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7th Annual Bay Area Festival Flamenco Gitano USA


by the El Reportero’s staff

La FarrucaLa Farruca

It will feature world-class artists from Spain, including performances at San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts featuring the West Coast premier of superstar Jose Mercé, the world premier of Fiesta Jerez: Gypsy Flamenco All-Stars and the anticipated U.S. premier of El Carpeta -14-year-old prodigy of the legendary Farruco Family. He who will appear with clan matriarch, La Farruca.

Opening night will feature a concert by Gypsy guitarist Diego del Morao at Yoshi’s Oakland. There will also be a series of workshops and master classes, and for the first time this year, the Festival will present “Flamenco on Film,” at Landmark Embarcadero Center Cinema featuring the S.F. premier of Spanish director Carlos Saura’s latest production.

The event is going to spread around as follows: On Sept. 24-30, at the Palace of Fine Arts, at Yoshi’s Oakland and a flamenco film at Landmark Embarcadero Center Cinema in San Francisco. For more detailed info on the hours location addresses, please visit

How to prepare for an earthquake disaster

Do you know what to do in an earthquake? How will you reconnect with your family following a major disaster? Do you have the right items in your disaster kit? Every single person in the Bay Area needs to ensure they are personally prepared for disaster. Only in this way will all of us in the community be able to ensure the safety of our families and assist our neighbors.

The Excelsior Branch of the San Francisco Public Library in association with American Red Cross, Bay Area Chapter presents, Be Red Cross Ready Personal Disaster Preparedness Workshop.

In English, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Spanish, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

MEDA celebrate 3 years with big event

The Mission Economic Development Agency cordially invites you to ¡VIVA MEDA! celebrating 39 years of creating economic opportunity for Latino families. Please join us for a fun and festive evening with Latin-themed hors d’oeuvres, drinks, and live entertainment.

Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. City Club of San USAFrancisco, 155 Sansome Street, 10th Floor, San Francisco (1.5 blocks north of Montgomery Bart Station). Tickets by Friday, September 21, 2012 at, For ticket info please contact Deanna Jones at 415.282.3334 x 118 •

A night of Cuban flavor at Yoshi’s

Tito y su Son de Cuba is returning to Yoshi’s Oakland for two shows on Friday Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tito is presenting ‘A Night of Cuban Flavor’ featuring Grammy nominated timbalero, Ino Álvarez, formerly of the presigous Orquestra Aragon’. Special As a special guest will be performing Ino Alvarez, a Grammy nominated Timbalero! Formerly of the prestigious “Orquestra Aragon.”

On Friday Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. at Yoshis Oakland. To Purchase Tickets visit: ­

Redwood City Salsa Festival

This year we will again have a Latin Rock stage at the Festival. We like that the organizers realize that there are many types of “Latin” music and that “Latin Rock” is one that needs to be heard. Richard Bean & Sapo will be back by popular demand to celebrate their 40th Anniversary of the Chicano Love-Anthem Suavecito.

Last year the group played a two-hour set at the festival and the crowd still wanted more. Also on the bill will be the East Bay dance group, Lava, who will have everyone on their feet. Their East Bay cousin Blanca will also perform her unique style of Latin Rock, which she has been touring this year with at shows in California and Denver.

Three stages of live music: salsa, Latin Rock and Latin Jazz, Salsa Testing Competition, Kids Carnival Area, and more.

On Sat Sept. 29, from 12 noon to 8 p.m., at the Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway, in downtown Redwood City. Admission Free!

This is interesting: Japan takes on ‘Cholo’ culture

by the El Reportero’s news services

Jóvenes japonesas adoptan cultura de los cholos.Young Japanese girls adopt ‘Cholo’s culture.

A Chicano subculture which reached peak popularity in the U.S. between the 1940s and 1970s, has made its way to Japan.

There appears Japan has a growing community of “cholos” and “cholas”, a look now most commonly seen among Los Angeles street gangs.

Japanese rappers like MoNa aka Sad Girl have created careers with a mix of Spanish, English, and Japanese rapping.

The look includes baggy jeans (pants and shorts), over-sized knaki shorts, flannel shirts, white undershirts, bandanas, flat-brimmed baseball caps, dark lip liner for cholas, lowriders, jerseys, clearly visible tattoos, gold jewelry (often crosses), and knee-high socks. Interestingly, there is often also the presence or depiction of a Mexican flag.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Filipinos living in East Los Angeles also developed an affinity for the cholo culture.

But just as the Chicano culture has made its way to Japan, it has also allowed U.S. record labels a new market in which to promote their cholo/a artists.

Jaime Diaz, President and CEO of Urban Kings Music Group, recently told OC Weekly, ‘Japan has been more of an avenue for profit. We distribute to stores out there and it helps us out a lot. Japan will be the first place to buy product from independent artists.’ Japanese cholo artists have even taken on names like EL LATINO, GARCiA, and EL-REY.

Who knew East Asia would be the new home of the cholo? Or is it J-Cholo?

Check out some of the photos collected by the team over at POCHO below.

ABC family orders pilot for adaptation of Mexican drama Terminales

ABC Family has reportedly ordered three pilots, among them an adaptation of a popular Mexican drama series.

Terminales, which was created and produced by Miguel Angel Fox, was a 13-episode Televisa show that ran from 2008 to 2009.

“Terminales is a one-hour drama based on a successful Mexican television format by Miguel Angel Fox and follows a young woman’s life after she is diagnosed with a terminal illness. The pilot was written by Susanna Fogel and Joni Lefkowitz. Aaron Kaplan (GCB, The Neighbors, Terra Nova), Fogel and Lefkowitz will serve as executive producers. It will be produced by Lionsgate in association with Televisa.

“ABC Family is synonymous with groundbreaking dramas, and this summer we found additional strength with our comedy lineup. These pilots will further our strength in both areas and add to our existing slate,” said Kate Juergens, Executive Vice President, Original Programming and Development, ABC Family.

“In fact, over the past few years, the network launched the #1 new basic cable series in target demos with Pretty Little Liars in Summer 2010 and ‘Switched at Birth’ in Summer 2011, and launched the #1 new cable comedy of Summer 2012 with Baby Daddy. It’s a trend we are working to continue.”

­The other two pilots are for Phys Ed and Continuing Fred. All three pilots will go into production this fall along with the previously announced drama pilots The Fosters (working title), from executive producer Jennifer López, and Socio, from executive producer Gavin Polone.

Police in the U.S. are an invading army

by Luke Hiken and Marti Hiken

The police have become a colonial army in virtually every city in the United States. With 18,000 state and local law enforcement agencies in the U.S., they constitute a greater danger than they serve as protection. In 2008, 12,501 local police departments with the equivalent of at least one full-time officer were operating in the U.S. Also in that year, local police departments had about 593,000 full-time employees, including 461,000 sworn officers. About 60 percent of all state and local sworn personnel were local police officers.

According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, an estimated 75 percent of local police officers in 2007 were employed by police departments that authorized the use of “conducted energy devices” — such as tasers — up from 47 percent in 2003. Sixty-one percent of local police departments regularly used video cameras in patrol cars during 2007, compared to 55 percent in 2003. There were about 71,000 in-car cameras in use during 2007, compared to 49,000 in 2003. Police “apprehensions” have resulted in 150,000 to over 200,000 Stop-and-Frisk tactics in only the city of New York so far this year, with over 85 percent of those stopped being Hispanics and African Americans.[ii] Until the people of this country realize what is happening with the impact of the police on our communities, there will continue to be a level of repression, illegal surveillance and imprisonment unlike anything seen in the rest of the world.

Police who murder are placed on “paid administrative leave” and permitted to obtain the services of their unions and their attorneys before independent investigations can be initiated by district attorneys or other non-internal police agencies. (Just imagine being sent on a paid vacation as a benefit of having killed someone – the victim’s family doesn’t get a paid vacation – only the killer cop gets one!) The police have months to assemble their stories (or versions of the killing) before the rest of the community even hears what occurred. After a crime, the police deliver their version of the facts to the media. That “story” is accepted as gospel.

Since it is currently a crime for anyone but the police to videotape or record the murder scene until the police have come to an agreed upon description of what they say had occurred, the police have dictatorial power over the facts in American “justice.” It is widely believed that the police plant evidence into crime scenes, such as the guns, incendiary devices and drugs allegedly used during the commission of the crime. The public is not allowed to view the aftermath of the scene until the police issue their reports and hold their press conferences.

At the site of an accident or crime scene, they use their authority to stop traffic for countless hours when they deem it is necessary. For example, on 680, a major thoroughfare through the Bay Area when an officer/shooting had occurred, traffic was held up for nine hours affecting thousands of people.

Another example relates to the funerals of police officers killed in ­action. Public funds are used for grandiose funeral parades with thousands of officers involved.

They repeat the mantra “Our officers are trained to use whatever force is reasonable and necessary to effect an arrest or eliminate a threat” to justify whatever atrocities the police commit, as if merely uttering those words makes it so. Thus, in what can be characterized as self-serving, tautological nonsense, police acquit themselves of any misconduct by being their own judges, juries and executioners. Vallejo police, for example, have killed a citizen every month for the last 5 months – all of the murders deemed “reasonable and necessary.”

San Francisco, with almost twice the number of police officers as San Jose, is party to twice as many killings a year as our neighbors to the south. One out of three black men in the United States is in prison or on parole. We arrest and imprison more citizens percentage-wise in our country than anywhere in the world.

And yet, the daily newspapers cite one police chief after another, claiming that if we just had more money to hire additional street thugs to police us, we would be safer.

C’mon people, learn to think critically, and read between the lines. Fewer police will result in fewer murders, crimes and racism. We can protect ourselves better without their invasion of our communities. A limited number of police, available to handle violent, gang, Mafia and Congressional-related crime, is much preferable to the standing armies that now inhabit our cities.

Marti Hiken is the director of Progressive Avenues. She is the former Associate Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.

Digital TV: Mind control by the sound of silence

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

This is the second part of this illuminating story written by By A. True Ott, PhD, ND, The Sound of Silence, which exposes the intention of the elite’ pursuit to gaining total control of all humans in the U.S. and the world through technology. It is a source of information not offered by the mainstream media or the educational system, which much of the time works for these same corporation by conducting researches and studies that will not benefit the people, but rather the elite.

Author’s Note

This is an extremely timely and important essay. It overviews a secret Pentagon psychotronics technology known as Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) that has been fully operational since the early 1990s. I first found out about the use of this technology from Al Bielek in a 1992 video he made with Vladimir Terziski. This technology was used against battle-hardened Iraqi troops fortified in deep underground bunkers in Kuwait and Iraq in the first Gulf War in January of 1991.

The Antithesis of Freedom

Moreover, why was the real story behind the mass Iraqi surrenders censored so completely from the American people? Typically, secrecy of this nature is only employed when the subject is morally offensive, or when the powers that be wish to continue to deploy the subject without public scrutiny or oversight, or both. Clearly, if such a device employed covertly on Americans could result in “unwarranted influence” over a society, as Eisenhower warned, I submit the majority of Americans would be completely outraged and incensed, and rightfully so. Therefore, of course the technology would need to remain hidden away.

Officially, the Sound of Silence (S-quad) technology does not exist, just as the US Government officially denies the existence of UFOs and Area 51 (Groom Lake) in the Nevada desert. However, the physical realities cannot be ignored by the rational and logical mind.

For instance, during the first Gulf war, the man who most likely ordered the deployment of the Sound of Silence was Major General Albert (Bert) Stubblebine, who was the Commanding General of the US Army’s Intelligence School and Center, as well as the Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command (ERADCOM) as well as the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM).

In short, Albert Stubblebine was the Army’s liaison with the CIA and Naval Intelligence operatives (ONI), and as head of ERADCOM, he would of necessity have had complete working knowledge of the Sound of Silence weaponry, if indeed it truly exists.

He was the US Army’s top spy-boss, and of course, was privy to all its secrets. Now retired from active duty following a 32 year career, General Stubblebine has combined with his wife, Rima Laibow to form something called the Natural Solutions Foundation, supposedly dedicated to fighting all health freedom threats to individuals including Codex Alimentarius, vaccinations, and of course the FDA Gestapo.

On their website, one can read this about Albert N. Stubblebine: “Many of the innovations he developed helped the US to conduct the First Gulf W ar effectively and swiftly with a very low casualty rate.”

But of course, such “innovations” are never fully disclosed to Americans and are officially non-existent. With all due respect to General Stubblebine and shadowy power-brokers such as Frank Carlucci and Donald Rumsfeld, this author concurs whole-heartedly with General Eisenhower, and I declare that such posturing and secrecy with weapons of mind-control constitutes indeed an “acquisition of  unwarranted power and influence” and has absolutely no place in a free and open society — no matter how many soldier’s lives it may save on the battlefield. The potential for massive misuse and abuse of such immense controlling power is simply too great.

Furthermore, with all due respect Mr. Stubblebine, is he and Rima Laibow using the cover of Natural Health activism to hide their true agenda? Could this hidden agenda be the covert promotion and testing of Sound of Silence equipment and technology commercially throughout the world?

… Immediately after “retiring” from the army, General Stubblebine took a position as the “VP for Intelligence Systems” with Braddock, Dunn, and McDonald (BDM), a major defense contractor owned by the shadowy Carlyle Group and ex-Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci of Iran-Contra infamy…

Since the Sound of Silence machine technology was patented for “privatization” commercial applications by Dr. Lowery on Oct. 27, 1992, it clearly opened the door to private defense contractors such as BDM to develop their own “intelligence systems”. It would then make sense to employ General Stubblebine as a consultant. Of course, what would then stop BDM from quietly marketing and selling the Sound of Silence to large corporations tied to Wall Street?

For example, imagine utilizing the Sound of Silence in a large Wal-Mart store, mixing the ELF waves with background music to subliminally brainwash dishonest shoppers not to engage in ­shoplifting? Such a device would save Sam Walton many millions of dollars in lost revenue every year.

Suppose also that a young, black man from Illinois was given access to, and was able to utilize the S-quad Sound of Silence technology in his public speeches, radio and 30-minute television“infomercials” — all programmed and designed by “handlers” to illicit strong emotional responses from audience members who then are merely “hearing without listening.”

Moreover, what if televisions across the U.S. and Canada all went 100 percent digital [to be mandatory in Feb. 2009] in their signals (in order to successfully link to GWEN towers) which would allow the unrestricted use of the Sound of Silence frequencies in a complete and massive control of the nation’s mind and consciousness?

I am telling you that is exactly what is happening. President Eisenhower was absolutely correct, and his worst fears were indeed well founded!

The military-industrialist complex has quietly completed the takeover of the nation’s consciousness, and thus its very soul.

… Keep in mind that taking complete fascist control of America is just one step of the Zionist elites ultimate agenda, of which Stubblebine and Laibow have very likely pledged their true loyalty.

The elitist Zionists overall objective is indeed absolute world control, something they refer to as a “New World Order”with them as dictators and overlords.

Again, the absolute secrecy surrounding the development and deployment of the electromagnetic mind-altering technology of the Sound of Silence in a very real way reflects the tremendous power that is inherent in it. This is why Eisenhower knew that he had to warn the nation about it back in 1961. To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology literally has the power to control the minds of men — all men and women everywhere. WILL CONTINUE NEXT WEEK.

The militia and gun control

by Earl Rudolph

In the past three articles, local government has been the focus. However one must understand that local governments exist only with the permission of State and Federal governments.

We have been taught that the state government is the primary authority within each individual state.

What is a State? In reality, a state is actually a state of mind. We think it exists, therefore we believe it is true.

Does the state that we believe we inhabit have fixed borders? Almost everyone will answer that question with the word, yes! If that is true can anyone who answers yes locate where the borders of the state you are in are written so everyone can examine them?

The question being asked is a rhetorical quest because it cannot be answered with a correct answer except the answer being there are no written boundaries. The boundaries claimed by the states only indicate Townships and Ranges.

In 1902 — Under the Militia Act passed by Congress and signed into law (also known as the Dick Act), all State National Guard units were federalized into the U.S. National Guard under the Department of the Army. Likewise, the Naval Militia units became Naval Reserve Units under the U.S. Navy.

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws.

It also divided the militia into three distinct and separate entities. The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army.

The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of ­any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.

Haven’t the present and past presidents, since 1902 ignored the act?

Is this why government controls all the schools so that they omit teaching information that one can use? How many National Guardsmen and women have been killed and or maimed by the illegal orders of Presidents.

Even the NRA (National Rifle Association) does not inform its members of the Dick Act!

How many people have been injured or killed because they were denied the means to protect themselves?

Because of this prohibition of gun ownership, without license, only criminals have firearms.

Do not government enforcement departments supply their employees with firearms.

Are those employees therefore criminals?


­Oct. 6 At Kiev, Ukraine

Zaurbek Baysangurov vs. Lukas Konecny, 12, for Baysangurov’s WBO junior middleweight title.

At Bayamon, Puerto Rico

Moises Fuentes vs. Ivan Calderon, 12, for Fuentes’ WBO minimumweight title;

Rafael Marquez vs. Wilfredo Vazquez Jr., 12, for the vacant WBO International super bantamweight title.

Oct. 13 At Liverpool, England

David Price vs. Audley Harrison, 12, heavyweights.

At Home Depot Center, Carson, Calif. (HBO)

Nonito Donaire vs. Toshiaki Nishioka, 12, for Donaire’s WBO and IBF super bantamweight titles;

Brandon Rios vs. Mike Alvarado, 10, junior welterweights.

Oct. 20 At Barclays Center, New York (SHO)

Danny Garcia vs. Erik Morales, 12, Garcia’s WBC-WBA junior welterweight titles;

Paulie Malignaggi vs. Pablo Cesar Cano, 12, for Malignaggi’s WBA welterweight title.

Oct. 27 At Tokyo

Takahiro Ao vs. Gamaliel Diaz, 12, for Ao’s WBC super featherweight title.

At Moscow

Denis Lebedev, vs. Guillermo Jones vs. 12, for Lebedev’s WBA World cruiserweight title.


Sept. 21 At Bethlehem, Pa. (NBCSN)

Gabriel Rosado vs. Charles Whittaker, 12, IBF junior middleweight eliminator;

Ronald Cruz vs. Antwone Smith, 12, for Cruz’s WBC Continental Americas welterweight title;

­Gabriel Campillo vs. Sergey Kovalev, 10, light heavyweights.

At Chumash Casino, Santa Ynez, Calif. (SHO)

Jhonatan Romero vs. Efrain Esquivias, 10, super bantamweights.

Sept. 22 At Glasgow, Scotland

Ricky Burns vs. Kevin Mitchell, 12, for Burns’ WBO lightweight title.

At Wroclaw, Poland

Krzysztof Wlodarczyk vs. Francisco Palacios, 12, for Wlodarczyk’s WBC cruiserweight title.

Sept. 29 At Hamburg, Germany

Alexander Povetkin vs. Hasim Rahman, 12, for Povetkin’s WBA World heavyweight title;

Kubrat Pulev vs. Alexander Ustinov, 12, IBF heavyweight eliminator and for Pulev’s European heavyweight title.

At Mashantucket, Conn. (HBO)

Edwin Rodriguez vs. Jason Escalera, 10, super middleweights;

Zsolt Erdei vs. Isaac Chilemba, 10, light heavyweights;

Luis Orlando Del Valle vs. Vic Darchinyan, 10, junior featherweights.

Legalized Hate Out Of My State a forum at Galería de la Raza

by the El Reportero’s staff

Eddie PalmieriEddie Palmieri

Galeria’s latest installment of the Digital Mural Project is a billboard by Favianna Rodriguez in collaboration with Roberto Lovato, and Gan Golan. The billboard addresses the Supreme Court ruling that upheld part of Arizona’s SB1070 law which allows police to profile by investigating people’s status.

At Galería Forum, Saturday, Sept. 22, from 2 p.m.-4 p.m.

Family Day with the best Latin music icons at Yerba Buena

Yerba Buena Family Day is downtown San Francisco’s biggest free arts day taking place Sept. 23 at 5 of the area’s top cultural institutions and museums — it’s an amazing free marathon of fun for all ages with free admission to museums, free outdoor performances (Latin jazz legend Eddie Palmieri from 1-3 p.m. at Yerba Buena Gardens and also Afro Puerto-Rican band Los Pleneros de la 21 at the Museum of the African Diaspora at 1 p.m. and again at 4 p.m.), lots and lots of family-friendly performances, tons of art making activities for kids and more … Just the free admission to all the venues is a value of more than $100 for a family of four!

Release is below in Spanish and there is more detailed info on the webpage at There will be a very detailed program that people can download there as well closer to the event. All ages are welcome despite the ‘family day’ emphasis.Sunday, Sept. 23, from 11 a.m. a 4 p.m.

How to prepare for an earthquake disaster

Do you know what to do in an earthquake? How will you reconnect with your family following a major disaster? Do you have the right items in your disaster kit? Every single person in the Bay Area needs to ensure they are personally prepared for disaster. Only in this way will all of us in the community be able to ensure the safety of our families and assist our neighbors.

The Excelsior Branch of the San Francisco Public Library in association with American Red Cross, Bay Area Chapter presents, Be Red Cross Ready Personal Disaster Preparedness Workshop.

In English, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Spanish, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

A night of Cuban flavor at Yoshi’s

Tito y su Son de Cuba is returning to Yoshi’s Oakland for two shows on Friday Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tito is presenting ‘A Night of Cuban Flavor’ featuring Grammy nominated timbalero, Ino Álvarez, formerly of the presigous Orquestra Aragon’. Special As a special guest will be performing Ino Alvarez, a Grammy nominated Timbalero! Formerly of the prestigious “Orquestra Aragon.”

On Friday Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. at Yoshis Oakland. To Purchase Tickets visit:

Redwood City Salsa Festival

This year we will again have a Latin Rock stage at the Festival. We like that the organizers realize that there are many types of “Latin” music and that “Latin Rock” is one that needs to be heard.

Richard Bean & Sapo will be back by popular demand to celebrate ­their 40th Anniversary of the Chicano Love-Anthem Suavecito.

Last year the group played a two-hour set at the festival and the crowd still wanted more. Also on the bill will be the East Bay dance group, Lava, who will have everyone on their feet. Their East Bay cousin Blanca will also perform her unique style of Latin Rock, which she has been touring this year with at shows in California and Denver. Three stages of live music: salsa, Latin Rock and Latin Jazz, Salsa Testing Competition, Kids Carnival Area, and more.

On Saturday, Sept. 29, from 12 noon to 8 p.m., at the Courthouse Square, 2200 Broadway, in downtown Redwood City. Admission Free!


Hispanics and organ and tissue donation

Consul General of Mexico addresses great need for donors, along with woman waiting for a lifesaving transplant

Consul General of Mexico in San Jose, Carlos Ponce Martínez will speak to area leaders about the need for more Hispanics to register as organ and tissue donors and about the 893 Hispanics in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, San Benito and Monterey counties who are waiting for an organ transplant.

Guests will hear the personal story of a 25 year old Latina from San Jose who is waiting for a kidney transplant.

Hosting the “Sí a la Vida: Hispanic Heritage and Donation” event is the California Transplant Donor Network, the link between organ and tissue donors and individuals awaiting transplantation.


Carlos Ponce Martínez, Consul General of Mexico in San Jose

Marina Monica, 25, of San Jose and her mother, Emma Monica. Marina received a kidney transplant at age 13. Last year, that kidney failed. She now must to go to dialysis four times a week, three hours at a time to stay alive. She’s on the list again to receive a transplant (Marina is an English speaker; Her mother, Emma speaks Spanish).

Dr. Waldo Concepción, CTDN Medical Advisory Board member and transplant surgeon at Stanford Hospital and Clinics, on Hispanics and transplants.

Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012 4:30 p.m., 2125 Zanker Road, San Jose, California

Mexican-Amercan Patricia Riggan to head film about the 33 Chilean miners

by Hspanically Speaking News

Patricia RiggenPatricia Riggen

Mexican-born Patricia Riggen has now signed on to direct the film adaptation of the story of the 33 Chilean miners trapped underground for 69 days, currently titled, “The 33”, according to The Wrap.

Riggen, 42, directed 2007’s La Misma Luna(Under the Same Moon), the story of a young Mexican boy who travels to the U.S. to find his mother after his grandmother dies. She al­so stepped behind the camera for 2012’s Girl in Progress, which starred Eva Mendes and Disney’s Lemonade Mouth in 2011.

The story of the 33 Chilean minors garnered international attention. On August 5, 2010, a cave-in at a troubled copper-gold mine near Copiapó, Chile trapped the men about 2,300 ft. underground. It was 17 days after the collapse before the men were found via exploratory boreholes. A number of people from various countries worked tirelessly to create a plan to get the men out and on Oct. 13, the men were lifted to safety one by one.

Almost all of the miners were rescued in good medical condition with no long-term physical effects anticipated. However, two miners were found to be suffering from silicosis, with one also having pneumonia. Others had dental infections and corneal problems.

Riggen is said to be in Chile with the film’s producers speaking with the miners and others involved in the incident.

‘It’s been an extraordinary experience to meet the miners in person and hear from them the detailed account of their time underground,’ Riggen said in a statement to The Wrap. ‘Since their rescue a little less than two years ago, the real story of their incredible survival has gone untold. In their darkest hour, they struggled to maintain their unity. The collapse brought out the best and the worst Razain them. Ultimately, the human spirit triumphed and all of them came out alive.’

Filming is expected to begin in January of 2013, with release predicted for the following fall.

Penelope Cruz vows to produce films in Spain to stimulate economy

Spanish actress Penelope Cruz said in an interview published Saturday by Italian daily La Stampa that she plans to produce at least two films a year in her homeland to create jobs amid sky-high unemployment.

“I want to bring jobs to my people … I’ll use my privileged position. It’s what interests me the most right now. I know it’s a grain of sand in the desert, but it’s a responsibility I think I have,” Cruz said.

“I’ll produce a couple of films a year. A way to give work to hundreds of people. It’s a set idea I have.”

Cruz, winner of a best-supporting actress Oscar for her role as an unstable artist in Woody Allen’s 2008 comedy-drama “Vicky Cristina Barcelona,” said she has worked hard but also has had a lot of opportunities in life.

Proposition 30 and the Future of Public Education in California

by Dr. Julian Nava, CNA’s “Yes on Prop 30 & No on Prop 32” Latino Chair

During the last ten years, state support for K–12 public education in California has been reduced to a situation in which:

California is first among all states with the largest number of pupils per teacher

California spends close to $2,900 less per student per year compared to the national average

All aspects of public education have been hurt by these cuts. The conditions of buildings,equipment, supplies and books have suffered. Administrators and counselors are overworked, and, of course, teachers have been overloaded. More and better work is being demanded with less support. Our national economy and our changing place in the world demand more from our schools

One result is that California schools are failing Latino and African American students who have higher dropout rates and lower than average numbers going to college.

What does this mean for our children’s education and their future? children? Your “yes” vote on Proposition 30 will help ensure a better future by providing more funding for our schools.

My 12 years of elected service on the Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District has given me some insights. For example, inadequate education

handicaps young individuals with life-long inabilities to perform up to their potential. Too many youngsters end up working in menial occupations with poor income. The handicaps can negatively impact the next generation.

Family life and individual efforts do play a vital role in shaping the future of our youth. But factors like broken homes, residential mobility, unemployment, and bad television are powerful forces shaping a youngster’s early learning. Schools are often the main positive influence while personal character is being shaped.

Many teachers have told me that they were swamped by demands they faced in class..rRecords show that many such pupils drod out of school or became delinquents, rather than college students. In California, about a third of Latino students don’t graduate in four years from high school..The result—low college attendance numbers.

­Ever more skilled help is needed outside the classroom. My high school counselor, for one, steered me into auto shop to become a mechanic because my grades were only average. There was no effort taken to evaluate my full potential. Only while in the Navy during Word War II did I take an interest in learning. What would my counselor think if he saw me getting my Ph.D. at Harvard? A good public school education costs less than a poor one, and it produces more good things for everyone. So, please, vote “yes” on Proposition 30.

Dr. Julian Nava was the first Mexican American to graduate with a Ph.D. from Harvard, the first Latino to serve on the Los Angeles Unified School Board, and the first Latino to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.