bloodline and was the son of Joseph of Arimathea. [15]

Joseph was the son of King Solomon. Solomon’s Temple is the model for Masonic Temples, which occur without fail in every town of any size in America. It was a place of ill repute where fornicating, drunkenness and human sacrifice were the norm. Accorder to British researcher David Icke, it’s location on Jerusalem’s Mount Moriah may have also been an Anunnaki flight control center. The Annunaki are the reptilian/aliens revealed by the Sumerian clay tablets- the oldest written accounts of humankind known. The Crusader Knights Templar looted their huge store of gold and numerous sacred artifacts from beneath the Temple. King Solomon was the son of King David- who during his 1015 BC reign massacred thousands of people.

Icke calls King David “a butcher” and asserts that the king wrote a good chunk of the Bible. His son Solomon killed his own brother to become King. He advised Egyptian Pharaoh Shiskak I, marrying his daughter. Solomon studied at Akhenaton’s Egyptian Mystery Schools, where mind control was rampant. The Grand Lodge of Cairo spawned a network of secret societies including Assassins, Cabalists, Freemasons and the Afghan Roshaniya. Those who pass through to the highest levels become Illuminati.

Icke claims the Canaanite Brotherhood was headed by the god/king Melchizedek, who may have been an Annunaki. The King focused on a Hebrew understanding of the Ancient Mysteries. The Order of Melchizedek became the secret society associated with the Cabala. King Solomon developed his vast wisdom studying the Sumerian Tables of Destiny which Abraham had possessed. Abraham may have also been of Anunnaki origin.

Both he and Melchizedek had been tutored by the Sumerian Brotherhood of the Snake, whose name may have something to do with the Biblical creation story, 2where Adam and Eve are tempted from a bountiful garden of Eden (a hunting and gathering existence?) into a world of “sin and servitude” by a snake. When the Bible says that the first couple ate the forbidden fruit, could it mean that Eve was impregnated by the snake – an Annunaki serpent (the Nephilim 2of the Book of Genesis) – thus damning all Adamus to a life of toil under serpent king bloodline control?

­The basis of the Sumerian Tables of Destiny which Abraham possessed became known as Ha Qabala, Hebrew for “light and knowledge”. Those who understood these cryptic secrets, said to be encoded throughout the Old Testament, are referred to deferentially as Ram. The phrase is used in Celtic, Buddhist and Hindu spiritual circles as well. The Knights Templar brought Cabbalistic knowledge to Europe when they returned from their Middle East Crusade adventures. [16]

Your uncle and mine

Jorge Mújica Murias

It is not news anywhere in the United States. Somebody makes a mistake one night, has one drink too many and gets stopped for driving under the influence. Driving drunk or semi-drunk is dangerous and a bad, no doubt about it, and some day we should end that practice making cars that will not start unless the driver blows into a breathalyzer or something like that, or ending alcohol once and forever, but we already know the second choice really does not work.

While that happens, we all are at the risk of our uncle calling us telling he got arrested and charged with a DUI, that he is in jail and that La Migra is Cumming to get him. And when I say “all” I mean “all”, including the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama.

That exactly happened to Barack a few days ago, when a 67 year old someone by the name Onyango Obama, in Framingham, Massachusetts, passed a red light and crashed with a police car, so he was arrested on the suspicion of DUI. He had a Social Security number and driver license, but he also had a deportation order. Known as “Uncle Omar” in Barack Obama’s book “Memories of my Father”, Obama admitted to have had two beers, and he was placed under an “immigration hold”. When he was asked if he wanted to make a phone call, he responded “yes, I will call the White House”.

He is the half-brother of Barack Obama’s father, brother of the now famous Zeituni Onyango, Barack’s aunt who was discovered living in subsidized housing and with another pending order for deportation. Her case was solved by reviewing her asylum case and miraculously finding that she was right and the immigration Judie was wrong and she had the right to remain in the United States.

The Three Hundred Thousand U­ncles

Onyango case falls right in the middle of his nephew’s announcement that La Migra will review some 300 thousand cases of immigrants in deportation proceedings and will not deport those without criminal records, meaning are not assassins, terrorists, rapists or drug dialers. It sounds good, but it contains a trap right in the announcement itself.

Onyango, and by all means his sister Zeituni are “criminals” according the law. Both had deportation orders because they did not leave the country when ordered to do so, when they lost their immigration cases, Even worse, in some states, And that is interesting. If Onyango was a commoner, just an immigrant, is case would be simple: he is a “criminal” and should be deported. But since he is Barack Obama’s relative, maybe another Miracle would happen and he will get to stay by the order o fan immigration judge that will say that the first immigration Judie was wrong, as it happened to his sister Zeituni last year.

That would put Obama’s (Barack) “new immigration policy” under harsh scrutiny. If his uncle is a criminal, then all our uncles are because they drive under the influence and crash against police cars and the like, and for having pending deportation orders.

But if his uncle gets to stay because he does not have other “criminal” background and his case can be reviewed, then all of our uncles should be able to stay, even if they can’t make a call to the White House.