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Ecuador President Rafael “we are not a colony” Correa stands to the jackbooted British Gestapopo

by Paul Craig Roberts

A coward dies many deaths; a brave man dies but once.

The once proud British government, now reduced to Washington’s servile whore, put on its Gestapo Jackboots and declared that if the Ecuadorean Embassy in London did not hand over WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, British storm troopers would invade the embassy with military force and drag Assange out. Ecuador stood its ground. “We want to be very clear, we are not a British colony,” declared Ecuador’s Foreign Minister. Far from being intimidated the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, replied to the threat by granting Assange political asylum.

The once law-abiding British government had no shame in announcing that it would violate the Vienna Convention and assault the Ecuadorean Embassy, just as the Islamic students in the 1979 Khomeini Revolution in Iran took over the US Embassy and held the diplomatic staff captive. Pushed by their Washington overlords, the Brits have resorted to the tactics of a pariah state. Maybe we should be worried about British nuclear weapons.

Let’s be clear, Assange is not a fugitive from justice. He has not been charged with any crime in any country. He has not raped any women. There are no indictments pending in any court, and as no charges have been brought against him, there is no validity to the swedish extradition request. It is not normal for people to be extradited for questioning, especially when, as in Assange’s case, he expressed his complete cooperation with being questioned a second time by Swedish officials in London.

What is this all about? First, according to news reports, Assange was picked up by two celebrity-hunting Swedish women who took him home to their beds. Later for reasons unknown, one complained that he had not used a condom, and the other complained that she had offered one helping, but he had taken two. A Swedish prosecutor looked into the case, found that there was nothing to it, and dismissed the case.

Assange left for England. Then another Swedish prosecutor, a woman, claiming what authority I do not know, reopened the case and issued an extradition order for Assange. This is such an unusual procedure that it worked its way through the entire British court system to the Supreme Court and then back to the Supreme Court on appeal. In the end British “justice” did what the Washington overlord ordered and came down on the side of the strange extradition request.

Assange, realizing that the Swedish government was going to turn him over to Washington to be held in indefinite detention, tortured, and framed as a spy, sought protection from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. As corrupt as the British are, the UK government was unwilling to release Assange directly to Washington. By turning him over to Sweden, the British could feel that their hands were clean.

Sweden, formerly an honorable country like Canada once was where American war resisters could seek asylum, has been suborned and brought under Washington’s thumb. Recently, Swedish diplomats were expelled from Belarus where they seem to have been involved in helping Washington orchestrate a “color revolution” as Washington keeps attempting to extend its bases and puppet states deeper into traditional Russia.

The entire world, including Washington’s servile puppet states, understands that once Assange is in Swedish hands, Washington will deliver an extradition order, with which Sweden, unlike the British, would comply. Regardless, Ecuador understands this. The Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino announced that Ecuador granted Assange asylum because “there are indications to presume that there could be political persecution.” In the US, Patino acknowledged, Assange would not get a fair trial and could face the death penalty in a trumped up case.

­The US.. Puppet State of Great (sic) Britain announced that Assange would not be permitted to leave Britain. So much for the British government’s defense of law and human rights. If the British do not invade the Ecuadorean Embassy and drag Assange out dead or in chains, the British position is that Assange will live out his life inside the London Embassy of Ecuador. According to the New York Times, Assange’s asylum leaves him “with protection from arrest only on Ecuadorean territory (which includes the embassy). To leave the embassy for Ecuador, he would need cooperation that Britain has said it will not offer.” When it comes to Washington’s money or behaving honorably in accordance with international law, the British government comes down on the side of money.

The Anglo-American world, which pretends to be the moral face of humanity has now revealed for all to see that under the mask is the face of the Gestapo.

This article first appeared at Paul Craig Roberts’ new website Institute For Political Economy. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His Internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.

Harvest of Empire’s healing power

by José de la Isla
Hispanic Link News Service

MEXICO CITY — “Harvest of Empire,” a yet-to-be released documentary based on New York Daily News columnist Juan González’s book of the same name, is making private viewing rounds in New York and Washington, D.C.

Perhaps it will soon get the mass audience it deserves.

Early in the documentary, directed by Peter Getzels and Eduardo López, González explains that by mid-century half of U.S. residents will trace their origins not to Europe but to Latin America.

That’s an enormous population transformation from how the nation used to be. Unless we all understand how that happened, we will be unable to deal with it, except with a new upside-down history, myth-making and chauvinism, the kind ignorance breeds.

Seven years in the making, “Harvest of Empire” carries a message about the need for people to understand that the demographic shift comes from this nation’s own policies and policy toward Central America, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and other Caribbean countries.

So what does this mean? For one thing, our current knowledge base is shallow and must stand up to the truth. Hollywood, advertisers and ideologue images will not stand for long under a disinfecting airing.

And that is where “Harvest of Empire” comes in. Its hard lessons about the sacrifices immigrants have made are as fundamental as those of the pilgrims and the founding fathers.

The 90-minute video is a reminder about what essayist Richard Rodríguez once said: We read our history from right to left, from east to west, not south to north. The unavoidable foundational here is understood south to north. It explains why most large migrations happened and the many unavoidable personal epics.

This is not about chauvinism, fake patriotism or ideology. “Harvest of Empire” faithfully captures the political and social circumstances that drove Hispanic immigration to the United States. The documentary is history, sociology and foreign policy combined. It is reality.

Perhaps this is the reason some of the documentary’s context and disclosures are hard to take. Too many of our leaders of recent eras — like former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and others confused anti-communism with legitimate reform — have been deified. I see “Give-‘em-Hell” President Harry Truman doing a heroic deed but creating a disapora.

Those paying attention to this decade’s experience already know about how blow-back, the unintended consequences of war, imprudent foreign adventure and dumb public policy create population displacements, underdevelopment and incredible suffering.

To understand why the U.S. has pursued insane policies, we need look no further than Deep Throat of the 1970s: “Follow the money.”

Commercial interests, such as United Fruit’s Latin empire, fueled a U.S. foreign policy that helped form dictatorships and counterinsurgencies that made non-combatants, the ones we now call immigrants, flee or become victims.

It explains to me why Germán Umansor, from El Salvador, who had his two kids in his pick-up when we met, described his wife’s post-traumatic stress syndrome, and the reason he was distraught. Or Miriam Evangelina who once told me “the day we were leaving the soldiers came and took our neighbor. A bomb went off up the street.”

Or Amparo, of evangelical faith, now raising three exemplary children in a Houston suburb, who tells me about running with Honduran rebels in the hills. Or my own family story of five generation ago. Or poet Martín Espada explaining how his father Frank, the famous photographer from Puerto Rico, insisted he was an immigrant. Or Juan González narrating his own father’s frustrations and disillusionment. Many, many others also ought to tell their immigrant family stories, now with context supplied by this documentary.

“Harvest of Empire” is also about the undercurrent need for the reconciliation that millions of Latino families in the United States have wanted. Its telling will help restore Latino human purpose. The healing encourages civic participation and why nobody should be anyone’s political pawn.

For immigrants, passing ­on their story inside each family is like a compass for the next generation, explaining the south we came from and why we left.

I hope Harvest of Empire gets a distribution of a billion viewers, that it wins an Academic Award or an Emmy and its producers and author strut at Cannes on a red carpet, if only as an expression that there’s a reward for telling the truth, doing good and getting an overdue conversation going between neighbors.

[José de la Isla is a nationally syndicated columnist for Hispanic Link and Scripps Howard news services. His next book, The Rise of Latino Political Power, will appear early in 2013. Reach him at]  See this column in Spanish and more at

What is becoming of the Land of Freedom?

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: As we see another election coming this November, most people are guided by the same power that has sust­ained a complete monopoly of the political process in the United States – the mainstream media. Univision, Telemundo, CBS, NBC, ABC, and even local National Public Radio affiliate KQED, all of whose agenda is to lead us on the transition into a World Government.

The election euphoria is like the Super Bowl, where a year prior, we start being bombarded with propaganda – with marketing at work, trying to sell us everything that is for sale in the mall. They prepare us to submit our mind and time to watching their big event, which will take us away from the real issues: poverty, lack of a quality education, jobs and on the continuous ongoing loss of our liberty.

Check this out, can you believe just how big and powerful the government has become and how far they’ve gone to declare itself the owner of Planet Earth?

Teachers are being arrested for praying in the classroom, while the promotion of violence on TV and in movies accelerate the dehumanization and demoralization of America’s youth with its institutionalized violence and promiscuous sex. Meanwhile, American soldiers are condemned to the lowest treatment in violation of the most basic rights afforded to a human being despite their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country: that of their lives.

Such is the case of Bradley Manning, who is accused of leaking state secrets to WikiLeaks, and was held in a 6×8 foot cell nearly 24 hours a day. In addition, when not sleeping, Manning was banned from lying down, or even using a wall to support him.

His lawyers filed a motion that claims Manning was punished through “degradation and humiliation”, notably by forcing him to stand outside his cell naked during a morning inspection. This was considered by his defense “retaliatory punishment” for speaking out about the way he was treated.

The following article, written by editor and writer for, Paul Joseph Watson, b­etter describes what the abuse of big government looks like.

Man jailed for collecting rainwater begins sentence

by Paul Joseph Watson

An Oregon man sent to prison for collecting rainwater on his own property began the first day of his jail sentence with a warning that the American people need to stand up to a government that is operating completely outside the boundaries of common sense unless they wish to see liberty vanish.

After an 11-year battle with the state of Oregon, landowner Gary Harrington was found guilty under a 1925 law and sentenced to spend 30 days in jail for collecting rainwater in three “illegal reservoirs” despite the fact that they are on his property.

After refusing to follow an order to empty the “reservoirs” (which in reality are little more than large ponds), Harrington decided to follow through with the jail sentence as an example to other Americans as to how far the country has slipped from its constitutional values.

Harrington’s case has become a cause célèbre for Americans sick to the back teeth of big government interfering in property rights.

Flanked by protesters gathered outside of the Jackson County (Ore.) Jail, Harrington said he loved his country and was willing to go to jail “to get the truth out and restore freedom and common sense in America.”

Accusing Oregon state officials of failing to uphold their oath of office and pledge of allegiance, Harrington pointed out that citizens did not consent to be governed by those who fail to understand the rights enshrined in the constitution, adding that officials did not take into account the “historically understood” legal right to collect rain water during wet season.

Harrington pointed out that the state had broken their own law by issuing permits to individuals allowing them to divert water from public supplies, whereas Harrington was merely collecting rainwater that fell on his own property and was not taken from municipal supplies.

“Common sense is the basis for common law, without common sense, the Corporatismlaw is insane and we did not agree to be governed by insanity or illegality,” said Harrington, adding that throughout American history, citizens have laid their lives down to preserve cherished rights.

“I’m sacrificing my liberty so that we can wake up as a country and stand for our liberty,” said Harrington, adding that his campaign had only just begun.

As we have documented, Harrington’s case is just one of dozens across the country that illustrate how the establishment is using draconian regulatory powers to eviscerate property rights and re-define Americans as de-facto feudal slaves with no inherent rights whatsoever.

This process is being carried out under the umbrella of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 project, which demands that member nations adopt “sustainable development” policies that are little more than a disguise for the reintroduction of neo-feudalism and only serve to reduce living standards and quality of life.

(Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News).

Local jazz club brings in Latino jazz talent to the Mission District


­­by the El Reportero’s staff

Adrián AréasAdrián Aréas

Every Thursdays you can taste some of the Bay Area’s jazz finest in the SF Mission District. Come see Eddie Ramírez blow your mind away with his tremendous two-trumpet show.

And this Aug. 26, you will see the arising star percussionist Adrian Aréas, older son of timbale and music star José ‘Chepito’ Aréas, with his Latin Jazz Ensamble. Aréas has been playing music since early childhood, and traveled with his dad, co-founder of Santana, to many parts of the world when his father was still with Santana Band.

Come see this and more at Savanna Jazz, at 2937 Mission Street, San Francisco, @ 26th Street. For more info (415) 285-3369,

Film, concert and flamenco at La Peña

Estudio Casa Bohemia presents Mijo de la Palma live at La Peña plus the documentary film The Edge of the Sea. Far from being an ensemble or a consensus, Mijo de la Palma is more about a metamorphous crossing of people.

Looking back at years of musical encounters with diverse people that share the yearning for constant renewal of creativity levels, Mijo de la Palma resembles a socratic circle that refuses a definition. Fusión jíbara has been the tagline adopted by many to merge what Mijo brings in to the musical scene. But it seems to be more complex than that.

The Edge of the Sea is a 26-minute documentary that explores the issue of privatization of public areas and the social and environmental consequences of excessive coastal development that is quickly changing the character of Puerto Rico’s beaches. Trailer: On Thursday August 16, 8 p.m. $12-$15 General Audience; $10 Students & Seniors. At La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley. 510-849-2568.

John SantosJohn Santos

Also at La Peña: Bay Area Flamenco presents A Gusto en Agosto direct from Spain Juan del Gastor & Concha Vargas. With Kina Méndez. An icon of Gypsy flamenco dance, Concha Vargas has performed all over Europe, Asia and United States for over 25 years and has worked with such flamenco greats as dancers “El Guito” and Mario Maya, guitarist Pedro Bacán and singers La Macanita and Curro Fernández.

Saturday August 18, 8 p.m. $30 gen. $50 premium seating.

The history of Puerto Rican music

You can catch the John Santos lecture series, Criolla y Sabrosa: La Música Puertorriqueaña, sponsored by the Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, MoAD and SFJAZZ. To hear John Santos teach is truly inspiring, fascinating and enriching!

Part of an eight-week lecture series by five-time Grammy -nominated historian/producer Santo, delves into the origins, evolution, and relevance of Puerto Rican music, encapsulating the folk and popular musical trends of this tiny, yet highly expressive Caribbean nation.

European, African, and Indigenous roots and an often violent political history form the foundation of Puerto Rican traditional and popular music and set the stage for the birth of Salsa in New York’s Puerto Rican community.

Lecture is at the Museum of African Diaspora from 7 – 9 p.m. this Wednesday and every Wednesday through September 19th.

SF Son Jarocho Festival

The First Annual San Francisco Son Jarocho Festival brings together important bands from the Veracruz region of Mexico playing their traditional folk music a­nd US-based fusion groups who draw upon the Son Jarocho style for inspiration.

Complete with film screenings, concerts, collaborations, workshops and talleres, and community fandangos, the San Francisco Son Jarocho Festival is open to anyone interested in the folk traditions of Veracruz or new music inspired by those traditions.

From August 16-19, 2012, at the Brava Theater, 2781 24th St., San Francisco, Ticket outlets: Brava Theater Box Office 415-641-7657 x1. Or visite For more info visit our website at:


Mexican icon Chavela Vargas dies from respiratory failure


­by the El Reportero’s wire services

Chavela VargasChavela Vargas

Mexican singer Chavela Vargas died Sunday from respiratory failure after her health took a marked turn for the worse earlier in the morning, her doctor said. She was 93.

“She was quite conscious up until the last moment and expressed her best wishes for Mexico, which is in great confusion, to improve and she said that she has the best memories … of her public,” her physician, Jose Manuel Nuñez, told Efe.

The Costa-Rican-born artist died at 12:55 p.m. local time (1755 GMT) from acute respiratory insufficiency, chronic bronchial pneumonia and kidney failure, the doctor said.

He also said that she was very serene and calm just before her passing, recalling “her Mexico” and her fans in her last moments, and in particular she expressed her thanks to the communications media and everyone for their support.

Vargas – whose real name was Isabel Vargas Lizano – had been cared for since last Sunday by a medical team led by Nuñez at the Inovamed Hospital in Cuernavaca, capital of the central Mexican state of Morelos.

Before dawn on Saturday morning a group of admirers serenaded Chavela Vargas far enough away to avoid annoying the other patients.

The head of her medical team said that Vargas had refused to allow artificial or invasive measures to be used to prolong her life.

Vargas had wished to be cremated and her relatives and friends intend to scatter her ashes on Chalchi Hill, near her house in Tepoztlan, in the state of Morelos.

The singer arrived in Mexico on July 26 after almost a month in Spain, where she went to give a recital of songs from the disc she dedicated to the poet Federico Garcia Lorca entitled “La Luna Grande” (Great Moon), and to present her memoirs.

The effort took its toll and on July 12 she was admitted to hospital in the Spanish capital, where she stayed until July 21.

From that day she rested in the Madrid Students Residence, looked after by her nurses, friends and the institution’s personnel until she returned to the Mexican town of Tepoztlan, where she has lived in recent years.

A Concert in Review: Enrique Iglesias and Jennifer Lopez in Chicago

On Friday, August 3, two music superstars, Enrique Iglesias and Jennifer Lopez put on very different but equally as impressive shows at Chicago’s United Center.

Mexican-born singer Frankie J, a member of the Kumbia Kings before going solo in 2003, did a fantastic job of getting the crowd excited. Dressed in a dapper gray suit, the 36-year-old singer showed off the soulful voice I swooned over in high school. He ended his set with 2005’s Billboard Hot 100 hit “Obsession (No Es Amor)”.

As the stage crew reset the stage, those empty seats began to fill steadily and a large screen on stage displayed a simple “ei” which alone sent the decibel level up to near deafening levels for a few seconds.

After a few more minutes, the screen that had been at center stage began to rise and the crowd went what can only be described as “completely nuts” as Enrique appeared from behind it. As it rose above the stage, Enrique grabbed onto the bottom of the sign and lifted off the ground.

­Just as he drops down the energetic music begins and the blissful abuse of my eardrums begins, as the fans will not be anything close to silent for his entire set. He is clearly a performer and honestly gave nothing short of an amazing show. Report was a contribution by Hispanically Speaking News.


­Aug. 20 At Baja California,

Mexico, Antonio DeMarco vs. Alejandro Sanabria, 12, for DeMarco’s WBC lightweight title.

Aug. 25 At 02 World, Berlin,

Robert Stieglitz vs. Arthur Abraham, 12, for Stieglitz’s WBO super middleweight title.


Gennady Golovkin vs. Dmitry Pirog, 12, for Golovkin’s WBA World and IBO middleweight titles;

Sergiy Dzinziruk vs. Jonathan Gonzalez, 10, junior middleweights.

Sept. 1 At TBA, Germany,

Felix Sturm vs. Daniel Geale, 12, for Sturm’s WBA Super World middleweight title and Geale’s IBF middleweight title.

Sept. 8 At SC Olimpiyski Arena, Moscow,

Vitali Klitschko vs. Manuel Carr, 12, for Klitschko’s WBC heavyweight title.

At Oakland, Calif. (HBO),

Andre Ward vs. Chad Dawson, 12, for Ward’s WBC-WBA Super World super middleweight titles;

Antonio DeMarco vs. John Molina, 12, for DeMarco’s WBC lightweight title.


Randall Bailey vs. Devon Alexander, 12, for Bailey’s IBF welterweight title.

In Honduras: Peasants vs. the 10 ruling families

­por Orsetta Bellani­­
Exclusive for El Reportero

Familiares campesinos muestran las fotos de sus seres queridos asesinados o desaparecidos en la lucha por tierras en Honduras.Rural relatives show the photos of their loved ones murdered or disappeared in their struggle for land in Honduras.

Every day, twenty people are killed in Honduras. It’s the most violent country in the world and the causes for this can be found in its history.

In the 70s, while in the neighboring countries (Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua) left-wing guerrillas were consolidating, Honduras was a US fiefdom. The country was used as the basis for the operations of the Contra, the guerrilla force used by the U.S. to combat the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.

Honduras has been the “Republic of Bananas” par excellence. Here for 10 years banana companies like Chiquita and Dole, whose trucks are forming endless processions in the streets, have replaced the state. In the city of Tela, who hosted the eponymous banana company in the last century, the corporation brought electricity, school and work. Today, more than a Banana Republic, Honduras has the appearance of a Republic of the African Palm.

As a result, as revealed by the Honduran Foreign Minister, the country currently imports half its supply of maize and rice, with an obvious loss of food autonomy.

According to Rel-Uita, Honduras today produces over 300 thousand metric tons of palm oil and 70 percent is sold in foreign markets.

The estates of palm oil, whose oil is destined for the food industry and the production of agrofuels, are grown by farmers who – according to the data provided by organizations member of the campaign “Vamos al Grano” – around 75 percent live on a dollar per day.

They work with chemicals that contaminate soil and poison the aquifers layers of the third poorest country in Latin America. This creates intolerance among the peasants and generates income for the Facusses, one of the most powerful in the country and throughout Central America.

“In Honduras there are ten families who make the decisions. They control industries, banks, media, police, the Supreme Court, the Public Ministry, the National Assembly and the Government,” says Miriam Miranda, Chair of OFRANEH (Honduran Black Fraternal Organization). The Honduran oligarchy began to be structured in the midtwentieth century, when a handful of Jewish and Palestinian families migrated to Central America, attracted by the foreign capital investment of the multinational mining and banana companies. These families have been able to put aside the historical tensions between the two peoples and now control 40 percent of national production. The State is its largest customer in a context in which, as emphasized by the president of COPINH (Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras) Berta Caceres, “the State does not exist, but rather strengthens the institutions who hold effective control.” Almost all Honduran oligarchs contribute financially to the two parties, and several members of these families have been ministers of the government in power.

In 2009, former President Zelaya blocked the same oligarchy he belonged to. He announced minimum wage increase of 66 percent, accession to ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, an alliance between progressive Latin American countries promoted by Chavez) and promised agrarian reform.

It was never approved: on June 28th, 2009, the day that Zelaya had called the people to vote for a consultation to decide whether to convene a constituent assembly, the country’s oligarchs staged a coup. Zelaya was overthrown and a government in line with the interests of the oligarchy put in place, so intertwined with drug-trafficking that according to Wikileaks, it uses Facusse’s properties as a landing strip for aircraft. An example of the arrogance of the Honduran oligarchy is the Lower Aguan issue. In the 90’s the government privatized the land, following the advice of the International Monetary Fund.

“Because of the threats, here in Lower Aguan everybody started to sell, especially to Facusse. Those who refused were killed,” denounces Vitalino Alvarez, from the organization MUCA (Aguan Unified Peasant Movement). Then, when the peasants rebelled, the government promised the restitution of much of the land. Not only the terms of the agreement have not been met, but also by early June Miguel Facusse threatened to evict seven farms – about 4,000 hectares – negotiated with the government, where they settled thousands of peasant families affiliated to MUCA.

However, by late June the peasant organization MARK (Authentic Vindicator Movement from Aguan) won an important victory: Tegucigalpa court of first instance ruled the restitution of 1,800 hectares of land to the families of the same organization who were dispossessed of their land in 1994, acknowledging the illegality of its ­acquisition by Facusse and Rene Morales Carazo. However, according to the MARK, the corrupt Honduran judges admitted protection measures filed by the two landowners, thereby reversing the ruling.

That decision sets the stage for further violence in the Lower Aguan where from the beginning of 2010 until today, Facusse’s guards have killed 51 people involved with farmers’ organizations and one journalist and his partner.

“The decrees of the government legitimate impunity since the coup: when it is so widely it is applicable to a plan,” said former President Zelaya during the inauguration of the International Meeting for Human Rights in Solidarity with Honduras, which took place in February in Lower Aguan.

Guns vs. drugs – The Real cause of violent shooting sprees

by Victoria Moore
Natural News

Often in the wake of a big massacre such as what happened recently in Aurora, people are scared, sad and looking for answers.

Unfortunately, the media ALWAYS distorts the problem; placing blame on the need for stricter gun laws, or gun bans altogether. The truth is the gun is hardly the problem as everyone knows; guns don’t kill people, people kill people. When incidents like this occur, shouldn’t people be focusing on what caused this senseless act to happen in the first place, rather than the weapons that were used to carry out these horrific acts? But don’t expect the media to let you know that one of the biggest causes is the products of the pharmaceutical companies that just happen to bankroll the corporate gatekeepers.

When it comes to guns, the majority of gun owners are responsible, law abiding citizens. They go through a proper background check, licensing, and use the firearms appropriately. Parents play a crucial role in teaching their children about gun safety and making sure that guns are stored appropriately.

Firearm safety for children removes the mystique around guns and teaches them that guns can be a useful tool and should not be treated as a toy.

The pharmaceutical drug pandemic

Most recent carnages have a common theme; the use of psychiatric drugs by the killer. With one in five adults taking psychiatric drugs and the push of these medications on children, shouldn’t there be a cause for concern that we are paving the way for potential future incidents? These prescription drugs are altering the brain chemistry, which causes the person to feel distanced from reality. Ironically the antidepressants often cause side effects of depression, suicidal thoughts, and homicidal behavior, which as we have seen, can result in vicious tirades.

As these events become more widespread, the only way to try to prevent them from happening in the first place is to get to the root of the problem – The Drugs!

Should the pharmaceutical drugs and doctors who write the prescriptions be held partially responsible for these acts of violence?

After all, they are making profit on patented chemicals while destroying human lives in the process. It is estimated that over 500,000 school-age children are currently taking antidepressants. This leads to higher number of suicides and attempted suicides in the teenage and young adult years.

With very little research done on the long-term effects of these antidepresesants on children why are ­so many receiving prescriptions?

The pharmaceutical companies are making huge profits off the young now, and these children are set to be in the pharmaceutical cycle for life. The lack of information we have on how these medications influence adolescents demonstrates the true criminality of Big Pharma. They have absolutely no regard for their customers; or humanity in general, by continuing to allow these drugs to be given without having an idea of what it is doing to the person taking them. Better alternatives to putting kids on antidepressants include keeping them away from violent TV shows and video games.

Parents should also look at changing the diet to eliminate processed foods and getting them involved in mind-body exercises such as martial arts and yoga.

Homeopathic options are also available that work with the body rather than suppress the symptoms. It is much safer and benefits everyone involved if these options are explored before putting young children on pharmaceutical drugs.

Sources for this article include The Omega Diet: The Lifesaving Nutritional Program Based on the Diet of the Island of Crete by Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and JoRobinson

Panama remembers Omar Torrijos’ death

­by the El Reportero’s news services

General Omar TorrijosGeneral Omar Torrijos

The 31 anniversary of the death of General Omar Torrijos in a supposed plane crash whose causes have not yet been fully clarified, was commemorated by the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) which he founded.

Torrijismo is not something that is said, you acts as Torrijista or not, said his son and president of the Republic Martin Torrijos Espino in the acts of remembrance made the day before.

Torrijos Espino regretted that a country like Panama, which walked along a path of progress, is taking today through an unnecessary confrontation.

Adolfo Ahumada, keynote speaker at events organized by the Omar Foundation and implemented in the mausoleum of Calzada de Amador, said that given the complicated political situation in the country it is in Torrijismo where lies the lifeline for Panama.

At the events were representatives of all the trends and the Torrijismo presidential candidates, as well as the candidates to lead the National Executive Council of the PRD.

General Omar Torrijos died 31 years ago when the aircraft he was traveling in crashed into the hill Marta, in Cocle. A youth contingent of the party went there this week to lay flowers at the bust erected in the scene.

Chávez fulfils ‘Bolívar’s dream’ with entry to Mercosur

Latin News reports: Venezuela has become the first full member to be admitted to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) since its formation in 1991. “Mercosur is Bolívar’s machinery”, President Hugo Chávez proclaimed while celebrating the formal incorporation of Venezuela at a summit in Brasília (31 July) attended by the heads of state of the other full members, Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, Argentina’s Cristina Fernández and Uruguay’s José Mujica, but not Paraguay’s Federico Franco.

The post-haste inclusion of Venezuela into Mercosur was only rendered possible by the suspension of Paraguay last June in the wake of the impeachment of Fernando Lugo (2008-2012).

Global network of infantile pornography splashes Mexico

National newspapers emphasize today here the report of American authorities on the identification of at least 140 victims of a network of infantile pornography in seven countries, between them Mexico.

According to the reports the victim of more age, located in Holland, was four years old and of less, only 19 days, whereas 43 subjects were stopped in the last two years associated with this crime, says the diary The Universal.

The band had between his members to a manager of hotel in Massachusetts, a technician of medical emergencies in Kansas and an assistant of day-care center in Holland.

The arrests began after it was detecting the exchange of explicit photographies of aggressions across Internet and even for conversations on line of the pederasts it brings over of “ kidnapping, children cook and to eat “.

It is investigated if the men who spoke about homicides and cannibalism incurred such violations or only they were exchanging perverse fantasies.

The inquiry, which continues being extended, it received Holitna’s codified name, for a river in Alaska that has many tributaries.

Another article of the newspaper about the same topic emphasized that the infantile pornography is an increasing problem in Central America, one of the centers of the industry of production, distribution and sale of this material, affirmed the Costa Rican Rocío Rodríguez, executive director of Alliance for Your Laws.

­Rodríguez explained to The Universal one that, after Mexico, Brazil and Holland, Central America is an emergent market in infantile pornography, with “ a black number of production.”

According to the specialists, the use of minors in pornographic material and the submission and affront that this implies, is one of the most alarming and serious forms that reduce the dignity of girls, children and teenagers. (Prensa Latina contributed to this report).

DHS and U.S. military make final preparations before announcing martial law

by Susanne Posel

Informants and military personnel are coming forth anonymously to confirm that martial law “is right around the corner.” However, right now we are under a silent martial law and citizens are reporting strange and unexplainable activity from the U.S. armed forces and multiple federal agencies that point to a covert preparatory operation to completely lock down America in the very near future.

Sources from multiple locations across the nation have independently confirmed that the U.S. military are repositioning soldiers in conjunction with allied foreign troops in the initial stages of martial law.

The U.S. military are secretly moving massive amounts of “equipment” across the country consistently for more than a year. In Phoenix, Arizona, tractor-trailers transporting tanks on public highways have been spotted. One witness stated that he saw these flatbeds multiple times in the month of June. Eye witness reports are coming primarily from the northern and southern Border States.

Peter Santilli, an ex-marine informant who was a specialist in aviation deployed weapons, explains that a refrigerated truck, allocated by the administration department on base, was directed to the commissary, where the unsuspecting driver believed that he was transporting food.

The weapon was placed at the head of the trailer, and covered up with either food stores (like cans of soup) or body bags. In the event that the truck is stopped en route, the weapon would be well hidden and go undetected by inspectors on the public highways.

Santilli, who was assigned to ride in the cab of the truck with the driver, says that his orders were to make sure the truck arrived at its destination. If there were problems concerning potential civil unrest, he was to radio into his superiors for aid by either air or ground support. Should the situation warrant serious attention; crowd control methods would be implemented.

One possible scenario was the use of cluster bomb units (CBUs) that will emit upon detonation, a “sleep and kill” chemical weapon that will not disturb infrastructure, but is lethal to all living things within the effected zone. Santilli describes these particular 3 unit CBUs as shaped like water-heaters with a coned top and plunger-like device.

Once deployed in the air, a parachute assists these CBUs to the targeted area. And when detonated, a deadly chemical gas will kill every human and animal in the specified cordoned area.

The acquisition of armory by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and contracts for bullet-proof glass for check-point booths to be positioned strategically throughout the nation on public highways have heightened awareness that the U.S. government is preparing for a well-planned domestic military action. DHS armored vehicles have been sighted on highways in Kentucky.

When citizens attempt to capture the activity on film, some have their cameras confiscated; sometimes after a physical altercation.

On Google Maps, where known military bases were once visible, some strategic areas are now blurred out.

John (a pseudonym) was contracted by DHS to “fill in caves, mines and block trails”. Now these measures are being stepped up, as independent contractors are being brought to mountainous regions and told to block all entrances into the mountains, by way of caves and other areas where people could possibly “hide out in the hills” during a riot situation under declaration of martial law.

Residents in Pine Mountain, Georgia and Spruce Mountain, Nevada have had confrontations with U.S. armed forces. When travelling in public national forested areas, military police with “automatic weapons” say that locals cannot gather wood in surrounding forested spaces (as they have traditionally done for decades). One man in particular had his rifle forcibly confiscated by unidentified armed men.

On dirt roads leading to the Lassen National Forest reserve, paving is being laid over the gravel roads. The locals know that secret underground drilling or tunneling is being conducted. Whenever they enter the park, they are quickly escorted out by heavily armed and quite menacing persons. Even once abandoned logging roads are beginning to see activity again.

Information coming out of reserve units in Arizona is that they are being put on official alert. Military personnel are being told by superiors not to schedule vacations and prepare to be on-call and on-duty indefinitely. According to one informant, these new assignments are not providing for deployment overseas, but rather for domestic service with the intimation that these deployments may have relation to civil unrest expectations.

In Lake Havasu, Arizona, and Colorado Springs as well as Fort Collins, Colorado, locals are coming forth to report that local fires may have been lit by foreign troops; specifically Russian forces that have been spotted in the area. These Russian troops are believed to be stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado.

Military drills, a.k.a. urban warfare, have been played out in many states by the Pentagon and other branches of the U.S. armed forces.

Just this month, foreign troops were caught at a Wal-Mart . They were travelling in what were described as “large government vans”.

Law-enforcement battalions have been created out of Camp Pendleton, California, consisting of specialized military police (SMPs) that would be deployed to assist in any event of civil disturbance, handling of detainees, use biometrics to identify suspects and conduct forensic work. Their assistance is not limited to conducting DUIs and writing speeding tickets in an effort to re-brand the Marine Corps as being more involved with average work now allocated to local law enforcement.

Moving around in white, unmarked vans, strange troops have been seen purchasing food and water at another Wal-Mart in Franklin, Indiana. Parading in military personnel fatigues where drone activity has been reported in Oklahoma City and black helicopters were spotted hovering over a construction site.

According to documents from the RAND Corporation, a planned event concerning a Police Stabilization Force within the U.S. will be “a mix of military and police forces to deal with a range of threats.” ­The study explains:

• What the response should be

• The creation of a high-end police force

• Costs for this military/police collaborative force

Estimates are $637.3 million annually and including many federal agencies including: the U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Secret Service, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in the Department of State, and the U.S. Army’s Military Police.

There is a media blackout concerning the “state of emergency” (code for martial law) that Anaheim, California residents have been under since the murder of a man by local police.

While protests have been conducted, residents say that “outsiders” are infiltrating peaceful demonstrations to stir up violence and ensure local and military police action against them.

While city officials are gearing up for “another large incident” and “another riot” protesters are coming forth to voice their distain at the “infiltrators” that attended a protest that ended with the fatal shooting of two Latino men.

During protest marches in Anaheim, the white, unmarked vans have resurfaced. This time unidentified “police” detained protesters and placed them into these vans.

The increased activity across the nation in conjunction with the mounting citizen reports of seeing military on their streets, conducting urban warfare drills, and spotting foreign troops have prompted public interest in the U.S. government’s plans to enact a full-scale martial law in America – expected by the end of this year.

The more attention that is brought to these sightings and the more people come forward with information, the safer the American public will be. The U.S. military have orders to shoot and kill all dissenters.

They are being trained to confiscate guns and detain people in “internment” or FEMA camps. For the sake of continuity of government, they are being told to turn on their own fellow Americans.

Susanne Posel’s blog is Occupy Corporatism