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Meet the secretive group that runs the world – Part four and last


Dear readers, I found this great article, previously published by Zero Hedge, on one of the most secretive banks: the Bank of the International Settlements. This is the bank that is above all banks, top of the top of the world controllers. Higher than all world Central Banks. Super interesting! THIS IS PART FOURTH and LAST OF A SERIES.

Nothing comes closer to the stereotypical, secretive group determining the fate of over 7 billion people, than the Bank of International Settlements

by zero hedge

Over the centuries there have been many stories, some based on loose facts, others based on hearsay, conjecture, speculation and outright lies, about groups of people who “control the world.” Some of these are partially accurate, others are wildly hyperbolic, but when it comes to the historic record, nothing comes closer to the stereotypical, secretive group determining the fate of over 7 billion people, than the Bank of International Settlements, which hides in such plain sight, that few have ever paid much attention.

The BIS is a unique institution: an international organization, an extremely profitable bank and a research institute founded, and protected, by international treaties. The BIS is accountable to its customers and shareholders—the central banks—but also guides their operations. The main tasks of a central bank, the BIS argues, are to control the flow of credit and the volume of currency in circulation, which will ensure a stable business climate, and to keep exchange rates within manageable bands to ensure the value of a currency and so smooth international trade and capital movements. This is crucial, especially in a globalized economy, where markets react in microseconds and perceptions of economic stability and value are almost as important as reality itself.
The BIS also helps to supervise commercial banks, although it has no legal powers over them. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, based at the BIS, regulates commercial banks’ capital and liquidity requirements. It requires banks to have a minimum capital of eight percent of risk-weighted assets when lending, meaning that if a bank has risk-weighted assets of $100 million it must maintain at least $8 million capital. The committee has no powers of enforcement, but it does have enormous moral authority. “This regulation is so powerful that the eight percent principle has been set into national laws,” said Peter Akos Bod. “It’s like voltage. Voltage has been set at 220. You may decide on ninety-five volts, but it would not work.” In theory, sensible housekeeping and mutual cooperation, overseen by the BIS, will keep the global financial system functioning smoothly. In theory.
The reality is that we have moved beyond recession into a deep structural crisis, one fueled by the banks’ greed and rapacity, which threatens all of our financial security. Just as in the 1930s, parts of Europe face economic collapse. The Bundesbank and the European Central Bank, two of the most powerful members of the BIS, have driven the mania for austerity that has already forced one European country, Greece, to the edge, aided by the venality and corruption of the country’s ruling class. Others may soon follow. The old order is creaking, its political and financial institutions corroding from within. From Oslo to Athens, the far right is resurgent, fed in part by soaring poverty and unemployment. Anger and cynicism are corroding citizens’ faith in democracy and the rule of law. Once again, the value of property and assets is vaporizing before their owners’ eyes. The European currency is threatened with breakdown, while those with money seek safe haven in Swiss francs or gold. The young, the talented, and the mobile are again fleeing their home countries for new lives abroad. The powerful forces of international capital that brought the BIS into being, and which granted the bank its power and influence, are again triumphant.
The BIS sits at the apex of an international financial system that is falling apart at the seams, but its officials argue that it does not have the power to act as an international financial regulator. Yet the BIS cannot escape its responsibility for the Euro-zone crisis. From the first agreements in the late 1940s on multilateral payments to the establishment of the Europe Central Bank in 1998, the BIS has been at the heart of the European integration project, providing technical expertise and the financial mechanisms for currency harmonization. During the 1950s, it managed the European Payments Union, which internationalized the continent’s payment system. The BIS hosted the Governors’ Committee of European Economic Community central bankers, set up in 1964, which coordinated trans-European monetary policy. During the 1970s, the BIS ran the “Snake,” the mechanism by which European currencies were held in exchange rate bands. During the 1980s the BIS hosted the Delors Committee, whose report in 1988 laid out the path to European Monetary Union and the adoption of a single currency. The BIS midwifed the European Monetary Institute (EMI), the precursor of the European Central Bank. The EMI’s president was Alexandre Lamfalussy, one of the world’s most influential economists, known as the “Father of the euro.” Before joining the EMI in 1994, Lamfalussy had worked at the BIS for seventeen years, first as economic adviser, then as the bank’s general manager.
For a staid, secretive organization, the BIS has proved surprisingly nimble. It survived the first global depression, the end of reparations payments and the gold standard (two of its main reasons for existence), the rise of Nazism, the Second World War, the Bretton Woods Accord, the Cold War, the financial crises of the 1980s and 1990s, the birth of the IMF and World Bank, and the end of Communism. As Malcolm Knight, manager from 2003–2008, noted, “It is encouraging to see that—by remaining small, flexible, and free from political interference—the Bank has, throughout its history, succeeded remarkably well in adapting itself to evolving circumstances.”
The bank has made itself a central pillar of the global financial system. As  well as the Global Economy Meetings, the BIS hosts four of the most important international committees dealing with global banking: the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Committee on the Global Financial System, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems, and the Irving Fisher Committee, which deals with central banking statistics. The bank also hosts three independent organizations: two groups dealing with insurance and the Financial Stability Board (FSB). The FSB, which coordinates national financial authorities and regulatory policies, is already being spoken of as the fourth pillar of the global financial system, after the BIS, the IMF and the commercial banks.
The BIS is now the world’s thirtieth-largest holder of gold reserves, with 119 metric tons—more than Qatar, Brazil, or Canada. Membership of the BIS remains a privilege rather than a right. The board of directors is responsible for admitting central banks judged to “make a substantial contribution to international monetary cooperation and to the Bank’s activities.” China, India, Russia, and Saudi Arabia joined only in 1996. The bank has opened offices in Mexico City and Hong Kong but remains very Eurocentric.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Slovakia (total population 16.2 million) have been admitted, while Pakistan (population 169 million) has not. Nor has Kazakhstan, which is a powerhouse of Central Asia. In Africa only Algeria and South Africa are members—Nigeria, which has the continent’s second-largest economy, has not been admitted. (The BIS’s defenders say that it demands high governance standards from new members and when the national banks of countries such as Nigeria and Pakistan reach those standards, they will be considered for membership).
Considering the BIS’s pivotal role in the transnational economy, its low profile is remarkable. Back in 1930 a New York Times reporter noted that the culture of secrecy at the BIS was so strong that he was not permitted to look inside the boardroom, even after the directors had left. Little has changed. Journalists are not allowed inside the headquarters while the Global Economy Meeting is underway. BIS officials speak rarely on the record, and reluctantly, to members of the press. The strategy seems to work. The Occupy Wall Street movement, the anti-globalizers, the social network protesters have ignored the BIS. Centralbahnplatz 2, Basel, is quiet and tranquil. There are no demonstrators gathered outside the BIS’s headquarters, no protestors camped out in the nearby park, no lively reception committees for the world’s central bankers.
As the world’s economy lurches from crisis to crisis, financial institutions are scrutinized as never before. Legions of reporters, bloggers, and investigative journalists scour the banks’ every move. Yet somehow, apart from brief mentions on the financial pages, the BIS has largely managed to avoid critical scrutiny. Until now.

Three year window for nonviolent felons to change records – and lives

by Nancy DeVille
Richmond Pulse

In the months since California voters approved an initiative that reduces penalties for some crimes, the Contra Costa County Public Defender’s office has been busy trying to reach tens of thousands of local residents who are eligible to have their felonies downgraded to a misdemeanor. And, with only a three-year window for convicted felons to apply under the proposition, time is paramount.
“We are concerned that people in the community who have prior convictions might miss out if they don’t realize it and don’t file a petition within the three years,” said Ellen McDonnell, a Contra Costa County public defender. “Unfortunately we’re probably not going to be able to reach all of them.
Since last November, when the law was passed and went into effect, over 500 petitions in Contra Costa County have been granted for relief under Proposition 47. That number includes people who were released early from prison or county jail, those who were on felony probation but not in custody and those who had a prior conviction reduced to a misdemeanor.
It’s a start, but McDonnell estimates there are probably 50,000 formerly incarcerated people throughout the county with prior felony convictions who also qualify to have them reduced or overturned. She says getting the word out to that population isn’t easy.
“We’ve worked through the bulk of people that are in custody and now we are working on resentencing for individuals that are on probation,” McDonnell said. “We’ve had a pretty steady stream of phone calls, but I know there are tens of thousands of people that should be calling us.”
Proposition 47, also known as the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, changes crimes like drug possession and petty theft charges from felonies to misdemeanors. Including the following offenses when less than $950 is involved: shoplifting, check and credit fraud, forgery, theft and possession of stolen goods. Those with histories of violence or sex offenses are ineligible for the lighter sentences. People eligible for resentencing or reclassification must file applications by Nov. 5, 2017.
McDonnell says the public defender’s office is doing regular outreach throughout the county by speaking to various community groups, attending the monthly community homeless court and reaching out to case managers at local agencies that offer support to newly released inmates.
“For a lot of people going to court in the past has been a negative experience, so they have a lot of anxiety,” McDonnell said. “But the nice thing about Prop 47 is people just need to call us and don’t have to come to court or pay anything. And doing this can really have a positive impact on their future.”
Barry Krisberg, a criminologist at U.C. Berkeley, says he’d like to see more resources allocated to make people aware of the program.
“The problem with getting the word out to people with prior felony convictions is significant,” he said.
“If we were being true to the spirit of the law, there would be public education campaigns sponsored by the state and many additional resources given to public defenders to help in these petitions,” he added.
In addition to offering opportunities for lessened sentences, millions of dollars—saved from the associated expenses of imprisoning people for longer sentences—will be sent to local communities to support mental health and substance abuse, truancy and crime victims assistance and rehabilitation programs. A process, Krisberg says, that requires just as much oversight.
“We’re going to have to watch very closely that the state board of corrections delivers the funds in a timely fashion and then it’s going to be up to each county to make sure the money gets spent consistent with the voters’ wishes,” he said.
Residents in Contra Costa County with questions about Prop 47, can contact Ellen McDonnell, Contra Costa County Deputy Public Defender, at 925-335-8075 or prop47@pd.cccounty.us.

Newborn dies after receiving eight vaccinations on schedule

Pathologists confirm vaccines responsible for death

by Jonathan Benson

A Michigan mother’s painful journey to find answers to her son’s mysterious death has unearthed yet another case of vaccine-induced early mortality. The untimely fate of Elijah Daniel French, who was born on May 4, 2007, and died just days after receiving eight routine vaccinations in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s recommended vaccine schedule, has been determined by a child death investigator and several pathologists to have been caused by the vaccines.
As originally reported by VacTruth.com (and archived here), young Danny’s (as his parents called him) heartbreaking story begins like many others: He was completely healthy, smiling and normal until being jabbed by establishment white-coats with multiple government-recommended vaccines all at once. He quickly digressed into poor health, almost immediately suffering from breathing problems and high fever.
According to the family’s account, Daniel was vaccinated for seven different conditions at five-and-a-half months old, including with DTaP, hepatitis B, polio, Hib and pneumococcal vaccines. Despite suffering immediate adverse effects, Daniel was brought back to the doctor’s office just a few months later and jabbed again with all the same vaccines. This time his condition worsened, and he quickly developed asthma.
Believing that her child’s doctor knew what was best, Daniel’s mother brought him back for a third round of vaccines at 14 months old. This time, the boy was given eight vaccines in four separate injections: MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), Hib, varicella and DTaP. This is when things for Daniel took a serious turn for the worse.
“That night, Danny was still eating and drinking but was cranky and slept more than usual,” his mother reported. “By the next day, he was extremely fatigued, irritable and had a loss of appetite. He did not have a fever at this time. He was red and warm where they injected him. These symptoms only worsened.”
“By the third day, Danny was unable to stay awake for longer than thirty minutes, he had zero food intake, his fluid intake diminished and he cried excessively. Seventy-one hours after his doctor visit, Danny developed a fever from the vaccines and was given Children’s Tylenol. His doctor was called but there was no answer from him because it was the July 4th holiday, the office was closed.”
Three independent pathologists confirm that young Danny’s death was caused by vaccines
Long story short, Danny fell asleep not long after being given another round of Children’s Tylenol, and when his mother came back a few hours later to check on him, his body was cold and unresponsive: Young Danny had died. And the cause of death, as Danny’s mother would only find out years later after conducting her own thorough investigation, was the vaccines he was given.
The initial autopsy report declared that Danny had died from asphyxia in an undetermined manner, but the boy’s mother wasn’t satisfied with this explanation. She soon discovered that the official death report noted acetaminophen from the Tylenol i
Danny’s blood, but nothing from the vaccines, pointing to a cover-up.
As it turns out, the medical examiner involved was bent against implicating vaccines as a possible cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Danny’s mother decided to consult with other medical experts to gain second opinions, and what they all unanimously determined is that, based on blood and tissue samples taken from Danny’s body, the boy had definitely died from the vaccines.
“Everything was reviewed by three separate pathologists,” she said. “All three confirmed the same findings. The pathologists stated vaccine-induced hypercytokinemia as the cause of my son’s asphyxiation. They were able to determine this in large part to the blood panel taken prior to Danny receiving his vaccines, in contrast with the samples I had stored.”
“They also agreed encephalopathy was likely responsible, as it’s a cytokine storm syndrome. Danny’s pathology report stated his cause of death was asphyxiation, secondary to hypercytokinemia, caused by vaccines received approximately 72 hours prior.”
Danny’s full story is available here: VacTruth.com.

NATO General warns, Putin is a “dangerous gambler… willing to use nuclear weapons”

“There is a real danger China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily”

by Tyler Durden

Hot on the heels of George Soros’ warnings that we stand on the verge of World War 3, demanding Washington back off its anti-Yuan pressure, it appears “the good guys” are fighting back with their own good-cop, bad-cop propaganda. As Sputnik News reports, General hans-Lothar Domrose, NATO Commander of the Brunssum Allied Joint Force Command, said in an interview with German magazine Focus Online that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a tough-minded, forward-thinking politician who is capable of foreseeing situations, but also regards him as a dangerous “gambler,” who “is willing to use nuclear weapons against NATO troops.”
Soros previously noted, …unless the U.S. makes ‘major concessions’ and allows China’s currency to join the IMF’s basket of currencies, “there is a real danger China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily, and then the threat of world war becomes real.”
And so NATO has decided to make it clear just who the bad gyuys are in any equation of global thermonuclear war (as Sputnik News reports), General Hans-Lothar Domröse, Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum (The Netherlands) has revealed what NATO thinks of Russian President Putin.
In his interview with the German magazine Focus Online, Domröse called the Russian leader a tough-minded, forward-thinking politician who is capable of foreseeing the situation.
The general, however, added that Putin is a “gambler”, which might be dangerous. Unfortunately the general did not elaborate any further.
General Domröse also emphasized that neither NATO nor he personally consider Russia an enemy; at the worse, the country is seen as a potential threat. He stressed that no one in the alliance is interested in waging war; their purpose, rather, is to defend. He said that President Putin is aware of that, and that allows the general to sleep well.
The general is however concerned that President Putin might be willing to use nuclear weapons against NATO troops.
The full interview (via Focus Online – Google Translate) – NATO General Hans-Lothar Domröse on the new rapid reaction force, and the threat of Russia General, we are not already at war with Russia – in a propaganda war?
The Russian propaganda machine is running and acts. We will reply to the west on the truth quickly, and we gloss over anything. It may there be exceptions, but it is the principle. However, it is an old Russian tradition, matters only not admit it then to comment in a different light, and finally to make a U-turn. Let’s take the example of the Crimea. It was said at the beginning: We are not. Then it was: Yes, there are also Russian soldiers. But they’re on vacation . Soldier on vacation with equipment so. The summit was then entering into argument of President Putin: I had to intervene there.
Should the West respond with counter-propaganda?
He must not be primarily be lulled. I can understand the concern of our Baltic friends who warn repeatedly: Warning, not fall for the Russian scam. We have to be straight and honest go our way. Let the differences quietly made: We stick to the truth.
How is the Russian military presence in and around the Ukrainian troubled region?
The Russian armed forces are permanently very active since the beginning of Ukraine crisis in the air. We have over 300 airspace violations or fast-injury. On Russian territory at a location nearby Ukraine regiments, classic combat units. We also have time with Special Forces dealing with jeans and sunglasses, the seep.
They currently rely on a highly mobile task force, which is to make the eastern flank of NATO safer. How far are you with it?
We are nearing the realization of our plans, including the necessary infrastructure. We know from the Russian military exercises that Russia can move 100 000. soldiers very quickly. We have responded and the NATO Response Force, so to speak, our firefighters, reinforced, 13 000 to 30 000 men. NATO has also decided to make these forces available more quickly, thus reducing the alarms. And we need a spearhead, a sort of scouts who can start immediately. This is on the order of a brigade, good 5,000 men, supported by ships and aircraft, which can be moved within a week to counter a possible attack. First, they should put off, in the hope that there will be no further.
How credible deterrence may in such outnumbered ever be?
That’s a relatively small troupe 5000-7000 man, so much is true. But its essential value is that it represents more than half of all NATO members. So there are around 20 different countries always on site. And just in case, each nation would be affected. But let me emphasize that: No one in NATO wants to wage a war. But we will protect the population. I believe that President Putin knows it. That’s why I still sleep well.
NATO has Putin challenged by being moved up to close to the Russian borders?
That, sir, is nonsense. NATO is a values-based defense alliance. It is in principle open to like-minded people. Nations seek its own initiative to take charge. The Alliance itself will not do so on fishing expeditions to get more members into the basket.
Former members of the Warsaw Pact now belong to NATO and are still equipped with Russian military technique. Delivering the Russians still spare parts?
Currently, they do not. I hear you supplied on the open market.
Putin would be willing to use nuclear weapons against NATO troops?
We consider this issue with great concern. The Russians maintain the tactical use of nuclear weapons in the battle for a possible form of warfare.
I think President Putin is a forward-thinker. But also a gambler. That can also be dangerous. You have to make the cost of the use of [nuclear weapons] so high that it seems too expensive to him for him. Since we are on track. But I want to emphasize that neither NATO nor Domröse consider Russia as an enemy. Very well, but as a threat.

Mexican daily warns of US military presence in Central America

by the El Reportero’s wire services

The new deployment of U.S. troops in Central America will open another cycle of mass violations of human rights and atrocities in the region, Mexican daily newspaper La Jornada warned today.
In an article, La Jornada says that in previous years, the deployment of U.S. soldiers in the area has meant an increase in violations committed by the military forces led, trained and funded by the Pentagon and the CIA.
“The presence of the U.S. military contingents have been translated into massacres, mass human rights violations, backing of unpresentable tyrants and the loss of sovereignty in the affected nations,” said the journal.
La Jornada recalled that many military incursions ended up in occupations or in the formation of “puppet regimes” in Nicaragua, Guatemala and Honduras.
It also warned that the authorities in Washington continue with their colonialist, pro-interference leaning, disrespecting human rights and sovereignty.
La Jornada cited police abuse in the streets of U.S. cities, the torture of prisoners in Guantanamo (Cuba) and Abu Ghraib (Iraq) and the military interventions in Libya and Syria.
The Mexican daily published these reflections after the announcement yesterday that in the next few days, the U.S. Southern Command would be deploying 280 marines in Honduras and in other Central American countries to take part in drills with local security forces under the alleged purpose for the Pantagon to have units available in the area to help face eventual disaster during the hurricane season 2015, on June 1st- Nov. 30.
According to a communique, 200 troops will be deployed in the U.S. base in Palmerola, some 75 km north of Tegucigalpa, and the rest will be deployed in Belize, El Salvador and Guatemala to accomplish cooperation missions as needed by each country.
However, in the past few months, political activists and social leaders have denounced the maneuvers, describing them as U.S. interference in the internal affairs of those countries and a threat to progressive movements and governments in the area.

Fine-art artist América Jiménez’s exhibit opens with amazing paintings in SF

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Want to be a witness of a quality, high definition art exhibition? Then do not miss this incredible event of fine art in the City.
America Jiménez a countryside Mexico-born, Bay Area artist, has been preparing day and night for several months specifically for this presentation. Nearly 40 paintings of her own will be exhibited with grand splendor.
She describes her work as eclectic, using oil, acrylic, watercolor, charcoal, pastels and mixed media.
A graduate from UC Berkeley with a BA in Arts with emphasis in mixed media (oils, watercolors, acrylics, sculpture, photography) as well as creative writing and ceramics, America decided to leave the corporate world in 2012, to pursue her passion as an artist and become an advocate for Culture and Education.
She launched and is CEO of Global America which promotes a “Cultural Renaissance”.Recently merging Global America with CandleLight to create a Gallery and Studio that will allow for a stronger growth and impact in the arts.
At Payne Mansion Hotel, 1409 Sutter St, at Franklin Street, San Francisco, on Thursday, May 21, 2015 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Carnaval SF 2015 to Sizzle with participation by Grand Marshal Sheila E.
The Mission district will sizzle with the sights and sounds of samba, salsa, soca, cumbia and the participation of parade grand marshal, Bay Area native and musical icon Sheila E., when the 37th Annual Carnaval San Francisco makes its way through the neighborhood, showcasing the very best of Latin American and Caribbean cultures.
Carnaval San Francisco offers a dazzling array of food, music, dance and artistry from Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, New Orleans, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and more. Works created by the talented community of Mission District residents and Bay Area artists are also showcased.
Event organizers chose this year’s theme, “Agua Sacrada! Cada Gota Cuenta! – Sacred Water! Every Drop Counts” to celebrate water as precious and sacred.
Poet Jorge Argueta will perform a poem at the festival written in direct co-relation with the theme.
The Carnaval San Francisco Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 23 and 24 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Located on Harrison Street between 16th and 24th Streets, the Festival will feature a rich assortment of food, music, dance, arts, crafts and other fun activities and entertainment on several stages for people of all ages to enjoy. A special live tribute performance for Bay Area native and musical icon Pete Escovedo will take place Saturday, May 23 at 4:30 p.m. at the Harrison and 22nd streets stage in honor of his 60 years in the music business and his 80th birthday. The complete list of festival participates can be found at http://www.carnavalsanfrancisco.org/festival.

Eliana López debuts Original Bilingual Monologue, ¿Cual es el Escándalo?
Eliana López in her bilingual monologue ¿Cual es el Escándalo? for a three-weekend-long series.
Award-winning film, theater, and television actress, Eliana López, presents an original piece created by her and her brother Alfonso López and produced by Ivette Carolina Agudelo, celebrating Latina women’s values through a comedic one-woman show. Through her various characterizations, López covers themes such as immigration, discrimination, and racism, demonstrating the power of one woman daring enough to speak her truth.
Eliana López born in Caracas, Venezuela, made her debut at 16 as the main actress in the prestigious National Theatre Company of Venezuela. She has since worked in Mexico and Venezuela, and her most recent work includes Spanish theatrical performances of The Vagina Monologues.
General admission for this event costs $18 Advance until May 3, and $20 after May 4. Admission to week one and week two performances are guaranteed, and admission to week three performances will be by popular demand only.
At the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA), beginning Friday, May 29 from 8-9:15 p.m. through Sunday June 14 from 6–7:15 p.m.

Colombia recovers stolen book of García Márquez

by the El Reportero’s news services

After an intensive search the volume of One Hundred Years of Solitude stolen during the Book Fair of Bogota, returned to the hands of its owner, who announced that he will donate it to the National Library of Colombia, today confirmed the press.
The text dedicated and signed by its author, Gabriel García Márquez, belongs to the private collection of Alvaro Castillo.
This bookseller treasures recognized the first editions of the works of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
According to reports from investigators in the case, the book was recovered in the La Perseverancia, located in downtown Bogota, in a sector where functions a market of pieces of great literary and cultural value, regardless of the law.
The book published in 1967 was to be sold on the black market worth 120 million pesos (about $ 60,000), said the police chief Rodolfo Palomino after providing details of the operation on the trail of this literary gem.
According to Castillo, there is a treasure that belongs to the country so you should be in the National Library.
This text disappeared the week before the Corferias exhibition complex, specifically the Macondo Pavilion, dedicated to revere the narrator and journalist who died last year in Mexico, victim of cancer.
The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude is considered the best example of its kind written in Castilian after Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.
Gabo left for posterity other prominent creations, among which Love in the Time of Cholera, which he defined as the most human of his writings, Of Love and Other Demons, Chronicle of a Death announced and a series of stories.

Mexican Cuarón to chair jury at Venice International Film Festival
Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón will chair the jury that will deliver the Golden Lion at the next Venice International Film Festival, according to organizers of the famous film festival.
Cuarón, who won a screenplay award in Venice with his classic Y Tu Mama También and then opened the event with Gravity will rule along with eight more members what is the best movie of the event.
The 72 edition of the contest will run from September 2nd to 12th, coinciding with the end of the busy Arts Biennial of the City of Canals.
The decision to entrust the presidency of the jury to Cuarón was taken by the board of the ‘Biennale’, whose cinema chapter is directed by Alberto Barbera.

Corporate gods: “Obama, remember why we hired you; ram the TPP through

by Jon Rappoport

“Current TPP negotiation member states are the United States, Japan, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Chile, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei. The TPP is the largest economic treaty in history, including countries that represent more than 40 per cent of the world´s GDP.” (Wikileaks)
“Since 1945, no American President has escaped vetting by elite Globalists. Partisan politics plays no role in this process. The one overriding issue of every Presidency has been: make sure Globalist legislation and treaties pass through to completion. Do not obstruct them. A little crooked President named Nixon got it in his head to erect anti-Globalist tariffs. He found himself on the floor looking up, with Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller’s man, staring down at him, assuring him his days in the White House were over.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport).
Obama is under the gun. Not since he pressured Congress, on behalf of the pharmaceutical companies, to pass Obamacare, has he worked so hard and sweated so much.
The latest Globalist treaty, the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), is on the table.
Elite mega-corporations all over the world, the Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller), the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission (Rockefeller) want the TPP to be ratified by the 12 member nations. They really want it. They insist on it.
Obama has run into Congressional roadblocks. They appear to be temporary, but make no mistake about it, he was put into office to bring this treaty to fruition. Failure is not an option.
Whatever Obama has to promise, to whomever he has to promise it, he’s making deals. Side deals, back room deals, upside down deals.
His masters don’t care that he’s a lame duck President at this point. Lame duck, waddling duck, it makes no difference. He’s got to come through.
And he knows it.
He also knows, because the TPP is another Globalist treaty, that more jobs will flee the US, more cheap imported goods will flood the US market from countries where slave wages prevail, where environmental laws aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. He knows those cheap goods will sink more American businesses.
He knows no private citizen anywhere in the world who doesn’t run a big corporation has read the contents of the TPP—and won’t read them before its passage.
Obama has had his marching orders for 10 years. He realized going in who his bosses were.
The Globalists don’t play games when it comes to a treaty like this. The TPP is their baby.
Remember Pelosi? She blew the whistle during the midnight negotiations on Obamacare. She said to her Congressional colleagues: “If you want to know what’s in the bill, you have to vote for it. Then you can read it.”
People began to wake up to the fact that, when thousand-page bills are on the table, legislators either can’t read them or choose not to. They just vote the way they’re told to.
So here is another one: the TPP. Congressional representatives have to go into a sealed room and read it. They can’t make copies. They can’t tell the public what’s in it.
Senator Rand Paul just went into the room. When he came out, he said he didn’t even know whether he’d read a draft or the final version.
He said he couldn’t disclose what was in the treaty. Why not? Who made that decision? Under what illegal authority are legislators prohibited from revealing the details of a treaty that will, when passed, bind all Americans and citizens of 11 other countries?
Leaks indicate that the TPP will set up private courts to rule on disputes between corporations and governments. For example, a foreign corporation tries to export a product to the US. They’re blocked. They appeal to this court. Relevant US law and US courts are ignored. Questions pertaining to environmental harm or toxicity of the product are decided in secret.
As Wikileaks notes, “Similar mechanisms have already been used. For example, US tobacco company Phillip Morris used one such tribunal to sue Australia (June 2011 – ongoing) for mandating plain packaging of tobacco products on public health grounds; and by the oil giant Chevron against Ecuador in an attempt to evade a multi-billion-dollar compensation ruling for polluting the environment. The threat of future lawsuits chilled environmental and other legislation in Canada after it was sued by pesticide companies in 2008/9. ISDS [Investor-State Dispute Settlement] tribunals are often held in secret, have no appeal mechanism, do not subordinate themselves to human rights laws or the public interest, and have few means by which other affected parties can make representations.”
Like GATT, NAFTA, and CAFTA, the TPP is a Globalist treaty that expands the power of mega-corporations around the world. At will, they move their manufacturing operations to places where workers are virtual slaves. They sell goods across borders, without paying billions in tariffs, regardless of the effects on smaller competitors, who are torpedoed and forced out of business.
All treaties under consideration should be published in full, at least two years before member nations vote on them. Then we would have time to see and understand what’s in them.
The secret shroud surrounding the TPP is a criminal farce.
Mainstream media dupes are fond of saying that those who warn against global dictatorship are crazy conspiracy theorists.
Well, what do you call it when a secret treaty expanding the international power of mega-corporations is passed into law, when that law supersedes every other law and court of the member nations?
Would you call it “a good business decision?” “Employment enhancement?” “Smarter people helping the rest of us?”
In the US, Congressional legislators are prancing and dancing and fencing. They aren’t at all sure they know what’s in the TPP. But their debates are taken seriously, as if they actually mean something.
It’s the blind leading the blind leading the blind. But behind it all, the architects of the TPP are fully aware of the meaning and consequences of what they’re doing.
They plucked Barack Obama out of obscurity to carry out a job. This job. Passage of the treaty.
So much for “the leader representing the people.”
Ditto for the other 11 members of the TPP.
Puppet show. Shadow play.
Organized crime.
The TPP treaty is a kind of religious document. We have to take it on faith. We have to accept what the priests are telling us.
They’re our pipeline to the corporate gods.
I’ve quoted the following interview in previous articles. It reveals the kind of Globalist power I’m talking about.
Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. It’s through-the-looking-glass—a conversation between reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two (Globalist/Rockefeller) Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of exactly who was formulating US economic and political policy, which would include trade treaties like the TPP.
The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”
NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?
COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.
NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?
KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.
COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].
NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?
COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.
NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.
COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches. [untrue]
KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.
Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” edited by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.
This interview “slipped under the mainstream media radar,” which is to say, it was ignored, buried, sat on, censored.
US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who, much later, was Obama’s mentor in the months before he was sworn in for his first term as President.
To inhale the scent of Obama’s approach to TPP negotiations, here is a quote from his first appointed US Trade Representative, Ron Kirk. Replying to his critics, Kirk wrote: “I am strongly offended by the assertion that our [TPP negotiating] process has been non-transparent and lacked public participation.”
This comment, in the face of the fact that the exact terms of the TPP are still secret.
(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

Meet the secretive group that runs the world – Part 3


Dear readers, I found this great article, previously published by Zero Hedge, on one of the most secretive banks: the Bank of the International Settlements. This is the bank that is above all banks, top of the top of the world controllers. Higher than all world Central Banks. Super interesting! THIS IS PART THREE OF A SERIES.

Nothing comes closer to the stereotypical, secretive group determining the fate of over 7 billion people, than the Bank of International Settlements

by zero hedge

Over the centuries there have been many stories, some based on loose facts, others based on hearsay, conjecture, speculation and outright lies, about groups of people who “control the world.” Some of these are partially accurate, others are wildly hyperbolic, but when it comes to the historic record, nothing comes closer to the stereotypical, secretive group determining the fate of over 7 billion people, than the Bank of International Settlements, which hides in such plain sight, that few have ever paid much attention.

WHEN I EXPLAINED to friends and acquaintances that I was writing a book about the Bank for International Settlements, the usual response was a puzzled look, followed by a question: “The bank for what?” My interlocutors were intelligent people, who follow current affairs. Many had some interest in and understanding of the global economy and financial crisis. Yet only a handful had heard of the BIS. This was strange, as the BIS is the most important bank in the world and predates both the IMF and the World Bank. For decades it has stood at the center of a global network of money, power, and covert global influence.
The BIS was founded in 1930. It was ostensibly set up as part of the Young Plan to administer German reparations payments for the First World War. The bank’s key architects were Montagu Norman, who was the governor of the Bank of England, and Hjalmar Schacht, the president of the Reichsbank who described the BIS as “my” bank. The BIS’s founding members were the central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and a consortium of Japanese banks. Shares were also offered to the Federal Reserve, but the United States, suspicious of anything that might infringe on its national sovereignty, refused its allocation. Instead a consortium of commercial banks took up the shares: J. P. Morgan, the First National Bank of New York, and the First National Bank of Chicago.
The real purpose of the BIS was detailed in its statutes: to “promote the cooperation of central banks and to provide additional facilities for international financial operations.” It was the culmination of the central bankers’ decades-old dream, to have their own bank—powerful, independent, and free from interfering politicians and nosy reporters. Most felicitous of all, the BIS was self-financing and would be in perpetuity. Its clients were its own founders and shareholders— the central banks. During the 1930s, the BIS was the central meeting place for a cabal of central bankers, dominated by Norman and Schacht. This group helped rebuild Germany. The New York Times described Schacht, widely acknowledged as the genius behind the resurgent German economy, as “The Iron-Willed Pilot of Nazi Finance.” During the war, the BIS became a de-facto arm of the Reichsbank, accepting looted Nazi gold and carrying out foreign exchange deals for Nazi Germany.
The bank’s alliance with Berlin was known in Washington, DC, and London. But the need for the BIS to keep functioning, to keep the new channels of transnational finance open, was about the only thing all sides agreed on. Basel was the perfect location, as it is perched on the northern edge of Switzerland and sits al- most on the French and German borders. A few miles away, Nazi and Allied soldiers were fighting and dying. None of that mattered at the BIS. Board meetings were suspended, but relations between the BIS staff of the belligerent nations remained cordial, professional, and productive. Nationalities were irrelevant. The overriding loyalty was to international finance. The president, Thomas McKittrick, was an American. Roger Auboin, the general manager, was French. Paul Hechler, the assistant general manager, was a member of the Nazi party and signed his correspondence “Heil Hitler.” Rafaelle Pilotti, the secretary general, was Italian. Per Jacobssen, the bank’s influential economic adviser, was Swedish. His and Pilotti’s deputies were British.
After 1945, five BIS directors, including Hjalmar Schacht, were charged with war crimes. Germany lost the war but won the economic peace, in large part thanks to the BIS. The international stage, contacts, banking networks, and legitimacy the BIS provided, first to the Reichsbank and then to its successor banks, has helped ensure the continuity of immensely powerful financial and economic interests from the Nazi era to the present day.
* * *
FOR THE FIRST forty-seven years of its existence, from 1930 to 1977, the BIS was based in a former hotel, near the Basel central railway station. The bank’s entrance was tucked away by a chocolate shop, and only a small notice confirmed that the narrow doorway opened into the BIS. The bank’s managers believed that those who needed to know where the BIS was would find it, and the rest of the world certainly did not need to know. The inside of the building changed little over the decades, recalled Charles Coombs. The BIS provided the “the spartan accommodations of a former Victorian-style hotel whose single and double bedrooms had been transformed into offices simply by removing the beds and installing desks.”
The bank moved into its current headquarters, at 2, Centralbahnplatz, in 1977. It did not go far and now overlooks the Basel central station. Nowadays the BIS’s main mission, in its own words, is threefold: “to serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in these areas, and to act as a bank for central banks.” The BIS also hosts much of the practical and technical infrastructure that the global network of central banks and their commercial counterparts need to function smoothly. It has two linked trading rooms: at the Basel headquarters and Hong Kong regional office. The BIS buys and sells gold and foreign exchange for its clients. It provides asset management and arranges short-term credit to central banks when needed.