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El Día de San Juan salsa festival brings the hottest sounds to the Bay Area

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Bay Area Puerto Ricans celebrate their heritage with a day of live music, salsa dancing and authentic food at History Park in San Jose on Saturday, June 18, 2016. Keeping the Puerto Rican culture alive and now in its 38th year, El “Dia de San Juan” festival is by far one of the most favored events within the Puerto Rican community, nationalities of all flavors, salseros y salseras, and the public at-large. This scholarship fundraiser event features talented musicians playing the best that salsa offers– both classico‘ y nuevo.

This Puerto Rican festival has grown into a significant family and community event with over 2,000 supporters enjoying the open space of History Park. The music-filled day includes NYC favorite Jose Mangual, Jr. “Campanero” and local talents of Mazacote with Louie Romero, Julio Bravo y Orquesta Salsabor, Eric Rangel y Orquesta America, La Mixta Criolla con Héctor Lugo.

Local restaurants and food trucks will line History Park with their popular offerings. There will be activities for both children and youth. Contests include a coquito tasting competition -– the traditional much-loved beverage served in Puerto Rico, a salsa dance contest and dominoes will dominate the card tables throughout the day.

El “Dia de San Juan” festival is hosted by the Western Region Puerto Rican Council (WRPRC). Chairperson Milagros Calderon describes the many years of support for this festival.

“This is a wonderful day of celebration for Puerto Rican and Latino culture. People from all nationalities near and far come not only to enjoy the top-rated music and dance, but the festival serves to remind us of how important it is to keep our unique culture alive,” said Ms. Calderon. The festival is a fundraiser and all proceeds benefit the WRPRC’s college scholarship fund.

The public is invited to celebrate the day. Doors open at 11:00 am. Advance tickets are $15 online and available at Admission is $25 day of the event.

Saturday, June 18, 2016 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., at History Park, 1650 Senter Road, San Jose.

Femme Fusion Dance workshop with Bianca Mendoza

Femme Fusion is a heels dance workshop where vogue, samba, hip hop, contemporary, and many more flavors come together to create sexy, sultry choreography in a class setting. The class will focus on stretching, lengthening, sharpening, and smoothing out the body through movement all while in heels. The movement will vary in speed and intricacy and will focus a lot on musicality.

The choreography learned will then be performed in studio performance at the end of the workshop. This workshop is in tribute to the legendary Prince, as his music will be the soundtrack to our movement.

Saturdays, 11-12:30 p.m., July 30-Sept. 10, $14 drop-in or $70 in advance for the entire series. 3316-24th Street, San Francisco. For info call at 415-826-4441.

Sign up for the entire series online:

Buena Fé on a tour in the U.S. in late june

by the El Reportero’s news service

The Cuban music band Buena Fé will come for the first time to the US cities of Tampa, Houston and New York, where the tickets for that tour taking place by the end of this month are already available.

On June 25, the band will be at the James L. Knight Center in Miami, where they have already performed before.

From there, they will travel to Puerto Rico, where for the first time they will offer a show on June 30 in the Symphony Hall of the Performing Arts Center.

They will be also debuting in Houston, with a unique concert on July 2 in the Sun Billiards, after their presentation in New York’s Subrosa the day before. Meanwhile, on June 3 Tampa will receive them at the Masonic Center Theater.

Israel Rojas and Yoel Martínez, leaders of the group, are thus promoting their latest production ‘Soy’, a compilation of several of their hits for the international market and sponsored by the Guatemalan singer Ricardo Arjona, who edited it with his record company Metamorfosis.

According to their official profile on Facebook, the rehearsals are intense to ‘bring our audience in the United States and Puerto Rico Buena Fe’s music as they deserve’.

They also expressed their excitement for performing in Tampa ‘not only because it was a wish to sing in that city so close to the history and culture of Cuba, but also because it was a commitment to the audiences of Tampa, Orlando, Sarasota and Naples that asks us for even one concert’.

Buena Fe is among the most popular bands preferred by the young people of Cuba and during its 16-year career has offered great concerts in the most important places in Havana, such as the Revolution Square and the Anti-Imperialist Tribune.

Legendary Chick Corea kicks at 75th birthday with great longtime stars

Grammy Award-winning keyboardist and composer Chick Corea will make history with an unprecedented 2-month 75th birthday celebration at The Blue Note, his musical home in New York City.

Running Oct. 19 through Dec. 12, 2016, the 80-show engagement will feature Corea leading 15 legendary bands comprised of 60 musical friends from over half a century, marking a birthday celebration groundbreaking in scale, artistry and sheer musical power.

Select highlights include:

“The Music of Return to Forever & More”

The premiere of two unique ensembles playing the music of Return to Forever over the course of two respective weeks: Acoustic featuring Ravi Coltrane (sax), Hubert Laws (flute), Avishai Cohen (bass), and Lenny White (drums); and Electric featuring John McLaughlin (guitar), Victor Wooten (bass), and Lenny White (drums).

“For Miles”

A celebration of the music of Miles Davis, featuring Kenny Garrett (saxophone) Wallace Roney (trumpet), Mike Stern (guitar), Marcus Miller (bass) and Brian Blade (drums).

Steve Gadd Week

A deep dive into Corea’s longtime musical partnership with drummer Steve Gadd through two different ensembles:  Three Quartets featuring bassist Eddie Gomez (bass) and Ben Solomon (saxo) and The Leprechaun Band.

“Experiments in Electronica”

Since the 1960s, Corea’s pioneering work on electronic keyboards (spanning Miles Davis, Return to Forever and the Elektric Band) has inspired generations of electronic musical innovators. This special two-night run will offer Chick’s latest take on all things electronic, joined by Marcus Gilmore (drums) and leading genre-defying electronic explorers (TBA).

Do you want to be on the red list? keep using Facebook

by Dave Hodges
The Common Sense Show

University of South Florida communications professor, Dr. Kelli Burns claims to have tested a hunch that the social media giant’s mobile application is listening to everything you say and providing ads based on that content, and discovered it was true.

Burns actually performed the same anecdotal test that I performed last year when I because suspicious that Facebook was listening and providing ad content based on what I was within earshot of computer.

Further,this even gets creepier as I have an unnamed source that says that if you have Facebook on your mobile, Facebook is recording every word you say and is providing ads on websites you visit based upon your communications. This source says that even when your mobile is off, Facebook is still recording every word you say, as well as what is being said to you and around you. Do you find unnamed sources unbelievable? Well, Professor Burns found the same when she conducted her own test involving telly confederates.

Annoyance or Conspiracy?

What does this all mean? Is this just American marketing becoming intrusive in the pursuit of the almighty dollar? Or, is there something more nefarious going on? It depends on what you believe. If you think that Facebook is this benign big friend in the sky providing you with fun and entertainment, continue on with your Facebook usage. However, if you are a discerning person that knows that Facebook is intimately tied with the NSA for data collection on American citizens, then you have a very large problem if you use Facebook.

Previously Documented

I have previously documented that Facebook was selling user data to the Chinese military. Below is an astute Info Wars report on the creation of a world-wide martial law force. There is no question that Infowars and The Common Sense Show are speaking about the same programs with the same objectives.

The DoD/VA Records of 21 Million Veterans Have Been Hacked by the Chinese Military

I previously ran a story of four reports of various lengths and detail regarding the Chinese hacking all records related to 21 million veterans in the Veterans Administration.

An insider source states that the DoD knows that the cyber attacks on veteran records are definitely of Chinese military origin. The stunning detail which captured my attention has to do with the fact that the individual records of over 21 million veterans have been accessed.

Why would the Chinese be concerned about American Veterans? Because in a civil war against a UN takeover of the United States, China would one of two main players in this event and they would want to know where American citizens who could post the greatest threat (i.e. veterans) would be located so they could be found and exterminated. Do you think this is far-fetched take a look at the following:

We already know that the United Nations is preparing to seize your guns. Will the Chinese military be the vanguard force in the effort to seize American guns? A very simple dot connecting exercise would suggest that will be the case.

Interestingly, in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook event, the Communist Chinese called for more strict controls over American guns. What? Why would the most repressive regime on the planet, the Communist Chinese, care about gun control in America? Because an emerging set of developments would indicate that the Chinese are going to be spearheading, along with the Russians, gun confiscation on American soil as part of an global martial law force. And since the Chinese military has such a heinous reputation, one can assume that they will be carrying out gun confiscation with extreme prejudice.


When one follows the chain of custody of Facebook records maintained most of America, the conclusions are easy to arrive at.
Courtesy of Facebook’s intrusive data gathering, the NSA is able to establish a threat matrix on you.

Secondly, the Chinese military has extensive data on veterans and other American citizens. Why would the Chinese spend the money to obtain these records? In one scenario, they are planning to invade and this information would be minimally useful with regard to their policing efforts in conquered American territory. However, what is more likely is that this is information that the United Nations would need to have with regard to a military martial occupation. Would not happen you say. Grab your mouse and type into google “UN Small Arms Treaty and John Kerry”. Facebook is providing to China, our soon-to-be-overlords where the greatest resistance will come from so it can be “dealt” with.

If you want to be on the Red List, and wish to meet Chinese soldiers up close and personal, keep using Facebook.

John F. Kennedy vs. the Federal Reserve – PART 6 AND LAST OF A SERIES

My research on controversial topics continues to pay off. I found this excellent and interesting article, which, due to its length, it will be published in parts. In this piece you will learn about how is that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110, gave the Treasury Department Constitutional power to again create and issue currency -money – without going through the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank, which is what is currently done now. It suggests that JFK was killed for that reason. SIXTH PART AND LAST OF A SERIES.


Today’s banks are members of the Federal Reserve Banking System. This membership makes it legal for them to create money from nothing and lend it to you. Today’s banks, like the goldsmiths of old, realize that only a small fraction of the money deposited in their banks is ever actually withdrawn in the form of cash. Only about 4 percent of all the money that exists is in the form of currency. The rest of it is simply a computer entry.

Let’s say you’re approved to borrow $10,000 to do some home improvements. You know that the bank didn’t actually take $10,000 from its pile of cash and put it into your pile? They simply went to their computer and input an entry of $10,000 into your account. They created, from thin air, a debt which you have to secure with an asset and repay with interest. The bank is allowed to create and lend as much debt as they want as long as they do not exceed the 10:1 ratio imposed by the FED.

It sort of puts a new slant on how you view your friendly bank, doesn’t it? How about those loan committees that scrutinize you with a microscope before approving the loan they created from thin air. What a hoot! They make it complex for a reason. They don’t want you to understand what they are doing. People fear what they do not understand. You are easier to delude and control when you are ignorant and afraid.

Now to put the frosting on this cake. When was the income tax created? If you guessed 1913, the same year that the FED was created, you get a gold star. Coincidence? What are the odds? If you are going to use the FED to create debt, who is going to repay that debt? The income tax was created to complete the illusion that real money had been lent and therefore real money had to be repaid. And you thought Houdini was good.
So, what can be done? My father taught me that you should always stand up for what is right, even if you have to stand up alone.
If “We the People” don’t take some action now, there may come a time when “We the People” are no more. You should write a letter or send an email to each of your elected representatives. Many of our elected representatives do not understand the FED. Once informed they will not be able to plead ignorance and remain silent.

Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution specifically says that Congress is the only body that can “coin money and regulate the value thereof.” The US Constitution has never been amended to allow anyone other than Congress to coin and regulate currency.

Ask your representative, in light of that information, how it is possible for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the Federal Reserve Bank that it created, to be constitutional. Ask them why this private banking cartel is allowed to reap trillions of dollars in profits without paying taxes. Insist on an answer.

Thomas Jefferson said, “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Jefferson saw it coming 150 years ago. The question is, “Can you now see what is in store for us if we allow the FED to continue controlling our country?”

“The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he breaks, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime, and the punishment of his guilt.”

Powerful diabetes prevention comes in a strangely-named plant: introducing The Jackfruit

by Daniel Barker

The term superfoods may have become a bit overused lately, but there are some foods that truly fit the description. One that should definitely be on the superfoods list is a fairly obscure plant (until now!) called jackfruit.

This oddly named fruit, which is cultivated in tropical regions, is rapidly gaining in popularity worldwide for several reasons – not the least of which are its amazing health-boosting properties.

Jackfruit contains a number of substances which make it an extremely healthy addition to your diet. It’s rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, phytonutrients and vitamin C, which make it an excellent ally for cancer prevention and treatment through its boosting of the immune system.

The high levels of potassium found in jackfruit help lower blood pressure, aiding in the prevention of strokes and heart disease. Jackfruit is good for the skin and the eyes, due to its high vitamin A content.

Jackfruit aids in digestion and helps protect the colon by cleansing the large intestine, and its high fiber content make it a great natural laxative.

Low in calories and almost completely fat-free, jackfruit can also aid in fighting obesity. Even eating large quantities won’t cause stomach discomfort, so it can help you feel full without adding those extra pounds.

Jackfruit and diabetes

One of the most powerful health benefits associated with jackfruit is its ability to fight diabetes. This potential of the fruit is just beginning to be fully explored, in part because the best way to use jackfruit for diabetes is to consume the unripe fruit, which is not a common practice outside of the regions where it is grown.

Jack Joseph of, a website that promotes and sells jackfruit products, stumbled upon the nearly miraculous diabetes-fighting properties of raw jackfruit when he heard a story from a friend that involved a medical emergency – one which luckily didn’t kill anyone and ended up having a silver lining:

[Joseph’s friend] developed diabetes seven years ago while he was in charge of rebuilding a church and he feels the stress related to the project was the major cause for an otherwise healthy life style he had. For the past seven years he is on insulin and takes the injection every day after dinner. A month ago he had the traditional Kerala Jackfruit meal prepared with unripe raw jackfruit pods as dinner, as he had a guest very fond of jackfruits. After the meal they continued to chat for an hour and he took his insulin once the guest left. Within minutes he collapsed to the floor. He somehow crawled up to reach the sugar sachet from the bedside table and for the first time in six years he had to use the emergency response his doctor had advised in case if he feels hypoglycaemic.

When the friend ate raw jackfruit a second time, the same thing happened, prompting Joseph to start investigating. What he found after talking to health experts was that raw jackfruit can reduce or even eliminate the need for insulin injections. As further stated on

Conclusion: Consumption of mature unripe jackfruit can reduce insulin dependency on patients due to:
1. Low glycemic index
2. High dietary fiber especially insoluble fiber
3. Possible to eat large quantity as a meal and satiate a hungry diabetic patient
In addition jackfruit is Gluten Free and can be a silver bullet for diabetic patients with Gluten allergy
If you are a diabetic taking insulin, be sure to consult with your doctor before eating raw jackfruit.

Additional reasons jackfruit is becoming so popular

The many health benefits of jackfruit are only part of its growing popularity. Jackfruit is a fantastic meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans – some compare its taste and texture to chicken or even pulled pork! Its resemblance to meat has fooled even chefs and hardcore foodies.

There’s a good chance you’ll be hearing a lot more in the near future about this superfood, but meanwhile if you’d like to try some and can’t find it in local Asian markets or the world foods aisle in your supermarket, you can always order some online from (Natural News).

Teaching violence – how US police went from Mayberry to madness

The question is: How to stop it

by Claire Bernish

Policing in the United States metamorphosed drastically over the last few decades after the NDAA in 1990 allowed departments to obtain surplus military equipment free of charge. With the weapons and gear of war likewise came the warrior ethos. Though unprepared to handle accouterments of the battlefield, hapless American police waged war on the very communities in their charge — an epidemic level of violence by law enforcement has since erupted.

But this article isn’t a condemnation of police officers, many of whom spend their entire career without resorting to the use of excessive force. But because incidents involving excessively violent tactics resulting in serious injury and death have become so frequent people often don’t take notice, it’s necessary to point out the simplest means to end the epidemic already exists.


If we are to end or at least significantly curb the unnecessary brutality, militaristic police training must end. As intuitive as it might sound, ending the stress-based, boot camp-style instruction — currently the model for the majority of police academies — would transform American policing.

Even the Department of Justice agrees stress-based police training needs to go — in a 2013 issue of Dispatch, the newsletter for its Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), the DoJ essentially proves the need to end militaristic training. Two models are generally employed by the nation’s police academies, the article noted, explaining:

“Stress training is modeled after military boot camp, characterized by paramilitary drills, daily inspections, intense physical demands, public discipline, withholding privileges, and immediate reaction to infractions. Non-stress recruit training is associated with a more relaxed academic or collegiate atmosphere, characterized by emphasis on academic achievement, a relaxed instructor/trainee relationship, and administrative disciplinary procedures.”

According to a report from the DoJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, the majority of law enforcement training programs in the U.S. use the stress model. Considering the description of the stress model, alone, the root of violent policing becomes clear — though its proponents believe beneficial aspects outweigh potential negatives. Self-discipline, what’s known as ‘command presence,’ and higher self-confidence frequently top the list of reasons given to continue stress-based training.

But those benefits aren’t absolute and similar positives — arguably better all-around — can be achieved through the collegiate, academic model.

Assistant Sheriff Howard H. Earle conducted a comparison of the two training methods in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. Academy from 1967 through 1971, and, granted, though the study is decades old, what he found remains relevant even today.

Earl concluded, “non-stress trained subjects performed at a significantly higher level in the areas of field performance, job satisfaction, and performance acceptability by persons served.” Improved community relations and collaborative problem-solving further evidenced his findings for a true model of community-oriented policing — exactly as Pres. Obama’s official model for American policing stands today.

A panel study in 1988, commissioned by then-Governor Michael Dukakis in Massachusetts after an outbreak of kidney problems among recruits, found:

“The so-called drill instructor approach to training that includes indiscriminate verbal abuse, debasement, humiliation confrontation, harassment, hazing, shouting, and physical exercise as punishment has no place in police training” and that the model was actually counterproductive and “not conducive to training men and women in a manner that will best enable them to serve society.”

As recruits move through stages of paramilitary, stress-based training, they undergo a radical transformation both in deportment, as they take on the characteristics one would in the military, as well as psychologically. An ‘us versus them’ mentality is repeatedly hammered into the would-be cops as the separation between their former civilian selves and their future role as enforcer of laws comes to a head.

This stark separation, not as defined in the academic method of training, further emphasizes the notorious Thin Blue Line culture — recruits are told, whether verbally or through constant cues, they are special and in a different class than civilians who could never understand what their future job will entail. One study found this separation also promotes, if subtly, misogyny, racism, and a high degree of sexism as normative thought — though it does so under the guise of morality. Paramilitary training produces maladaptive coping strategies, which also separate cadets further from their civilian counterparts — even though this contradicts everything a community-based policing model putatively seeks to uphold.

Multiple studies also show the most dynamic recruits who demonstrate the skills and attitude necessary to effectively and attentively act in the communities they would police are frequently forced out of militaristic training programs. Through stigmatization as being “different” from other recruits, to castigation for as much, potentially the best future law enforcement officers often drop out or resign before the completion of training.

Understanding the overwhelming evidence points to precisely the model of police training not used by most academies brings an imperative question to mind. If law enforcement, the DoJ and multiple studies have all found non-stress-based models — non-paramilitary methods — most effective in not promoting a violent cultural mindset, why aren’t they being used?
In plain language, is the U.S. teaching its police to be violent for a reason?

It’s certainly worth considering now that an unspoken war on dissent appears to be underway in America. While the media twists resentment against violent acts by officers into a war against police, what should be asked is if that war is actually against us — against the people of this country.

Whether or not that question can be answered remains to be seen. But until verifiably better methods of training are employed — resulting in less violent police forces nationwide — it demands to be asked.

After all, experts cited by the DoJ have explained, “that the high-stress paramilitary model of training results in police practices that are contrary to democratic governance and that a structure utilizing university connections, experiential learning, and critical thinking would be significantly more effective.”

So are law enforcement agencies incompetently ignoring the solution? Or, are they ignoring it by design?

Saudi press just accused the US gov’t of blowing up World Trade Center as pretext to perpetual war

by Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – In response to the U.S. Senate’s unanimous vote to allow 9/11 victims’ families to sue Saudi Arabia in federal court, a report published in the London-based Al-Hayat daily, by Saudi legal expert Katib al-Shammari, claims that the U.S. masterminded the terror attacks as a means of creating a nebulous “enemy” in order garner public support for a global war on terror.

The report by al-Shammari, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), claims that long-standing American policy is “built upon the principle of advance planning and future probabilities,” which the U.S. has now turned toward the Saudi regime after being successfully employed against first the Taliban and al-Qaeda, then Saddam Hussein and his secular Baathist controlled Iraq.

Al-Shammari claims the recent U.S. threats to “expose” documents implicating the Saudi government are simply the continuation of a U.S. policy, which he refers to as “victory by means of archive.” He highlights that during the initial invasion of Iraq, under George H.W. Bush, Saddam Hussein was left alive and in power to be used as “a bargaining chip,” but upon deciding that he was “no longer an ace up their sleeve” Washington moved to topple his government and install a U.S.-backed ruling party.

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 are now the “ace up the sleeve” of the U.S. government, according to al-Shammari.

“September 11 is one of winning cards in the American archives, because all the wise people in the world who are experts on American policy and who analyze the images and the videos [of 9/11] agree unanimously that what happened in the [Twin] Towers was a purely American action, planned and carried out within the U.S. Proof of this is the sequence of continuous explosions that dramatically ripped through both buildings… Expert structural engineers demolished them with explosives, while the planes crashing [into them] only gave the green light for the detonation – they were not the reason for the collapse. But the U.S. still spreads blame in all directions. [This policy] can be dubbed ‘victory by means of archives.”
The impetus behind the attacks, writes al-Shammari, was to create “an obscure enemy – terrorism – which became what American presidents blamed for all their mistakes” and that would provide justification for any “dirty operation” in any nation.

According to al-Shammari’s report in Al-Hayat:

“On September 11, the U.S. attained several victories at the same time, that [even] the hawks [who were at that time] in the White House could not have imagined. Some of them can be enumerated as follows:

1. The U.S. created, in public opinion, an obscure enemy – terrorism – which became what American presidents blamed for all their mistakes, and also became the sole motivation for any dirty operation that American politicians and military figures desire to carry out in any country. [The] terrorism [label] was applied to Muslims, and specifically to Saudi Arabia.

2. Utilizing this incident [9/11], the U.S. launched a new age of global armament. Everyone wanted to acquire all kinds of weapons to defend themselves and at the same time battle the obscure enemy, terrorism – [even though] up to this very moment we do not know the essence of this terrorism of which the U.S. speaks, except [to say that] that it is Islamic…
3. The U.S. made the American people choose from two bad options: either live peacefully [but] remain exposed to the danger of death [by terrorism] at any moment, or starve in safety, because [the country’s budget will be spent on sending] the Marines even as far as Mars to defend you.”

The Saudi press has been in a frenzy since the unanimous Senate vote to allow for the House of Saud to be held liable in U.S. federal court for the 9/11 attacks, with the U.S. being accused of being in alliance with Iran – to press warnings that passage of the “Satanic” bill would “open the gates of hell,” as reported by Breitbart.

Al-Shammari makes extremely clear that he views the problem as the U.S. imperial machine itself, stating, “the nature of the U.S. is that it cannot exist without an enemy.”

“The nature of the U.S. is that it cannot exist without an enemy… [For example,] after a period during which it did not fight anyone [i.e. following World War II], the U.S. created a new kind of war – the Cold War… Then, when the Soviet era ended, after we Muslims helped the religions and fought Communism on their [the Americans’] behalf, they began to see Muslims as their new enemy! The U.S. saw a need for creating a new enemy – and planned, organized, and carried this out [i.e. blamed Muslims for terrorism]. This will never end until it [the U.S.] accomplishes the goals it has set for itself.”

While it seems fighting Islamic terrorism is great for increasing fear and state propaganda meant to elicit compliant civilian populations that passively accept loss of liberty for promises of greater security, the military-industrial complex needs a bigger enemy to justify their $600 billion dollar-a-year budgets, thus beginning the transition to labeling Russia/China as “aggressive Russia/China,” in an effort to begin to pivot away from one boogeyman to other, more profitable, ones.

(Jay Syrmopoulos is a geopolitical analyst, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. Jay’s work has been published on Ben Swann’s Truth in Media, Truth-Out, Raw Story, MintPress News, as well as many other sites. You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu).

American and British intelligence uncover dirty business in Puerto Rico

by the El Reportero’s wire service

Payoffs to the FBI & U.S. Attorney offices

As the CEO of Commercial Solar Power (CSP), Mr. Lawless ordered a forensic investigation into the $13,200,000 losses the company incurred while doing business in Puerto Rico. In an effort to better understand the causes for such losses, Mr. Lawless and his team uncovered questionable practices by the Puerto Rico Government and outright fraud by the Credit Rating Agencies, Fitch, Moody’s and S&P.

 The very first step in considering an investment of company resources in any company is to check the credit ratings of the company and make sure they are financially sound. In this case, the rating agencies were giving the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority an “A” rating. A pretty sound rating for a utility company.

Given that the credit rating was the companies first step in their due diligence process, CSP did an audit of the bond offering memorandums that these good ratings were based on. The audit uncovered hundreds of millions in missing funds and a utility that has been technically bankrupt since 2007. It seemed inconceivable to the CSP team that all three rating agencies gave a bankrupt company an investment grade credit rating. We delivered the results of our audit to the Puerto Rico FBI, U.S. Attorney and the Puerto Rico Legislature.

After receiving no response for many months, I wrote an editorial that appeared in many Puerto Rico Newspapers and Blogs. Shortly after I wrote the article I started receiving phone calls. One of the calls was from someone who implied he was from the CIA and stated that the CIA has been listening into phone activity between the utility and Hugo Chávez (Venezuela). The calls detailed a criminal enterprise that was stealing literally billions in public funds through bogus oil purchases and fraudulent municipal bond issues. While listening in to the conversations over a number of years it became clear that the Puerto Rico FBI Office and the Puerto Rico U.S. Attorney Office were (and are) accepting payoffs to insure no interference from those agencies. This story was confirmed to me by British Intelligence and confirmed a third time by the editors of Caribbean News Now.

Shortly after this disclosure the FBI got back to me. I was left a voicemail that suggested the agency was very concerned about my criminal complaint but could not find criminal grounds to pursue charges. I was surprised by that response so I contacted all persons of interest and discovered no one was ever interviewed by the FBI. In addition, during this time frame, two private parties filed RICO charges against the utility that were challenged and upheld by the courts. Amazing that private parties can file charges claiming that the utility is an organized criminal enterprise but the DOJ can’t.

To make matters worse for the FBI and the U.S. Attorney, the Puerto Rico Senate issued a 23-page report outlining the theft of billions and the purchase of knowingly fraudulent credit ratings from Moody’s, Fitch and S&P. These phony credit ratings have already resulted in billions of losses for those bond holders. Once again the FBI and U.S. Attorney did nothing.

We have a 23-page confession and financial audits supporting all of the illegal activity. No charges, no investigation.
It was brought to my attention that Treasury Secretary Lew while COO for Citibank, and Treasury Counsels, Weiss and Campbell while working for Lazard, participated in this fraudulent activity by selling these knowingly fraudulent bonds before joining the Treasury Department. This may help explain the reluctance of the FBI and DOJ to do anything about any of this.

Now it is up to the Press to bring pressure on our legislators to get involved.

(Richard Lawless is a former senior banker who has specialized in evaluating and granting debt for over 25 years. He has a Master’s Degree in Finance from the University of San Diego and Bachelor’s Degree from Pepperdine University. He sits on a number of Corporate Boards and actively writes for a number of finance publications).

Yaelisa & Caminos Flamencos at the SFIAF

Compiled by the El Reportero staff

The groundbreaking flamenco company Caminos Flamencos has a brand new show that seamlessly blends flamenco, Latin, and jazz in music and dance with a cast of world-class artists from around the country who are rooted in a variety of musical genres.

Emmy Award-winning Artistic Director Yaelisa gathers an eclectic group of musicians and dancers in Nuevas Tendencias with an emphasis on new music by the virtuoso guitarist Jason McGuire “El Rubio.

Together, they recently have pushed the envelope even further, creating the music and dance show Nuevos Tendencias. The show made its premiere in July 2014 at Yoshi’s Jazz Club in San Franciso to an enthusiastic crowd, and has since played at Yoshi’s Oakland, Angelica’s and The New Parish, all alternative venues with mostly jazz audience followers.

Duration: 90 minutes with intermission. Friday June 3, 8 p.m., at the Cowell Theater, Fort Mason, 2 Marina Blvd, San Francisco. General Admission $20 advance, $25 door.

Eliana López’ What is the Scandal! is back at the SFIAF

What is the scandal? of Ileana López. Is an autobiographical story that explores what it means to be an immigrant woman of color in the United States of America. Immigrants don´t just face the outside challenges of the legal system but also the internal challenge of adaptation and integration. A reflection of self-transformation and a journey of human growth.

At Fort Mason Center Chapel, Sat., June 4, 2016 at 4 p.m., Sun, June 5, 2016 at 6 p.m. At 1100 Bay Street, San Francisco. Doors open at 5:45 p.m., starts at 6 p.m. Duration: 70 minutes, no intermission.

Five and Five: the works of 10 contemporary artists from the U.S., Mexico, and Latin America

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — May 12, 2016 — The Mexican Museum, the premier West Coast museum of Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Latin American, and Latino art, culture and heritage, presents Cinco y Cinco/Five and Five, an exhibition of works by 10 contemporary artists from the U.S., Mexico, and Latin America. The exhibition, which is free and open to the public, will be showcased at The Mexican Museum’s current facility at Fort Mason Center, Building D, Marina Boulevard and Buchanan Street, in San Francisco.

Cinco y Cinco/Five and Five is presented by guest curator Anthony Torres and will include works by the following artists: Victor Cartagena, Rolando Castellon, Adriana Castro, Ana de la Cueva, Lewis deSoto, Juan Jota Leaños, Gera Lozano, Geri Montano, Bernardo Roman Palau, and Gustavo Ramos Rivera.

Unique to most exhibitions, five of these artists were initially invited, each of whom has garnered regional, national, and international acclaim. The five invited artists were then asked to nominate another artist to participate as a means of extending opportunities to artists they deem worthy of greater public recognition. Works will be displayed in a variety of media, including photography, painting, video, and installations.

Exploring connections, commonalities, and differences in the 10 artists’ values, practices, and visual sensibilities, Cinco y Cinco/Five and Five will spotlight contemporary “Latino Art” as a rich, ambiguous area of inquiry that moves beyond geography or ethnicity.

Special exhibition opens June 23 – Nov. 6, 2016 at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco.

Shakira and Carlos Vives to launch La Bicicleta

by the El Reportero’s news services

The song La Bicicleta (The Bicycle) by Shakira and Carlos Vives will be launched this Friday in the digital platforms, after the rage stirred in the Colombian Caribbean when it was recently created.

A communiqué released by the office of Vives, King of vallenato, says the new single will be available as of May 27 in all digital platforms and on sale in iTunes.

La Bicicleta is the first collaboration between the two famous artists of this Andean nation. The song is based in a mix of vallenata music, with influence of pop and reggaeton, song to be included in a next CD.

The video of the song made popular by both coast idols, directed by filmmaker and photographer Jaume De Laiguana, is to be launched in June.

It was recorded between the cities of Santa Marta and Barranquilla, where Vives and Shakira were born, respectively.
Its elaboration and the paraphernalia that came with the recording attracted the attention for several days this month of all the towns of the Caribbean coast region, from Cordoba to La Guajira.

“I always wanted to write, produce and record a song with Shakira so together we could show our Colombia to the world, affirmed Vives on the new four-hand creation.

He added that Shakira has taken our country’s music to incredible heights and finally to be able to collaborate with her is a very important feat for me, he added.

For her part, Shakira, who also had words of high appraisal for her fellow Colombian, affirmed it was an important experience to work with the author of La Tierra del Olvido.

She expressed that La Bicicleta is a song that pays tribute to our country in many ways.

The Maya – Language of Beauty

With approximately 300 artworks including many Mexican national treasures, this exhibition explores the magnificent and varied forms of artistic expression developed by the Maya, with a focus on a fundamental aspect of pre-Hispanic art: the body.

Flourishing on the Yucatán Peninsula between 500 B.C. and 1500 A.D., the Maya achieved a degree of artistic sophistication—in reliefs, busts, and clay and stone figurines—that placed them far ahead of all other contemporary cultures on their continent.

Mayan buildings and works of art provide a splendid window into the everyday existence of this highly advanced civilization, shedding light on its literature, astronomy, music and dances. These reveal a culture dominated by an idealized view of humanity and its relationship with the gods, notions echoed in the Mayan ideal of beauty and conception of mankind’s place in the cosmos.

The Maya – Language of Beauty is part of a year of culture organized jointly by the German and Mexican governments. In exhibition from April 12 – Aug. 7, at Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany.