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Children’s vitamins largerly made of sugar and corn syrup

by Selena Keegan
Natural News

Those brightly colored gummy or chewable vitamins you give your children in hopes of providing them with more nutrients may actually harm their health. The sweetening ingredients added to make vitamins more attractive to children also put them at risk for obesity, diabetes, asthma, diarrhea and other ailments. Take a look at what our label research turned up about these products.

Disney Princess

According to the label, Disney Princess Gummies contain: corn syrup, sugar, grape juice concentrate, gelatin, modified corn starch, citric acid, lactic acid, purple berry color concentrate, (maqui berry juice concentrate, sugar), maltodextrin, fractionated coconut oil, beeswax, dicalcium phosphate, natural flavors, black carrot juice color oncentrate, silica, annatto color, mannitol. Disney does not manufacture these vitamins but licenses its logo to NBTY, Inc. and two of its subsidiaries, NatureSmart LLC and Rexall Sundown, Inc. In 2010, these companies agreed to pay just over $2 million to the Federal Trade Commission for using false claims that their vitamins promoted healthy brain and eye development in children.


Flintstones Complete Gummies are comprised of “glucose syrup, sucrose, gelatin, water, choline bitartrate; less than 2% of: artificial flavors, ascorbic acid, bees wax, carnauba wax, citric acid, d-biotin, d-calcium pantothenate, fd&c blue #1, fd&c red #40, fd&c yellow #6, folic acid, potassium iodide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vegetable oil (coconut or palm), vitamin A acetate, vitamin B12, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin E acetate, zinc sulfate.” Flintstones Vitamins are under the umbrella of Bayer AG, a German-based chemical company which also produces One-a-Day Vitamins, Alka-Seltzer and Aleve, as well as pharmaceuticals and high-tech materials for the automotive and construction industries.

Gummi King

Gummi King Sugar Free Multivitamins contain: maltitol syrup, maltitol, water, pectin, fumaric acid, citric acid, natural flavors, colors added (black carrot juice concentrate, turmeric), fiber.” Gummi King is a vegan line, and their website prominently displays the approval of PETA. This line of vitamins is manufactured by Vitamec USA, Inc. which also produces vitamins as well as mineral and food supplements for adults.


The Centrum line of vitamins is owned by the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Centrum produces a wide spectrum of vitamin products for different age groups, including a kids chewable vitamin. Centrum Kids Complete Multivitamins ingredients are “sucrose, dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol (wheat), calcium carbonate, magnesium oxide, ascorbic acid (vit. C), stearic acid (soybean), pregelatinized corn starch, mono- and di-glycerides.”

Harmful Ingredients

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been linked to a range of health conditions such as tooth decay, liver damage, obesity, diabetes and ADHD. Additionally, the manufacturing process which transforms corn first into corn starch and then into HFCS involves the use of toxic chemicals. One of those, glutaraldehyde, is an embalming fluid which can induce headaches, dizziness, burning eyes, and asthma. Mercury is also used in the HFCS production process. In a 2009 study, between half and one third of all products containing HCFS were found to have mercury contamination ­

Nicaraguan President considered favorite afirmación

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Daniel OrtegaDaniel Ortega

The most recent survey on Monday revealed that 88.5 percent of those polled consider candidate Daniel Ortega most likely to win the presidency, when leaving five days to primary elections.

According to a report of the M&R pollster company, the perception is common in all sectors of the population.

Among independent voters (without preference for any party), 79.3 percent of them said the most likely is President Ortega, who is running for re-election against four opposition candidates.

The survey verified a similar trend among those willing to vote for other presidential candidates, which offered to Ortega a 67.9-percent preference.

The M&R consultants reported that only 6.2 percent of those polled see former President Arnoldo Aleman as a potential winner, who was nominated by the coalition led by the Constitutionalist Liberal Party.

Meanwhile, 31.5 percent supported Fabio Gadea, nominated by the Independent Liberal Party.

According to the report, the national sample included people of different political affiliations, religious beliefs, residence areas and regions of the country, and further investigated on generational groups, sex and educational level.

However, in Nicaragua, polls tend to be a different picture than the traditional wisdom.

The Sandinistas, who came to power via an armed insurrection that ousted dictator Anastacio Somoza Debayle in 1979, lost power to Violeta Barrios de Chamorro in the 1990 election. The polls then, showed Ortega without a doubt, as a likely winner, just as it shows today, and then he lost.

It is what experts in Nicaraguan cultural material considered a consequence of a phenomenon called the guegüense that lives in the Nicaraguan idiosyncrasy, a protagonist that is a joker or trickster that criticizes and parodies, with his language, with his gestures, with his actions, all the social order. It was a way for Nicaraguans to deceive and confuse the oppressor Spaniard during the Spanish conquista.


­Es lo que expertos en material cultural nicaragüense consideraron una consecuencia del guegüense que vive en el nicaragüense, un protagonista que es un burlador o trickster que critica y parodia, con su lenguaje, con sus gestos, con sus acciones, todo el orden social.

Even more of a haven?

The long drawn out saga of the Euro-debt crisis, which even prompted China to abandon its mask of inscrutability and express impatience with European policymakers, again underlines the attractions of Latin America as a place to invest. Latin America’s greatest economic asset is not its raw materials but its democratic approach to economic policymaking.

Drugs and violence in Colombia’s elections

Colombia went to the polls on Sunday, October 30, to choose a new crop of governors, town councilors, provincial legislators, and mayors. These local government positions are hotly contested, bringing with them access to significant budgets and real power, especially in far-flung regions of the country. Many candidates were backed by various criminal interests, among them leftist rebels, neo-paramilitary groups, wealthy drug traffickers and corrupt local elites. The resulting clash of interests cost the lives of more than 40 candidates, despite the Santos government’s unprecedented efforts to clean up the vote.

Petition challenging the U.S. criminal code could invalidate all federal conviction since 1948

All federal criminal cases could be declared void

by the Idaho Observer

A petition that may have as many as 180 currently incarcerated co-petitioners has been filed and docketed in the U.S. Supreme Court. The petition, filed Sept 24, 2007, challenges Public Law 80-772 (including Title 18, or the U.S. Criminal Code). Tens of thousands of federal prisoners prosecuted since 1948 may be affected by the Supreme Court’s response.

The 49-page petition and its 119-page appendices supports claims that Public Law 80-772 is invalid. The filing is largely the work of Yori Von Kahl, who has been imprisoned since 1983 for being almost fatally shot by federal marshals who had set up an ambush near Medina, ND, to arrest his father Gordon Kahl. Yori was sentenced to life in prison under Title 18 as an accessory to the shooting deaths of two law enforcement officers though he was guilty of nothing and shot no one.

In a press release, attorneys for the petitioners explained that, “The law is clear; an act of Congress cannot become a law unless it follows each and every procedural step as defined in Article I of the U.S. Constitution. A bill originates in either the House of Representatives or Senate, but its exact text must be approved by a majority vote in both chambers. While Congress is in session, that text must be certified as having been passed in identical form by both Houses (or ‘truly enrolled’) and then signed by the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Senate. The bill is then presented to the President to sign into law.”

According to attorney Barry Bachrach, spokesman for the petitioners, H.R. 3190 was passed by the House on May 12, 1947. The resolution came before the Senate, but Congress adjourned before the bill could be passed. The Senate should have returnedthe bill to the House to be resubmitted to the Senate during a later session. Instead, during the following session, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary continued its review of H.R. 3190 and added a volume of amendments to the bill. The Senate passed “H.R. 3190 As Amended,” which was sent to the House for a vote. While the House agreed with the amendments, the members failed to vote on “H.R. 3190 As Amended.” According to the Constitution, valid business is conducted only when Congress is in session and a majority of members of both Houses are present. Yet, Congress authorized the House Speaker and President of the Senate to sign enrolled bills during an adjournment of indefinite length that began on June 20, 1948. This incomprehensible error was compounded when the Chairman of the Committee on House Administration mistakenly certified as enrolled the original H.R. 3190. Still more errors occurred: the House Speaker and President of the Senate signed the Senate’s “H.R. 3190 As Amended,” the bill was then misrepresented to President Truman as being enrolled, and Truman signed the bill.

“Congressional journals clearly show that the House and Senate each passed two separate bills that were grossly different. According to the ­Constitution, this means that neither bill ever became law,” Bachrach said.

“Under P.L. 80-772, U.S. district courts were given jurisdiction over all federal offenses. With P.L. 80-772 being invalid, however, the district courts clearly lack jurisdiction. The convictions and sentences of these prisoners are therefore void.” Countries having extradition treaties with the U.S. since 1948 and their citizens, who were turned over for trial in U.S. district courts, also may be affected by the outcome of this case.

Federal prisoners are all encouraged to file behind this landmark petition as soon as possible. Those who qualify and are interested, please have someone notify us at www.

Editor’s note: Something happened in June, 1948. The rules changed and the federal government has been maliciously prosecuting, fining and imprisoning Americans for violations of statutes that have not been properly enacted into law. Illusory laws can only be enforced upon those who believe the illusion is real. Whether the Supreme Court hears this case, or hears challenges to Title 21 [see page 22], Title 26 [see page 6] or not isn’t the point. We have to burst the illusion in American minds. Download the petition and appendices. Read them and get clear on the lawless nature of Title 18 prosecutions. (DWH)

Day of Dead

por Yashenka Baca

As part of the celebrations of the Day of the Dead, the Mexican Museum is organizing the fundraising event La Catrina, manteniendo a los espíritus vivos, on Saturday, October 29. The festivities include dancing, entertainin and a costume contest.

“The attendants will enter to a colorful villaga ambiance, where vendors will offer them a wide array of delicious dishes. The guests will see and experience the traditional altars created by local artists to remember their dead.”

­All night long, those alive will be joined by the Mariachi Femenil Orgullo Mexicano and the cumbia and salsa band Los Ejecutivos. Concourse Exhibition Center, in 7th Street and Brannan, San Francisco, from 6-11 p.m. To get tickets go to themexicanmuseumsf.eventbrite. com or call 415-202-9700.

The life of a poet went away

by the El Reportero’s staff

Poet Piri Thomas (R.I.P.)Poet Piri Thomas (R.I.P.)

Puerto-Rican poet and writer Piri Thomas died Monday, October 17, 2011 after a lengthy battle with pneumonia. The beloved author of the bestseller Down These Mean Streets, passed away in his home in El Cerrito, California surrounded by his closest family and friends. Thomas was born September 30, 1928 in New York city. Son of a Puerto Rican mother and Cuban father, Piri Thomas was exposed to harsh racial discrimination.

A tough life during his early years in Harlem, filled with crime, gang warfare and drugs, inspired Piri to write some of his most recognized novels: Savoir, Savoir Hold my Hand and Seven Long Times. Piri Thomas (named Juan Pedro Tomas when born), also wrote a book of short stories named Stories from El Barrio; and several plays, such as Ole Ole Oy Vey and The Golden Streets. He recorded poetry and music, such as No Mo’ Barrio Blues and Sounds of the Streets.

His most famous work and bestseller Down These Mean Streets (1967) has been in print for 44 years and tells the story of a Piri, who goes through poverty, gangs and a racist community. The book describes his younger years; the time he spent in prison and his fight for recognition from the larger American population, which takes him for an African- American, failing to recognize his Latino identity.

His reversal from street life to writing interested filmmakers, who found in his a rich story that needed to be told. Three awardwinning movies were made about his life: Every Child is Born a Poet, The World of Piti Thomas and Petey and Johnny.

­Eleven Hispanic films eligible for Academy Award

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released the list of foreign language films eligible for Best Foreign Film Category.

From a total of 63 movies, eleven are Hispanic. Members of the Academy started the screening of the films at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater. Among the nominees are: Elite Squad from Brazilian Jose Padilha; The Colors of the Mountain, directed by Carlos Arbeláez from Colombia; Habanastation by Ian Padrón from Cuba; Miss Bala by Gerardo Naranjo from Mexico and October by Daniel and Diego Vega from Perú.

Every voter in U.S. needs to read this: Warren Buffett’s ingenious idea

­por Kim Peterson

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the ­best quotes about the debt ceiling:

“I could end the deficit in 5 minutes,” he told CNBC. “You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971…before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc. Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took 1 year or less to become the law of the land…all because of public pressure.

Warren Buffet is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.

In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.

*Congressional Reform Act of 2011*

1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective


The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people then it will only take three days for most people (in the U.S.) to receive the message. Maybe it is time.

THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!! If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just ignore it. You are one of my target. Please keep it going.

The Federal Reserve Cartel Fourth and Last Part: The Financial Parasite

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: this is the fourth of the fourth part of this series, The Federal Reserve Cartel, which chronically explains the history of the Fed and the false perception that resulted in Americans believing it’s part of the U.S. Government when – The Fed Reserve is a private for-profit bank that ought be abolished.

This is an excerpt from a book
by Dean Henderson

To this end: a recent president of the World Bank was James Wolfensohn of Salomon Smith Barney. Merrill Lynch had $435 billion in assets in 1994, before the merger frenzy had really even gotten under way. The biggest commercial bank at the time, Citibank, could claim only $249 billion in assets.

In 1991 Merrill Lynch handled 26.8 percent of all global bank mergers. Morgan Stanley did 16.8 percent, Goldman Sachs 16.3 percent, Lehman Brothers 16.1 percent and Credit Suisse First Boston 14.5 percent. Morgan Stanley did $60 billion in corporate mergers in 1989. By 2007, reflecting the repeal of Glass-Steagel, the top ten NMA advisers in order were: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, UBS Warburg, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank and Lazard. In the IPO stock nderwriting field for 1991 the top four were Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and CS First Boston. In the arena of global privatization for years 1985-1995, Goldman Sachs led the way doing $13.3 billion worth of deals. UBS Warburg did $8.2 billion, BNP Paribas $6.8 billion, CS First Boston $4.9 billion and Paribas-owner Merrill Lynch $4.4 billion.

In 2006 BNP Paribas bought the notorious Banca Nacionale de Lavoro (BNL), which led the charge in arming Saddam Hussein. According to Global Finance, it is now the world’s largest bank with nearly $3 trillion in assets.

The leading US debt underwriters for the first nine months of 1995 bore the same familiar names. Merrill Lynch underwrote $74.2 billion in the US Desdebt markets, or 15.3 percent of the total. Lehman Brothers handled $52.5 billion, Morgan Stanley $47.4 billion, Salomon Smith Barney $45.6 billion. CS First Boston, Chase Manhattan and Goldman Sachs rounded out the top seven.

The top three municipal debt underwriters that year were Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and UBS Paine Webber. In the euro-market the top four underwriters in 1995 were UBS Warburg, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs.

[18] Deutsche Bank’s Morgan Grenfell branch engineered the corporate takeover binge in Europe. The dominant players in the oil futures markets at both the New York Mercantile Exchange and the London Petroleum Exchange are Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Goldman Sachs (through its J. Aron & Company subsidiary), Citigroup (through its Philbro unit) and Deutsche Bank (through its Banker’s Trust acquisition). In 2002 Enron Online was auctioned off by a bankruptcy court to UBS Warburg for $0. UBS was to share monopoly Enron Online profits with Lehman Brothers after the first two years of the deal. With Lehman’s 2008 demise, its new owner Barclays will get their cut.

Following the Lehman Brothers fiasco and the ensuing financial meltdown of 2008, the “Four Horsemen of Banking” got even bigger. For pennies on the dollar, JP Morgan Chase was handed Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual.

Bank of America commandeered Merrill Lynch and Countrywide. And Wells Fargo seized control over the reeling #5 US bank Wachovia. Barclays got a sweetheart deal for the remains of Lehman Brothers. Former House Banking Committee Chairman Wright Patman (D-TX), declared of Federal Reserve Eight Families owners, “The United States today has in effect two governments. We are the duly constituted government. Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve ­System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution.”

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, US debt (mostly owed to the Eight Families) has skyrocketed from $1 billion to nearly $14 trillion today. This far surpasses the total of all Third World country debt combined, which is mostly owed to these same Eight Families, who own most all the world’s central banks.

As Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) pointed out, “International bankers make money by extending credit to governments. The greater the debt of the political state, the larger the interest returned to lenders. The national banks of Europe are (also) owned and controlled by private interests. We recognize in a hazy sort of way that the Rothschilds and the Warburgs of Europe and the houses of JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb & Co., Schiff, Lehman and Rockefeller possess and  control vast wealth. How they acquire this vast financial power and employ it is a mystery to most of us.”

Occupy SF needs neighbors support

por Yáshenka Baca

En SF la protesta Occupy SF lucha contra viento y marea para mantenerse. (PHOTO BY OCCUPY SF)In SF, the Occupy SF protest struggles to keep itself standing. (PHOTO BY OCCUPY SF)

Access to a laundry and bathrooms can make the difference between success and failure for the branch of Occupy Wall Street in San Francisco, the biggest protest movement in the United States since the ‘60s. The more than 300 permanent residents of the Justin Herman square, in the city’s financial district are looking for the support of local businesses and people who sympathize with the movement in order to solve this problem.

Last week, during a meeting of the Police Commission, its Chief, Greg Suhr, promised the demonstrators that they would get portable lavatories and hand washing facilities. Since then, the only thing that arrived to the encampment was a notice entitled “You are subject to arrest”. The document claims that “the Department of Public Health has noticed that members of Occupy SF are in filthy conditions”, which, according to the police, this is enough reason to arrest them.

Just as the main movement in New York City, the demonstrators of Occupy SF need the neighbors’ support in order to keep their clothes,  supplies and themselves clean. The minimum offence could become the reason that officials are waiting for to take over the camp, evict the occupants and destroy the supplies they find, just as they did on October 16 during a raid at night.

In spite of receiving some 80 to 100 small food donations per day, the kitchen at the facility suffers a shortage when attempting to provide with water to all the residents. “We have a great need for drinking water and hot food”, said a demonstrator who receives and distributes the donations that people who support the movement bring on a daily basis.

On its sixth week, the occupation is growing stronger than ever. Support comes in different shapes and from a diverse group of San Francisco residents. From teenagers who come with fast food donations, to seniors of the Bay Area who come to share their knowledge about the problems provoked by the economic crisis.

Charlie, a young man that 1El Reportero saw arriving to the Justin Herman Square, traveled from Colorado for more than three days to join the protest movement in San Francisco. “I am here to get informed and to get to know more about the Federal Reserve Bank, the corporations and the bills that they are trying to pass”, he said to El Reportero. The camp has its own library, with a solid collection of books, which is one of the main assets of the demonstrators who wish to get informed about the system.

The most important day in the following weeks is November 5. The demonstrators are asking the public to withdraw before that date all its money from big banks and transfer it to a credit union or a community bank. The movement Occupy SF is thus seeking to boycott the biggest financial institutions: Bank of America, City Bank, Chase and Wells Fargo. The demonstrators expect that this action affects the banks’ economic system enough to make their voices heard in its stance regarding corporative greed.

According to the demonstrators, the steps that a person needs to follow to withdraw all the money from the bank is: first, open an account at a credit union or a community bank (to find a nearby one go to Second, transfer the funds to the new account, either online or in person before November 5. Third, follow the procedures of your previous bank to close the account.

­Whoever wants to support the demonstrators of Occupy SF, one of the hundreds of uprisings all over the nation, can go directly to the encampment; the group has an open arms policy, when welcoming the newcomers. Participation at the General Assembly is open to everyone at 6 p.m., except for Saturdays at 12 pm. Visitors can study at the library or eat at the kitchen. There are also 20 working groups and committees, in which participation is free. The protest is situated in Justin Herman square, at Market with Embarcadero.


Foods, cosmetics and vaccines all widely formulated with toxic agents

by S. D. Wells
Natural News

The greedy corporate strategy of cutting corners to expand profits now means “injecting” toxic smoothing agents into everything from eye drops and yogurt to cosmetics and flu shots. And nothing is being done by the FDA or the CDC to stop it. Thanks to emulsifiers like sorbitol, soy lecithin, sodium caseinate, polysorbate 80, poloxamer 407, and thimerosal, the list of smoothing agents is growing every day, and they are appearing in more than just “small amounts.”

If you think the gurus on Wall Street are smooth criminals “getting away with murder,” the latest toxic-laden preservatives are moving in undetected, compromising consumers state of health in the short term and the long term, including immediate heart problems and central nervous system disorders. Some of these “repeat offenders” include detergents and aluminum that are injected directly into your veins in flu shots, leading to seizures, autism, miscarriages, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

These “efficient delivery devices” are often ignored by the general public because many consumers just follow along with the masses, believing that the FDA and the United States Government would never allow poisons in foods, cosmetics and vaccinations. Immediate gratification has many consumers preoccupied with the conveniences of an over-stimulated society, and up to 23 of the 25 average products that aren’t strictly organic are toxic.

If you think you’re being careful by requesting additive free vaccines and flu shots, you’ve only scraped off the tip of a dangerous iceberg.

Even if there is no polysorbate 80 or aluminum in an injection, vaccines are capable of inducing prolonged activation of the brain’s microglia immune cells. This prolonged activation is associated with diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and vaccine-related encephalitis.

Here are the most frequently used chemical emulsifiers

Are you ready to check the labels and ingredients on everything in your pantry, refrigerator, bathroom cabinet, and in those flu shots yet? Which flu shots are the most dangerous, and are there any safe ones at all? Fluvirin and Flushield contain chick embryonic fluid and synthetic emulsifiers. Polysorbate 80 is associated with allergic reactions like difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, sudden loss of balance, and coughing up blood.

­Many vaccines and flu shots contain aluminum, which serves as a delivery vehicle, for helping certain components stay soluble. Do some research on aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate and potassium aluminum sulfate, and you may never get another flu shot in your life.

Sorbitol is in almost every diet food, diet drink, gum, breath mint, eye drop and contact lens solution. Fooling the body because it tastes sweet, this softening agent fuels the development of colon cancer because the body cannot process and excrete it properly. Sorbitol is a known carcinogen that maintains the softness for food and gives eye care products that slippery feel.

Poloxamer 407, the key ingredient in most mouthwashes, is a detergent. It causes bladder cancer in animals. Long term use of mouthwashes is associated with an increased risk of mouth and throat cancers. Listerine contains Poloxamer 407.

Soy lecithin increases risks of breast cancer. Soy lecithin is produced as a result of the sludge that is left over after crude soy oil goes through a “degumming” process. It is a waste product that contains solvents and pesticides.

Sodium caseinate is a fancy name for casein, a known carcinogen. Manufacturers add hydrochloric acid to this processed milk protein in order to reach desired pH levels. Look for casein in paint, glue, cheese, most soy and whey protein shake mixes, and in those popular protein bars. Casein can act as a histamine releaser, aggravating autism and promoting cancerous cell growth.

The label “natural skin care” doesn’t mean a whole lot these days either. Kiss My Face is a brand known to call everything natural, while still containing toxins like sorbitan oleate and other dangerous emulsifiers.

Watch out for phenoxyethanol, a popular antibacterial and preservative chemical often referred to as natural by organic skin care brands. Phenoxyethanol can act as an endocrine disruptor, causing damage to the bladder, brain, and nervous system in animals. Try not to forget that humans are also animals.

Morales encounters limits of 21th Century Socialismfin

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Evo MoralesEvo Morales

The national vote on Oct. 16 to pick 56 judicial officials for Bolivia’s top courts marked two firsts. It was the first time such a selection process was determined by direct popular vote anywhere in the world. It also appears to have delivered the first electoral defeat to President Evo Morales since he took office in 2006.

Preliminary results suggest calls by the opposition for voters to spoil their ballots or leave them blank have met with success: the opposition tried to turn the vote into a plebiscite on Morales, still discredited over the recent police crackdown on indigenous protesters [WR-11-39].

Yet while the result reflects discontent with Morales, it also suggests the limits of popular democracy, a key feature of the model of 21st century Socialism espoused by Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez. It raises questions over the value of allowing the public to vote on such a technical issue, a problem which has cropped up both for Chávez and Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa.

Bolivia: indigenous demands still unanswered

La Paz, Oct 21 (Prensa Latina) Bolivians await expectantly the government´s solutions over the demands of an indigenous march that has been claiming their natural resources to be respected for two

days now in the capital.

­The march left the eastern city of Trinidad on August 15 to defend the biodiversity of the Isiboro Secure National Park and Indigenous Territory (TIPNIS) despite that before demonstrators arrived in La Paz, President Evo Morales disclosed that the construction of the highway linking Cochabamba and Beni departments would be suspended.

The Plurinational Legislative Assembly inked an agreement stipulating that a previous referendum would be held with the participation of the real indigenous communities. After arriving in La Paz, the demonstrators were  called to hold talks at the seat of the vice presidency, but they want to meet Morales in his office, noted TIPNIS leader, Fernando Vargas.