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Lunada Literary Lounge Spring 2013 sean operner: John Santos, Israel Matos, and Deuce Eclipse

by the El Reportero’s staff

David Aguilar y Leonel SotoDavid Aguilar y Leonel Soto

Lunada Literary Lounge (Lunada), the Bay Area’s only full moon and bilingual literary, ritual, and performance gathering. After a phenomenal fall 2012 season featuring the likes of Joseph Rios, Xochiquetzal Candelaria, Sheila Maldonado, Paul S. Flores, Mariposa Villaluna, the PO’ Poets Project of POOR Magazine, Ricky Saenz, Francisco Herrera, and the Richmond Artists With Talent (RAW), Lunada will be opening its 2013 season on Monday, February 25 with an explosive line-up showcasing the talent of John Santos, Israel Matos, and Deuce Eclipse.

On Monday, Feb. 25. Open mic sign-up at 7:15 p.m. $5 admission.

David Aguilar & Leonel Soto in Concert

Don’t miss David Aguilar and Leonel Soto, two of the most creative artists in Latino singer-songwriter music, performing together for the first time in the Bay Area. This event is also the first collaboration between La Bohemia Productions and Get My Band, a crowdfunding and fan rewards website looking to provide opportunities for international artists and enhanced experiences to their fans.

David Aguilar is one of the most versatile, creative and groundbreaking contemporary singer-songwriter to come out of Mexico’s independent scene.

This playful genre-bender masterfully blends contemporary acoustic tunes with complex lyrical experimentations and catchy yet multi-layered melodies. David’s eclectic sound emerges from the intersection between Latin-American folk, Brazilian bossa, flamenco, pop, norteño, traditional Mexican songs, bolero, among others. It is this unique convergence of rhythms and the highly poetic writings in his songs what make David Aguilar one of the most promising voices of contemporary Latin American song.

David has been highly influenced by Mexican artists such as: Mauricio Díaz “El Hueso”, Fernando Delgadillo León Chávez Texeiro, Rodrigo González, David Haro, Leonel Soto, Leticia Servin, among others. He has recorded 4 independent albums that have consolidated his trademark sound and is currently working on new songs and collaborations with renowned artists.
Friday, March 1s, at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission St., San Francisco, at 8 p.m. Tickets $12 adv/ $15door. Advance tix:

Come enjoy music by a great trio

José Roberto Hernández on guitar, Lali Mejía on percussion, Rennea Couttenye on voice doing music dear to our hearts with the delightful hip twist. Add a little poetry and perhaps a dance step or two and voilá, a unique concierto primaveral.Invite a friend and rsvp, please.

At La Casa Rosada, 681 Victoria Street, San Francisco, on Sunday March, from 3 to 6 p.m. For more info visit


The Sport of Gentlemen

Saturday, March 2, 2013 New York City

Daniel Ponce de León (No. 4) vs. Jayson Vélez.

12 rounds – Light heavyweight division (for Ponce de Leon’s WBC title) Richard Abril (No. 5) vs. Sharif Bogere (No. 7).

12 rounds – Lightweight division (for WBA title) Gary Russell Jr. vs. TBA 10 rounds – Featherweight division.

On the agrarian theme the resolution of the armed conflict in Colombia is planed

Colombian soldiers accompany a group of journalists in San José of Guaviare, Colombia. (PHOTO BY BRUNO FEDERICO)

by Orsetta Bellani

The first item on the agenda of the talks between the Colombian government and the FARC, which is taking place in Havana (Cuba), is agriculture. This is because the problem of access to land – still unsolved – is the main cause of the armed conflict in Colombia, says Sergio Coronado, coordinator of the team that works on the issue of land and territory from the NGO CINEP (Center for Popular Research and Education) in Bogota. Sergio Coronado spoke with Orsetta Bellani, collaborator of El Reportero San Francisco, about agricultural policy in Colombia.
Why is the problem of access to land considered a historic cause of the Colombian armed conflict?
Colombia could never undergo a successful land reform process, all the attempts that were made in the course of the country’s history – and it coincided with a time when many Latin American countries were designing land distribution programs – failed. The main reason is that the landowner elites never wanted to yield the rights of property that they had gained from the civil wars of the nineteenth century. After the assassination of Liberal Party candidate Jorge Gaitan in 1948, the period known as “violence” came, when farmers not only claimed access to land, but also an actual political involvement that they had never had. Access to land is a central point, but if you look at the complexity of the agricultural world will find many more answers to why there is a war in Colombia: the under-representation of farmers in the country’s political life explains the origin of the guerrillas in the ‘60s.

With regard to agricultural policy, is there a shift in the approach between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and former administration of Alvaro Uribe?

Yes, there is a different approach. Officials who currently lead public entities have different profiles and political origins from those from Uribe’s administration, at least at a national level.

For example, Miriam Villegas, director of INCODER (Colombian Rural Development Institute), worked as an advocate for farmers in emblematic land claims in the Magdalena Medio region. However, the change in the national plan has failed to move to regional institutions, which are often ruled by local elites linked to paramilitary groups. Furthermore, Santos’s brought a change of attitude and style, but this does not imply a policy change.

In June 2011 President Santos passed Law 1448, or Law of Victims and Land Restitution. What is it?

In general terms, Law 1448 seeks reparation and compensation for victims of the conflict, creating the conditions for ensuring the return of displaced peasants to their land and start a process of certification. These lands can currently be found in very different legal conditions, we look forward to what might happen. To date (end of December) the first news have emerged that actually the first titles to property to displaced farmers in the Montes de María are being delivered. In these cases, there was no theft of the lands, but abandonment, meaning that nobody used the territories abandoned by displaced peasants. It rests to be seen if the state will be also able to remove property rights on land formally and materially stripped to be returned to the farmers, ensuring the safety of those who will return to their lands.

Critics of Law 1448 say that it does not take away privileges to agribusiness and large enterprises. Why?

Victim Law and Land Restitution operates in the framework of a general state agricultural policy, both would have to be articulated. You have to analyze what is the model of rural development that is simultaneously consolidating Law 1448. Is it a model that in addition to recognizing property titles to displaced peasants respects and renders rural economy viable? Or is it a model that prioritizes large investments, business and industrial agriculture? The answer is that the model implemented by the government does not seem to support the rural economy: formalizing the land property to the extent that farmers are linked with a particular model of agro-industrial production. A farmer can have titles stripped of property on the ground but you cannot choose your own production project, but it has to be linked to one that has been given to a region, the state is shifting to a particular model of development. Moreover, to prevent the concentration of the property, Law 1448 contains a very weak and precarious provision vis-à-vis contextual conditions, meaning that the farmer whose land has been restored can´t sell it in the first two years.

No suspicion necessary: DHS can still seize belongings without reason

by RT

The Fourth Amendment no longer means what you once thought it did: A new report reveals that the government has shrugged off concerns over the alleged constitutional infringements of its own citizens near international crossings.

An internal review of the US Department of Homeland Security’s procedures regarding the suspicionless search-and-seizure of phones and laptops near the nation’s border has reaffirmed the agency’s ability to bypass Fourth Amendment-protected rights

In a two page executive summary published last month to the official DHS website, the agency explains that a civil rights and civil liberties impact assessment of the office’s little-known power to collect personal electronics near international crossings has passed an auditor’s interpretation of what does and doesn’t violate the US Constitution.

Since 2009, the DHS has been legally permitted to seize and review the contents of personal electronic devices, including mobile phones, portable computers and data discs, even without being able to cite any reasonable suspicion that those articles were involved in a crime.

When the initiative was introduced in August 2009 by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, she defended the policy change. “Keeping Americans safe in an increasingly digital world depends on our ability to lawfully screen materials entering the United States,” the secretary said, adding, “The new directives announced today strike the balance between respecting the civil liberties and privacy of all travelers while ensuring DHS can take the lawful actions necessary to secure our borders.”

In that Aug. 09 announcement, Sec. Napolitano ensured the American public that they had nothing to worry about and that an impact assessment would be conducted within 120 days to eliminate any fears. More than two years later, however, the DHS-led study has only now been released in part, and its findings do little to alleviate the concerns of civil liberty advocates who have held their breath since the early days of the Obama administration, waiting anxiously to hear about the legality of a directive that applies to both Customs and Border Protection agents and officers with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement working under the DHS.

“We conclude that CBP’s and ICE’s current border search policies comply with the Fourth Amendment,” reads the assessment, written by Tamara Kessler of the department’s Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. “We also conclude that imposing a requirement that officers have reasonable suspicion in order to conduct a border search of an electronic device would be operationally harmful without concomitant civil rights/civil liberties benefits,” she adds.

Elsewhere in her report, Kessler dismisses concerns that legalized searches that require Americans to submit their electronic devices without reason would scare citizens from exercising their ability to speak and act freely.
“Some critics argue that a heightened level of suspicion should be required before officers search laptop computers in order to avoid chilling First Amendment rights.

However, we conclude that the laptop border searches allowed under the ICE and CBP Directives do not violate travelers’ First Amendment rights,” Tessler insists.

David Kravets, a reporter for Wired’s Danger Room, writes of the review, “The memo highlights the friction between today’s reality that electronic devices have become virtual extensions of ourselves housing everything from e-mail to instant-message chats to photos and our papers and effects — juxtaposed against the government’s stated quest for national security.”

Commenting on Wired’s report, American Civil Liberties Union staff attorney Catherine Crump voices concern over how DHS agents can essentially bypass the protections of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable search-and-seizure. With few exceptions, the government is not permitted to search the belongings of a person without a reasonable suspicion of a crime. Near the nation’s borders, though, that requirement is removed entirely.

“There should be a reasonable, articulate reason why the search of our electronic devices could lead to evidence of a crime,” Crump tells Wired. “That’s a low threshold.”

Katie Haas of the ACLU’s Human Rights Program adds in a blog post this week, “the reality is that allowing government agents to search through all of a traveler’s data without reasonable suspicion is completely incompatible with our fundamental rights. Those rights, she says, are “implicated when the government can rummage through our computers and cell phones for no reason other than that we happen to have traveled abroad.”

“Suspicionless searches also open the door to profiling based on perceived or actual race, ethnicity, or religion,” Haas adds, “And our First Amendment rights to free speech and free association are inhibited when agents at the border can target us for searches based on our exercise of those rights.”

In response to the stripped-down executive summary posted by DHS, the ACLU’s main office has filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the government in hopes of obtaining more information on when and why Americans might lose their Fourth Amendment-protected rights. The ACLU seeks the assessment in its entirety and all data, analyses and records gathered during the course of preparing the report.

Where exactly the government can seize personal items without reason is something that has already been determined, though. Last March, the US Supreme Court upheld an earlier ruling that legally permitted the use of suspicionless roadblocks not necessarily close to the country’s borders.

Back in 2006, the ACLU determined that roughly two-thirds of the entire US population lives within 100 miles of the country’s border, making approximately 200 million Americans in places like Buffalo, Boston, Los Angeles and Seattle subject to warrantless and suspicionless searches.

“It is a classic example of law enforcement powers expanding far beyond their proper boundaries – in this case, literally,” ACLU’s Caroline Fredrickson told Wired for an earlier report.

Sec. Napolitano and the DHS have been sued at least once over allegations that the seizure of personal electronic belonging to a US citizen near an international border violated the Constitution of the country. David House, a founding member of the Bradley Manning Support Network, says his laptop and other devices were confiscated without reason while returning to the US from Mexico in November 2010. According to legal filings, House was grilled about his association with Manning, an accused Army whistleblower arrested six months earlier, and WikiLeaks, the website Manning is alleged to have supplied with hundreds of thousands of diplomatic cables.

More poverty, more concentrated capital in Mexico

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Felipe CalderónFelipe Calderón

As poverty increases, some 203,000 investors share 40 percent of Mexico’’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to the newspaper La Jornada, which quoted the latest report from the National Banking and Assets Commission (CNBV).

The newspaper noted that 0.18 percent of the population has assets worth 80.1 million dollars (6.3 billion Mexican pesos), whose capital grew six times more than the economy as a whole, with a sustained increase of 13.8 percent.

La Jornada added that 12.2 percent of Mexicans have become poor over the past six years, while few investors in the local stock market increased their assets to the equivalent of 40 percent of Mexico’s GDP.

That percentage accounts for the value of all goods and services produced in the country in one year at a market price.

The newspaper reported in mid 2012 that the socalled patrimonial poverty had increased from 45.5 million to 57.7 million during the six-year term of then President Felipe Calderon.

FARC-EP:Peace talks going well

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’’s Army (FARC-EP) reiterated on Sunday that the peace talks with the government are going well, and urged to support the process.

Ver más imágenesen Fotos PL

Shortly before resuming a new round of talks, which will end the current cycle of negociations, guerrilla member Ricardo Tellez stated that the parties will continue discussing the first item on the agenda, which refers to rural development.

For both the FARC-EP and the government of President Juan Manuel Santos, the land issue is a essential to find a solution to a decades-long armed conflict.

Rural development is the first point on a six-item agenda created as a basis for the talks, which include other topics such as guarantees for citizens’ participation, the end to the armed conflict and the solution to the problem of illegal drugs.

From Havana’s Conference Center, the permanent venue for the talks, the in surgency representative also called to “isolate the warmongers, to the open and hidden snipers of peace.”

The matter of the talks, the possibility to end the conflict, is on the table, and here the FARC are putting muscle, nerve, and people, he said.

According to Tellez, the guerrillas are still waiting for Simon Trinidad, who is a member the delegation to the talks, although he is doing a 60-year prison sentence in the United States, to where he was extradited in 2004. Trinidad “is needed at the table” and “we are waiting for the government’s response to the serious prison situation our comrades are facing,” he added.

Regarding the soldiers captured by the FARC-EP in Colombia on January 25, Tellez said the release of the prisoners is going well.

From Latin News: Oviedo’s death shakes up Paraguay’s electoral race

One of the most influential figures in Paraguayan politics over the last two decades died in a helicopter accident on 2 February. Retired General Lino César Oviedo Silva was on the campaign trail ahead of presidential elections on 21 April. His death could have a decisive impact on the outcome of these closely contested elections, which are being billed in the wider region as essential to put Paraguay back on a democratic footing after the contentious impeachment of President Fernando Lugo last June.

10 ways your children are being poisoned right now: vaccines, food, video games and more

by Mike Adams

Modern children are being poisoned like never before in the history of human civilization. No wonder the rate of autism in America has skyrocketed to 1 in 88 children over the last few decades, putting autism squarely in the “epidemic” category.

But don’t expect any CDC action on this epidemic. The CDC knows full well why autism rates are exploding across America, but instead of admitting the truth, the CDC is running a cover story to protect the corporate interests of the real culprits: the medical corporations poisoning children for profit.

However, they’re also being poisoned in other insidious ways that suppress free thinking, assault good health and crush children’s souls.

Here’s my list of the ten worst ways in which our children are being poisoned right now.

1) Multiple vaccinations that inject mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde into children

It is an admitted fact that today’s vaccines given to children are intentionally formulated with mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde, all of which is insanely injected into the body of infants and children. This is openly admitted by the CDC itself, which has emerged as a criminal front group for the vaccine industry.

Rather than trying to determine why vaccines are causing so much autism, the CDC tries to hide the evidence to protect the criminally-operated vaccine industry where nearly every single vaccine manufacturer operating today has been found guilty of multiple felony crimes.

2) Mercury fillings Astonishingly, dentists in the USA continue to fill children’s mouths with the most toxic heavy metal known to man: Mercury

They don’t call it mercury because that would raise too many questions. Instead, they call them “silver amalgam fillings.” But the No. 1 ingredient in these fillings is the heavy metal mercury.

3) School lunches that use toxic processed food ingredients, including sodium nitrite

School lunches continue to serve our children a toxic cocktail of chemical food additives, partiallyhydrogenated oils, chemical preservatives and even cancer-causing color fixers like sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite causes pancreatic cancer, colon cancer and brain tumors in children. It is intentionally added to hot dogs, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, lunch meats and nearly all processed meats.

A nation that eats sodium nitrite on a regular basis will have sky-high rates of cancer as a result. School lunches are also filled with GMOs which we now know cause huge cancer tumors in animals.

The USDA, which is already in bed with Monsanto on the regulatory side, also buys masses of genetically engineered food to be used in school lunch programs.

4) Television programming that poisons children’s brains with messages of materialism and inadequacy

Television was invented as a way to educate and uplift the population, but it has become dominated by commercial interests who brainwash children into worshipping materialism and being manipulated into into feelings of inadequacy. The point of this is to push sugary cereals, action figures, toys and junk foods into the minds of children so that they nag parents into buying it for them.

Virtually all Saturday morning television, for example, has devolved into a “nag factor manipulation matrix” designed to brainwash children into begging their parents to purchase consumable items that generate profits for corporate advertisers.

5) Public education that teaches revisionist history and toxic ideas about society

American children are being insidiously poisoned by public schools and all the atrociously damaging ideas those schools teach. Many schools are now teaching what is essentially socialism or even communism. They attack and ridicule students who believe in the founding principles of America: patriotism, the Bill of Rights, individual liberty and the U.S. Constitution.

Students are also now being microchipped and taught that they are slaves of the state. Just recently, in fact, several students were suspended from Kearney High School for painting the American flag on their chests for a lyp-sync music video project sponsored by the school.

6) Toxic personal care products made with cancer-causing poisons: Shampoo, skin care, toothpaste, air fresheners, laundry soap and more

Children everywhere are being bathed in toxic poisons from all their personal care products, including soaps and shampoos, laundry detergents, fabric softeners and even toothpaste. Most personal care products are loaded with cancercausing synthetic chemicals.

Laundry detergents bathe children’s clothing in cancercausing chemicals which are then worn by the children and absorbed into their bodies. When children become teens, the toxic burden is increased even more through deodorants, makeup and cosmetics, perfumes and colognes.

7) Toxic hydrofluosilicic acid dumped into the water supply after being mislabeled “fluoride”

Children are being wildly poisoned by the dumping of hydrofluosilicic acid into the water supply. This is incorrectly called “fluoride” but it’s actually a toxic byproduct of the chemical fertilizer industry or aluminum smelting industry.

As Natural News has proven, fluoride is sold as an insecticide chemical and a metals smelting chemical. It is one of the most toxic substances yet discovered, which is why it kills insects so effectively.

Fluoride is so toxic that dumping it into a river or stream in the United States would be considered an act of ecological terrorism. Yet, somehow, it is legal to dump it into the water supply of human beings who then urinated it back into the rivers and streams where it poisons the environment.

8) Toxic indoor air environments at homes and schools: Formaldehyde, molds, glues and synthetic pollutants

Indoor air pollution is a significant source of toxic chemical exposure for children. Carpets, paints, wood floor and even furniture all give off toxic fumes that can promote cancer and aggravate allergies.
Many homes, schools and commercial buildings are contaminated with toxic molds that are also ingested by infants and children. Even hospitals circulate potentially deadly superbugs that can kill children.

9) Video games

Video games teach boys that violence is normal through the relentless assault of ultra-realistic first-person shooters that put players in the position of violently murdering other human beings.

These games desensitize children to the real world, and they train children to grow up and join the military. Some of the most popular games are actually engineered and published by the military as recruiting systems for teens.

10) Mind-altering psychiatric drugs

One of the greatest crimes against children today is found in the realm of psychiatry. That dark art of anti-medicine pretends to “diagnose” children with “disorders” which are then claimed to be treated by mind-altering psychiatric drugs such as Ritalin and Prozac.

The entire industry of modern psychiatry is a criminal drug ring conducted for the sole purpose of generating profits by treating children as pharmaceutical disposal objects.

The most effective group fighting this today is the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR),

I have also recorded and produced a music video on the psychiatric drugging of children which you can see on YouTube, as I’m also an activist rapper. See more of my songs and music videos at

Here’s the video for S.S.R.Lies:

Why the banking elite wants riots in the United States

por Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: During the hours following the end of the Super Bowl game I was still locked up in my office in the San Francisco Mission District. Earlier that day I had gone to have a late breakfast at a local restaurant on 24th Street.

When I came back to my vehicle, I found two cops preparing to tow my car, as a precaution against occupying the streets after the 49ers game, with the expectation that the situation could erupt into violence on the streets. A sign was posted stating parking was prohibited after 12 noon.

Weeks before, the city had started sucking more blood from the working-class people who rest on Sundays from their crazy week by enforcing no parking after 12 noon. The fine would be $62 for parking in front of their own homes.

By day’s end, the busiest commercial part of the district was occupied by members of the police force, armed with big sticks, ready to break heads of any unsubmissive citizens who might dare to disobey ‘orders,’ and cars whose owners still did not know about the new robo-parking policy.

It was around 8:30 p.m. when I decided to go out to find something to eat, and that was when the real occupying show was in effect – in my eyes.

Helicopter engines roared through the dark sky, the streets for hundreds of blocks were inaccessible to drivers and public transportation. Security police vehicles with sophisticated communications equipment and antennas that looked like futuristic war equipment that looked like they were in a battle against al-Qaeda.

It appeared as though the elite of the crowd control units of the SFPD and the sheriff were running a drill.

Yes, I believe this was a drill, in preparation for future anticipated riots. According to social-political scientists, something big will be happening in the near future, such as widespread civil unrest, and they are preparing for it now.

What is anticipated is an upcoming financial crisis designed by the banking elite to take full control of the population through a police state. (It might not be a coincidence that the Pope is resigning now, either).

With the idea of sharing this fear and anticipating what could happen one of these days, I am sharing the following article, written by Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones, two great journalists who have been following events leading to these government preparations and banking takeovers.

Why the banking elite wants riots in America – Part 1 of a series of two

Every indication clearly suggests that authorities in the United States are preparing for widespread civil unrest. This trend has not emerged by accident – it is part of a tried and tested method used by the banking elite to seize control of nations, strip them of their assets, and absorb them into the new world order.

There is a crucial economic imperative as to why the elite is seeking to engineer and exploit social unrest.

As respected investigative reporter Greg Palast exposed in 2001, the global banking elite, namely the World Bank and the IMF, have honed a technique that has allowed them to asset-strip numerous other countries in the past – that technique has come to be known at the “IMF riot.”

In April 2001, Palast obtained leaked World Bank documents that outlined a four step process on how to loot nations of their wealth and infrastructure, placing control of resources into the hands of the banking elite.

One of the final steps of the process, the “IMF riot,” detailed how the elite would plan for mass civil unrest ahead of time that would have the effect of scaring off investors and causing government bankruptcies.

“This economic arson has its bright side – for foreigners, who can then pick off remaining assets at fire sale prices,” writes Palast, adding, “A pattern emerges. There are lots of losers but the clear winners seem to be the western banks and US Treasury.”

In other words, the banking elite creates the very economic environment – soaring interest rates, spiraling food prices, poverty, lower standards of living – that precipitates civil unrest – and then like a vulture swoops down to devour what remains of the country’s assets on the cheap.

We have already seen this process unfold in places like Bolivia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Greece and Argentina.

Next on the chopping block are Spain, Italy, Britain and France – all of which have seen widespread riots over the last two years.

As Ha-Joon Chang explains in the Guardian, the roots of Europe’s riots were sparked by “governments inflicting an old-IMF-style programme on their own populations,” namely the same programs of “austerity, privatisation and deregulation,” that caused the riots of the 80s and 90s in poorer countries.

Although the likes of the IMF and the World Bank have pillaged half of the globe with their economic terrorism, America remains the ultimate prize. The first step of the four step process for bankster seizure of a country – privatization of state-owned assets – is already well under way in America, with infrastructure being sold off to foreign corporations, with the aid of Goldman Sachs, at a frightening pace.

A key component of the banking elite’s insidious agenda to bring about an economic collapse in America by design also centers around the process of de-industrializing the country, eviscerating the nation’s platform for self-sufficiency and replacing it with dependence on banker bailouts. This has already been largely achieved in Europe – with just about every major economy on the continent run by Goldman Sachs-affiliated technocrats.

In the United States, 32 per cent of manufacturing jobs have been lost since 2000, while 56,000 manufacturing facilities have been mothballed since 2001. The Obama administration has also declared war on the coal industry, with Obama himself promising to “bankrupt” anyone who tries to build a new coal plant. Meanwhile, China builds a new coal plant every two weeks.

The American breed

by Raoul Lowery Contreras

The sun rises every morning over Washington D.C. throwing light on a major political conflict brewing between disparate people and groups using similar arguments against a grand bi-partisan coalition assembling support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Most of the anti-Reform chatter comes from three groups and people they influence; the Federation for American Reform (FAIR), the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS, and NumbersUSA.

Several commonalities exist among these incestuous groups. (1) They were all founded by one man, John Tanton, former President of ZERO POPULATION GROWTH. (2) Tanton used a million dollars from the Pioneer Fund to start the groups. (3) The groups are all anti-immigrant with particular emphasis on “non-White” immigrants that aren’t of “Nordic” stock. (4) The groups are prone to publish “studies” that are fiction or just plain lies. (5) Most positions these groups take are eerily similar to those promulgated in 1930s Nazi Germany and among contemporary Nazi sympathizers in the United States led by Harry Laughlin, first President of the Pioneer Fund.

From John Sedgwick’s Inside the Pioneer Fund: “In 1937 the Pioneer Fund was founded…Harry Laughlin, the first president of the fund, was a well-known eugenicist who in 1924 was instrumental in pushing through legislation blocking U.S. entry to Jews fleeing pogroms in Russia. Before Congress, he testified that IQ data proved that 83 percent of Jewish immigrants were born feeble-minded and therefore were a threat to the nation’s economy and genetic makeup (added italics). Laughlin subsequently lobbied to keep these barriers in place, successfully cutting off sanctuary for Jews seeking refuge from the Third Reich.”

Laughlin: “Whether we like it or not, a Jew must be assimilated or deported. The deportation of four million Jews would be many times more difficult that the repatriation of three times as many Negroes. The Jew is doubtless here to stay and the Nordic’s job is to prevent more from coming.” The 1939 defeat of a congressional bill authorizing acceptance of Jewish refugees from Hitler was blamed on Laughlin and his power in Congress. (Albany Law Review, Paul Lombardo, Ph.D. The American Breed: Nazi Eugenics and the Origin of the Pioneer Fund)

“While Harry Laughlin’s…the Pioneer Fund…remains. It was born of a racist vision of “the American Breed,” and nurtured in hopes of duplicating Nazi legal and social policy.” (Lombardo)

In view of all this comes Stephen Seinlight, a respected Holocaust scholar, Jewish activist, Columbia University educated “executive” of top-ranked Jewish organizations. He now works for the Pioneer Fund funded, John Tanton founded and run, Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).

Steinlight: Mexican immigrants…”are an “overwhelmingly poor, uneducated and low skill population…(Mexicans) families are falling apart…Their out-of-wedlock birthrates are coming close to that of African Americans…If another 11 million are legalized and get a ‘path to citizenship’ the Republican Party will be out of business…Once legalized the illegal aliens can avail themselves of the most powerful engine in the immigration system; extended family reunifications. Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation estimates the 11 million mean 60 to 100 million legal immigrants from Mexico in 20 years.”

Alarming as these statements sound, this nationally acclaimed Jewish “scholar/executive” paid by the Center for Immigration Studies is — full of crap.

Most legal immigrants into the U.S. are from Mexico. Are they “poor, uneducated and unskilled?” If they are, why were so many Americans upset when the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) allowed thousands to come to work as professionals like pharmacists, engineers, architects, doctors, etc?

If legalized will all 11 million newly legalized (of which only 6-7 million are from Mexico) bring in up to 100 million relatives legally to overwhelm the American “Nordic” population? First, Pew Research says that only 40 percent of the 1986 amnesty group became citizens. Secondly, Mexico only has 100 million people; do Steinlight and Rector think the entire country of Mexico is coming?

Are out-of-wedlock” Mexican immigrant babies approaching out-of-wedlock birth rates of African Americans (71.4 percent)? Nope. In fact, according to the Census, “out-of-wedlock” births to Mexican immigrant mothers is 36.3 percent, five percentage points lower than that of native-born Americans. The Center for Disease Control says among all Hispanics, “out-of-wedlock” births are 53 percent.

Interestingly, the National Vital Statistics (Center for Disease Control) notes that states with high Puerto Rican populations (Florida 47.6 percent and New York 41.2 percent) have higher “out-of-wedlock” rates than California (40.4 percent) with the largest Mexican population.

The question is, Are the core beliefs of the Pioneer Fund funded Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), Center for (ANTI-)Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA the same as Harry Laughlin’s racist vision of “the American breed?” And, what of Charles Murray (Bell Curve) whose research was funded by the Pioneer Fund?

Pioneer Fund cash funded FAIR, CIS, NumbersUSA and Charles Murray. What we don’t know is how profound the NAZI ideal and vision of Harry Laughlin imbues these organizations, people and their fight against Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Petrus Romanus: 900-year-old prophecy says next Pope will oversee end of days

by Mac Slavo

In 1139 A.D. the Catholic Saint Malachy was said to have experienced visions during a trip to Rome. He subsequently put these visions to paper and penned a document containing 112 short phrases purporting to describe all future popes that would head the Catholic Church. Though not a part of official Catholic dogma or church teachings, this Prophecy of the Popes is well known by Vatican officials and church scholars because it has been remarkably accurate about naming the last 111 heads of one of the world’s oldest and most widespread religions.

According to researchers, theologians and evangelical scholars, the phrases Malachy scribed in his writings offer up the “nature, name, destiny or coat of arms” of every pope in succession and culminate with the naming of the 112th pope.

This morning, Pope Benedict XVI announced he would be retiring. Jokingly referred to as “God’s Rottweiler” in some circles, the German born 111th Pontiff as described in Malachy’s prophecy is called the Gloria Olivae, or ”glory of the olive,” which some supporters of the prophecy suggest is a reference to the Benedictine Order of monks from whom Benedict got his namesake. The monks are also known as the Olivetans, and are represented by an olive branch, leaving many to believe that Saint Malachy was, once again, right.

Now, according to prophecy, the 112th Pope will step up to head the Church, and he will be named Petrus Romanus, or Peter the Roman.

Whether you’re Catholic, Christian or not a religious person at all, the fact that a 900 year old prophecy is coming to a close is intriguing. And one way or the other, whether its predictions turn out to be true or not, the prophecy concludes with the next Pope.

Eerily, the prophecy describes the Catholic Church’s last Pontiff as overseeing a new era, and one that will be met with great difficulty and destruction:

“In extreme persecution the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman…”

“Who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible or fearsome judge will judge his people.

The End.”

Prophecy of the Popes – Attributed to St. Malachy circa 1139 A.D.

Within the Book of Revelation, also known as The Apocalypse of John, are references to the destruction of the City of Seven Hills (Rome) and to the many trials that will be faced by mankind ahead of the final judgement – the rapture, the rise of the anti-christ, seven years of tribulations, and the end of days.

Suffice it to say, if the prophecy is accurate, then the world will soon be engulfed in a battle between good and evil.

The idea by some Catholics that the next pope on St. Malachy’s list heralds the beginning of “great apostasy” followed by “great tribulation” sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events, something many non-Catholics agree with. This will give rise to the false prophet, who according to the book of Revelation leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as Antichrist.

Throughout history, many Catholic priests—some deceased now—have been surprisingly outspoken on what they have seen as this inevitable danger rising from within the ranks of Catholicism as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences. These priests claim secret knowledge of an multinational power elite and occult hierarchy operating behind supranatural and global political machinations. Among this secret society are sinister false Catholic infiltrators who understand that, as the Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all Christians, it is indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state and the fulfillment of a diabolical plan called “Alta Vendita,” which assumes control of the papacy and helps the False Prophet deceive the world’s faithful (including Catholics) into worshipping Antichrist.

As stated by Dr. Michael Lake on the front cover of this unprecedented report, Catholic and evangelical scholars have dreaded this moment for centuries. Unfortunately – as you will discover in the next 90 days – time for avoiding Peter the Roman just ran out.

The prophecy begins in 1143 with the election of Pope Celestine II, who is described in Latin as “Ex caſtro Tiberis,” or “From a castle of the Tiber.” Celestine II was born in central Italy in a city that sits on the banks of the Tiber river.

Pope John Paul II is referred to as “De labore folis,” or “from the labour of the sun,” and is the only pope to have been born on the day of an eclipse and entombed on one as well.

There are scores of similar parallels between prophecy and pope, adding all the more credence to its legitimacy.

In its last prediction, though the prophecy refers to Petrus Romanus as the shepherd that will pasture his sheep, it may not necessarily mean the Pope will be on the side of the people, or even God. According to Thomas Horn, the author of Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here, the last pope is not the anti-christ, but he may well be the false prophet who ushers him in – a chilling thought for the billions of Catholics and Christians around the world:

The important fact is this. The very next Pope, following Pope Benedict the XVI who, according to a lot of news coming out of Rome right now – his days are numbered. He’s getting older, he’s getting feeble, he may retire…

The next Pope is the final one on a 900 year old prophecy.

So, imagine how historical this moment is with regard to end times bible prophecy.

By the way, the prophecy tells us that he will be the false prophet of biblical fame who will help give rise to the anti-christ.

Whether coincidence, self fulfilling through the machinations of man, or otherworldly, Malachy’s writings have certainly held the attention of the highest levels at the Vatican for centuries, and perhaps even influenced its decisions.

Now, with Benedict the XVI stepping down, we enter its final phase, and we’ll soon learn how accurate it really is.

Chayanne and Marc Anthony give free concert to 100,000 people in Mexico City

by the El Reportero’s news services

Marc Anthony & ChayanneMarc Anthony & Chayanne

With a combination of catchy numbers and a great deal of energy, Chayanne and Marc Anthony got the more than 100,000 people attending their free concert in the Zocalo, Mexico City’s main plaza, up and dancing on the weekend.

Dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, Anthony took the stage first to the beat of his hit “Valio la pena,” which got the mainly female crowd going after waiting for hours for the concert to kick off on the huge plaza on Saturday.

This is the first concert held under Mexico City Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera, who is following the lead of his predecessor, Marcelo Ebrard, in fostering huge – and free – cultural events organized in the Zocalo in a country where having to pay to go to a concert is not within everyone’s financial grasp.

Anthony was on stage for an hour and said he was very impressed to be able to perform there.

“I’ve seen a lot of things in my life, but this is incredible,” the 44-year-old singer said.

Then Chayanne came on stage, also dressed in black and wearing a tight T-shirt that provoked excited cries from among the concertgoers, to sing his number “Boom, Boom,” accompanied by a group of dancers.

Rock Band Quetzal takes home first Grammy Award for Best Latin Alternative, Urban, or Rock Album For Imaginaries Album

Last night, was an extraordinary night at the 55th Annual Grammy® Awards ( at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, where East L.A. Chicano rock band Quetzal took home their first Grammy for Best Latin Alternative, Urban, or Rock Album, for Imaginaries, released on Smithsonion Folkways Recordings (

Lead singer of Quetzal, Martha Gonzalez expressed that she felt this was a recognition for her community by saying “Imaginaries is an album that reflects the ways in which our communities, against all odds, ‘imagineer’ new realities. In this sense, the Grammy is acknowledging not only the working people in our own communities, but people in struggle all over the world.” Martha also represented her community by wearing a pink dress, with a hand painted portrait, by East Los Angeles Chicana artist Yolanda Gonzalez, and designed by Goldsmith & Klein. She also wore a silver necklace with a large sacred heart shaped stone designed by Sergio Flores of Mexico City. Band members Tylana Enomoto and Peter Jacobson proudly rode up to the red carpet on bikes saying “We’re from the neighborhood, and live down the street, so we don’t need a limo.”

The night before the Grammys, Quetzal celebrated their nomination with a free pre-Grammy concert in Boyle Heights (East L.A.) at the historical synagogue, The Breed Street Shul, where they shared the stage with other Grammy nominees Los Cojolites, and members of Sistema Bomb. The synagogue was filled to capacity as members of the East L.A. community gathered to congratulate the nominees.

Bless Me, Ultima movie to be screened at 200 more theaters nationwide

Latino culture vultures across the country will soon have a chance to see the film adaptation of a classic Mexican-American novel.

“Bless Me, Ultima,” based on the 1972 novel by Rudolfo Anaya, will be released to more than 200 theaters in February, according to Politic365. The film, directed by Carl Franklin, premiered in El Paso back in September.

Set in 1940s New Mexico, the book tells the story of the relationship between a young boy named Antonio and a curandera named Ultima. Antonio must then learn to reconcile the Catholic and Native American beliefs that are both part of his heritage.

“I fell in love with her in the sense of understanding her conduct, her character and a little bit of her soul,” actress Miriam Colon, who plays Ultima, fortold the El Paso Times. “She is the type of woman that I love because she reminds me of my mother.”

Update on Tego Calderón’s health

Los Angeles, CA (February 13, 2013) – The office of Puerto Rican rap star, Tego Calderon, reports that he suffered an accident this past weekend while vacationing with his family. He is currently hospitalized. As part of the recovery process, Tego requires surgeries that involve a prudent period of rest.

For this reason all commitments scheduled for the coming days have been postponed, but he will be ready to meet his obligations including his European tour this summer and the release of his new album, “El Que Sabe Sabe (The One Who Knows Knows)” due out in May.

Tego would like to thank all his fans and appreciates all the emails and messages he has received on his social networks.

(Hispanically Speaking News contributed to this report).