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College graduate: Obamacare ‘raped my future’

by Natural News

I can’t think of a time when a law merely “collapsed” on itself, but if there is one law that could possibly collapse enough to invite major reforms or repeal, it might just be the gargantuan, liberty-stealing and massively expensive Obamacare.

Slowly but surely, Americans are discovering what a nightmare the so-called “Affordable” Care Act is turning out to be. Mostly, Americans are discovering a) that Obamacare is not “affordable” but incredibly (and, in many cases prohibitively) expensive; and b) the law’s promises are matching up to reality.

After $6,000 in deductibles, of course

In a letter posted online that has gone viral, one University of Michigan graduate said that Obamacare has “raped” her future. As reported by CBS DC:

Ashley Dionne, 26, posted the now-viral letter to conservative radio host Dennis Prager’s Facebook page earlier this week.

She explains how she graduated from the University of Michigan in 2009, at which point she was told she was “too educated and wouldn’t stay” at low-paying jobs. Dionne writes that she has a series of medical conditions, and the Obamacare system pushes her out of a system that favors the non-working poor.

“I have asthma, ulcers, and mild cerebral palsy. Obamacare takes my monthly rate from $75 a month for full coverage on my ‘Young Adult Plan,’ to $319 a month. After $6,000 in deductibles, of course,” she wrote in her post. “Liberals claimed this law would help the poor. I am the poor, the working poor, and I can’t afford to support myself, let alone older generations and people not willing to work at all,” she said, adding that she has tried to find a second job to supplement her income but has been unable to do so.

Several analysts have said that the “success” of Obamacare is built on the very same principle that private health insurance companies depend upon: the enrollment of tons of young, healthy adults whose premiums go to pay for the care of older, sicker enrollees.

According to Florida’s Sun Times: Will one of the key elements of the Affordable Care Act work the way it’s supposed to? That could depend on whether young people who don’t have health insurance decide to get it. And so far, that figure is alarmingly low.

‘This law has raped my future’

As for Dionne, she writes that, despite landing a job at a gym, she is only given 32 hours per week and earns just $8 an hour. She bluntly adds that Obamacare costs are only going to increase an already difficult, unpromising employment and economic outlook for the nation’s youngest job-seekers.

“This law has raped my future,” she writes. “It will keep me and kids my age from having a future at all. This is the real face of Obamacare and it isn’t pretty.” In June, the ultra-liberal Center for American Progress reported that the unemployment rate for young adults aged 16-24 was about 16.2 percent, more than double the national average. In an interview with the online publication Campus Reform, Dionne said, “I wanted to get my message about Obamacare out, because I’m being directly and negatively affected by it, but I know it’s not just me. Obamacare will make my life more difficult. It will hurt more people than it will help.”

Game over: total collapse is imminent – Part 2

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers, much has been said in the last few years about a supposse colapse of the economy, the dollar, etc. The following article, written by Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, is an excellent piece on the subject, with lots of historical accounts, well researched. Do to its length, it will be published in two parte. This is Part 2.

by Dave Hodges
The Common Sense Show

America, while you slept, your country was stolen from you. Your country was absconded by all the political misfits and corporate criminals that the disenfranchised former Republicans and Democrats have been trying to warn you about during the last several years.


It is mathematically impossible to pay off the derivative debt!

Where do you think the bail out money went? Ask yourself why so many corporate heads are building homes overseas? Why did George Bush build a 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay? Why is NORTHCOM, a combat organization, engaged in urban riot control training? Why did DHS purchase 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition to go with their 2,700 armored personnel carriers? Even the National Weather Service has purchased million of rounds of ammunition. Why are the Russians training on American soil with FEMA in a bilateral agreement signed by Obama? Why are we seeing one disaster drill after another being carried out in this country? Here is a partial list of disaster drills being carried between Sept. 25-Nov. 13th.

Where do you think the bail out money went? Ask yourself why so many corporate heads are building homes overseas? Why did George Bush build a 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay? Why is NORTHCOM, a combat organization, is engaged in urban riot control training? Why did DHS purchase 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition to go with their 2700 armored personnel carriers? Even the National Weather Service has purchased million of rounds of ammunition. Why are the Russians training on American soil with FEMA in a bilateral agreement signed by Obama? Why are we seeing one disaster drill after another being carried out in this country? Here is a partial list of disaster drills being carried between September 25-November 13th.

1. Port of Houston Ran Simulation Drill for ‘Dirty Bomb’ Attack Sept. 25

2. Maine Hosted Secret Multi-Agency Disaster Drill Sept. 25

3. Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill Set Oct. 17

4. More Than 1,000 Banks Plan National Cyber-Attack Drill Oct. 16-17, Oct. 23-24

5. Quantum Dawn’ Is a Cyber-Attack Bank Drill –

6. Banks Get an “F” in Security

7. GridEx2 Nov. 13-14Many of us feel that inside one of these disaster drills lies the false flag event which will be used to collapse the economy and lead to either martial law or civil war. Do you really think that language is too strong? On Friday, Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) stated that the political rhetoric has reached civil war levels.

The central bankers know that no amount of Quantitative Easing can pay for the hard assets that were lost in order to collateralize the derivatives. They have no option but to collapse the system and start over, but before they do, they are going to steal everything that is not nailed down. This is why in preparation of this move to collapse the system, they are obtaining as m any
hard assets as possible.This is why the Federal Reserve has been printing 40 billion dollars per month for the sole purpose of purchasing mortgage backed securities. This is why central bankers are under orders from the Bank of International Settlements which has ordered its rank and file central bankers from each country to greatly minimize loans in order to limit exposure when the collapse occurs.

This is why the MERS mortgage fraud, in which millions of people are having their houses stolen through the creation of phony titles, continues unabated. This is why the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that once a depositor puts their money in the bank, the bank owns the money. This is why Treasury Secretary Lew began to “borrow” against federal pensions late last spring.

This is why DHS, the IRS et al are preparing to go to war with the American people as they arm to the teeth. This is why the foreign troops are here.You are on the Titanic and you are going down. Still not convinced? Then explain Cyprus, Greece, Poland and now Panama where the TPTB are stealing pensions and bank accounts and you don‘t think it can happen to you because move to collapse the system, they are obtaining as many hard assets as possible.

This is why the Federal Reserve has been printing 40 billion dollars per month for the sole purpose of purchasing mortgage backed securities. This is why central bankers are under orders from the Bank of International Settlements which has ordered its rank and file central bankers from each country to greatly minimize loans in order to limit exposure when the collapse occurs.

This is why the MERS mortgage fraud, in which millions of people are having their houses stolen through the creation of phony titles, continues unabated.

This is why the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that once a depositor puts their money in the bank, the bank owns the money. This is why Treasury Secretary Lew began to “borrow” against federal pensions late last spring.

This is why DHS, the IRS et al are preparing to go to war with the American people as they arm to the teeth. This is why the foreign troops are here.You are on the Titanic and you are going down. Still not convinced? Then explain Cyprus, Greece, Poland and now Panama where the TPTB are stealing pensions and bank accounts and you don‘t think it can happen to you

Obamacare sign-up crash: what’s really behind it?

by Jon Rappoport

It’s easy to say the government always screws things up and, therefore, the crash of its Obamacare sign-up system is merely another example of gross incompetence.

But this is shortsighted. White House officials knew, months ago, the online site was an unmitigated disaster, and yet they let the train continue speeding down the track to its inevitable crackup.

To understand this, we need to go back to the opening salvo in the Obamacare drama.

To his advisors’ shock and surprise, Obama, taking office in 2009, announced that his first big move was going to be national health insurance.

His people assumed jobs would be the top priority. The nation was clamoring for a solution. People were out of work. Banks were foreclosing on homes. Families were in peril.

How could the President misread the national mood so badly? National health insurance? Now? Where the hell did that come from?

The 1993 track record of earlier efforts, headed by Hillary Clinton and her buffoon of a consultant, Ira Magaziner, had run aground, failed miserably, and stirred up considerable animosity.

Obama was going to lead with this again? Bring on a storm of contentious clashes in the Congress, the press, and the nation at large?

What was he thinking?

He wasn’t. A super-ambitious campaign on this issue had to come from somewhere else. Obama’s high-flying humanitarian rhetoric notwithstanding, the man was acting as an agent of change. An agent.

He was taking dictation.

And sure enough, he sank the country in a hostile grinding debate that persists to this day. Meanwhile, the economy and jobs went begging.

When the Obamacare bill finally passed, without anyone reading it, and when subsequent arm-twisting led the Supreme Court to call the individual mandate a tax (a transparently preposterous strategy), thus clearing the way for implementation, amid loud cries of fraud, there remained another opportunity for promoting disaster:

A system for enrollment that wouldn’t work, that would crash, that would look like a bevy of drunken idiots ($634 million richer) had put it together with scotch tape and a random number generator.

At a much high level of op, Obamacare was always invented chaos.

It was intended to be.

The target was America itself. As in destabilization.

This is a strategy as old as the hills.

In this case, the people in charge, behind the scenes, are Globalists (think Rockefeller, for starters). For over a hundred years, their objective has been the takedown of the United States, one of the strongest holdouts against a planetary management system, in which, ultimately, national borders are erased and individual countries cease to exist.

In 1971, David Rockefeller’s intellectual consigliere, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “…[the] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”

Achieving such a goal, however, is not simply a matter of standing back and watching evolution take it course. It involves torpedoing major institutions, regardless of how well or poorly they are serving the public interest.

In other words: promote chaos at every possible opportunity.

The extreme oddness of choosing national health insurance as the first planned shot out of the White House, in 2009, was, at the most important level, an exercise in stirring the national pot with a multi-blade fan engine.

Chaos has several aims; among them: raising the level of frustration; dividing the populace; engendering heating conflicts; demoralizing citizens; producing a sense of helplessness; and rendering large numbers of people into a state of surrender and passivity.

It is a prelude to a New Order. A more heartless and repressive Order.

Obamacare is just one example among hundreds.

Operation Chaos has been targeting the United States for well over a hundred years.

Of the dozen or so possible first steps of a Presidency, Obama chose the one that would produce the most discord.

Because US presidents rarely mention Globalism and its tentacles and plans and organizations, it is assumed the issue isn’t of high importance.

But since the closing days of World War 2, (and, actually, much earlier), when members of the Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations were tapped to write the blueprint for the United Nations, when the outline of the Marshall Plan was drafted, when the first serious meetings of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) were set in stone, every American President has looked the other way, when Globalism has reared its head.

That’s FDR all the way through to Obama.

And during that 70-year period, ops small, medium, and large have been launched to weaken the United States and entangle it in the Globalist framework.

For the two terms of Obama’s Presidency, national health insurance was chosen as a bare electric wire, to shock, stimulate, and magnify dormant hostilities throughout the country.

To the Globalists, the respective merits and flaws in a national healthcare system are of absolutely no concern. It is simply one more opportunity to “crash the system” and produce a hole in the fabric of national life.

For these men, the issue of Obamacare “has legs.” They will squeeze more out of it, for their own purposes, in the months and years ahead.

Mired in the quite serious and real pros and cons of a national health plan, people will miss the bigger picture and pass by it with out a glance of recognition.

The manipulators don’t pick trivial issues. Distraction requires presenting people with forceful conflicts.

It requires the belief that events are what they seem and the motives behind them are clear and on the surface.

(The author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Jon was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Some 3,500 artists to participate in Cervantino Festival, México

by the El Reportero wire services

Mexican tenor Arturo ChacónMexican tenor Arturo Chacón

About 3,580 artists will participate in the 41st International Cervantino Festival starting today in Guanajuato and running until Oct. 27th.

This year, the main themes for the famous celebration, called Fiesta del Espíritu (Celebration of the Spirit), are “The Art of Freedom” and the 200th anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi and Richard Wagner.

Uruguay and the Mexican state of Puebla are the guests of honor. Hundreds of national and international performances, as well as academic activities are scheduled.

The program includes musical, theater, circus and literary activities, among others.

A number of theaters will host the event, for example, the Juárez Theater, Cervantes Theater, Principal, Templo de la Valenciana, Auditorio, Plaza San Roque and Los Pastitos, among others.

At the inaugural ceremony held in the Juarez Theater, choreographer Gladiola Orozco, co-funder of the former Ballet Teatro del Espacio will be awarded with this year’s festival medal.

Artists from 30 different countries will attend the festival, including the Uruguayan singer-songwriters Rubén Rada and Daniel Viglietti, as well as Ballet del Sodre.

The Mexican tenor Arturo Chacón and the Italian soprano Bárbara Frittoli will perform, while pianists Cyprien Katsaris, Abdiel Vázquez and Edison Quintana will present classics by Verdi and Wagner.

Singer Ricardo Arjona presents tour documentary

Guatemalan singer-songwriter Ricardo Arjona presented his new work “Arjona Metamorfosis en vivo,” a documentary DVD gathering together the best portions of his latest concert tour.

“It’s complicated to compress a year and six months of touring into two hours,” the singer acknowledged, saying that at the beginning it cost a great deal to get this tour under way because of its spectacular stage.

Included on the DVD are parts of concerts in New York, Puerto Rico, Miami, Buenos Aires, Guatemala and Colombia, among others. There are also images of the first concert, in Toluca, Mexico, a city which over the past 12 years has become “a good-luck charm” for Arjona’s tours.

“We began here 12 years ago. Things went very well for us on tour. I’m very superstitious and I said that we should always start in that spot,” he said.

Pedro Almodovar screens Los Amantes Pasajeros at Film Festival in Japan

The 10th edition of Japan’s Latin Beat Film Festival got under way in Tokyo Wednesday with a screening of “Los amantes pasajeros” (I’m So Excited), the latest from acclaimed Spanish director Pedro Almodovar. Twenty films in all will be shown in Tokyo over the course of a week before a scaled-down version of the event takes to the road for stints in Kyoto and Yokohoma before concluding Nov. 10 in Osaka. Highlights of the Tokyo phase of the festival include Pablo Berger’s “Blancanieves,” Brazilian animated film “Rio 2096” and “NO,” a political drama from Chile.

“It’s like a metaphor: just as in Almodovar’s film, in which the plane travels to Mexico, it’s the time to look toward Latin America. There, interesting things are being done,” Latin Beat organizer Alberto Calero told Efe.

Two of the stars of “Los amantes pasajeros,” Javier Camara and Blanca Suarez, traveled to Tokyo for Wednesday’s screening of the film, which won’t reach Japanese theaters until January. Also on hand for the festival is Spanish director  Fernando Trueba, whowill present two of his  films, “El artista y la modelo”and “Chico y Rita.”

Since its birth in 2003, Latin Beat – the only festival of its kind in Asia – has enjoyed steady growth in films, sponsors and attendance to become an essential event for Japanese cinephiles.

Binational Health Week celebrates 13 years

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Tribute to Santana and Foundation foundation event at CSM.Tribute to Santana and Foundation foundation event at CSM.

For the thirteenth consecutive year, various institutions in the federal government, state, and local, community-based organizations and thousands of volunteers will join efforts during the month of October in the United States and Canada to perform a series of promotional activities and health education, including educational workshops, health fairs, referral to health services and health insurance programs, vaccinations and tests basic free detection, among others.

Binational Health Week (SBS), in which it participates the consular network of Mexico in the United States and Canada, is the largest community mobilization of the continent that has aimed to improve the health and well-being of the migrant population of Latin American origin living in the United States and Canada. This year, the thirteenth edition of the SBS is taking place from Oct. 1 with the participation of the consular networks from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

Along the SBS priority will be given to various topics relevant to the health of the Latin migrant population, including: the reform of health in the USA and access to health services; occupational health; chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes, infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis; occupational health and mental health.

Binational Health Week in northern California will be opened on Oct. 9, at 10 a.m. in Transit Village Plaza, the Clinica de la Raza in Oakland. (See agenda attached).

Tribute to Santana and fundraiser

Sounds of the Streets is a tribute to Santana as well as a fundraiser for Milagro Foundation, which benefits underserved and vulnerable children around the world.

This foundation was started by Carlos Santana and his family.

During the will be a short PowerPoint presentation outlining the era (1960s) and the location (the Mission District of San Francisco) presented by CSM Ethnic Studies professor, Rudy Ramírez. Thereafter, a live performance by the Mission Street All- Stars will play selections from the first three albums.

This event will be held at the College of San Mateo Theater, Bldg. 3 on Nov. 13, from 7 – 9 p.m. Free parking in Beethoven Lot 2. $10 general, $7 students, staff, faculty.

Mexican government offers free books to pserve Spanish in the US

The Mexican Government provides funding for free schoolbooks in order to be used as support for the education of children who speak Spanish. This is expected to strengthen the cultural ties of children and young people of Mexican origin residing in the United States and contribute to the teaching of Spanish as a second language.

How do to obtain them?

These collections may be obtained by educational institutions, schools, school districts, public libraries, centers or associations of parents or community, meeting the following requirements:

• Serving children and young people of Mexican origin or Latin American.

• Pick up the books, or wide use on the island. The tourist sector will pay for these services in convertible pesos, or CUCs, the value of which is maintained at parity with the U.S. dollar. cover the costs of transportation of the books, from its location in San Francisco.

• Explain, briefly and in writing, the use of the collections, by specifying the number of users that will be benefited, and indicate data of the institution, address, phone number and email.

• Deliver this proposal to the Consulate General of Mexico in San Francisco by email.

Application should be sent to: Jimena Sierra, link to community programs, at jsierra@sre.gob. mx. Deadline is Oct. 24.


The Sport of Gentlemen

Boxing” de Molina

OCTOBER 19, 2013 HBO

Broomfield, Colo. Mike Alvarado vs. Ruslan Provodnikov 12 rounds, for Alvarado’s WBO junior welterweight title.

Broadcast: TBD in U.S. Belfast, Northern Ireland

Carl Frampton vs. Jeremy Parodi 12 rounds, for Frampton’s European junior featherweight title

Broadcast: N/A Leipzig, Germany

Robert Stieglitz vs. TBA 12 rounds, for Stieglitz’s WBO super middleweight title.

OCTOBER 23, 2013 Broadcast: TBD Sydney, Australia

Shane Mosley vs. Anthony Mundine 12 rounds, junior middleweights.

A new bracero program will hurt farmworkers

Farmworkers in the fields of California pick up crop. (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)

by David Bacon

Most media coverage of immigration today accepts as fact claims by growers that they can’t get enough workers to harvest crops. Agribusiness wants a new guest worker program, and complaints of a labor shortage are their justification for it. But a little investigation of the actual unemployment rate in farmworker communities leads to a different picture.
There are always local variations in crops, and the number of workers needed to pick them. But the labor shortage picture is largely a fiction. I’ve spent over a decade traveling through California valleys and I have yet to see fruit rotting because of a lack of labor to pick it. I have seen some pretty miserable conditions for workers, though.
As the nation debates changes in our immigration laws, we need a reality check. There is no question that the demographics of farm labor are changing. Today many more workers migrate from small towns in southern Mexico and even Central America than ever before. In the grape rows and citrus trees, you’re as likely to hear Mixtec or Purepecha or Triqui – indigenous languages that predate Columbus – as you are to hear Spanish.

These families are making our country a richer place, in wealth and culture. For those who love spicy mole sauce, or the beautiful costumes and dance festivals like the guelaguetza, that’s reason to celebrate. In the off-season winter months, when there’s not much work in the fields, indigenous womenweavers create brilliant rebozos, or shawls, in the styles of their hometowns in Oaxaca.

But the wages these families earn are barely enough to survive. As Abe Lincoln said, “labor creates all wealth,” but farmworkers get precious little of it. Farmworkers are worse off today than they’ve been for over two decades.

Twenty-five years ago, at the height of the influence of the United Farm Workers, union contracts guaranteed twice the minimum wage of the time. Today, the hourly wage in almost every farm job is the minimum wage — $8.00 an hour in California, $7.25 elsewhere under the Federal law. If wages had kept up with that UFW base rate, farmworkers today would be making $16.00 an hour. But they’re not.

If there were a labor shortage so acute that growers were having a hard time finding workers, they would be raising wages to make jobs more attractive. But they aren’t.

And despite claims of no workers, rural unemployment is high. Today’s unemployment rate in Delano, birthplace of the United Farm Workers, is 30 percent. Last year in the Salinas Valley, the nation’s salad bowl, it swung between 12 percent and 22 percent.

Yet growers want to be able to bring workers into the country on visas that say they have to work at minimum wage in order to stay, and must be deported if they are out of work longer than a brief time. The industry often claims that if it doesn’t have a new contract labor program to supply workers at today’s low wages, consumers will have to pay a lot more for fruit and vegetables. But low wages haven’t kept prices low. The supermarket price of fruit has more than doubled in the last two decades.

Low wages have a human cost, however. In housing, it means that families live in cramped trailers, or packed like sardines in apartments and garages, with many people sleeping in a single room.

Indigenous workers have worse conditions than most, along with workers who travel with the crops. Migrants often live in cars, sometimes even sleeping in the fields or under the trees.

Housing is in crisis in rural California. Over the last half-century, growers demolished most of the old labor camps for migrant workers. They were never great places to live, but having no place is worse.

In past years I’ve seen children working in fields in northern Mexico, but this year I saw them working here too. When families bring their kids to work, it’s not because they don’t value their education or future. It’s because they can’t make ends meet with the labor of adults alone.

What would make a difference?

Unions would. The UFW pushed wages up decades ago, getting the best standard of living California farmworkers ever received. But growers have been implacably hostile to union organizing. For guest workers and undocumented workers alike, joining a union or demanding rights can mean risking not just firing, but deportation.

Enforcing the law would better workers’ lives. California Rural Legal Assistance does a heroic job inspecting field conditions, and helping workers understand their rights. But that’s an uphill struggle too. According to the Indigenous Farm Worker Survey, a third of the workers surveyed still get paid less than the minimum. Many are poisoned with pesticides, suffer from heat exhaustion, and work in illegal conditions. Give workers real legal status. Farmworkers need a permanent residence visa, not a guest worker visa conditioned on their work status. This would ensure their right to organize without risking deportation. Organization in turn would bring greater equality, stability and recognition of their important contribution. It would bring higher earnings.

But growers don’t want to raise wages to attract labor. Instead, they want workers on temporary visas, not permanent ones – a steady supply of people who can work, but can’t stay, or who get deported if they become unemployed. This is a repeat of the old, failed bracero program of the 1940s and 50s, or the current failures of today’s H2A visa program that succeeded it. With a temporary labor program, farm wages will not rise. Instead, farmworkers will subsidize agribusiness with low wages, in the name of keeping agriculture “competitive.” Strikes and unions that raise family income will be regarded as a threat. We’ve seen this before.

During the bracero program, when resident workers struck, growers brought in braceros. And if braceros struck, they were deported. That’s why Cesar Chavez, Ernesto Galarza and Bert Corona finally convinced Congress to end the program in 1964. The UFW’s first grape strike began the year after the bracero law was repealed.

Today immigrant workers who already live in the U.S., like those who recently went on strike at Washington State’s Sakuma Berry Farms, are being pitted against modern-day braceros brought in under the H2A program. The H2A wage sets the limit on what growers will pay. Workers fear that if they protest, they won’t get hired for next year’s picking season, and others will take their places. Farmworkers perform valuable work and need better conditions and security, not an immigration reform that will keep them in poverty. Giving employers another bracero program is a failed idea, one we shouldn’t repeat. Farm labor that can support families is a better one.

David Bacon is a California writer and photographer. His new book, The Right to Stay Home – How U.S. Policy Drives Mexican Migration, was just published by Beacon Press.


Poorest children in US are Hispanic

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Augusto PinochetAugusto Pinochet

Most children living in poverty in the United States are Hispanic, according to a Census Bureau report published today.

Statistics covering different aspects of the national crisis by taking into account education, race, income, marital status showed that poor Hispanic children represent 37 percent of the total, while whites represent 30 percent, and blacks, 26 percent.

The Census Bureau statistics also showed that poverty rates remained almost invariable, with 46.5 million people living in poverty.

Repressors of Pinochet dictatorship transferred to less luxurious prison

The nine agents of the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990) in prison in the exclusive prison Cordillera were transferred today to the jail of Punta Peuco, amidst criticism for the comfortable living conditions they enjoyed in the prison.

Under eggs and stones the protesters stationed outside Cordillera, two vehicles of gendarmerie came out a few minutes before Saturday midnight with the first two prisoners among whom there were, according to the leaking, General (r) Manuel Contreras, former head of the National Intelligence Directorate (DINA), sentenced to 360 years in prison.

The little caravan reached Punta Peuco, about 40 kilometers north of the Chilean capital, early on Sunday, in which term also arrived the second caravan with the other seven prisoners, all sentenced for crimes against humanity.

Argentina, Spain meet to discuss

Falklands, Gibraltar The foreign ministers of Spain and Argentina met Thursday to discuss working together to resolve their countries’ respective disputes with Britain over Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands.

Aides to Spanish Forceeign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo told Efe that Gibraltar and the Falklands were discussed.

While sources on Argentine Foreign Minister Hector Timerman’s team said the two men agreed to join forces in demanding compliance with long-standing U.N. resolutions mandating that London negotiate with Madrid and Buenos Aires over Gibraltar and the Falklands. The talks came a day after Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy denounced Gibraltar’s current status as an “anachronism” in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly.

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez used her address to the assembly on Tuesday to blast Britain for refusing to engage in dialogue with Buenos Aires over the Falklands, known to Latin Americans as the Malvinas. Britain will not discuss ceding sovereignty to Spain without the consent of the residents of the Rock, British Prime Minister David Cameron said earlier this month in a message to mark Gibraltar’s national day. Madrid, however, says sovereignty is a matter exclusively for the Spanish and British governments. Gibraltar, a territory of 5.5 sq. kilometers (2.1 sq. miles) at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea, has been held by Britain since 1704 and became a British Crown Colony in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht. Britain has occupied the Falklands since 1833.

Argentine troops invaded the South Atlantic archipelago on April 2, 1982, at the order of the military junta then in power in Buenos Aires. Fighting officially began on May 1, 1982, with the arrival of a British task force, and ended 45 days later with the surrender of the Argentines. The conflict claimed nearly 1,000 lives – some 700 Argentines and 255 British soldiers and sailors. (Prensa Latina contributed to this report).

Breaking: Whisleblower reveals U.S. State Dept. ships arms directly to al-Qaeda Revelación:

The murder of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi was an organized hit to cover up direct arm deals

by Kit Daniels

A former CIA gun-runner revealed that the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in order to cover up the U.S. State Department’s direct arm shipments to al-Qaeda.

William Robert “Tosh” Plumlee started his career as a CIA contract pilot in the late 1950s, delivering guns and ammunition on behalf of the agency to Fidel Castro. Plumlee confirmed that such arm deals are still common today, with the State Dept. shipping arms to al-Qaeda via the CIA.

During an interview with Alex Jones, Plumlee pointed out that Pat Smith, the mother of an information management officer also killed during the Benghazi attack, received little information from the Obama administration about her son’s murder.

“I began to wonder ‘why won’t they tell her anything?’” He asked. “Then a contact of mine in the Middle East, a high-ranking NATO official, mentioned to me that he had reports that the ambassador [J. Christopher Stevens] had been complaining about the dispatches and cables that he had got from the State Department about the weapons being received and [Islamic] radicals armed, including Stinger missiles.”

According to Plumlee, Steven was ordered to stand down after he asked the State Dept. what he should do about the American arm shipments to al-Qaeda.

“The ambassador and his people had written a series of field reports and cable dispatches advising our State Department that the rebel factions had been armed with U.S. weapons,” he said. “Now my contention is this: if that is the case, why is that classified as a national security matter?”

Plumlee mentioned that Steven’s field notes have not been released by the State Dept.

These revelations suggest that after Stevens told the State Dept. that he did not want al-Qaeda receiving heat seeking missiles, he was killed in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi which was designed to take out witnesses to the arms transfer and to suppress Stevens’s reports.

The Obama administration then blamed the attack entirely on Islamic protestors enraged by the filmInnocence of Muslims while refusing to answer why U.S. special forces were ordered not to aid Stevens and others during the assault.

The missiles in question, as well as the other weapons given to al-Qaeda, were transported to Libya by C-130s under the Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) program, which operates within the State Dept.

As explained by New York Times best-selling author and former journalist Jim Marrs, the DCS program oversees the shipment of U.S. weapons and training to countries around the world.

Through its own internal investigations, the State Dept. admitted that firearms supplied by the DCS have ended up in the hands of foreign enemies.

Tying it all together, Plumlee stated that the weapons given to al-Qaeda were “U.S. made weapons that came from the DCS program, illegally transported by C-130s” into countries such as Turkey and Jordan and were “dispatched from CIA safe houses to the Syrian rebels.”

As we have documented in the past, the Syrian rebels are predominantly al-Qaeda fighters who want to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad in order to install an Islamic state in Syria.

If al-Qaeda controls Syria, other nations could easily take advantage of the ensuring chaos and Syria’s reduced sovereignty by extracting trillions of dollars in oil revenue from the country.

The Syrian rebels led by the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the direct offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq, were described as the “most effective fighting force in Syria” after filling the void left by the secular Free Syrian Army.

Suffering from severe shortages in weapons and supplies, the Free Syrian Army began losing soldiers to the better armed and equipped al-Nusra Front.

Now it is known why the al-Nusra Front, and al- Qaeda worldwide, never seem to lack arms: they are receiving weapon shipments directly from the State Dept.

Reporters to reveal ‘US assassination program’ Contributor to The Nation magazine Jeremy Scahill and Rio-based journalist Glenn Greenwald are working on the project.

“The connections between war and surveillance are clear. I don’t want to give too much away but Glenn and I are working on a project right now that has at its center how the National Security Agency plays a significant, central role in the US assassination program,” Scahill said on Saturday. “There are so many stories that are yet to be published that we hope will produce ‘actionable intelligence,’ or information that ordinary citizens across the world can use to try to fight for change, to try to confront those in power,” he added.

Greenwald was the first journalist who broke the revelations about US spying programs based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

“The really important thing to realize is the desire for surveillance is not a uniquely American attribute,” Greenwald was quoted as saying by the Associated Press. “America has just devoted way more money and way more resources than anyone else to spying on the world,” he added.

Greenwald also praised discussions by some South American governments to find ways to circumvent American control over the Internet. “But I think it’s also very important to keep in mind that whenever governments, be it the US government or the Brazilian government or anybody else, starts talking about regulating the Internet, even when they tell you it’s designed to protect your privacy from the American government . There is also the danger that the Brazilian government or any other government or international institution will want to simply replace the United States as the entity that is monitoring your communications,” he said.

Revelación: The top books on vaccine risks, phony vaccine science and the real truth about inmunity

by Ethan A. Huff

Wading through all the information out there about vaccines and vaccine safety can be tiresome, as getting the honest truth from non-industry-backed sources is sometimes hard to come by and takes considerable and dedicated effort. But if you know where to look, the truth is out there just waiting for you to discover it. Here are some of the top published resources about vaccines, their often glossed-over risks and vaccine history that you may want to invest in for your own personal enrichment and for the protection of your family:

1) Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D., and Roman Bystrianyk.

This powerful journey through the annals of history debunks the myth that vaccines are responsible for increasing life expectancy, reducing the death toll from infectious disease and virtually eradicating common illnesses of old. Dr. Humphries explains how improvements in sanitation, nutrition, hygiene and water distribution were all critical factors in improving life in the developed world (

2) Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers: And Why GIs Are Only the First Victims by Gary Matsumoto.

In this incredible account of the U.S. military’s forced vaccination policy, investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto dredges up an issue that is often ignored but that still has powerful implications today: experimental vaccination without informed consent. This book contains powerful evidence that Gulf War illness is a product of military vaccine experimentation, and the adjuvants responsible are now turning up in civilian vaccines (

3) Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection by Neil Z. Miller, foreword by Russell Blaylock.

This comprehensive vaccine safety manual is hailed as the most complete guide to vaccine risks and protection. It includes relevant information about every major vaccine available today, including the polio, tetanus, MMR, hepatitis A and B, HPV (cervical cancer), Hib, chickenpox, shingles, rotavirus, pneumococcal, meningococcal, RSV, DTaP, anthrax, smallpox, tuberculosis (TB) and influenza vaccines, among many more (

4) Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices, Second Edition by Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny.

If having pertinent information about vaccines and vaccine safety presented to you in a comprehensive, succinct, and visual manner is more to your liking, Dr. Tenpenny’s film is an excellent resource. An expert in vaccine immunology and an aggressive advocate for parental rights, Dr. Tenpenny covers all the major bases, including the history of vaccines, the dangers of the ever-increasing vaccination schedule for children, the actual risks of so-called “vaccinepreventable” diseases and how parents can exempt their children from “mandatory” vaccines (

5) Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages by Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny.

Also by Dr. Tenpenny, this comprehensive resource covers even more in-depth the detriments of common childhood vaccines, relying on information readily available through well-known organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Tenpenny draws attention to how vaccines actually compromise the immune system rather than bolster and further reinforces with science the fact that vaccines do not work as claimed and are definitively unsafe (

More of Dr. Tenpenny’s work, including interviews, debates and speeches in which she participated, can be found on her website:

6) The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative by Kate Birch, R.S. Hom. (NA).

Long before the vaccines we know of today were on the scene, progressive doctors had discovered a type of homeopathic immunization process that had an extremely high success rate without causing harmful side effects: homeoprophylaxis. In her acclaimed book, Birch explains how homeoprophylaxis works to safely immunize children against infectious and contagious diseases using safe methods that avoid the risks of seizures, developmental delays, autoimmune diseases, allergies, autism and the many other illnesses that have been linked to common vaccinations ( (Natural News).