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American fear, whiskey & gunpowder

Don Cooper is being driven to drink by the unspoken fear that plagues us all.

by Don Cooper

Whether they realize it or not Americans live in a constant state of fear every day. I’m not referring to the fears of everyday life like losing a job or having an accident of some kind, but rather a more sinister and devious fear; a fear that Americans only dare talk about around the water cooler or at cocktail parties so as not to be taken seriously; a fear they try to mask with a with a whimsical tone of sarcasm or indifference. Whether Americans want to admit it or not, it’s the single greatest fear in their lives: fear of the government.

Right about now there are those reading this thinking: Don Cooper is a drunk. To which I reply: what’s that got to do with it? Maybe more people should drink if that’s what it takes to sober up and confront what they are really afraid of.

In their defense, I’ll admit that reality is scary. No argument that living in delusion is warmer, safer, cozier, and easier. Pretending is always more fun than reality, that’s why we go to the movies. But fear of the government is a fear that invades a person’s soul and — since the government intervenes in every aspect of our lives — it affects every move we make every day.

Fear of the government is hard to recognize and acknowledge. It’s a fear that we are taught early on in life and to which we become accustomed. We inevitably end up tucking it away in the far reaches of our minds in order to function “normally” every day and live our lives. But just as a car backfiring will trigger a sense of fear from a shell-shocked veteran, so too can the State trigger that sense of fear they’ve instilled in us.

One need only ask: when you see a cop in your rearview mirror with his lights on, do you feel a sense of safety and comfort or do you get a shot of adrenaline from your body’s “fight or flight” reflex? Do you immediately start asking yourself what he could possibly pull you over for, other than the fact that he was abused as a child, bullied at school and his mother didn’t love him, and now he’s going to whittle away at that chip on his shoulder by abusing you.

As you search for your proof of government permission to drive (i.e., your license), and your government permission to own the car ( i.e., your registration ), and your proof of government mandated insurance, do you do so calmly and with a smile on your face and with gleeful anticipation of speaking with someone who gives of himself to serve and protect you, or do you do so nervously, fumbling through your papers hoping everything’s up to date and acceptable to him for fear of being detained for whatever reason and having it affect your job, your family, and every aspect of your life?

And when it’s all over, do you feel glad that it happened or are you just glad it’s over? Later that evening do you recount the story to others with a sense of pride, or do you do so with a sharp tongue and  kick yourself for all the things you wish you would have had the presence of mind to say at the time but didn’t? Do you feel happy that you have to pay $150 to the government because you were driving down the street faster than the government allows you to, or are you angry?

And in the end, do you send the money to the government even though you don’t agree with it? Even though you feel it’s unfair to have to pay so much money yet you’ve harmed no one? Of course you do.

And why? Because you’re afraid of what the government will do to you if you don’t. In the end, you’ll retreat back into your cubby-hole of delusion in order to justify paying the fine by convincing yourself that what you did was wrong, the government was right, and you deserve the punishment.

My favorite delusional argument from those still attached to the matrix is that they pay their taxes voluntarily. To these people I ask: when you do your tax returns, do you take as many deductions as the government will allow you? Of course, the answer is always yes. Then I ask them that if they could take enough deductions such that their tax liability was zero would they do so? Again, not surprisingly, the answer is yes. I then ask them that if their preference is to pay zero taxes then why don’t they simply refuse to pay taxes. Inevitably, that’s where their train of thought always runs out of track. Of course everyone knows the answer: because they’re afraid of what the government will do.

I challenge everyone to ask themselves: when was the last time you even thought about the possibility you might be robbed, your house broken into or shot at? Can you even remember? Now ask yourself when was the last time you were afraid of doing something that could be deemed “illegal” by the government and for which you could be fined, detained or arrested?

Something like not wearing a seatbelt, speeding, making a U-turn, going through a yellow light, not crossing the street at the cross-walk, riding a bike on a sidewalk, forgetting your license at home, taking too many deductions on your taxes, talking on your phone while driving, not allowing strangers to touch you or your children at the airport, cutting down a tree on your own property, owning and transporting a gun, collecting rain water and the list goes on. I would wager the answer is: daily! The first word out of everybody’s mouth when asked a normal, completely benign question these days is: “Well legally … “ It’s first and foremost on our minds, and why wouldn’t it be, there are 76,000 pages to just the federal register alone. Some argue that everyone commits at least three felonies every day! Ignorance is a dangerous thing, and it must be stopped in our lifetime, fo’ it kill somebody.

At the end of the day, all government mandates are enforced at the end of the barrel of a gun, and that scares the hell out of everyone, as it should. But if we truly believe we are free then we have to start acting like it. It’s time we cared about something bigger than ourselves. It’s time we stopped living our lives in fear. Having said all that, I’m not holding my breath. It’s proven to be difficult to convince people that freedom is more important than the real housewives of New Jersey. And that’s why I drink!

R e g a r d s , D o n C o o p e r.­

The Federal Reserve Cartel Part IV: A Financial Parasite

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: this is the first of the fourth part of this series, The Federal Reserve Cartel, which chronically explains the history of the Fed and the false perception which has resulted in Americans believing it’s part of the U.S. Government when – The Fed Reserve is a private for-profit bank that ought be abolished.

This is an excerpt from a book by Dean Henderson

— To this end: United World Federalists founder James Warburg’s father was Paul Warburg, who with help from Senator Prescott Bush (former President George Bush’s grandfather) financed Hitler. Colonel Ely Garrison, a close friend of both presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson wrote, “Paul Warburg was the man who got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused much nationwide resentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was Baron Alfred Rothschild of London.”

The Aldrich Plan was hatched at a secret 1910 meeting between Rockefeller lieutenant Nelson Aldrich and Paul Warburg of the German Warburg banking dynasty, at JP Morgan’s private resort on Jekyll Island, South Carolina. Then Congressman Aldrich (NY) would marry into the Rockefeller family and his son Winthrop Aldrich would become chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank.

While the bankers met Colonel Edward House, a close confidant of President Woodrow Wilson and Rockefeller, was busy convincing Wilson of the importance of a private central bank and introduction of a national income tax. A member of House’s staff was General Julius Klein, a British MI6 Permindex insider (another Bush connection).

Wilson didn’t need much convincing though because he was beholden to copper magnate Cleveland Dodge, whose namesake Phelps Dodge became one of the biggest mining companies in the world. Dodge bankrolled Wilson’s political career. Wilson even wrote his inaugural speech on Dodge’s yacht.

Like Dodge, Wilson met Cyrus McCormick while at Princeton. Both were directors at Rockefeller’s National City Bank – now Citigroup.

Due to these friendships, Wilson would devote much time to selling the public on the idea that banks should be trusted. In 1911, in contrast, City Mayor of New York John Hylan stated, “The real menace to our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation.

­At the head is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as the international bankers.”

But the “eight families” prevailed and in 1913 the Federal Reserve was born, with Paul Warburg its first governor. Four years later, after a secret society known as the Black Hand assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his Hapsburg wife, the US entered World War I.

That same year, the Bolsheviks, aided by Max Warburg and Jacob Schiff, overthrew the Russian Hohehzollern monarchy. The rise to power of the Bolsheviks in Russia would result in: British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, being persuaded by Lord Rothschild (a leader of the British Jewish community) in a 1917 letter to create an independent “Jewish state in Palestine.” This letter would become know as the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

In the 1920’s Baron Edmund de Rothschild (son of the Lord), with help from NYC based Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (the most influential invest bank in the world) founded Palestine Economics Commission (PEC). Loeb’s also helped Rothschild form a network to smuggle weapons to Zionist death squads bent on seizing Palestinian lands.

(Editor’s Note: Next: the formation of our income tax system.)

Unions join “Occupy Wall Street” movement

­by Alexander Higgins

Thousands occupy Wall Street to protest the bankers.Thousands occupy Wall Street to protest the bankers.

With the passing of each day, what has come to be known as “the Occupy Wall Street” political movement gains momentum; as of late, with it, collective bargaining labor unions have cast their hats into the ring too. And as pointed out, enthusiastically, by political reporter Alexander Higgins, “It’s game on.”

As previously reported, at the street level, unions, among them, the 200,000 member strong Transportation Workers Union, along with the Teamsters, are throwing all their political might behind Occupy Wall Street and their political muscle, as it may, does make quite an impression at the street level.

It is rumored that Verizon workers plan to join, as is the Industrial Workers Union who too have endorsed Occupy Wall Street.

Then news surfaced that several more unions are committed to, or are contemplating joining, while two of the unions scheduled solidarity marches.

Now TPM Alexander Higgins reports even more unions are joining up to protest against Wall Street and the movement is set to grow rapidly. For example, a collective of eight groups, with over one million members strong, will be joining the Occupy Wall Street movement to show their solidarity and march against what they are calling “the machine.” And based on Occupy Wall Street’s Facebook page, the other eight organizations expected to join in the Oct. 5 rally are: United NY, Strong Economy for All Coalition, Working Families Party, VOCAL-NY, Community Voices Heard, Alliance for Quality Education, New York Communities for Change and Coalition for the Homeless (which has a collective membership of a million).

Combined, this makes for a very interesting mix of individuals, on the ground, in New York on October 5. Third-party libertarian types have never mixed very well with unions, but perhaps Americans will be able to get behind this single cause rather than be manipulated into conflict, by mainstream “talking heads” pieces, at the behest of political operatives. “We’re not holding our breath but this is a good start,” Higgins said.

As we suggested in American Powder Keg: New Black Panther Chairman Declares: “The Hour of War Is At Hand” and much of America is disgusted with the direction we’re headed in, which is evidenced by the 81 percent of Americans who say they’re not satisfied with the governance of the country. We’re all in this together.”

The majority of Americans aren’t happy and they’ve lost hope, because regardless of what group you identify with, what color you are or what way you lean towards politically; the end result is the same: you’re losing jobs, falling behind on essential bills, having difficulty putting food on the table and are constantly being accosted by government on all levels.

The challenge is not so much getting people motivated – because you can be assured that as this crisis deepens, millions will have no choice but to head to the streets for the reasons outlined above. The problem we face is that we are dealing with politicians and business leaders who have no other motive than power and money, and they will do anything and everything necessary in order to deflect blame. Thus, they’ll need a scapegoat(s), as we suggested previously:

When the riots start – and they will – the core motivators for individuals who hit the streets will be similar. Where the difference will arise is with, which person or group will be blamed.

Those elites in the upper echelons of our command and control apparatus thrive on hate, confusion and panic, and they will use our own ignorance against us.

When we discuss the coming civil disobedience and unrest in America, we may find ourselves visualizing protests where the people join together to oust a tyrannical government. Be forewarned. This is not the most likely outcome – at least not at the outset. With so many different ideologies in this country every one of us interprets the problems and directs blame a different way. These differences will be used against us; they’ll be used to turn us against each other.

As has been the case throughout history and most certainly exemplified in recent protests and riots around the world, in an attempt to discredit the message of the people, the powers-that-be will likely utilize agent provocateurs to wreck havoc. Because of the differing backgrounds and worldviews at any given rally (especially one like Occupy Wall Street), it wouldn’t take much to create conflicts and clashes.

Many of those who will be out in force on October 5th and at the many coming assemblies, rallies and riots, that we’ll see in America’s future will be “mindless followers” taking orders from their respective political, union or organization leaders. Thus these engagements will not come without risk, because there’s always the danger that people will be misguided, misinformed and misdirected, eventually turning on themselves.

It’s great that Americans are taking to the streets to effect real change. One million (people) is a big number and despite the media making little of the fact that the Wall Street protests are even happening. This is how it starts. It is our hope that the people carry through with the original intent of the movement and focus their energy on the problem – unregulated greed and corruption on Wall Street and within the halls of Congress – rather than each other.

The goal: “One Million Protesters to Occupy Wall Street:



India sues Monsanto for biopiracy for stealing from nature with corporate purpose of obtaining profits

por Jonathan Benson

Representing one of the most agriculturally bio-diverse nations in the world, India has become a primary target for biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Cargill to spread their genetically-modified (GM) crops into new markets. However, a recent France 24 report explains that the Indian government has decided to take an offensive approach against this attempted agricultural takeover by suing Monsanto for “biopiracy,” accusing the company of stealing India’s indigenous plants in order to re-engineer them into patented varieties.

Brinjal, also known in Western nations as eggplant, is a native Indian crop for which there are roughly 2,500 different unique varieties. Millions of Indian farmers grow brinjal, which is used in a variety of Indian food dishes, and the country grows more than a quarter of the world’s overall supply of the vegetable.

And in an attempt to capitalize on this popular crop, Monsanto has repeatedly tried to commercially market its own GM variety of brinjal called Bt brinjal. But massive public outcry against planned commercial approval of Monsanto’s “frankencrop” variety in 2010 led to the government banning it for an indefinite period of time.

But Monsanto is still stealing native crops, including brinjal, and quietly working on GM varieties of them in test fields, which is a clear violation of India’s Biological Diversity Act (BDA). So at the prompting of various farmers and activists in India, the Indian government, representing the first time in history a nation that has taken such action, has decided to sue Monsanto.

“This can send a different message to the big companies for violating the laws of the nation,” said K.S. Sugara, Member Secretary of the Karnataka Biodiversity Board, to France 24 concerning the lawsuit. “It is not acceptable … that the farmers in our communities are robbed of the advantage they should get from the indigenous varieties.”

You can watch the full France 24 video report of India’s lawsuit against Monsanto here:

Farmers and active members of the public in India have been some of the world’s most outspoken opponents of Monsanto’s attempted GM takeover of agriculture. Besides successfully overturning the attempted approval of Bt brinjal, these freedom fighters have also successfully destroyed several attempted Monsanto GM test fields.

In other related Natural News:

WI judge declares that individuals have no fundamental right to own cows, drink raw milk

(NaturalNews) After being petitioned for clarification about his decision in a recent legal case involving individuals freedom to consume raw milk and own “shares” of dairy cows, Judge Patrick J. Fiedler vehemently declared that individuals “do not have a fundamental right to consume the foods of their choice,” and essentially reiterated his state’s position that raw milk is simply off limits.

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), on behalf of Zinniker Family Farm in Elkhorn, Wi., and several other farms, filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) back on Feb. 25, 2010, asking it to clarify its interpretation of the law in regards to raw milk (…).

Wisconsin is among the most restrictive US states as far as raw milk is concerned. Raw milk sales to consumers are prohibited — but private cow share agreements in which individuals purchase “shares” of their own cows, are exempted. However, due to the onslaught of raids in recent years against raw dairies, private raw milk buying clubs, and even raw milk cow share programs, the plaintiffs simply wanted to clarify Wisconsin’s stance concerning these alternate forms of accessing raw milk.

And they got their answer. According to a recent report byThe Complete Patient, Judge Fiedler believes that no individual has a “fundamental right” to consumeanyfood without government permission. Even though the Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution establishes that the government has no business interfering in the affairs of individuals outside of what has been specifically enumerated to it, which, of course, includes freedom of food choice, Judge Fiedler apparently believes otherwise.

To summarize Judge Fiedler’s response, which was obviously written in an arrogant and condescending tone, individuals have no fundamental right to own or use dairy cows, to consume the milk from their own cows, to board their cows off their own property, or even to produce and consume the foods of their own choice, period.

You can read Judge Fiedler’s entire disturbing response here:

Groups like FTCLDF will continue to challenge such illegal and unconstitutional restrictions against raw milk, particularly in individual states like Wisconsin where officials have illegally prohibited it. But individuals that value this priceless freedom must also also stand up and resist Big Brother’s concerted assault against food freedom, no matter form it may take. More: ­

Impressive candidates line up for 2012ficientemente

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Efraín Ríos MonttEfraín Ríos Montt

Although the immediate outlook for Mexico looks grim on several fronts (especially on security and the economy) the candidates lining up to race for the presidency in 2012 are an impressive bunch. Mexican voters, almost certainly, will have a better choice than their northern neighbours in the US in 2012.

Rios Montt case only superficially resembles ‘autogolpe’ episode of 1993

The Guatemalan opposition has come together to block the former dictator’s return to power, but circumstances are not the same as when they halted Jorge Serrano a decade ago.

Faced with the failure of the attempt to block the registration of retired General Efrain Rios Montt as the presidential candidate of the ruling FRG, all opposition parties have coalesced in congress in the Instancia Parlamentaria de Oposición, and have joined with unions, business associations, NGOs and an array of social organisations in a broad Frente Frente Cívico por la Democracia. On the surface, this is reminiscent of the manner in which an ad-hoc civic coalition came together in May 1993 to reverse President Jorge Serrano’s attempt to stage a Fujimori-style autogolpe, dissolving congress and dismissing the supreme court.

Peru’s judicial reform starts at home

On 18 August President Ollanta Humala outlined the focal point for judicial reform: attacking corruption in the judiciary.

“A corrupt judge is more dangerous than a criminal”, President Humala said on 18 August. Corruption has long undermined the public standing of judges and the sentences they hand down; the judiciary has been often described as an institution where money buys results, and allegedly, the more money one pays the more ‘justice’ one gets.

Efficiency – the more technical, but less visible twin problem facing the judiciary – will nevertheless be an important component, if not the core focus. Key points:

• Humala’s reforms are going with the grain of what senior judges, ­notably, César San Martin, the president of the supreme court, has been saying since he was appointed in January.

• Judges prosecuted for corruption will face tough sanctions. This is part of Humala’s hard-line position on sentencing. He wants sentences to reflect the crime.

• Corrupt judges have fuelled the public’s perception of rampant impunity. Following the recent release of 17 criminals, classified as dangerous, President Humala said that the judiciary and the police could not “allow criminals to abuse loopholes in the law to get back on the streets”. In doing so, the government has linked judicial reform to citizen insecurity, an issue with high political traction, making reformist intentions and legislation harder to oppose.

• As part of the short term measures, the economy ministry will create a Citizen Security fund with private sector support. This is, essentially, a public-private partnership to train police and fund initiatives such as community policing or CCTV. (Latin Briefs contributed to this report.)

Anti-politician sentiment rising within the Republican Party

by Christopher A. Guzman

With a GOP presidential field lacking a clear frontrunner, I’m going to suggest a radical and what might be considered a far-fetched idea: The Republican Party Establishment is currently being rocked by an unforeseen independent-minded force.

Two men at the moment are at the forefront of stirring this independent intra-party uprising: namely, Texas Congressman Ron Paul and businessman Herman Cain. In addition to challenging media-generated projections of who’s ahead of who, equally (if not more) significant is the disruption caused by Paul and Cain in key states where Independent voters are significant enough for either of the two major political parties to consider.

Take the California Republican Party’s Fall convention that I covered this month. Flanked by hundreds of mobilized followers, Congressman Paul took the convention by storm, trouncing Texas Governor Rick Perry by over 15 points in the state’s straw poll. While there admittedly wasn’t much devoted to helping Perry win this particular straw poll, his supporters still had a sizable presence. Despite the perception that the governor is the Golden Boy, Paul’s following and independent message seemingly dismantled this notion. With Perry not showing up to detail his plan for reaching out to California’s Independents and disillusioned Democrats, it was clearly Paul who stole the show from the media-labeled frontrunner who was once hailed as a game changer in the 2012 campaign. In addition, the man whom the media and Republican Establishment had treated like an immortal Greek god ended up struggling before the television cameras in a recent series of presidential debates.

Perry’s second blow more recently came in a state where Independent voters play a decisive role in deciding the next president–As Florida goes, so goes the nation. Unlike California, Governor Perry knew this concept well. Because of it, he devoted the time and resources that he believed were necessary to win the Florida straw poll held this past weekend. Unexpectedly, Perry was superseded by Herman Cain by a whopping 37%-15%.

The former executive of Godfather’s Pizza has never held political office. Yet, Mr. Cain’s straw poll victory over Perry made a thunderous statement in beating a Texas politician who has been part of the grandiose political system for years. While they might not be tag-teaming as running mates on a potential ticket, Paul and Cain are both embodiments of the rise of the ‘Anti-Politician’ in two respective ways.

Despite Congressman Paul working within the monotonous political system for over 30 years, his message has been consistent enough to warrant a fierce Independent streak and to ruffle the feathers of the two-party veterans. Cain, on the other hand, embodies the Anti-Politician in the sense that he hasn’t enjoyed a political career. Instead, he built his reputation on managing a business empire and consequently immersing himself into the economic principles governing the business world. With many looking for a candidate who can deal with the current economy, his message might be able to reach discouraged citizens across the entire political spectrum.

The apparent rise of an anti-politician sentiment within the Republican Party shows that at least a portion of the party’s base is looking for a breath of fresh air. It demonstrates that there’s an element of the electorate on the right that won’t fall for the usual media game of emphasizing certain candidates over others (such as Perry or Romney). Neither are these particular Republican voters willing to walk lockstep with party leaders’ marching orders.

­Whatever one’s political affiliation, this a state of mind that all voters should be willing to adopt.

Sonoma Back will kicks off its 2011 Concert season

by El Reportero Staff

Carmen lang ceramicsCarmen lang ceramics

Sonoma Bach will commence its orchestra season with a film titled, Tocar Y Luchar, (in English) To Play and To Fight, which tells the story of the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra System. What makes this movie so compelling is it the story of the awesome effort that a hundreds of small orchestras within Venezuela’s towns and villages have made to expose rural children to the magic that is orchestra.

The proceeds from Tocar Y Luchar go towards funding Sonoma Bach’s nine upcoming scheduled concerts, which are a collaborative effort in conjunction with the Santa Rosa Symphony.

Tocar Y Luchar takes place this Thursday Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. For more information call: (877) 914-BACH. Tickets are $20 in advance / $25 at the door. All are invited to participate.

Benefit to raise money for soldiers wounded in the Iraq and Afghanistan

Titled “Ride 2 Recovery,” bicyclists will ride from San Francisco to Santa Monica.

Money collected will be used to purchase bicycles, helmets and other items needed for veterans going through the “readjustment” and rehabilitation process.

This three-day event takes place Oct. 2-8 and is limited to 200 participants and cost $3,200, plus a $75 registration fee. To register, please visit:

SF International Arts Festival committee will host meeting

The general public is invited to attend a community meeting that the SFIAF will sponsor, to discuss the possibility of having the arts festival on the same weekend as the America Cup boat races, because the city of San Francisco has had the good fortune to play host to this glorious event in 2013.

This event is expected to bring as many as 200,000 people into the city and they will purchase many goods and services from local merchants – music to their ears!

The total number of people anticipated to attend could reach as many as six million.

The event will occur on Tuesday Oct. 4 at noontime. For more information, please contact ­


Two Blocks of Art Walk

by Charles Augustine

Carmen Lang ceramics

Nonprofit economic development group Urban Solutions will be hosting a “Two Blocks of Art Walk” event, aimed at making citizens from the private and business sectors aware of the vibrant creative art, cultural, scene that exists, and is ever evolving, in the downtown San Francisco’s (SF’s) Central Market and Sixth Street’s corridor.

Those attending can use this as an opportunity to get acquainted with the more than 50 local artists who have set up shop in the area in an array of small galleries or live/work spaces, that will al be open to the public for this gala event.

In addition to traditional art mediums, this annual event will also include live performance artists, among them local most notable, award-winning.

Local photographers, illustrators and fashion designers will also be featured in “2 Blocks of Art.”

Participants will also have the opportunity to become more familiar with the vast array of storefronts, restaurants and community spaces that abound in the area.

Organizer Jenny McNulty shares, “Many first-time visitors later return to patronize the restaurants, galleries and arts venues introduced through 2 Blocks of Art.

2 Blocks of Art is Urban Solutions/Central Market Arts Festival/Bindlestiff Studio production; and it should be noted that Bindlestiff Studio highlights upcoming Filipino performance artists.

This event will take place Friday, October 14, from 4-8 p.m.; between Market and Howard Streets.

For more information regarding SF’s second annual 2 Blocks of Art walk, contact: Janice Lee at (415) 793-4432 (cell) or (415) 793-4433 ext. 106 or go to ­

Ceramics Annual of America (CAA) will be hosting its annul exhibition.

Some of this nation’s finest and best ceramic sculpture and art will be found at the Festival Pavilion at Fort Mason Center this October 7-9 and all ceramic art lovers are encouraged to attend.

Among artists being featured are local artist Carmen Lang and renowned famous Javier del Cueto, who is coming all the way from Mexico to participate in the event..

As this is a once a year event and the second one of its kind ever conducted in the United States, you are sure to not want to miss this, what, promises to be an opportunity to “submerse yourself in the exciting tactile world of ceramics.”

For more information about this event, as well as, how to get $30 three-day ticket-passes, in come cases for free call 1-877-459-9CAA.ß

National Nurses join Tax Wall Street Movement

by Charles Augustine

What started out as a mere notion – a cute chi-chi clique – “Tax Wall Street to Bail out the U.S. Economy” has taken on a life of its own and has become the hot new political movement. And as it gains momentum many Americans are finding themselves swept up in its wake; and on Sept. 15, a group of 1000 nurses, calling themselves “National Nurses United (NNU) threw their hats into the ring.

­NNU Co-President Deborah Burger, RN, feels that taxing Wall Street trading ventures could raise hundreds of billions of dollars.

At a speech in San Diego, NNU Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro is quoted as saying, “We heard a lot about hope in the last election. Where is that hope? It is right here, right now. What we have to say to Wall Street is you have taken and taken and taken, and you have given nothing back. You have abandoned this country, and you have abandoned the people. There should be no hungry people in America, and no people without jobs in America.”

The NNU sponsored Sept. 15 rally that took place in front of the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco at Main and Market follows on the heels of similar actions held by labor and community groups a 60 Congressional offices in 21 states on Sept. 1.

Also voicing their disapproval or the way Wall Street skirts paying its fair share of taxes, and by doing so, contributes to the growing number of evictions and home foreclosures, was San Jose (SJ) based “Refund and Rebuild California” campaign coalition which met in front of a blighted SJ Tropicana-neighborhood bank-owned property.

Coinciding with the action which took place in front of the Federal Bank Building in SF Sept. 15, this group of homeowners, community and faith leaders, and students held a press conference which the theme of was: “a new report documenting the devastating costs of the foreclosure crisis to neighborhoods throughout San Jose.”

They then went door to door to make residents of the blighted area aware of the new movement that is underway – to use Taxing Wall Street as a means of helping to aid the government in digging itself out of the current economic crisis that the US economy is in. They also discussed the benefits of and invited them to join in the campaign.

The rally cry was, “It’s time to make Wall Street pay” for its part in destroying the job market and neighborhoods with its short-sighted put making a profit before all else – even human beings – approach to doing business.

LaRouche: 1923-style collapse underway on a global scale

by Lyndom LaRouche

The creme-de-la creme of the international financial elite is descending on Washington, D.C. this week, for the annual meeting of the IMF-World Bank. They do so in an environment of utter panic and hysteria—panic and hysteria created by the death rattle of their global financial system, and by their own criminal incompetence to deal with it.

* “All signs of panic are there!”

* “We need squillions of dollars!”

* “You need a lot more firepower to be a circuit breaker!”

* “We’re on the eve of a new crisis!”

* “We are entering a dangerous phase!”

* “We need a broader firewall!”

* “This is already a raging panic!”

These are all exact quotes taken from comments made today by the likes of the head of the IMF, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, top British financial journalists, and the head of the world’s largest bond trading company. They all now admit that this is endgame; they all now demand that ­“action” be taken. And they all are utterly devoid of any idea of what to actually do about the crisis which their policies have created.

“I know what to do,” Lyndon LaRouche stated today. “This is a 1923-style collapse on a global scale, and the political leadership of the United States is acting like the dumb Germans from 1923. They have learned nothing from that lesson. Nearly everyone in leading positions today has flinched and backed off from the necessary measures. They are not prepared to defend civilization, because civilization itself depends on acting as I have specified. People are going to have to rally around me, personally.

“So sound the warning, and: 1) throw Obama out of office now; 2) cancel the bailout; and 3) implement Glass-Steagall immediately. Anything that excludes any of these three required measures, is as good as treason against the United States, because the country will be shoveled into Hell if they are not adopted. That’s what political lead and your country are being shoveled into Hell.’

“There is no exaggeration in stating it that way. This is heading towards a death camp. So stop it; stop it now. The call must be unqualified: Stop it!”

LaRouche added that over recent days the Democratic Party leadership capitulated and agreed to bail out Obama, at exactly the point where his political head was on the chopping block, because the vast majority of the population rightly blames him for the unfolding national and international disaster. Instead, with Obama on the ropes, those party leaders and others flinched, and committed the potentially fatal mistake of agreeing to the fraud of targeting Texas Governor Rick Perry (who is a piece of crap, to be sure), arguing that the Obama issue could be put off until November 2012.

“Nothing can be put off until November 2012—and probably not even another week,” LaRouche stated. “The system is over, and so are all the political parties that defend it. Obama must go now; the bailout must stop now; Glass-Steagall must be implemented now.”ers of all parties need to be told: ‘If you don’t do what LaRouche has specified, you will at least now know why you