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Says investigator: Obama’s Climate Task Force is a treaty trap

In searching for the best to publish and share with our readers, I found this enlightening article about the federal government climate task force, and what is behind it. For those who blindly believe in the current environmental hysteria and propaganda, this is a great article to read, compare and bring together opposing opinions. The article is written by Cassandra Anderson – Marvin Ramírez

by Cassandra Anderson

Obama’s new executive order (EO) that creates a global warming task force, The Council on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, is a tool to implement Agenda 21, which is the blueprint for totalitarian control through the United Nations.  The new task force utilizes corrupt science that comes directly from the the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that is the source of countless scandals.  Obama’s strategy is designed to bypass Congress in order to lockdown land use and control water resources. And there are hidden UN and World Trade Organization treaties lurking in the background.
The threat of global warming is used as an excuse to force unnecessary, costly and tyrannical regulations on the public.  Man-made global warming is a hoax and the Earth has been in a cooling phase over the last 15 years.  For documented evidence of the hoax, click here https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-282-the-ipcc-exposed/ for James Corbett’s analysis of the United Nations’ IPCC.
Obama uses executive orders to circumvent Congress in addition to bestowing unconstitutional powers on executive agencies under his control.
A current example of agency overreach is playing out right now as the EPA is trying to extend its jurisdiction over all bodies of water by changing the definition of ‘water’ in the Clean Water Act.  The EPA does have jurisdiction over ‘navigable waters’ and is trying to expand its control by claiming that all bodies of water fit into that category because water has a common source under the Earth’s surface.
Obama is including state and local governments in his task force because the the feds must get agreement from the states to implement federal regulations that fall outside the scope of federal powers listed in the Constitution.  Obama’s task force targets the states’ natural resources  and local governments’ control over land use through planning and building permits.
According to Obama’s EO, the task force will “create incentives” in order to implement their schemes; this is a code phrase that means that the federal government will bribe state and local governments for control over them or, conversely, the feds will withhold funds when opposed to bring state and local governments back in line.
The President’s Climate Action Plan
The President’s Climate Action Plan  that was published in June 2013 is a playbook for the new task force.
The action plan calls for more ‘free trade’ treaties and agreements through the World Trade Organization (WTO) that forces governments and businesses to comply with legally binding regulations, which is the opposite of free trade.  WTO treaties often bolster monopolies that favor large multinational corporations.

The President’s action plan also calls for a UN treaty agreement that will have full legal force.  Following the UN climate summit deal in Durban in 2011, the US and China agreed to set legally binding emission targets by 2015 through a Kyoto-like treaty.
Some of Obama’s international goals are disturbing, for example, his action plan intends to push “drought resistant seeds”.  Using this phrase is a covert way to promote seeds that are specifically engineered to be resistant to droughts, without identifying them as genetically modified organisms (GMO) because there is so much opposition to GMOs.  The US has a vested interest in spreading GMO seeds across the globe as they are business partners with Monsanto and co-owners of a patent.
Obama is promoting worldwide expansion of nuclear power because the carbon emissions are low.  However, nuclear power is exceptionally dangerous, the risk of another Chernobyl or Fukushima-type accident is high, and radioactive contamination lasts for thousands of years.
Obama’s international goals push natural gas energy, which is touted as being cleaner than coal because it has lower carbon emissions, but there is no mention of how frack-drilling with chemicals for the gas causes groundwater pollution.  Obama has his eye on expanding US frack-drilled natural gas exports.
The Senate has the power to ratify or reject any proposed WTO and UN treaties and many would vote in favor of unconstitutional treaties, therefore, it is time to throw them out of office in favor of Constitutional candidates.

“UN AGENDA 21 thrives on West Coast and has already been implemented for decades
from grass root small towns all the way up to the State/Federal gov’t. If you dont believe it, go to your City Council meeting sometime and listen to the ‘operative words’ “sustainable development”, Smart growth, Smart Meters, Smart grids, supported by Green movements who are unaware of it’s full ramifications. Big step in the right direction for ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.”

Eating more spicy foods decreases your risk of early death by 14 percent

by Jennifer Lea Reynolds

You may want to spice things up in your life, and no, we’re not talking about whispering sweet nothings between the sheets. According to an international team of researchers led by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, eating spicy foods may be the key to longevity. They found that eating such foods on a regular basis can help prevent people from dying prematurely by 14 percent. While a variety of spicy foods are excellent, one in particular caught their attention.
It was noted that consumption of fresh chili pepper, compared to other spicy foods, was most effective in providing people with a lower risk of dying from cancer, ischemic heart disease and diabetes. It’s explained that fresh chili pepper’s combination of powerful ingredients are responsible for such health-boosting benefits.
Study: fresh chili pepper best spicy food to help reduce risk of early death
“Compared with non-fresh spicy foods such as dried chilli pepper, chilli sauce or chilli oil,” says Lu Qi, associate professor at Harvard School of Public Health, “fresh chilli pepper is richer in bioactive ingredients, including capsaicin, vitamin C, and other nutrients such as vitamin A, K, and B6 and potassium.”(1)
To conduct the study, the experts from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences assessed nearly 490,000 participants from the China Kadoorie Biobank. All individuals responded to a questionnaire in which they answered questions pertaining to physical measurements, general health and consumption of red meats, spicy foods, vegetables and alcohol. For example, once such question went as follows: “During the past month, about how often did you eat hot spicy foods?” Respondents selected from these options: never or almost never, only occasionally, 1 or 2 days a week, 3 to 5 days a week, or 6 or 7 days a week. Those who chose from the last three options were then directed to answer questions about the kinds of spices used, and involved choices such as fresh chilli pepper, dried chilli pepper and chilli oil.(2,3)
Regular consumption of spicy foods essential
After a follow-up that averaged approximately seven years, 20,224 deaths were noted. Analysis of these people led to the finding that compared to those who ingested spicy foods less than once weekly, people who ate such foods one or two days per week had a 10 percent reduced risk of death. More impressive however, was the discovery that those who enjoyed spicy foods nearly every other day were at a 14 percent lowered risk of death compared to those who ate them less than once a week.
The findings were published in BMJ in an article titled, “Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study.” It begins by detailing use of spices throughout history as a way to enhance flavor, preserve food and change coloring. It then delves into the demographic and health information of the participants as well as methods of analysis, ultimately concluding the following:
In this large prospective study, we observed an inverse association between consumption of spicy foods and total mortality, after adjusting for potential confounders. Compared with those who ate spicy foods less than once a week, those who consumed spicy foods almost every day had a 14 perccent lower risk of death. Inverse associations were also observed for deaths due to cancer, ischemic heart diseases, and respiratory diseases.

The associations were consistent in men and women.
It’s also noted that this “…study is the first to analyze the association between daily consumption of spicy foods and mortality in a prospective cohort.”
Consider adding more spicy foods to your meals on a regular basis. They intensify flavors of other foods, making dishes even more enjoyable. Add to this the finding that such foods play a role in preventing an early death, and it’s a food addition well worth exploring.
There are so many ways to eat for your health. Eating spicy food is just one of them. To find other natural cures to eat your way to a healthy heart and body, go to NaturalCures.news.

Natural News.

History professor denies Native genocide

Native student disagreed, then says professor expelled her from course

by Vincent Schilling

A Cal State Sacramento University professor who allegedly told his United States History class he did not like the term ‘genocide’ in relation to Native Americans in history, told a Native American student who disagreed with him that she was disenrolled and expelled from his course.
UPDATE: The Sacramento State History Department has issued a tweet stating Johnson was not expelled from the course. You can read the article update here: Sac State History Dept Tweets – “Student Not Disenrolled.”
The account is according to Native university student, Chiitaanibah Johnson (Navajo/Maidu) a 19-year-old sophomore student at Cal State Sacramento University.
Johnson says when she told her U.S. History Professor Maury Wiseman that she disagreed with his assessment that Native Americans did not face genocide, the professor said she was hijacking his class, and that she was accusing him of bigotry and racism.
The professor then dismissed the class early, apologized for Johnson’s disruptions and told her she was disenrolled at the end of the class on Friday.
“The whole thing started on Wednesday,” Johnson told ICTMN. “He was talking about Native America and he said the word genocide. He paused and said ‘I don’t like to use that word because I think it is too strong for what happened’ and ‘genocide implies that it was on purpose and most native people were wiped out by European diseases.’”
Johnson, who was offended, did not at first respond to the professor’s comments.
“I wrote it down. I was enraged for what I felt were obvious reasons. I didn’t say anything [on Wednesday] because I knew that if I didn’t have anything specific to back it up in terms of tangible or solid evidence that he would not take my comments into consideration,” she said.
On Friday, Johnson presented her research to the professor after his discussion on the Iroquois Confederacy and the Portuguese expeditions.
“He made it a point to say indigenous people were not peaceful. I was upset for obvious reasons. He’d mentioned how the French and the Dutch were allies and made it a point to say native people were killing each other before white settlers arrived.”
Johnson says that she understands that there were native conflicts before settlers arrived, but when the professor talked about the bravery of Portuguese expeditions without emphasis on the slave trade she again grew upset.
“On Friday, I raised my hand and I said, ‘I understand why we’re talking about the Portuguese people because it explains how they got to America. But I do not think it is fair to talk about Portuguese people as if they were only poor and brave.  They became rich by raping and enslaving the indigenous lands and people that they “discovered,’” says Johnson.
Johnson says that when she asked why the professor did not talk about any sort of Iroquoian technological advances or spirituality and then asked about her professor’s stance on genocide, the professor grew volatile and rolled his eyes several times.
“I told him, ‘You said genocide implies the purposeful extermination of people and that they were mostly wiped out by European diseases.’ I said, ‘That is not a true statement.’
“He said, ‘Genocide is not what happened.’ I stood up and started reading from an article by the United Nations that said: ‘Genocide is the deliberate killing of another people, a sterilization of people and/or a kidnapping of their children,’ and he said, ‘That is enough.’
“I said, ‘No. You have to tell the truth.’
“He said, ‘If you want to come talk to me after class, now is not the time, you are hijacking my class.’”
After a bit more discussion which Johnson says became heated, the professor dismissed the class. Additionally, other students defended the professor.
“He said, ‘You know what class? I am so sorry to everybody that this is happening. Please everyone come back on Wednesday have a good weekend.’”
After the class was dismissed, Johnson said she was expelled from the course by her professor.
“He said, ‘I do not appreciate this in my classroom.’ He began shaking his finger at me and said, ‘I don’t appreciate you making me sound like a racist and a bigot in my classroom. You have hijacked my lesson, taken everything out of context and I don’t care what kind of scholarship you have, or what kind of affiliation you have with the university, you will be disenrolled and expelled from this classroom.’”
“Within 10 minutes of me asking these questions and trying to read pieces from the article, he shut me down. He wasn’t listening. He excused everyone out of the room and told me I was expelled from the class,” says Johnson.
Since being told she was expelled from the course on Friday, Johnson says she feels overwhelmed by the close-mindedness and injustice of her situation. She also was disappointed that no students came to her defense.
“I had zero support from anybody in the classroom,” says Johnson. “All of the research I had done was very traumatizing – to read about babies being slammed into rocks being held from their ankles, to hear of people being lit on fire while they were still alive, to hear of them being disemboweled, and having their arms and hands chopped off .”
“I know these things are true. I have been told about them personally from my great-grand parents and grandparents and my mother who was in boarding school.”
“To be kicked out of the classroom so quickly, I was floored and I thought, ‘Are you kidding me? This was the third day of class, and already you’re going to completely expel me?’ I didn’t call him names, I did not say he was racist, I did not use foul language – yes, I raised my voice because he raised his voice at me and was talking over me and wouldn’t let me say anything. I felt like I had my feet completely kicked out from under me. I felt like I approached the situation in a way that a student of the university level is supposed to approach a disagreement with the professor.”
“I have been dealing with this kind of racism since I was a little girl,” says Johnson.
The Johnson family has told ICTMN that their next step in this matter is for their daughter to write a respectful letter to the university History Department chair as well as to the head of the University in an attempt to reach an amicable resolution.
Since Friday, ICTMN has reached out to the University of Sacramento about the incident, their Provost of the University has responded and expressed they will be investigating this matter. The professor has not responded to our phone or email requests for comment.

How the Federal government is deterring California from reforming civil asset forfeiture laws

by Melissa Quinn
The Daily Signal

The federal government is trying to deter California from reforming its laws governing how police can seize cash and property.
The reforms to the state’s civil asset forfeiture laws could mean the loss of millions of dollars from a program run by the federal government.
Documents obtained by the Institute for Justice show that the California District Attorneys Association has been circulating emails from the Justice and Treasury Departments confirming that the current reforms proposed to California’s civil asset forfeiture laws would make the state ineligible to receive millions of dollars through the federal government’s Equitable Sharing Program.
“This is a desperate and cynical attempt to derail civil forfeiture reform in California,” Lee McGrath, the Institute for Justice’s legislative counsel, said in a statement. “Discussions of dollars and cents have no place in the debate about criminal justice reform, nor do ‘desire’ or technical incapability on the part of the federal government.”
The Equitable Sharing Program allows law enforcement to circumvent state forfeiture laws when conducting seizures of property and money. Participating state and local agencies partner with the federal government, and law enforcement agencies keep up to 80 percent of the proceeds from property and money seized.
Last year, California law enforcement agencies received more than $89.6 million through the federal government’s Equitable Sharing Program.
In an email to Lee Carter, Santa Barbara’s senior deputy district attorney, Melissa Nasrah, legal counsel for the Treasury Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture, expressed concern about the proposed reforms to California’s civil asset forfeiture laws.
“I highly doubt our federal agencies can figure out whether a conviction occurred in any timely manner,” Nasrah wrote. “I’m not sure they would have the resources, desire, or technical capability even [if] they have the first two.”
Nasrah went on to tell Carter that the “legislation, in effect, takes decision-making authority away from the Treasury.”
“Accordingly,” she continued, “I think I would still advise our policy officials here that it would be prudent to not share with CA agencies should this law be passed.”
In a similar email to Carter, Alice Dery, deputy chief of the Justice Department’s Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, warned that if the proposed legislation is passed, California’s state and local law enforcement agencies will not be able to participate in the Justice Department’s Equitable Sharing Program.
“A transfer to a state-controlled fund would not be a permissible use of funds, especially when that central fund would redistribute money to all law enforcement agencies in the state, regardless of their eligibility or participation in the program,” Dery wrote.
The California legislature is currently debating legislation that would reform the state’s civil asset forfeiture laws. If signed into law, law enforcement would be allowed to forfeit property and money only if a property owner is convicted of a crime. The legislation also prohibits law enforcement agencies from transferring seized property and cash to the federal government.
Under the proposed reforms, law enforcement agencies are entitled to the proceeds from cash or money seized through Equitable Sharing only if the property owner is convicted of a crime.
The California Senate passed the proposed reforms, 38-1, and the state Assembly is set to debate the changes this week.
However, members of the law enforcement community are pushing back on the legislation.
In an August letter to California state senators obtained by the Institute for Justice, the California District Attorneys Association spoke out against the reforms.
“The current version of the bill would essentially deny every law enforcement agency in California direct receipt of any forfeiture assets,” Sean Hoffman, director of legislation for the California District Attorneys Association, wrote in the letter. “California’s asset forfeiture law will be changed for the worse, and it will cripple the ability of law enforcement to forfeit assets from drug dealers when arrest and incarceration is an incomplete strategy for combating drug trafficking.”
Civil asset forfeiture is a tool that gives law enforcement the power to seize property and money if they are suspected of being tied to a crime. Asset forfeiture was originally intended to combat money laundering and drug trafficking, but police departments have been increasingly using the tool to pad their budgets in difficult fiscal times.
In addition to California, state lawmakers in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Oklahoma have been debating changes to their state civil asset forfeiture laws.
Earlier this year, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martínez signed legislation reforming the state’s forfeiture laws. New Mexico’s law now requires proceeds from federal forfeitures to be deposited into the state’s general fund.
In response to the reforms, New Mexico is no longer eligible for the federal government’s Equitable Sharing Program, according to emails from the Treasury Department.
“These emails make it clear that the [Department of Justice] is trying to make an example of New Mexico and ward off other states from curtailing the federal government’s ability to forfeit private property without first obtaining a criminal conviction,” McGrath said.

Chilean expert shares experiences of the Ayotzinapa case

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Francisco Cox, one of the five members of the Interdisciplinary Independent Expert Group which investigates the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa teachers shared his experiences on the case, Mexican journal Publimetro reports today.
In an interview with Publimetro, the Chilean lawyer explained that he first heard about the case in November 2014 and since it is “one of the most important and significant cases in years, I voiced my interest in participating.”
As soon as we arrived on March 2nd, the first thing we did was to meet with the members of the Mexican state that had invited us and then we headed to the Ayotzinapa school, he said.
One of the things that really shocked us during that meeting with relatives and students was when the families told we were their last hope.
This is one of the cases that have changed my life, he finally said.
The Interdisciplinary Group of Experts from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights recently presented a report ruling out the official version stating that the bodies of the 43 teachers were incinerated at a garbage dump in the municipality of Cocula, Guerrero.

Canada Supreme Court says case against Chevron can proceed
A group of Ecuadorian villagers can proceed in Canada with their class action lawsuit against Chevron Corp. over environmental contamination in the rain forest, the country’s top court ruled.
The Supreme Court of Canada said in a unanimous decision that the company can be pursued in the country for its alleged actions in Ecuador, in a case that’s spanned more than two decades.
Canadian courts take a “generous and liberal approach to the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments,” Justice Clement Gascón wrote in the decision.The ruling on jurisdiction does not mean the villagers will be awarded Canadian assets, only that the case can proceed and be argued by both sides, the court ruled.

New Delhi Cervantes Institute to exhibit Colombian movies
The Cervantes Institute in New Delhi will exhibit a cycle of Colombian cinema in the capital during the month of September, in collaboration with the Embassy of Colombia in India, the cultural center announced.
A statement from the institution said the exhibition will take place every Sunday of the month at 4:30 local time in the Auditorium of the Cervantes Institute, dedicated to exhibit works of contemporary cinema.
The project includes the films Cazando Luciernagas (Chasing fireflies), by Roberto Torres Prieto; La Sirga (The towrope), by William Vega; Los Hongos (The Mushrooms) of Oscar Ruiz Navia, and Sofia y el Terco (Sofia and the Stubborn), by Andres Burgos, all winners of international awards.
Issues such as loneliness, the value of human relationships, the impact of war on the lives of individuals or the reality of young people in the slums of Colombia will be reflected in this films by outstanding Latin American filmmakers.
The Cervantes Institute in New Delhi is a cultural organization for the promotion and teaching of the language and for the dissemination of Spanish and Latin American culture, which maintains collaboration with museums, theaters, publishing houses and other institutions from India and the rest of the world.

Culture and Arts Festival in the Oracle Arena

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Come see Latin history through culture and arts at the Bay Area Latino Festival’s which mission is to showcase and highlight Latino artists and their contributions while stimulating, educating and nurturing the cultural life in the Bay Area primarily through the three areas of the arts: Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Literary Arts. This event provides exhibitions, educational demos, performances that support the arts and engage the diverse community that we live in.
Some of the organizations that will be part are The Mexican Museum, Latin American Media, MCCLA, UC Berkeley Latino Alumni Association, Chican@Latin@ Legacy Celebration, CandleLight Global America among many more. There will be activities for children.
Featuring Artists: Richard Bean & SAPO, Martha Soledad, Alma Latina, Ballet Tonalli de San Jose, Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, Mariachi, Visual Artist, Literary Artist and Hands on Art and more!
At the Oracle Arena East Side Club, on Sept. 12, 2015, from noon to 5 p.m.

Live in concert in the Mission Catalina Claro

Catalina Claro & Friends: Award winning pianist, composer, and singer, Catalina Claro returns to San Francisco for One Night Only!
Catalina Claro is a Chilean composer, arranger, pianist, guitarist, and singer. She is influenced by a diverse range of genres, from classical to boleros, from pop to flamenco.
At the Make Out Room, 3225 22nd St. @ Mission St, San Francisco, on Saturday, Sept. 19. Doors 6:30 p.m. Showtime 7 p.m.

A Poet’s Love – combining song, aerial dance and theatre
Zaccho Dance Theatre (ZDT) will premiere A Poet’s Love , a new work created by Zaccho’s Artistic Director Joanna Haigood and Brooklyn-based singer/actor José Joaquín García.
A Poet’s Love is a new creation based on the Dichterliebe song cycle from classical German composer Robert Schumann. A Poet’s Love takes the form of sixteen discrete vignettes, each one responsive to and deeply immersed in the musical and poetic context of a song in Dichterliebe.
The complete work – combining song, aerial dance and theatre – will be performed at Zaccho Studio in San Francisco and will feature members of ZDT’s performance ensemble as well as José Joaquín García, who will perform the songs accompanied by well-known Bay Area pianist Frederick Harris.
On Friday Oct. 2, 2015. Additional performances will occur Saturday, Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. and Sunday Oct. 4 at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $20 at the door, but seating is limited. To guarantee and pre-order tickets please visit http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2182219. Feel free to call us at 415.822.6744 or send an email to christopher@zaccho.org for more information.

Latin Grammy nominees to be anounced in three weeks

por servicio de noticias de El Reportero

La Academia Latina de la Grabación anunciará el próximo septiembre 23 nominaciones a los Premios Grammy Latinos, informaron hoy los organizadores.
Vía  LatinGRAMMY.com’s el centro de actividad Social  latino en donde un grupo de artistas revelará ocho de las 48 categorías de los premios, que tendrá su gala el 19 de noviembre en Las Vegas, Estados Unidos.
Un día antes de la ceremonia se llevará a cabo un homenaje al cantante brasileño Roberto Carlos.
Considerado como uno de los principales representantes de la música popular brasileña, el reconocido cantante ha vendido en todo el mundo más de 120 millones de discos y la edición de 2015 le honrará como Persona del Año en la Gala de Grabación de la Academia Latina.
Los Grammy Latinos se establecieron en 1989 en los Estados Unidos con el fin de reconocer la excelencia artística y técnica de América en los records de música.
En años anteriores, el evento ha honrado a artistas como Christina Aguilera, Juanes, Miguel Bosé, Laura Pausini, Shakira, Rubén Blades, Juan Luis Guerra y Calle 13.

Bolivia participara en el Festival Latinoamericano de Video
Bolivia estará presente en la 22ª edición del Festival de Video Latinoamericano que se realizará en Rosario, Argentina, a partir del próximo 04 de septiembre, fue publicado hoy.
Un informe del Consulado de Bolivia en Rosario, indica que seis películas y jurados Bolivianos participarán en el evento.
El festival está organizado por el Centro Audiovisual Rosario (CAR).
Marcos Loayza, un cineasta boliviano conocido, será parte del jurado del evento, en el que más de 200 películas de todo el continente se exhibirán a partir del 3 de septiembre al 23.

Caricaturistas de 14 países comparten experiencias en México
Más de 60 caricaturistas de 14 países compartirán sus experiencias a partir de hoy y hasta el próximo sábado en el Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Políticas, Ilustración y Dibujo de la historieta (FiLo 2015).
Los debates, conferencias, talleres y panel de reflexión se llevará a cabo en tres lugares del centro histórico de esta ciudad: la ciudad de México y populares Museos de arte y de la Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana.
Caricaturistas de Argentina, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Chile, España, Francia, México, Nicaragua, Perú, Portugal y Venezuela participaran en este evento y alzaran sus voces a favor de la paz y contra la violencia, además de referirse a la globalización.
Para dicha reunión también asistirán  artistas nacionales e internacionales, entre los cuales esta Antonio Antunes, fundador de World Press Cartoon, de Portugal, y Jean Plantureux (Plantu), del diario francés Le Monde.

El actor Matt Damon critica discurso de Donald Trump “sobre los inmigrantes”
Actor estadounidense Matt Damon describió al discurso sobre los inmigrantes del candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump como “xenófobo”, “repugnante” y “deshumanizante”, dieron a   conocer los medios de comunicación hoy.
Damon rechazó declaraciones de Trump, en el que llaman a los indocumentados mexicanos como “violadores” y “narcotraficantes”.
La estrella de Hollywood, que está casado con una mujer argentina, con quien tiene tres hijas, dijo que las palabras del candidato a la presidencia son ofensivas para todos los latinoamericanos.
Trump propuso deportar a millones de inmigrantes y discutió la posibilidad de construir un muro para separar a los Estados Unidos desde México.
Antonio Banderas, criticó a su posición racista e hizo una fuerte defensa de la cultura latinoamericana durante la gala de Platinum, celebrada en Marbella.

Is Trump a stage prop to hand Hillary the election?

by Jon Rappoport

“In acting, sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” — George Burns
Like it or not, accept it or not, there is a code you have to crack, in order to understand big elections.
They’re fixed. And in this piece, I’m not talking about rigged voting machines. On psychological, mental, and spiritual levels, the fix is in, because of one overriding factor:
The voters are oh so sincere.
And they shouldn’t be. It’s killing them.
Yes, that’s right.
The media presentation called The Election is a straight con from the get-go. Anyone who is sucked into it is a rube, a yokel, a hick.
So the question about whether Donald Trump is running to suck votes away from other Republican candidates or win the nomination himself, in order to deliver the presidency to Hillary? That’s a non-starter.
Who cares? What are we talking about here?
What’s the alternative if Trump isn’t running? Jeb vs. Hillary in November? The Bush crime family versus the Clinton crime family? That would be the “good” election?
How many more of these hideous campaigns do we have to endure before people wake up to the con? A hundred? A thousand?
“This fall, it looks like Lizardi Venom and Scorpion Ooze are the two parties’ choices. It promises to be a tightly contested race. Mr. Venom, of course, is for a utopian social-justice meter installed in the brain of every citizen, while his opponent, Ms. Ooze, promises to place four million dollars in a special account for every person who claims he or she has been ‘injured, defamed, or insulted by the system’. Both candidates agree that sincere voters who care about the future of this great nation must come out to the polls on Election Day and make their voices heard…”
“But wait. Some billionaire cowboy with a very spotty past has entered the lists. He’s reckless. He’s all over the place. He’s insulting the sacred media stars. He’s ruining The Show. He’s making a mockery out of it. He’s torpedoing everybody. He’s scamming the scammers. He’s upsetting The Sincere Voters who believe in the system like babies believe in Mommy and Daddy. And some claim that—wait for it—the cowboy is there to deliver the election to Ms. Ooze instead of Mr. Venom. This is shocking, I tell you. Shocking. And there’s more. This cowboy has been charged with making promises he doesn’t intend to keep. My God. Has any candidate in recent memory done that? A revered critic for the New York Times, Calder A Hogsniffer, takes it a step further. Higsniffer proposes that the cowboy is, in fact, raising several legitimate issues, but by lending his name to them he is degrading those issues and postponing the day when they’ll be taken seriously by the electorate. Certainly, no presidential candidate has ever tried that before. Heavens no. This cowboy is, well, crashing the party and spoiling it for everybody.”
Yes, he is. It was serious and sober and on-track and oh-so-sincere before he came through the wall with his hair and his shit-eating grin and his guns blazing.
Before he showed up, we could attack Hillary and Jeb and argue about whether Rand (who’ll never make it) really has the right ideas, and we could argue about the niceties of Bernie’s version of socialism…and we could watch the whole election, as usual, go right down the toilet.
Then we would have fulfilled our duty to The Process and we could sit back and nod wisely. Yes.
But this slug Trump gets on television (which is of course the holy medium through which we understand the sacred sincere election process); Trump gets on television and seems to be assaulting television itself. And that’s going too far. That’s out of bounds. That’s putting an unharmonious disruption in The Field.
I mean, who knows? If he ever made it to the religious hush of the final debates, he might turn around and start lobbing grenades at the moderators, the high priests—Scott (“I’m doing brain surgery on you without anesthetic because I really want to”) Pelley; Lester (“I’ve been in a state of deep hypnosis since the early days of MKULTRA”) Holt; Wolf (“I made my reputation during the first war in the Persian Gulf because my name meshes nicely with the US bombing runs”) Blitzer.
Voters’ sincerity in this whole election story is a plague.
The voters believe in the media show. They believe in the major candidates. They believe campaign statements and promises and policy positions. They believe that stage magic is real and three-card monte on a streetcorner is an honest game.
The solution, of course, if it could be engineered, would be: stay home on Election Day.
That’s the sane course.
If, by some miracle, only 19 percent of eligible voters showed up at the polls, that would constitute a national vote of no-confidence. That would say: we don’t believe in this media-election-cartoon. We woke up. We saw the con and the shuck and the jive.
Washington DC would experience a psychotic break. It would unhinge.
The television networks would undergo collective cardiac arrest. Their produced series, called Election, bombed. It was a ratings disaster.
The plague of misplaced, puerile, glazed-over, low-IQ, idiots-delight sincerity would begin to cure itself.
But the likelihood of 80% of the voters staying home is 100000000000000 to 1. It’s too real an answer. It’s too effective. And it requires a depth of perception that bypasses thousands of propaganda terminals.
Major media in general, and television in particular, are set up to substitute for the eyes and ears and brains and minds of the populace. To the degree that Donald Trump can turn the game around and run for president against the media, he’s providing a public service, and I don’t care how many blanks he’s shooting when he says he stands for this and that.
(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

There are five reasons that the mainstream media is worthless


Dear readers,

Here’s a great article about the media, to be more specific, the mainstream media and who controls it and how it is controlled by the elite. It was authored, and first published, in the Washington Blog.

— The following is a collection of articles and videos exposing the reality of our media. A well organized system of propaganda and exploitation has been inflicted on the American population for nearly a century. We have lived our lives in an ocean of deception and we have been manipulated into supporting actions (like wars, including the ‘war on terror) and policies that were not in our best interest.
This ‘system’ of perception management is entrenched in all levels of ‘government’, news reporting, and entertainment. The goals are to a) keep us distracted b) keep us divided (especially conservatives and liberals – which were both contrived), and c) keep us obedient.
Question everything and share this REALITY with all of your friends, neighbors and family.

by the Washington Blog

Short synopsis
1. Self-Censorship by Journalists
Initially, there is tremendous self-censorship by journalists.
2. Censorship by Higher-Ups
If journalists do want to speak out about an issue, they also are subject to tremendous pressure by their editors or producers to kill the story.
In addition, the government has allowed tremendous consolidation in ownership of the airwaves during the past decade.
Dan Rather has slammed media consolidation:
Likening media consolidation to that of the banking industry, Rather claimed that “roughly 80 percent” of the media is controlled by no more than six, and possibly as few as four, corporations.
3. Drumming Up Support for War:
In addition, the owners of American media companies have long actively played a part in drumming up support for war.
It is painfully obvious that the large news outlets studiously avoided any real criticism of the government’s claims in the run up to the Iraq war.

It is painfully obvious that the large American media companies acted as lapdogs and stenographers for the government’s war agenda.
4. Access
Politico reveals:
For $25,000 to $250,000, The Washington Post has offered lobbyists and association executives off-the-record, non-confrontational access to “those powerful few”: Obama administration officials, members of Congress, and — at first — even the paper’s own reporters and editors…
The offer — which essentially turns a news organization into a facilitator for private lobbyist-official encounters — was a new sign of the lengths to which news organizations will go to find revenue at a time when most newspapers are struggling for survival.
5. Censorship by the Government:
Finally, as if the media’s own interest in promoting war is not strong enough, the government has exerted tremendous pressure on the media to report things a certain way. Indeed, at times the government has thrown media owners and reporters in jail if they’ve been too critical. The media companies have felt great pressure from the government to kill any real questioning of the endless wars.
For example, Dan Rather said, regarding American media, “What you have is a miniature version of what you have in totalitarian states.”
Tom Brokaw said “all wars are based on propaganda.
Indeed, in the final analysis, the main reason today that the media giants will not cover the real stories or question the government’s actions or policies in any meaningful way is that the American government and mainstream media been somewhat blended together.
[This ‘marriage’ is obvious when you look at the media coverage and acceptance of the Center for Disease Control propaganda regarding the H1N1 ‘pandemic’: CDC – Deceiving the Public]
This is an expose on how much control of our media the corporations actually have. Monsanto has managed to keep quiet this critically important story about our milk and the corrupt Federal Drug Administration. Monsanto’s growth hormones, that are currently given to dairy cows to supposedly increase production,  create an unsafe product and Monsanto does not want the public to become aware of this FACT. The  reporters in this segment were going to publicly expose this danger, but were stopped by Murdoch’s attorneys who did not want to lose advertising dollars. The reporters fought against this travesty every inch of the way . . . and lost. When the issue went to court, the decision was made that falsifying news is not against the law.
We all need to keep this in mind whenever we look to main stream media for honest reporting – legally there is no requirement that they tell the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZkDikRLQrw
We must accept that the so-called ‘global elite’ (aka The Money Monsters) now control the media in the United States. We are currently given a non-stop diet of propaganda and mind control. Even the former CIA agent Robert Steele admits that bloggers have become the new ‘independent’ media.
Why is it so difficult to see the propaganda that is all around us?
If a fish could talk and you asked it to describe its environment, the last thing it would identify would be . . . Water.
“In the United States we’re often brought up and told we don’t have propaganda; that we have a hard charging investigative press, we have this educated sceptical even cynical citizenry and that if there were powerful interests trying to manage and manipulate public opinion they would be exposed. The reality actually is just the opposite. Academics like Alex Kerry and others, who’ve spent their life times looking at how propaganda works, find that it’s actually in Western democracies and open societies where you need the most sophisticated sorts of propaganda. And since WWI, thanks to people like Ivy Lee and Eddy Bernays, you know propaganda’s become a business – this business of public relations. Or as one of the firms that has often represented dictators, the Burson Marsteller firm, puts it . . . their business is perception management – to manage public perception, public policy on behalf of their clients who ever they might be.”

Ibuprofen, aspirin and OTC painkillers can cause deadly heart attacks

by David Gutiérrez

In July, the FDA announced changes to the labels of nearly every medication in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) class, warning that those drugs could cause fatal strokes and heart attacks even in young people with no known cardiovascular risk factors. Heart attacks could be triggered after just weeks of taking the pills.
“There is great concern that people think these drugs are benign, and they are probably not,” said Peter Wilson of Emory University, who served on the expert panel that advised the FDA on the decision. “The thought is these are good for short-term relief, probably for your younger person with no history of cardiovascular trouble.”
Details of risk still unknown
The FDA has required NSAIDs other than aspirin to carry warning labels about the risk of heart attacks and strokes since 2005. In the intervening decade, new research has shown that the risk was higher than previously believed. Alarmingly, research has shown that the risk increases within the first few weeks of taking the drugs, even in people with no previous risk for heart disease.
Higher doses of the drugs produce higher risks, with some prescription-strength doses potentially carrying five times the risk of over-the-counter doses. People who take non-aspirin NSAIDs following heart attacks are significantly more likely to die over the course of the following year than people who do not take those drugs.
The research has also shown that different drugs appear to carry different degrees of cardiovascular risk. Unfortunately, researchers are still unsure which drugs are more dangerous. This means that for now, all of them must be considered equally dangerous.
Wilson offered a rough rule of thumb for estimating the risk based on drug dosage. Over-the-counter NSAIDs appear to increase heart attack and stroke risk by roughly 10 percent, while low-dose prescription NSAIDs seem to increase it by about 20 percent. High-dose prescription NSAIDs can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke by about 50 percent.
No safe painkillers
Heart attack and stroke are not the only serious risks from NSAIDs. All NSAIDs, including aspirin, carry a serious risk of causing potentially fatal stomach bleeding, often without any warning. That’s because the drugs function by blocking the action of the inflammatory chemicals known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins serve many important functions in the body, including protecting the lining of the stomach from being corroded by digestive acids.
Prostaglandins also play a key role in female fertility. That’s why NSAIDs can interfere with conception and delay or lengthen labor. Taken during pregnancy, NSAIDs can cause infants to experience delayed respiratory and circulatory development, leading to permanent health problems.
NSAIDs have also been known to cause kidney damage.
Other painkillers also carry their own risks. Narcotic painkillers in the opioid family are highly addictive and kill far more people each year than any street drug.
Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, is the leading cause of acute liver failure. In addition, studies suggest that it actually blunts people’s emotional and moral reasoning. One study found that people who had taken Tylenol described the emotional content of various images as more neutral and less emotionally intense than people who had taken a placebo, but they were unaware that their reactions had changed. Another study found that people on Tylenol experienced less emotional pain from rejection, while a third suggested that the drug dulls the sense of indignation that leads to moral judgment.
Commenting on the FDA’s new NSAID rules, drug safety communication specialist Bruce Lambert of Northwestern University said, “One of the underlying messages for this warning has to be there are no completely safe pain relievers, period.” (Natural News).