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Right2KnowMarch protests agains geneticall -altered food

­por Charles Augustine

Right2KnowMarch (one word) is sponsoring a political march aimed at making people aware of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), in layman’s terms, “Genetically Modified (GM) food, which has been all over the headlines as of late, because those against using this technology in food growth point out how genetically altered corn and soy beans are allegedly killing Monarch butterflies and hummingbirds. Hence, if it is bad for animals it must have some undesired residual effects upon humans.

For this reason, European, and now American, environmental groups have taken to the streets to engage in acts of protests again GM foods, and at the forefront of making U.S. citizens aware of the toxicity of this technology is Right2KnowMarch.

On Oct. 13 at SF City Hall Right2Know will host a press conference informing citizens of an up and coming West Coast political march they are hosting. To this end: on Friday Oct. 14 at 9 a.m. protestors will depart SF City Hall, destined for West Oakland’s “Rising Sun Entrepreneurs/ La Placita Commercial Kitchen.” From there, they will present Mayor Jean Quan’s office with their GMO finding report.

From there, it’s on to Berkeley, Richmond … and eventually ending in Sacramento where they will voice their concerns to Governor Brown at the state capital.

For more information: contact Miguel Perez, in (SF) at 415.240.1797; Shelly Garza (Oakland) at 510.698.4178 (office) or 510.544.9740 (cell); Sandra Elizondo (Berkeley) at 510.704.0929; or Ramon Cardona (Richmond) at 510.776.8020 or go to

­SF Film Society debuts Center for Investigative Reporting new film

The San Francisco Film Society will showcase, Behind the Story: Under Suspicion, a new film that draws attention the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) most controversial stories, with emphasis on how 9/11 has hampered our civil liberties.

The first of this film series kicks off with its Under Suspicion segment, reflecting upon how 9/11 programs like “See Something, Say Something and Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting” resulted in American lost of liberties, like privacy, taking a back seat to National Security and how anti-terrorism laws erode our great democracy.


Social programs can’t exist without Capitalism (or force)

by Andrew Steele
America 20xy

When questioned last week by a reporter, filmmaker and activist Michael Moore– who has asserted himself as an unofficial voice for the “Occupy Wall Street” protests– dismissed the idea of pursuing the Federal Reserve as the main target of the protests, going on to issue a blanket attack on capitalism, claiming that it has to go. This has raised understandable alarm in people with common sense. Because of Moore’s prestige among many left leaning activists and the fact that the mainstream media has focused on those attacking capitalism to portray the abolition of it as the main demand of the protesters , Moore has an obligation to either clarify his statement or put it in some context that makes sense to thinking people, not just to adrenaline pumped college students swept up in the frenzy of rebellion for rebellion’s sake.

Defending social programs and using extreme examples of poor people who could use some money is not the same as saying that capitalism has to go, and certainly doesn’t justify the sentiment. The question here is not whether citizens should pay for each others’ health care through taxes, or if the state should open an AIDS clinic or an orphanage. The existence of government social programs, big or small, is not the opposite of capitalism, no matter how many people misguidedly believe this.

According to Wikipedia: “Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets”.

If you look at it like a coin, with capitalism being heads, then the the extreme opposite on tails would be a system in which there was absolutely no private property and the citizens were slaves of the state, given rations and assigned their roles in society. Indeed, for big government social programs to exist, funding for them has to come from some source, whether it be tax revenue (heads) or force (tails).

Some may argue that the tails side is not government ownership of all property and labor through human slavery but simply no “property” at all, with people roaming the globe like stray dogs with no borders and no personal claim to any resources. Needed professional roles in society would thus be filled voluntarily. This Utopian notion that doctors are going to study for years to treat the sick or that nurses are going to change adult diapers for free because it’s their patriotic duty or the right thing to do for humanity wouldn’t deserve mention except for the fact that there are people who actually believe this and advocate the elimination of private property in favor of this society, which never has and never will exist. The idea that people will be able to simply walk into gardens and take the stuff others planted without them getting mad about it is ridiculous. Belief in the possibility of such a world is charming when it’s being shared by a 5th grader writing a poem for English class, but when it’s being espoused by a group of noisy adults with the ability to possibly influence a public shocked and awed by an economic meltdown, the obvious needs to be stated.

Defenders of this idea claim capitalism is against nature, but when I personally look at nature I see– amidst the beauty of the scenery– gazelles being ripped apart by hyenas and male gorillas getting in bloody fights with each other for the chance to dominate and rape the females of the group, as well as lead the pack. Primitive human tribes made war with each other, but more importantly when war got old or too costly they settled for trading with one another in the first steps towards capitalism and human progress. In order for that to happen there had be a recognition that one group had its private property and the other group had its own.

A government that protects property and human rights while at the same time not mutilating the human spirit that made us great and not turning us into mindless robots serving the state properly directs humanity’s (and really every animal’s) natural instinct to compete and better itself into avenues that are not violent.

People who claim that capitalism alone leads to imperial wars are being intellectually dishonest. Indeed, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, and China invaded Tibet.

This doesn’t mean that controlled economies are the root of all wars and exploitation, either. The real cause of wars is human greed, which will always exist, no matter how a society is structured. Let’s be clear– greed, will never go away. Ever. The question then becomes how to reasonably limit its impact.

In a society where the government has no power to influence the economy in favor of one business over another, doesn’t have a monopoly on property, and actually follows the U.S. Constitution (which it hasn’t for years), greed’s power is weakened.

On the opposite side, an omnipotent government that has no limitations on it and owns everything, will more quickly fall to the naturally selfish desires of the people (yes, don’t forget that governments are run by people, not gods) who control them. In terms of the free range society described earlier that amazingly some adults actually take seriously, an honest assessment of one’s own past and one’s own personal desires, as well as humankind’s history from the dawn of man until now, will put this idea to rest. The only way to enforce such a system is to lobotomize every person in it, thus begging the question of who gets to preserve their intelligence and humanity to perform the operations, creating classes and a control system in a supposedly “everybody is equal” paradise.

Protest is good, but only when protestors demand realistic solutions and know what the real problem is. A staged American “color revolution” like the fake ones that have already toppled governments in the Middle East is not a solution.

Restricting the ability of people to own their ownmeans of production is not “progressive” and is not the next step in societal evolution, but rather a fainting fall backwards into the ancient days of human bondage and the total domination of man by a ruling, government selected elite. Though the American standard of living is indeed diminishing fast because of overreaching government policies and corruption, those who argue that they are currently poverty stricken slaves because of capitalism while eating their pizza, cashing their taxpayer (a.k.a. people working in the free market) funded WIC checks, and chatting on their cell phones (cheap now because of the free market) have no idea just what real poor is (North Korea) or how bad it would get if the United States actually abolished capitalism.

To give into such demands ­is to give into insanity, and to play into the hands of those who would steer the angry mob towards their own aims and deliver us a new world order held tightly beneath their thumbs.

The Federal Reserve Cartel A Financial Parasite – 2nd of the forth part

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: this is the second of the fourth part of this series, The Federal Reserve Cartel, which chronically explains the history of the Fed and the false perception which has resulted in Americans believing it’s part of the U.S. Government when – The Fed Reserve is a private for-profit bank that ought be abolished.

This is an excerpt from a book
by Dean Henderson

To this end: George Marshall unveiled what would become known as the Marshall Plan, a common sense “time-limited” – not indefinite – approach to solving other countries economic problems the US government found itself involved in.

At the time, General Julius Klein headed the US Army Counterintelligence Corps, which later produced Henry Kissinger.

In the interest of aiding Israel in becoming a sovereign state, after WWII, Klein diverted Marshall Plan monies aided at aiding Europe, to Zionist terror-cells in Palestine, channeling the funds through the Sonneborn Institute, controlled by Baltimore chemical magnate Rudolph Sonneborn. His wife Dorothy Schiff was a Warburg relative. Chronically: the Kuhn-Loebs came to Manhattan with the Warburg’s. During that time, Bronfman’s came to Canada as a part of the Moses Montefiore Jewish Colonization Committee, which were part of Genoese nobility since the 13th Century. The di Spadaforas served that function for the Italian House of Savoy, which was bankrolled by the Israel Moses Seif family for which Israel is named.

The Bronfman’s, who were tied to Arnold Rothstein, was a product of the Rothschild’s dry goods empire, allegedly founded organized crime in New York City. Rothstein was succeeded by Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Robert Vesco and Santos Trafficante. The Bronfman’s were intermarried with the Rothschild’s, Loeb’s and Lambert’s.

In this same period, in 1917, the 16th Amendment, levying a national estudiincome tax, was added to the US Constitution, and while it was only ratified by two of the required 36 states, it passed and was implemented.

The IRS is a private corporation registered in Delaware. Four years earlier the Rockefeller Foundation was launched, to shield family wealth from the new income tax provisions, while steering public opinion through social engineering.

One of its tentacles was the General Education Board and in its “Occasional Letter” the Board 2stated, “In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds and unhampered by tradition, we will work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall try not to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science…of whom we have ample supply.”

Though most Americans think of the Federal Reserve as a government institution, it is privately held by the Eight Families. The Secret Service is: employed by the Federal Reserve – not by the Executive Branch.

An exchange between Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Fed Chairman Paul Volcker at Senate hearings in 1982 is instructive. Kennedy must have thought of his older brother John when he told Volcker, “If he were before the committee as a member of US Treasury things would be much different.”

Volcker, puffing a cigar, responded cavalierly, “That’s probably true. But I believe it was intentionally ­designed this way.” Rep. Lee Hamilton (DIN) stabbed back, “People realize that what that board of yours does has a very profound impact on their pocketbooks, and yet it is a group of people basically inaccessible to them and unaccountable to them.”

President Wilson spoke of, “a power so organized, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breaths when they speak in condemnation of it.” Rep. Charles Lindberg (D-NY) was more blunt, railing against Wilson’s Federal Reserve Act, which had cleverly been dubbed the “People’s Bill.” Lindberg declared that the Act would “establish the most gigantic trust on earth… When the president signs this act, the invisible government by the money-power will be legitimized.

The law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on, depressions will be scientifically created. The invisible government by the moneypower, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The whole Central Bank concept was engineered by the very group it was supposed to strip of power.” IT WILL CONTINUE NEXT WEEK.

Protest extends to San Francisco – West Coast

by Charles Augustine and the El Reportero’s staff

­disordersLa Constitution de los EE.UU. garantiza el derecho de asamblea a “Occupy Wall Street” ¿POR QUÉ LA POLICÍA NO LA RESPETA?: Las protestas de Occupy Wall Street continúan expandiéndose por todo los Estados Unidos, al igual que en San Francisco (en la gráfica). (PHOTO BY LUKE HAUSER (AKA GEORGE FRANKLIN)) The U.S. Constitution guarantees “Occupy Wall Street” their right to assembly. WHY THE POLICE DOESN’T RESPECT IT?  Occupy Wall Street protests continue expanding around the United States, as it is happening now in San Francisoc (as in the photo).(PHOTO BY LUKE HAUSER (AKA GEORGE FRANKLIN))­­­

As the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement gains momentum and makes its way westward, San Franciscans too are being caught up in its spirit and to this avail, they are now rallying to Tax “Wall Street of the West.”

In this vein, more than 500 people protested in front of banks and investment firms in SF’s Financial District during rush hour Sept. 30. To this date, more people continue arriving despite police intervention.

To date, OWS actions are taking place in San Jose and Sac, with 19 people having been arrested after a rally Sept. 7 where about 500 protesters encompassed the Capital.

The same day the San Jose Mercury News reported SJ city officials scratching their heads in bewilderment, as to what to do about the ever growing Occupy Wall Street movement encampments that are springing up around their City Hall. They were contemplating making arrests. That city’s attorney Rick Doyle pointed out that SJ “prohibits staying overnight.”

The same night one Occupy protester found himself in cuffs at a SF Wall Street rally.

Democrats and Republicans are having to take a stance, as to the legitimacy of OWS; and L.A. Times reporter Paul West reported that at a “Values Voter Summit” in Washintong, D.C., House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who is a Republican, called OWS protesters a “mob,” suggesting the Obama administration is behind adthem. On the other hand, the Obama Administration has expressed solidarity with Occupy protesters.

However, it should be noted OWS is upset with the President because of his advocating for bailing out Wall Street bankers during what has come to be known as “the 2008 financial meltdown bailouts.”

The President is on record stating to not bail them out would result in a catastrophe.

By the same token, Obama acknowledged the frustration of common working people who felt – and many Americans are saying justifiably so – because at a time when American bankruptcy and foreclosures were at their highest in recorded U.S. history, CEO’s of these Fortune 500 films were giving themselves unprecedented (in the tens of millions of dollars per year) bonuses! So, many Americans, felt jolted, asking, why?

“I think people are frustrated, and the protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works,” Obama said.

Another common theme voiced at many of these rallies is “student loans,” which Occupy protesters feel are just another example of how speculative financial lending institutions like Wall Street – enslave poor working class Americans – and in this case on those who are just embarking upon their careers by saddling them with debts they will never be able to pay back in their lifetime.

National Review writer Josh Barro points out that: “educational inflation has been running far ahead of general inflation, without improvements in quality.”

In short, a quality education from a four-year college does not guarantee one a good job as it used to, and many Americans, not being able to find a job in the field they graduated in, are saying – it’s unfair – because they are drowning in student loan debt which is constantly incurring more debt, due to lending institutions selling their loans for a profit as though they were commodities, with the loan recipient picking up the tab.

For this reason many Americans facing similar student loan debt are lobbying for bankruptcy relief. However, it should be noted that currently student loans cannot be bankrupted.

It is not uncommon to hear horror stories of a student loan that started out as a $8,000 debt that is now a $50,000 one, with the borrower making less than $24,000 a year and in all likelihood, never ever going to make much more than that – who finds themselves with destroyed credit and constantly hounded by collection agencies.

Then this new Occupy Wall Street movement brings about the question of First Amendment rights, i.e., are these actions protected within the Constitution’s right for Americans to engage in the public free speech and assembly? Here in SF, there have been clashes with police that resulted in protesters being arrested.

In an alleged informal notice from the City and County of San Francisco and SFPD, protestors were warned that while the City honors their right to engage in free speech and assembly – their makeshift “encampment is in violation of the law.”

In other words, does the constitution guarantees these growing movement of people dissatisfied with their government inaction to protest their inconformity? If not, have we abandoned the Constitution all together and fell under a dictatorial government as many are already claiming?

The allege police document then goes on to cite what city and police officials consider to be infringements by the protesters upon SF businesses and private citizens. disorderly conduct, health code violations (including camping on a city street or sidewalk without permission from the city and food serving without a permit).

In an anonymous written retort, allegedly from the protesters, calling themselves, they point out that: “This is a free speech assembly. It cannot be crashed by the police under any city ordinance, state code or statutes. This is not Cuba, the Soviet Union or China. People do not have to solicit permit to exercise (our rights).”

Occupy Wall Street is currently encouraging minorities who they ­worry might feel excluded from the movement to come and join, and pitch in, to the fight.

A group calling itself People of Color Working Group, said, “Let’s be real. The economic crisis did not begin with the collapse of the Lehman Brothers in 2008. Indeed, people of color and poor people have been in a state of crisis since the founding of this country, and for indigenous communities, since before the founding of the nation.

Black and brown folks have long known that whenever economic troubles ‘necessitate’ austerity measures and the people are asked to tighten their belts, we are the first to lose our jobs, our children’s schools are the first to lose funding, and our bodies are the first to be brutalized and caged. Only we can speak this truth to power. We must not miss the chance to put the needs of people of color—upon whose backs this country was built—at the forefront of this struggle.”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 20.

European Convention on Human Rights – Article 11.

American Convention on Human Rights – Article 15.

Examples of the national and regional constitutions recognizing the freedom of assembly are: United States – First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States


Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disordersLa

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine “conclusively” causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for “lifetime medical care” for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. (…)

Narcolepsy isn’t the only side effect now admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also sufferedhallucinationsand “paralyzing physical collapses,” say Finnish researchers.

Remarkably, even though the link between swine flu vaccines andpermanent neurological damage in childrenis now openly admitted by the Finnish government, there is absolutely no talk about halting the utterly unscientific ritual of injecting children with flu vaccines in the first place. Not only are flu vaccines harmful to children (as is now admitted), butflu vaccines don’t even work!A simple daily dose of vitamin D would do far more to halt influenza than any vaccine (

U.S. refuses to admit vaccines harm anyone

The U.S. government, of course, still refuses to admit vaccines cause any harm whatsoever. Both the government and the vaccine industry continue to push the fabricated fairy tale that “vaccines are safe and effective,” meaning they harm no one but help everyone. Yet the truth is practically the polar opposite: Vaccines harm countless millions of children each year in ways that are usually never linked to vaccines (mild mental retardation, suppressed immune function, learning disabilities, etc.). At the same time, vaccines are all but worthless at preventing infections. Even the vaccine industry’s own research shows that flu shots only work on 1 out of 100 people, meaning they’recompletely uselessfor 99 percent of those who take them (…).

Instead of admitting the truth that vaccines cause autism, the U.S. government has conspired with vaccine manufacturers to create aVaccine Injury Compensation Programwhich essentially pays “hush money” to parents of permanently harmed children to make sure they cannot bring their claims of harm to federal courts (

Even worse, the medical establishment — which is heavily influenced if not downright dominated by pharmaceutical interests — absolutely refuses to advocate vitamin D as a flu prevention nutrient. Vitamin D is safe, effective and affordable. It’s available without a prescription and could save literally billions of dollars in national health care costs for just pennies per day per person. So why won’t the medical establishment promote vitamin D? Preciselybecauseit would cost the industry billions of dollars in lost profits from all the sickness and degenerative disease that is prevented by vitamin D.

Of course vaccines cause autism!

There is absolutely no question in the mind of any reasonably informed person thatvaccines cause neurological damage, including (but not limited to) autism. Only the corporate-whore scientists around the world continue their charade that vaccines are not linked to autism; or that vaccines even work in the first place. Most Americans haven’t yet heard the secret interview withMerck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hillemanwhere he openly admits vaccines carry dozens of strains of cancer-causing “stealth” viruses. Read the transcript here:

Listen to the interview at:

Similarly, most people still don’t know thatDr. Jonas Salk, the celebrated “grandfather” of vaccines who is credited with creating the polio vaccine, was anunindicted medical criminalwho committed heinous crimes against humanity in the name of “medical science.” (

In fact, the whole history of vaccines and medicine has been utterly distorted by the medical establishment to paint vaccines in a glorified light of public health. But the real story is that vaccines are now — and have always been — tools forcausing diseaseand promoting sickness so that the pharmaceutical industry can benefit as a result.

The horrifying truth about the vaccine industry and medical establishment

Remember, this is the same industry that got caught conducting outrageous medical experiments on Guatemalan prisoners (

These are the same people who ran Tuskegee experiments on African Americans, too (

Do you honestly think these same vaccine criminals would not also use innocent children for their own mass inoculation medical experiments? Remember: These are hard-core, Nazi-style criminals we’re talking about here. This is who runs the pharmaceutical industry. The former chairperson of Bayer, for example, was a convicted Nazi war criminal who was indicted and sentenced at the Nuremburg trials:

Don’t believe me? R e a d y o u r h i s t o r y : “Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a director of IG Farben who was directly involved in developing the nerve gas, Zyklon-B, which killed millions of Jews, was sentenced to seven years in prison but was released after four years through the intervention of Rockefeller and J.J. McCloy, then U.S. High Commissioner for Germany.

An unrepentant Fritz ter Meer, guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, returned to work in Bayer where he served as Chairman for more than 10 years, until 1961. This same ter Meer, a convicted Nazi war criminal, went on to become oneof the initiators of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1962, an organization that was nurtured by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and latterly the World Trade Organization (WTO).” (­

Morales receives rude awakening

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Evo MoralesEvo Morales

“A wake-up call”. This was the succinct assessment of Bolivia’s President Evo Morales of nationwide protests in response to a police crackdown on indigenous supporters objecting to the construction of a road through the indigenous territory (Tioc) and national park, Isiboro Sécure (Tipnis).

Yet the political crisis triggered by the show of police repression and Tipnis dispute in general is arguably the biggest to face Morales and his Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) government since taking office in 2006.

Latin America’s new economic vision

The US’s economic problems have undermined its distinctive spin on capitalism. In the US, the “bottom line” has long been seen as the be-all-and-end-all of economic activity. How the “bottom line” was achieved was much less important, as the Enron saga showed, than the size of the figures in it. There are, however, other ways to use the information markets offer.

Calderón demands reduction of drug use by the US — or else, legalization

Close to six years after launching a military-backed drive against Mexico’s drug gangs, themselves engaged in a savage turf war, with both developments having jointly claimed more than 40,000 lives, President Felipe Calderón has joined the ranks of those proposing what he calls ‘market alternatives’ to the ‘war on drugs’ — in other words, legalisation. He wants the consumer countries to start.

Few certainties as Guatemala heads for second round

As expected, former General Otto Pérez Molina of the main opposition Partido Patriota (PP) will face populist Manuel Baldizón of Libertad Democrática Renovada (Líder) in the Nov. 6 second round. Less expected was Pérez Molina’s relatively poor performance in the Sept. 11 first round, given what the poll had predicted.

This, together with Baldizón’s subsequent procurement of a multi-party alliance, which includes the ruling Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza (UNE), whose strong performance in the concurrent legislative and municipal vote was another surprise, suggests the run-off is a far from foregone conclusion.

Cuba Willing to Dialogue with USA

Havana._ Cuban government officials reaffirmed Havana’s willingness to engage in political dialogue with the United States on the basis of ­reciprocal respect, and despite Washington’s continuing and relentless blockade of the island for the last half century.

“Cuba reaffirms its traditional position of holding a respectful dialogue with the United States government to resolve pending problems, our only requirements are that the meeting take place on the basis of equality, reciprocity and equality,” AcJosefina Vidal, director of the Foreign Ministry’s North America department, told The Havana Reporter.

These talks, when held, should take place without any intervention or interference in Cuba’s internal affairs and with absolute respect for its sovereignty, which are the minimal and elemental principles established by international law for normal, civilized relations between states, Vidal said.

She gave an extensive overview of the historically complex relations between Cuba and the United States, including Washington’s foreign policy on Cuba from the time of George W. Bush to today’s Democratic administration.

In the United States, a law passed in 2000 forbids the Office of Foreign Assets Control from granting licenses for tourist activity in Cuba. In January 2011, a resolution of Obama’s eased some regulations, but significant restrictions remain on travel to Cuba.

These minor changes only benefit academic, religious, cultural or sports-related travel that meets certain guidelines, above all a policy that Washington calls “promotion of person-to-person contact.”

Rebelion has arrived in the U.S

by Zero Hedge

From Mike Krieger of KAM LP: The Bill of Rights is a literal and absolute document. The First Amendment doesn’t say you have a right to speak out unless the government has a ‘compelling interest’ in censoring the In2011ternet. The Second Amendment doesn’t say you have the right to keep and bear arms until some madman plants a bomb. The Fourth Amendment doesn’t say you have the right to be secure from search and seizure unless some FBI agent thinks you fit the profile of a terrorist. The government has no right to interfere with any of these freedoms under any circumstances. – Harry Browne

The inherent right in the people to reform their government, I do not deny; and they have another right, and that is to resist unconstitutional laws without overturning the government. – Daniel Webster

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. –Samuel Adams

Rebellion Has Arrived in America

As most of you know, I spend almost as much time studying social changes and geopolitics happening around the world as I do studying markets. While carefully observing those areas are always important to a macro investor such as myself, when you are smack in the middle of a Fourth Turning they take on an increased level of importance.

What has shielded the U.S. from a lot of the social strife sweeping the rest of the globe at the moment has been the U.S. dollar’s reserve status since this allows us to print seemingly infinite amounts of paper dollars and shove them down the throats of the rest of the world for their resources. This keeps the populace fat, happy and most importantly asleep and apathetic. Well I am pleased to announce that those days are OVER. The American populace is now in the very beginnings of a state of open peaceful rebellion against the criminal oligarchic mafia that runs the nation through fraud and corruption. The status quo is likely to become increasingly defensive as a result and may lash out aggressively like a cornered rat, but they cannot and will not win. They can only really win when they own your mind and that battle has already been lost. Six months from now the state of rebellion will have moved from just beneath to the surface to the forefront of everyone’s mind. It will be a peaceful and constitutional rebellion and it will end with new ways of doing things, more freedoms and a very long road toward rebuilding a safe, fair, free and localized society once TPTB’s prison planet grid of control has been torn down forever.

Occupy Wall Street

I will be the first to admit that I faded the whole idea of this “Occupy Wall Street” protest. I had already seen several failed attempts at protest in NYC come and go and I just sadly assumed the spirit of that once great city had died forever. I am extraordinarily happy to report that I was wrong. When I watched some video of police brutality at NYC protests this weekend I was stunned. Not because the cops acted like some mercenary storm trooper thugs, but because this protest that has started the week before still had momentum! Check out this link regarding what is going on. It has two must watch videos. The first one already has over 400k watches on youtube. This is the spark I have been waiting for and I am pleased beyond belief that it happened in Manhattan right where it should. How about this appearance of Cornel West at the protest on Tuesday.… I am proud of my old home today. This is a big deal. The serfs are coming together. Keep it up.

Most of you reading this right now are thinking that this is interesting but he is exaggerating and this will blow over. I am here to assure you that it is not and this whole thing is about to grow exponentially as the economy continues to stagnate and people climb the learning curve.

Are you aware that the founder of, David Talbot, is publicly calling for an “American Spring?” This of course is a reference to the Arab Spring, in which revolution swept across North Africa earlier this year and led to the collapse of the Tunisian and Egyptian governments and then major government bribes to the people living in the oil rich kingdoms. Mr. Talbot writes “In these increasingly hard times, Salon is dedicating itself to an American revival. Our editorial mission will become more explicitly and aggressively populist. We will be publishing more investigative pieces, exposing the shadow dance of power. And both Democratic and Republican targets will be fair game, since both parties are increasingly under the control of the same corporate forces.” His full piece is here… You need to read it if you want to understand where all of this is headed. How about journalist Chris Hedges talking about “Occupy Wall Street… We the people now understand it is not “rich vs. poor,” businessperson vs. teacher.” It is serf vs. oligarch. They are 0.1 percent and we know what they are up to. GAME ON.

Jaime Dimon Proves he is a Complete and Total Psychopath

I am not even going to write my own thought paragraph about how delusional and insane this man’s statements were the other day on banking regulations. Rather I will provide links to articles by people that have done a great job of exposing the absurdity of this parasitic oligarch’s comments. My favorite line by far on this is from fellow ex-Wall Streeter Nomi Prins who writes:

“There are few things more cringe-inducing than a government-subsidized bank CEO spouting self-serving, entitlement-laden idiocy to the world just because he and his bank might be subject to some extra constraints. That hasn’t stopped JPM Chase CEO Jamie Dimon from acting like a spoiled, sociopathic brat while characterizing proposed Basel III capital requirements and regulations as ‘anti-American’ at every opportunity. They are not ‘anti-American’ but globally risk-mitigating in a time of widespread economic Depression, a point lost in the haze of Dimon’s megalomania.”

Her full article is here percentE2percent80percent99s-shameful-…. Precious metals hero and money manager Eric Sprott chimed in with this letter to the Globe and Mail.

Jaime Dimon is a real piece of work. It is as if he is asking for a custom made guillotine (metaphorically speaking of course as I do not condone violence in any way shape or form). At least Lloyd Blankfein had the sense to read the writing on the wall, shut up and hire an attorney.

So in conclusion, rebellion has arrived on America’s shores and it is about time. The moment is here for each of us to make important decisions. Save freedom and liberty or allow the oligarchs to enslave us and your children for generations. Peter Orzag recently wrote that “We need Less Democracy.” ­… This is what these guys are gunning for. Just think about who this “WE” he is talking about is.

And don’t kid yourself. Pretty much everyone on this list is a serf no matter how rich you are. Don’t kid yourself.

Abracadabra play at Fort Mason

by the El Reportero’s staff

El Teatro Infantil de Cuba La Colmenita.El Teatro Infantil de Cuba La Colmenita.

Abracadabra play at Fort Mason

The National Children’s Theater of Cuba (in Spanish, “La Colmenita,” that translates to “the Little Bee Hide” in English, will perform Abracadabra, a play written by children about the U.S./Cuba relationship. The storyline for this is a teacher who takes her students on a journey in search of truth and justice.

This will be La Colmenita’s second US tour and it will be performed at the East Bay Center for the Performing Arts Wed Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. and at Fort Mason’s Cowell Theater in SF Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. The play will be performed in Spanish with English subtitles. Tickets are from $10-20 and to if you need more information, go to go to:

Ray Obiedo at Berkeley Art House

Urban music will be featuring Ray Obiedo & Mistura Fina (Latin Big Band) at the Berkeley Art House, at 2905 Shattack Ave this Sat. Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m. This event is for adult 18 and over. Tickets are $12 advance and $15 at the door.

For more info go to or call (510) 472-3170.

FMNL celebrates 31st Anniversity

El Salvadorian Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMNL) – in Spanish Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, is celebrating the political party’s 31st anniversary of when it officially came into power in power in El Salvador in 1992.

Those familiar with El Salvador’s history will recall that the left-wing group is best known for the guerilla tactics it employed in the 1980s, in its then quest to overthrow the Right Wing former government that existed then. After El Salvador signed its peace accords in 1992, the FMLN was recognized as a legitimate political party.

To date, in March 1of 2009, the FMLN candidate Mauricio Funes won the presidential seat the FMLN currently controls the majority of its National Assembly seats.

In recognition of, and to celebrate, FMLN contri bution to the liberation of El Salvador from what was seen as its pervious Fascist government, there will be an array of festive events and dance at the Woman’s Building, on 18th Street (between Mission and Valencia) here in S.F. on Oct. 8, at 7 p.m. For more information, call (415) 309-4813.

There is also a video about FMLN being passed around on the internet at: ­

Rita Moreno performs new play at Berkeley Repertory Theater


­by Charles Augustine

Rita MorenoRita Moreno

Oscar/Tony, Award Winner Artist Rita Moreno is performing her latest work, “Life Without Makeup” this week at the Berkeley’s Repertory Theatre.

The storyline for this compelling performance piece is Moreno’s own life where she as the main character emanates from an impoverish background and has to overcome overwhelming, to realize her goal, which seems unreachable –to be an actress.

In the end though, as is indicative by works she starred in, like “Westside Story” and the Tennessee Williams’ “The Glass Menagerie,” she prevails, and, Moreno hopes her show will be an inspiration to so many like people in similar situations.

About the author, Moreno comments, , “I am amazed how Tony Taccone could fit 79 years of living into two hours yet capture the excitement, sadness, humor, surprise, and verve with which it was lived. ”

Toccone states, “Her life story is particularly moving for anyone who was born into difficult circumstances and strives for more.”

Moreno is the recipient of the Oscar, the Tony, the Grammy, and two Emmys.

Tickets go for $29 (for adults) and half that price for seniors. High school students can get in for $10. For times and dates or more information, go to call (510) 647-2949 or toll-free at (888) 4-BRT-Tix – or go to

Documentary draws attention to negative immigration laws

“Undivided, Three Communities, One Struggle” is a 30-minute documentary that draws attention to the negative impact, immigration laws like Arizona’s SB 1070 – “whereby police are prohibited from adopting sanctuary-type polices that limit or restrict enforcement of federal immigration laws” – have upon all of society.

To this avail, filmmaker Sophia Cooper records the daily lives of three youth activists from various backgrounds in three different cities (Tucson, Arizona, Washington, DC and Oakland, California), to show how these laws are being misused in a destructive manner, i.e., “racial profiling,” and the negative effects they have upon all Americans.

Cooper states that through these narratives she strives to bring home “the reality that is ripping communities apart, as well as, the resilience of those working to restore unity.”

Undivided is the mind-child of Recordar Productions, based here in the Bay Area; so there will be a community screening of it at the Eastside Arts Alliance in Oakland on Oct. 1, that will be followed by a facilitated question and answer input from the audience.

Undivided was produced in conjunction with “Center for New Community,” a national civil rights organization based in Chicago that is promotes “empowering communities and promoting justice and equality.”

The suggested donation for this event is $10; but Cooper says, “no one will be turned away for lack of funds.” However those attending should RSVP the number of attendees @ ­ or for more information, call 510.701.4688.

Undivided will be shown at Eastside Arts Alliance at 2277 International Blvd. (near Fruitvale BART), in Oakland on Oct. 1, 7-9 p.m.

Mexican author Elena Poniatows ha recognized for contribution to humanity

The National Hispanic University (NHU) bestowed an honorary doctoral degree upon Mexican author  Elena Poniatowska for a recent documentary titled

“Literature that Rises from
the Street” and other endeavors

she has done over ­the past four decades. In addition she got to witness a scholarship named after her be given out for the first time to Patricia Carolina Ruiz, a NHU senior.

Poniatowska was at NHU presenting her documentary Sept 27, “Literature that Rises from the Street” about Mexico’s upheavals over the past six decades, when the university surprised her with the honorary recognization.

“The literature that rises from the streets responds to a necessity; it reveals and documents the hidden; it writes the story of those who don’t have one.”

Concerning the Liberal Arts Studies student Ruiz who was the recipient of the scholarship, NHU Provost Juan Necochea said Ruiz “exemplifies the spirit of Elena in her tenacity, determination and desire to change the world for the betterment of humanity.”

Federal Reserved audited

por Charles Augustine

For the first time in history the Federal Reserve was audited. This unprecedented action occurred yesterday and comes as a result of Ron Paul’s “Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill” (GAO), which passed last year. And while it should be noted that the Fed’s chairman Ben Bernanke and previous chair Alan opposed it because they alleged an audit might serve to undermine the public’s trust in the 100 year-old institution, the audit was carried out Sept 20.

However, the audit conducted over the last two months was a “watered down” version of the original one, house bill HR1207, which called for a complete audit. And now the public can access the results at:

As might be expected the results were really shocking, with the amount doled out to banks, a whopping – $16,000,000,000,000.00 – that’s right $16 trillion of taxpayers money that has been doled out to humongous Wall Street financial institutions to bail them out of their own corporative mess. And citizens opposed to the bailouts point out that the money loaned out to these corps was at 0% interest. Proponents of the GAO believe that Fed has been hush-hush about this because of the public outrage that would have ensued had it been made known to the public.

It should be noted that the entire gross domestic product (gdp), or money that was made on U.S. investments for last year was only $14.12 trillion, compared to $16 trillion.

Corporations, most of them investments firms, which received the most money from the Federal Reserve’s bailout, spending spree, were:

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000).

Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000).

Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000).

Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000).

Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion* ($868,000,000,000).

Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000).

Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000).

Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion ($541,000,000,000).

JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000).

Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000).

UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000).

Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000).

Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000).

Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion ($181,000,000,000).

BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000).

FAIR Action Alert alleges NYPD police brutality

FAIR Action Alert, a citizen watchdog group critical of the way Wall Street banking and investment/lending institutions do business, and who are in agreement with the current “Occupy Wall Street” protests, alleges New York City Police (NYPD) brutality of protesters and a “virtual media blackout,” on its Sept. 27 blogs.

It should be noted though that opinions in major news circles like CNN, NBC and NPR vary. For instance, while NBC and CNN aired stories that show “some” police abuse; NPR refused to cover the Occupy Wall Street protest, because as its Dick Meyer stated, in a response to Fair questioninghim about why NPR refused to run a story, “The recent protests on Wall Street did not involve large numbers of people, prominent people, a great disruption or an especially clear objective.”

Footage of alleged police misbehaving can be seen at:

Free Fast Passes for SF elementary, middle and high-school students

In April, May and June of this year, the City and County of San Francisco tried a temporary three-month program that allowed low-income high school students to ride MUNI for free. This action came as a response to SF Unified School District possibly cutting its “yellow bus” fleet by as much as 43 percent over the next two years.

This trial program was so much of a success that the Board of Supervisors has introduced a similar one that allows all SF students, regardless of financial status, to have free Fast Passes.

In addition the new pilot program introduced at the Board’s Sept. 20 meeting would be for three-years.

­Funding for this project would come from private contributions and public funding, among them, MUNI and SF.

Supporters of the measure point out that it would have little impact upon burdening existing MUNI services, pointing out that MUNI ridership would only increase significantly during school commute hours and when schools are open.

If this pilot program is as successful as the three month one the Board and Unified would go back to the drawing board and has out a plan for long-term funding.

The previous program was such an achievement that there were not enough Fast Passes for those needing them.

At the forefront of advocates supporting the adoption of this resolution are: SF Unified Superintendent Carlos Garcia and MUNI Transportation Agency Board member Joel Ramos.