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Revelación: The top books on vaccine risks, phony vaccine science and the real truth about inmunity

by Ethan A. Huff

Wading through all the information out there about vaccines and vaccine safety can be tiresome, as getting the honest truth from non-industry-backed sources is sometimes hard to come by and takes considerable and dedicated effort. But if you know where to look, the truth is out there just waiting for you to discover it. Here are some of the top published resources about vaccines, their often glossed-over risks and vaccine history that you may want to invest in for your own personal enrichment and for the protection of your family:

1) Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D., and Roman Bystrianyk.

This powerful journey through the annals of history debunks the myth that vaccines are responsible for increasing life expectancy, reducing the death toll from infectious disease and virtually eradicating common illnesses of old. Dr. Humphries explains how improvements in sanitation, nutrition, hygiene and water distribution were all critical factors in improving life in the developed world (

2) Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers: And Why GIs Are Only the First Victims by Gary Matsumoto.

In this incredible account of the U.S. military’s forced vaccination policy, investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto dredges up an issue that is often ignored but that still has powerful implications today: experimental vaccination without informed consent. This book contains powerful evidence that Gulf War illness is a product of military vaccine experimentation, and the adjuvants responsible are now turning up in civilian vaccines (

3) Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners, 2nd Edition: Guide to Immunization Risks and Protection by Neil Z. Miller, foreword by Russell Blaylock.

This comprehensive vaccine safety manual is hailed as the most complete guide to vaccine risks and protection. It includes relevant information about every major vaccine available today, including the polio, tetanus, MMR, hepatitis A and B, HPV (cervical cancer), Hib, chickenpox, shingles, rotavirus, pneumococcal, meningococcal, RSV, DTaP, anthrax, smallpox, tuberculosis (TB) and influenza vaccines, among many more (

4) Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices, Second Edition by Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny.

If having pertinent information about vaccines and vaccine safety presented to you in a comprehensive, succinct, and visual manner is more to your liking, Dr. Tenpenny’s film is an excellent resource. An expert in vaccine immunology and an aggressive advocate for parental rights, Dr. Tenpenny covers all the major bases, including the history of vaccines, the dangers of the ever-increasing vaccination schedule for children, the actual risks of so-called “vaccinepreventable” diseases and how parents can exempt their children from “mandatory” vaccines (

5) Saying No to Vaccines: A Resource Guide for All Ages by Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny.

Also by Dr. Tenpenny, this comprehensive resource covers even more in-depth the detriments of common childhood vaccines, relying on information readily available through well-known organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Dr. Tenpenny draws attention to how vaccines actually compromise the immune system rather than bolster and further reinforces with science the fact that vaccines do not work as claimed and are definitively unsafe (

More of Dr. Tenpenny’s work, including interviews, debates and speeches in which she participated, can be found on her website:

6) The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative by Kate Birch, R.S. Hom. (NA).

Long before the vaccines we know of today were on the scene, progressive doctors had discovered a type of homeopathic immunization process that had an extremely high success rate without causing harmful side effects: homeoprophylaxis. In her acclaimed book, Birch explains how homeoprophylaxis works to safely immunize children against infectious and contagious diseases using safe methods that avoid the risks of seizures, developmental delays, autoimmune diseases, allergies, autism and the many other illnesses that have been linked to common vaccinations ( (Natural News).

Game over: total collapse is imminent – Part 2

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers, much has been said in the last few years about a supposse colapse of the economy, the dollar, etc. The following article, written by Dave Hodges, of The Common Sense Show, is an excellent piece on the subject, with lots of historical accounts, well researched. Do to its length, it will be published in two parte. This is Part 1 of 2.

Game over: total collapse is imminent

by Dave Hodges

The Common Sense Show

America, while you slept, your country was stolen from you. Your country was absconded by all the political misfits and corporate criminals that the disenfranchised former Republicans and Democrats have been trying to warn you about during the last several years.

How did we get here?

Laws, originating out of New Deal legislation, written in response to the Great Depression, provided some measure of protection for the American financial system from the unsavory forces which led to its initial demise in 1929. In 2008, corporate greed, governmental corruption and a populace who was asleep at the wheel, has succeeded in achieving what historians will someday label the “Greatest Depression of 2013-2014.” History will also show that the destruction of the late, great American economy was entirely self-inflicted.

Why the US economy is irreversibly damaged

If Americans knew their history, then we would be cognizant of the fact that one of the prime causes of the Great Depression was due to stock investors buying shares on margin (i.e., loans). Glass Steagall Act protected Americans from this shady practice by separating commercial banking from this investment practice of stockbrokers. However, with one stroke of his New World Order pen, Bill Clinton’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act opened the flood gates for the domestic AND foreign infusion of bad credit into both our stock market and banking system. Consequently, both industries stand in the midst of a total and complete economic collapse in what is quickly becoming known as the most massive wealth transfer in world history.

On Sept. 30, 1999, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sought governmental permission to “relax” (i.e., break) the prudent governmental regulations on sound lending practices and begin to make loans to individuals 1who were not credit worthy. This spelled the death of the mortgage industry as we once knew it and the housing market was collapsed.

The Uptick Rule once prevented companies from crashing due to large scale shorting of company stock. A company’s stock could not be sold short as long as it was in continuous decline. Short sellers had to wait for an uptick in the stock before engaging in shorting. The Uptick Rule was retired in 2007 and the rest, as they say, is history. The elimination of the Uptick Rule is like going to a basketball game and not being able to see the scoreboard. Who’s ahead, who’s behind?

Nobody knows but “Ladies and Gentlemen, place your bets!” What is your stock portfolio worth? Who knows? Who cares? Somebody wealthy is getting wealthier at your expense and you and your middle class investors are none the wiser.

The rapid increase in the price of fuel during the last several years is a good example of the destructive nature of the derivative market. Most of the price gouging which resulted in unprecedented increases in gas prices, and record oil company profits, was due to speculation in futures especially by Goldman Sachs which just happens to be former Treasury Secretary’s Henry Paulson’s old company. Paulson oversaw the first bailouts as a result of the derivatives market failure. Today the derivatives market has collapsed and the collapse has pulled our entire economy along with it. The Federal Reserve is temporarily keeping the economy barely afloat by printing massive sums of money, but this game is almost over.

Why America can never recover

Derivatives are not stocks or bonds or anything of tangible value. The value of a derivative is technically viewed as “anticipated future value.” Therefore, derivatives have no real value.

However, a derivatives transaction must have the backing of a financial institution such as a brokerage or a bank. The assets used to back up and collateralize the worthless derivatives are real and substantial. When the derivatives market crashed, it took down hard assets of tangible value. In effect, the economy had
stupidly used something in order to back up nothing and the something is now in the total control of the central bankers. To cover the losses of the “too-bigto- fail” entities, the bailouts were initiated in what constituted the largest wealth transfer in world history.

This is the ultimate money game in which paper derived from other paper, such as futures and options, has served to bolster the balance sheets on Wall Street. Futures and options are exchanged traded derivatives, but the largest group of derivatives is not even traded on the exchanges. These are called “counterparty derivatives” and consist of such financial entities as mortgage backed securities and credit default swaps.

It is estimated that total derivative exposure of the financial system is between one quadrillion and one and a half quadrillion. A quadrillion is 1,000 trillion dollars and it has largely collapsed.

The entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all the world’s countries in 2011 was approximately 77 trillion dollars. GDP is an economic term for everything that is produced for sale. The American middle class is being asked to bear the burden of the entire derivatives market collapse which totals over 16 times the net value of the entire planet. No amount of bailouts can ever cover the loss. This is simply the bankers way of transferring what is left of middle class wealth before the final collapse.

Sergio García: In defense of the ‘American Dream’

EDITOR’S NOTE: Sergio García, the 36-year-old Chico man whose struggle to practice law was the subject of a California Supreme Court hearing earlier this month, inspired a last-minute bill that passed last week in the state legislature. An undocumented immigrant who has wanted to be a lawyer since the age of 10, García writes that the legislation represents the realization of his American dream.

I must have been no older than 10 years old when I dreamt of one day becoming an attorney. That dream has brought me great satisfaction, but also considerable heartache. At that innocent age I was exposed to the horrors of injustice. I saw innocent people being locked up and kept in jail because they were unable to buy their freedom. Justice should never depend on one’s ability to pay for it. It should apply equally to all.

People say it doesn’t cost anything to dream and I am glad it doesn’t because otherwise I would have never been able to afford such a big dream. In 1987 I lived in Mexico with my mother and four younger siblings. Many times we didn’t even have enough money to eat, much less for clothes or shoes. I recall often going to school hungry and embarrassed by my old torn shoes. With all of this poverty you would think I was an unhappy child, but I wasn’t. Money isn’t everything in this world and you don’t miss what you have never had.

It’s hard to believe that 26 years have gone by since the birth of my dream. I no longer struggle for food or shoes. I have grown, but so have my problems. With a great deal of hard work and sacrifice, not only from me but from all of those around me, I managed to realize my dream and finish my education as an attorney. Sadly, given my lack of status I have been prevented from taking the last step towards the achievement of my dream.

Allow me to explain. My father, who is now a U.S. citizen, applied to have my status adjusted, for me to have a green card. This was 19 years ago and I still don’t have one.

Not having a green card has opened a Pandora’s box for me. I have had to fight for my right to be able to one day fight for others. On Sept. 4, 2013, I reached the highest court in the state of California — perhaps something that to most would seem a lofty goal in their law careers, but not to me, since I was there to fight my own case. And given the limited amount of time provided by the court, I was not even able to say a word. I allowed the grown-ups to do the arguing for me: private counsel, the California State Bar attorney and the attorney for our very own state Attorney General.

They fought with courage. However, a fight can only be won if the opposition is open to engage. Here, the court appeared impotent against a federal law that, based on their reaction, they feel ties their hands and prevents them from allowing me to fulfill my dream and issue me a law license. Even though I was discouraged by their response, I did not take it as a total defeat. I took it 2as an opportunity to help them help me. As soon as I left the courthouse, I reached out to some of my friends in the California legislature. I knew that passing a law that would free the court’s hands to grant me a license was my last hope to fulfill my dream — short of taking my fight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Luckily, my friends had been paying attention to my plight and were quick to step in, in defense of the American dream. Assemblymember Luis Alejo (D-Salinas) was quick to assemble the troops and encourage them to pass a favorable law quickly.

Soon all members of the Latino Legislative Caucus had heeded the call to action and had picked Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) to lead the effort. I was ecstatic at their quick response. It made me feel like someone shared my passion for justice. Those who lead by action and not mere words have always been my heroes and it was refreshing to find so many like-minded people all at once.

Once González introduced AB 1024 — the bill that could potentially open the door to my dream, and that of many others — my excitement increased exponentially. With less than a week left in this year’s legislative session, the measure was written, debated and passed by the state legislature. The bill is now headed to the governor’s desk.

Nothing that is truly worthwhile comes without effort or sacrifice, but I am out to prove that the American dream is still out there for the taking.

Free computer classes at 360 Valencia, SF

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Teatro NahualTeatro Nahual

The Community Living Campaign teaches people how technology and social media are tools to help individuals and organizations reduce isolation and reweave community.

During October, Community Living Campaign will be offering free computer classes, open-lab, and tutoring at Valencia Gardens on Mondays. Here is this month’s schedule:

Open Lab and Tutoring in October

Oct. 7 – 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (closing early)

Oct. 14 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Oct. 21 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Oct. 28 – 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Skilled staff and volunteers on-site to help you get an email address, play games, start a blog, get a profile and use Facebook or Twitter, look for a job or a sale, and more. Everyone welcome!

See our other classes at for further information or to sign up, call: CLC Computer Connections at 415-821-1003 or go to

Salsa event every Wednesday in Redwood City

Come and join Angelica’s Salsa Party and wear your funky hat and dancing shoes.

The Rafael Ramírez’s Alta All-Stars will be playing Spicy Salsa and Afro Cuban Latin Jazz at the very Best music venue in the Peninsula.

At the Bell Stage Supper Club, 863 Main Street Redwood City, California.

Dinner seating starts at 6:30 p.m. Delicious Cuisine by Executive Chef Jeff Rodríguez. Dance goes from 8 to 10 p.m. The first 50 to purchase their tickets on-line will receive a Free Margarita or Modelo Negro Beer!

Local seasoned musician into our Latin grooves are encouraged to check us out. Tickets and Reservations online at: or call at 650 365-3226.

Acting classes at Nahual Theater

We continue with acting classes for the youth and adults, every Saturday morning at the hall of National Hispanic University. Requirements: desire and eagerness to learn a technique of performance, availability of time, look forward to having fun and participating in the next play with us.

Since 2004, Theatre Nahual has been developing a methodology to teach acting classes totally in Spanish to the Hispanic population in the Bay Area. Nahual Theatre has the mission to bring education and entertainment THROUGHOUT the English language plays.

In Addition, this community theater organization has supported the arts giving Opportunities to mature and young artists, musicians and writers: such as to Promote Their talents and solidify With The wonderful theatrical experience.

The acting classes with Teatro Nahual will start this month in a classroom of the National Hispanic 14271 Story Road. San Jose, CA. For more information dial: (650) 793-0783 or send an e-mail to: Website:

Cuban singer Pablo Milanés hospitalized for food poisoning

by the El Reportero’s news services

Pablo MilanésPablo Milanés

Cuban singer Pablo Milanes on Thursday was admitted to a Buenos Aires hospital for food poisoning and the concert he was scheduled to give in the evening here was postponed until the weekend.

The 70-year-old artist was diagnosed with pancreatitis and will have to have complete rest for the next 24 hours, the concert promoters said in a statement.

Tickets acquired for the Thursday night show at the Gran Rex Theater will remain valid for the concert now scheduled for Saturday.

Milanes, the writer of emblematic songs such as “Yolanda” and “La vida no vale nada,” is on a tour of Latin America to present his latest album entitled “Renacimiento.”

Icaro Film Festival Opens in El Salvador

The 16th annual “Icaro” Central American Film and Video Festival opened in El Salvador with the screening of recently released Salvadoran films and videos.

Leticia Girón, of the organizing committee, told the Prensa Latina news agency that the main objective of the festival is to gather and promote regional work in film and video.

She said that the festival has become a celebration where national producers, directors and script writers present their works to be analyzed by an international jury and then represent El Salvador at the Guatemala International Festival, the international Icaro.

Among the international jury members at the 16th festival is Cuban actor and director Jorge Molina, who is also a professor at the San Antonio de los Baños International Film and Television School and Higher Institute of Art, and well known in this country for his performance in the Cuban film “Juan de los Muertos”.

At the opening ceremony, Florence Jaugey’s documentary “El engaño”, SF(The deceit), which tells the stories of women who are victims of human trafficking, and a short animation by Salvadorian director Pilar Colome “Yoselin y el coyote” (Yoselin and the coyote) were screened.

The 16th festival will close on Saturday the 28th, with additional screenings in the cities of Santa Ana and San Miguel.

Costa Rica to host Shnit International Short Film Festival

Costa Rica will be one of the venues of the Shnit International  Short Film Festival, which will run from October 2 to 6 simultaneously in eight cities worldwide. Buenos Aires and San Jose will host the event in Latin America, while its main venue lies in Bern, Switzerland.

For the third time, San Jose is among those cities selected to screen the competing films, all produced during the current year.

Costa Rica will also include a screening of domestic production in the festival: the Made in Costa Rica exhibition.

Bangkok, Kyoto, New York, Cairo and Cape Town will also exhibit the films participating in the contest, whose final awards will take place in Bern, at the gala Shnit Open. This year, Shnit celebrates its 11th anniversary with a large number of short films, cartoons and documentaries, reported the organizers of this festival, Reta Guetg and Olivier van der Hoeven, who also participated in its foundation.

Syrian anti-war protest on new Bay Bridge

People protest against a possible a U.S. military attack against Syria. (PHOTO BY JULIAN FIELD)

by Cres Vellucci

SAN FRANCISCO – When dozens of people braved traffic and the California High Patrol – who threatened to arrest them – to denounce U.S. threats to attack last Saturday, they also became the first anti-war protesters on the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.
And, despite an announcement Saturday that the Obama Administration would put down its weapons – at least temporarily – in support of a nonviolent solution, the tone of the demonstrators and critics of the U.S. position were cautious. At best.
The bridge protests, organized by The World Can’t Wait (WCW), almost didn’t happen. The CHP told them they couldn’t cross the new bridge, but they did anyway. The CHP hinted they may be arrested but the rally took place without anyone going to jail.

Critics on the bridge they may be arrested but the rally took place without anyone going to jail.

Critics on the bridge said they while they may not trust Syria, they also don’t trust the U.S. “Obama’s plan to bomb Syria has not been derailed, only delayed.

This war would be illegal, unjust and immoral – even if it has the approval of Congress, the UN, and every other government in the world,” said Stephanie Tang of World Can’t Wait, as Code Pink, the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, WCW and other anti-war and community groups protested on the new pedestrian-bicycle path along the bridge’s eastern span.

“The danger to the Syrian people, and to the entire world given the volatile situation in the region, is enormous and grave. The Obama administration is still making threatening noises against Russia and the Syrian government. The U.N. has not yet released the report of its investigation of the chemical attack,” she said.

President Obama – at the same time he welcomed the agreement to disarm Syria of chemical weapons – confirmed the worst fears of the peace groups when he clarified Saturday that he was still prepared to launch a military strike if he thought the plan failed.

Syrian government chemical weapons are to be destroyed by next year, and “mixing” equipment to be destroyed by November of this year.

According to Tang and World Can’t Wait, the bloody Syrian civil war –where big powers are funding both sides – has killed 100,000 Syrians.

“Atrocities were committed by both the government and the mixed opposition of pro-Western and Islamic Fundamentalists. Neither offers a future for 23 million Syrians, who include refugees from U.S. and Israeli wars on Iraq and Palestine,” said Tang.

“With both the UN and Britain refusing to back the strike, Obama is seeking Congressional approval, but has not promised he would be bound by its vote. Even if Congress votes ‘yes,’ this war of aggression will not be just or legal,” maintained Tang.

However, new facts bubbling to the surface by independent media sources suggest that the Syrian government may not be the real culprit in the sarin gas killing of nearly 1,400 people near Damascus last month.

al-Nusra, known as most aggressive arm of the rebel force, has “affirmed” its allegiance to an al-Qaeda leader who was aligned with Syrian mercenaries backed by the U.S., according to InfoWars, which has also reported the U.S. – via the CIA – has now begun delivering weapons to those same Syrian rebels, many of whom have been linked to al Qaeda.

And a leaked U.S. military report said al-Nusra, an al-Qaeda-affiliated group produced the sarin gas used in the chemical attacks in Syria, according to PressTV, a Middle East media group.

The document, said PressTV, also noted that former U.S. military and intelligence officials have told President Obama in a letter that the charge against the Syrian government is based on bad intelligence.

They said the gas attack in Syria was a “pre-planned provocation by the Syrian opposition.

Third part: Dangerous crossroads – A war on Syria, prelude to a World War III

US-sponsored “rebels” in possession of chemical weapons

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research Analysis

While there is absolutely no evidence of the Syrian government having used chemical weapons against its population, there is evidence that the CIA-sponsored Al Qaeda affiliated rebels have chemical weapons in their possession and that they are being trained by Western special forces in the use of chemical weapons by Western special forces.

The training [in chemical weapons], which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey, involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials.

The nationality of the trainers was not disclosed, though the officials cautioned against assuming all are American. (CNN, December 09, 2012, emphasis added.

This is not a rebel training exercise in non-proliferation. What is contemplated as part of this covert operation is the possession of chemical weapons by the US-NATO sponsored terrorists, namely “by our” Al Qaeda affiliated operatives, including the Al Nusra Front.

This US sponsored training of Al Qaeda terrorists in the art of chemical warfare is in blatant violation of international law and Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
In June, it was reported that

“Turkish police had round up Al Qaeda-linked Syrian Al Nusra terrorists in raids in Istanbul and southern cities near the Syrian border, Turkey police … arrested 12 members of al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Al Nusra Front. Found in their possession were four and a half pounds of sarin nerve gas, hand guns, grenades, bullets and documents for what the Turkish daily Zaman reported was a bomb attack on the Turkish town of Adana. (Debka, June 15, 2013, emphasis added)

The United Nations independent mission confirms that rebel forces are in possession of sarin nerve gas

While Washington points its finger at president Bashar al Assad, a United Nations independent commission of inquiry confirmed in May 2013 that the rebels rather than the government have chemical weapons in their possession and are using sarin nerve against the civilian population:

U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria’s civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday.

The United Nations independent commission of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, said commission member Carla Del Ponte. [see image right]

“Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated,” Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television.

“This was use on the part of the opposition, the rebels, not by the government authorities,” she added, speaking in Italian. (“U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator,” Chicago Tribune, May, 5 2013, emphasis added)

There is also evidence that Al Nusrah forces have:

“deployed a form of sarin in a home-made shell fired on government forces in Khan al-Assal.

Russia has provided the UN with evidence to this effect and Khan al-Assal was one of the sites on the list to be visited by the UN inspection team.” See Phil Greaves, Syria: Obama’s Pretext for War? The “Rebels” are in Possession of Chemical Weapons, Global Research, August 29, 2013)

The Suppressed Daily Mail Report

In January 29, 2013, Britain’s most popular Daily Newspaper, in its online version published an article titled:

U.S. ‘backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime’ has published the record of the controversial Daily Mail article pertaining to an alleged US sponsored intelligence operation to launch a chemical weapons attack on Syria and blame it on President Bashar al-Assad.

The original article has been removed from the archives of the Daily Mail. It is nonetheless available at,

It is our understanding that the Daily Mail report was removed following a libel suit launched by Britam Defense and Intelligence, a UK based Security Company against the Daily Mail.

Bishops urge lawmakers to pass immigration reform

by the El Reportero’s wire services


The Catholic bishops of U.S. and Mexico border dioceses have just concluded their bi-annual meeting and issued a statement of concern around the issue of deportation and how its affects families.

The Bishops noted “our concerns about the situation of millions of undocumented people who emigrate to the United States. We are particularly concerned about the involvement of many families who were separated due to the lack of a proper immigration reform. At present, those who suffer most are thousands of children and young people who are deprived of their parents and other family members.”

The Bishops are urging lawmakers to pass comprehensive immigration reform and take into consideration the contribution made by immigrants, regardless of immigration status, to the U.S.

The plea from U.S. and Mexico border bishops comes on the heels of this past Sunday’s sermon where the issue of immigration reform was front and center. The Catholic Church has vowed to “pull out all the stops” in its support of immigration reform. Sunday’s sermon was one of the most high profile initiatives the Church has undertaken in support of immigration reform.

The bishops’ conference has called for research into the reasons why people decide to come to the U.S. and to find ways the Catholic Church can address the problems that motivate them to leave their own country. Mexican bishops are calling on the Mexican government to pass economic reforms that would create more jobs in Mexico that would remove the incentive for coming to the U.S.

California to provide drivers licenses to undocumented, bill awaits Governor signature

California legislators have approved a measure that will grant special driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants. The measure that passed on the night of Thursday, Sept. 12, now needs the signature of Governor Jerry Brown, he is expected to sign the bill. The Governor who is an advocate of comprehensive immigration reform hopes that what California is doing sends a message to “Washington that immigration reform is long past due.”

The driver’s licenses will be specially marked to denote they cannot be used as identification to fly, to register to vote or to collect public aid. Many immigrant advocacy groups were opposed to the “Scarlet Letter” on the driver’s licenses. The licenses will have “DP” displayed in front versus “DL” that other driver’s who are documented have.

The legislation in some form or another has been around for early ten years. The political climate was right this time.

Assembly Bill 60 passed the California Assembly 55-19 and the Senate 28-8.

Last month California reached a demographic milestone when the number of Latinos matched the number of white non-Hispanics. Nearly 3 million residents in California are undocumented.

California joins New Mexico, Washington, New Jersey, and Illinois as states that grant driving privileges to the undocumented.

So much pressure to vaccinate your children, but do vaccines cause autism?

Must-see new video reveals the systematic suppression of evidence of vaccine-damaged children

by Mike Adams
Natural News

There is systematic suppression in the United States on the truth about the links between vaccines and autism. Drug companies and the federal government have conspired to deny parents of vaccine-damaged children their day in court by creating a kangaroo “vaccine court” that offers no due process whatsoever (and therefore violates the civil liberties of Americans).

Even so, this court has, numerous times, admitted that vaccines have irrefutably damaged children and caused autism. Parents of those children are offered “hush money” to quietly go away after signing an agreement that mandates they never talk to the press about their ordeal.

This systematic suppression of the truth about vaccine-damaged children is revealed in a must-see new video just released by the Canary Party ( and narrated by actor Rob Schneider, an outspoken advocate of parental rights when it comes to medicine.

Watch the full video on YouTube at:

I urge you to share this video with everyone you know! It explains, in clear, rational language, an important part of the true story of how the vaccine industry suppresses the truth about vaccine-damaged children.

Why do vaccines harm children?

The entire vaccine industry — including all its bought-and-paid-for doctors, authors, “scientists” and PR flaks — has for decades knowingly lied to the world in claiming that vaccines have “zero risk” and “zero side effects.”

In truth, even the CDC still admits that vaccines contain four additives, each of which is a potent neurotoxic chemical. Those additives include: • Mercury (still used as a preservative) • Aluminum (used as an inflammatory adjuvant) • Formaldehyde (used to “deactivate” live viruses) • MSG / Monosodium Glutamate (used to caused immune system inflammation).

All of these substances are toxic to human biology when injected. There is no rational doctor or scientist in the world who can say they believe injecting infants
and children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum is somehow “safe,” yet doctors inject children with these substances every single day in the form of vaccines.

Vaccine industry far worse than Big Tobacco

Just as the dental industry has for decades ridiculously denied the toxicity of mercury in dental fillings, the vaccine industry is also living in delusional state of total denial about the toxicity of mercury. What we are witnessing today with modern medicine is a vaccine holocaust that is killing and maiming our children in record numbers. And the “circle the wagons” strategy of suppressing all the scientific evidence to support this makes Big Pharma look even worse than Big Tobacco.

At what point will autism reach 1 in 10 children?

It’s not that far off (it’s already over 1 in 100 children born today). If this level of disease were caused by anything other than vaccines, the CDC would have long declared it an epidemic and tried to push a vaccine for it. But because autism is linked to vaccines and mercury, the CDC downplays it and ridiculously pretends children aren’t being harmed. The FDA plays the same game of denial, hoping no one will notice as the condition multiplies to the point where one day potentially every fifth child in America will be autistic after receiving the hundreds of “required” vaccines that will be mandated in the near future.

Syria, lies exposed, broken paradigmas, dead pigs

by Jon Rappoport

The President just gave his speech on Syria. He intends to launch an air attack. He wants Congress to approve it. He didn’t say what he’ll do if Congress refuses, and he didn’t say how the attacks will limit Assad’s ability to use chemical weapons on his people in the future. He’s utterly convinced, he claims, that Assad deployed chemical weapons. He’s “seen the evidence.”

Why should we believe him? There are ample reports that “the rebels” used those weapons. Those would be the rebels the US government is backing and arming.

Obama referred to Congress as “representatives of the American people.” So Obama is a comedian now. He’s suggesting that all of America will share in this act of war. Congress represents the American people the way a herd of lions is accountable to deer and antelope.

You can see this in the run-up to the planned attack on Syria. Leaders are telling us, just as they did prior to the invasion in Iraq, that all the facts add up to the right answer. Once that answer is extracted, there is no turning back.

Syria. Chemical warfare was used. The Assad government used it. That’s the correct answer. Therefore, war. End of debate.

Let me make a leap, all you good folks out there in television land. The massive op/narrative called The New Age, which began its rapid spread in the 1960s, was designed to disguise our fascist government by moving consciousness to an appreciation for, and an insistence on, so-called spiritual unity.

Barack Obama was supposed to be the first president standing for that apotheosis. He would, in a sense, rule by faith, the faith of his supporters. He would sweep away all objections to government as the supplier of spiritual unity.

On a larger scale, the attempt to create a closed system, through a military-industrial-oil complex, is falling apart. Oil as the only recognized energy source for the planet determines the chessboard and the playbook. In one stroke, it names the geopolitical hot spots and the conflicts and the need for war as the American solution.

In truth, there are many technologies that could, if developed sufficiently, take us on the road to energy abundance. They are being stopped by the military-industrial-oil complex, not only to keep us on the oil teat, but also to keep us pinned to the need to make war to guarantee the oil flow.

But this system is losing its solid feel. It’s becoming more transparent as an op, long past its prime.

The Surveillance State is losing public support by the day. The notion that the government has to spy on everybody all the time to find “the terrorists” is so off-key.

It’s such a desperate tale, one wonders how the sellers can make it through the day without 2falling down and laughing themselves out of court.

The answer is: government funding. Like the oil monopoly, like the war machine, like the nuclear-energy titan, the government dispenses $$ to make the myths endure.

The pinnacle of this corruption is war. Offensive war. Not war to protect the home front, but to establish new beachheads of conquest, under the pretension of helping to liberate the oppressed. To create a sense of unity where unity was lacking.

The proposed attack on Syria is the latest footnote.

It’s not working.

People are waking up. Also, the man in the White House just can’t create new jobs. He’s putting on a show of trying, but he can’t do it, because he’s not interested in doing it. On the issue of war against Syria, Obama can only try to take a moral high ground based on the idea that a chemical attack occurred. That’s all he’s got. He can’t peddle spiritual unity in this case.

The whole thing is a sham and a scam and a cardboard front. I’m trying to tell you, my fellow Americans what’s really happening.

We, in the media, are your basic liars. That’s what makes us great. Right now, we’re selling the war to you. We’re trying, but it’s not easy.

Just think oil and keep thinking oil. Oil pipeline through Syria. Oil in the Middle East.

I could show you pictures of a hundred, two hundred places around the world where governments are torturing and killing their own people and putting them in cages. Is the US supposed to go into all those places and liberate the oppressed? Are we supposed to force free elections from the North Pole to Tierra del Fuego? And what is a free election? I’ll tell you. It’s the same big-time players behind the scenes cooking the vote for a new bunch of tyrants. The only way to stop that—and it’s a long shot—is to form a government based on severely limiting the power of government. Wow. What an idea!

Where did that come from? Am I, Brian Williams, the first person to see that? Anyway, Syria is a crazy op that’s gotten out of control. We’ve got Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq. Why would the US government be trying to upset the apple cart in those places? To free the people? Don’t be stupid. To obtain cheaper oil prices? How is that working out? If we were real reporters, this is the issue we’d be working on. Is this a destabilizing operation aimed at disrupting the flow of oil? Is this a highlevel game in which the US and other industrial economies take a huge energy hit? Is this a prelude to the acceleration of the forces of elite Globalism? Is this the old create-chaos and then bring in order on top of that?

Right now, that’s what it looks like to me. Sitting here, that’s my thesis. I don’t think I’ll be able to get anybody in the White House to give me a straight answer, though. But it’s a start. So…for all the good people here at NBC News, good night. I’ll be back tomorrow, possibly broadcasting from a holding cell under CIA headquarters at Langley. In which case, don’t believe anything I say. Signing off. Brian Williams.

Jon Rappoport The author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From The Matri x. You can sign up for his free emails at