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Illustrious Latino photographer is behind the cameras at Night at the Museum

Elenco de la película Night at the Museum

by the El Reportero’s news services

Guillermo Navarro, one of the more illustrious directors of photography of Hollywood, which came to the meca of the cinema along with his big friend and namesake Guillermo del Toro, is behind the cameras in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.
It was him who decided the framings in the very respected Cronos, the first movie of the director, when it was already an experienced cinematograph that had been employed at some successes of the Mexican cinema like Head of Cow of Nicolás Echeverría, the movie that represented Mexico in the Oscar and was released commercially in the United States in April, 1992, The love to the turn of the corner and Die in the gulf, and a more extensive number of successful movies.
At the theaters in the U.S. starting on Dec. 19.

Dr. Atl, father of Mexican muralism, honored in Jalisco
The work of painter and writer Dr. Atl, considered the ideologue of Mexican Muralism and teacher of Diego Rivera, is the focus of the Cosmic Rotation exhibition in the western Mexican state of Jalisco, commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death.
Dr. Atl, whose real name was Gerardo Murillo Cornado (1875-1964), is considered of great importance to 20th-century Mexico, not only for his artistic work that includes both the plastic arts and literature, but also for his political and social influence, Carlos Ashida, curator of the exhibition that will remain open until next February, told Efe.
“He had a very particular ideological and philosophic position, and was among the first to make contact with the European avant-garde at the beginning of the century and knew how to adapt it to Mexico,” he said.
The exhibition, presented at the Cabañas Institute in Guadalajara, capital of Jalisco, is composed of paintings, drawings, photos and documents from such Mexican organizations as the National Institute of Fine Arts, the Tlatelolco Cultural Center and the Alfredo Zalce Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as from private collections.
In 1897 on an ocean liner to Europe he changed his name to “Atl,” which in the Nahuatl language means water, and some time later his Argentine poet friend Leopoldo Lugones added the “Dr.,” justified by the Mexican’s doctor of philosophy degree.
In Europe he studied such eminences of thought and literature as Marxism theoretician Antonio Labriola, sociologist Emile Durkheim, and Henri Bergson, Nobel Prize for Literature in 1927.
Winner of a silver medal at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris for a self-portrait, he was deeply influenced by the great artists of Fauvism and Impressionism.
He said that this trend was not born of the Mexican Revolution, but had as its antecedents the mural that Dr. Atl painted in the auditorium of the National Preparatory School as well as the great exposition of 1910.
For the latter occasion, Murillo called on the young artists to counteract the exhibition that then-President Porfirio Diaz had organized with Spanish painters to commemorate the centenary of Mexican independence.
His curiosity led him to create “Atl colors,” a mixture of resin, wax and oil, and the aerial landscape, which consisted of capturing the image of a place from above.
It also led him to conceive what he called “Olinka” (a Nahuatl term for the place movement is created), a Utopia where artists, scientists, poets and philosophers from around the world would come together to plan human evolution, a project that never came into being.
A faithful believer in revolution, his work is little known outside of Mexico due to “certain mistakes,” such as declaring himself a fascist and publicly supporting Adolf Hitler.
“Some people will never forgive him, though his work has the stature of the great ones,” Ashida said.

New time. new life and the word ‘create’

by Jon Rappoport

There are some people who hear the word CREATE and wake up, as if a new flashing music has begun.
This lone word makes them see something majestic and untamed and astonishing.
They feel the sound of a Niagara approaching.
They suddenly know why they are alive.
It happened to me one day in 1949 when I was 11 years old. I was boarding a bus in upstate New York for a full day’s ride back down into New York City. I was sitting by the window as the bus pulled out of a parking lot, and I opened the first page of Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles, a perfect children’s book.
The word CREATE wasn’t on that first page, but I felt it. It sounded like a great bell in my ear, and I knew I was in a different world.
I’ve been writing about the creative life for some time. For me, this life is a far cry from the pallid oatmeal of “peace through avoidance.”
The creative life is not about slogans and systems and intellectual finger food. It is about EXPERIENCE.
It’s about diving in. It’s about a kind of transformation that shreds programming and gets down to the energy of the Fire.
Most people don’t want to travel to that grand arena because they have been trained like pets by some sector of this society to be good little girls and boys.
The truth is, if people want to live the creative existence, they have to be willing to destroy—and the main thing that awaits their destruction is their own illusions and their commitment to the World of Nice where doily power is the only power. Where that tired phrase, “the approval of others,” is the guiding precept and the stick of fear.
The creative life isn’t about little changes done in little penguin steps. It’s about putting your arms and your mind around Deep, Big, and Wide Desire. It’s about making that Desire come to life.
Ninety-nine percent of the world has been trained like rats to adore systems. Give them a system and they’re ready to cuddle up and take it all in. If they have questions, or if they want to argue, it’s about how to tweak the system to make it a little better. And with every move they make, they put another blanket over the Fire Within.
Maybe you once saw something truly free that didn’t care about consequences, and it blew you away and turned on your soul’s electricity for an hour.
Maybe you’re sick and tired of bowing and scraping before a pedestal of nonsense.
CREATE is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the pillars of the smug boredom of the soul.
CREATE is about what the individual does when he is on fire and doesn’t care about concealing it. It’s about what the individual invents when he has thrown off the false front that is slowly strangling him.
CREATE is about the end of mindless postponement. It’s about what happens when you burn up the pretty and petty little obsessions. It’s about emerging from the empty suit and empty machine of society that goes around and around and sucks away the vital bloodstream.
People come to the brink, and then say, “I’m waiting for orders. I’m looking for a sign. I want the signal that it’s okay to proceed.”
People pretend they don’t know anything about imagination, about how “it operates” (as if it were a machine), about what it can do, about where it can go, about how it can take them into new territory. They feign ignorance.
“I want to stay the same, and I’ll do anything to maintain that.”
It’s a test of loyalty. Do you want to remain faithful to an idea that is just a small piece of what you can be, or do you want to take the greater adventure?
The propaganda machines of society relentlessly turn out images and messages that ultimately say: YOU MUST BELONG TO THE GROUP.
The formula is simple. Imagination transcends the status quo. Therefore, belong to the group and avoid the possibility of transformation.
Day after day after day, year after year, the media celebrate heroes. They inevitably interview these people to drag out of them the same old familiar stories. Have you EVER, even once, seen a hero who told an interviewer in no uncertain terms: “I got to where I am by denying the power of the group”?
Have you ever heard that kind of uncompromising statement?
I didn’t think so.
Why not?
Because it’s not part of the BELONGING PROGRAM, the program that society runs on to stay away from the transforming power of IMAGINATION.
Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix.

The move to depopulate planet Earth

Much has been said about a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ about the depopulation of the planet. In this article, Stephanie R. Pasco, follows the trails of statements – going back decades -made by world leaders confirming that in fact exists a plan to depopulate the planet Earth. You be the judge, readers. Due to the length of the article, El Reportero will publish in several parts, extending to several weeks. THIS IS PART 5 OF A SERIES.

by Stephanie R. Pasco

It is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet. I will also provide quotes from various people and organizations that further show this agenda is afoot. I pray the guidance of the Lord God Almighty will be with me in this pursuit to warn others of this dark plot against humanity.
Everything written in this paper is easily verifiable. It may take some time and effort, but I took great pains to make this paper as accurate as I possibly could.
The depopulation agenda is based on nature worship, or Gaia worship. In Genesis, God clearly told Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family to go forth and multiply to fill the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does God rescind that clearly spoken commandment. Therefore man is attempting to supersede the command of the Lord God in heaven: The Creator! I ask you, who knows more about the state of the earth, the created, or the Creator?
The basis for the depopulation agenda is a standard all elitist’s hold dear. This standard is called:
The Hegelian Dialectic:
Problem – Reaction-Solution

Bureau of Land Management Internal Working Document
Human Dimensions of Ecosystem Management Objective/Purpose: “All ecosystem management activities should consider human beings as biological resources…” (Reminiscent of Soylent Green)
This document was brought before Congress. This statement created such an uproar that it was removed. Regardless of its removal, it still serves to prove the mindset of these people; and just because this was removed from a document it does not mean it was removed from the thoughts and the intended goals of those who penned it; or who believe it.
“For the elite to be able to have management of the ecosystem, humans would have no more value than a rock.” – Michael Coffman
UN Biodiversity Treaty UN Global Biological Assessment Sustainable Human Populations:
“Population growth has exceeded the capacity of the biosphere” (i.e. the earth) “It is estimated that an ‘agricultural world’ in which most human beings are peasants should be able to support 5 to 7 billion people.”
Now I feel is an appropriate time to cover some other areas of government, as well as private organizations that would like to see the population of the world decrease at an astounding rate (up to 90 percent). This is a dark, bloody agenda that will cause terrible hardship and pain upon millions of people.
World Wildlife Fund, World Resources Institute International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN):
The IUCN involves the EPA, US Fish & Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, the United States Forest Service, Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the National Wildlife Fund, the National Audubon Society, National Resources Defense Council, UNESCO, the Environmental Defense Fund, the U.N. Environmental Program, etc.
IUCN 1992
Covenant On the Environment and Development:

“Eventually a wilderness network would dominate a region and thus would itself constitute the matrix, with human habitations being the islands. The remaining half of the US would be used as buffer zones.”
“The night before this treaty was ratified, Senator Mitchell withdrew it from the calendar and it was never voted on. It took four men, devoted to God in prayer to stop this treaty. The treaty still waits in the wings. Upon ratification, the US will have no ability to protect its own citizens.”

-Michael Coffman
Henry Kissinger had a similar plan to use food as a weapon in 1974, found in the National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests; which was adopted as official policy by then President Gerald Ford in November of 1975. This Memorandum outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in lesser-developed countries by means of birth control, and implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as National Security Advisor, (the same post Scowcroft held in the Bush Administration), was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George H.W. Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense and Agriculture.
This document has never been renounced, only certain portions have been amended, leaving it as the foundational document on population control issued in the U.S. Government.
The major players in the founding of this document are as follows:
Henry Kissinger Richard Nixon Margaret Sanger Paul Ehrlich Werner Fornos Timothy Wirth The United Nations Population Fund The United States Agency for International Development Planned Parenthood Federation of America International Planned Parenthood Federation The Club of Rome UNICEF WHO United Nations World Bank
The document can be read here in its entirety, along with the other organizations and individuals complicit in this abomination:
Let it be noted that Adolph Hitler also used food as weapon, stating that food is “a beautiful instrument…for maneuvering and disciplining the masses.” Food has been used as a weapon of war for centuries. Why then would it be outrageous for the elite to use food as a weapon, both a physical and a psychological weapon, in a declared war on overpopulation? It would not be outrageous at all. As has been said time and time again, history repeats itself.
Now we will cover the Earth Charter.
The Earth Charter; A Radical Global Religion, created by Mikhail Gorbachev and Michael Strong: “The Earth Charter initiative reflects the conviction that a radical change in humanity’s attitudes and values is essential to achieve social, economic and ecological well-being in the 21st century… The commission…plans to circulate a final version of the Charter as a People’s Treaty beginning in mid-1998. The Charter will be submitted to the U.N. General Assembly in the year 2000…(where it will) ensure a very strong document that reflects the emerging new global ethics.” This is unprecedented (it is) the first component of an authentic global governance. We are working for dialogue and peace. We are demonstrating our ability to assert control over our fate in a spirit of solidarity to organize our collective sovereignty over this planet, our common heritage.”
The American people were not allowed to see this. Americans as a whole do not want the UN to be the head of a world government. The one thing the majority of this country values, above most everything else, is their freedom. Or the semblance of freedom we have left should I say.
At the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the Presidential Council on Sustainable Development in 1996 came to the conclusion that the world’s human population should not exceed 500 million people. That is a 93 percent reduction in population!
According to the UN video, “Armed to the Teeth”; and also in the Freedom From War Policy -put into effect by JFK in 1961-general and complete disarmament and US military power was given over, in full, to the UN. This is a loss of the sovereignty of America. (Read this document at From-War).

Investigation: Big food corporations committing massive organic fraud

by Julie Wilson

Expected to reach an estimated $35 billion in profits this year, the organic market has become attractive to food companies on all sides of the spectrum, opening up the door for potential abuses.
Under-the-table financial contributions to politicians in Washington have allowed Big Food companies to hijack the organic industry by selling products blatantly in violation of strict organic standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
The USDA fails to prosecute violators due to giant corporations’ lobbyists pressuring the agency to “favor their preferred industrial model of food production,” according to Mark Kastel, the Senior Farm Policy Analyst at The Cornucopia Institute.
Considered one of the “largest fraud investigations,” the Wisconsin-based farm policy research group has worked diligently to uncover persistent violations, filing formal legal complaints against livestock operations producing milk, meat and eggs, accusing them of fraudulently marketing such products as organic.
Big Food selling organic products derived from animals kept in confinement, blatantly violating USDA organic standards
Federally mandated organic standards state that living conditions for livestock must “accommodate the health and natural behavior of… animals,” meaning that chickens and cows absolutely must have year-round access to green pastures for grazing, shade, sunlight and fresh water and live unconfined.
Widely distributed brands like Horizon (owned by Dean Foods), have been caught violating these standards, prohibiting “legitimate grazing” and restricting animals’ access to the outdoors.
Horizon (White Wave), the largest selling organic milk brand, was purchased in 2004 by Dean Foods, a giant agribusiness raking in an estimated $11 billion in sales. Dean Foods also happens to be the biggest conventional dairy marketer in the country. The corporate-owned Idaho farm that supplies milk for the Horizon label was originally a conventional factory-dairy that was converted into an organic production; however, cows were given no access to pastures for grazing as legally mandated.
A complaint filed by Cornucopia was closed without a USDA regulator ever visiting the dairy facility. However, the group’s efforts didn’t stop there. After years of inaction by the USDA, Cornucopia contracted aerial photography in nine states, from West Texas to New York and Maryland, to investigate some questionable practices by “organic” branded companies.
Their suspicions were confirmed upon discovering “a systemic pattern of corporate agribusiness interests operating industrial-scale confinement livestock facilities providing no legitimate grazing, or even access to the outdoors, as required by federal organic regulations,” reports
“The federal organic regulations make it very clear that all organic livestock must have access to the outdoors and that ruminants, like dairy cows, must have access to pasture,” said Kastel. “The vast majority of these massive, industrial-scale facilities, some managing 10,000-20,000 head of cattle, and upwards of 1 million laying hens, had percent of their animals confined in giant buildings or feedlots.”
Ariel photos of several livestock operations reveal plenty of land for grazing; however, the animals are nowhere to be found, as they’re all being confined indoors.
Big Food tricks and misleads consumers with their faux “organic” products
“Shoppers, who passionately support the ideals and values represented by the organic label, understandably feel betrayed when they see photos of these massive CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) masquerading as organic,” explains Kastel.
Luckily, thanks to diligent research, Cornucopia has created “organic brand scorecards,” allowing consumers to choose from the many organic brands that “truly deliver on the promise of better environmental stewardship, humane animal husbandry, and economic justice for the families who produce organic food.”
“Many of our dairy farmer-members have animals, they truly care for, that have names, not numbers,” said Kastel.
The battle to force the USDA to hold factory farms masquerading as “organic” accountable has had its ups and downs over the years. One of their successes includes the decertification of the Horizon label, and the USDA placing sanctions against Aurora Dairy, a private-label organic milk producer for stores like Walmart, Target and Costco.
Both White Wave and Aurora are still being investigated for improprieties.

Obama sets bold new course on Cuba

by the El Reportero’s news services

Barack Obama has made history – and cast his legacy – by becoming the first US President to make a decisive move to end the last Cold War anachronism in the Americas. On 17 December President Obama used his executive powers to decree a major change in US-Cuba policy, paving the way for the restoration of diplomatic relations after 53 years. “These 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked,” Obama said. “It’s time for a new approach.”

Venezuelan president recalls death of Bolivar, 184 years ago
Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, remembered today the 184th anniversary of the death of Liberator Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), father of Independence who vowed for Latin American and Caribbean unity.
One hundred 84 years of his passing away, your lightning keeps on driving away darkness and awakening peoples to independence of nothing, he wrote in his Twitter account.
For executive vicepresident, Jorge Arreaza, now the libertarian notions of the hero are more alive in the conscience, heart and hopes of Venezuelans.
Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas on July 24, 1783 and with his struggle for independence from then Spanish metropolis, he founded the bases for union and sovereignty of the peoples of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama and Bolivia

Peruvians protest against new labor law for young Peruvians
LIMA – The main labor unions and youth and student organizations called for a concentration today in rejection of a youth employment law that affects the rights of these sectors.
At the same time, the government and political conservatives redoubled efforts to convince that the law, in force from today, seeks to promote youth employment and gives them a minimum of formality and protection against a total lack of rights they are facing.
The General Confederation of Workers, the Single Confederation of Workers and youth groups will reject, however, the law at a meeting to be held today in the central Plaza San Martin and argue that it violates universal standards of employment of the International Labor Organization.
The law, enacted by the government two days ago, states that the young Peruvians of 18-24 years can be hired for three years with the official minimum wage and rights cut, as just 15 days vacations, half of normal.
The leader of the General Confederation of Workers Olmedo Auris warned that entrepreneurs are the beneficiaries of the law and not the youth, as surely they will lay off workers over 24 years to recruit young people with fewer wages.
The First Lady and head of the Nationalist Party, Nadine Heredia, said the law opens the possibility of employ about 850,000 unemployed young Peruvians and noted that the youth unemployment rate is four times the overall rate.
The Prime Minister, Ana Jara, called on the opposition not to make electoral use of the issue and recalled that previous governments adopted similar rules. Prensa Latina.

Is Ayotzinapa Mexico’s Furguson?

Protestas por los 43 desaparecidos en México.

by Alfredo Camacho,
South Kern Sol/ New America Media

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — As thousands take to the streets in cities nationwide to express outrage over the police shooting of an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, another protest movement is sweeping through Mexican American and immigrant communities.
Both are aimed at what participants say is state-sanctioned violence against unarmed civilians.
Last month hundreds gathered in mostly-Latino enclaves around California, including Bakersfield, where over 40 people rallied as part of a “Global Day of Action for Ayotzinapa.” That’s where some 43 university students disappeared late September after they were confronted by Mexican police in the sate of Guerrero. Six students died in the ensuing altercation. Many believe the 43 students were handed over to a local drug gang on orders from the city’s mayor.
In the days and weeks since, Mexicans have expressed their outrage in the streets. Now their countrymen across the border in the U.S. – and even around the globe – are doing the same.
“Those students you see in the pictures may as well be my students,” said Cal State Bakersfield sociology professor Dr. Gonzalo Santos, who organized the Bakersfield vigil. The pictures were part of an arrangement of 43 empty school chairs, in reference to the missing students. On each empty chair was placed a burning candle, with a photo and the name of each disappeared student. Towards the end of the ceremony, a rose was laid on each seat.
“I see my students’ faces in their faces,” added Santos. “Imagine coming to class one day and 43 of your students have simply gone missing.”
But Santos said the protest movement in Mexico that flared up in the wake of the revelations could be a key moment in the country’s future.
“What will make the movement in Mexico succeed, I think, is [protestors] need to come up with a program that addresses [Mexican] society’s problems, and that program has to be popularized among those in the movement,” explained Santos.
Esperanza Guzman is one of Santos’ students and attended the vigil. “This event is to let the people know we are united with the people of Mexico in protest of the forty-three students,” she said. “We’re here with people from Bakersfield and nearby towns, Delano, Taft, Arvin, Shafter … who are here to show support.”
Guzman, who has been following the Ayotzinapa developments, said she agrees that this is a historical moment for Mexico. But it will be a long time, she added, before change materializes.
“It takes time, but the people of Mexico are united to speak out and say, ‘We need justice for what’s happened,’” said Guzman. “We’ve got to tell the Mexican state, ‘Enough!’ and … bring these students home.”
Guzman said she thinks more Americans need to show their solidarity with Mexico protestors for the disappeared students.
“We are all human beings, we ought to all support each other no matter where [these things] happen,” said Guzman. “It happened in Mexico, but it could have happened anywhere, here even, and we should be ready to support each other.”
As for the Mexican government, Guzman echoed others at the vigil in calling for more accountability.
“The president and other [officials] need to do their jobs and find these students, that would be justice for their parents and the people,” said Guzman. “They need to root out officials who are working with cartels who are adding to so much of the violence.”
Adriana Utado was also among those in Bakersfield. She came to the U.S. recently from Mexico City, where she studied biology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). “I’m united with this cause because I witnessed and lived many injustices while in Mexico, and it’s the lower classes who always lose out,” said Utado.
Utado receives regular updates on the protests in Mexico from her parents back home, and said people there would need to come together to change the state if it does not reflect the needs of society.
“Silence is not an option for anyone who wants the situation to change,” she said.

A full-blown economic crisis has erupted in Russia

The 8th largest economy on the entire planet is in a state of turmoil right now

by Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse

The 8th largest economy on the entire planet is in a state of turmoil right now.  The shocking collapse of the price of oil has hit a lot of countries really hard, but very few nations are as dependent on energy production as Russia is.  Sales of oil and natural gas account for approximately two-thirds of all Russian exports and approximately 50 percent of all government revenue. So it should be no surprise that the fact that the price of oil has declined by almost 50 percent since June is absolutely catastrophic for the Russian economy.  And when you throw in international sanctions, wild money printing by the Central Bank of Russia and unprecedented capital flight, you get the ingredients for an almost perfect storm.  But those of us living in the western world should not be too smug about what is happening in Russia, because the nightmare that is unfolding over there is just a preview of the economic chaos that will soon envelop the whole world.
So far this year, the Russian ruble has fallen nearly 50 percent against the U.S. dollar.  That is a monumental shift.  And as the collapse of the ruble has accelerated in recent days, we are seeing scenes in Russia that are reminiscent of the Weimar Republic.  For example, just consider the following excerpt from an article that just appeared in the New York Times.
Scenes that Russians hoped had receded into the past reappeared on the streets: Currency exchange signs blinked ever-changing digits, and Russians rushed to appliance stores to buy washing machines or televisions to unload rubles.
“We are seeing an economic crisis,” Natalia V. Akindinova, a professor at the Higher School of Economics, said in a telephone interview. “We are seeing a sharp devaluation of the ruble at a time when the central bank doesn’t have the reserves to influence the market, as it did in the past crises.”
In a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, the Central Bank of Russia made an astounding move.  Last night it raised its key interest rate from 10.5 percent all the way up to 17 percent.
It was hoped that this desperate move would keep the ruble from plummeting any further.
And it did work for a few minutes, but then the collapse of the ruble resumed.  This is how Zero Hedge described the carnage…
For those wondering if the CBR’s intervention in the Russian FX market with its shocking emergency rate hike to 17 percent overnight calmed things, the answer is yes… for about two minutes. The USDRUB indeed tumbled nearly 10 percent to 59 and then promptly blew right back out, the Ruble crashing in panic selling and seemingly without any CBR market interventions, and at last check was freefalling through 72 74, and sending the Russian stock market plummeting by over 15 percent.
So why is this happening now?
Well, the biggest reason for the freefall of the ruble is the fact that the Central Bank of Russia just printed up about 625 billion rubles and gave it to their friends at Rosneft.
Rosneft is an absolutely massive oil company that is controlled by the Russian government.  For months, Rosneft has been asking for a bailout (sound familiar?) to refinance loans that can no longer be rolled over with western banks because of economic sanctions.
And on Friday they got one.
In an attempt to quietly slip this massive injection of new money past everyone, Rosneft issued 625 billion rubles worth of new bonds just before the weekend and the Central Bank of Russia gobbled most of those new bonds up with freshly created money.  Unfortunately for Rosneft and the Central Bank of Russia, the rest of the world took notice.
With the oil giant in a bind, the central bank ruled that it would accept Rosneft bonds held by commercial banks as collateral for loans.
Rosneft issued 625 billion rubles, about $10.9 billion at the exchange rate at the time, in new bonds on Friday. The identities of the buyers were not publicly disclosed, but analysts say that large state banks bought the issue.
When these banks deposit the bonds with the central bank in exchange for loans, Rosneft will have been financed, in effect, with an emission of rubles from the central bank.
So that is what led to the panic selling that we witnessed on Monday.
Meanwhile, money is being pulled out of Russia at an absolutely staggering pace.  As confidence in the ruble and in the Russian financial system disappears, wealthy people are feverishly trying to protect their wealth by moving it somewhere else.  The following is an excerpt from an editorial that Mohamed A. El-Erian recently penned for Business Insider…
Rather than bring in buyers at these substantially cheaper levels, Russian currency weakness is inducing more selling, including by a growing number of worried bank depositors who, instead of holding their savings in ruble, are opting for safer dollars. The larger the extent of this “currency substitution,” the bigger the scope for capital flight out of Russia. This puts even greater pressure on the currency, aggravating the output contraction, imported inflation, and the general sense economic and financial instability.
It has been estimated that total capital outflows for 2015 will reach an astounding $128 billion.
And this could just be the beginning of the economic troubles for Russia.
If the price of oil stays this low or goes even lower, the Russian economy will shrink.  The only question is how much it will contract.
The Bank of Russia said Monday that the country could sink into a deep recession next year if oil prices remain at $60 a barrel. GDP could contract by as much as 4.7 percent in 2015, and then by a further 1.1 percent in 2016 unless oil prices pick up.
Sadly, it isn’t just oil producing nations such as Russia that are going to be devastated by the coming crisis.
Eventually, the entire globe is going to feel the pain.
Last week was the worst week for global financial markets in three years, and so many of the exact same patterns that we witnessed just prior to the great financial crisis of 2008 are happening once again.  We have been living in a false bubble of relative stability for the past couple of years, but now time is running out.  The next great financial crisis is rapidly approaching, and 2015 promises to be the most “interesting” year that we have seen in ages.


Missis Maria Consuelo Becerra Peña widow of Urzua, died on Nov. 10, 2014 in her hometown in Concepción de Buenos Aires, Jalisco, Mexico. She was 96 years old. She is survived by 13 sons, (two already deceased), 45 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren. The staff of El Reportero extends its most sincere condolences to the family, especially to her daughter Luz Maria Urzua and her husband, Peruvian singer, César Anchante.

Entrevista a Kuno Becker

El ReporteroTV interviews the Kuno Becker, actor, and writer.
We bring you an advance of the movie Panic 5 Bravo in this exclusive interview to its director and writer, Kuno Becker, on November 17, 2014 at the Haus Coffee shop on 24th Street, Mission District in San Francisco, California.

Cantinflas – la pelicula


In this exclusive interview with The ReporteroTV, the Spanish actor Óscar Jaenada reports in depth his experience and its long work that he endured in his aim to personify the greates comedian and actorof all times of Mexico and of the Hispanic world, Mario Moreno ‘Cantinflas’.