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New Obama Executive Order pushes us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: An online publication I’ve been reading articles from off-and-on, is The American Dream, which dedicates its content on in-depth political issues, unlike most local and national media. One of the themes I’ve been wishing to publish for my readers’ learning of issues not covered by the mainstream media, has been the North American Union contract, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005.

And as the quote from the article states, the aim is: “Waking people up and getting them to realize that the American Dream is quickly becoming the American nightmare,” El Reportero brings you the following piece, with the aim of exposing some of the fraud being committed against the American people and liberty.

New Obama Executive Order pushes us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system

by Michael
The American Dream

When it comes to Barack Obama, one of the most important things to understand is that he is a committed globalist. He firmly believes that more “global governance” will make the world a much better place. Throughout his time in the White House, Obama has consistently sought to strengthen international institutions such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO.

At every turn, Obama has endeavored to more fully integrate America into the “global community”. Since he was elected, Obama has signed a whole host of new international economic agreements. He regularly speaks of the need for “cooperation” among global religions and he has hosted a wide variety of different religious celebrations at the White House.

Obama once stated that “all nations must come together to build a stronger global regime.” To globalists such as Obama, it is inevitable that the United States of America will be merged into the emerging global system. Obama issued last year a new executive order that seeks to “harmonize” U.S. economic regulations with the rest of the world. This new executive order is yet another incremental step that is pushing us closer to a North American Union and a one world economic system. Unfortunately, most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening.

“Today’s executive order marks a paradigm shift for U.S. regulators by directing them to take the international implications of their work into account in a consistent and comprehensive way,” Sean Heather, vice president of the chamber’s Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation, said in an e-mailed statement.

Members of the Obama administration are touting this as a way to “reduce regulation”, but the truth is that this is much more about aligning ourselves with the rest of the world.

Obama’s “Information Czar”, Cass Sunstein, authored a piece in the Wall Street Journal on Monday in which he stressed the need to eliminate “unnecessary regulatory differences across nations” so that the United States can compete more effectively in our “interdependent global economy”.

“In an interdependent global economy, diverse regulations can cause trouble for companies doing business across national boundaries. Unnecessary differences in countries’ regulatory requirements can cost money, compromising economic growth and job creation.

Recognizing this, President Obama’s Jobs Council has called for U.S. agencies to better align U.S. regulations with those of our major trading partners. And today the president is issuing an executive order, “Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation,” with a simple goal: to promote exports, growth, and job creation by eliminating unnecessary regulatory differences across nations.”

But a one world economic system is not going to arrive overnight. Initially, it is much more likely that there will be a very strong push toward North American integration first. The goal will be to shape North America into an integrated regional economic unit similar to the EU. Cass Sunstein discussed how this new executive order will affect North American integration on the White House.

“The new Executive Order will build on work that is already underway. We have started close to home, with President Obama launching Regulatory Cooperation Councils with Prime Minister Harper of Canada and President Calderon of Mexico. The Councils are implementing work plans to eliminate or prevent the creation of unnecessary regulatory differences that adversely affect cross-border trade; to streamline regulatory requirements; and to promote greater certainty for the general public and businesses, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises, in the regulation of food, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, and other areas. The United States and Canada released the United States-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council (RCC) Joint Action Plan last December. In February, we announced the United States-Mexico High-Level Regulatory Cooperation Council (HLRCC) Work Plan.”

Last year, Barack Obama signed an agreement to create a “North American security perimeter” and most Americans never even heard about it because the mainstream news networks almost entirely ignored it.
But globalists don’t want people to become alarmed by these moves toward North American integration. In fact, a document uncovered by Wikileaks shows that those involved in the effort to integrate North America believe that an “incremental” approach is best. Apparently they believe that small moves toward integration are less likely to alarm the general population. The National Post said last year:

“The integration of North America’s economies would best be achieved through an “incremental” approach, according to a leaked U.S. diplomatic cable.

The cable, released through the WikiLeaks website and apparently written Jan. 28, 2005, discusses some of the obstacles surrounding the merger of the economies of Canada, the United States and Mexico in a fashion similar to the European Union.

An incremental and pragmatic package of tasks for a new North American Initiative (NAI) will likely gain the most support among Canadian policymakers,” the document said. “The economic payoff of the prospective North American initiative … is available, but its size and timing are unpredictable, so it should not be oversold.”

If the people of Canada, the United States and Mexico were told that there was a plan to merge all three economies, there might be massive protests to stop it, and the globalists do not want that.

As an article by Jerome Corsi last year detailed, the eventual goal is to turn North America into another version of the eurozone. The concern under the SPP has been that the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, could be evolved into a regional government, the North American Union, with a regional currency, the amero, designed to replace the U.S. dollar, the Mexican peso and the Canadian dollar.

If the globalists try to introduce the “amero”, it would probably be after a horrible financial crisis in which the U.S. dollar falls apart. The “amero” would be heralded as the “solution” to the problems that were plaguing the dollar.

If there ever is a move to get rid of the U.S. dollar for an international currency of some kind, the American people will need to resist it with all of their might.

Once our national sovereignty is gone, it will be incredibly difficult to get back. If the American people don’t take a stand while they still can, their children may wake up someday as citizens of a very oppressive “global regime”.

Ron Paul: drones, and the imperial presidence

by Ron Paul

Last week the US Senate took a break from debating the phony cuts known as “sequestration,” for Senator Rand Paul to hold a 13-hour filibuster to force the Obama administration to state whether it believes the President has the right to kill American citizens with drones on US soil. I find it tragic that there has to be a discussion on an issue that should be so self-evident.

However, feeling the pressure, the administration finally said “no,” but in language so twisted that no one should feel in the slightest bit reassured. According to Attorney General Eric Holder, the president does not believe he has the right to use the military to kill an American who is “not engaged in combat on American soil.” Left undefined is how the administration defines “combat.” As constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley wrote last week, “one can easily foresee this or a future president insisting that an alleged terrorism conspiracy is a form of ‘combat’.”

The administration’s outrageous response to the most serious Constitutional question of all — when a government can kill its own citizens — is clear evidence of an executive branch out of control.

Many of the drafters of the Constitution envisioned the presidency as an office with very limited powers, but even the most dedicated proponents of a strong presidency at the time would be shocked to see the concentration of power in the modern presidency.

Today the presidency is viewed as the center of the federal government, with each successive administration expanding the power of the executive at the expense of Congress and the people.

Ironically, some of the worst offenders are those who campaigned promising to reverse the power grabs of their predecessors. For example, candidate George W. Bush campaigned on a “humble foreign policy,” but as president he attacked Iraq based on his own administration’s lies and claimed the right to indefinitely detain anyone he deemed an “enemy combatant.”

Candidate Barack Obama promised he would reverse his predecessor’s constitutional abuses. Yet not only has President Obama not closed Guantanamo Bay, he reportedly holds weekly meetings in the oval office to draw up “kills lists,” uses drones against American citizens, and routinely sends the US military into combat abroad without even consulting Congress!

The modern use of “executive orders” also usurps the lawmaking function of Congress. The most notable recent example was President Obama’s January series of executive orders on gun control, but unfortunately there are countless other examples over the last several administrations.

Ultimately, the fault for the expansion of  presidential power lies with Congress. Too many members of Congress are all too eager to avoid responsibility for controversial actions, preferring to “pass the buck” to the president. For example, Congress no longer declares war, but instead passes an “authorization of force” telling the president he can go to war when or if he wants!

On domestic policy, Congress passes large, vaguely-worded pieces of legislation and leaves it to the president and the bureaucrats to fill in the details. Many members of Congress score points with their constituents railing against “the faceless D.C. bureaucrats” while never mentioning that they voted for the law that gave the bureaucrats their power!

Last week, a group of “fiscally conservative” senators even tried to give President Obama more authority over spending as a part of sequester replacement that would have “required” Obama to decide where to reduce spending and where to increase it. They want to restrain the president by giving him more authority?

Growth of executive power is a threat to liberty. Fortunately, Congress can restrain the executive simply by exercising its constitutional powers. The American people must demand that Congress stop passing the buck on its foreign and domestic policy responsibilities. If the people care about liberty, they will demand their representative stand up to the imperial president. Let us hope last week’s filibuster will give Congress the backbone it needs to do its job.

Former Congressman Paul’s article first appeared at, the temporary home for his weekly column until his personal web page is up and running.

The Louvre is open to Mexican borroque painting

by the El Reportero’s wire services

José Sánchez’ La VisitationJosé Sánchez’ La Visitation

PARIS – Mexico in the Louvre is the title of an exhibition of paintings and sculptures from the 17th and 18th centuries who first presented to the French public at the Paris museum, the most visited in the world.

A wooden statue of San Felipe de Jesus, belonging to the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico, opens the exhibition of works from the majority of the church of Santo Domingo, Mexico City and Puebla.

“The objective is to present a compilation of the best Mexican art of these centuries, unknown here”, said Guillaume Kientz, one of the curators of the exhibition.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Kientz stressed the importance of including those pieces along with the permanent collections of the Louvre, which every year receives about nine million visitors.

Among the oils that can be seen include The Lactaction of Santo Domingo and other paintings by Cristóbal Villalpando, one of Mexico’s most prominent painters of the late seventeenth century.

“Villapaldo’s work has a strong presence in this sample, as well as Jose Suarez’s, which is a bit previous generation and is a painter with a very personel style”, said Jonathan Brown, curator exposure.

Althoug the Mexican art of the Barroque era was influend by Flamenco, Seville and even Italian culture, has its own identity”, agreed the organizers of the exhibition will remain open until June.

Cándida Gómez, director of Cultural Development National Bank of Mexico, explained that the painting exhibited here were selected from more than 100 works.

We wished to bring a broader collection, but I think these pieces give an idea of the most important moments of the second half of the seventeenth century and the first and second century, he added.

Carlos Vives in closure ceremony of San Jose, 2013

SAN JOSE – Colombian singer Carlos Vives will perform at the closing of the 10th Central American Games San Jose 2013, informed the organizers today.

Vives, who used to sing that he played soccer with Carlos “El Pibe” Valderrama in Barranquilla, confirms that he cares both sport and music, particularly his famous vallenato.

Johnny Araya, Mayor of San Jose and president of the Organizing Committee of the Games, said the closure will be “a tribute to the youth”, with several shows and Vives concert.

The program includes the musicians Son de Tikizia, Ligia Torijano and her group, José Pablo Vargas, and extreme sports athletes such as BMX bicycle acrobats.

The regional sports event meets about 2.700 competitors from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize and Panama, and the host country, Costa Rica.


The Sport of Gentlemen

Saturday, April 27, 2013 Argentina

Sergio Martínez (C, No. 4 P4P) vs. Martin Murray (No. 8) 12 rounds – Middleweight division (for Martínez’s RING, WBC titles).

Saturday, May 4, 2013 Las Vegas

Floyd Mayweather Jr. (No. 1, No. 1 P4P) vs. TBA 12 rounds – Welterweight division (for Mayweather’s WBC title).

Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013 Las Vegas

Floyd Mayweather Jr. (No. 1, No. 1 P4P) vs. TBA 12 rounds – Welterweight division (for Mayweather’s WBC title).

Donner, drones and the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)


by Kurt Nimmo

Following the incineration of cop killer suspect Chris Dorner by the San Bernardino police, a lobbyist group dedicated to inserting drones in police work used the event to push the wares of their clients.
“Had a [drone] been able to be used in that environment, who knows what could have happened,” said Peter Bale, chairman of the board for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.
Mr. Bale went on to point a finger at “privacy advocates, which [have] slowed widespread use of drones,” according to US News & World Report. “We believe the FAA should focus on their core mission, which is safety,” he said.
The unprecedented deployment of military and surveillance drones has been “delayed many months because the FAA is being pulled into the privacy debate,” in other words a debate over the Fourth Amendment, which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures and requires a warrant supported by probable cause.

Cops all around the country are chomping at the bit to use drones, as this interactive map shows. In addition to tracking down alleged cop killers, police want to use the technology for more mundane and practical purposes in service to the state – for instance, snooping on folks exercising the First Amendment. In January, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said he would be interested in using drones for monitoring crowds and large demonstrations, according to NBC in New York.

But as former Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin notes, the introduction of drones – machines used to kill untried supposed terrorists (and their families and no small number of innocent bystanders) – in the United States means the government is ready to use military force against the American people.

“Your federal government — along with numerous local and State police agencies — is preparing to use instruments of war against the citizens of the United States,” Baldwin wrote last year. “And numerous local and State police agencies are standing in line to participate. I ask you, do the US Congress, the FAA, and our local and State authorities plan to arm these drones with more than surveillance cameras (as if that’s not bad enough)? Should we expect that the drones that will be flying over our neighborhoods would be armed with machine guns and missiles?”

Add to this chilling prospect the fact that Obama’s NDAA is similar to Hitler’s 1933 Discriminatory Decrees the SS and Gestapo used to arrest, imprison and execute thousands of political enemies without probable cause. Obama’s version was recently justified by a Justice Department memo that states “action” (killing) can be taken against individuals even if there is no clear intelligence indicating they are engaged in active plots against the U.S.

Obama’s killing machines operating in America were legalized when he signed in the NDAA at the stroke of midnight, December 31, 2011. In addition to rendition, the NDAA allows for the establishment of six national test sites where drones – including MQ-9 Reaper drones flying out of Hancock Field in New York – will fly through civil air space. The government is busily preparing the groundwork to normalize the use of drones in the United States and the Justice Department has provided the quasi-legal groundwork for their use in assassination (in direct violation of the Constitution).

It was mistakenly reported that a Customs and Border Patrol drone was used in the search for the alleged cop killer Dorner. Despite the denial, the LAPD told the Daily Express cops were “using all the tools at [their] disposal” and admitted they believe “thermal imaging cameras” used by drones are very useful in police work (including police work directed against political enemies, as the NYPD pointed out).

It is only a matter of time before the FAA and the government allow law enforcement to normalize the use of drones – not strictly for manhunts and murder investigations, but for all manner of police work, including police work against official enemies.

It is a thin line separating the extrajudicial murder of “senior operational leaders” working for official enemies in Pakistan and those singled out as national security threats in the United States (who are, according to the Department of Homeland Security, “rightwing extremists” colluding with “returning veterans”).

“The police state that J. Edgar Hoover, Oliver North, and Dick Cheney put in place is being fully embraced by Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, FBI and CIA, as well as many local police neanderthals all across America – it is as though they are drooling for some action, and for a chance for them to show the rest of the world just how tough they are,” writes Scott Lazarowitz.

It is simply foolhardy to believe the police state will not use all the tools at their disposal – including drones equipped not only with thermal imaging cameras but hellfire missiles and Quadrotor Flying Machine Guns designed to take out both al-Qaeda thousands of miles away and future Dorners and other enemies of the state in California, Alabama or anywhere else in the United States.


Venezuelans prepare for state funeral and official mourning of Hugo Chávez

by the El Reportero’s news services

Hugo ChávezHugo Chávez

Venezuelans on Wednesday are mourning President Hugo Chávez, who died after a two-year battle with cancer, while government officials make preparations for his funeral and succession.

The armed forces fired a 21-gun salute to Chávez at 8:00 a.m. and announced that a cannon would be fired once an hour until the late president was buried on Friday.

The order for the continuous salute was given by Defense Minister Adm. Diego Molero, armed forces strategic command chief Gen. Wilmer Barrientos said.

“This is one of the top honors for a head of state,” the general told VTV.

The 58-year-old Chávez died on Tuesday after battling cancer for nearly two years.

Chávez’s death was announced by a tearful Vice President Nicolás Maduro, who will serve as interim president.

Elections will be held within 30 days and Maduro is expected to be the candidate of the governing Venezuelan United Socialist Party.

The Venezuelan leader’s death made headlines around the world and his funeral is expected to be attended by several world leaders.

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez, Uruguayan President Jose Mujica and Bolivian President Evo Morales have already arrived in Caracas, while other leaders are expected to arrive on Thursday, Foreign Minister Elias Jaua said Wednesday. Chávez had undergone four operations, as well as courses of chemotherapy and radiation treatment, since first being diagnosed with cancer in June 2011.

The socialist president spent more than two months in Cuba due to complications that followed his Dec. 11 cancer surgery in Havana.

Government officials make preparations for his funeral and succession.

The armed forces fired a 21-gun salute to Chavez at 8:00 a.m. and announced that a cannon would be fired once an hour until the late president was buried on Friday.

Latin America vows to protect sharks and fight Asian interests

Latin America adopted a nearly unanimous position Wednesday at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, or CITES, meeting in Bangkok to protect sharks, putting its weight behind a proposal that the Asian bloc considers unacceptable. Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Honduras took the lead in advancing the shark-protection position, which is backed by the European Union and the United States.

Advocates of shark protection want to regulate captures and the trade in whitetip reef sharks, hammerhead sharks, sardine sharks and stingrays.

The proposals won the near unanimous support of the regional bloc formed by South America, Central America and the Caribbean at a previous CITES meeting.

The Latin American bloc wants sharks included in Appendix 2 of CITES, which regulates captures, to avoid endangering the animals’ populations.

Mexican priest activist criticizes police focus on migrants

The Rev. Alejandro Solalinde, who is known for his work with Central American migrants, said during a conference in Mexico City that he was concerned about the government’s increasing emphasis on policing in its immigration policy.

Officials have been turning the National Migration Institute, or INM, into more of a police agency, Solalinde said at the Universidad Iberoamericana.

The Catholic priest, who founded the Hermanos del Camino shelter in the southern state of Oaxaca, was forced to leave Mexico for a short time last year after receiving threats.

“Sometimes there are few migrants and up to 80 armed (Federal Police) officers, who get involved in everything” at the INM station in Acayucan, Veracruz, the priest said.

(Hispanically Speaking News contributed to this report).

Scientists: :exclusive club: to assume command of global geoengineering

by Jurriaan Maessen

Scientific publication envisions “a strategic multilateral implementation (of planetary scale geoengineering) through an exclusive ‘club’ that increases benefits to members at the expense of those excluded.”

In a recent publication published by Environmental Research Letters, three scientists have published the results of a computer simulation “game”, probing several scenario’s on how to best organize a “unilateral implementation scheme” of global geoengineering.

“(…) a sufficiently powerful international coalition might be able to deploy solar geoengineering. Here, we show that regional differences in climate outcomes create strategic incentives to form coalitions that are as small as possible, while still powerful enough to deploy solar geoengineering.”

Defining geoengineering as “intentionally reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches Earth’s surface through the use of stratospheric aerosols”, the authors used climate models (such as the ones used by the IPCC) as the basis for their “gaming” activities- which they describe as “global thermostat setting game”:

“The characteristics of coalitions to geoengineer climate are modeled using a ‘global thermostat setting game’ based on climate model results. Coalition members have incentives to exclude non-members that would prevent implementation of solar geoengineering at a level that is optimal for the existing coalition.”, authors Katharine Ricke and Ken Caldeira point out.

Under “rules and assumptions” the authors explain that “the game takes place in two stages.”

“During the first stage players choose their memberships and the winning coalition is formed. In the second stage, the winning coalition acts as a single actor to maximize the benefits of geoengineering to all coalition members. Players outside the coalition do not make decisions in this second stage.”

From the assertion that man made climate change will have different results from region to region, the scientists involved in this modeling business factored these differences into their “global thermostat setting game”, as a result of which researched different international coalitions that would be most likely to succeed in starting and maintaining a global geoengineering effort:

“(…) If a decision were made somehow to move ahead with the deployment of an intentionally introduced stratospheric aerosol layer, some regions might prefer a cooling or warming relative to the current climate, creating complicated problems in setting the global thermostat. In addition, several modeling studies have demonstrated that if solar geoengineering is used to compensate for rising greenhouse-gas concentrations and is then stopped abruptly, very rapid warming can occur. Thus, if solar geoengineering is ever implemented, stopping suddenly poses a threat.”

From this assertion follows a draconian consequence, namely that only a sustained geongineering effort of the earth’s atmosphere on the part of an international coalition can do the job. The premise of the paper, supported by their computer simulations, is that an “exclusive club” of nations taking the rein, would be the best way to sustain such a spraying campaign for a sufficient period of time:

“a strategic multilateral implementation through an exclusive ‘club’ that increases benefits to members at the expense of those excluded. If the option of a global coalition is accounted for in formulating a system of intracoalitional transfers, the game presented here always produces a stable and powerful coalition in which all coalition members benefit from excluding other parties.”

The rational behind this seemingly contradictory statement reads as follows:

“Under an exclusive coalitions model of international agreements to geoengineer, if one coalition breaks down, another is ready and eager to take its place. As the potential harm from termination grows (i.e., as the amount of greenhouse-gas forcings being compensated for with geoengineering increases), so too do the incentives to avoid this termination among all potential coalitions.”

That the geoengineering efforts by this exclusive club are a thing of the long haul is evident from the authors’ assertion that “if the coalition so decides, solar geoengineering can be implemented starting in 2015 and negotiations among club members only will determine the setting of the global thermostat for the next ten years. In each subsequent decade, negotiations begin anew, and determine a new thermostat setting for the next ten years.”

After the publication lists the outcomes of their gaming models, they conclude by stating that the “exclusive club” scenario, as opposed to an inclusive one, turns out to be the desired way to move forward:

“(…) the results of our game simulations show the maximum achievable benefits regions can gain by acting strategically to form exclusive clubs; this necessarily imposes damages on non-members relative to their preferences”.

The outcomes of this publication are inherently draconian, especially if we take into account the fact that the World Economic Forum in its latest Global Risks report warned that a “rogue nation” or individual could “hijack” global climate change for nefarious purposes. The report mentions several possible scenario’s, or X-factors, which could occur in the coming year, among which (page 57) a geoengineering nightmare, according to the report, “in which a country or small group of countries precipitates an international crisis by moving ahead with deployment or large-scale research independent of the global community. The global climate could, in effect, be hijacked by a rogue country or even a wealthy individual, with unpredictable costs to agriculture, infrastructure and global stability.”

This is an ironical confusion like only top globalist factions can produce. Where the World Economic Forum warns us about possible “rogue” parties moving ahead with planetary-wide geoengineering schemes, another group of globalist-funded scientists suggest an “exclusive club” shoud take the reins over global spraying efforts to “offset global warming”.

In the WEF-report we get the impression that the “rogue” parties described are parties that have not or will not sign onto global agreements presided over by the UN. This, according to the report, “leaves a gap for unregulated experimentation.”

“For example”, the report states “an island state threatened with rising sea levels may decide they have nothing to lose, or a well funded individual with good intentions may take matters into their own hands. There are signs that this is already starting to occur.”

“Recent studies”, the report goes on to state, “suggest that a small fleet of aircraft could inject a million tonnes of sulphur compounds into the stratosphere – enough to offset roughly half of the global warming experienced to date – for US$1-2 billion annually.”

According to environmental writer Clive Hamilton in a 2010 article for the Guardian “a powerful coalition of forces is quietly constellating around the idea of transforming the Earth’s atmosphere by simulating volcanic eruptions to counter the warming effects of carbon pollution. Engineering the planet’s climate system is attracting the attention of scientists, scientific societies, venture capitalists and conservative think tanks. Despite the enormity of what is being proposed — nothing less than taking control of Earth’s climate system — the public has been almost entirely excluded from the planning”.

In the context of the recent modeling tables published in Environmental Research Letters, these words by Hamilton (himself a believer in man-made climate change) have been taken account before they commenced with their “global thermostat setting game”. Hamilton wrote in 2010:

“If there is no international agreement an impatient nation suffering the effects of climate disruption may decide to act alone. It is not out of the question that in three decades the climate of the Earth could be determined by a handful of Communist Party officials in Beijing. Or the government of an Australia crippled by permanent drought, collapsing agriculture and ferocious bushfires could risk the wrath of the world by embarking on a climate control project”.

Apart from the fact that any planetary scale geoengineering effort would be incomprehensibly irresponsible- and apart from the fact that anthropogenic global warming is in essence a pseudo-science- the fact that scientists are now envisioning an elite club of nations taking the reins in global geoengineering should make the alarm-bells go off all over the place.

Jurriaan Maessen’s website is

Teen dies from flu after receiving flu shot

by Ethan A. Huff
Natural News

A second Minnesota teenager has reportedly died from complications of infection with influenza Type A during this current flu season, prompting health officials across the state to urge the public to get flu shots for their own protection. But missing from many of the news reports on this tragedy is the fact that the child in question, 14-year-old Carly Christenson, had already been vaccinated for influenza before flu season even started, proving the utter failure of flu shots to protect against the flu.

As reported by CBS 4 News in Minnesota, young Carly passed away on January 8, 2013, not long after she was admitted to urgent care with a bad sore throat. Believing the symptoms to stem from a mild infection, doctors at the response center gave Carly a prescription for Prednisone, a powerful steroid drug used to treat inflammation, and sent her on her way. But by the next morning, things for Carly took a serious turn for the worse.

According to reports, Carly’s sore throat evolved into a serious fever that included shortness of breath and wheezing. Her lungs filled with fluid not long after that, and she had to be rushed to the hospital to have a heart and lung bypass with an ACMO machine. In the days that followed, Carly was given regular blood transfusions, but these were ultimately not enough — she died just a few days later.

Misplaced faith in the flu shot On the first day when Carly was admitted to urgent care, both her parents and the doctors at the clinic were reportedly not all that concerned about the child’s mild throat infection, as she had reportedly already been vaccinated for the flu back in August.

The fact that Carly had gotten a flu shot, in other words, was seen by Carly’s family and her doctors as a shield of protection for the girl — after all, authorities would not recommend flu shots if they did not actually work, right?

This misplaced faith in flu shots ultimately provided a false hope for Carly’s  family that she would be protected against the flu, a faith that was ultimately shattered by the reality of the complete ineffectiveness of the flu shot. Immediately after Carly’s death, authorities actually tried to deny that Carly died from the flu, referring to her condition as “flu-like.”

The head of the Minnesota Health Department, Kris Ehresmann, even went so far as to claim that she “could not confirm” that Carly had ever even had a flu shot, even though other sources had already confirmed that she had, indeed, gotten the shot.

Still others have since tried to reassure the public that flu shots still work, and that Carly’s death is some kind of medical anomaly.

But the science speaks for itself — in a best case scenario, flu shots provide protection for only about 1.5 out of every 100 people.

The other 98.5 people who get flu shots are needlessly exposed to toxic adjuvants and viral materials that could cause them to develop the flu, or worse.

Consider the case of seven-year-old Kaylynne Matten of Vermont as evidence of the dangers of the flu shot. As reported by investigative journalist Christina England over at, young Kaylynne died last year in her mother’s arms just four days after receiving a flu shot at an annual checkup.

According to Kaylynne’s parents, the young girl, who had no pre-existing health conditions and was a very healthy child, developed a serious headache and fever the day after getting her flu shot. Three days later, Kaylynne suddenly stopped breathing and died without warning in her mother’s arms.

Killing the dollar: G20 & MF push for global fed, global currency

por Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: For many, the economy is doing great now or better said, better – apparently – and this is always true when the Federal Reserve press switch of the printer button and starts printing green bills or Federal Reserve Notes. Imagine if each state of the Union was able to do the same, we would have to borrow money from the privately-owned Federal Reserved Bank. Not many of you might know that the money printed is just paper, not backed up by oil, gold or silver. It’s just paper currency, backed up by the faith and credit of the American people. It means we are saying: print 1 trillion dollar and charge it to us – tax payers, and we will pay it someday. Hence, the scaling debt we now carry to generation and generations.

I am not an expert on these issues of currency and global economy, but the following article authored by William F. Jasper, of the New American, shares with you his insight on how the globalists are pushing for a global Federal Reserved, which will giving them the power to take over our liberties in the world, and create the one world government dictatorship they have been dreaming of for centuries. This is the enslavement of humanity. And the media from which you watch your news every day, is an accomplice of it.

Killing the dollar: G20 & IMF push for global fed, global currency

by William F. Jasper
New American

While headline stories about averting the dangers of an international “currency war” dominated news coverage of the recently concluded G20 meeting in Moscow, the real unreported story is that the global gathering of central bankers and finance ministers is pushing forward with their plan for “supersizing” the International Monetary Fund. The end goal is to transform the IMF into a global Federal Reserve, with the ability to flood the world with huge new volumes of loans and currency. It would also wield vast financial regulatory powers.

The IMF’s unit of account, or “currency,” known as a Special Drawing Right (SDR), is being readied for eventual adoption as the replacement for the U.S. dollar in international transactions, to lead the way toward eventual adoption of the SDR or some other designated unit as the global currency, much in the same way that the euro was foisted upon the people of Europe as a replacement of their national currencies.

The mainstream media seem intent on keeping the public fixated on the latest Kardashian frolics, sportsmania, and Democrat-Republican political mudwrestling, while coverage of the G7, G20, and IMF confabs that are determining the economic fate of the world receive short shrift. And the little reporting of these events that does leak out usually amounts to little more than regurgitation of the pre-scripted talking points of the conference principals. Over the past four years, The New American has published numerous articles detailing the radical plans currently underway for the total destruction of the dollar and the plans for supersizing the IMF into a global Fed. (See the linked stories at the bottom of this article).

Virtually unreported was IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde’s comments at the close of the G20 Moscow summit on February 16 that she expected the IMF members to come through soon with the remaining funds necessary to double the IMF’s funds. Unknown to most voters and taxpayers the world over is the fact that their governments’ finance ministers agreed at the G20’s Korea meeting in 2010 to increase the “quotas” (contributions) of each member to the IMF, effectively doubling the IMF’s SDR assets to about $US 750 billion.

The IMF has also benefited immensely from another set of recent innovations that have received almost zero news coverage: the New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) and the General Arrangements to Borrow (GAB).

Once activated, the IMF reports, the NAB “can provide supplementary resources of up to SDR 370.0 billion (about $567 billion) to the IMF.”

“The potential amount of credit available to the IMF under the GAB totals SDR 17 billion (about $26 billion),” says the same IMF web page.

With our national budget now being measured in trillions of dollars, the mere hundreds of billions of dollars the IMF is bandying about may no longer seem as impressive as it once might have. However, the IMF has much grander visions; this is just the start. As we reported previously, the IMF’s Christine Lagrande in February 2012 called for a trillion dollar “firewall,” including a European Stability Mechanism (ESM) for bailing out the collapsing economies of Europe’s socialist regimes. Finance ministers, including then U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, all took to chatting up the supposed necessity of the emergency “firewall.” As we reported at the time, acceding to these calls would be the equivalent of “giving even more matches and gasoline to the arsonists who have already burned through trillions of dollars in ‘quantitative easing’ and ‘stimulus’ funds.”

Following the Fed’s Example

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told the Moscow G20 conference that the Fed would continue its inflationary policy of creating colossal sums of new digital dollars out of thin air, otherwise known as “quantitative easing.”

A Bloomberg report noted:

The Fed under Bernanke has expanded assets to a record exceeding $3 trillion and pushed down the benchmark interest rate close to zero….

The Fed last month affirmed a plan to buy $85 billion per month in bonds, seeking to foster growth and reduce a 7.9 percent jobless rate.

“We believe that by strengthening the U.S. economy we are helping to strengthen the global economy as well,” Bernanke told the G20 ministers, according to Bloomberg.

“The Federal Reserve continues to provide accommodative monetary policy in our effort to foster maximum employment and price stability,” Bernanke said.

Venezuela’s foreign policy without Chávez: the end of ALBA?

by W. Alex Sánchez
Council On Hemispheric Affairs

Hugo Chávez Frias, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, passed away on March 5, 2013, due to severe health complications. For at least the past year and half, the Venezuelan head of state had been battling cancer that continued to appear in spite of several surgeries. He traveled to Cuba for a new round of treatment this past December 2012, naming his vice President, Nicolas Maduro, as his successor, should the worst happen.

Now, the question is whether Maduro will respect the country’s constitution and call for new presidential elections within the constitutional period of 30 days. The Venezuelan opposition has not yet elected a candidate, though all eyes are on Henrique Capriles Radonski, who ran and lost to Chávez for the presidency in the October 7, 2012 elections. He was reelected as the governor as the state of Miranda in the recent December 16 regional elections.

Venezuela has had the same president since 1998, with Chávez creating a very particular foreign policy. A critical question will be how will the post-Chávez Venezuelan government organize its relations and initiatives with other states, and how vastly will they differ from Chávez’s vision.


Regarding foreign policy, a critical question is what will become of Chávez’s pet project, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA). This bloc is made up of nations whose presidents were friendly to Chávez, such as Ecuador’s Rafael Correa and Bolivia’s Evo Morales. President Correa recently said that the revolution was larger than one man and would continue even in the event of Chavez’s death. Nevertheless, it is debatable whether any of ALBA’s heads of state, including Maduro, are charismatic enough and have the same interest in the alliance to keep it afloat. Correa was recently reelected and Morales is scheduled to run for a new presidential term in 2014; likely to be reelected. It remains to be seen whether any will be able to carry out Chavez’s vision.

Oil and Petro Caribe

Chávez used oil recourses to not only improve the quality of life of poor Venezuelans, but also as an integral part of his foreign policy. After coming to power, he expelled Western oil companies operating in the country and replaced them with Chinese and Russian based companies. In addition, Venezuela donated millions of barrels of oil to needy Caribbean states, particularly Cuba, but also countries like Trinidad and Tobago.

Without Chávez, it is questionable how Venezuela’s oil will be extracted. Should elections be called for and Capriles Radonski comes to power, would he accept, once again, Western oil companies? Furthermore, even if Maduro continues to govern, will Venezuela continue to provide such high quantities of oil, essentially as gifts, to Cuba and other regional states?

Venezuela-U.S. relations

Finally, an important consideration will be the Caracas-Washington relationship be in the coming years, having been shaped mainly around the personalities of their leadership in the past decade. For example, US Venezuela relations were fairly strained while Chávez and George W. Bush were in power. Chávez went as far as memorably calling Bush “the devil” during a UN conference in New York. When Barack Obama was elected President, there was a general feeling that relations would improve.

Indeed, Obama and Chávez met during a summit of the Americas, with both leaders shaking hands and Chávez giving the American head of state a book as a gift. While relations during Chávez and Obama’s first presidential term did not worsen, neither did they improve as desired. One complicated factor was the U.S. maintenance of the Cuban embargo.

Chávez regarded Fidel Castro as his mentor. The U.S. also prevented Cuba from attending the April 2012 Summit of the Americas in Colombia, with Cuba’s allies protesting the decision.

Without Chávez, how will Washington-Caracas relations be affected?

Obviously, much will have to do with whether Maduro remains in power or Capriles enters the presidency. Maduro may end up not being as hardlined as Chávez while Capriles may seek improved relations with Washington for economic reasons.


Venezuela in the post Chávez era will certainly look different than when he was alive: the question is how different. Will Maduro, who rose up the ranks from bus driver to become foreign minister and vice president, remain faithful to his mentor’s socialist vision? Or will Capriles, or another opposition candidate, win the presidency and take the country in a different direction, potentially making it resemble Venezuela’s pre-Chávez era?

A critical aspect of Venezuela’s post Chávez government is how its foreign policy will be structured. During his tenure, Chávez determined much of Venezuela’s foreign policies in accordance with his ideologies. It will be of interest to see whether the ministry of foreign affairs and its diplomatic corps will have more impact on future policies.

W. Alex Sanchez is a Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.