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Obamacare subjects entire nation to ransom demands of coercive government

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This is a first part Column of an exposition of the true intentions of the elite to control the population via Obamacare. Authored by Natural News’s editor Mike Adams. Part 1.

by Mike Adams

For starters, the rhetoric over Obamacare and the government shutdown has reached a point of insanity. Obama himself has begun using “gun to the head” rhetoric, invoking highly-inappropriate violent imagery and trying to cast it upon his political enemies.

Furthermore, with Obama’s approval, White House spokespeople have also begun characterizing Republicans as “terrorists, kidnappers and arsonists” for their taking a stand against Obamacare. Even the more mild characterizations depict Republicans as “holding the nation ransom” while behaving like “suicide bombers” for daring the question the sanity of government gone insane.

I’m no water-bearer for the Republican party, as you well know, but this poisonous rhetoric from a failed, desperate administration demands to be honestly answered. If we’re going to invoke these metaphors, after all, let’s do it accurately. Because if you get right down to it, Obamacare subjects the entire nation to the ransom demands of a criminal, coercive regime that seems more rooted in Soviet-style communism than American freedom.

If Obamacare were a person passing you on the sidewalk, he would pull out a gun, stick it to your forehead and scream at you to “Give me all your money or else!” The so-called “Affordable Care Act” is built on a foundation of coercion and theft. It is not a voluntary program. It does not ask for nor require your consent. It is a grotesque example of government abuses gone terribly wrong at the hands of a wildly deceptive, insidious administration that honors no law whatsoever.

Metaphors that make sense: the Obama administration is a mafia

What’s emerging right now in the actions and rhetoric of the White House is that there is no difference whatsoever between the philosophy of the Obama administration and the philosophy of a criminal mafia. Both the mafia and the Obama administration:

• Use fear and intimidation to force people into surrendering their money.

• Threaten the use of force to coerce you into capitulating to their demands.

• Lie to the media and the public about their true intentions.

• Have a strong contradiction between their public persona of “compassion” versus their private behavior of ruthless aggression and destruction.

• Believe they have an inherent right to rule over everyone else.

• Have no respect whatsoever for individual rights, liberties or the rule of law.

• Believe they can simply invent the rules as they go along, complete outside of law.

• Believe they are exempt from the same laws and rules they force everyone else to follow.

• Blame everyone else for the problems and disruptions they have caused to society.

• Are led by sociopaths.

Unlimited theft is now the Big Government game plan

The “Affordable Care Act” is the landmark legislation of the Obama mafia, because it establishes the government’s “right” to engage in unlimited theft and confiscation of money from the American people. Thanks to Chief Justice Roberts and the U.S. Supreme Court, a dangerous precedent now exists that allows the federal government to simply seize funds out of your bank account at any time, for any amount, for any reason whatsoever, as long as they call it a “tax.”

This is a mafia-style approach to governing by coercion. Before long, Obama (or a future president) might decide that every American should buy war bonds through a mandatory “Affordable War Bonds” program. Such a program might automatically withdraw $500 from your bank account each and every month, redirecting that money to the wealthy arms manufacturers whose bombs and missiles need replacing because we’re suddenly in a war with Eurasia… or wherever.
Understand the gravity of this when I explain that the federal government now has no limits whatsoever to its powers of confiscating private wealth. This is crucial to really grasp because it means that when the government runs out of suckers willing to keep lending it more cash — and it can no longer print new money without triggering a global sell-off — there is a 100 percent chance it is going to resort to the nationwide confiscation of private wealth in order to keep itself afloat.

Yes, you heard me right: Your retirement funds, pension funds, private bank account and investment funds will all be subject to government confiscation, much like what recently happened in Cyprus. And because there are no longer any limits to government — the Constitution apparently be damned! — there is no way to stop this cancerous plague of economic destruction from sucking a significant portion of the private wealth in America into a black hole of bureaucratic waste and crony capitalism.

That’s what politicians like Obama do, of course: They are destroyers of wealth, destroyers of liberty, destroyers of opportunity and destroyers of the American dream. The No. 1 side effect of Obamacare is to destroy the U.S. economy and thereby create a nation of bankrupt victims who desperately vote for Democrats because that’s who’s pimping the handouts, the free mobile phones, the welfare and government food stamps. This is why the growth of food stamps under Obama has been 75 times greater than the growth of jobs under Obama.

The intentional destruction of the middle class

The game plan of the Democrats, whether you’re talking Obamacare, immigration, minimum wages or anything else, is to annihilate the middle class and turn America into Mexico, where a tiny ultra-wealthy elite class rules over a massive population of impoverished, dumbed-down voters fed pesticide-ridden genetically modified foods washed down with fluoride and aspartame.

If you really want to talk metaphors, the Obama administration is waging a campaign of economic terrorism against the American people, destroying jobs, work hours and small businesses at every opportunity. This is not by accident. This is how Democrats gain power: by turning would-be entrepreneurs and small business owners into impoverished, unemployed government entitlement recipients who depend on government to put food on the table.

Individualism is the enemy of the Obama administration, because individuals might think for themselves or demonstrate socioeconomic mobility. This simply cannot be tolerated, so the American dream must be crushed at every opportunity to keep the people oppressed and destitute.


Mexican rock band Maná in Miami working on next album

by the El Reportero’s news services

Grupo ManáGrupo Maná

With nearly 35 million in worldwide sales, the Mexican band Mana is currently in Miami working on what they say will be a “positive, upbeat” album.

It will be “danceable” and have “all the enthusiasm of rock and roll,” the band’s vocalist, Fernando “Fher” Olvera, told Efe.

At the same time, the frontman added, the new disc will include the kind of “melancholy” ballads they’re known for.

“Mana always throws all the meat on the grill, always. You know we’re not a band that brings out one disc a year. We’re a little slow, but we like it that way,” Fher said.

The band’s last album with new material was 2011’s “Drama y Luz.”

Bassist Juan Calleros and guitarist Sergio Vallin believe that all the energy they stored up during those months of rest and relaxation following their 2012 tour has them raring to go on the road again.

“We’re really excited to have a new tour coming up. We miss playing,” Vallin said.

With regard to the upcoming launch of a documentary series about Mana and the process of recording the new disc, drummer Alex González said the project will provide a peek at their spontaneous conversations and reveal “the good times and bad times” the band goes through.

“There are a lot of stories we never told the media,” González said, and invited fans to take part in a contest to win a day at the recording studio.

Thalia presents fourth book: Chupie The Binky that Returned Home

Popular Mexican singer and actress Thalia presented her fourth book, Chupie: The Binky that Returned Home, which arose from her experience as a mother and from the cunning tales that all parents create to teach their children important lessons.

The illustrated book tells a sweet story about a very common experience for parents: dealing with the moment when their tots should stop using a pacifier.

“I wrote this story because I needed to. When my daughter Sabrina was 2 years old, the pediatrician told me it was time she quit using a pacifier because that could make her teeth crooked and even cause infections in her ears,” Apellidothe popular singer said in an interview with Efe.

Thalia, who had already published two books dedicated to beauty and pregnancy as well as her autobiography Growing Stronger, said that when she realized it was impossible to convince her daughter to drop the pacifier, she got this brilliant idea.

“I had tried everything, but she kept wanting her pacifier. So that one night, about 2:00 in the morning, I heard her crying in her room because she couldn’t find it and I told her, ‘Pacifier misses its mom because they’re separated. Imagine if you and I were separated, and we couldn’t hug or give each other little kisses?’ and right then she told me ‘Mom! Take Pacifier to its mother!’ So I sent it to Binkyland, which is the home of the pacifiers,” the artist said.

These days, the composer of A Quien Le Importa and Amor a la Mexicana said, she is happy about the way her musical career is taking wing and even now she is working on several important recording projects.

Flamenco: Con nombre y Apellido

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Carola ZertucheCarola Zertuche

Renowned flamenco dancer Carola Zertuche presents Con Nombre y Apellido, a powerful performance that pushes the boundaries of tradition and explores new expressions of cultural identities through flamenco dance.

In its 47th home season, Theatre Flamenco of San Francisco will present Con Nombre y Apellido, an exploration of the diverse national and cultural identities in the art of flamenco. Artistic Director Carola Zertuche will honor the famous families throughout flamenco history that have maintained a lineage and tradition for the art form itself a mix of Spanish, Gypsy, Jewish, African, and Moorish influences. Using that tradition as a point of departure, Zertuche will reflect on the new crop of artists who are not of those families, nor of Spanish origin, yet have steeped themselves in that tradition and are pushing flamenco forward. Zertuche will integrate her Mexican roots with Spanish Gypsy and North American artists who have earned renown in the art form.

The oldest flamenco dance company in the nation, Theatre Flamenco proudly presents world class and internationally recognized flamenco artists. Featuring guitarist Jose Luis Rodriguez, singer José Cortés, bassist Sascha Jacobsen, electroacoustic musician Fermín Martínez, flamenco dancers Carola Zertuche, Cristina Hall, Marién Luévano, and guest co-director Ricardo Rubio – be prepared for an unforgettable experience of flamenco.

Nov. 23 at 8 p.m., Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts, Mountain View, Advance tickets:

La Llorona an exhibit at the MCCLA.

Weeping for the Life and Death of the Mission District, through Nov. 23, 2013. Curated by Dr. Martina Ayala. Special Guest Artesanos from Mexico, D.F.: Foro Binniza, Alejandro Chirino and Miguel Angel Sequeyro. At the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco.

Alayo Dance Company presents Quality of Movement Choreographer Ramon Ramos Alayo fuses Afro-Cuban folkloric, popular and modern dance.

Though these dance forms coexist and influence one another, rarely are they merged seamlessly in a choreographic composition.

Alayo Dance Company presents excerpts from Grief (2011), Siempre corriendo/ Always Running (2008), What about love (2013) and the premiere of The Beauty of Movement. Alayo Too will premiere, performing Te Quedaras/ You will Stay (Premiere).

On Nov.22-24, 2013, at the Dance Mission Theater, San Francisco. $20 advance and $25 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at

Guardianas de la Vida – 2013 Spirit Rising Healing Arts Festival

For over seven years this woman centered holiday has been proving that a new culture is emerging from the depth of El Barrio. This year’s Guardianas de la Vida features the amazing LaTania Flamenco, dancing to an original piece by Maestro Hector Armiento on piano, plus a beautiful cast of dancers, singers, musicians, poets and healers to make this night unforgettable!

Featuring Stella Adelman, Arenas Dance Co, Anne Bluethenthal and Dancers, Paloma McFly McGlothin, Alexandra Rieloff, Poets Nina Serrano and the No Tutu Crew, Native American Speaker Kim Shuck, Author & Social Theorist Judy Grahn the phenomenal Sang Matiz and MamaCoatl.

On Saturday, Nov. 30, at Dance Mission Theater, 3316 24th St. San Francisco. For more info visit or call 415-826-4441. Healing sessions at 6 p.m. Show at 7 p.m.. Tickets: $15 available at door and at

Grant of TV license to indigenous causes both joy and división

José Vanegas speaks about the pros and cons about the recent adquisition in his indigenous community of a TV license. (PHOTO BY ORSETTA BELLANI)

por Orsetta Bellani

After years of struggle, six indigenous Ecuadorian journalists managed to launch Micc TV, a television channel that now broadcasts four hours a day for a large audience. This way, the dream of the Indigenous and Campesino Movement of Cotopaxi (Micc), which integrates the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), became true. The success of Micc Tv is also symbolic: their antenna is next to the commercial channels and those of the state in the city of Latacunga.
Orsetta Bellani, contributor to El Reportero, met Jose Venegas, indigenous communicator Micc, who works at Micc TV.
How and when did Ecuador’s indigenous movements managed to get their own media?
The Ecuadorian indigenous movement was gaining ground at the beginning of the 90s, when the country began the uprising against discrimination towards indigenous people, who weren´t even allowed to walk on the street. We won recognition, not only rights but also important spaces of political participation: we reached municipalities, prefectures and county councils, and began to visualize a multicultural country.

Then, native peoples’ media started to emerge, but they were all in the church that used several strategies for deciding who could and could not talk, so as to isolate the organized sectors. So we wanted the indigenous movement to have its own media, in order to strengthen its organization.

How and when did Micc TV emerge?

In 2009, after five years of struggle, the Superintendent of Communications gave us a community channel frequency, but in their letter they said we had to install it in just sixty days. We were lucky because we found a technician from a national channel, who could build Micc Tv within sixty days and with all the technical characteristics of a channel of any company. In addition, with the support of the United Nations Fund on Indigenous we could buy a transmitter, a camera, a DVD player and a TV.

What kind of programs do you offer?

In the beginning, we broadcasted two or three hours a day, but gradually people and associations began to send videos and reports. Now finally we’re on air 24 hours a day. We believe it is important to have a different program: we air documentaries other channels would not, alternative Latin American, European and American cinema for people to think differently. We have two newscasts, one in Kitchwa and one in Spanish, food sovereignty and traditional crops programs, a sports program and a music show, as well as a program that seeks organizational and political strengthen.

How big is your audience?

Our channel covers a population of 600 thousand inhabitants, according to rating studies – which are not ours but from the major television networks – we are second in audience in the area. We are always linked to organizational, indigenous and social processes, and we have also involved the mestizo population, we don’t want to be an indigenous channel.

What is the attitude of commercial and state media towards Micc TV?

At first we were discriminated as the channel of the Indians, then they began to worry because we started to make a quality product, with smart programming, with a good signal and a good reception from the people. They never thought that we could produce quality news, but now we are imposing the media agenda, modifying the schedule of the other channels. We are dangerous to them.

We have a mobile unit we rented to commercial channels and we do not have to stay small only because we are indigenous, but we can do something big. In June 2013, the Ecuadorian parliament approved the Communications Law to democratize access to the media.

What is your opinion about the new law?

Unfortunately, the new Communications Law does not have many inclusive things for indigenous peoples. It is true that it recognizes community communication, but it only contemplates the existence of low-power stations.

In addition, the law stipulates that it’s the state that finances the media and staff training, limiting the freedom of peoples. In fact, relations between the state and indigenous movements in Ecuador are not good, and now the Correa government is bidding stations to organizations that support their management.

So this law is not a great achievement, because it doesn´t access to the media to all organizations and breaks organizational processes. It is a law that divides indigenous peoples.

Cuba will no longer have dual currency

by the El Reportero’s wire services


The Cuban government announced last week the beginning of a process to eliminate the unpopular dual-currency system that has prevailed on the island since 1994, Communist Party daily Granma said Tuesday.

“The Council of Ministers has agreed to put into effect a schedule for applying measures that will lead to monetary and exchange-rate unification,” the newspaper said.

Cuba now has two currencies – the peso, which is worth less than four cents, and the CUC, which trades at parity with the dollar.

The vast majority of Cubans are paid in pesos, receiving an average monthly salary of about $17.

Employees of foreign-owned firms receive some remuneration in CUCs, and people who get remittances in dollars from relatives in the United States can exchange their greenbacks for CUCs.

Without establishing any specific dates, Granma said the transition will begin with firms, “in order to favor conditions for increased efficiency, provide a better measure of economic operations and as a stimulus for sectors producing goods and services for export and for import substitution.”

The Cuban government notes that “no measure that is adopted in the monetary field will be to the detriment” of workers or savers. It also guarantees that it will continue to apply the current policy of subsidies for retail prices and for individuals when necessary, as long as the nation’s economic conditions require it.”

Monetary unification is one of the most important measures in the plan for economic reforms launched by President Raul Castro to “modernize” the island’s socialist model.

The present dual-currency regime is one of the “biggest obstacles to progress in the country,” Castro told Cuba’s parliament in July.

Uruguay receives $18 million loan to finance national health system

The Inter-American Development Bank approved a conditional line of credit for Uruguay for up to $18 million to finance the E-Government Program Management Program in the Health Sector as well as the credit line’s first loan for $6 million.

The program will provide long-term benefits to beneficiaries in the country’s National Health System through electronic health records and other actions that will improve the ability to monitor and manage services and move towards a health care model focused on prevention.

The aim of the first loan of the credit line is to help improve health system management through improvements in administration, exchange of information on service delivery and patient clinical data, and the expansion of services through telemedicine tools.

The first operation will finance the creation of strategic guidelines for electronic medical records and the development of an implementation strategy throughout the system, a unified clinical history model, and the design of an interoperability platform at the national level.

The operation will also finance investments in pilot health centers for the application of tele-imaging systems, support for the design development of the National Tele-imaging System, define the connectivity architecture among the centers participating in the pilot initiative, and the production of a draft proposal for service complementarity in the integrated health services network.

Five ways to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer

by Sandeep Godiyal

September is the month that has been dedicated to making the world more aware of prostate cancer. This type of cancer is considered the sixth leading cause of death among males who have cancer. It is said that it is linked to family history, as well as age. There are certain predisposing factors that could increase a male’s risk of developing the said cancer. However, medical professionals say that simple changes in one’s diet can help a lot in reducing the chances of getting prostate cancer.

A diet that consists of high amounts of red meat and high-fat dairy products has been found to increase risk of prostate cancer.

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that is just about the size of a walnut. The urethra, the tube that carries semen and urine out of the body, passes through the prostate. The gland produces a fluid that is part of the semen, and this fluid also protects the sperm. The gland also plays another role in terms of controlling urine.

The symptoms of prostate cancer may be different for every man. However, there are certain symptoms that are quite common, such as frequent painful or difficult urination. There are also times when a man cannot urinate or may have blood in the urine. There is also stiffness or frequent pain at the lower back, upper thighs or hips. If these symptoms are prevalent for more than 2 weeks, a man should go see a doctor.

Life style Changes Men Need

Here are the different ways men can prevent the onset of prostate cancer:

Avoid eating red meat.

The Department of Oncology’s Head at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences said that men who eat more fatty products are more prone to developing prostate cancer. This is why he suggests that men need to cut down on oils, dairy products and red meat. Green tea is good.

There have been a lot of studies showing that men who drink green tea or are taking green tea extract have lower risks of developing prostate cancer.

Eat more greens.

Eating fats that come from plants is better than eating the ones from animals. One good example is using olive oil for cooking instead of butter, or using seeds or nuts instead of cheese.

Increasing one’s intake of vegetables and fruits has a lot of great benefits. Eating tofu, a food product that is created from soy beans, has also been found to help reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer. Like with all foods, you should look for organic, non-GMO tofu.

Change your diet.

It is said that age is one of the factors that people have no control over, but there are modifications that one can make in one’s diet to reduce the risk of developing the said cancer. Choosing to eat a healthy diet is the better choice. An example is eating a bowl of cereal with soy milk instead of cow’s milk. Adding more fish in the diet and greens like spinach may also help.

Avoid taking too much starch and sugar.

Starchy foods, such as white bread or rice, and sugary foods, such as candies and sodas, trigger inflammation in the body. A recent study showed that men who ate the most amounts of starchy and sugary foods had a 64 percent chance of getting an advanced form of prostate cancer.

These are five methods which males can use to help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. It is important to do the above recommendations in order to be healthier. now deliberately displaying false pricing information to trick the public

by J. D. Heyes

In mid-October, Forbes’ Avik Roy, who has been writing regularly about the pitfalls and expected pitfalls of Obamacare, made a rather startling claim.

“A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing,” he wrote. “ forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, creates a massive traffic bottleneck, as the government verifies your information and decides whether or not you’re eligible for subsidies. HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away.”

In other words, he was saying that the website was designed to hide the true cost of insurance plans.

Roy’s story got some traction, but it largely went unnoticed. Now, however, thanks to information surprisingly uncovered by CBS News, it appears that Roy’s story was prophetic:

CBS News has uncovered a serious pricing problem with It stems from the Obama administration’s efforts to improve its health care website. A new online feature can dramatically underestimate the cost of insurance.

So much for ‘shop and browse’

Now, the latter report is being much more generous to the administration than it probably deserves – that this so-called pricing error is merely the result of harmless glitches stemming from good-faith efforts by this hapless government to fix the glitch-prone and virtually unusable federal exchange site.

But what is clear is this: There is a concerted effort to keep Americans from learning what the actual costs of plans are going to be under Obamacare.

Furthermore, as reported by CBS News:

The administration announced it would provide a new “shop and browse” feature… but it’s not giving consumers the real picture. In some cases, people could end up paying double of what they see on the website, CBS News’ Jan Crawford reported Wednesday on “CBS This Morning.”

President Obama, who has feigned shock and anger over a website that he and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius knew for months was broken but which he demanded be launched anyway, has “vowed” to fix the struggling online exchange. In particular, administration officials are already crowing about what they are calling “improvements” in the site’s design, in particular, a feature that supposedly allows you to “See Plans Now.”

White House mouthpiece Jay Carney has even said that “Americans across the country can type in their zip code and shop and browse.”

“But,” CBS News reported, “the new ‘shop and browse’ feature often comes with the wrong price tags.”

In addition, health insurance industry analysts note there are only two broad age categories: 49 or younger and 50 and older.

And consider that the exchange’s success depends on enrolling a large number of young, healthy people, to pay for those who are older, sicker and with chronic, pre-existing conditions.

Get ready for sticker shock

That means that the younger crowd – many of whom don’t have health insurance, because they figure they’re so young and healthy that they don’t need it – are going to be shocked when they find out what they’re actually going to have to pay.

More reporting on the concealment of plan prices from CBS News:

Jonathan Wu is co-founder of, a consumer finance website focusing on the impact of health care reform. His company has built a tool that provides quotes for plans on the federal exchange. He said it’s “incredibly misleading for people that are trying to get a sense of what they’re paying.”

During its investigation, CBS News reporters and analysts ran cost figures for a 48-year-old female in Charlotte, N.C., who is ineligible for subsidies. According to the site, she would pay $231 a month, though the actual plan on Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina’s website costs $360, or more than 50 percent higher. “The difference,” CBS News said, is that “Blue Cross and Blue Shield requests your bierthday before providing more accurat estimates.

“The numbers for older Americans are even more striking. A 62-year-old in Charlotte looking for the same basic plan would get a price estimate on the government website of $394. The actual price is $634,” said the report.

Much of America should get ready for health insurance sticker shock.

The “government “shutdown” and the “debt default” Part 2

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Much has been said about the little-by-little lost of freedoms in the United States since the coward killings on the 9/11 attacks, which gave life to the infamous Patriot Act, responsible for these lost of freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. The following article, authored by Dr. Paul Craigs Roberts, explains that what really has happened is that the Constitutional government has ceased to exist via a coup d’eat and replaced by an international banking cartel. This is Part 2.

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

The speculative endgame: the government “shutdown” and the “debt default” a multibillion bonanza for Wall Street

The American people have suffered a coup d’etat, but they are hesitant to acknowledge it. The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere “scrap of paper.”

An unconstitutional government is an illegitimate government. The oath of allegiance requires defense of the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” As the Founding Fathers made clear, the main enemy of the Constitution is the government itself. Power does not like to be bound and tied down and constantly works to free itself from constraints.

The basis of the regime in Washington is nothing but usurped power. The Obama Regime, like the Bush/Cheney Regime, has no legitimacy. Americans are oppressed by an illegitimate government ruling, not by law and the Constitution, but by lies and naked force.

Those in government see the US Constitution as a “chain that binds our hands.”

The South African apartheid regime was more legitimate than the regime in Washington. The apartheid Israeli regime in Palestine is more legitimate. The Taliban are more legitimate. Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were more legitimate.

The only constitutional protection that the Bush/Obama regime has left standing is the Second Amendment, a meaningless amendment consider1ing the disparity in arms between Washington and what is permitted to the citizenry. No citizen standing with a rifle can protect himself and his family from one of the Department of Homeland Security’s 2,700 tanks, or from a drone, or from a heavily armed SWAT force in body armor.

Like serfs in the dark ages, American citizens can be picked up on the authority of some unknown person in the executive branch and thrown in a dungeon, subject to torture, without any evidence ever being presented to a court or any information to the person’s relatives of his/her whereabouts. Or they can be placed on a list without explanation that curtails their right to travel by air. Every communication of every American, except face-to-face conversation in non-bugged environments, is intercepted and recorded by the National Stasi Agency from which phrases can be strung together to produce a “domestic extremist.”

If throwing an American citizen in a dungeon is too much trouble, the citizen can simply be blown up with a hellfire missile launched from a drone. No explanation is necessary.

For the Obama tyrant, the exterminated human being was just a name on a list.

The President of the United States has declared that he possesses these constitutionally forbidden rights, and his regime has used them to oppress and murder US citizens. The president’s claim that his will is higher than law and the Constitution is public knowledge. Yet, there is no demand for the usurper’s impeachment. Congress is supine. The serfs are obedient.

The people who helped transform a democratically accountable president into a Caesar include John Yoo, who was rewarded for his treason by being accepted as a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Boalt school of law. Yoo’s colleague in treason, Jay Scott Bybee was rewarded by being appointed a federal judge on the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. We now have a Berkeley law professor teaching, and a federal circuit judge ruling, that the executive branch is above the law.

The executive branch coup against America has succeeded. The question is: will it stand? Today, the executive branch consists of liars, criminals, and traitors.

The evil on earth seems concentrated in Washington. Washington’s response to Edward Snowden’s evidence that Washington, in total contravention of law both domestic and international, is spying on the entire world has demonstrated to every country that Washington places the pleasure of revenge above law and human rights.

On Washington’s orders, its European puppet states refused overflight permission to the Bolivian presidential airliner carrying President Morales and forced the airliner to land in Austria and be searched. Washington thought that Edward Snowden might be aboard the airliner. Capturing Snowden was more important to Washington than respect for international law and diplomatic immunity.

On July 12 Snowden met in the Moscow airport with human rights organizations from around the world. He stated that the illegal exercise of power by Washington prevents him from traveling to any of the three Latin American countries that have offered him asylum. Therefore, Snowden said that he accepted Russian President Putin’s conditions and requested asylum in Russia.

Insouciant Americans and the young unaware of the past don’t know what this means. During my professional life it was Soviet Russia that persecuted truth tellers, while America gave them asylum and tried to protect them. Today it is Washington that persecutes those who speak the truth, and it is Russia that protects them.

The American public has not, this time, fallen for Washington’s lie that Snowden is a traitor. The polls show that a majority of Americans see Snowden as a whistle blower.

It is not the US that is damaged by Snowden’s revelations. It is the criminal elements in the US government that have pulled off a coup against democracy, the Constitution, and the American people who are damaged. It is the criminals who have seized power, not the American people, who are demanding Snowden’s scalp.

The Obama Regime, like the Bush/ Cheney Regime, has no legitimacy. Americans are oppressed by an illegitimate government ruling, not by law and the Constitution, but by lies and naked force.

Under the Obama tyranny, it is not merely Snowden who is targeted for extermination, but every truth-telling American in the country. It was Department of Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano, recently rewarded for her service to tyranny by being appointed Chancellor of the of the University of California system, who said that Homeland Security had shifted its focus from Muslim terrorists to “domestic extremists,” an elastic and undefined term that easily includes truth-tellers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden who embarrass the government by revealing its crimes. The criminals who have seized illegitimate power in Washington cannot survive unless truth can be suppressed or redefined as treason.

If Americans acquiesce to the coup d’etat, they will have placed themselves firmly in the grip of tyranny.

Why can’t churches consign Monsanto to Hell from the pulpit?

by Jon Rappoport

“When Pope Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires, farm advocates met with him to explain how biotechnology had ruined and changed the face of Argentine agriculture…” (David Andrews, National Catholic Reporter, October 8, 2013)

Priests and ministers spoke out against the war in Vietnam. They went after the drug-dealing Contras in Nicaragua. They are “of the people,” aren’t they?

At least that’s what they claim.

I’m talking about Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Unitarian, Shinto, Hindu priests and ministers. Men of the cloth, of all faiths, including the firebrands who bankroll sin into cash.

Sentence Monsanto to Hell.

Forget Limbo, Purgatory, and all the stops along the way.

And what about Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? They don’t think the destruction of countless small farms and communities in Africa is a “good issue” for them?

Seems to me I remember reading the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. As a boy, he had dreams of sheaves of wheat dancing. Food. Clean food. Grown without poisons and injected genes.

What bubble are these churches living in?

Let me see if I understand their position: God made Nature and Nature is sacred. So if Monsanto comes along and shoots genes into food crops and the genes drift and merge with anything that grows, and the insidious effects on health spread, and it turns out that more toxic Roundup, not less, is required, and superweeds resistant to Roundup are taking over huge swathes of farm land…the churches will rise up and declare Monsanto evil…right?


They don’t want to cause trouble? They don’t want to alienate their constituencies? They’re politicians?


In that case, what right do they have to act as intermediaries or guides for their people of faith?

Under pressure from the US government and its allies, the last Pope came out in favor of GMO food. This one, Francis, has yet to make a clear declaration. With over a billion members of his church in tow, Francis could change the balance of world opinion.

One domino falls, many follow.

And while I’m at it, what about colleges? Forty years ago, American students rallied and protested and struck in great numbers, on the issue of apartheid. They pointed fingers at their own administrations and demanded dropping investments in any company doing business with South Africa.

Well, how about protesting and striking at colleges, across America, where Monsanto money fuels research? It’s a natural. Then on top of that, students can also demand their colleges sell off stock in the company.

Pressure. Exposure.

For example, in 2012 reported that South Dakota State’s president, David Chicoine, landed a plum spot on Monsanto’s board of directors, “where he earns six figures.”

Here’s another one (Mother Jones, May 9, 2012): The University of Illinois accepted a $250,000 grant from Monsanto “to create an endowed chair for the Agriculture Communications Program…”

Then there’s this report from a PhD candidate: “When I approached professors to discuss research projects addressing organic agriculture in farmer’s markets, the first one told me that ‘no one cares about people selling food in parking lots on the other side of the train tracks,’ said a PhD student at a large land-grant university who did not wish to be identified. ‘My academic adviser told me my best bet was to write a grant for Monsanto or the Department of Homeland security to fund my research on why farmer’s markets were stocked with “black market vegetables” that “are a bioterrorism threat waiting to happen.” It was communicated to me on more than one occasion throughout my education that I should just study something Monsanto would fund rather than ideas to which I was deeply committed. I ended up studying what I wanted, but received no financial support, and paid for my education out of pocket.” (May 2012,, “Monsanto’s college strangehold”)

There’s a lot more. A lot.

Instead of drinking the corporate Kool-Aid (Agent Orange, Dow), it’s time these college students woke up to what a real rebellion feels like.

Instead of proudly wearing T-shirts from Target and American Eagle Outfitters, they can gather on the campus and take over research buildings and make Monsanto feel some pain.

Churches and colleges.

Trance or action?

Jon Rappoport, the author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Mexico: Recorvered antiquities now on display in National Museum

by the El Reportero’s news services

Mexican antiquities recovered.Mexican antiquities recovered.

Thousands of Mexican antiquities are scattered around the world, with illegally obtained archaeological items rarely being returned to Mexico.

There are exceptions, such as occurred in August, when a U.S. museum returned three stolen pieces to Mexico.

The pieces are included in an exhibition that opened last week at the National Museum of Anthropology.

The three pieces are “Cabeza de serpiente” (Serpent’s Head), a basalt sculpture from the Early Post-Classic Period (900-1200); “Tlaloc, Dios de la lluvia” (Tlaloc, God of Rain), completed between 200 and 900; and a stele made from basalt rock on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

The sculptures were “torn from their context,” which was “the first damage done from a heritage standpoint by the looting,” National Museum of Anthropology director Antonio Saborit told Efe.

“The context is essential” because archaeologists “not only work on the discovery of a piece, but they are also studying the site where they found it, how it was found, in what direction, to see what it did exactly,” Saborit said.

The pieces were recovered by chance after being stolen and smuggled out of Mexico.

The sculptures ended up in a private collection in the United States that was donated to the University of Miami’s Lowe Art Museum when the owner died.

“When the museum started looking at putting together a pre-Columbian exhibition, it contacted the National Anthropology and History Institute, or INAH, and the specialists noted the nature of the pieces at that time,” Saborit said.

Crazed Justin Bieber Fans out in Force in Colombia to See Pop Idol Perform

Scores of teenagers gathered Monday in front of a Bogota hotel to see Mujerespop idol Justin Bieber, who on Tuesday will give the only concert in Colombia on his Believe Tour.

With cries of “Justin, we love you,” close to 100 teens, mostly girls, waited from the early hours for the star to appear in his hotel window.

Due to the size of the crowd, police fenced off the area around the hotel and about a dozen cops helped security personnel maintain order.

“I’m here to make a dream come true, like we all are, to meet Justin Bieber,” said Deisy Priety, who wrapped her school uniform in a Colombian flag and confessed she skipped classes to see her idol.

Another girl said they would wait until he came out, and that many of them would stay to sleep all night in front of the hotel.

“I come from Aguachica on the coast to see my idol, I love him,” said Laura Linares, while the others shouted the names of their hometowns and told what they had to go through to get to Bogota.

A Venezuelan boy did not hide his pride at having traveled to Colombia to see the artist, adding that others had done just as he did and had come from his country and from Peru. Bieber’s show in Bogota will kick off the Believe Tour in South America, where the Canadian idol is also scheduled to give concerts in Ecuador, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.