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Chairman Obama unwise speech, Obama doesn’t know the American people

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

I think I am going to have a heart attack after hearing ‘Chairman’ Obama…or Mao, or whatever title he should go by now. His prepared speech to the American people on the Aurora shooting, seemi­ngly was meant to dictate the new rules. He spoke as if there was no Constitution of the United States!

Americans do not need permission to bear guns. Our right was enumerated in the Second Amendment for the government agents to protect. Does Obama realize the Constitution was written before he was born?

Only in Hitler’s Germany, or countries like China, Cuba, and most of the socialist-communist regimes the people are not allowed to defend themselves from foreign and domestic enemies, because their “daddy” (the almighty state) has assured them they will be safe.

President Barack Obama, Wednesday called for a “common sense” approach to assault rifle sales in light of Friday’s mass shooting in Aurora, Colo., saying no “mentally unbalanced individual” should be able to get their hands on such weapons, according to the Huffington Post.

Ah! I was forgetting, the AK 15 used by the theater killer is not an assault rifle. Maybe Chairman Obama didn’t know what his speechwriter meant. Either that or Mr. President didn’t read it before giving his oratory on the subject.

“I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms,” Obama told the National Urban League convention in New Orleans. “I think we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation. That hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage.”

Obama continues: “But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals. That they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities. I believe the majority of gun owners would agree we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons, and we should check someone’s criminal record before they can check out a gun seller.”

Mr. Chairman, the United States has become a battlefield!

The president called for new restrictions barring mentally unstable people from purchasing weapons. “These steps shouldn’t be controversial,” Obama said. “They should be common sense.” As if Obama ever held a gun, defending our country, or even served in the military and was trained to use a firearm and the proper, ethical way to use it and in what circumstances.

Police investigating the Aurora shooting said they believe James Holmes legally purchased four guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition used to kill 12 people, including an AR-15 assault rifle with a 100-round magazine. Obama pledged to work with lawmakers from both parties to reduce violence “at every level.” He noted that government can’t repair everything that plays into a killer’s actions.

So, Mr. Chairman Obama Mao, now you’re going to send every American gun owner or purchaser of an assault weapon for a psychiatric evaluation, and have them go through a criminal check to prove that they are sane. In other words, you doubt that the current millions of Americans gun owners are mentally sane and they could at any time start shooting at people; therefore they have to proof it the contrary, right?

If you can make the fools start lining up like lambs to the slaughter to submit to a Chairman Mao like mandate for a test to show that they are not crazy or are criminals, you’re out of your mind!! You’re making me think that if someone uses his truck to run over people in a plaza, that makes every driver in America insane and have to submit to a criminal record check just to have a driver’s license.

The People are the real defenders of liberty, not the government, and not its soldiers, Mr. ‘Chairman’ Obama. The guns and assault weapons are for the People and assisted by the soldiers. THE POLICE HAVE NO DUTY TO PROTECT US! And when it comes down to it, WILL THEY?

See the Supreme Court ruling:­/28/politics/28scotus.html?_r=1.

The day the people submit to this dictatorial order of yours, and Congress obeys, liberty in this country as we know it, will die. Instead, BAN VIOLENCE ON TV. Why can’t you do that? That is the real cause of violence in our youth. Your removing of God from school prayer, the promotion of sexual promiscuity, your government meddling in parental disciplinary actions within families, has deteriorated family values that have traditionally existed in this nation for centuries.

TV is the cause of so much lovelessness in our country. NOT THE GUNS. They don’t shoot by themselves. They are shot by evil, often twisted minds. And those minds are influenced, and even encouraged by acts and images show on television. CHAIRMAN OBAMA, you are bad for America and the world. Please go!!!

Related Comments online: OhioResident101 said: Obama – one term president. This guy shot with an AR -15, gun and shotgun, so Obama thinks we should outlaw the AK-47? I suppose he thinks that’s an automatic machine gun, which in America it isn’t. It takes an FBI approved background check and a special license that costs thousands of dollars and is hard to get to buy a fully automatic weapon. Obama knows this, but pretends otherwise. If we blame a gun for killing those unfortunate people, then it must be a spoon’s fault that we have such a massive obesity problem in this country. So maybe it’s Obama’s speechwriters’ fault that he sounds like a broken record, un-presidential and like a future dictator?

LunaPark said: “What happens if our country becomes like Syria, or Libya, or Congo, or North Korea…and our government has effectively disarmed us? How will we defend ourselves?”

TSA expande invasión hacia estaciones de trenes de California y terminales de autobuses

Inspectores con perros rastreadores de drogas patrullan plataforma

­por Paul Joseph Watson

Imágenes grabadas en el Centro de Transporte de Oceanside en el sur de California documenta cómo el despliegue de trabajadores de la TSA se está expandiendo fuera de los aeropuertos y en estaciones de tren y terminales de buses.

­El video muestra los inspectores de la TSA de pie junto a la policía y perros rastreadores de drogas. Los agentes de la TSA dijeron al realizador que todavía se le permitía hacer videos y fotos en la estación de tren, pero que podría ser “cuestionado” por hacerlo.

Había unos seis o siete agentes de la TSA patrullando la estación según quien subió el video.

La Transportation Security Administration ya fue avergonzada antes este año cuando la gente de Houston se rebeló ante un programa que habría visto a trabajadores del TSA viajando habitualmente en los buses de la ciudad, a fin de detectar terroristas y criminales.

Durante una prueba del programa, los pasajeros del bus fueron hostigados e interrogados por los trabajadores de la TSA, lo que provocó una reacción violenta y una reunión pública llena de rabia durante la cual los residentes expresaron su resentimiento por haber sido interrogados acerca de su viaje y con sus bolsos siendo registrados.

“Los buenos ciudadanos de Houston no son lo suficientemente estúpidos como para creer que Metro en realidad estaba esperando encontrar los terroristas en una parada de bus. En su lugar, fue usado como pretexto para acosar a la gente”, dijo Robert Fickman, ex presidente de la Asociación de Abogados Penales del Condado de Harris, y agregó que el ejercicio era claramente inconstitucional.

Aunque el jefe de policía Víctor Rodríguez dio a entender que el programa puede regresar, la furiosa reacción de los viajeros hasta el momento ha impedido que los trabajadores de la TSA viajen en los autobuses de Houston desde el ejercicio.

Sin embargo, la propia agencia se está expandiendo, con el Congreso recientemente dando luz verde para el financiamiento adicional que ha aumentado el número de puestos de control de la TSA sin previo aviso, más allá de los 9300 del año pasado.

Esta inyección de $ 25 millones ha ayudado a financiar la expansión del programa VIPR que tiene a los agentes de la TSA patrullando las carreteras, estaciones de tren, terminales de buses y otros centros de transporte.

Como recientemente un informante reveló a Infowars, más trabajadores de la TSA están siendo usados en aeropuertos en ubicaciones aparte de los carriles de seguridad.

“Estamos patrullando el estacionamiento con los perros, estamos llegando incluso a la estación de tren porque la estación de tren está conectada con el aeropuerto y tenemos tipos caminando por la estación de tren, caminando alrededor de los autos de alquiler, estamos inspeccionando los autos que entran en el garaje de estacionamiento, quiero decir que nos hemos expandido completamente – ya no estamos solamente en la puerta y en el control de seguridad”, dijo el denunciante, un supervisor de la TSA.

El uso de los trabajadores de la TSA para registrar a los pasajeros del tren ha resultado muy controvertido en el pasado. En una ocasión, agentes de la TSA se utilizaron para llevar a cabo cacheos de los pasajeros, incluidos niños, que ya habían completado su viaje al llegar a Savannah.

2012 Jerry Day 10th Annual returns to the Jerry García Amphitheater

by the El Reportero’s staff

Jerry GarcíaJerry García

San Francisco’s Mclaren Park will once again host the annual Jerry Day event Sunday August 5. Celebrating its 10th year, the event will be held at the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater, named after the late Grateful Dead guitarist, who grew up in the Excelsior District.

As has become tradition in recent years, the daytime music festival will be headlined by Melvin Seals and JGB. Seals, longtime keyboardist for Garcia’s solo band will be joined by an eclectic group of musicians who always gives the event a Garcia ‘feel,’ covering the guitarist’s songs both with a little funk and flair thrown in.

Jerry Day was founded in 2002, holding its first event at the McLaren Park Amphitheater in 2003. Soon after renamed the ‘Jerry Garcia Amphitheater,’ the venue continues to host the annual free event, which raises awareness for neighborhood art and culture and honors the late leader of the Grateful Dead.

Jerry day 2012, Sunday, Aug. 5, 2012, at Jerry Garcia Amphitheater / McLaren Park

45 John F. Shelley Drive – Excelsior District – San Francisco. Info:

Puerto Rican music lecture series: The Museum of the African Diaspora and SF JAZZ present: Criolla y Sabrosa: La Música Puertorriqueña. an 8-week lecture series by John Santos at MOAD, The Museum of the African Diaspora, Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Aug. 1 through Sept. 19, 2012. 685 Mission St. at Third Street, San Francisco. To register and for more info:

Afro-Latin Percussion Clinic/Workshop with John Santos

For more information email: The first part (1:00 to 1:45) is family-oriented and will consist of the demonstration and historical perspective of several percussive instruments including tumbadoras, bongos, timbales, maracas, claves, chekere and bell, as well as some basic ensemble rhythms to be played by all.

In the second part (2:00 to 3:30 p.m.) which is directed to more advanced students, Mr. Santos will conduct ensemble rhythms from Cuba and Puerto Rico and dig deeper into the technical aspects of playing the respective instruments. Bandleader, composer, percussionist and educator, John Santos is a five-time Grammy nominee with a career that spans 40 years.

Saturday, July 28, 2012, 1:00 p.m., Oakland Public Conservatory. 1616 Franklin Street at 17th Street, Oakland.

Nicaraguan celebrate Santo Domingo de Guzmán

You’re invited to meet us with religiousness and joy to celebrate the Patron of Managua on Sunday, July 29, at St Finn Barr Church. The Campesino mass is unique and very Nicaraguan, it will take place at 11:30 am, after the end of the mass, followed by the traditional procession toward the church dance salon to celebrate to the Patron of  the Poor, and of Managua, Santo Domingo de Guzman!

With nostalgia but with faith, we will carry, dance and sing together.

Let’s go all Managuans, the nicoyas, to dance and to fight bull the cow and celebrate the traditional festival brought to San Francisco.

­Celebrating 20th anniversary of La Peña del Sur

Singer and songwriter Natalia Contesse is in the United States showcasing her outstanding CD Puñado de Tierra.

Natalia mixes Chilean traditions such as the Cueca, Tonada and the guitarra campesina (folk guitar). Her singing and composing is inspired in the South American folkloric tradition. Rafael Manríquez has been one of the leading exponents of Latin American music in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Both singers are inspired by Victor Jara, Atahualpa Yupanqui, VioletaParra–as well as the struggles for social justice, peace, and respect for La Pachamama/ Mother Earth.

Friday July 27, 8 p.m. A.N.S.W.E.R., 2969 Mission St., between 25th and 26th Street,,San Francisco.

Singer Alexander Acha doesn’t mind being known as Emmanuel’s son

­Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Alexander AchaAlexander Acha

Though one day he’d like to be known for his own achievements in music and no longer as the “son of Emmanuel,” Mexican singer Alexander Acha told Efe that he knows he’ll never stop being identified that way because his father is “one of the greats.”

“If he were some insignificant character in the world of music, maybe nobody would say ‘the son of,’ but my dad is one of the greats and so in my lifetime that’s never going away,” the 27-year-old artist said in an interview with Efe.

So, the young musician acknowledged, even though he achieves success and “gets to be even greater” than Emmanuel, it won’t matter, he’ll always be known as the son.

“That doesn’t bother me, just the opposite, it reminds me of who my father is,” he said about one of the most renowned performers of Mexican music and the author of hit tunes like “Chica de Humo” (Girl of Smoke) and “Bella Señora.”

The artist admits that being Emmanuel’s son has made his work easier in some ways, it has opened many doors, it’s like “bait,” but that afterwards he’s had to work harder than usual to show that he’s more than a name.

Ruben Blades 500,000 Comic Book Collection to Be Auctioned

Panamanian singer and politician Ruben Blades has been collecting comics almost since he reached the age of reason, but now thinks enough is enough and plans to put them up for auction.

Comic lovers will be able to bid on the almost 500,000 copies belonging to Blades up to Aug. 13 when the online auction organized by comes to an end.

Blades started collecting comics when he was a little boy in his native Panama and except for a few years when he left the picture stories aside, the Panamanian singer spent over 30 years piling up a huge, diversified collection.

“My mother threw a lot of them in the trash, and when I turned 18 I perspecstopped buying comics because other things began to matter more in my life,” Blades, the singer-songwriter of smash hits like “Pedro Navaja,” said.

His passion for comics returned at age 26 when he was living in New York and one day in 1974 came upon a second-hand comic-book store at the intersection of 57th Street and 8th Avenue.

HISPANIC STANDOUT: Meet the Music World’s Latest Prodigy, 3-Year-Old Lavinia Ramirez (VIDEO)

She may have simply played “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the piano, but simply cannot describe how impressive it is for a 2-year-old to actually play a song on the piano.

Already being dubbed “Mini Mozart”, Lavinia Ramirez is getting quite a bit of attention after playing at her first concert after playing the piano for just 16 weeks at the impressively young age of two.

Lavinia’s parents say they knew their daughter, now three, was special even before she took on the piano.

‘Before she was two she could write numbers and letters and recognize them in books,” Lavinia’s mother, Jenna told the U.K.‘s Metro. Contributed by Hispanically Speaking News.

Statement on the suspension of SF Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi and Ethnic Commission proceedings

by the National Lawyers Guild

As an organization of Bay Area attorneys, legal workers, law students, and community members, the National Lawyers Guild San Francisco Bay Area Chapter urges the City of San Francisco to stop using public resources to oust Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi from office. We are deeply concerned that his suspension without pay by Mayor Ed Lee is an affront to the democratic will of the people of San Francisco, and that the current efforts to remove him from office both lack sufficient due process protections and are politically motivated. We take the accusations of Eliana Lopez very seriously and believe domestic violence must be dealt with in a way that respects the survivors and reduces harm. However, the official reaction to the abuse Mirkarimi undoubtedly committed has been dominated by political grandstanding, not concern for domestic violence survivors. Notwithstanding this criticism, the Guild also calls on Sheriff Mirkarimi to take full responsibility for his behavior and, if he retains his office, to work with community based organizations on restorative approaches to domestic violence beyond the criminal justice model.

We take seriously the need to protect and support people who are subject to violence of any kind, including within the family. Here, the needs of the Sheriff’s wife, Eliana Lopez, and their child, are of utmost priority. Lopez’s wishes, her definition of her experience, and her desire to rebuild her family are being completely ignored. Ms. Lopez has stated as much:

I am sad and hurt by the elected officials of the city of San Francisco: Mayor Lee, City Attorney Herrera, District Attorney George Gascón, and Judge Wong. I believe what Judge Wong, the District Attorney, the City Attorney, and Mayor Lee have done to me is far worse than anything they accuse Ross of doing. I hope they realize after reflection that what they have done is irreparable and perpetually damaging to me and my family.

We cannot support efforts that deny a survivor any voice and undermine her opinions and experiences. Doing so contravenes the purpose of domestic violence protection.

Because Mirkarimi has a record as a political progressive who has championed policies that many in law enforcement vigorously oppose, we believe this process is largely motivated by politics and not concern for victims of domestic abuse. Mirkarimi has been a strong supporter of San Francisco’s Sanctuary city policies that protect immigrants, has consistently opposed racial profiling by police, and supports efforts to decrease the jail population as part of the budget and jail re-alignment processes. In contrast, Mayor Lee has recently called for NYC police style stopand-frisk programs in San Francisco. If District Attorney Gascon and Mayor Lee succeed in removing Mirkarimi from office, we are concerned that law enforcement policies in San Francisco will become more oppressive, and the jail population will increase.

By suspending an elected official for a misdemeanor committed before taking office, Mayor Lee is subverting democratic will before Mirkarimi has even had a chance to put his policies in place. A recall would be the appropriate, democratic mechanism for accomplishing Lee’s stated goals. Instead, the process before the Ethics Commission, and ultimately before the Board of Supervisors just before an election, disenfranchises San Franciscans.

Unlike the accused, the Mayor has the unlimited resources of the City Attorney at his disposal; and four of the Ethics Commissioners are appointed by people who are or will be directly involved in this case: the Mayor, the City Attorney, ­the District Attorney and the Board of Supervisors. At the very minimum, the situation raises the appearance of impropriety, conflict of interest and bias.

For the reasons stated above, we request that Mayor Lee immediately stop using scarce city & county resources to attack a democratically elected official. Should neither the Mayor nor the Commissioners have the integrity to end this assault on democracy, we ask that the Board of Supervisors vote to uphold the will of the voters.

Death-obsessed culture, not gun rights, to blame for Batman shooting

Political opportunists seize upon tragedy to attack Second Amendment

­by Paul Joseph Watson­

Ciudadanos protestan la deuda impuesta por los bancos.Citizens protest the banks-imposed debts.

Within hours of the tragic ‘Batman’ shooting in Aurora, Colorado, political opportunists have seized upon the incident to push for gun control, with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg demanding that both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama “stand up and tell us what they’re going to do about” mass shootings.

Exactly as we predicted in our earlier article, leftists have wasted no time in exploiting the actions of a lone lunatic for political grist, with Bloomberg calling on the two presidential candidates to crack down on gun rights.

We knew ghouls like Bloomberg would rush to exploit this tragedy to try and crush the right to self defense.

Quite how either Romney or Obama have the power to reverse a Hollywood- inspired culture that serves up lashings of violence to young people like turkey at Thanksgiving is anyone’s guess.

In addition, the notion that either of the presidential candidates can put a halt to a juggernaut pharmaceutical industry that doles out violence-causing SSRI drugs to youngsters like penny candy is clearly asinine.

“I mean, there’s so many murders with guns every day,” said Bloomberg. “It’s just gotta stop. And instead of these two people, President [Barack] Obama and Governor [Mitt] Romney talking in broad things about, they want to make the world a better place. OK. Tell us how. And this is a problem. No matter where you stand on the Second Amendment, no matter where you stand on guns, we have a right to hear from both of them, concretely, not just in generalities, specifically, what are they going to do about guns?”

Bloomberg told WOR News Talk Radio 710. Bloomberg was followedin his idiocy by CNN host and all-round smarm-merchant Piers Morgan, who in a series of tweets hastily seized upon the tragedy to promote his lust for disarming the general public.

“America has got to do something about its gun laws. Now is the time,” said Morgan.

“Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That’s my point,” he added.

Perhaps the more fundamental question that needs to be asked as to why America keeps experiencing mass shootings, when as recently as twenty years ago they were few and far between, is to what extent our sick culture and entertainment industry is contributing to the general malaise and unfeeling psychosis that seems to have gripped the younger generations?

Why were there so few mass shootings just two decades ago compared to now? Has the number and availability of guns increased substantially?

No. Is the sewer pipe we call Hollywood and the entertainment industry pumping out sicker, more nihilistic and more violence-strewn films than ever before? Yes.

As numerous observers ­have noted, the recent Batman films have contained unnerving amounts of violence that seem to serve little purpose other than to appease a bloodthirsty craving for gore and brutality amongst young people, who have had such sickness foisted upon them through movies, entertainment, video games and popular music.

As Jenny McCartney notes in the Telegraph, we have been turned into a society seduced by sadism.

This sadism is also more accessible to children and young people than ever before. Many people today are asking what a 6-year-old child was doing at a midnight screening of a movie?

In addition, the fact that these kind of movies are able to generate such a level of suspended disbelief that victims thought the shooting was initially part of the movie, is a shocking example of how much power the big screen has to warp minds.

It’s also now come to light that Warner Bros paired the Batman movie with a trailer for a film which shows “a gangster with a machine gun shooting up people in a movie theater from behind the big screen.”

Once again, before we even know anything about the 24-year-old shooter James Holmes, the establishment media and leftist political operatives are rushing to denounce gun rights as the culprit behind the tragedy, once again failing to address the underlying root cause – a sadistic, death obsessed culture that allows young men to be drawn into bizarre fantasy worlds where violence is seen as an alluring adventure.


London Assembly trying to ban McDonald, Coca-Cola from 2012 Olympics

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) As fast food giant McDonald’s gets ready to open its largest restaurant in the world at Olympic Park in London (, the London Assembly, an elected government body that holds the London Mayor accountable to his promises, has voted in favor of calling for an official ban on both McDonald’s and Coca-Cola from the 2012 Olympic Games.

Because many of the products offered by both McDonald’s and Coca-Cola are filled with processed sugar, artificial chemicals, and unhealthy fats, and are linked to causing childhood obesity and other illnesses, the London Assembly believes the International Olympic Committee has a responsibility to nix these companies from sponsoring the Games. Hosting a lineup of the world’s most talented athletes while peddling junk food to the masses, in other words, is a hypocritical position to take, according to the Assembly.

“London won the right to host the 2012 Games with the promise to deliver a legacy of more active, healthier children across the world,” said Jenny Jones, the London Assembly member who initially proposed the motion to ban the two food giants from participating in the Games. “Yet the same International Olympic Committee (IOC) that awarded the Games to London persists in maintaining sponsorship deals with the purveyors of high calorie junk that contribute to the threat of an obesity epidemic.”

Jones’ proposal makes plenty of logical sense. But the biggest problem with it; however, is that McDonald’s and Coca-Cola happen to be two of the largest sponsors of the Olympic Games — and they have been involved with the Olympic Games for quite some time. Without McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, the Olympic Games would be in some serious financial trouble, which says a lot about the absurd amount of influence these corporations and many others have over the world’s institutions.

McDonald’s, Coca-Cola have long been top-tier Olympic Games sponsors

According to the Huffington Post, Coca-Cola is the Olympic Games’ longest-running sponsor, having contributed to its perpetuity since 1928. McDonald’s has a long legacy with the Olympic Games as well, having contributed large sums of sponsorship dollars since the mid-1970s.

As contradictory as this truly is, two of the world’s largest junk food purveyors play a major role in maintaining the existence of the world’s largest demonstration of athleticism and vibrant physical health.

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AMRC) seems to agree that the partnership between the Olympic Games and both McDonald’s and Coca-Cola is disconcerting, as this particular group continues to be one of the most outspoken critics of IOC’s conflicting alliance with McDonald’s and Coca-Cola. According to AMRC, allowing these two fast food companies to be the official face of food at the Olympic Games “sends out the wrong message (to children).”

In defense of their presence at the Games, both Coca-Cola and McDonald’s have tried to highlight their many “healthy” food and drink offerings while reiterating the importance of individuals making their own food choices without resorting to censorship. But the latter recommendation will be somewhat difficult for attendees of the Games to follow; however, both McDonald’s and Coca- Cola have reportedly been given exclusive rights to sell their food and beverage offerings at the Games.

As far as Olympic athletes are concerned, many will not be partaking in the junk food fest, according to Marco Cardinale, Head of Sports Science and Research of the British Olympic Association. During a recent interview with Telegraph Sport, Cardinale said he would be “very surprised” if any Olympic athletes decided to feast on a McDonald’s hamburger and a Coke during the Games, despite both companies’ insinuations in advertising campaigns that they would be “feeding” the Games, including its athletes. (­

Meanwhile, the IOC seems unfazed by all the controversy, and has no immediate or apparent plans to ditch either McDonald’s or Coca-Cola. So you can expect to see plenty of tantalizing images filled with “refreshing” Coca-Cola sodas and McDonald’s Big Macs featured on your television screens during the Games. And as intended, this propaganda campaign will give millions, if not billions, of children the false impression that eating these foods will help them one day become strong Olympic athletes.

Debt slavery: 30 facts about debt inAmerica that will blow your mind

by The American Dream

When most people think about America’s debt problem, they think of the debt of the federal government. But that is only part of the story. The sad truth is that debt slavery has become a way of life for tens of millions of American families. Over the past several decades, most Americans have willingly allowed themselves to become enslaved to debt. These days, most of us are busy either going into even more debt or paying off the debt that we have accumulated in the past.

When your finances are dominated by debt, it makes it really hard to ever get ahead. Incredibly, 43 percent of all American families spend more than they earn each year. Even while median household income continues to decline (now less than $50,000 a year), median household debt continues to go up. According to the Federal Reserve, median household debt in America has risen to $75,600.

Many Americans spend decades caught in the trap of debt slavery. Large numbers of them never even escape at all and die in debt. It can be a lot of fun to spend lots of money and go into lots of debt, but it can be absolutely soul crushing to toil and labor for years paying off those debts while making others wealthy in the process.

Hopefully this article will inspire many people to try to escape the chains of debt slavery once and for all.

Because the truth is that the American people need a wake up call. Consumer borrowing rose by another $19.3 billion in December.

Right now it is sitting at a grand total of $2.5 trillion according to the Federal Reserve.

Overall, consumer debt in America has increased by a whopping 1700% since 1971.

We always criticize the federal government for going into so much debt, but we rarely criticize ourselves for our own addiction to debt.

Debt slavery is destroying millions of lives all across this country, and it is imperative that we educate the American people about the dangers of all this debt.

The following are 30 facts about debt in America that will absolutely blow your mind….

Credit Card Debt

#1 Today, 46% of all Americans carry a credit card balance from month to month.

#2 Overall, Americans are carrying a grand total of $798 billion in credit card debt.

#3 If you were alive when Jesus was born and you spent a million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent $798 billion by now.

#4 Right now, there are more than 600 million active credit cards in the United States.

#5 For households that have credit card debt, the average amount of credit card debt is an astounding $15,799.

#6 If you can believe it, one out of every seven Americans has at least 10 credit cards.

#7 The average interest rate on a credit card that is carrying a balance is now up to 13.10 percent.

#8 According to the credit card calculator on the Federal Reserve website, if you have a $10,000 credit card balance and you are being charged a rate of 13.10 percent and you only make the minimum payment each time, it will take you 27 years to pay it off and you will end up paying back a total of $21,271.

#9 There is one credit card company out there, First Premier, that charges interest rates of up to 49.9 percent. Amazingly, First Premier has 2.6 million customers.

Auto Loan Debt

#10 The length of auto loans in America just keeps getting longer and longer. If you can believe it, 45 percent of all new car loans being made today are for more than 6 years.

#11 Approximately 70 percent of all car purchases in the United States involve an auto loan.

#12 A subprime auto loan bubble is steadily building. Today, 45 percent of all auto loans are made to subprime borrowers. At some point that is going to be a massive problem.

Mortgage Debt

#13 Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago.

#14 Mortgage debt as a percentage of GDP has more than tripled since 1955.

#15 According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, approximately 8 million Americans are at least one month behind on their mortgage payments.

#16 Historically, the percentage of residential mortgages in foreclosure in the United States has tended to hover between 1 and 1.5 percent. Today, it is up around 4.5 percent.

#17 According to Dylan Ratigan, 46 percent of all mortgaged properties in Florida are underwater, 50 percent of all mortgaged properties in Arizona are underwater and 63 percent of all mortgaged properties in Nevada are underwater.

#18 Overall, nearly 29 percent of all homes with a mortgage in the United States are underwater.

#19 If you can believe it, the mortgage lenders now have more equity in U.S. homes than the American people do.

Medical Debt

#20 Medical debt is a major problem for a growing number of Americans. One study discovered that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.

#21 Sadly, the number of Americans that are protected by health insurance continues to decline. An all-time record 49.9 million Americans do not have any health insurance at all right now, and the percentage of Americans covered by employer-based health plans has fallen for 11 years in a row.

#22 But even if you do have health insurance, there is still a good chance that you could end up with huge medical debt problems.

According to a report published in The American Journal of Medicine, medical bills are a major factor in more than 60 percent of the personal bankruptcies in the United States. Of those bankruptcies that were caused by medical bills, approximately 75 percent of them involved individuals that actually did have health insurance.

Student Loan Debt

#23 Total student loan debt in the United States is rapidly approaching 1 trillion dollars.

#24 If you went out right now and starting spending one dollar every single second, it would take you more than 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.

#25 In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loan debt.

#26 The average student loan debt load is now approximately $25,000.

#27 After adjusting for inflation, U.S. college students are borrowing about twice as much money as they did a decade ago.

#28 One survey found that 23 percent of all college students actually use credit cards to pay for tuition or fees.

#29 The student loan default rate has nearly doubled since 2005.

­#30 Student loans made to directly to parents have increased by 75 percentsince the 2005-2006 academic year.

At this point, most Americans are up to their eyeballs in debt.

According to a recent study conducted by the BlackRock Investment Institute, the ratio of household debt to personal income in the United States is now 154 percent.

Our entire economy has become based on credit.

Do you need a car?

Just get an auto loan.

Do you need a house?

Just get a mortgage.

Do you need to fill up your house with stuff?

Just get a credit card.

Do you need an education?

Just get a student loan.

In fact, if you are anything like a typical American, you probably have a mortgage you can barely afford, you probably have at least one auto loan, you probably have several credit card balances and you probably have a student loan that you deeply regret.

So what should you do if you are drowning in debt?

First, make a firm decision that you are going to break the chains of debt slavery once and for all.

Secondly, come up with a plan to reduce your debt. Paying off debt that carries a high rate of interest first (such as credit card debt) is usually a good idea.

The big financial institutions want to get us into as much debt as possible, because all of this debt makes them incredibly wealthy.

Don’t play their game.

Yes, that may mean that you may have to put off certain purchases until you can come up with the money, but in the long run you will be much better off.

So do any of you have any debt slavery stories to share? Please feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts below….

It is time to stop the corrupt politicians from eroding the Constitution of the United States

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: I just received some urgent emails denouncing what could be the worse action ever taken by our government since the drafting of the Constitution, that an action that will hurt and abolish a very important amendment to the Unites States Constitution: The UN Arms Treaty, which is intended to disarm everyone, will effectively disable the 2nd Amendment, which gives Americans the right to bear arms. The U.N.’s Arms Treaty is basically the same It is the same law that Adolph Hitler used to disarm anyone who dated opposed before going on to order the mass murder of thousands the mass killing started during War World II.

The letter reads as follow:

— The Supremacy Clause of our Constitution says that treaties are the “law of the land” and cannot be overwritten by acts of Congress or acts of the State Legislatures. So IF the Senate ratifies the UN Arms Trade Treaty that Obama and Hillary intend to sign July 27, the UN Gun Ban will VOID THE SECOND AMENDMENT!

The UN Arms Trade Treaty seeks to set up an international agency that will control the availability of arms and ammunition around the world. This new international body will have the authority to tell signing nations what they can and cannot sell within their own borders. In addition, the international body will have the authority to ban existing guns within countries.

In other words, if the UN decides they don’t like your .45 or your 30.06, they can and will ban both the guns and the ammo!

Feel like giving the UN your weapon any time soon?

How about your hunting rifle?

Neither do I!

Let’s get busy and demand the Senate stop the gun ban!

UN targets handguns & hunting rifles. stop the gun grab!!

Gun control advocates like Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton, keep insisting that the United Nation’s Small Arms Treaty won’t effect the average American – only bad guys with big scary weapons. But this treaty has nothing to do with disarming cartels and criminal regimes; it’s about disarming the citizens of the freest country in the world – America.


The United Nation’s and their globalist supporters hate guns…ALL GUNS. Your guns, your protection, my guns, my protection. Don’t believe it? Take a good look at the statue that graces United Nations plaza – a .38 with the barrel tied in a knot.

The Canadian government just filed an emergency petition to exclude hunting rifles from the United Nations Arms Treaty – Mexico subsequently objected. THE UNITED STATES REMAINED SILENT!

Americans have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to keep & bear arms, so why isn’t our government working to exempt hunting weapons? Because Obama and Clinton want us totally and completely disarmed.

Will you wait until mandatory gun confiscation programs go into effect?

Or will you stand with me now and INSIST our Senate NEVER let this unconstitutional, freedom killing, Agenda 21 enabling, UN Treaty even reach the Senate floor?

Because if we don’t ACT NOW, we can all kiss our hunting and personal protection rights goodbye.

Clinton has been working for years to completely disarm Americans.

In 2009, she announced the U.S. would reverse Bush administration opposition to international small arms control. Now with a little help from her Marxist pal Obama and the U.N., she is just weeks away from success.

Clinton and her allies claim the sole purpose of the treaty is to stop terrorism and crime. But the truth is, this abominable treaty would do nothing more that prevent Americans from defending themselves.


In a recent meeting, high-level staffers from Senator Marco Rubio’s office told Unite In Action that the UN Gun Treaty is everything we feared and worse. One Rubio staffer identified this treaty as the single most deadly threat to American freedom, EVER. The gun grab is real, and the fight to strip Americans of their guns is happening right now!

Former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, agrees; “[The UN] is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”

The UN Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee is attempting to defend its stance by claiming the U.N. is, “Concerned by the misuse of weaponry around the world.”

And now, that same Third Preparatory Committee has figured out how to bend the US to the New World Order’s will. In July, the group decided that a majority vote will NOT be required for the treaty to pass. That means dissent will be stifled and this international gun-grabbing scheme will pass if the American people do not act to protect our Second Amendment Rights!

­Throughout history tyranny has succeeded in crushing freedom only by disarming the citizens.

Will you silently relinquish your rights? Because silence now WILL result in the loss of YOUR guns.

And this is worldwide. Wake up people, or soon we will see the United States of America becoming another Soviet Union.

Facebook spies on chats for suspicious behavior, employees alerted to improper communication

by Paul Joseph Watson

CEO Mark ZuckerbergCEO Mark Zuckerberg

Citing the need to watch for potential sex offenders, Facebook is using software that tracks private conversations for suspicious behavior and keywords before alerting Facebook employees who then decide whether to pass the information on to police.

The revelation was divulged during a Reuters interview with the social networking giant’s Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan.

Despite the article acknowledging the fact that Internet-related sex crimes against children are on the decrease, the story cites a barrage of cases where children have been groomed online before revealing that Facebook “users could be unnerved about the extent to which their conversations are reviewed, at least by computer programs.”

The software used by Facebook to monitor conversations works by ­searching “for improper communication” and analyzing “patterns of behavior.”

Words or phrases considered vulgar or an attempt to exchange personal information are red flagged and brought to the attention of Facebook employees, who then decide whether the content is worthy of being brought to the attention of law enforcement.

Too many messages sent without response also sets off an alarm that characterizes the content as suspicious.

The article does not divulge whether or not archives of chat records are stored and for what length of time, but adds that similar software is used by other social networking websites.

On its website, Facebook acknowledges that it shares information about users even in the absence of a court order or other legal request.

“We may also share information when we have a good faith belief it is necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to prevent imminent bodily harm, or to protect ourselves and you from people violating our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities.”

Facebook has been caught in a number of privacy controversies in recent years.

Back in February, the company angrily denied a report by the Sunday Times which claimed Facebook was secretly reading texts sent by users of its Android app.

The U.S. government is actively involved in soliciting information from Facebook. Last month, the State Department issued a procurement request seeking tools that can provide “deep analysis of topics, conversations, networks, and influencers of the global social web.”

Privacy advocates like Wikileaks’ Julian Assange have repeatedly warned that social networks like Facebook and Twitter are little more than huge spying databases used by intelligence agencies to glean personal information.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison

He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.