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10th Annual Latin Music Awards top Latino performers


by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

Calle TreceCalle Trece

THE WINNERS ARE: Top Latin music performers meet in Las Vegas for the 10th annual Latin Grammy Awards ceremony.

The ceremony returns to its 2007 site -the Mandalay Bay Events Center, and promises a stellar lineup of performers and presenters. Among the expected highlights, Puerto Rican urban duo Calle 13—this year’s top nominee, with five nods—will perform live for the first time with co-nominee Ruben Blades their nominated song La perla.

Spanish singer-songwriter Alejandro Sanz, a top Latin Grammy winner, will perform a song chosen by his fans from among several that won the award.

The list of performers also includes Mexican singer/songwriter Juan Gabriel, this year’s Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year. Other performers and presenters are Pepe Aguilar, Oscar D’Le6n, Omara Portuondo and Enrique Bumbury.

Alejandro SanzAlejandro Sanz

The ceremony, to be telecast live by Univisi6n, is to be held Nov. 5. A day before, the Person of the Year ceremony will include the likes of David Bisbaj, Indja, Juanes and La Quinta Estación performing some of the best-known songs by Juan Gabriel.

ALSO on Nov. 4, the Latin Recording Academy will hand out its Lifetime Achievement Awards to Cándido Romero, Beth Carvatho, Charly García, Tania Libertad, Marco Antonio Muñiz and Juan Romero.

LANGUAGE PREFERENCE: More Spanish-language speakers would watch TV programs dubbed into Spanish if the Second Audio Program or SAP technology was more readily available, according to a study released by the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).

According to the 2009 Hispanic Consumer Survey on SAP, as many as 64 percent of Spanish-language speakers surveyed said they would watch the dubbed programs if more were made available. And 48 percent said they watch programs they normally would not tune into, because they are broadcast on SAP.

While the SAG study does not indicate what percentage of English-language programs are dubbed for the U.S. market, it indicated the most watched shows on SAP are The Simpsons on Fox, Ugly Betty on ABC and CS/ Miami on CRS.

Three out of five of the dubbed programs are perfomed in Spanish by SAG members.

ONELINERS: Adonis Losada, an actor with a recurring role as Doña Concha on Univisión’s Sábado Gigante, pleaded not guilty to child pornography charges in Miami-Dade Circuit Court. He was arrested in September and remains jailed without bail…Los Angeles Lakers center Paul Gasol will appear on the Nov. 16 episode of CSI Miami… Hispanic Link.­


­Friday, Nov. 21 — at Rama, Ontario, Canada (Showtime)

WBA/IBF super bantamweight title: Steve Molitor vs. Celestino Caballero.

Saturday, Nov. 22 — at Las Vegas, NV (HBO)

Ricky Hatton vs. Paul Malignaggi.

Rey Bautista vs. Heriberto Ruiz.

Friday, Nov. 28 — at Rio Rancho, NM (TeleFutura)

Jesus Soto Karass vs. Carlos Molina.

Saturday, Nov. 29 — at Ontario, CA (HBO)

IBF light middleweight title: Paul Williams vs. Verno Phillips Chris Arreola vs. Travis Walker.

El Reportero turns 19 years old

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

To those who have followed us over the years, El Reportero has turned 19 years old this month. It’s been an odyssey, since unlike other publications, which mainly motive to publish a newspaper or a magazine had been an ego trip or money, for me it has been a labor of love.

Covering and publishing the type of news that we print in our pages goes beyond to just printing anything, but rather to give you challenging information that the mainstream media censures or are directed not to touch.

But of course, as it is for so many publishers, it also feels good to say something you feel, and be able spread it to thousands of people who will read it, and become part of the discourse that you are presenting.

Lately, I’ve focused on controversial news that exposes government corruption.

We believe, or let’s say, I believe, that there is a vacuum of information that truly exposes the ills of government officials and politicians and that hides the real history of the United States, which if it were known to the majority of the people, we wouldn’t be in the so chaotic economic mess that the international bankers have created by design upon us.

This has been done to crash the economy – as it was done in the late 1920s during the Great Depression – and to submit the North American people into slavery, as it was done by Franklin Delano Roosevelt with his New Deal with the creation of the Social Security Act and the Trading with the Enemy Act, which made the American people enemies of the state, and hence, subjected to the confiscation of their gold and silver and used themselves and their properties, as collateral against the national debt.

This type of information or topics are not covered by any of the mainstream media because their institutions are quasi government mouthpieces. They are used to repeat the speeches of their masters and to keep you bound to their topics – chosen by the international bankers, who are the funding partners of their media empires.

El Reportero, as small as it is, utilizes whatever it can, to tell the truth, and this is done with the help of our advertisers. Many of them have been with us for more than a decade, while others almost two decades.

I thank you for that faithful support of yours all these years, and also I thank our readers for lending us their time to read what we ­give them as weekly intellectual bread.

Please take notice that some of our advertising representatives might call you to invite you to participate in the celebration of our anniversary, which might last up to two months. You will be asked to place a business card-size or bigger ad congratulating El Reportero for its 19 years of service to the community.

Happy birthday, El Reportero!

The new sorcerer’s apprentice

by José de la Isla
Hispanic Link News Service

HOUSTON Ð Some ancient history might help us get a perspective on a contemporary situation. Here goes:

Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe went into a long dormant period. With it went an intellectual tradition that had begun with the ancient Greeks and had persisted into Roman times, from roughly 44 B.C. until about 476 A.D. Previously, scientific and engineering and social knowledge had been the basis for understanding all sorts of change and progress. Now, a millennium of very slow or no development followed, called the Dark Ages.

For instance, Aristarchus of Samos (310 BC Ð ca. 230 BC) had already formulated eighteen hundred years before Copernicus (1473-1543) that the earth was a round planet moving within a complex system. But a disbelieving public and policy centers could not absorb those scientific possibilities. Magical thinking was more important.

After a thousand years, the Dark Ages ended when superstitious thinking and legends had to give way to systematic thinking and discovery, called the Enlightenment, which also brought us the modern concept of science and knowledge. History became a progression of events instead of stringing myths together. But old habits are hard to break, even when they are staring you in the face.

For instance, in 1751, nearly three centuries after the Dark Ages had ended, French philosopher Denis Diderot published the Encyclopedia as a monument to the age of reason, wisdom and knowledge. In it, “America,” whose exploration had begun two and a half centuries before, occupied a quarter of a page. Not until years later was a Supplement printed containing 19 pages about the continent.

This shows how the obvious can be overlooked when people are obsessed with their closed-mindedness. Today, we have, by many who never cared before, the phenomenon of having discovered Latinos and are trying to go from a quarter page to 19 pages. The reason is obvious.

The motivation for the sudden attention given Latinos is the realization that Hispanic voters increased by two million from the 2004 to the 2008 presidential election. The number of non-Hispanic white voters was not statistically different from 2004. The sudden enlightenment, for instance, like the Feb. 16 launch of the Latino ­Partnership for Conservative Principles, is less about conservative values but self-interest and marketing outreach.

Washington Times blogger Thomas Peters reported as much in his interview with spokesperson Alfonso Aguilar who said his group would focus on educating conservatives about Hispanic values (as if Hispanics are not mostly already integrated into society) and about immigration (which in power centers means defining Latinos as “outsiders”). Aguilar acknowledged to Peters “many conservatives may not come out in support of reform immediately but that as the Hispanic vote continues to increase, they will see the demographic necessity to back reform.”

But the transparent statement shows it is not about enlightenment but a gimmick. It is not about “principles” but marketing.

Wayne Besen, founder of a non-profit group that debunks anti-gay misrepresentations and myths, says that the Latino Conservative Principles organizer Robert P. George has a “primary talent, it seems, is to trick the unschooled and easily fooled,” in this case other conservatives. That kind of hocus-pocus takes us back to the Dark Ages, when sophistry, fake religion, magic, anti-progress schemes, encouraged many Sorcerers’ apprentices.

You can see in its post-modern form, how a wart of frog, deceptive intentions and ignorance of Latino civic history don’t add up to good principals. It might work for fundraising purposes but it looks like a trick bag to enroll Latinos into somebody else’s political agenda.

In other words, like the Dark Ages, there seems to be a movement afoot by those who don’t know to tell others in a quarter page all about the half millennium of Hispanic values and reducing it all to tiring political wedge issues, cherry-picked platitudes andÑschizam!!!—Now you see the principles, now you don’t.

Legislation to crack down on landlord imposters

­by Marvin Ramirez and news reports

22 tenants in one housemás: A private building inspector shows the filth in the house's back yard where children live. (PHOTO BY MARVIN RAMIREZ)22 tenants in one housemás: A private building inspector shows the filth in the house’s back yard where children live. (PHOTO BY MARVIN RAMIREZ)

As the state grapples with record foreclosures, more and more families are struggling to keep a roof over their heads.

As more families look at rental options, a wake of housing-related crimes has erupted throughout California. Scam artists, hoping to prey on potential renters, pose as landlords or as owners of a property, and post attractive rental listings of abandoned homes on the internet, according to statement by a state senator.

An unsuspecting renter meets with the imposter, is handed keys, and is asked to pay large cash deposit, completely unaware that he or she is about to become a victim of real estate fraud. AB 1800 will enhance the current misdemeanor crime of posing as a landlord to felony grand theft.

A press conference in Sacramento would introduce a bill on March 15, 2010.

The legislation comes at a time when tenants are being ripped off by unscrupulous people posing as landlords of rental units. Most of the time these victims are undocumented immigrants who for fear of retaliation or being deported, do not ask questions to the people they pay their rent to.

And exactly this is what is happening near by the Mission. According to tenant law attorney Phil O’Brian, 22 tenants were duped for a long time by a fake landlord, who took rent money from them, charged them for electricity and water, and if they complaint about the conditions of the unit, he would threaten them with the immigration service.

Gilbert Lee, the real owner, as the tenants found out was his name after denouncing their plight at San Pedro Housing, a tenant advocate organization, was not around for a long time. Instead, Marcos Alemán, who didn’t live in the unit but collected the rent every month, and sometimes demanded additional payment for another month, was the de facto landlord. He was able to collect rent for many months for years, while keeping the tenants  under fear of deportation. Because he didn’t pay the electricity, the tenants live a week without the service. They also were prohibited to use portable heaters, while keeping a chain in the front door to lock them out if they violated the rules.

­The house, located a block from Mission Street in the Bernal Heights district, it hardly has any space that is not transformed into a sleeping space. It’s hard to imagine how these 22 tenants and children can live as human beings. There is a long line to use the bathroom before they go to work almost at the same time in the morning. Only one couple living in an area of the garage has the luxury of having their one (portable) bathroom. To cook their meals in the only kitchen must be a nightmare. To accommodate to the circumstances, many have set up their own ways to overcome the limitation, which makes the unit an unhealthy and fire hazard place to live. The backyard is the filthiest place you can find, putting in danger the health of the children, not to mention the rotten sewer from which they drink water and electric wire exposed around the walls.

Two of four children of a couple had tonsil surgeries recently, and are having breathing problems in the windowless room, which the mother said smells like humidity and it’s hard to breath.

El Reportero will keep you informed about the legal issue going on between the landlord and the tenants, who have stopped paying their rent since approximately last November.


Third World hotspots add to worldwide energy demand

by the University of Michigan

ANN ARBOR, Michigan.— Developing countries use proportionally less energy than industrialized nations, but large cities like Madras and Bangkok are helping to fuel global energy demand, according to a University of Michigan study.

Thirty-eight of the world’s 50 largest metropolitan areas are located in countries with emerging economies and most of them are located in warm-to-hot climates.

“Using energy to cool houses and apartments is not yet common in developing countries,” said Michael Sivak of the U-M Transportation Research Institute. “However, as individual income in developing countries increases, it is likely that so will the use of air conditioning in hot climates.”

In a new study published in the journal Energy Policy, Sivak examined the combined energy demand per person for residential heating and cooling in the world’s 50 largest metropolitan areas.

His analysis used data on “heating and cooling degree days”—units that relate to the amount of energy needed to heat and cool buildings—to produce a combined index of total energy demand for climate control. One heating (cooling) degree day occurs for each degree the average daily outdoor temperature is below (above) 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sivak says that among the world’s 50 largest cities, the top 13 in terms of cooling degree days are located in developing countries, such as India, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. All but two of the top 30 are in these and other developing nations.

The warmest metropolitan area in developing countries—Madras—has 1.6 times the cooling degree days of Miami, the warmest city in developed countries.

The potential cooling demand for another Indian city—Mumbai—is about 24 percent of the demand of the entire United States.

­Currently, nearly 90 percent of housing units in the United States have central or room air conditioning, but only 2 percent in India do.

“Whether the potential cooling demand in developing countries will translate into energy consumption for cooling on the scale of the United States or greater is not clear,” he says.

“Differences in energy infrastructure, size and occupancy density of buildings, sustainability concerns, desirable temperature and diurnal use of air conditioning will influence the energy use for cooling in developing countries. Nevertheless, the potential for a huge increase in energy use remains.”

Overall, among the largest cities in the world, four cold-weather metropolitan areas use the most energy (mostly heating, but some cooling, as well): the Russian cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow and the North American cities of Toronto and Chicago (the only two cities in industrialized nations among the top 10).

The rest of the top 10 include warm-weather cities Madras; Bangkok; Karachi, Pakistan; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; and the Chinese cities of Beijing and Tianjin, which have more seasonal weather.

Chávez and Uribe pay lip service to mediation by ‘group of friends’

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Chávez and UribeChávez and Uribe

Colombia and Venezuela have accepted an initiative of the joint Latin American and Caribbean summit to form a ‘group of friends’ to facilitate a rapprochement. This came after another round of escalating acrimony, which at one point threatened to derail the summit. Signs are that little will happen until after Colombia’s impending president elections.

­U.S. drugs reports castigates Venezuela:

On March 1 the US State Department published its 2010 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR). The report, the 27th annual edition, is a review of foreign governments’ efforts to deal with their narcotics problems. Its broad conclusions are that Iran and Europe’s drugs problems are becoming urgent, while cocaine consumption in the US is slowing. Within Latin America, Venezuela, and more surprisingly, Peru, come in for implied criticism.


Ho ho ho and a bottle over rum: Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands locked in dispute

Reported by Hispanic Link

Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are locked in a dispute over rum production that would have a significant impact on the economic futures of both U.S. territories. It threatens to seep into elections in the mainland United States.

At the heart of the dispute is the use of rum excise tax refunds given to the territories. Currently, a $13.50 excise tax is collected one very proof gallon of rum produced outside the U.S. mainland and sold in the United States.


According to public-interest journalism website, most of the rum is made in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and Congress passes along almost all of the tax — $13.25 — to the two territories as economic aid, based on the amount of rum each produces.

That generally translates into about $400 million for Puerto Rico and $80 million for the Virgin Islands. One of the world’s largest rum producers, London-based company Diageo, owner of the Captain Morgan brand, currently produces 9 million proof gallons a year in Puerto Rico through an evengreen agreement with Hispanic supplier Distilería Seralles, generating significant subsidies for the country.

However, in 2008 Diageo struck a deal with the U.S. Virgin Islands that would give the company half of the rum-tax money that is returned to the territory for production of Diageo’s rum, which would run to $6 billion over the length of the 30-year deal. In addition, according to ProPublica, the Virgin Islands also will give Diageo a 90 percent income- tax break, a complete exemption from property taxes and a state-of-the-art $165 million rum distillery, which is now under construction.

Puerto Rico is claiming the deal represents an unfair use of the rum-tax subsidy and Diageo is receiving more than it costs in total to produce the rum. Losing the rum production would deprive Puerto Rico of funds for social programs in a country where unemployment stands 16.5 percent and one in three residents lives in poverty. The Virgin Islands claim that Diageo had already decided to leave Puerto Rico and their deal with the company preserves U.S. rum production.

Puerto Rico is unable to match the deal offered by the Virgin Islands due to a local law that prohibits the country from spending more than 10% of the rum-tax refunds on subsidies to companies. Puerto Rico supporters are now pushing for a federal law mandating a cap for all territories receiving rum-tax subsidies, setting off a lobbying war in Washington, D.C.

The issue is also beginning to spill into midterm election campaigns. On Feb. 11, former Miami mayor Maurice Ferré, who is now running in Florida’s Democratic primary for U.S. Senate, came out against the Virgin Island deal.


This prompted the National Puerto Rican Coalition to call on Florida’s other Senate candidates, Republicans Gov. Charlie Crist and former Speaker of the Florida House Marco Rubio, as well as Democratic U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, to denounce the deal.

This is going to cause profound pain in Puerto Rico, which counts on these revenues to meet pressing social needs,” NPRC Presi­dent Rafael Fantauzzi said in a statement: Will Crist, Meek and Rubio join Ferré in standing up for the people of Puerto Rico, or will they tell us how they will accommodate the thousands of Puerto Ricans who will have no choice but to relocate to the United States as a result of the continuing economic crisis on the island?” Hispanic Link.

The Agenda of the Illumination (Part 18th of a multi-series)

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Given the important and historical information contained in this 31-page article on the history of the secret and evil society, The Illuminati, El Reportero is honored to provide our readers with the opportunity to read such a document by Myron C. Fagan, which mainstream media has labeled it a conspiracy theory. To better understand this series, we suggest to also read the previous articles published in our previous editorials.

This is the eighteenth part of the series.

The following is a transcript of a recording distributed in 1967 by Myron C. Fagan. He had hoped that if enough Americans had heard (or read) this summary, the Illuminati takeover agenda for America would have been aborted, just as Russia’s Alexander I had torpedoed the Illuminati’s plans for a One World, League of Nations at the Congress of Vienna from 1814-15. Fagan correctly describes those members of congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch of that time as TRAITORS for their role in assisting to implement the downfall of America’s sovereignty. It’s understandable that most listeners of that period would have found it impossible to believe that the Kennedy’s, for instance, were (are) part of the Illuminati plot, but he did say that Jack had a spiritual rebirth and attempted to rescue the country from the Illuminati’s stranglehold by issuing U.S. silver certificates, which apparently greatly contributed to the Illuminati’s decision to assassinate him (his son, John Jr., was also murdered because he had intended to expose his father’s killers after he gained public office).

— Now then, Schiff and his co-conspirators did set up the “NAACP” (the “National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People”) in 1909 and in 1913, he set up the “Anti defamation League of the B’nai B’rith,” both were to create the necessary strife, but in the early years, the “ADL” operated very timidly. Perhaps for fear of a “pogrom-like” action by an aroused and enraged American people and the “NAACP” was practically dormant because its white leadership didn’t realize that they would have to develop fire-brand Negro leaders, such as Martin Luther King for one, to spark the then completely satisfied contented mass of Negroes.

In addition, he, Schiff, was busy developing and infiltrating the stooges to serve in all high places in our Washington government and in the job of acquiring control of our money system and the creation of the “16th Amendment.” He also was very busy with the organizing of the plot for the takeover of Russia.

In short, Schiff was kept so busy with all those jobs that he completely overlooked the supreme job of acquiring complete control of our mass communications media.

That oversight was a direct cause for Wilson’s failure to lure the United States into the “League of Nations” because when Wilson decided to go to the people to overcome the opposition of the Lodge-controlled Senate, despite his established, but phony reputation as a great humanitarian, he found himself faced by a solidly united people and by a loyal press whose only ideology was “Americanism” and the American way of life.

At that time, due to the ineptness and ineffectiveness of the “ADL” and the “NAACP,” there were no organized minority groups, no Negro problems, no socalled antisemetic problems to sway the people’s thinking. There were no “lefts” and there were no “rights” nor any prejudices for crafty exploitations. Thus Wilson’s “League of Nations” appeal fell on deaf ears. That was the end of Woodrow Wilson, the conspirators great humanitarian.

He quickly abandoned his crusade and returned to Washington were he shortly died an imbecile brought on by syphilis and that was the end of the “League of Nations” as a corridor into oneworld government.

Of course that debacle was a terrible disappointment to the masterminds of the lluminati conspiracy, but they were not discouraged. As I have previously stressed, this enemy never quits, they simply decided to reorganize and try from scratch again. By this time Schiff was very old and slow. He knew it. He knew that the conspiracy needed a new younger and more active leadership.

So on his orders, Colonel House and Bernard Barouk organized and set up what they called the “Council on Foreign Relations,” the new name under which the Illuminati would continue to function in the United States. The hierarchy, officers, and directors of the CFR is composed principally of descendants of the original Illuminati, many of whom who had abandoned their old family name and acquired new Americanized names.

For one example, we have Douglas Dillon, who was Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was Laposky.

Another example is Pauley, head of the CBS TV channel, whose true name is Palinsky. The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in number and contains the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America such as Blough, president of the U.S. Steel Corporation; Rockefeller, king of the oil industry; Henry Ford, II, and so on; and of course, all the international bankers.

Also, the heads of the “tax-free” foundations are officers and/or active CFR members. In short, all the men who provided the money and the influence to elect the CFR-chosen ­Presidents of the United States, the Congressmen, the Senators, and who decide the appointments of our various Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of every important federal agency are members of the CFR and they are very obedient members indeed.


DREAM ACT: Dreams of craziness

by Jorge Mújica Murias

“Craziness”, Albert Einstein used to say “is to do the same thing over and over and expect different results”. Consequently, the U.S. Senate is totally nuts.

There just wasn’t a chance. The vote on the DREAM Act last week was destined to fail. It was the ninth time the Senate did the same thing, expecting a different result.

Of course, craziness does not reside in the “Senate”, that half of Congress integrated by 100 who are not a bit crazy because all of them are millionaires.

Crazy are the ones who lead the Senate; the ones who decided to put it up for a vote for the ninth time, doing the same thing expecting different results.

“The same” was to expect the enemy to side up with immigrants and favor the Democratic Party living them the Latino vote for 2012. It was to expect the Republicans to politically suicide, give Barack Obama his best re-election chance and, by the way, give them another chance to regain their majority in the House of Representatives. That’s why it was obvious. The vote in the Senate was not about the DREAM Act, but about election strategy for 2012.

We have a Democratic Party who enjoyed absolute majority for a year an a half in the Senate, and unquestionable majority in the House. To do things differently would have been to vote the DREAM on January 21 2009, the day after Obama was sworn in, or voting it in March or September or December, or at the beginning of this year or in the summer. But no. They waited until there was not a chance to get it passed. They put it up for a vote a few days before their most disastrous election, as a desperate gamble to see if they could win again the Latino vote which had given them that majority.

It did work in a couple places, like Nevada, where they would have lost the leader of the Senate. Harry Reid was re-elected with the help of the Latino vote.

Helping the Enemy

But the vote in December was destined to fail. After enjoying their majority in both chambers of Congress and the White house for two years, Democrats proved they are more interested in money and not people. Obama and his congressmen caved in on the health reform, caved in on the taxes and did not end the war, just changed it to a different country. Oh, and they did not approve anything on immigration reform. In short, promises were kept as just that, promises. But they did something differently. Between Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano, his Homeland Security chief, they managed to deport a record number of undocumented immigrants, a few less than 400 thousand this year, twice as many in the two years of his administration. By the time he starts his re-election campaign for 2012, at midyear, they would be around a million. It’s like the entire population of Detroit, more than the whole population of San Francisco.

That made me remember the stupid excuse Obama gave last time we spoke over the phone, when we bitterly scolded him for voting in favor of the border wall with México. “We have to give a little”, he said, “to get a little”. He thought that voting in favor of the Republicans he would get I-don’t-know-what in exchange.

His problem, just like Einstein said, is that he still believes that and keeps doing the same thing expecting different results. He believed that deporting 400 thousand people, family heads, mothers of children born in the Unites States, workers, the Republicans were going to wrap the DREAM Act in fancy Christmas paper and keep the Latino vote on his side to guarantee his re-election in 2012.

I think Republicans made a wiser decision. They want to get the Latino vote by putting a few Latinos to run in 2012, to compensate for all the voting against immigrants they plan to do during 2011. The most visible Latino candidate, maybe as Vice president, will be their pretty Cuban ­new boy, Marco Rubio, now Senator from Florida.

To me, that’s what defined the vote on the DREAM Act. To think that if you do your enemy’s work the enemy will help you to keep in power. The failure was that Republicans have other plans. They plan to get rid of their friend Obama in 2012, once he finishes doing their work.