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Nicaragua using nearly $40 million loan to improve transporttion system

by Hispanically Speaking News


Nicaragua will improve the efficiency and safety of its transportation system and advance regional integration with a $39.2 million loan approved by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The project will help reduce vehicle operating costs, increase travel speeds, reduce accident rates and will conduct studies on the impact of climate change on infrastructure. Other components include institution building, road maintenance and road safety.

Some 437,000 vehicles travel over the national road system, carrying more than 13 million tons of freight annually, of which more than 38 percent is foreign trade cargo.

A major component of this project includes the improvement of 44.6 kilometers of roads from La Paz Centro-Malpaisillo (37.2 km), of the primary trunk network, in the departments of León and Chinandega; and the Miralagos-Cuyalí (7.47 km) highway, of the primary feeder network, located in the Department of Jinotega.

The country’s road network system is characterized by poor conditions of both paved and unpaved roads. This translates into high transport costs, posing an obstacle to national efforts to boost economic growth and reduce poverty.

According to data from the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI) published in the Red Vial Nicaragua report of 2011, the road network has a total length of 23,647.1 km, of which only 3,150.8 km
(13.3 percent) is paved.

Indigenous textile art meeting in Bolivian sucre

by Prensa Latina

The Third Indigenous Textile Art Meeting entitled “Knitting the People’’s Soul” and Fair in Reverse Order were transferred on today to Plaza 25 de Mayo square in Sucre, capital of the southern Chuquisaca department.

More than 400 craftspeople from 82 communities of the nine departments of the country are participating in the meeting.

The Culture Ministry organized the event, with the objective of knowing the best ways of valuing their fabrics, works of art and obtain the benefits that communities deserve, said Fair in Reverse Order Representative Mora Canal said.

This last part of the Fair is called In Reverse because suppliers offer their products to craftspeople.

This meting began on Saturday in the Tarabuco municipality, to the South of Sucre, also the Bolivian constitutional capital.

Sucre’s Mayor Gregorio Ignacio highlighted the presence of farmer indigenous and Afro-Bolivian people, as Chuquitano, Guarayo, Ayoreo, Yampara, Quechua, Aymara, Yuyacare, Jalka and others.

The third meeting of Original Indigenous Textile Art will go on until Dec. 4.

United Nations threatens Colorado, Washington state over marijuana decriminalization laws

by J. D. Heyes

Likely empowered by a U.S. administration that favors the kind of nanny state politics a ruling global entity would no doubt embrace, the head of the United Nations’ International Narcotics Control Board feels comfortable telling federal officials they should move to challenge measures in Colorado and Washington that decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults 21 and over.

Raymond Yans lectured the voter-approved measures – part of the United States’ democratic process, something most UN member countries are not familiar with – send “a wrong message to the rest of the nation and it sends a wrong message abroad.”

In an interview with The Associated Press, Yans said he would like to see Attorney General Eric Holder “take all necessary measures” to ensure that marijuana possession remains illegal throughout the United States.

Does the UN remember that Obama inhaled?

Currently, both states are awaiting the implementation of plans to regulate and tax the drug because officials there are waiting to see if Washington will assert its federal authority in the matter. At present, pot is a Schedule I controlled substance, in the same category as LSD and heroin.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has said that marijuana has a high potential for abuse and “no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States,” the New York Times has reported.

Yans’ outrage makes us wonder here at Natural News if he read reports back in 2006 when then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama told the American Society of Magazine Editors that he did, in fact, smoke marijuana.

“When I was a kid, Iinhaled,” he said. “That was the point.”

Also, is Yans oblivious to the fact that the Netherlands has essentially legalized pot by decriminalizing both its possession and sale? Or that Portugal, in 2001, became the first European country, according to Time magazine, “to officially abolish all criminal penalties for personal possession of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine?”

At the time, critics of the policy change warned that drug use would skyrocket in a nation where hard drug use was already the highest on the continent. But a subsequent study by the libertarian-leaning CATO Institute in 2009 found no appreciable increase in usage.

In fact, in the years after personal possession of drugs was decriminalized, illegal use among teens in Portugal dropped while rates of new HIV infections caused by the sharing of dirty needles also fell.

The number of people seeking treatment for drug addition; however, more than doubled – but that figure was an acceptable alternative to incarceration because the Portuguese government had previously determined that treating offenders would be cheaper than jailing them.

“Judging by every metric, decriminalization in Portugal has been a resounding success,” Glenn Greenwald, an attorney, author and fluent Portuguese speaker, who conducted the research, told Time. “It has enabled the Portuguese government to manage and control the drug problem far better than virtually every other Western country does.”

“I think we can learn that we should stop being reflexively opposed when someone else does [decriminalize] and should take seriously the possibility that anti-user enforcement isn’t having much influence on our drug consumption,” Mark Kleiman, author of the forthcoming When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment, and director of the drug policy analysis program at UCLA, told the magazine.

‘If our people really want it, we need to do it right’

A number of U.S. politicians have begun to see it that way.

A year ago, the governors of Washington and Rhode Island – Democrat Christine Gregoire and Republican-turned-Independent Lincoln Chaffee, respectively – petitioned the federal government to reclassify marijuana as a drug with acceptable medical uses, “saying the change is needed so states like theirs, which have decriminalized marijuana for medical purposes, can regulate the safe distribution of the drug without risking federal prosecution,” the Times said.

“The divergence in state and federal law creates a situation where there is no regulated and safe system to supply legitimate patients who may need medical cannabis,” the governors wrote in a letter to Michele M. Leonhart, the DEA administrator.

“What we have out here on the ground is chaos,” Gregoire told the Times. “And in the midst of all the chaos we have patients who really either feel like they’re criminals or may be engaged in some criminal activity, and really are legitimate patients who want medicinal marijuana.”

“If our people really want medicinal marijuana, then we need to do it right, we need to do it with safety, we need to do it with health in mind, and that’s best done in a process that we know works in this country – and that’s through a pharmacist,” she added.

Homeowners still waiting on billions in foreclosure relief

Wells Fargo Shareholders Meeting Protest San Francisco.

by Ngoc Nguyen

Thanks to a federal program, homeowner Pretti Hilton could be getting just what she needs to resolve her longstanding foreclosure case: : a referee.
Under the Independent Foreclosure Review program, eligible homeowners can request a review of their foreclosure file by a third-party consultant. If the independent auditor finds that the bank made errors in processing their foreclosure, the homeowner can recoup money – from $500 to as much as $125,000.
For Hilton, who has been fighting foreclosure of her home for nearly four years, the program offers a ray of hope.
So far, her attempts to work with her lender, Bank of America, on modifying her home loan to produce a lower monthly mortgage payment, have failed. In fact, the bank tried to auction off her property several times. If she were to lose her two-bedroom home in Moreno Valley, California, says Hilton, she and her two sons — a 15-year-old and a disabled 27-year-old – would be on the street.

“The stress is astronomical,” she says, adding that she is taking medication for hypertension, something she’d never done before. “I don’t believe I was blessed with a house in order to lose it…. I will not go down without a fight.”

A home health worker, Hilton says her income took a hit with state budget cuts to programs that subsidize in-home care. When she got back on her feet, she resumed making mortgage payments, which by then included late fees.

But even after paying off the late charges, she says, her bank did not lower the monthly payment back to the original amount. Because of that discrepancy and others, Hilton says she hasn’t paid her mortgage for three years, and her case is still in limbo.

Then Hilton received a letter in the mail about the Independent Foreclosure Review program run by the Federal Reserve Bank and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Hilton applied for the program two months ago, and says she’s “expecting to hear something soon.”

But the wait could be longer than Hilton originally expected.

More than a year after its launch, the program has yet to pay out any compensation, and just a fraction of the requested reviews have been completed.

Last April, federal regulators ordered the nation’s biggest banks to overhaul their foreclosure procedures in the wake of the “robo-signing” scandal – when it came to light that banks were approving foreclosures without verifying the underlying documents. As a result, the banks were required by the government to offer third-party reviews of foreclosure cases to their customers who request it, and hire independent consultants to do the work.

Of the more than 4.4 million homeowners who were potentially eligible for the program who were sent letters, about 250,000 requested a review. Banks were also ordered to “look back” at a representative sample of cases, accounting for another 159,000 homeowners, bringing the total number of reviews to more than 400,000.

Bryan Hubbard, a spokesman for the OCC, says about 260,000 reviews are underway. According to an interim report released in June, consultants had completed just 11,000 reviews.

“No compensation has been approved yet because we have not reached that point in the review process,” Hubbard says.

In June, regulators came up with a compensation pay scale, attaching dollar amounts or other remedies to a list of about a dozen possible errors made by the banks. If consultants determine that a homeowner suffered financial harm, they will recommend what type and amount of relief should go to the borrower. The banks then need to submit a “remediation plan” to regulators, and then the checks can go out, Hubbard says.

“We hope that remediation will begin in the fourth quarter of this year, but continue through 2013,” he says. As of yet, the banks have not submitted those plans to regulators.

The most common complaints prompting a request for review, Hubbard says, involve denials of loan modifications, improper and incorrect fees, timeliness of payments and disputes in amounts owed.

In Hilton’s case, if a review of her file found she was wrongfully denied a loan modification, the foreclosure would be halted and the bank would have to grant or deny her application, and compensate her either $2,500 or $10,000.
Compensation to individual homeowners is capped at $125,000, but the total amount the banks would have to pay out to all homeowners is “unlimited,” Hubbard says.

The independent review program contrasts with a parallel but separate restitution program instituted earlier this year as a result a multi-state lawsuit. The National Mortgage Settlement promised homeownerswho were financially harmed by bank errors a “one-size-fits-all” check of about $2000. It set a “low bar to get some benefit,” according to Paul Leonard, director of the Center for Responsible Lending’s California office. The compensation would shrink as more homeowners tap the fund.

In contrast, the federal program, says Leonard, is a complement to that.

“[It] takes a fine-toothcomb approach to really identity specific borrowers harmed and how much harm they actually suffered,” Leonard says.

Although it doles out stiffer penalties for errors, and mandates that those deficiencies in each bank’s foreclosure process be fixed, recent revelations have come to light that the independent reviews may be flawed. ProPublica revealed cozy ties between the banks and the third-party consultants that were hired to conduct the reviews, resulting in bank employees trying to influence the outcome of reviews.

News reports also revealed that the third-party consultants are reaping record profits through their contracts with the banks.

“The purpose of this [independent review process] was to remedy financial harm to borrowers; it wasn’t meant to be ‘The Consultants Full-Employment Act,’” Leonard says.

“The irony is, it appears that they [the banks] are going to spend a lot more money [on] paying for the consultants…[than] providing remedies to borrowers.”

He adds, “Nobody knows for sure [how much money will be paid to homeowners]. No money has been put into the pocket of borrowers yet.”

With the deadline to file a request for review under the federal program looming (Dec. 31), housing counselors say more effort is needed to publicize the program to eligible homeowners. Any homeowner whose primary residence was in any stage of foreclosure in 2009 or 2010, and whose mortgage was serviced by participating loan servicers, is eligible to request a review.

Maria Cabildo, president of East LA Community Corporation, says her organization has helped just a handful of people apply for the program. Unfortunately, she adds, many homeowners mayhave simply tossed the letter from federal regulators informing them of the program, thinking it was a scam. She says many of her clients have been inundated by mailings from mortgage scammers.



The Sport of Gentlemen

Saturday, December 8 – Herning, Denmark –

WBA super middleweight title: Brian Magee (36-4-1, 25 KOs) vs. Mikkel Kessler (45-2, 34 KOs).

Thursday, December 13 – Kingston, Jamaica –

WBA featherweight title: Nicholas Walters (21-0, 17 KOs) vs. Daulis Prescott (26-1, 19 KOs).

Saturday, December 15 – London, England –

lightweights: Ricky Burns (35-2, 10 KOs) vs. Liam Walsh (13-0, 10 KOs).

Saturday, December 15 – Nuerburg, Germany –

super middleweights: Arthur Abraham (35-3, 27KOs) vs. Mehdi Bouadla (26-4, 11 KOs).

26th Annual Guadalajara Internacional Book Fair ends in great note

by Hispanically Speaking News

Salma Hayek Options Memoir ‘The Boy Kings of Texas’Salma Hayek Options Memoir ‘The Boy Kings of Texas’

Mexico’s Guadalajara International Book Fair, the most important event of its type in Latin America, ended its run over the weekend, with organizers touting its success.

“The growth for us is impressive. We expected to do it, there was nearly grueling work all over the hemisphere to bring in the publishing houses,” a move that resulted in higher sales and more business activity, Guadalajara International Book Fair director Nubia Macias told Efe.

The book fair’s 26th edition drew 20,363 professionals from the world of books, including publishers, editors, distributors, librarians and translators, a figure that was up 14 percent from last year, when the event drew 17,800 professionals.

Only 1,928 publishing houses, however, showed up, down slightly from the 1,935 that had a presence in Guadalajara in 2011.

Spanish publishers took part in the Guadalajara International Book Fair despite the sharp drop in book sales in their home market due to the economic crisis.

The next Guadalajara International Book Fair will take place Nov. 30 to Dec. 8, 2013, with Israel as the guest country.

Reserva de la Familia Showcases Mexican Artist Ricardo Pinto’s Work

Every year, Jose Cuervo and Tequila Reserva de la Familia offer famous Mexican artists the opportunity to create original artwork for its packaging. Each Reserva de la Familia box is made of wood and features the artwork of renowned Mexican artists.

This provides a unique experience for consumers to enjoy the one-of-a-kind taste of Jose Cuervo’s finest tequila, and an opportunity for tequila lovers to share a unique gift with family and friends.

For the 2012 collection, Mexican artist, Ricardo Pinto, has been chosen to feature his artwork on the box for the special edition of Reserva de la Familia Extra Añejo.

Pinto is known for recreating the architecture, urbanity and temporal scope of the everyday life of Mexico City through a “very personal and intimate” approach. This is showcased throughout three Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia boxes that provide a visual richness between his unique style and modern graphics. Each bottle of Reserva de la Familia is bottled by hand, hence its limited production, and its SRP is $159.99.

Salma Hayek Options Memoir ‘The Boy Kings of Texas’

Actress-producer Salma Hayek has reportedly optioned Domingo Martínez’s memoir The Boy Kings of Texas.

The memoir, a National Book Award finalist in the nonfiction category this year, tells Martínez’s coming-of-age story “about the traumas and pleasures of growing up in Brownsville, Texas in the 1980s … Martínez provides a real glimpse into a society where children are traded like commerce, physical altercations routinely solve problems, drugs are rampant, sex is often crude, and people depend on the family witch doctor for advice.”

Hayek’s production company, Ventanarosa, has acquired the rights to The Boy Kings of Texas. She had previously tried to nab the rights and adapt the book into a film, but had been unsuccessful.

The film adaptation is in good hands, as Hayek’s career as a producer has perhaps been as successful as her career as an actress.

SF Immigrant Film Festival will give a scholarship

by the El Reportero’s staff


The longest-running film festival on issues surrounding immigration, the San Francisco International Immigrant Film Festival, SFImFF, will offer two free screenings for the student community of the City College of San Francisco (CA), Ocean Campus, on Dec. 6 and 7.

These two movie marathons will be showcasing ten films from different countries trough a non-competitive event and will be possible for the effort of SFImFF and the organization Students Advocating for Equity, S.A.F.E. Donations will be taken at the door and will benefit a SFImFF Scholarship for a CCSF immigrant student.

There are works in Narrative, and Documentary Shorts, as: Migrar o Morir/Paying the Price: Migrant Workers in the Toxic Fields of Sinaloa, 35’, Alex Halkin. Mexico; Ngutu, 4’, Felipe del Olmo & Daniel Valledor, Spain ; The Second Generation Filipino in US, 7’,54”, Charina Nadura, USA; Mexican Cuisine, 5’, Fran Guijarro, Mexico/Spain/USA; Felix: Self-fictions of a smuggler. (Félix: Autoficciones de un traficante), Adriana Trujillo, 1 hr 15’, Mexico; Every time I remember, I forget (Cada vez que me acuerdo, me olvido), 14’, Laura González, Uruguay; Undocumented Lives, 10’, 34”, Connie Nam, USA; Mimoune, 11’,Gonzalo Ballester, Spain; Taught to Hate, 27’, James García Sotomayor, USA/Ecuador; and Three Sad Tigers, 11’, David Muñoz, Spain/United Kingdom.

This is a volunteer-run festival founded three years ago by Romulo Hernandez. It is exclusively focused on issues surrounding immigration. Throughout the year, SFImFF offer free screenings of films/videos at different venues related to immigrant communities to promote a greater understanding of the human condition. If you would like to get involved please check out the website or e-mail at

Ozomatli in SF for a two-day concert at the FillmoreOver the past seventeen years, celebrated Los Angeles culture-mashers Ozomatli have sung about everything from immigration protests and gang violence to Hurricane Katrina. But with their new project, OzoKidz, the band has immersed themselves in a whole new world of storytelling, one with a very different list of priorities: photosynthesis, spelling, balloons, germs, skateboards, and of course, a runaway moose…

Three presentations at the Fillmore in San Francisco: On Dec. 7 and 8 at 9 p.m. And the Ozo Kidz show start at 3 p.m.

Juried exhibition of works by Northern California artists

Southern Exposure announces two concurrent exhibitions, Point of No Return, Southern Exposure’s Entry-Fee Free Juried Exhibition, and Snapshot, a project by Southern Exposure’s Youth Advisory Board. Both exhibitions will be on view at Southern Exposure’s Mission District Space from December 7 – 20, 2012.

On Friday, Dec. 7, 2012, 7 – 9 p.m. Gallery Hours: Tues – Sat, 12 – 6 p.m. At 1805 Geary Boulevard 94115 San Francisco.

Latin Rock Inc Annual Holiday Party featuring Santana Members Past & Present

Alex Ligertwood, Tony Lindsay, Raul Rekow, Walfredo de los Reyes Jr., Eamonn Flynn, Ken Harrill, & Myron Dove.

On Saturday Dec. 8, 2012, at 8 p.m. At Club Fox, 2209 Broadway Street, Redwood City. Cover $18 adv / $22 Door.

For more info visit

($2 off if you bring a can of food, a toy or piece of clothing in support of “Carmen’s Closet” in honor of Carmen Flores serving the Oakland Community).

Democracy and Vote

by Richard Anthony

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself! There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide!” – Samuel Adams.

Democracy is not a scriptural principle for God’s people. Democracy is a deceitful word. Every man believes he has a right in the outcome of the destiny of society. This is a myth. If God directs men to move in a way that’s led by God, then no vote can change the Will of God. The “voter registration” is secular man’s faulty reasoning that he, in and of himself, can save all, if you just give him enough power, more money, more…more…more…and still more. As soon as you put your “X” on that ballot and vote for some politician, you become part of the world, you voted to be ordered around. The politician needs your consent to crack a whip over your head and make you feel like the animal that you have partaken of. You are now part of the zoo of humanity.

When you elect people to tell you how to live and how things should be done, then you give up that authority that the Lord has given you and you put it in the hands of the heathen. You’re choosing to have evil men rule over you rather than Almighty God who created you. When elections come up, people usually choose between “the lesser of two evils.”

They always decide between “the lesser of two evils.” Think about that. We have to remember that there is no such thing as the lesser of two evils. Evil is evil (James 2:10). Therefore, when somebody votes between the lesser of two evils, they are still voting for evil. Period.

Law is not based on a popular vote. It never has been and never can be. Bondmen of Christ cannot vote because that would be violence or force. We are not into using force, you cannot force the Kingdom of God, you cannot force people to love, you cannot force your love on others, you cannot force people to be free, because that requires violence to enforce it. And “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

In the Old Testament, the people “voted” to kill Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 14:10). Right after they voted, God said, “…How long will this people provoke me? …I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them,” (Numbers 14:11-12), but Moses asked for mercy and God pardoned their evil ways. In the New Testament, during the trial of Christ Jesus, Pontius Pilate let the people “vote” between Barabbas and Jesus as to who they wanted set free (Matthew 27:17). The Pharisees whispered lies in the people’s ears so they would vote the way they wanted them to vote. And that’s the same thing that’s going on today with voting; it’s all manipulated by those who have the power to sway people. This “voting privilege” crucified our Lord!

Another example is in 1 Samuel 8. God’s people were ruled directly by God at this time, but the people “voted” to be ruled by a human king instead of God, just like the heathen nations (1 Samuel 8:4-5,20). Right after they “voted”, “the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them” (1 Samuel 8:7). Israel was now a democracy, and their voting privilege kicked God out of their country.

There is a tendency on the part of many to assume that if the vast majority of Christians hold a certain belief, then it must be right. Not necessarily so. Truth is not determined by majority vote, but by the Word itself. God’s people should not look to “democratic principles” for Truth, but to God.

Democracy: “That form of government where the people rule. But the multitude cannot actually rule: An unorganic democracy…naturally becomes a one-man government. The basis of the democracy is equality…but equality itself is no guarantee for liberty, nor does equality constitute liberty. Absolute democracy existed in antiquity and the middle ages: they have never endured for any length of time. And absolute democracy is anything rather than a convertible term for liberty.” Bouvier’s Law Dictionary , 1914.

The following definition is taken from a 156 page book officially compiled and issued by the U.S. War Department on November 30, 1928, setting forth the truthful definition of Democracy. This definition was published by the authority of the United States Government. This precise and scholarly definition of Democracy is carefully considered as a proper guide for U.S. soldiers and U.S. citizens by the Chief of Staff of the United States Army. This definition takes precedence over any “definition” that may be found in the present commercial dictionaries which have suffered periodical modification to please the powers in office.

Democracy: “A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in mobacracy. Attitude toward property is communistic, negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequence. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy. Democracy is the direct rule of the people and has been repeatedly tried without success.” Citizenship, Training Manual No. 2000-25, War Department, Washington, November 30, 1928, prepared under direction of the Chief of Staff, [A.G. 014.33 (4-28-28).], By order of the Secretary of War: Official: Lutzwahl, Major General, The Adjutant General, C.P. Summerall, Major General, Chief of Staff.

Ron Paul’s farewell to the United States: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction – Part 2

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. Ramírez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers: I am introducing to you, a memorable speech, which I consider the speech of the century. It is by a man who I believe has the biggest conviction on liberty than any one I have ever known. This man is Congressman Ron Paul, who is leaving Congress after 36 years. Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, took the time to transcribe it. Because the text came out too long, El Reportero will publish it in parts for several weeks. I hope you will enjoy it, and see for yourself, how this man’s vision brings out the raw corruption of our political system, with the hope that we all can help stop on time, the destruction of our Republic. PART 2

Ron Paul’s farewell message to America: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction

by Mike Adams

Ron Paul’s recent farewell speech is arguable the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral of social and economic failure under the endless growth of Big Government and runaway debt.

Here’s the full text:

The Age of Redistribution

This neglect ushered in an age of redistribution of wealth by government kowtowing to any and all special interests, except for those who just wanted to left alone. That is why today money in politics far surpasses money currently going into research and development and productive entrepreneurial efforts.

The material benefits became more important than the understanding and promoting the principles of liberty and a free market. It is good that material abundance is a result of liberty but if materialism is all that we care about, problems are guaranteed.

The crisis arrived because the illusion that wealth and prosperity would last forever has ended. Since it was based on debt and a pretense that debt can be papered over by an out-of-control fiat monetary system, it was doomed to fail. We have ended up with a system that doesn’t produce enough even to finance the debt and no fundamental understanding of why a free society is crucial to reversing these trends.

If this is not recognized, the recovery will linger for a long time. Bigger government, more spending, more debt, more poverty for the middle class, and a more intense scramble by the elite special interests will continue.

We Need an Intellectual Awakening

Without an intellectual awakening, the turning point will be driven by economic law. A dollar crisis will bring the current out-of-control system to its knees.

If it’s not accepted that big government, fiat money, ignoring liberty, central economic planning, welfarism, and warfarism caused our crisis we can expect a continuous and dangerous march toward corporatism and even fascism with even more loss of our liberties. Prosperity for a large middle class though will become an abstract dream.

This continuous move is no different than what we have seen in how our financial crisis of 2008 was handled. Congress first directed, with bipartisan support, bailouts for the wealthy. Then it was the Federal Reserve with its endless quantitative easing. If at first it doesn’t succeed try again; QE1, QE2, and QE3 and with no results we try QE indefinitely — that is until it too fails. There’s a cost to all of this and let me assure you delaying the payment is no longer an option. The rules of the market will extract its pound of flesh and it won’t be pretty.

The current crisis elicits a lot of pessimism. And the pessimism adds to less confidence in the future. The two feed on themselves, making our situation worse.

If the underlying cause of the crisis is not understood we cannot solve our problems. The issues of warfare, welfare, deficits, inflationism, corporatism, bailouts and authoritarianism cannot be ignored. By only expanding these policies we cannot expect good results.

Everyone claims support for freedom. But too often it’s for one’s own freedom and not for others. Too many believe that there must be limits on freedom. They argue that freedom must be directed and managed to achieve fairness and equality thus making it acceptable to curtail, through force, certain liberties.

Some decide what and whose freedoms are to be limited. These are the politicians whose goal in life is power. Their success depends on gaining support from special interests.

No More ‘isms’

The great news is the answer is not to be found in more “isms.” The answers are to be found in more liberty which cost so much less. Under these circumstances spending goes down, wealth production goes up, and the quality of life improves.

Just this recognition — especially if we move in this direction — increases optimism which in itself is beneficial. The follow through with sound policies are required which must be understood and supported by the people.

But there is good evidence that the generation coming of age at the present time is supportive of moving in the direction of more liberty and self-reliance. The more this change in direction and the solutions become known, the quicker will be the return of optimism.

Our job, for those of us who believe that a different system than the one that we have had for the last 100 years, has driven us to this unsustainable crisis, is to be more convincing that there is a wonderful, uncomplicated, and moral system that provides the answers. We had a taste of it in our early history. We need not give up on the notion of advancing this cause.

It worked, but we allowed our leaders to concentrate on the material abundance that freedom generates, while ignoring freedom itself. Now we have neither, but the door is open, out of necessity, for an answer. The answer available is based on the Constitution, individual liberty and prohibiting the use of government force to provide privileges and benefits to all special interests.

After over 100 years we face a society quite different from the one that was intended by the Founders. In many ways their efforts to protect future generations with the Constitution from this danger has failed. Skeptics, at the time the Constitution was written in 1787, warned us of today’s possible outcome. The insidious nature of the erosion of our liberties and the reassurance our great abundance gave us, allowed the process to evolve into the dangerous period in which we now live.

They are going to make it nearly impossible to pass on a farm or a business to your children

by Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse

If you have a farm or a small business, would you like to pass it on to your children when you die? Well, unless Congress does something, it is going to become much, much harder to do that starting next year. Right now, there is a 5 million dollar estate tax exemption and anything above that is taxed at 35 percent. But on January 1st, the exemption will go down to 1 million dollars and the tax rate will go up to 55 percent. A lot of liberals are very excited about this, because they believe that the government will be soaking wealthy people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. But the truth is that a lot of farms, ranches and small businesses will be absolutely devastated by this change in the tax law. There are many farmers and ranchers out there today that do not make much money but are sitting on tracts of land that are worth millions of dollars. According to the American Farm Bureau, approximately 97 percent of all farms and ranches in the United States would be subject to the estate tax if the exemption was reduced to just a million dollars. That means that the children of these farmers and ranchers would be faced with a very cruel choice when it is time to inherit these farms and ranches. Either they come up with enough money to pay the government about half of what the farm or ranch is worth, or they sell the farm or ranch that may have been in their family for generations. Needless to say, most farm and ranch families do not have that kind of cash lying around. Most of them are just barely making it from year to year. So this change in the tax law is going to greatly accelerate the death of the family farm in America. This is also going to devastate many family-owned small businesses. Many small businesses don’t make much money, but they have buildings or land or assets worth millions of dollars. Children that may have wanted to continue the family legacy will be forced to sell because of the massive tax bill that they get from Uncle Sam. This is an insidious cruelty, and it shows just how broken our system has become.

The desire to leave the wealth that you have worked so hard to accumulate all your life to your children is something that is common to virtually all human societies. We want to know that future generations will be taken care of.

It is simply immoral for the federal government to swoop in and tax farms, ranches and small businesses that were intended to be passed down from parents to their children at a 55 percent tax rate.

A lot of the people that are going to be affected by this change are not “wealthy” at all. A recent Fox News reportexamined what this change in the law is going to mean for rancher Kevin Kester and his family…

Rancher Kevin Kester works dawn to dusk, drives a 12-year-old pick-up truck and earns less than a typical bureaucrat in Washington D.C., yet the federal government considers him rich enough to pay the estate tax — also known as the “death tax.”

Kester told Fox News that he has no doubt that his ranch will have to be sold when he dies just to pay the tax bill…

“There is no way financially my kids can pay what the IRS is going to demand from them nine months after death and keep this ranch intact for their generation and future generations,” said Kester, of the Bear Valley Ranch in Central California.

Two decades ago, Kester paid the IRS $2 million when he inherited a 22,000-acre cattle ranch from his grandfather. Come January, the tax burden on his children will be more than $13 million.

Reading that should make you angry. Every single year, thousands upon thousands of farms, ranches and small businesses are going to be lost to the federal tax monster.

It is almost as if the federal government does not want income-producing assets to remain in the hands of the “little guy”.

What in the world are we supposed to do?

It isn’t as if all of those farmers and ranchers can go off to the big cities and find good jobs. As I wrote about yesterday, our politicians are standing aside as millions of our good jobs are shipped out of the country.

The cold, hard truth is that our system does not work for average Americans any longer. Those that roll out of bed every morning, work hard and never complain always seem to get the short end of the stick.

The people that are the backbone of America are the ones that the government is always the hardest on.

Unfortunately, we have gotten to a point where the government is searching for more “revenue” from anywhere it can because it desperately needs more money. U.S. government finances are a complete and total mess and we are drowning in the biggest ocean of debt the world has ever seen.

We are more than 16 trillion dollars in debt and there are more than 100 million Americans that are enrolled in at least one welfare program.

Someday has to pay for all this.

Middle class Americans are already hit with dozens of different taxes each year, and you can be certain that our politicians will continue to invent ways to extract even more “revenue” out of us.

And of course our politicians will never stop their wild spending. Despite all of the negotiations that have taken place over the past couple of years, our spending problems just continue to grow. For example, the federal budget deficit for the month of October was $120 billion, which was more than 20 percent larger than the federal budget deficit for October 2011 was.

So what is the solution?

Well, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner now says that he wants to eliminate the debt ceiling entirely. He says that we should just have no limit and that the federal government should just be able to go into debt as much as it wants.

In the end, all of this debt is going to absolutely crush us. We have literally destroyed the future of America, and yet most of the country still seems clueless about all of this. The blind are leading the blind, and we are headed straight for complete and utter disaster.

One day, when people look back on this period in American history, what do you think people are going to say about us?

Ron Paul’s farewell to the United States: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction – Part 1

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. Ramírez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers: I am introducing to you, a memorable speech, which I consider the speech of the century. It is by a man who I believe has the biggest conviction on liberty than any one I have ever known. This man is Congressman Ron Paul, who is leaving Congress after 36 years. Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, took the time to transcribe it. Because the text came out too long, El Reportero will publish it in parts for several weeks. I hope you will enjoy it, and see for yourself, how this man’s vision brings out the raw corruption of our political system, with the hope that we all can help stop on time, the destruction of our Republic.


Ron Paul’s farewell message to America: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction

by Mike Adams

Ron Paul’s recent farewell speech is arguable the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral of social and economic failure under the endless growth of Big Government and runaway debt.

Here’s the full text:

This may well be the last time I speak on the House Floor. At the end of the year I’ll leave Congress after 23 years in office over a 36 year period. My goals in 1976 were the same as they are today: promote peace and prosperity by a strict adherence to the principles of individual liberty.

It was my opinion, that the course the U.S. embarked on in the latter part of the 20th Century would bring us a major financial crisis and engulf us in a foreign policy that would overextend us and undermine our national security. To achieve the goals I sought, government would have had to shrink in size and scope, reduce spending, change the monetary system, and reject the unsustainable costs of policing the world and expanding the American Empire.

The problems seemed to be overwhelming and impossible to solve, yet from my view point, just following the constraints placed on the federal government by the Constitution would have been a good place to start.

How Much Did I Accomplish?

In many ways, according to conventional wisdom, my off-and-on career in Congress, from 1976 to 2012, accomplished very little. No named legislation, no named federal buildings or highways — thank goodness. In spite of my efforts, the government has grown exponentially, taxes remain excessive, and the prolific increase of incomprehensible regulations continues. Wars are constant and pursued without Congressional declaration, deficits rise to the sky, poverty is rampant and dependency on the federal government is now worse than any time in our history.

All this with minimal concerns for the deficits and unfunded liabilities that common sense tells us cannot go on much longer. A grand, but never mentioned, bipartisan agreement allows for the well-kept secret that keeps the spending going. One side doesn’t give up one penny on military spending, the other side doesn’t give up one penny on welfare spending, while both sides support the bailouts and subsidies for the banking and corporate elite. And the spending continues as the economy weakens and the downward spiral continues. As the government continues fiddling around, our liberties and our wealth burn in the flames of a foreign policy that makes us less safe.

The major stumbling block to real change in Washington is the total resistance to admitting that the country is broke. This has made compromising, just to agree to increase spending, inevitable since neither side has any intention of cutting spending.

The country and the Congress will remain divisive since there’s no “loot left to divvy up.”

Without this recognition the spenders in Washington will continue the march toward a fiscal cliff much bigger than the one anticipated this coming January.

I have thought a lot about why those of us who believe in liberty, as a solution, have done so poorly in convincing others of its benefits. If liberty is what we claim it is- the principle that protects all personal, social and economic decisions necessary for maximum prosperity and the best chance for peace- it should be an easy sell. Yet, history has shown that the masses have been quite receptive to the promises of authoritarians which are rarely if ever fulfilled.

Authoritarianism vs. Liberty

If authoritarianism leads to poverty and war and less freedom for all individuals and is controlled by rich special interests, the people should be begging for liberty. There certainly was a strong enough sentiment for more freedom at the time of our founding that motivated those who were willing to fight in the revolution against the powerful British government.

During my time in Congress the appetite for liberty has been quite weak; the understanding of its significance negligible. Yet the good news is that compared to 1976 when I first came to Congress, the desire for more freedom and less government in 2012 is much greater and growing, especially in grassroots America. Tens of thousands of teenagers and college age students are, with great enthusiasm, welcoming the message of liberty.

I have a few thoughts as to why the people of a country like ours, once the freest and most prosperous, allowed the conditions to deteriorate to the degree that they have.

Freedom, private property, and enforceable voluntary contracts, generate wealth. In our early history we were very much aware of this. But in the early part of the 20th century our politicians promoted the notion that the tax and monetary systems had to change if we were to involve ourselves in excessive domestic and military spending. That is why Congress gave us the Federal Reserve and the income tax. The majority of Americans and many government officials agreed that sacrificing some liberty was necessary to carry out what some claimed to be “progressive” ideas. Pure democracy became acceptable.

They failed to recognized that what they were doing was exactly opposite of what the colonists were seeking when they broke away from the British.

Some complain that my arguments makes no sense, since great wealth and the standard of living improved for many Americans over the last 100 years, even with these new policies.

But the damage to the market economy, and the currency, has been insidious and steady. It took a long time to consume our wealth, destroy the currency and undermine productivity and get our financial obligations to a point of no return. Confidence sometimes lasts longer than deserved. Most of our wealth today depends on debt.

The wealth that we enjoyed and seemed to be endless, allowed concern for the principle of a free society to be neglected. As long as most people believed the material abundance would last forever, worrying about protecting a competitive productive economy and individual liberty seemed unnecessary.