Friday, September 13, 2024
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Strikes and civil desobedience protest firings and deportations

Silicon Valley immigrant rights activists, including labor organizers Fred Hirsch and Gerardo Dominguez, and Father Jon Pedigo, sit down with others in the middle of an intersection, in an act of civil disobedience.
For the last six months, community and labor activists-mostly young – have sat down in front of buses carrying people to detention centers for deportation. In Tucson, they obstructed and chained themselves to ICE vans. In San Francisco, a few days after blocking a bus carrying deportees to detention, “Dreamer” Ju Hong-a young immigrant whose deportation was deferred in the White House’s executive action two years ago-challenged President Obama during a local speech.

“You have the power to stop deportation,” the protester told him.

In response to these actions and others like them, the cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco have passed resolutions demanding a moratorium on deportations; San Francisco is imposing a halt in immigration-related firings as well.

And the pressure is only intensifying. Last week, unions and community organizations closed down an intersection in front of a Silicon Valley supermarket chain where hundreds were fired after an inspection by ICE of company personnel records (an I-9 audit), intended to identify undocumented workers for termination. The next day, immigrant recycling workers in one San Leandro, Calif. trash facility walked out of work when their employer and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency threatened their jobs in a similar audit.

These protests are a direct response to the deportations and firing that have intensified as a result of the Obama administration’s immigration enforcement policies. Over the last five years, thousands of workers have been fired through immigration audits and the use of the E-Verify database. In the same period, about 400,000 people have been deported every year — almost two million in five years. Special Federal courts, called “Operation Streamline,” convene daily, passing quick judgment on migrants led into the courtroom in chains, and sending them to privately run “detention centers” for immigrants. More than 300,000 people each year spend some time in these immigration prisons.

Some organizations in Washington have continued to pressure Congress to take a vote on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bills (S 7444 and HR 15). But the actions in the streets hardly mention them. Some grassroots groups no longer support them at all, because they contain increased enforcement measures that would make firings and deportations even more widespread than they already are.

In fact, many community organizations and unions outside of Washington have largely abandoned the idea that Congress can or will pass any legislation that would end mass deportations and safeguard the jobs and labor rights of immigrant workers.

These grassroots protesters instead want the Obama administration to immediately use its executive authority to stop deportations and firings, without waiting for Congress. Even beltway groups like the National Council of La Raza, which until recently insisted that the CIR bills were the only way forward, have demanded an end to mass deportations.

In San Leandro, recycling striker Ampara Romo appealed to supporters, “I ask everyone to try to change the laws being used against us right now, because they are unjust and cause so much harm to families and our community in general.” When recycling workers went on strike to protest firings, they were calling for the right to live as equals, as full participants in society, and to work without fear.

The unions and groups supporting them-as well as those around the countryseek an immigration reform that rises from locally based actions and advances toward equality. They reject the reforms in Congress because they create a secondclass tier of people with fewer rights, subject to ferocious enforcement. These photographs show the determination and courage of immigrant workers, their families and supportersgoing on strike against the prospect of losing their jobs, sitting down in the street in civil disobedience, and demanding a radical change in immigration policy.

Jamie Herrera, a worker at a recycling facility in Oakland, where workers went on strike to protest bad wages, unsafe working conditions and ICE audits. Previously, Herrera had been a skilled union worker at a local foundry when he lost his job because of an earlier I-9 audit-in which the Department of Homeland Security accused him of lacking legal status and forced his employer to fire him. Workers at the recycling sorting facility of Alameda County Industries walk out to protest the company’s decision to fire workers accused of not having legal immigration status. They also blocked trucks hauling trash from entering the facility.

Workers say the company was paying $8.30 an hour; San Leandro’s living wage ordinance requires $14.17. After five employees filed a suit over the wage theft, they say, the company used the threat of immigration enforcement to retaliate.

Maria Granados, one of the suing workers, points out, “One month after we sued them they started calling people into the office to say there were problems with our documents.

Some of us have been there 14 years, so why now?”

Striking immigrant recycling workers are supported by community leaders from a dozen organizations and unions.

Although the employees had no union contract, they were assisted in the strike by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 6 and ILWU organizer Agustin Ramirez. The fasters, who are leading a charge to demand a moratorium on deportations, spoke at the rally in support of the strikers about the importance of stopping the firings; in turn, the workers demanded a moratorium on deportations as well.

After rallying outside the recycling facility for two hours, the workers, followed by community supporters, march back to the plant gate to return to work. The temp agency that employs them threatened to fire anyone who participated in the strike, but the workers demanded the agency respect their right to strike.

After rallying outside the recycling facility for two hours, the workers, followed by community supporters, marched back to the plant gate to return to work. The temp agency that employs them threatened to fire anyone who participated in the strike, but the workers demanded the agency respect their right to strike.


by David Bacon

Mexican vigilantes agree to not enter urban cities

by the El Reportero’s wire services


Mexican vigilante groups in the western state of Michoacan have pledged not to enter more cities, municipal seats or other urban areas, authorities said.

They made those commitments in a meeting Friday in Apatzingan with the federally appointed commissioner for security and development in Michoacan, Alfredo Castillo, the Government Secretariat said in a statement.

These militias will only be present in designated checkpoints, always working jointly with federal forces, and must receive permission from authorities before making “any movements whatsoever,” the statement read.

The “self-defense groups” also agreed to meet every Thursday with regional security chiefs and to appoint three individuals – Hipolito Mora, Estanislao Beltran and Jose Manuel Mireles – as their exclusive spokespersons.

“Federal and state authorities and the citizens’ groups will work in a coordinated and transparent fashion to restore order and tranquility to Michoacan,” the statement added.

This agreement comes after the vigilante groups had said they planned to expand their presence beyond the 20 Michoacan municipalities where they currently provide community policing. Some members of the outfits even said they would move into Morelia, the state capital, although the federal government vehemently rejected the idea.

These groups of armed civilians began to emerge a year ago in the so-called Tierra Caliente region, which straddles the states of Michoacan, Guerrero and Mexico states, to protect their communities from Los Caballeros Templarios (Knights Templar) drug cartel.

But the federal government has stepped up its presence in Michoacan in recent weeks, deploying thousands of police and soldiers to bolster security and appointing Castillo to coordinate those actions.

Besides aiming to crush the Templarios, the Federal Police and army troops have sought to bring the militias under the formal control of the military. Many of the Michoacan vigilantes have signed up for an army-controlled Rural Defense Corps.

Panama unveils first metro system in Central America

The consortium made up of Spanish construction group FCC and Brazilian engineering giant Odebrecht has delivered Line 1 of Panama City’s metro system, the first of its kind in Central America, wrapping up a project that took 41 months to complete and cost $2.01 billion. The new metro was unveiled in a ceremony Friday at the headquarters of Panama’s Metro Secretariat, officials told Efe.

The metro system’s Line 1 was initially intended to stretch for 13.7 kilometers (8.5 miles) and include 13 stations, both above and below ground, but a pair of kilometers and two stations were later added, raising the price by $211.6 million, officials confirmed Friday. Financing for the project has come from Citibank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Andean Development Corporation, known as the CAF, and the Panamanian Economy and Finance Ministry. Additional support has been provided by institutions such as French export credit agency Coface, Spain’s Cesce and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, the political risk insurance arm of the World Bank Group.

The trains were built at French multinational Alstom’s plant in Barcelona.

The trains will consist of three cars initially, though they have a five-car capacity. Each has air conditioning, video monitoring equipment, passenger information systems and designated seating for the disabled.

Once it reaches full operating capacity between May and June, Line 1 will be able to transport up to 30,000 people an hour in both directions.

Ecuadorian President Does Not Rule Out Running for Reelection in 2017

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa announced Friday that he will review his decision not to run for reelection in the 2017 balloting, and said he will study the possibility of changing the constitutional restriction that prevents him, for now, from running for another term.

Correa said he is considering that possibility due to the progress made last Sunday by the right in local elections, when the opposition won five of the most populated municipalities in the country.

Azodicarbonamide yoga mat chemical confirmed in 500 + everyday foods and grocery items

by Mike Adam
First person

Including natural and ‘healthy’ products

Last week I warned the world that the global food supply was intentionaly designed to end human life, not nourish it. Popular foods have been “weaponized” and are deliberately engineered to deliver toxic, cancer-causing chemicals to everyday consumers. The effect of all this is the mass poisoning of the people; keeping them incoherent, dumbed-down, diseased and chained to the for-profit “sick care” system where disease equals profits. – See Paul Chek’s video lecture which explains this in more detail:

Today, the Environmental Working Group published a hard-hitting report providing yet more evidence in support of exactly the point I’ve been making. EWG researchers confirmed the presence of azodicarbonamide, the “yoga mat chemical,” in hundreds of brand-name foods, including brands that promote themselves as “healthy” or “natural.”

Food brands found to contain the chemical include:

– Betty Crocker, Bimbo, Earthgrains, Fiber One, Gourmet, Healthy Life, Jimmy Dean, Debbie, Own, Pillsbury, Meal, Roundy’s, Sara Lee, Tyson. The complete list is published at the Environmental Working Group website. Natural News also confirmed the presence of the chemical in foods sold by McDonald’s, Chickfil- A, Arby’s, Carl’s Jr. and other restaurants.

Azodicarbonamide was deliberately chosen even though it is not needed

What this list shows is that all these companies are willing to deliberately feed azodicarbonamide to their customers, often while claiming their products are
“natural” or “healthy.”

Vani Hari, known as the Food Babe, is credited with spearheading the grassroots campaign on this particular chemical over the last two years. At first, the effort targeted Subway, which eventually bowed to public pressure and agreed to remove the chemical at some point in the future. But from there, news began to spread as azodicarbonamide was identified in the products of other fast food restaurants and now hundreds of grocery store items.

In every one of these cases, the chemical was deliberately engineered into the foods even though it is not needed! For thousands of years, breads have been made without the chemical, and even today this chemical is rarely used in many first-world nations. But in the U.S. food supply, it is deliberately added to the most popular foods which are consumed by the masses. Popular foods are laced with thousands of chemicals and toxic heavy metals Azodicarbonamide is just one of thousands of other chemicals deliberately used by grocery foods manufacturers, many of which have links to cancer and other serious diseases.

For example, processed meat companies routinely use sodium nitrite, a chemical which is no doubt thousands of times more toxic than anything ever substantiated with azodicarbonamide.

That’s why your grassroots support is so crucial in all this. Without your support of Natural News, Food Babe, the Environmental Working Group, Cornucopia and other important organizations, nobody would ever hear the truth about all the poisons they’re eating!

Also, have no doubts that grassroots activism is right now rocking and shocking the world of corporate food, where executives are running around in a total panic, realizing that every single one of the chemicals they currently use can be leveraged by grassroots activists into massive boycott campaigns organized via social media.

Truly, corporate food companies have lost control of the information monopolies they once held, and all their toxic secrets are going to come out one at a time.

How to address growing poverty? More confiscation by government

por Kurt Nimmo

CNN, la casa del Cuarto Grupo Militar de Operaciones Psicológicas, admite que la “guerra contra la pobreza” lanzada hace media centuria en este mes es un fracaso total y más estadunidenses que nunca están sumidos en la pobreza.

Cerca de 50 millones viven en la pobreza en los Estados Unidos –aproximadamente una de cada seis personas–, alcanzando o sobrepasando las más altas tasas de pobreza desde los años sesenta.

-CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) January 1, 2014

¿Cómo revertir esta tendencia de larga duración? Bien, si el problema es la “inequidad del ingreso”, la solución natural es gravar impuestos a los ricos, aunque CNN no dice esto directamente. En lugar de eso, cita a los analistas no partidistas del Congreso, quienes culpan a un gobierno “menos redistributivo” por el enorme abismo entre los ricos y los pobres.

En otras palabras, se requerirá más confiscación. No del 1% que relocaliza su liquidez e idea nuevas formas de evadir impuestos, sino de las víctimas indefensas en la clase millonaria y la clase media directamente debajo de ella.

¿Cómo lograr esto? Salir a votar… de nuevo.

“Las estadísticas muestran que las gentes de menores ingresos son menos propensas a votar. De acuerdo con encuestas de CNN de salida a las urnas, aquellos que ganan menos de $15,000 al año representaron el 6% de los votantes en 2008. Más del 13% de la población total cayó bajo la línea de la pobreza ese año”, reporta CNN.

Los liberales esperan que 2016 será diferente e impulsan a gentes como la senadora por Masachusetts Elizabeth Warren para contender por la presidencia. Política neófita, Warren es campeona en políticas económicas liberales.

Y los progresistas creen que la elección del demócrata Bill De Blasio como Alcalde de Nueva York, la capital financiera del mundo, es un signo prometedor de que la nación estará más lista para discutir las cuestiones pertenecientes a la gente pobre.

Un populista, De Blassio, destacó un cuento de un tema de “dos ciudades” que ilustraba la división entre ricos y pobres.

CNN dice que los republicanos del establishment están cortejando a la gente pobre. “Los demócratas tienden a apoyar políticas que implican más gobierno y distribución equitativa de la riqueza, mientras los republicanos tienden a un enfoque de “goteo” en el que las economías más fuertes de las clases alta y media beneficien a los pobres”, explica CNN.

“Goteo” es una palabra de moda que guía los bates liberales. Ellos prefieren la confiscación directa y nunca parecen notar que esto no hace nada para mejorar la suerte de los pobres.

“El poder del gobierno y del dinero no gotea”, escribe Jeoffrey Tucker. “Toma dinero y lo derrama en cada vez más burocracia y se lo da a las élites. Su poder crece y crece a expensas de la sociedad.”

Parece que una nueva guerra contra la pobreza va a ser lanzada por el establishment. Como la última, este nuevo despilfarro no reducirá el número de pobres, pero acrecentará el gobierno y creará una nueva clase de burócratas.

Por supuesto, en la medida en que la economía es el juego de los banqueros y su corte de la Reserva Federal, no va a cambiar nada significativo, excepto quizá la retórica y una marcha a las urnas donde se esperan máquinas manipuladas.

Federales consideran seguimiento de localización de vehículos en coches nuevos

La propuesta puede provocar más accidentes, impuestos por kilometraje y boletos por “violaciones de tráfico grabadas”.

por Kit Daniels

En pocas semanas, las autoridades federales van a requerir que los nuevos vehículos cuenten con GPS rastreable, dispositivos de “seguridad” que podrían ser hackeados y causar accidentes automovilísticos e incluso acompañarse de impuestos por kilometraje.

La Adiministración Nacional de Seguridad del Tránsito Carretero dedicará las próximas dos semanas a reflexionar su decisión de instalar comunicaciones vehículo-vehículo –conocidas por sus siglas como V2V– en los vehículos nuevos, que les podrían permitir “hablar” entre sí a través de información de GPS con el pretexto de “prevención de accidentes”, según ABC News.

Sin embargo, un funcionario involucrado en el estudio del gobierno acerca de los dispositivos admitió que los hackers pueden abusar del sistema y crear estragos en el tránsito masivo.

“¿Quién tiene acceso y cómo podemos asegurar la información?”, pregunta David Wise, de la Oficina de Responsabilidad del Gobierno.

Además, dijo que el V2V va a confiar en la información del GPS, que puede utilizarse para rastrear fácilmente un vehículo –y también a los que lo ocupan.

“La privacidad es un reto real”, señaló Wise.

Eso es honestidad refrescante por parte de un funcionario del gobierno.

El hecho de que el sistema V2V puede ser hackeado y provocar aumentos de velocidad muestra la mentira de los políticos de que estos dispositivos fueron diseñados para prevenir accidentes. En síntesis, los burócratas quieren instalar el V2V en los vehículos para rastrear a los norteamericanos como animales en una extensión enferma del espionaje doméstico promovido con avaricia por la NSA.

Asimismo, el rastreo de vehículos permite a los políticos del gobierno cumplir su objetivo de gravar con impuestos a los conductores por milla recorrida.

También los legisladores pueden utilizar este tipo de tecnología para aprobar leyes que permitan a los gobiernos locales enviar boletos a los conductores por “violaciones de tráfico grabadas”, como ya se está haciendo con las cámaras de luz roja.

Y para plantarse aún más entre los conductores, el costo de la tecnología del GPS va a ser grabado en el precio de los nuevos automóviles, forzando a los norteamericanos a pagar por su propia esclavitud.

Eche un vistazo a los siguientes artículos para ver usted mismo la agenda oculta tras la tecnología de V2V:

¿Una caja negra en su automóvil? Algunos ven una suerte de ingresos fiscales:,0,6090226.story#axzz2pBSR1aMk.

Richard Clarke: Hastings Accident “Consistent with a Car Cyber Attack

GM’s OnStar now spyspying on your car for profit even after you unsubscribe?

Brazilians will be forced to use RFID chips and GPS trackers in their cars

Exclusive: Govt Documents Reveal DHS Domestic Spy Takeover

South Carolina Police Grab Innocent Cell User’s Data Through ‘Tower Dump’



The Sport of Gentlemen

Boxing” de Molina

Saturday, March 8 – Las Vegas, Nevada (SHOWTIME) –

Junior middleweights: Carlos Molina (22-5-2, 6 KOs) vs. Jermell Charlo (17-0, 13 KOs);

Lightweights: Omar Figueroa (22-0-1, 17 KOs) vs. Ricardo Alvarez (23-2-3, 14 KOs);

Junior featherweights: Leo Santa Cruz (26-0-1, 15 KOs) vs. Cristian Mijares (49-7-2, 24 KOs).

Saturday, March 8 – Berlin, Germany –

Cruiserweights: Yoan Pablo Hernandez (28-1, 14 KOs) vs. Pawel Kolodziej (33-0, 18 KOs).

Saturday, March 15 – Bayamon, Puerto Rico (SHOWTIME) –

Light welterweights: Danny Garcia (27-0, 16 KOs) vs. Mauricio Herrera (20-3, 7 KOs).

Wednesday, March 26 – Tokyo, Japan –

WBA super flyweight title: Denkaosan Kaowichit (62-3-1, 26 KOs) vs. Kohei Kono (29-8, 12 KOs).

Legendary Carlos Mejía Godoy and La Cuneta Son Machin to perform in SF

Compiled by El Reportero’s staff

Carlos Mejía GodoyCarlos Mejía Godoy

The Nicaraguan composer and singer Carlos Mejía Godoy is the special guest to open the year 2014 in San Francisco with a special presentation that will rock everyone emotions.

The author of the famous Misa Campesina Nicaragüense song that helped lead the people of Nicaragua into a revolutionary war that ousted Anastacio Somoza Debayle’s regime, is also the author of the albums El Son Nuestro De Cada Día, La Nueva Milpa, Grandes Éxitos, and A Dos Puyas, No Hay Toro Valiente.

Mejía Godoy comes accompanied with the group, La Cuneta Son Machine, whose new sound, include traditional folk and tropical music of Nicaragua played with a “Cumbia-Rock-Latin-Chinamo-Funk” flavor, making them a unique band of its kind in the country. To take effect at the legendary Cesar’s Latin Palace, 826 26th Street, San Francisco. For more info call 415-471-4613.

Voted L.A.’s ‘Best Latin Alternative Band,’ Las Cafeteras come to the Bay Area

After a successful 3-month Northwest and Midwest Tour this past fall that had them open for groups like Juanes, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, and the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, Las Cafeteras hit the road again.

This time, Las Cafeteras are going to different parts of the country and will be engaging communities in the East Coast (Boston, New York, Philadelphia), Texas (Austin), Florida (Miami), and Northern California.  Along with their performances, Las Cafeteras will also be having cultural exchanges with universities, museums, and immigrant rights organizations with the purpose of sharing stories from their respective cities.

Las Cafeteras’ musician David Flores says, “we believe that we are all the same because we are all different and we want to use our tour as a platform to inspire people across the country to share their story through poetry, storytelling and art.”

Two presentations at UC Berkeley: on March 13, at Hearst Field Annex, and on March 14 at the Memorial Glade, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California.

Month-long Performing Arts 2014 Festival Returns to SF Public Library

Come sing with the beloved bilingual recording artist, educator and children’s author José-Luis Orozco! Children and families will sing and dance to Jose-Luis’ Spanish and English music rooted in Latin American culture. His music combines rhymes, movements, and rhythm with information, such as the alphabet, vowels, numbers, and colors. These four concerts will be a delight for the entire family.

Acrobatics, juggling, balancing, contortion, and more will be performed by Wayne Huey of Red Panda Acrobats and by the kids and teens of Circus Center’s Youth Circus. The Youth Circus will thrill with aerial acts, clowns, face painting, and a chance to join the circus at the skills workshop following the performance.

And finally, by popular demand, five puppet troupes are returning to SFPL to amuse and amaze. Magical Moonshine Theatre performs traditional European-style hand-and-rod puppet theatre. Sean’s Shadows creates tales with light and shadow from around the world. The Fratello Marionettes both educate and delight with puppets and puppeteers in full view. Ventriloquist, Tony Borders, brings some crazy critters and a magical picnic with Muppet-style hand puppets.

On March 11, José Luis Orozco in Concert, from 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon at Parque Niños Unidos, on 23rd Street & Treat. On March 12, Cartooning Workshop for Teens with Morgan Taylor, from 4:30 – 6 p.m., at the Main Library, Children’s Creative Center, 2nd floor. For more info call For more information, call 415 557-4277.

Is the Soros-sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ a hidden plan for World Government?

Yes, only is not hidden

People carry signs during a mass protest against agribusiness giant Monsanto in Los Angeles last year.

by Mike Opelka

What is Agenda 21? If you do not know about it, you should.

Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush (and 177 other world leaders) agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people.

‘Sustainable Development’ sounds like a nice idea, right? It sounds nice, until you scratch the surface and find that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are really cloaked plans to impose the tenets of Social Justice/Socialism on the world.

At risk from Agenda 21;

• Private Property ownership

• Single-Family homes

• Private car ownership and individual travel choices

• Privately owned farms

The Agenda 21 plan openly targets private property. For over thirty-five years the UN has made their stance very clear on the issue of individuals owning land;

Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interest of society as a whole.

Source: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I),Vancouver, BC, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Preamble to Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report.

There are two more, very good reasons to be wary of Agenda 21 and the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) that supports it: George Soros and the United Nations. Soros money has been tracked to funding parts of ICLEI.

In 1997, George Soros’s Open Society gave ICLEI a $2,147,415 grant to support its Local Agenda 21 Project

As regards the UN, that organization’s problems with America’s appreciation of freedom and self-determination is one that needs no explanation.

Currently in California, Agenda 21 is working to implement plans to create plans for sustainable management of ‘open spaces.’ The definition of what is to be considered an ‘open space’ has sparked some heated exchanges between those directing the planning meetings and citizens who want private property rights to be respected and protected.

This type of global plan could not be implemented without a large and well-funded group pushing through its priorities. For that, Agenda 21 has the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). And ICLEI is deeply entrenched in America;

ICLEI USA was launched in 1995 and has grown from a handful of local governments participating in a pilot project to a solid network of more than 600 cities, towns and counties actively striving to achieve tangible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and create more sustainable communities.

ICLEI USA is the domestic leader on climate protection and adaptation, and sustainable development at the local government level.

Over six hundred cities, towns and counties in America are members of ICLEI? Do you support your local government agreeing to rules and regulations set up by a UN-based organization that wants private property transferred to government control? If you would like to see if your community is a member of ICLEI, you can visit their website.

Austin, Texas is one city that seems to have fallen for the ICLEI/Agenda 21 and was heavily consuming the ‘Communitariasm’ Kool-aid. A local group called Texans For Accountable Government saw what was happening and attempted to stop the Austin City Council from adopting some Agenda 21-friendly initiatives. One of TAG’s members, John Bush, delivered a succinct presentation on ICLEI and Agenda 21 that was virtually ignored. Watch his short argument against the proposed local law immediately followed by the lopsided vote adopting the plan.

In the world of business Agenda 21 is not a free market friend, preferring PPPs or Private Public Partnerships where the government decides which companies will receive tax breaks and are allowed to stay in business.

In light of this realization, the cozy relationship between the current administration and GE (a company that paid no tax in 2010) should raise eyebrows. And the WH efforts to tell Boeing in which state they can operate seems to further bolster the belief that Agenda 21 ideals are already making headway in America.

The seeds for Agenda 21 were planted back in 1987 when the writings of Gro Harlem Brundtland (a woman who was first Vice-President of the Socialist International) caught the eye of the UN. Dr. Brundtland wrote a report for the UN called, ‘Our Common Future’ eventually got into the business of environmentalism as a tool to control all the people of the world and establish a global government. The growth of ICLEI and the framework being put in place by supporters of Agenda 21 appear to be bringing Dr. Brundtland’s ideas closer to reality In recent months, citizen groups across the country have organized and become involved in the removal of towns and cities from membership in ICLEI.

For a better understanding of Agenda 21 and ICLEI we suggest: The American Policy Center offers a onepage primer on Agenda 21.

‘Golpe or auto-golpe?’, demands Venezuela’s Capriles

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Henrique CaprilesHenrique Capriles

On Feb. 20 – amidst a sixth fatality and continued violence in the capital Caracas and the heavily militarised Western cities of San Cristobal and Mérida – President Nicolás Maduro announced the creation of ‘popular anti-coup commands’ under supervision of the ‘national anti-coup command’ led by the hard-line national assembly president Diosdado Cabello. (LatinNews Daily Report)

Venezuelan military extends equivocal support to Maduro

The most headline-grabbing development in Venezuela that week was the decision by opposition leader Leopoldo López on 18 February to hand himself over to the national guard to face charges of fomenting the unrest which led to three deaths six days earlier. Given the opposition’s limited capacity to influence events in Venezuela, however, the most significant development this week was the announcement by the Bolivarian armed forces (FANB) that it would “never accept a government which does not emerge through constitutional means”.

Opposing a coup is not the same as emphatic support for President Nicolás Maduro though and this pointedly leaves open the possibility of the FANB being prepared to accept an internal move to force him out. There are signs that Maduro’s authority is being challenged. He was compelled to dismiss the head of the Bolivarian national intelligence agency (Sebin) this week after his orders were disobeyed. (LatinNews Daily Report)

Experts discover building from 2,200 B.C. in Ecuador

Archaeologists discovered a building from around 2,200 B.C. in an archaeological and ecological park in the Ecuadorian capital at the foot of Pichincha Volcano, sources at the excavations told Efe.

“It is the most ancient archaeological find in Rumbipapa Park and in the city of Quito,” park supervisor Bernarda Icaza told Efe, adding that no identification or description has been made of the culture that lived in the area during the Formative Period when the building was constructed. Icaza noted that the find has “enormous” historical importance, because “it opens doors to further archaeological, historical and heritage research.”

The excavation was started two years ago by archaeologist Angelo Constantine. After digging down three meters, the flooring of a small dwelling was found. Park guide Danny Villacis, who worked on the dig, told Efe that carbon dating was used to determine the age of the site, where traces of human feces and urine were found.

Also found were scraps of human and animal bones from another period, presumably from a time after Pichincha Volcano erupted. Specifically, next to the building were also found traces of volcanic lava. “What destroyed this village was the eruption of Guagua Pichincha, and later the eruptions of Pululahua finished it off for good,” Villacis said. He said the discovery is singularly important because it shows “we are practically in our infancy” when it comes to studying historical subjects, and there is “still a lot of research to be done,” since many people refer to the Incas as their ancestors despite the fact that “thousands of years ago” there were already other people living here.

Bolivia Preparing to Take First Steps Toward Nuke Plant

Bolivia is preparing to take the first steps this year to develop an atomic program and become a producer of electricity using nuclear power, a Bolivian Nuclear Science and Technology Institute, or IBTEN, official said.

“Bolivia has very long-term plans to build a nuclear plant to generate electricity,” IBTEN adviser Hernan Vera told Efe at the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, headquarters in Austria’s capital.

The financial challenges posed by the development of a nuclear industry for Bolivia, one of the poorest countries in South America, will be “very great,” Vera said.

Bolivia’s nuclear efforts have the full support of the government, the IBTEN official said.

President Evo Morales said on Jan. 22 that the development of a nuclear energy industry was a “strategic priority” for Bolivia.

Why “legal” pot may turn out to be bad news?

by Pric Peters

Legalizing pot may turn out to be a not very good idea. Not because the state (or anyone) has the right to tell a person what they may or may not ingest, freely buy or sell but because of the excuse it will give the police state to become even more authoritarian than it already is.

And yes, such a thing is possible.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks in at least two states (California and Pennsylvania) motorists have been stopped at random and “asked” to submit to swab-testing in order to ascertain whether they’ve been using “drugs” (that is, other than the drug alcohol).

Some have been “voluntary” – but expect them soon to become mandatory.

The LAPD, for one, will be forcing drivers at random “safety” checkpoints to submit to having their mouths swabbed for evidence of pot usage (and so on) since conventional

Breathalyzers can only detect alcohol.

The authoritarians are using the legalization movement’s successes to argue for widespread, routine use of swabbing-at-gunpoint, arguing that people will be more likely to smoke and drive (and so on) as a way to get around the Alky Nazis.

“There’s a growing recognition that driving under the influence of drugs is something we need to be clamping down on more effectively . . . (t)raditionally, our office has focused on drunken driving cases … we’re expanding drug collection and aggressively enforcing all impaired-driving laws,” says LA City Attorney Mike Feuer.

Consider it blowback – the lashing back at us Mundanes over the minor successes the decriminalization movement has had partially repealing the imbecilic (and evil) “war” on some “drugs.”

A little freedom gained here – more freedoms surrendered there.

One of the farcical aspects of this business not yet commented upon – so far as I have been able to determine – is that pot (to say nothing of other “drugs”) affects the body quite differently than the drug alcohol. Time sense may be altered, but physical coordination may not be affected. It is a very debatable question – in terms of hard facts – whether a person is “impaired” after having smoked a quantity of pot vs. a quantity of alcohol. There are – as yet – no objective standards defining impairment. Merely to test “positive” is sufficient insofar as the law is concerned. This seems unfair on the face of it. But then, it is equally unfair to define a person as “drunk” according to a generalized and arbitrary BAC threshold, even in cases where the person’s driving cannot be faulted.
Much more unfair, though – and also not yet remarked upon – is the fact that while alcohol in the bloodstream dissipates within hours of drinking (and no trace will remain after 12 hours or so) the physical evidence of smoking pot (and probably partaking of other “drugs” as well) can remain in the body for weeks after imbibing. A person who tests positive for pot, in other words, is by no means “stoned” at the time of testing. Yet he may be thrown in prison and his vehicle taken away from him regardless.

Minimally, these tests are outrageous on that account alone.

People who’ve given no indication they’re “impaired” or “high” forced to submit to testing of their bodily fluids and tissues – and then presumed “impaired” or “high” if the tests detect the presence of residual compounds in their system.

These tests are abusive in another way, too.

Swab testing is also DNA testing. A way to collect biological fingerprints of entire populations. Remember: These tests are performed generally, without any individualized suspicion or specific probable cause. Everyone who has the bad luck to roll up on a “safety” checkpoint is required to Submit and Obey.

Is it really going too far to imagine – in this day and age, given what is now happening routinely in this country, including forced anal/vaginal probing by the side of the road – that this power will not be abused? That our DNA will not be collected – and (like everything else) kept somewhere for eventual (inevitable) use against us?

Keep in mind the fact – not “conspiracy theory” – that the U.S. Supreme Court has decreed that any person merely taken into custody – that is, prevented from leaving by being forcibly detained, but not convicted of having committed any crime – can be forced to submit to a DNA test (see here).

“DNA identification of arrestees is a reasonable search that can be considered part of a routine booking procedure,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, representing the court’s majority decision.

Ah yes, “reasonable.”

Just like the “reasonable” random, bereft of any specific reason to suspect impairment (or anything else fishy) checkpoints that now litter the landscape of the former home of the free but increasingly land of the cowed.

Back in January of 2012, Dear Leader Obama signed into law the (get hold of your gag reflex) Katie Sephich Enhanced DNA Collection Act, which provides states with oodles of federal taxpayer-looted “funds” to facilitate DNA collection by your local Officers-Not-So-Friendly.

If you think those funds will not be used – and the latest power conferred not abused – then perhaps you will be interested in purchasing a bridge I own in Brooklyn. I can make you a very good deal, I swear.

Will Americans ever reach their breaking point?

Or are they already broken?

Throw it in the Woods?

Harvard research links fluoridated water to ADHD, mental disorders

by Ethan A. Huff

A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking in the foods we eat, the water we drink and the products we consume, says a new study recently published in The Lancet. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) found that, among other things, the fluoride chemicals added to many public water systems in North America directly contribute to both mental and behavioral disorders in children.

Building upon earlier research published in 2006 that dubbed fluoride as a “developmental neurotoxicant,” the new review included a meta-analysis of 27 additional studies on fluoride, most of which were from China, that linked the chemical to lowered IQ in children. After thorough analysis, it was determined that fluoride obstructs proper brain development and can lead to autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, ADHD and other health conditions, a “silent epidemic” that many mainstream health authorities continue to ignore.

According to the two main researchers involved in the study, Philippe Grandjean from HSPH and Philip Landrigan from ISMMS, incidences of chemicalrelated neurodevelopmental disorders have doubled over the past seven years from six to 12. The reason for this is that an increasing number of mostly untested chemicals are being approved for use without the public being told where and in what quantities such chemicals are being used.

“[S]ince 2006, the number of chemicals known to damage the human brain more generally, but that are not regulated to protect children’s health, had increased from 202 to 214,” writes Julia Medew for The Sydney Morning Herald.

“The pair said this could be the tip of the iceberg because the vast majority of the more than 80,000 industrial chemicals widely used in the United States have never been tested for their toxic effects on the developing foetus or child.”

Fluoride must be immediately removed from public water supplies for child safety

While pesticides dominated the duo’s list as the most pervasive and damaging chemicals whose presence the public is largely unaware of, fluoride, which is intentionally added to public water supplies as a supposed protectant against tooth decay, is also highly problematic. It is also largely ignored by public health authorities as a possible factor in childhood development problems, even though the science is clear about its dangers. Like lead, certain industrial solvents and crop chemicals, fluoride is known to accumulate in the human bloodstream, where it eventually deposits into bones and other bodily tissues. In pregnant women, this also includes passing through the bloodstream into the placenta, where it then accumulates in the bones and brain tissue of developing babies. The effects of this are, of course, perpetually damaging, and something that regulatory authorities need to take more seriously.

“The problem is international in scope, and the solution must therefore also be international,” stated Grandjean in a press release, calling for improved regulatory standards for common chemicals. “We have the methods in place to test industrial chemicals for harmful effects on children’s brain development — now is the time to make that testing mandatory.”

To learn more about the dangers of fluoride and the science behind why it is harmful and anything but beneficial for teeth, be sure to visit the Fluoride Action Network’s website. You can also check out the abstract of the new study, entitled “Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity,” here: