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Ex- terrorist: Al-Qaeda in Syria is being led by CIA

You are fighting the war in Syria on America’s behalf”

Paul Joseph Watson

Former Al-Qaeda member Sheikh Nabil Naiim has released astounding video testimony in which he asserts that the leader of Jabhat Al-Nusra, the primary fighting force in Syria attempting to topple President Bashar Al-Assad, is a CIA operative.

Sheikh Nabil Naiim, considered to be the historical leader of the Islamic Jihadist movement in Egypt, led the Safwa Al-Qaeda training camp where he met Osama Bin Laden. Naiim then moved to Sudan with Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and was officially recognized as an Al-Qaeda member.

Having been directly involved in the assassination of Egyptian president Anwar Al-Sadat, Naiim was imprisoned after an attempt to assassinate Hosni Mubarak and only released after Mubarak’s regime collapsed. Naiim subsequently abandoned violence and is now outing his former comrades as being on the CIA payroll.

“I personally believe that the leader of the Nusra Army (Mohammed al-Jawlani), who declared his support for Ayman Al Zawahiri, is a CIA operative in the Al Nusra,” states Sheikh Naiim.

Naiim also identified Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri as a US double agent.

“What is Zawahiri going to give you? Scud missiles? He owns nothing and he’s constantly on the move. All he owns is the recording that he releases every 6 months. But these however are his orders from the Americans,” states Naiim.

Speaking of being “fooled by an American plot,” Naiim states that “the US has been allowing us (Al-Qaeda) to fight in Afghanistan for 18 years and have funded and supported us,” adding that members of the militant group were being manipulated.

He then turns his attention to Al-Nusra terrorists fighting to topple Assad in Syria, warning them, “You are fighting the war in Syria on America’s behalf” and that eventually they will “be called terrorists and you will be killed or put in prison just like what happened to us after Afghanistan.”

“These leaders are manipulating you, you will find yourself dying and the Americans fulfilling their goals not yours,” adds Naiim.

Naiim’s assertion that Jabhat Al-Nusra is being directed by the CIA would demolish claims by the White House and other NATO powers that there is a distinction between the Al-Nusra front, which killed U.S. troops in Iraq, and Free Syrian Army rebels.

The leader of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Mohammed al-Jawlani, swore allegiance to Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri back in April.

Immediately after the State Department declared Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist organization, 29 different FSA rebel outfits pledged allegiance to the Al-Qaeda group.
In addition, a top FSA General recently told Al-Jazeera that the FSA is cooperating with Al-Nusra.

The Obama administration recently announced that it would send heavy weaponry to the Syrian rebels, although the CIA has been aiding in weapons transfers from other Gulf countries since at least the beginning of last year, according to the New York Times.

There are numerous other clear indications that Syrian rebels have merged with Al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria.

– FSA rebels are defecting to Jabhat al-Nusra in droves.

– FSA rebels have vowed to “fight the U.S.” once they finish with Bashar Al-Assad.

– FSA rebels have been filmed burning US and Israeli flags on more than one occasion.

– FSA rebels have been filmed on previous occasions singing songs that glorify Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks.

– One FSA group even calls its fighting unit the “Osama Bin Laden” brigade.

– Another video shows FSA rebels chanting, “We are all with Osama bin Laden!”

– FSA rebels have voiced their desire to see the Al-Qaeda flag fly over the White House once the rebels are victorious across the region.

The fact that deadly weapons about to be sent by Washington will almost certainly end up in the hands of Al-Qaeda terrorists who won’t hesitate to later use them against American interests has not stopped the mad rush to pour gas on an inferno that some experts have warned could escalate into world war three.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos.

(Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News).

Heal the gut with these five superfoods

by Derek Henry

In a world where digestive problems run amok, it’s little wonder that people are desperately looking for remedies that will help fix their gut issues. Although it is not simple, these five superfoods can help clean up the ‘internal trash’, balance your bacteria, and heal any damage that has been done, so you can get your gut back to normal.


Garlic is an amazing superfood that can dramatically alter your inner ecology with its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Quite simply, it helps safely remove all those little critters that are destroying your digestive system.

In fact, Washington State University has confirmed that garlic is far more effective than pharmaceutical antibiotics in fighting a common bacteria known as campylobacter bacterium, which currently infects 2.4 million Americans per year. Keeping your gut clear of these harmful bacteria will go a long ways to healing your digestive system.

Coconut ke fir

Coconut ke fir is somewhat of a lesserknown superfood, but is powerful nonetheless.

Coconut kefir is the simple process of using young coconut water and fermenting it to a state that leaves it teeming with billions of beneficial microorganisms.

These friendly bacteria help balance your inner ecosystem, which in turn facilitates digestion, nutrient absorption, and toxin removal. Bottom line, if you want to clean up your gut, repopulating it with beneficial bacteria is a requirement. Taking an ounce of kefir in the morning, at meals, and before bed is a great way to start.


Sauerkraut is essentially fermented cabbage, which contains a vast array of nutrients and a hardy strain of probiotics, and does an exceptional job of cleaning and ‘furnishing’ your gut with beneficial bacteria so that it can heal and work efficiently again.

Add it as a side to any meal, or get creative and incorporate it into dishes where you would normally add vegetables.


Aloe vera is a highly medicinal plant, and most of the benefits seem to come from the gel.

Aloe gel contains active compounds that help temper inflammation and block bacteria from infecting various areas of our body, including our digestive tract. They are also believed to help regenerate cells for faster healing times, which is vitally important in healing your gut after significant damage has occurred.

Aloe gel has also showed promise in healing gastric ulcers. According to a study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology in April 2006, when given internally, aloe gel reduced gastric inflammation and generated ulcer healing in mice.

Sangre de drago

Sangre de Drago is a latex-like red sap that comes from the Croton species of tree in the Amazon rainforests.

This medicinal sap has been used for a variety of ailments, including ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

The two main phytochemicals responsible for its healing properties are an alkaloid known as Taspine (documented as anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorous, and antiviral) and a lignan known as Dimethylcedrusine, which plays a central role in sangre de drago’s wound healing capabilities.

When smeared onto a sterile plate and allowed to dry, then doused with E. coli bacteria, it was found that the bacteria promptly died in the presence of the sangre de drago.

A clean gut can create a clean bill of health Eighty percent of our immunity, and conversely, where 80 percent of things go wrong, starts in the gut. It is perhaps the most important factor to consider when deciding to clean up your health. Start with these five superfoods, and continue to add to your arsenal in order to keep your gut free of damaging pathogens, and full of beneficial bacteria. My gut says go for it. (Natural News).

Evo Morales denounces acts of conspiracy in Bolivian Foreign Ministry

by the El Reportero wire services

Evo MoralesEvo Morales

President Evo Morales denounced acts of conspiracy and delivery of confidential documents to the United States by workers of Bolivia’’s foreign ministry.

In an act of possession of new deputy ministers, the president said they have evidence that institution staff violated state secrecy and gave secret information to the U.S. Embassy.

In an inauguration ceremony of new deputy ministers, the president said to have evidence that the institution staff has been violating state secrecy and giving secret information to the U.S. Embassy.

Morales said he could not understand how Foreign Ministry workers could betray their country and said that the release of documents was not free.

Colombia Rejects Nicaraguan report to UN about continental shelf

The Colombian Foreign Ministry has rejected a report presented by Nicaragua before a United Nations commission calling for the recognition of the boundaries of its continental shelf extending beyond the visible 200 mile limit in the western Caribbean.

According to a public statement from the foreign ministry published here, the Nicaraguan government is trying to get the U.N. to make a pronouncement recognizing the existence of “a supposed continental shelf platform.”

The document was presented on Monday by Nicaraguan authorities before the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS), founded by United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, in 1982.

“Colombia is not part of the CLCS and the CLCS has not been ratified by Colombia, therefore it does “not accept any action by the CLCS,” says the statement from the Colombian foreign ministry.

Nicaragua said yesterday that the documents presented to be reviewed by the U.N. Commission contain scientific and technical information that is required to establish the outside boundaries of its continental shelf 200 miles further out to sea.

The Nicaraguan permanent mission before the U.N. reaffirms itself as a coastal country and member of the Convention on the Law of the Sea that has enjoyed since 2000 “all its rights over the continental shelf.”

U.S. Congressman threatens Ecuador with trade retaliation

U.S. Republican Congressman Sandy Levin today threatened Ecuador with trade retaliation if that country grants asylum to former contractor of the National Security Agency Edward Snowden, who is now in Moscow, Russia.

According to Levin, a decision of this kind from the Quito authorities could prevent the passage in Congress of a bill to renew the facilities to trade with that country, and even immediately block discussion of the measure in the U.S. Congress.

The Andean Trade Preference Act, passed in 1991, expires at the end of July and the process of recovery will be analyzed through the Ways and Means Committee, which Levin chairs at the House of Representatives, and by a Senate panel for financial affairs, said today the newspaper The Hill.

A statement of the Ecuadorian Embassy in this capital recalled Wednesday that the controversy over the Snowden case was not caused by that nation, and demanded that the White House present their written arguments against the granting of asylum to the former contractor.

The deputy chief of the diplomatic mission of Ecuador, Efrain Baus, called the cessation of false, negative and counter accusations against his government by officials of the administration of President Barack Obama. Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño, reiterated this week that the nation put their principles above their economic interests, defending the decision of considering the asylum application of Snowden, accused by U.S. authorities of giving secret information to the press about government spyware. (Prensa Latina contributed to this report).

“11 million ‘illegal’ immigrants are threatening our national security and way of life”

by Marvin Ramirez

I was asked if I support Amnesty

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

I received an email with the first line asking me: Do you support Amnesty?

The email contained a statement that really touched my intelligence.

“The “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, S. 744, has the potential to transform America, literally. This thinly veiled amnesty plan would almost instantly legalize 11 million (or more) illegal immigrants, threatening our national security, our economy and our way of life.”

Really? I said to myself. I didn’t know that! How can that be?

I know many undocumented people who would not be and have been a danger to our security.

They have been living here for many years, decades, in the shadows. Being in the shadows means that they cannot get exploited by the IMF via the IRS, a private corporation. Being in the shadows they cannot build businesses.

However, if they get legalized, they will be able to start investing their hard-earned money in the U.S. – if they felt this will be their secured home.

No more thinking “I am going to be deported at any time, so I am going to send my money away.”

Those who have been already here for decades – in the shadows – how are they going to be a danger and a threat to the U.S. and your way of life now by becoming lawful residents upon becoming lawful residents?

If they are legalized, I assume they will start thinking about the U.S. as their new, permanent home. They will probably vote Republican, given that their culture tend to be conservative: God, family values, and hard work. Republicans think the will become democrats, and will delude the Republican vote power.

Where do you get the idea that they will be a threat to our national security if they are legalized? Whoever believes that, is wrong.

Remember that the reason most of the undocumented are here is because the elite wants them to be slaves here, and make Mexico economically dependent to the U.S., while the elite is sending the U.S. jobs abroad so bankrupting the U.S. economy. Have you noticed that the Chinese are really the invaders? They are the real ones becoming a threat to you, by utilizing the U.S. debt money (bonds) that Communist China is now monetizing to buy the United States’s real state, businesses, media, etc?

Just the women Chinese army is comprised of over 330 million, almost the same number of the entire U.S. population.

Look at the statistics. While you’re leading your fighting against undocumented Latinos, and considering them as enemies, you have in fact being deceived.

The Chinese are the real enemies, they are becoming your food and industrial supplier, including becoming your landlord. They practically own the U.S. now. Wake up America!!!!

Fight the real enemy. The elite’s plan is to create a oneworld- government – and China is one of its leaders.

Soon the North American Union (NAU) will be advertised openly. The contract was signed by Canada Prime Minister, Bush and Vicente Fox. It’s a done deal!

The elite already created the European Union, the African Union and the Asian Union. And they have already signed the contract between Canada, the United and Mexico as the NAU, which will do away with our Constitution and our presidential system. The ruler will be the president of the NAU, an official not elected by the people. By doing this, they have dissolved the sovereignty of those countries, which are now ruled by nonelected leaders, who work at the pleasure of the International Monetary Fund. You should also know that the U.S. is not a country anymore: it’s a Corporation.

That is why Obama – as a foreign-born immigrant – can be the President or CEO – because he is not the President of the country, but rather of the corporation called UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is what they never taught you in high school civics class: The United States is a FEDERAL CORPORATION. See 28 U.S.C. Sec. 3002(15) (A) (B)(C). The Federal Reserve is the government. And for your information, Washington, D.C. is a sovereign city-state, not bound by any laws or treatises that the 50 states in the Union are (just as the City of London is not part of England, and the Vatican is also a sovereign city-state).

NAFTA and the many secret deals made between the elite in Mexico and in the U.S. are causing the large influx of undocumented workers as a trade, by design.

They want to turn the once prosperous U.S. into a debtor and third-world country to enslave Americans, and they are doing a good job accomplishing it. In part because of people like you, who are fighting the wrong war.

The bottom line here is that you are fighting the wrong ‘enemy,’ while your country is being stolen by these forces. The undocumented immigrants should be given the opportunity to make a decent living and contribute, while you should attract them to your side to help you win back the Republic.

Hey, at the same time, once you get your Republic back, you can help Mexico’s economy, which in turn will create a positive trading partner, so no Mexican or Central American will have to leave their beautiful countries.

And believe me, many don’t want to be here. Life here has become like living in a real banana plantation republic, a place where you have to work two jobs in order to barely survive.

Enemy of freedom Lindsey Graham says he would support censoring mail for ‘national security’ purposes

by Ethan A. Huff

If there is any remaining doubt in your mind about the fact that the federal government today has been completely overrun by sociopathic, freedom-hating enemies of the U.S. Constitution, some recent absurd statements made by South Carolina Senator (and full-fledged American traitor) Lindsey Graham, a Republican, should put all such doubt to rest.

When questioned recently about the unveiling of the massive and insanely illegal National Security Agency (NSA) spying and surveillance program, which involved tracking the online activities of innocent Americans without warrant, Graham expressed his full approval for the initiative. He also went a step further, indicating that he would also support intercepting and censoring postal mail as well if it was deemed necessary for “national security” purposes.

“In World War II, the mentality of the public was that our whole way of life was at risk, we’re all in,” said a deranged Graham to reporters. “When you wrote a letter overseas, it got censored. When a letter was written back from the battlefield to home, they looked at what was in the letter to make sure they were not tipping off the enemy. If I thought censoring the mail was necessary, I would suggest it, but I don’t think it is.”

Well, phew! Thank goodness Sen. Graham does not currently see fit to have government thugs rip open our mail and read our private letters without probable cause or a warrant, in direct violation of the Constitution. But the fact that he could approve of such illegal activity in the future shows just how much of a threat this domestic enemy is to American freedom.

Lindsey Graham, the type of domestic enemy our Founding Fathers warned us about

None of this is all that surprising really, given Sen. Graham’s extensive track record of trashing the Constitution every chance he gets – for your safety and security, of course. Concerning the brave and highly-patriotic whistleblowing activities of former NSA insider and CIA contractor Edward Snowden, for instance, Sen. Graham made the suggestion that this American patriot be followed “to the ends of the earth to bring him to justice.”

Snowden’s only “crime,” of course, was exposing a massive online surveillance program that makes the wiretapping activities of George Bush’s Patriot Act looks like mere child’s play. The real traitor and enemy in this case is none other than Sen. Graham, who should be immediately pulled from office and tried for treason for blatantly violating his oath of office, not to mention the many other traitors in Congress that are calling for Snowden to be prosecuted rather than hailing him as the hero he truly is.

“I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions,” wrote Snowden in a note accompanying the release of documents showing that the NSA is in the process of building an advanced, global spying machine. “(But) I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant.”

Rather than back Snowden, Sen. Graham and others have viciously demonized him, exposing who they truly side with: The globalist powers rather than us, the American people. Thus, it is time for Sen. Graham to go, along with Obama, Republican Senator John McCain, Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner, Republican Senator John Thune, and the many others in Congress from both sides of the aisle who have betrayed both their oaths of office and the people for whom they were enlisted to serve.

“[Lindsey Graham] is a traitor to these United States just as surely as a sworn member of al Qaeda is,” wrote Mark Shea for following the passage of Obama’s traitorous National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) back in 2011. Graham was a vehement supporter of this atrocious bill. “In a more civilized age, [those who supported such a bill] would be defenestrated and put in the stocks to be pelted with mud.” (Natural News).

Salsa great Cheo Feliciano confirs he has cancer

by the El Reporero staff and wire service

Cheo FelicianoCheo Feliciano

Puerto Rican singer Jose Luis Feliciano Vega, known by his stage name of Cheo Feliciano, confirmed Wednesday in a statement that he is suffering from cancer and that he will undergo chemotherapy.

The office of the 77-year-old salsa performer released a statement after several people went to the media on the Caribbean island to provide information about the artist’s health without his permission.

“Two months ago I was diagnosed with a form of treatable cancer. Thanks to my God who has never abandoned me in these 77 years of life and to the group of excellent doctors in charge of my health care, I’m in full recovery,” said the singer.

Cheo Feliciano said that the members of the medical team treating him are very optimistic regarding his situation and have assured him that in the coming months he will be able to resume performing.

“I’m taking advantage of this opportunity to publicly express my thanks for the unconditional support I’ve received, first from my family, my children, grandchildren, great-granddaughter and my rock, my beloved wife Coco,” said the singer, who was born in the Puerto Rican city of Ponce.

“To all the fans around the world who have poured themselves into calls and kindnesses, and to my brother music colleagues who have provided their support to me in this phase of my life, thanks for so much love and keep praying for my quick recovery,” concluded the artist in his communique.

Antonio Banderas, Alejandro Sanz to Sing Duet at Gala

Antonio Banderas on Tuesday in this capital announced the fourth Starlite benefit gala, which will be held on Aug. 10 in the southern Spanish resort city of Marbella and at which the actor will sing with Alejandro Sanz.

During the presentation of the gala, Sanz said in a taped video segment that he was proud to be part of the event and to Misiónreceive the Starlite Gala 2013 Humanitarian Award.

Argentine model Valeria Mazza will also receive an award at the gala for her philanthropic work.

Just like every year, the funds collected from the gala will go to the foundation Banderas heads – Lagrimas y Favores – and to the Niños de la Alegria foundation headed by Sandra Garcia-Sanjuan and Mexican businesswoman Alejandra Aleman.

Banderas, who has just finished filming a movie in Bulgaria, added that he appreciates the fact that the artists participating in the gala “work for free.”

Google’s deep CIA and NSA connections

A demonstration against Google company. (PHOTO BY WWW.WEBGUILD.ORG)

by Eric Sommer

The Western media is currently full of articles reporting Google’s denial that it cooperated in a government program to massively spy on American and foreign citizens by accessing data from Google’s servers and those of other U.S. software companies.
The mainstream media has, however, almost completely failed to report that Google’s denial, and its surface concern over ‘human rights’, is historically belied by their deep involvement with some of the worst human cobrights abuses on the planet:
Google is, in fact, a key participant in U.S. military and CIA intelligence operations involving torture; subversion of foreign governments; illegal wars of aggression; and military occupations of countries which have never attacked the U.S. and which have cost hundreds of thousands of lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and elsewhere.
To begin with, as reported previously in the Washington Post and elsewhere, Google is the supplier of the customized core search technology for ‘Intellipedia, a highly-secured online system where 37,000 U.S. spies and related personnel share information and collaborate on their devious errands.

Agencies such as the so-called ‘National Security Agency’, or NSA, which is implicated in the current ‘spying on Americans’ scandal, have also purchased servers using Google-supplied search technology which processes information gathered by U.S. spies operating all over the planet.

In addition, Google is linked to the U.S. spy and military systems through its Google Earth software venture. The technology behind this software was originally developed by Keyhole Inc., a company funded by Q-Tel, a venture capital firm which is in turn openly funded and operated on behalf of the CIA.

Google acquired Keyhole Inc. in 2004. The same base technology is currently employed by U.S. military and intelligence systems in their quest, in their own words, for “full-spectrum dominance” of the planet.

Moreover, Google’s connection with the CIA and its venture capital firm extends to sharing at least one key member of personnel. In 2004, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter, moved from his old job directly serving the CIA to become ‘Senior Federal Manager’ at Google.
As Robert Steele, a former CIA case officer has put it: Google is “in bed with” the CIA.

Google’s Friends spy on millions of Internet Users

Given Google’s supposed concern with ‘human rights’ and with user-privacy, it’s worth noting that Wired magazine reported some time ago that Google’s friends at In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the CIA, invested in Visible Technologies, a software firm specialized in ‘monitoring social media’.

The ‘Visible’ technology can automatically examine more than a million discussions and posts on blogs, online forums, Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, Amazon, and so forth each day. The technology also ‘scores’ each online item, assigning it a positive, negative or mixed or neutral status, based on parameters and terms set by the technology operators. The information, thus boiled down, can then be more effectively scanned and read by human operators.

The CIA venture capitalists at In-Q-Tel previously said they will use the technology to monitor social media operating in other countries and give U.S. spies early-warning detection on how issues are playing internationally, according to spokesperson Donald Tighe. There is every possibility that the technology can also be used by the U.S. intelligence operatives to spy on domestic social movements and individuals inside the U.S.

Finally, Obama during his recent meeting with Chinese president Xi, again more-or-less accused China of cyber intrusions into U.S. government computers. There has, however, been a curious absence from the statements emanating from Google, from U.S. government sources, and from U.S. media reports of truly substantive evidence linking the Chinese government with the alleged break-in attempts. Words like ‘sophisticated’ and ‘suspicion’ have appeared in the media to suggest that the Chinese government is responsible for the break-ins. That may be so. But it is striking that the media has seemingly asked no tough questions as to what the evidence behind the ‘suspicions’ might be.

It should be noted that the U.S. government and its intelligence agencies have a long history of rogue operations intended to discredit governments or social movements with whom they happen to disagree. To see how far this can go, one need only recall the sordid history of disinformation, lies, and deceit used to frighten people into supporting the Iraq war.

Whether the past attacks on U.S. government systems, Google email, et al originated from the Chinese government, from the U.S. intelligence operatives, or from elsewhere, one thing is clear: A company that supplies the CIA with key intelligence technology; supplies mapping software which can be used for barbarous wars of aggression and drone attacks which kill huge numbers of innocent civilians; and which in general is deeply intertwined with the CIA and the U.S. military machines, which spy on millions, the company cannot be motivated by real concern for the human rights and lives of the people in the U.S. and on the planet.


Bank of America lied to homeowners and rewarded foreclosures, ex employees say

by Paul Kiel

Bank of America employees regularly lied to homeowners seeking loan modifications, denied their applications for made-up reasons, and were rewarded for sending homeowners to foreclosure, according to sworn statements by former bank employees.

The employee statements were filed late last week in federal court in Boston as part of a multi-state class action suit brought on behalf of homeowners who sought to avoid foreclosure through the government’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) but say they had their cases botched by Bank of America.

In a statement, a Bank of America spokesman said that each of the former employees’ statements is “rife with factual inaccuracies” and that the bank will respond more fully in court next month. He said that Bank of America had modified more loans than any other bank and continues to “demonstrate our commitment to assisting customers who are at risk of foreclosure.”

Six of the former employees worked for the bank, while one worked for a contractor. They range from former managers to front-line employees, and all dealt with homeowners seeking to avoid foreclosure through the government’s program.

When the Obama administration launched HAMP in 2009, Bank of America was by far the largest mortgage servicer in the program. It had twice as many loans eligible as the next largest bank. The former employees say that, in response to this crush of struggling homeowners, the bank often misled them and denied applications for bogus reasons.

Sometimes, homeowners were simply denied en masse in a procedure called a “blitz,” said William Wilson, Jr., who worked as an underwriter and manager from 2010 until 2012. As part of the modification applications, homeowners were required to send in documents with their financial information. About twice a month, Wilson said, the bank ordered that all files with documentation 60 or more days old simply be denied. “During a blitz, a single team would decline between 600 and 1,500 modification files at a time,” he said in the sworn declaration. To justify the denials, employees produced fictitious reasons, for instance saying the homeowner had not sent in the required documents, when in actuality, they had.

Such mass denials may have occurred at other mortgage servicers. Chris Wyatt, a former employee of Goldman Sachs subsidiary Litton Loan Servicing, told ProPublica in 2012 that the company periodically conducted “denial sweeps” to reduce the backlog of homeowners. A spokesman for Goldman Sachs said at the time that the company disagreed with Wyatt’s account but offered no specifics.

Five of the former Bank of America employees stated that they were encouraged to mislead customers. “We were told to lie to customers and claim that Bank of America had not received documents it had requested,” said Simone Gordon, who worked at the bank from 2007 until early 2012 as a senior collector. “We were told that admitting that the Bank received documents ‘would open a can of worms,’” she said, since the bank was required to underwrite applications within 30 days of receiving documents and didn’t have adequate staff. Wilson said each underwriter commonly had 400 outstanding applications awaiting review.

Anxious homeowners calling in for an update on their application were frequently told that their applications were “under review” when, in fact, nothing had been done in months, or the application had already been denied, four former employees said.

Employees were rewarded for denying applications and referring customers to foreclosure, according to the statements. Gordon said collectors “who placed ten or more accounts into foreclosure in a given month received a $500 bonus.” Other rewards included gift cards to retail stores or restaurants, said Gordon and Theresa Terrelonge, who worked as a collector from 2009 until 2010.

This is certainly not the first time the bank has faced such allegations. In 2010, Arizona and Nevada sued Bank of America for mishandling modification applications. Last year, Bank of America settled a lawsuit brought by a former employee of a bank contractor who accused the bank of mishandling HAMP applications.

The bank has also settled two major actions by the federal government related to its foreclosure practices. In early 2012, 49 state attorneys general and the federal government crafted a settlement that, among other things, provided cash payments to Bank of America borrowers who had lost their home to foreclosure.

Authorities recently began mailing out those checks of about $1,480 for each homeowner. Earlier this year, federal bank regulators arrived at a settlement that also resulted in payments to affected borrowers, though most received $500 or less.

The law suit with the explosive new declarations from former employees is a consolidation of 29 separate suits against the bank from across the country and is seeking class action certification. It covers homeowners who received a trial modification, made all of their required payments, but who did not get a timely answer from the bank on whether they’d receive a permanent modification. Under HAMP, the trial period was supposed to last three months, but frequently dragged on for much longer, particularly during the height of the foreclosure crisis in 2009 and 2010.

ProPublica began detailing the failures of HAMP from the start of the program in 2009. HAMP turned out to be a perfect storm created by banks that refused to adequately fund their mortgage servicing operations and lax government oversight.

Bank of America was far slower to modify loans than other servicers, as other analyses we’ve cited have shown. A study last year found that about 800,000 homeowners would have qualified for HAMP if Bank of America and the other largest servicers had done an adequate job of handling homeowner applications. (Infowars)

11-year-old mariachi defies racists, sings national anthem again

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Sebastián de la CruzSebastián de la Cruz

The racist backlash that followed an 11-year-old Hispanic boy’s rendition of the national anthem before game three of the NBA Finals in San Antonio didn’t deter the Spurs from inviting the young mariachi to perform at game four of their series against the Miami Heat.

Sebastian de la Cruz’s performance, which was perfect, immediately sparked all kinds of criticisms and commentaries denigrating Latinos and immigrants.

That brought a strong defense of De la Cruz, who gained fame as a contestant on “America’s Got Talent.”

Thursday night, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro and his wife escorted young Sebastian – again in full mariachi costume – to center court at the AT&T Center. The youngster’s performance of “The Star-Spangled Banner” earned a standing ovation from the capacity crowd and coaches Gregg Popovich of the Spurs and Erik Spoelstra of the Heat walked out onto the court to congratulate De la Cruz, a San Antonio native.

Castro called De la Cruz an example for young people all over the world because of his talent and class as a human being, and said he represented all the children of San Antonio and of America. Before the tip-off to start the fourth game, Popovich denounced the authors of the racist comments about De la Cruz and offered praise for the young singer.

“He’s a class act. Way more mature than most his age. And as much as those comments by the idiots saddens you about your country, he makes you feel the future could be very bright,” the San Antonio coach said.

De la Cruz came out to sing the national anthem before the third game because the person ABC had engaged, country singer Darius Rucker, was unable to make it on time due to flight delays.

Sebastian de la Cruz’s performance at Game 3:

Mexico’s El Pinacate Reserve In Running for UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Mexican government has obtained the inclusion of El Pinacate Biosphere Reserve and Great Desert of Altar on the tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Environment and Natural Resources Secretariat said.

“The process has taken more than eight years. In the year 2004 the Mexican government began taking the necessary steps to get El Pinacate Biosphere Reserve and Great Desert of Altar included on the list of tentative sites,” the department said in a statement. This protected natural area in the northwestern state of Sonora “provides habitat for more than 1,000 species of flora and fauna, so it is considered the desert with the greatest biodiversity in the world,” the secretariat said.

The area has 40 species of mammals, 200 of birds, 40 of reptiles, a number of amphibians and two native species of freshwater fish, “as well as fragile ecosystems typical of desert areas, with vegetation on drifting and stabilized sand dunes that sustains a vast amount of wildlife.”

According to protectors of the environment, some endemic species in the area are in danger of extinction, such as the Sonora antelope, desert bighorn sheep, Gila monster and desert tortoise.

The secretariat said that with its inclusion on the tentative list, the reserve could be declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization, or UNESCO, as early as this year.

The UNESCO World Heritage Committee will meet June 16-27 in Cambodia to study the nominations and determine which will be definitively included on the list of World Heritage Sites, it said.

Mexico already has four Natural World Heritage Sites: the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve (1987), the Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino (1993), Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California (2005), and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (2008).

Latin America and the Estimated Population Growth

According to a recent UN report, the world’s population will hit 7.2 billion next month and 10.9 billion by 2100. Interestingly, the populations of less developed countries are expected to double by 2050

McDonald’s closing all restaurants in Bolivia as nation rejects fast food

by Lance Devon

McDonald’s happy image and its golden arches aren’t the gateway to bliss in Bolivia. This South American country isn’t falling for the barrage of advertising and fast food cooking methods that so easily engulf countries like the United States. Bolivians simply don’t trust food prepared in such little time.

The quick and easy, mass production method of fast food actually turns Bolivians off altogether. Sixty percent of Bolivians are an indigenous population who generally don’t find it worth their health or money to step foot in a McDonald’s. Despite its economically friendly fast food prices, McDonald’s couldn’t coax enough of the indigenous population of Bolivia to eat their BigMacs, McNuggets or McRibs.

One indigenous woman, Esther Choque, waiting for a bus to arrive outside a Mc-Donald’s restaurant, said, “The closest I ever came was one day when a rain shower fell and I climbed the steps to keep dry by the door. Then they came out and shooed me away. They said I was dirtying the place.

Why would I care if Mc- Donald’s leaves [Bolivia]?”

Fast food chain remained for a decade, despite losses every year

The eight remaining McDonald’s fast food shops that stuck it out in the Bolivian city’s of La Paz, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, had reportedly operated on losses every year for a decade. The McDonald’s franchise had been persistent over that time, flexing its franchise’s deep pockets to continue business in Bolivia.

Any small business operating in the red for that long would have folded and left the area in less than half that time. Even as persistent as McDonald’s was in gaining influence there, it couldn’t continue operating in the red. After 14 years of presence in the country, their extensive network couldn’t hold up the Bolivian chain. Store after store shut down as Bolivia rejected the McDonald’s fast food agenda. Soon enough, they kissed the last McDonald’s goodbye.

Deep cultural rejection

The McDonald’s impact and its departure from Bolivia was so lasting and important, that marketing managers immediately filmed a documentary called, “Why McDonalds’s went broke in Bolivia.”

Featuring, cooks, nutritionist, historians, and educators, this documentary breaks down the disgusting reality of how McDonald’s food is prepared and why Bolivians reject the whole fast food philosophy of eating.

The rejection isn’t necessarily based on the taste or the type of food McDonald’s prepared. The rejection of the fast food system stemmed from Bolivian’s mindset of how meals are to be properly prepared.

Bolivians more so respect their bodies, valuing the quality of what goes into their stomach. The time it takes for fast food to be prepared throws up a warning flag in their minds. Where other cultures see no risk, eating McDonald’s every week; Bolivians feel that it just isn’t worth the health risk. Bolivians seek well prepared, local meals, and want to know that their food was prepared the right way.

This self respect helps Bolivians avoid processed “restructured meat technology,” often used by fast food joints like McDonald’s.

The McRib: 70 ingredients all restructured into one

Did you know that the McRib is processed with 70 different ingredients which include azodicarbonamide, a flour-bleaching agent often used in producing foamed plastics? McRib’s are basically “restructured meat technology” containing a mixture of tripe, heart, and scalded stomach. Proteins are extracted from this muscle mixture and they bind the pork trimmings together so they can be molded in a factory.

The McRib is really just a molded blob of restructured meat, advertised and sold like fresh ribs. There’s nothing real about it, the preparation or the substance. In fact, McRibs really came about because of a chicken shortage. The restructured meat technology approach kept the McRib on the menu, despite the shortage, and the profits continued rolling in. (Natural News).