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Mexico: Party PT considers inadmisible to close Ayotzinapa case

by the El Reportero’s wire services

In a statement issued today, the party Partido del Trabajo considered unacceptable the attempt of the Attorney General’’s Office (PGR) to close the case of the missing students of the Ayotzinapa teacher training college.
Alberto Anaya, national coordinator of the Partido del Trabajo (PT), said in the statement that “the case cannot be closed when it is not clear yet what happened or who are the real perpetrators of these acts”.
The statement asserted that it is absurd that the Mexican Government insist on leaving behind the matter as if nothing had happened, covering up impunity and corruption of the responsible institutions.
Anaya, who is also a congressman, warned about the increased social discontent for both, the facts of Iguala, in Guerrero state, and “everything that happens in the country where there is no security and justice does not respond as it should”.
Meanwhile, Luis Raul Gonzalez, president of the National Human Rights Commission, said yesterday that the disappearance of 43 students from the rural teacher training school of Ayotzinapa on September 26 and 27, “has not been overcome and it cannot be said that the case is closed”.
“The reports by the judges and experts requested abroad are missing, it cannot be closed, there is no conclusion and for the National Human Rights Commission the case remains open”, he said.

CELAC reaffirms support to Argentina in claim for the Falklands
The heads of State and Government of the 33 member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) reaffirmed today their solidarity with Argentina in its soverteign right over the Falkland Islands, also known in Spanish as Malvinas.
In the final declaration adopted by the Third Summit of Celac, held in the city of Belen, the leaders reiterated the strongest regional support to Argentina’s legitimate rights in the dispute for the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and the maritime spaces surrounding them.
They also express their permanent interest that the dispute is resolved in a peaceful, negotiated way, according to the Resolution 31/49 of the UN General Assembly.
In several occasions the Argentinian government has ratified its right against the ilegitimate British colonial occupation of that part of its territory for 182 years.
The reprsentatives of the 33 member countries of Celac also supported the quest for an agreement to restructure Argentina’s sovereign debt without compromising its development policies and the people’s welbeing.
The Summit, which ended today after two days of sessions, was attended by the Latin American and Caribbean presidents, prime ministers and Foreign ministers of the 33 member countries of Celac under the slogan Building Together.

Governor Rick Perry and Chris Christie interrupted by dreamers in Steve King’s Freedom Summit event
Des Moines, Iowa- A group of undocumented youth interrupted prospective 2016 Presidential candidate and former Texas Governor, Rick Perry.  Marco Malagon, Dreamer from Texas, shouted “Governor, do you stand with King, or do you stand with us and our families? Do you think I’m deportable?” while others stood up with signs that read “DEPORTABLE?” in reference to Representative Steve King’s comments about an undocumented student who attended the State of the Union address as a guest of First Lady Michelle Obama. Following Perry, Christie was also interrupted by Cesar Vargas, Dreamer from New York. Two dreamers were arrested.
For years, Congressman Steve King has been one of the most vocal GOP voices against Dreamers, the undocumented community and has been on the record using derogatory language against Dreamers.

The Mission District will be rocking the boat with The Other Varrio a world premiere

Compiled by the
El Reportero’s staff

As if ripped from today’s headlines reporting evictions, fires and protests in the streets, The Other Barrio follows investigator Roberto Morales as he
 sifts through the suspicious circumstances of a fatal fire in a residential hotel in the Mission and finds himself face to face with murder, corruption and a dangerous flame from his past.

Directed by Dante Betteo, it is based on a story by San Francisco Poet Laureate Alejandro Murguia, this is SF Noir at its best, a tale of greed, murder, corruption and justice. It’s a production of Louis F. Dematteis and Dante Betteo.

Starring Richard Montoya, Veronica Valencia, Geoff Hoyle, Pearl Wong, Vincent Calvarese, Brian J. Patterson, James Hiser, Melinna Bobadilla, Sean San Jose, Christopher White, Don Lacy, Michael Torres and David Klein. Filmed entirely in San Francisco and San Mateo counties. A SF Noir Films Production.

Feb. 8, 2015, 7 p.m. There are rumors that there might not be any more tickets for Sunday evening show, but they just added a 2 p.m. Matinee, check it out! For more info call Brava Theater at 415-641-7657 or write to

Tickets include post film reception w/live music by Dr. Loco and the Other Barrio Band!

Berkeley Public Library staff show is on display

The Ninth Annual Berkeley Public Library Staff Art Show is on display now through February 1, 2015 at the Central Library, 2090 Kittredge Street. Artwork is on display in the Kittredge Street windows and on the first, second and fifth floors of the library.  See what the talented employees of the Berkeley Public Library do when they are not at work! The show includes paintings, collage, photography, ceramics, fiber arts, woodworking, beading and other unique arts. For more information, call 510-981-6241.
This free event is sponsored by the Friends of the Berkeley Public Library.
The Central Library is located at 2090 Kittredge Avenue and is open Monday, noon – 8 p.m., Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday from 1 pm – 5 pm.

26th Annual Great Sonoma Crab & Wine Fest
The 26th Annual Great Sonoma Crab and Wine Fest, the premier Crab and Wine event of the North Bay, is coming to the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa on February 7th, 2015! Join more than 1,200 leaders from the agriculture and business communities in support of scholarships, education programs and youth activities!
February 7th, 2015, at Sonoma County Fairgrounds – Grace Pavilion, Santa Rosa, California at 5 p.m.
Galley Reception and Silent Auction. Enjoy the pairing of award winning wines with gourmet hors d’oeuvres prepared by local chefs. 6:30 p.m. Crab Feed Dinner and Live Auction. Dine on fresh Sonoma Coast crab and accompaniments, then join the fun at one of the area’s finest live auctions; full of special adventures.

La Gente band and others at the Elbo Room
We are proud to announce La Gente will be headlining at The Great American plus Marcus Cohen & The Congress, Emcee Infinite + live painting by Joshua Coffy,
& special guests Jorge Molina Jillian Picazo.
Live at The Great American Music Hall, on Saturday at 8 p.m., on Jan. 24 2015, 859 O’Farrell St, San Francisco. Doors. 9:00 Music

The History of the Voices of Latin Rock Autism Awareness Benefit Concerts
Voices of Latin Rock VIII at the sold out Bimbo’s 365 Club featured the young and old of Latin Rock and local talent. The Autism Awareness event showcased the “sweetheart” of Latin Rock and rising star BLANCA.
A favorite of the Bay Area, Blanca Sandoval, band leader, producer, song writer, guitarist and lead vocalist of the band, enjoys a huge following and is well on her way to great success in Latin/Pop Rock.
Voices of Latin Rock VIII – January 26, 2012.

Children and families have chance to read and play during school break with bingo
The library will distribute cards for its new “Winter Bingo” game, encouraging children in grades K-5, and parents of younger children and babies, to do activities that stimulate literacy and learning. Any child or parent may return a bingo card with five activities marked in a row to any Oakland Public Library between now and Jan. 31, 2015, to select a free paperback book to keep, as a prize.
Activities include direct reading activities such as “Listen to a story” or “Read about your favorite thing” as well as social activities such as “Make someone laugh,” or “Bring a friend to the library,” and active play such as “Dance” or “Play outside.” Activities for parents to do with babies and preschoolers include “Use a recipe to make a snack,” and “Ask your child to turn the page.” Bingo cards will be available at all library locations and distributed to partner organizations, and are available in Spanish, Chinese, and English.
For more information, please visit or contact Nina Lindsay, Supervising Librarian for Children’s Services, at, or 510-238-6706.

Homage to Cuban hero José Martí

by the El Reportero news service

Different homages are being organized for the Cuban national hero Jose Marti, on the occasion of his 162nd birthday anniversary, on January 28.
There will be an exhibition of works by Venezuelan fine artists that were inspired by the poetry of the renowned writer and journalist, at the House Our Americas Jose Marti, in Caracas.
A large and varied program of activities is being prepared in Argentina to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of the Cuban hero.

Chilean filmmakers aspire to be awarded at German Film Festival
Chilean filmmakers Patricio Guzmán and Pablo Larraín aspire to be granted an award at the 65th edition of the Berlin Film Festival, organizers of the event announced today.
US director Darren Aronofsky will chair the jury of the festival, which will begin next 5 February with the screening of the latest film by the Spanish Isabel Coixet, Nobody wants the night, starring Juliette Binoche, Rinko Kikuchi and Gabriel Byrne.
The official section of Berlinale-2015 has 19 contenders to the Golden Bear, the iconic figure of this prize, and among the competitors there will be a Chilean-Spanish-French documentary directed by Guzman, El botón de nácar, and other by Larraín, El Club.
Guatemala will debut in this section with “Ixacanul”, which the debut feature of Jayro Bustamente.
The latest Latin American film to win a Golden Bear (the most prestigious award given at the Festival) was La teta asustada, by Claudia Llosa of Peru, in 2009, and four years later Sebastián Lelio film, Gloria, gave actress Paulina García the Silver Bear.
The films in competition at the 65th edition include Knight of coups, by Terrence Malick, and Eisenstein in Guanajuato, a film shot in Mexico by Peter Greenaway.
Meanwhile, Andreas Dresen, a regular participant at the festival, will represent Germany with Als wir tr umen, and Sebastian Schiper will do so with Victoria.
Filmmakers from Iran, France, Japan, Vietnam and China will complete the selection of this event that will feature attractive stars of the big screen such as Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, and Cate Blanchett.

UNESCO denounces trafficking of cultural items in Guatemala

During an official visit to Guatemala concluding today, Irina Bokova, director general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), described the trafficking of cultural items as a crime.
“We see a very negative trend in the world. We see that organized crime, which deals with arms, drug and human trafficking, is also involved in the illicit trafficking of cultural items”, said Bokova during a tour across Antigua Guatemala, 40 kilometers southwest of the capital city.
Bokova, held a meeting yesterday in the aforementioned colonial city with Dwight Pezzarossi, Minister of Culture and Sports, and Rosa Maria Chan, Deputy Minister of Cultural and Natural Heritage of that ministry.
During the meeting Chan told Bokova the details about the robbery in last February of six paintings of the 18th century from the church El Calvario, located in Antigua Guatemala.
In this regard, Bokova said that cooperation with Guatemala will continue, to strengthen the work of institutions and help to eliminate the illicit trafficking of cultural items.

Mind control: the attempt to control life

by Jon Rappoport

“The targets of modern mind control are always described in terms of medical treatment, alleviation of suffering, and healing. What else would you expect? A stark mission statement about population control and intentional shrinking of brain function? No, this op inevitably falls under ‘greatest good for the greatest number’. The promoted premise is: less effort, less pain, more happiness. A gift given to the essentially passive human being. That formulation itself is a version of mind control. The hero and the rebel are replaced by the semi-satisfied and quiescent android.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Here’s a research project that tells you something about where mind control is going. From MIT News, “Neuroscientists reverse memories’ emotional associations,” (8/27/14):
“The findings, described in the Aug. 27 issue of Nature, demonstrated that a neuronal circuit connecting the hippocampus and the amygdala plays a critical role in associating emotion with memory. This circuit could offer a target for new drugs to help treat conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, the researchers say.
“’In the future, one may be able to develop methods that help people to remember positive memories more strongly than negative ones,’ says Susumu Tonegawa, the Picower Professor of Biology and Neuroscience, director of the RIKEN-MIT Center for Neural Circuit Genetics at MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, and senior author of the paper.”
Translation: blot out emotions connected with memories.
Tinker with memory, re-program neurons, change brain chemistry…these are the hallmarks of modern efforts to condition human life.
The science is spotty, to say the least, but the effort is enormous, and the direction is clear.
If you stacked up all the social sciences, and biology and physics and chemistry, as well as psychology and psychiatry…and even if you went out to the fringes of academia, where the so-called dissidents live…you would encounter scenarios about life as programming.
Change the cell, the molecule, the atom, the family, the environment, the DNA. Initiate new blueprints, systems, patterns of organizations.
The whole basis of this exercise: we humans are passive recipients of “influences.” Therefore, alter the influences.
On the low end, you have the CIA’s mind-control program, MKULTRA. At the high end, you have something like this: “the universe is taking us to an ultimate state of consciousness, and we’re cells in the super-body of All Wisdom, which is gradually revealing its truth to us.”
Either way, humans are viewed as passive.
Passive ciphers of cause-effect, stimulus-response, input-output. No matter how basic or elegant, this is existence in which free will, choice, individual power, imagination are radically diminished.
For example: “the brain is source of consciousness.”
Consider how physics looks at the brain: it is an organ of the body, made up of the same particles that populate the rest of the universe. Nowhere, in any of those particles, is the capacity to understand meaning.
Therefore, the brain does not understand meaning.
Meaning is merely (and absurdly) a chemical/biological/electromagnetic illusion, an ongoing “readout” to which we are passively subjected.
Possessed of such demented view of life, scientists feel perfectly justified in experimenting and tinkering with, and changing, the “human machine.”
In fact, for Dr. Ewen Cameron, the most highly decorated psychiatrist in the world during the 1940s and 50s, an individual’s personality was the property of society, represented by men such as himself.
On that basis (as I’ve described in other articles), Cameron devised a method of torture called “psychic driving,” which involved administering many powerful electric shocks to his patients’ brains, coupled with intensive drugging that put them into consecutive weeks of sleep, after which he played them tapes that repeated pat phrases millions of times—all in an effort to erase their personalities and install new ones.
Cameron worked on contract to the CIA, as a researcher in its infamous MKULTRA program.
These days, the research on programming is far more subtle, but the objective is the same. The patient would not experience overt physical pain while a particular circuit in his brain is “neutralized,” but he would never function in the same way again. He would be “new.”
“Better living through programming.”

The move to depopulate planet Earth Part 7 and Last

Much has been said about a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ about the depopulation of the planet. In this article, Stephanie R. Pasco, follows the trails of statements – going back decades -made by world leaders confirming that in fact exists a plan to depopulate the planet Earth. You be the judge, readers. Due to the length of the article, El Reportero will publish in several parts, extending to several weeks. THIS IS PART 7 AND FINAL OF A SERIES.

by Stephanie R. Pasco

It is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet. I will also provide quotes from various people and organizations that further show this agenda is afoot. I pray the guidance of the Lord God Almighty will be with me in this pursuit to warn others of this dark plot against humanity.
Everything written in this paper is easily verifiable. It may take some time and effort, but I took great pains to make this paper as accurate as I possibly could.
The depopulation agenda is based on nature worship, or Gaia worship. In Genesis, God clearly told Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family to go forth and multiply to fill the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does God rescind that clearly spoken commandment. Therefore man is attempting to supersede the command of the Lord God in heaven: The Creator! I ask you, who knows more about the state of the earth, the created, or the Creator?
The basis for the depopulation agenda is a standard all elitist’s hold dear. This standard is called:
The Hegelian Dialectic:
Problem – Reaction-Solution

From Esoteric Agenda, a documentary by Ben Stewart:
“In 1962 it was decreed that there would be a move toward total global implementation of Codex Alimentarius. The date set for implementation is December 31, 2009. WHO and FAO are the commissions in charge of CA. They fund it and run it at the request of the U.N.
According to WHO & FAO, epidemiological projections, it is estimated that according to the vitamin and mineral guideline alone; when CA goes into global implementation on December 31, 2009, it will result in a minimum of 3 billion deaths; 1 billion due through starvation. The next 2 billion will die from preventable diseases due to malnutrition.”
“The U.N. has put out dozens of reports calling for an 80% reduction in population (most put the number at 90%). At the 1997 Women’s World Conference in Beijing, the head of the U.N. Food Program said, “We will use food as a weapon against the people.”
In conjunction with Codex Alimentarius, food will be limited and water consumption will be decreased to 10 gallons per day, per person. The average American uses 140 gallons of water every day. The food provided will be Genetically Modified and nutrient deficient.
As of the Codex Alimentarius (CA) implementation date of 12/31/09, if there were a famine anywhere in the world, it will be illegal to send any high nutrient density biscuits. Or to distribute them!!
Once a country becomes CA compliant, CA can never be repealed. Membership with the WTO robs the member nations of any and all sovereignty. Germany is now CA compliant.
Codex Alimentarius goes hand in hand with Agenda 21 and the Kyoto Treaty. The deadline to implement both Agenda 21 and the Kyoto Treaty is 2012.” (Rima Laibow)
Agenda 21 was birthed out of the Rio Summit 1992. Agenda 21 (A 21), a.k.a. Smart Growth, Regionalism, Visioning Processes, Action Plans, Shared Values; 20/20, Best Practices; Community Festivals & Public/Private Partnerships. These are the names you will hear A 21 called, the buzzwords.
Every county must set up a council to oversee the implementation of A 21. A 21 is Sustainable Development. Steven Rockefeller set up the Earth Charter, referenced above. The Earth Charter is the new One World Religion: Earth worship. The earth is considered to be ‘sacred’, and its protection is a ‘sacred trust’. Global responsibility will demand basic changes in values, behaviors and attitudes of government, the private sector, and civil society.
Under Sustainable Development man is considered to be responsible for the pollution of the planet and is subordinate to all other living creatures. This is a direct contradiction to the Bible where God placed man in a position of dominance over the entire earth. The elite will worship and serve the creature, rather than the Creator.
“The environmental agenda is a spiritual agenda with earth worship at its root. As such, the following practices are all considered to be unsustainable: Fossil fuels, artificial fertilizers, modern systems of agricultural production, irrigation water, herbicides, pesticides, farmland, pastures, grazing of livestock, consumerism, dietary habits, salt, sugar, private property, paved roads, dams, reservoirs, logging activities, fencing of pastures”. – Joan Peros
“Every environmental resource must be measured. What can be measured can be managed under the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Project.” – Joan Peros
Among the things considered to be unsustainable, as listed above, these are included: Monotheism and the family unit. The health care plan of President Obama is under A 21. Under this health care plan, the family unit is very much being attacked. Anyone over age 65 must undergo ‘end of life counseling’ by their doctor every 5 years. Abortion will be pushed that much harder, especially with the Science Czar wanting sterilants put into our water supply! One of the new appointee’s to the Obama Administration once said in a book he co-wrote that a child could be killed up to the age of 2 years old! What kind of a monster could think that is acceptable?
Nearly the exact language used to define Sustainable Development was taken from the 1977 Soviet Constitution!
The Family Dependency Ratio, under the United Nations, will look at every household. They will gauge what that household has produced in accordance with what it has used (i.e., resources) by the water bills, energy bills, etc. Are you using more than you are producing? Are you adding to the collective, or merely taking away? This is how the powers that be will determine whether you are a productive citizen, or, in the words of Henry Kissinger, “A useless eater”.
In 1990, Prince Charles formed The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum to bring together 50-60 of the world’s topmost multi-national/transnational corporations to start buying up governments around the world. This is Public/Private Partnerships: This is the very definition of fascism.
I must stop here. At the rate things are now moving, I could add to this daily. But, December 31 is not so far away now, only four months. I must get this out now. Time is short.
If you find this to be worthy, please, spread it everywhere you can. Email it, blog it, post it on forums; mail it. Do what you must. People are asleep. They must be woken up. Forced immunizations are right around the corner. These things will come to pass. It is our job to warn people. Please, I ask you, warn them.

Life in the U.S.: Hazardous to immigrant’s health

by Dan Gordon
UC Newsroom

The United States is a nation of immigrants drawn from all parts of the world by the promise of freedom and a good life. But a substantial body of evidence suggests that for the newly arrived, life in the United States can be hazardous to their well-being.
When they get here, immigrants are on average healthier than their native-born American counterparts. But the longer they stay, the worse they fare on measures such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and mental health.
Faculty at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health are working on identifying factors contributing to the declining health status of immigrant groups that’s occurring over time and through the generations.
Part of it has to do with an unfamiliarity with U.S. society and its complicated health care system. Many immigrants lack health insurance. But Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, a professor at the Fielding School who focuses on the delivery of care that appropriately considers a patient’s culture, notes that it’s more than just cost.
“If someone is new to this country, doesn’t speak the language and has to learn to navigate our system, it’s like plopping us in the middle of Siberia and expecting us to figure out what we need,” she said.
For example, many immigrants across the educational and cultural spectrum hold beliefs about disease and how the body works that diverge from the biomedical model practiced in the U.S., Kagawa-Singer added, and many health care practitioners are uneducated on those differences.
“When you have problems in both health literacy among patients and cultural competence among practitioners, you get this ‘perfect storm’ of people who will not be able to utilize the health care system even when it’s offered,” said Kagawa-Singer.
The Latino paradox
Despite social and economic disadvantages, newly arrived Latino immigrants are, by many measures, healthier than other groups. That’s been called the Latino Paradox. But the evidence also shows that the longer these immigrants are in the United States, and through successive generations, the paradox disappears: Risks of chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease increase.
“The suggestion is that they’re adopting unhealthy American lifestyles,” said Alex Ortega, a Fielding School professor whose work focuses on the physical, medical and mental health needs of Latino children and their families. Ortega is also principal investigator of the UCLA Center for Population Health and Health Disparities, a $10 million, five-year effort funded by the National Institutes of Health to study and reduce cardiovascular disease risk in East Los Angeles.
Less attention has been paid to a similar phenomenon. Ortega has found that among Latino children, the longer they have lived in the United States and the more generations their family has been here, the higher the risk for poor mental health. Among the possible explanations: “As people immigrate and become acculturated, in some cases they lose family and social ties. And without those support systems, they lack the safety net to help protect them from the effects of poor mental health,” said Ortega. Similar findings have been reported for other immigrant groups.
The health impacts of discrimination
While assimilation may be a significant factor in immigrants’ worsening health, other factors, such as culture, genetics and socioeconomic status, play an important role. “But they don’t fully explain the health disparities we see,” noted Gilbert Gee, a professor at the Fielding School and member of the UCLA Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity. In fact, Gee believes that some of what is attributed to assimilation may actually be the result of the way immigrants are looked upon in their new home.
“Another aspect of being here a long time is that you experience more discrimination,” said Gee, who seeks to measure the impact of that discrimination on mental and physical health. He points out that immigrants go from feeling at home in their country of origin to being viewed as a racial minority.
“Suddenly you’re not Sri Lankan but simply Asian,” Gee said. “It can be stressful enough to come to a new society and learn a new language, but it’s doubly stressful when you’re also dealing with these negative stereotypes.”
In a study of Asian American immigrants, Gee’s group found that clinical depression was more likely to be predicted by experiences of discrimination than by acculturation. Gee suggests that more recent efforts to pass English-only laws have created a hostile climate for immigrant groups, potentially to the detriment of their health.
For Gee, this underscores the notion that civil rights policies are also health policies. “When we’re changing the way we define immigrants, that is likely to have a health impact,” he said.
This story was adapted from a longer version that appears in the Fall 2014 issue of the Fielding School of Public Health Magazine.

Mushrooms, onion contain nutrients that strengthen the immune system

by Dr. David Jockers
Natural News

Plants have had to evolve through various environmental stressors and have developed very sophisticated systems to protect them from predators and the elements. These complex systems offer humans unique survival advantages through reducing oxidative stress and improving immune system coordination. Mushrooms and onions are packed full of immune-enhancing polysaccharides and phytonutrients.
Nature provides an amazing array of resources to improve our health and boost our immunity. Mushrooms and onions are a tasty combination in a dish and contain an array of phytochemicals that have a profound impact on human physiology.
Mushrooms are a type of fungus that are enjoyed by people all over the world and renowned for their nutritional benefits. These have been used in tonics, soups, teas, prepared foods and herbal formulas to promote health and longevity. In recent years, scientists have studied the medicinal benefits of mushrooms on the immune system.
There are thousands of different types of mushrooms, with a small percentage being poisonous if consumed. Most mushrooms are edible, including white mushrooms, morels, truffles, portabellas, chanterelle, shiitake, maitake, agaricus, reishi, oyster and enoki. While all of these mushrooms have nutritional benefits, some are far denser in unique immune-stimulating compounds than others.
The most common nutrients found in the majority of mushrooms include thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), folate (B9), phosphorus, iron, panthothenic acid (B5), zinc, potassium, copper, magnesium, pyridoxine (B6), zinc, potassium, copper and selenium. All edible mushrooms are healthy for the body, but some contain high levels of beta-glucans which are an extraordinary molecule that scientists are just beginning to understand.
Maitake mushrooms:
Maitake means “dancing mushroom” in Japanese, because people were said to dance for joy when they found these mushrooms. They were dancing because these mushrooms were worth their weight in silver for their remarkable healing properties. Maitake has been found to contain high levels of the immune-modulating molecule beta-1,6-D-glucan.(1)
Agaricus blazei Murill mushroom:
This mushroom commonly referred to as the ABM mushroom is grown in the rainforest of Brazil and is nicknamed “The Mushroom of God.” Studies have revealed that the ABM mushroom has the greatest density of beta-glucan in the world. When human subjects were given ABM in their diet, they saw a 3,000% increase in NK cells in the blood within 2-4 days.
Reishi mushroom:
Reishi is rich in beta-1,3-D-glucan, which boosts macrophages, T cells and cytokinetic activity. Reishi is especially good at increasing the production of the tumor-inhibiting cytokines IL-1and IL-2. Reishi has powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial affects in the body.
Red onion:
Red onions get their bite from the many sulfur groups they contain. These sulfur groups help produce cysteine within the body that aids in weight loss and detoxification. Additional research has shown that sulfur compounds have a strong antioxidant capacity that inhibits blood cell clumping.
Red onions are also a rich source of the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin and the polyphenol antioxidant anthocyanin. These antioxidants prevent the oxidation of dietary and cellular fatty acids. They are very powerful free radical scavengers that neutralize cancer cell growth and dramatically reduce whole body inflammation.
Simmering onions in a soup or broth will damage some of the anthocyanins but not the quercetin. The quercetin moves into the soup or broth. The lower the heat, the more nutrients will be contained in the soup or broth. Studies have shown that consuming four to seven servings of red onions each week (equivalent to about two to three onions) has been associated with the greatest benefit in reducing risk of cancer.

Warnings in Mexico of hidden agenda in Peña-Nieto Obama meeting

by the El Reportero’s wire services

The next meeting at the White House between Presidents Barack Obama, and Enrique Peña Nieto, of Mexico, will be a political staging with a covert agenda, says the La Jornada diary.
An article by Carlos Fazio says that Peña Nieto’s official visit to Washington occurs when the Mexican head of state has ‘its legitimacy in the red and politically weakened.’
He mentions regarding this ‘the State crimes of Tlatlaya and Iguala’ as well as ‘scandals of opacity, corruption and conflicts of interest’ that, as he says, affect the presidential environment.
The publication notes that starting in January Obama will govern with a Congress under Republican control, which will shorten his room for maneuver, while the disappearance of the students from Ayotzinapa and other facts have kept Peña Nieto ‘since three months ago in a virtual condition of astonishment.’
He argues that the ‘covert agenda has as nodal point the consolidation North America as an geographical space integrated by Canada, United States and Mexico, under the economic and military control of Washington.’
‘Such consolidation occurs in the face of intercapitalist competition in the markets and the appropriation and plunder of the global geostrategic resources,’ he adds.
He claims that the increase in the structural crisis of the system comes accompanied by economic and energy wars, geopolitical upheavals and destabilization operations of the Pentagon and NATO axis in areas of influence of Russia and China.
Fazio takes into account the recommendations made known in October by the Council of Foreign Relations, ‘powerful global shadow government based in New York’, which advocates preserving the ‘imperial hegemony’ by deepening integration with Canada and Mexico for economical, energetic, security, environmental, and social cooperation.
He mentions the unified security strategy for North America, based on which Obama should support efforts of Peña Nieto to strengthen the democratic governance in the style of the one applied by Alvaro Uribe in Colombia, under the auspices of Washington.
He makes reference to the border cooperation, ‘with the subordination of the armed forces of Mexico to the Pentagon’s Northern Command, which, since 2013, through the Merida Initiative, has intensified training courses to military personnel and native civilians in irregular warfare, counterterrorism and counterinsurgency.’
He concludes that the Mexican president was called to Washington ‘to deepen the delivery’, especially in energy, with the implementation in this area prompted by the Aztec executive for the opening of the hydrocarbon sector.

Civilian search for missing students to begin in Mexico
Families of the missing Mexican students of Ayotzinapa teacher training college make preparations to begin a civilian search next Saturday.
In a cultural festival held yesterday at the Avenue of Chilpancingo, the capital city of the Guerrero state, Felipe de la Cruz, spokesperson for the families of Ayotzinapa students forcibly disappeared in last September, urged population to support the search.
He said that all intellectuals have been called for a forum on February 2nd to discuss the situation in the Guerrero state, claiming that elections will not be held until the return of the 42 students disappeared in the Iguala city, in Guerrero, (one was found dead).
He also urged political parties not to make profit from this movement for midterm elections in next June since they use it in spots “in a shameless and inhumane way; using our slogans, marches and messages to make political propaganda and win the people’s support.”

New study: Monsanto’s herbicide chemical damages DNA

Did Monsanto know all along?

by Christina Sarich

A new peer-reviewed scientific study has found that soybean workers exposed to glyphosate suffer from DNA damage and elevated cell death. Adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) are the components of nucleic acid that make up DNA, and biotech is making these important parts of our biology a mash-up that no sane person would ever want to experience.
Soybean workers in Brazil exposed to fungicides herbicides and insecticides (the main three chemical classifications used extensively by the biotech farming model) experienced an elevated level of cellular apoptosis, as well as remarkable DNA damage according to the Elsevier published, Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis.
The research concentrated on Glyphosate and 2,4-D, two chemicals that practically cover all of the US farming landscape. Glyphosate alone is used doubly as often as it was five years ago, with more than 185 million pounds of glyphosate-based and Round Up ready chemicals sprayed o n our crops annually. Most GM crops were made, in fact, to withstand Round Up chemicals specifically. (Interestingly, the USDA won’t even test for glyphosate regularly because it’s ‘too expensive.’)
The herbicide 2,4-D has been used even longer than glyphosate – since the 1940s in fact – so there is no telling just how saturated our soil, and water is with this particular chemical. (Agent Orange, used during the Vietnam war contained 2,4-D.)
Danieli Benedetti and others found that the widespread cultivation of GM soybeans in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Brazil), especially in the city of Espumoso is particularly toxic to farm workers there.
They find:
“. . .the comet assay in peripheral leukocytes and the buccal micronucleus (MN) cytome assay (BMCyt) in exfoliated buccal cells were used to assess the effects of exposures to pesticides in soybean farm workers from Espumoso.A total of 127 individuals, 81 exposed and 46 non-exposed controls, were evaluated. Comet assay and BMCyt (micronuclei and nuclear buds) data revealed DNA damage in soybean workers.
Cell death was also observed (condensed chromatin, karyorhectic, and karyolitic cells). Inhibition of non-specific choline esterase (BchE) was not observed in the workers. The trace element contents of buccal samples were analyzed by Particle-Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE). Higher concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, P, S, and Cl were observed in cells from workers. No associations with use of personal protective equipment, gender, or mode of application of pesticides were observed.
Our findings indicate the advisability of monitoring genetic toxicity in soybean farm workers exposed to pesticides.”
It isn’t just farm workers that need to be concerned, though. Research in the German journal Ithaca stumbled upon significant concentrations of glyphosate in the urine samples of city dwellers. Many of the participants in this study showed glyphosate levels in their blood and urine that were up to 20 times the allowable levels in drinking water.
Other Studies Agree – Pesticide Chemicals Damage DNA
Multiple studies prior to the Brazilian research just conducted have shown cytotoxic and DNA-damaging effects of glyphosate exposure. In one study, Koller and his colleagues found that:
“. . . lymphocytes and cells from internal organs indicate that epithelial cells are more susceptible to the cytotoxic and DNA-damaging properties of the herbicide and its formulation. Since we found genotoxic effects after short exposure to concentrations that correspond to a 450-fold dilution of spraying used in agriculture, our findings indicate that inhalation may cause DNA damage in exposed individuals.”
As Natural Society previously reported, another study found that it only takes 57 parts per million for Round Up to completely destroy human kidney cells. We kind of need our kidneys. Agricultural levels of glyphosate are often more than 200 times this level.
You have to assume Monsanto knew that its RoundUp chemicals would damage DNA. After all, they’ve hidden toxicity results before, saying that they were a ‘commercial secret.’
Approximately 9 percent of all soybeans grown in the US are GMO, which means they are grown with Round Up or glyphosate-containing chemicals, and the Koller study found that even smaller concentrations (.02%) of Monsanto’s best seller sprayed on our crops causes DNA damage.
That means you can dilute Round Up more than 98 percent and it will still damage your cells.
In what country is a company allowed to knowingly, purposefully, scientifically kill human DNA (and thus humans) and not be charged with murder, treason, or at the bare minimum the withholding of information? Oh, that’s right – America.
Sure, biotech companies will tell you that DNA gets damaged all the time – from UV rays, oxidation, medical X-rays, even environmental toxins which biotech doesn’t create, but hen they systemically market a product(s) that kills your cells – shouldn’t they be stopped?
Damaged DNA leads to cancer, faster aging, neurological disease and the break down of our organs. There are hundreds of pathological conditions which are caused by damaged DNA, not that we can’t take proactive steps to heal our DNA, but agencies which allow these products to stay on the market are an abomination.
Even 9th graders understand the importance of DNA, and while the human genome project that sequenced more than 100,00 genes stilldidn’t explain the whole picture of our genetic make-up, DNA is an essential part of it, and shouldn’t be damaged. You can revisit the basics of DNA, here

The pleasure model of the future – a short story

by Jon Rappoport

The worn document has passed from hand to hand in the underground. The title? “Life in the Pleasure Dome.”
Its date of publication is uncertain, owing to the torrid years of revolution and state repression. Most estimates place it at 2067.
The man who signed it is long forgotten, but it’s rumored he’d worked for the US Department of Control (aka “Sphincter”), an offshoot of the old Homeland Security Force.
He was, perhaps, a scientist with special access to the President, the Congress, and the Pentagon.
Why is this document so important? Because it mirrors recent developments—in particular, the mass drugging of the population, under the guise of mental health care.
From page 56 of the document: “The aim of the New American Order must be the reduction of pain and suffering, in favor of pleasure. The population must glimpse light at the end of the tunnel. New drugs in the research pipeline must deliver pleasure at a level that cannot be denied or ignored by the user.”
Many people believe in the current drugging program. They feel the pleasure. They are satisfied with their lives, regardless of external conditions.
But on page 294, we see the underpinning of the whole program:
“Pleasure alone is not enough. There must be an accompanying belief that the satisfaction-quotient these drugs create is acceptable, is a ceiling on what is possible in a life lived.
“For that, we need a general lowering of expectation, because the drugs cannot stimulate the kind of pleasure that comes with holding ideals such as freedom, independence, power, and imagination.
“These ideals must be eradicated. Then the drugs will suffice. Then the pleasure they bring will seem to be enough.”
In other words, a person who is still conscious of his own innate freedom, power, and independence will experience profound pleasure. The drugs do not and cannot deliver sensation at that level.
Therefore, our leaders state, the consciousness of freedom, power, and independence must be wiped out in the population.
In the underground, we know such a program is underway. It has been operating for many years.
As evidence, I point to the standard federal review form, X-12f-B, which is a series of questions put to every student in the United States before he graduates high school, and to every person in the country during a job interview of any kind, as well as to every person who applies for government benefits.
Buried in this standard form are the following:
“When was the last time you felt free? What year?”
“Did you feel free when you were a child?”
“Has anyone told you you should be free?”
An interviewer asks these three key questions to every American. If the answers suggest that the interviewee does, or once did, feel free, he will, sooner or later, be shunted into the so-called Road System, which is an untrained and unprotected workforce sent to toxic waste areas to do cleanup, on a seven-year federal contract.
Then we have the federal psych eval network, which functions as an offshoot of the NSA Home and Workplace Surveillance Anti-Crime Mandate (NHWSACM).
By electronic means, through remote brain scans, a belief-system profile is assembled on all Americans. Among other assessments, this profile determines to what degree people have any deeply held convictions.
The content of such beliefs doesn’t matter. What matters is the level of commitment to the beliefs.
The underground has learned that these profiles are used to identify Americans who still have deep faith in anything. Those who do are placed in several different types of grinding manual labor forces.
The whole idea is to separate and wall off “believers” of any kind from the general population.
Over time, the people of America will, presumably, accept the pleasure drugs as the highest form of life.
The drugs will become the ideals.
What the drugs impart will be the only recognized “higher pleasure.”
There will be nothing else.
That is why we in the underground have developed an antidote. It is based on an old formula which has been wiped from all public and private records.
It used to be called “organic.”
That term is now outlawed.
We now use “Organic” to indicate a secret vegetable concentrate, which will offset some of the effects of the pleasure drugs.
We grow the vegetables in hundreds of hidden places on the planet, and we are dispensing the concentrate widely. If we are discovered and captured, we will disappear.
The aim of our plan is simple. If enough people, ingesting the Organic, experience less pleasure from the drugs, they will wake up and see that their lives can encompass more.
Watch out for agents of the FDA. They are legion. Even if they are not wearing SWAT uniforms and armor, they carry weapons. The younger agents were raised, from childhood, in breeding facilities, and they have never eaten vegetables…they were trained to consider them vile poisons.
These breeding centers are funded and run by the Grocery Manufacturers Association. Apparently, the GMA used to be a money-laundering crime family, which secretly raised money to promote genetically modified food, when Earth still sustained non-GMO crops.
Now, they are officially a department of the combined FDA-USDA Strike Force. They deploy drones, and they also go on door-to-door searches.
Just last month, in Madison, Wisconsin, a group of dissident students, upon observing five agents moving door to door in an off-campus housing district, displayed bunches of broccoli and spinach—before the agents could draw their weapons—and induced a panic.
Three agents suffered strokes, and a fourth ran to a city fluoride holding tank, dove in and drowned.
(Jon Rappoport is the author of two explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed and Exit From The Matrix).