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Rigged election?

A history of presidential candidates who’ve made allegations

by Fred Lucas

The current election is not the first time a candidate has charged that the game was rigged. The new book, Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections, delves into the common thread regarding the most controversial presidential elections in history.

The focus is on elections that dragged well beyond Election Day, decided by another branch of government. Here’s excerpts from three of the elections featured in the book.

1824: John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson believed the presidency was his. He clearly made the most impressive showing, carrying a majority of electoral votes in 11 states—Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee. In an election defined by regional preference, Jackson was the only national candidate.

John Adams won the formerly Federalist strongholds of the six New England states, plus New York. William Crawford carried only Delaware, his home state of Georgia, and Virginia. It was enough to put him in third place.

On Dec. 1, 1824, the Electoral College announced the results. Jackson won the most Electoral College votes, winning 99 votes to the 84 votes for Adams. However, he didn’t have a majority, or 131, of the electoral votes that he needed. Despite coming in last place in the popular vote, Crawford would actually beat Henry Clay in the Electoral College, 41 voters to Clay’s 37 votes.

After arriving in Washington on Dec. 7, 1824, Jackson wrote a letter to political supporter and former military ally John Coffee in Tennessee informing him of rumors that Adams and Clay had struck a deal, or would do so if they haven’t already.

Before the vote, a Philadelphia newspaper, the Colombian Observer, published an anonymous letter on Jan. 28 claiming Clay would back Adams in return for being named secretary of state. Clay strongly denied this.

Most of Clay’s supporters, as well as the remaining Federalists, backed Adams in the House, enough to give him a single vote victory. The House delegations of three states that Jackson carried, Illinois, Louisiana, and Maryland, went to Adams. This gave Adams a majority of 13 out of 24 states.

Though not the first president elected after a drawn out process, Adams was the only president to assume office without a majority of the electoral votes.

1876: Rutherford Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden

Democrats used violence, lynching, and riots to scare blacks away from voting, knowing it was possible for Republicans to carry some Southern states. Republicans were intent that two could play at this game, and in some cases actually sought to persuade blacks to vote by shotgun.

The day before the election, U.S. Marshal J.H. Pierce of the Northern District of Mississippi telegraphed Republican National Committee Chairman Zach Chandler, asserting that “the election in the northern half of the state will be a farce … Colored and white Republicans will not be allowed to vote in many counties.
The Tilden clubs are armed with Winchester rifles and shotguns and declare that they will carry the election at all hazards. In several counties of my district leading white and colored Republicans are now refugees asking for protection.”

On Nov. 7, 1876, Tilden won the national popular vote 4,288,546 to 4,034,311 votes for Hayes, and 184 to 165 in the Electoral College. More than 80 percent of eligible voters actually turned out, some reportedly voting more than once, and others having their votes shredded if it was for the “wrong candidate.”

It was after midnight. The RNC’s Chandler—like Rutherford Hayes—had turned in for the night convinced of the party’s loss. But using Chandler’s signature from the RNC headquarters, Daniel Sickles telegraphed the Republican governors of South Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana to say, “With your state sure for Hayes, he is elected. Hold your state.”

At 3 a.m., South Carolina’s Republican Gov. Daniel Chamberlain responded on a telegraph machine, “All right. South Carolina is for Hayes. Need more troops.”

Three days after the election, Nov. 10, President Grant issued an order to General W.T. Sherman to instruct generals in Florida and Louisiana:

“No man worthy of the office of President should be willing to hold it if it counted in or placed there by fraud. Either party can afford to be disappointed by the result, but the country cannot afford to have the result tainted by suspicion of illegal or false returns.”

2000: George W. Bush vs. Al Gore

The first Tuesday of November in 2000 came the same day as the Election Day 1876—on the seventh. Half the country may have had better things to do than follow the Bore and Gush contest before election, but a decisive majority of Americans were glued after Election Day.

Bush would almost certainly have had significantly more votes had the networks not called Florida before polls closed in the heavily-Republican Panhandle, which is in the Central time zone. Gore campaign strategist Bob Beckel said that Bush lost at least 8,000 votes in the Panhandle alone because of the incorrect reporting.

Meanwhile, Republican polling firm McLaughlin and Associates estimated that Bush lost 11,500 votes because the networks reported the polls were closed in the Panhandle. Economist John Lott estimated between 7,500 and 10,000 voters in Republican counties were dissuaded from showing up.

In the popular vote, Gore beat Bush nationally with 50,996,582 to 50,456,062. That’s a half million votes. Neither candidate had 270 votes in the Electoral College. Gore had 266 votes. Bush had 246. The 20-electoral vote spread was not that different from Hayes-Tilden.

Democratic lawyers also began targeting the overseas absentee ballots from the military—which seemed to be more likely Republican voters. The attorneys threatened to sue Seminole County, where election officials corrected errors on thousands of applications for absentee ballots—many for military personnel. Democrats also targeted Duval County, which had one of the heaviest military populations in the United States. This prompted Republicans to say Democrats wanted to disenfranchise military voters.

Before this, Democrats had been able to control much of the message of demanding that every vote be counted. But when a memo surfaced from Democratic attorney Mark Herron that laid out a legal strategy for disqualifying military votes, Democrats found themselves on the defense. Despite a public relations problem, Democrats managed to disqualify 1,420 military ballots over various legal technicalities by Nov. 17.

Retired Army Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, hero of the Gulf War and Bush supporter, issued a strong statement, asserting: “It’s a very sad day in our country when the men and women of our country are serving abroad and facing danger on a daily basis in places like Bosnia, Kosovo, or on ships like the USS George Washington, yet because of some technicality out of ‘their control, they are denied the right to vote for the president of the United States, who will be their commander-in-chief.’”

Washinton was behind Ukraine coup: Obama admits the US brokered a deal “in suport of regime change”

US sticks to tried and true policy of supporting coups

by Sputnik News

US President Barack Obama revealed the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian crisis from its outset and admitted that the United States “had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”
US President Barack Obama’s recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakiria reveals the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian crisis from its outset and that the country worked directly with Ukrainian right-wing fascist groups, experts told Sputnik.

On Sunday, in his interview with CNN, Obama admitted that the United States “had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”

“Obama’s statement is reiterating something that the world public opinion already knew — the US was involved in the coup of [ex-Ukrainian President] Viktor Yanukovych from the start. History shows us that the US has overthrown numerous governments in Latin America, Asia and Africa and replaced them with leaders that ruled with a fascist ideology that proved useful for Washington’s geopolitical interests,” independent researcher and writer Timothy Alexander Guzman told Sputnik.

Yanukovych’s decision to not sign an association agreement with the European Union in late 2013 triggered a mass wave of protests across Ukraine, culminating in the February 2014 coup. Following the transition of power, Kiev forces launched military operation against those who refused to recognize the legitimacy of the new government.

Guzman claimed that during the Ukrainian conflict, Washington and its NATO allies worked directly with right-wing Ukrainian Fascist groups, including the neo-Nazi inspired Right Sector militia.
International law professor at the University of Illinois College of Law Francis Boyle shares a similar opinion, also arguing also that Obama’s approach to Ukraine is no different to the neoconservative approach of former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, or political scientist Samuel Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” philosophy.

“I think he [Obama] has made it very clear that he is going to continue to take a Brzezinski hard-lined approach toward Ukraine and Russia and that there are not going to be any compromises at all, and effectively he expects President Putin to throw in a towel, capitulate, whatever, it does not appear to me there is any ground for negotiations in light of what President Obama at least said publicly,” he said in an email to Sputnik.

Boyle also stated that the United States may already be sending covert offensive military equipment to Ukraine, despite Washington’s claims that it provides Kiev only with non-lethal aid. The expert also claimed that Obama’s ignorance of the Minsk agreements and of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposals to negotiate the conflict peacefully, indicates that Washington is going to continue with its aggressive policy in Ukraine.

“How can Russia tolerate this gang of Nazis in Kyiv [Kiev] setting up shop right there on the borders of Russia, and being armed, equipped and supplied by NATO? Of course, Russia cannot tolerate that,” Boyle concluded, adding that the Unites States itself would not tolerate such threats close to its borders.

Obama & Merkel to Discuss Arming Ukraine in Washington Next Week

“The very fact that Obama feels he needs to comment on [the] US direct role in the regime change [in Ukraine] and on Putin’s response over Crimea in this manner, rather than calling Putin a Hitler with well thought out expansionist designs, as has become the norm in the US, speaks for itself: perhaps, the White House is finally coming to the view that it needs to come to its senses and negotiate with Moscow,” Vlad Sobell, a professor at New York University’s Prague campus stated.

On Sunday, US President Barack Obama, in an interview with CNN’s Zakiria, explained that the United States “brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.” The US President said that Russian President Vladimir Putin made his decision to legally annex Crimea “not because of some grand strategy, but essentially because he was caught off-balance by the protests in the Maidan.”

In late 2013 a decision by Ukraine then-President Viktor Yanukovych to avoid signing an association agreement with the European Union triggered mass protests across Ukraine, dubbed Maidan, culminating in the February coup. Following the coup and a rise in aggressive nationalism in the country, Crimea seceded by referendum from Ukraine and rejoined Russia in March 2014.

Former US officials urge Washington to send lethal military aid to Ukraine

Pepe Escobar, a correspondent for Asia Times, Hong Kong, who has closely followed developments in Ukraine, told Sputnik of his belief that every independent observer, including himself, “had known from the beginning those $5 billion, [US Assistant Secretary of State] Victoria Nuland’s number, over the years unleashed to boost ‘freedom’ in Ukraine one day would come to fruition.” And Putin was not ‘caught off-balance,’ Escobar added. “Russian intelligence knew in a few hours that Maidan would be replicated in Crimea, so the Kremlin acted swiftly,” he stated.

Professor Sobell claims that “Mr President [Obama] should be aware that Yanukovych fled [Ukraine] because he had solid reasons to fear for his life. The hallowed Maidan was not a peaceful democratic regime change, as it was presented in Western media, but a violent putch complete with murderous acts by hired assassins.”

Sobell states that unnamed EU officials affirm that on February 20 snipers shot both demonstrators and police dead, in order to provoke chaos. These crimes, he continued, are not being investigated by Kiev’s “democratic — Western values” regime or its Western sponsors, as “today it is ok to install a Nazi-driven regime by these means and then demand that Western tax- payers support it.”

According to Escobar, the way the Ukrainian coup will be perceived “all across the Global South is […] another US regime change operation, using local patsies.”

Commenting on the recent increase in hostilities between Kiev and independence supporters in the southeast of Ukraine, Sobell said the situation has changed in favor of the Donbas militia.

“Washington knows it and knows that they must either compromise, start genuine negotiations with Moscow and separatists, or escalate support for the Nazi regime by supplying it with arms. This would lead to major escalation of the conflict – at this point we cannot rule out that Obama will opt of this,” Sobell insisted.

Russia’s relations with the West deteriorated sharply in 2014, following Crimea’s reunification with Russia and the start of the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. The United States and its allies accused Moscow of interfering in Ukraine’s internal affairs and imposed several rounds of economic sanctions, targeting Russia’s energy, banking and military sectors, as well as several high-ranking individuals.

Mining union demands probe into toxic spillage Mexican Sonora

by the El Reportero’s wire services

The National Miners’’ Union is demanding today an independent probe into the spillage of millions of litters of toxic substances into the rivers Sonora and Bacanuchi two years ago in the mine Buenavista del Cobre, property of Grupo Mexico.

Considered the worst environmental tragedy in the country’s history, those affluents remain contaminated, as well as water reservoirs and other people’s means of survival, and the damage to the inhabitants’ health continue.

According to reports, authorities of the federal and state governments and Grupo Mexico ignore the denunciations against the consortium by the aforementioned union and its leader Napoleón Gómez.

The organization specified that the damage to nature in that region are obvious, because the inhabitants, especially children and women, continue being affected by diseases related to the use of contaminated water.

More than 200 kilometers of basin are affected in the municipalities of Cananea, Arizpe, Ures, San Felipe, Banamichi, Baviocara and Hermosillo, in the northern state of Sonora.

The union said that on Aug. 6, 2014, the mine Buenavista del Cobre, called so by Grupo Mexico, spilled 40 million litters of sulfuric acid, toxic substances and heavy metals into the aforementioned rivers.

He demanded to carry out urgently a thorough investigation into the ecological and environmental damage in Sonora, by impartial independent experts, the newspaper La Jornada said today.

U.S. Court rules in favor of chevron in Ecuador’s $9 billion lawsuit for rainforest damage

Ecuadorean plaintiffs cannot collect a $9 billion judgment in the U.S. against Chevron for rainforest damage, a federal appeals court ruled Monday, upholding a judge’s finding that the judgment was obtained through bribery, coercion and fraud.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan had the authority after a trial to rule in March 2014 as he did. It noted, however, that Kaplan’s decision doesn’t invalidate the Ecuadorian judgment and doesn’t stop the enforcement of the judgment outside the U.S.
Read more:

International microfinance forum ends in Nicaragua

The 8th Central American and Caribbean Conference on Microfinance will end today in Nicaragua after three days of keynote speeches, panels, discussions and plenary sessions on economic projects and its impact on the development of the area.

Considered the most important event of its kind in the region, the forum brings together experts from Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, USA, Canada, Dominican Republic, France, the Netherlands and the host country.

Participants in this event had the opportunity to exchange experiences and update innovative business models, with emphasis on micro, small and medium companies that need support to engage in the productive development of the nation.

Mexico spends billions of dollars on fuel imports

The government of Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto has spent nearly $86 billion USD on imports of gasoline, natural gas and petrochemicals, Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) said today.

Mexico was self-sufficient in gasoline production until 1998, when fuel demand exceeded domestic supply, and it became a net importer in the following 18 years, a trend that will continue in the next decade if the country does not built new refineries.

The national refining system consists of six refineries with a processing capacity of about 1.6 million barrels of oil per day.

The low refining capacity in Mexico is associated with several factors, including the lack of investment in the field, which along with a growing demand for gasoline (mainly by the automotive sector) have led to an increase in fuel imports.

A beloved Nicaraguan mother, grand and great-grandmother is received by the Lord

A beloved Nicaraguan mother, grand and great-grand mother passed away

by Marvin Ramírez

The Nicaraguan community in the SF Bay Area is mourning the loss of a beloved lady who knew how to give love every minute of her 87 years that the Lord allowed her to live on this Earth.

Ms. Josefa Valdivia Román, who was born in Diriamba, Nicaragua on December 13, 1928, was received by our Lord on August 7, 2016 at San Mateo County Hospital surrounded by her Loving Family.

, California, surrounded by her family.

Ms. Valdivia-Román arrived in the US in 1961, and worked until she retired in the early 90s. She believed that working hard and raising her children in an exemplary way was the key to achieve the American dream.

“She was a mother who taught her children how to work and conduct their life honestly. She was generous, affectionate and joker,” said a family statement.’
Ms. Valdivia-Román was always surrounded by friends and loved ones, and her first priority was the wellness of her children.

She was cared by her grand daughter Perlita and her boyfriend Ron, who she loved very much, Perlita took care of her until she left for Heaven.

Ms. Valdivia-Román was the daughter of Heliodoro Román Reyes y María Valdivia, and the Goddaughter of Matilde Silva de Mongrio.

She is survived by her three children, Perla, Gilberto y Humberto (Chombo); 10 grandchildren, Debbie, Karla, Odessa, Bianca, Andréa, Luis, Alexis, Alexander, Perlita and Kyle; nine great grandchildren, Taciana, Valentino, Aubrey, Jullian, Avaya , Kemina, Xander, Oksana and Perla.

Her remains will be veiled at the Duggan Serra Mortuary funeral home, 500 Westlake Ave., Daly City, on Thursday, August 11, at 4 p.m., and a rosary at 7 p.m.
Friday 12 a mass will be offered at 10:30 a.m., at the St. Paul Church, 221 Valley St. San Francisco.

The staff of El Reportero newspaper and its editor, Marvin Ramírez, extend our sincere condolences and join the family on this time of grieving.

For more information you may call to the funeral home (650) 756-4500.

Zebop 11th Anniversary Concert plus Lumbré

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Come and enjoy a true Latin Rock party in a Tribute to the Music of Santana. Is summertime and everyone is invited to wear those dancing shoes and sweat.

On Saturday Aug. 6, 2016, Doors 7pm/Show 8 p.m. At Club Fox 2209 Broadway, Redwood City.

Tickets $12 Adv./$15 Door. By calling 415-285-7719, or writing Or visit:

Legends of Afro-Cuban percussion

Orestes Vilató, Jesús Díaz, Carlos Caro & John Santos with The John Santos Sextet: Melecio Magdaluyo, sax; John Calloway, flute, Saúl Sierra, bass, Marco Díaz, piano, David Flores, drums.

At Yoshi’s world renowned Jazz spot, 510 Embarcadero West, Oakland.

In Oakland’s historic Jack London Square, Friday, Aug. 12. Two shows: 8 and 10 p.m.  For more info visit: or call at (510) 238-9200.

Richard Bean & Sapo plus Tortilla Soup

Richard Bean & Sapo with Tortilla Soup reunite for another powerhouse evening of infectious tunes that will keep you on the dance floor throughout the show.

All you Central Valley folks are in for a treat on August 13th in Fresno for two Latin Rock greats. Pictured right is Tortilla Soup, inviting you to come out and have a good time.

On Saturday, Aug. 13, at Fulton 55, 875 Divisadero St, Fresno, California.

Doors 7:30 p.m. / Show 8:30 p.m. Tickets $20 Adv./$25 Door, 21 and over.
For more info at

Tickets below with no service charge! or call LRI office at 415 285 7719 or write

Dance Brigade Auditions, be a part of history!

Dance Brigade is seeking female and male professional dancers with strong technique in ballet and modern (partnering experience +) for Dance Brigade’s 40th Anniversary Celebration at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts on January 13 and 14, 2017. At 3316 24th Street and Mission.

Paid rehearsals and performances. Rehearsals begin Sept. 19, 2016, Mondays 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.  At 3316 24th Street and Mission Streets, SF. Please bring resume and photo. For more info call 415 826-4401 or email

Farmworkers Reality Tour

Participants will develop a better understanding of the working conditions of Mexican farmworkers in Northern California. At the Buena Vista Migrant Labor Camp, the workers will show their living quarters and will give testimonies of their working conditions and the challenges their children encounter in receiving education.

On July 31 we will have the opportunity to connect with farmworker families, hear their stories, and learn from Dr. Ann López, author of the Farmworker’s Journey.

Meet at Human Agenda office: 1376 N. 4th St. San Jose, California. We will carpool to Watsonville. Attire: Jeans, T-shirts, comfortable closed tow shoes, etc.

If you have any questions, you may contact Cesar Juarez at (408) 421-2895, or by email at

Please mail your $40 donation per person to 1376 N. 4th Street, Suite 101, San Jose, CA 95112. Make check payable to “Human Agenda.” Proceeds go to the farm worker families hosting the tour. Limited to the first 25 people who register and pay by July 27th (includes lunch). Children with parents welcome.

Guitar Festival to begin in Mexico

by the El Reportero’s news services

Paracho Guitar Festival, considered one of Mexico’s most important meetings, will gather musicians, researchers and instrument makers from July 31 to Aug. 5.

The meeting will include contests to build and play guitars, as well as concerts, master lectures and book launches.

Paracho is a community with 500 families devoted to making musical instruments, in addition to four factories where they produce it, said Mariana Gómez, the festival’s artistic director.

Every year, the city of Michoacán, Mexico’s guitar capital, holds several contests to for children, young people, intermediate and advanced players, she said.

According to the program, Italian guitarist Marina Tomei will perform on July 31, Mauro Zanatta will give a concert on Aug. 3, Mexicano Oman Kaminsky on the 4th and Spanish Marco Socías on the 5th.

They will also give master lectures during the week, she said.

Mexico to pay tribute to Jorge Negrete

Tijuana Cultural Center, Mexican state of Baja California, is getting ready to pay tribute to Jorge Negrete on Aug. 19, where experts will discuss the life and work of this Mexican singer and actor.

To remember him we will have the presence of his grandson tenor, Rafael Jorge Negrete, as announced by the aforementioned center.
His grandfather was considered the emblem of Mexican charro for his long career in radio and cinema.

Ay Jalisco , no te rajes!, Dos tipos de cuidado and El Rapto, in which he starred with María Felix, who was his wife, are integrated to the imaginary collective, generating around Negrete a legend that went beyond the borders of his native country.

He was born in the state of Guanajuato on Nov. 30, 1911 and died in Los Angeles, California, United States, Dec. 5, 1953.
It was one of the iconic actors of the so-called Golden Age of Mexican cinema, flattered by a unique voice, charisma and physical attractiveness.

Poetry festival honors thousands of missing persons in Guatemala

The International Poetry Festival of Quetzaltenango (FIPQ, in Spanish), which begins today in Guatemala, will pay tribute to the more than 45,000 people who disappeared during the internal armed conflict that ravaged this Central American country for over three decades (1960-1996).

The most important event of its kind in the territory will feature, in this twelfth edition, poets from thirty countries, including Cuba, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Palestine, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

During the festival, dedicated to promoting peace and to revitalizing the issue of missing persons, the artists will exchange creative experiences and their views on these and other issues, according to organizers.

The program designed for the occasion includes about four dozen activities aimed at promoting the humanization of the missing people and the search process required for truth and social justice. The FIPQ, which is organized by the group Metáfora in coordination with the Colectivo Caja Lúdica, will conclude on August 6th and plans to become a space for reflection and dialogue for poets.

A forum for peace and the dignity of the disappeared is scheduled for the start of the festival today, in the capital’s Centro Cultural de España, and at the same time a conference on the poet and activist Aleíde Foopa will be held in the colonial city La Antigua.

The festival, organized for the first time by former literary group Ritual (2003) and considered one of the most important on the continent, appears among the founders of the network Nuestra América and since 2011 is a member of the World Poetry Movement.

Three simple reasons why Trump will win

by Lloyd Marcus
American Thinker

Based on traditional campaign markers and guideposts, experts predict Trump will go down in humiliating defeat to Hillary Clinton. I think they are wrong, folks. Michael Jackson said, “I’m not like other guys.” I say Donald Trump is not like other politicians.
When Trump announced his bid for the White House, snooty political elites laughed, “Look at this idiot.” They had no idea that millions of Americans at home watching were saying, “Yeah! Right on! I like this guy!”

Polls continue to tighten between Trump and Hillary. I suspect some of Hillary’s lead is due to voters lying to pollsters that they will vote for the first woman president, similar to the Bradley Effect. In 1982, California voters did not want to be thought of as racist so they lied to pollsters saying they would vote for Tom Bradley, the black candidate. Despite a strong lead according to the polls, Bradley lost his bid for governor.

Another thing that may cause voters to lie to pollsters is their fear of being on the wrong side of political correctness. Voters have seen what happens to anyone who speaks out against Leftist’s sacred cow issues. Trump has become the king of political incorrectness. Therefore, some voters feel they must keep the fact that they agree with Trump a secret.

I believe the Trumpster will win the White House for three simple reasons. One: His name recognition. Two: His connection with the common man. Three: American’s disgust with the direction our country is going.

Admittedly, the following anecdotes are not scientific, but I think they are quite telling.

While in the supermarket checkout line, I saw the cover of the National Enquirer with an unflattering photo of Hillary. The headline read, “Crooked Hillary: Corrupt!” in large bold type. Folks, I do not ever recall a tabloid expressing such an in-your-face rebuke of a Democrat politician. Something new is definitely happening this election cycle. The National Enquirer appeals mostly to low-info-voters. Its cover branding Hillary a corrupt political insider could be huge. The cover also plays perfectly into Trump’s narrative that voters have been shafted by professional politicians in both parties. “Vote for me, the outsider.”

I am chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee. Our team traveled state-to-state during the primaries campaigning for Ted Cruz. I witnessed an unmistakable broad demographic sample of passionate Trump supporters.

Back home in Florida, I experienced that same Trump-mania in Irv, my white handyman. Irv is a low-info voter who worships Obama. Obama gave Irv a free phone. Irv believes Obama is committed to confiscating wealth from selfish evil rich people to take care of poor welfare recipients like his mom and sister. So you can imagine how shocked I was when Irv expressed his excitement about Trump becoming president. Irv said, “Trump is gonna clean this mess up!” This tells me that Trump has a remarkable connection with folks in both parties.

Even the Left’s standard tactic of branding everyone who is not liberal a racist has not really worked on Trump. Numerous black and Hispanic groups enthusiastically support Trump.

Trump pretty much owns the evangelical vote. At the GOP convention, Dr. Ben Carson exposed the fact that Hillary’s hero is Saul Alinsky who is a huge fan of Lucifer. Liberal media went nuts. They hate it whenever anyone dares to expose the truth about them and their agenda.

Republican turnout during the primaries far exceeded the Democrat turnout. Yes, something unprecedented is fueling the Trump phenomenon.
To keep my blood sugar numbers good, I daily use an aerobic machine at my local gym. The gym has 20 TV sets hanging from the ceiling. Amazingly, Trump is consistently either the topic of discussion or being interviewed on at least five of those TV sets. No politician has ever enjoyed such free coverage.

Trump’s TV show has been on 14 years. Talk about name recognition, I suspect millions more people know Trump than know Hillary Clinton.
The FBI and DOJ giving Hillary a pass on blatantly jeopardizing our national security and breaking the law has some “Never Trump” people warming up to him. The same way the GOP and mainstream media allowed Obama to behave as king due to his race, they will allow Hillary to do the same due to her gender. Our nation as founded cannot survive another lawless, out-of-control, corrupt and narcissistic dictator running our country. Hillary our Queen; we her supplicants.

Some have said they cannot morally vote for either presidential candidate. They say, “Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.” Fine. God forbid that I judge people for for voting their conscience. However, I submit that sometimes life does call for us to make unpleasant responsible choices; to choose the lesser evil.

Two evil masters seek to purchase the same slave. The slave’s owner offers him the privilege to choose between the two evil new masters seeking to purchase him. One master is a tyrant. The other is a tyrant and a rapist, sure to rape the slave’s wife and daughter. Doesn’t the slave have a moral obligation to his wife and daughter to choose the less evil master?

As I stated, my belief that Trump will win is not scientific. It is based on three simple facts. The guy has huge name recognition. He has a unique connection with regular folks. Voters are not up for a third term of Obama channeled through Hillary. In this bizarre-o political season, those three reasons just might be enough to land Trump the Oval Office.

An important distinction: Democracy versus Republic, which one is best for individual liberty?


Dear readers:

Most people pretty often hear here and there accusations among political contenders of being anti-democratic, while demanding ‘more democracy.’ Most consider the United a States a Democracy regardless that only two traditional political parties – which many believe are partners – are allowed in the debates – while other less known parties are blocked from participating. The majority talk about Democracy as the safeguard of liberty, but, is it? How about a Republican form of government – we never hear public debates about it. Was the US created as a Democracy or a Republic? The following article – which doesn’t identify its author – brings light about the difference of the two. You, the reader have the last word. PART 3 AND LAST.

An important distinction: Democracy versus Republic, which one is best for individual liberty?

by anonymous author

A Republic

A Republic, on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control The Majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect The Individual’s God-given, unalienable rights and therefore for the protection of the rights of The Minority, of all minorities, and the liberties of people in general. The definition of a Republic is: a constitutionally limited government of the representative type, created by a written Constitution–adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment–with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term “the people” means, of course, the electorate.

The people adopt the Constitution as their fundamental law by utilizing a Constitutional Convention–especially chosen by them for this express and sole purpose–to frame it for consideration and approval by them either directly or by their representatives in a Ratifying Convention, similarly chosen. Such a Constitutional Convention, for either framing or ratification, is one of America’s greatest contributions, if not her greatest contribution, to the mechanics of government–of self-government through constitutionally limited government, comparable in importance to America’s greatest contribution to the science of government: the formation and adoption by the sovereign people of a written Constitution as the basis for self-government. One of the earliest, if not the first, specific discussions of this new American development (a Constitutional Convention) in the historical records is an entry in June 1775 in John Adams’ “Autobiography” commenting on the framing by a convention and ratification by the people as follows:

“By conventions of representatives, freely, fairly, and proportionately chosen . . . the convention may send out their project of a constitution, to the people in their several towns, counties, or districts, and the people may make the acceptance of it their own act.”
Yet the first proposal in 1778 of a Constitution for Massachusetts was rejected for the reason, in part, as stated in the “Essex Result” (the result, or report, of the Convention of towns of Essex County), that it had been framed and proposed not by a specially chosen convention but by members of the legislature who were involved in general legislative duties, including those pertaining to the conduct of the war.

The first genuine and soundly founded Republic in all history was the one created by the first genuine Constitution, which was adopted by the people of Massachusetts in 1780 after being framed for their consideration by a specially chosen Constitutional Convention. (As previously noted, the so-called “Constitutions” adopted by some States in 1776 were mere Acts of Legislatures, not genuine Constitutions.) That Constitutional Convention of Massachusetts was the first successful one ever held in the world; although New Hampshire had earlier held one unsuccessfully – it took several years and several successive conventions to produce the New Hampshire Constitution of 1784. Next, in 1787-1788, the United States Constitution was framed by the Federal Convention for the people’s consideration and then ratified by the people of the several States through a Ratifying Convention in each State specially chosen by them for this sole purpose. Thereafter the other States gradually followed in general the Massachusetts pattern of Constitution-making in adoption of genuine Constitutions; but there was a delay of a number of years in this regard as to some of them, several decades as to a few.

This system of Constitution-making, for the purpose of establishing constitutionally limited government, is designed to put into practice the principle of the Declaration of Independence: that the people form their governments and grant to them only “just powers,” limited powers, in order primarily to secure (to make and keep secure) their God-given, unalienable rights. The American philosophy and system of government thus bar equally the “snob-rule” of a governing Elite and the “mob-rule” of an Omnipotent Majority. This is designed, above all else, to preclude the existence in America of any governmental power capable of being misused so as to violate The Individual’s rights–to endanger the people’s liberties.

With regard to the republican form of government (that of a republic), Madison made an observation in The Federalist (no. 55) which merits quoting here–as follows:

“As there is a degree of depravity in mankind which requires a certain degree of circumspection and distrust: So there are other qualities in human nature, which justify a certain portion of esteem and confidence. Republican government (that of a Republic) presupposes the existence of these qualities in a higher degree than any other form. Were the pictures which have been drawn by the political jealousy of some among us, faithful likenesses of the human character, the inference would be that there is not sufficient virtue among men for self government; and that nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.” (Emphasis added.)

It is noteworthy here that the above discussion, though brief, is sufficient to indicate the reasons why the label “Republic” has been misapplied in other countries to other and different forms of government throughout history. It has been greatly misunderstood and widely misused–for example as long ago as the time of Plato, when he wrote his celebrated volume, The Republic; in which he did not discuss anything governmental even remotely resembling–having essential characteristics of–a genuine Republic. Frequent reference is to be found, in the writings of the period of the framing of the Constitution for instance, to “the ancient republics,” but in any such connection the term was used loosely–by way of contrast to a monarchy or to a Direct Democracy–often using the term in the sense merely of a system of Rule-by-Law featuring Representative government; as indicated, for example, by John Adams in his “Thoughts on Government” and by Madison in The Federalist numbers 10 and 39. But this is an incomplete definition because it can include a Representative Democracy, lacking a written Constitution limiting The Majority.

Using Splenda linked to Type 2 Dibetes, IBS and cancer

by Lynn Griffith

More and more Americans are dieting each year, resulting in a steady increase in revenue for the diet industry.  As of 2012, Americans spent 65 billion dollars attempting to lose weight.  One of the largest markets were diet soda, with Americans spending 21.15 billion dollars.

American’s spent 21.15 billion dollars on diet soda in 2012

Many people understand that high sugar intake is directly connected to weight gain and other health concerns.  Many people turn to diet soda and artificial sweeteners believing that these items will benefit their health and weight loss goals.  However, the research shows that artificial sweeteners will not help you lose weight and can increase your chance to developing diabetes, cancer, and irritable bowel disease.

Artificial sweetened beverages linked to increase risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes

A 2013 study showed that both sugar-sweetened beverages and artificial sweetened beverages were linked to an increase risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.  Another study examined the long-term relationship between 3,682 individuals and artificial sweetener. The study showed that those who drink artificially sweetened beverages had a 47 percent higher increase in BMI than those who did not.

Ground-breaking research found that artificial sweetener, Splenda, may cause diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome and increase your risk of cancer.  Many people in the diabetes community were told by Splenda that it would not affect their blood sugar or metabolism.  The ingredients that make up splenda is chlorine, dextrose, and maltodextrin (a GMO corn derivative). Splenda is made by replacing hydrogen atoms with chlorine atoms. As a result, it is possible to get chlorine poisoning and cellular toxicity related to continual use of this product.

Regular use of Splenda can result in chlorine poisoning and cellular toxicity leading to Type 2 Diabetes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Cancer

A study published in the Diabetes Care journal found that daily consumption of diet soda is associated with 36 percent increased risk of metabolic syndrome and 67 percent greater risk of type 2 diabetes. It was also found that artificial sweeteners or sucralose destroys the probiotics within the body and can result in digestive disorders such as IBS or leaky gut.

A study completed by Xin Qin Md, PhD from New Jersey Medical School found that utilizing Splenda causes IBS, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease. Dr. Qin made this discovery while studying the rapid increase of IBS among residents of Alberta, Canada. It was discovered that over a 20 year time period, the rate of IBS increased by 643 percent!  It was found that sucralose is more determinate on gut bacteria than other artificial sweeteners. It was also discovered that the body is unable to digest sucralose, having it pass through the body unaltered leaving behind damages in the intestinal walls that can result in leaky gut.

Studies from Duke University confirmed this research finding that Splenda not only reduces the beneficial bacteria in the gut but also increases the bodies fecal pH. Not only does Splenda result in digestive distress it is also linked to increase risk of cancer due to its ingredient profile.

The Merk Manual and OSHA Hazardous Waste Handbook reports that chlorine is a carcinogenic meaning that regular consumption, inhalation or absorption through the skin can result in cancer.  If you are exposed to a small amount of chlorine occasionally, the body is able to eliminate the chlorine through the bowels, kidney’s and liver, but consuming it daily could increase your cancer risk.

Another study published in Toxicology and Environmental Health found that with Splenda is brought to high temperatures it generates chloropropanols, which is a toxin linked to cancer.  Cooking with Splenda will increase the risk of harm to the body.

If your seeking an alternative sweetener, consider natural forms of stevia. Stevia has shown in studies to reduce feelings of hunger and calorie intake. Researchers have also found that stevia reduces post-meal glucose levels and helps to normalize blood sugar and reduce your risk for diabetes.

Sources included:

Nearly 3 million gallons of toxic one mine fall on Mexican River

by David Bacon

Editor’s note:
This is a continuation of last week When the river turned yellow

In the late 1980s, the administration of President Carlos Salinas de Gortari first declared the Cananea mine bankrupt, and then sold it to the Larrea family’s Grupo Mexico for $475 million in 1990. That’s the equivalent of the last three months of Grupo Mexico’s current profits.

Salinas also sold the neighboring Nacozari mine, almost as big as Cananea, to the Larreas in 1988. In 1997, Grupo Mexico partnered with Pennsylvania-based Union Pacific to buy Mexico’s main north-south railroad for $527 million, and ended all passenger service. Two years later, Grupo Mexico bought ASARCO itself, its former parent, for $1.18 billion, gaining ownership of mines and smelters in the United States.  

Today, the corporation’s board of directors has interlocking ties with many Mexican banks and media companies, and with U.S. corporations as well. Director Claudio X. González Laporte, for instance, is board chair of Kimberley Clark de Mexico, the Mexican subsidiary of the U.S. paper giant. González Laporte is a past director of General Electric, Kellogg, Home Depot, and the Mexican media giant Televisa, and was special adviser to the Mexican president.

By the late 1990s, Grupo Mexico had a history of labor conflicts, as it reduced payroll to increase profits. In 1997, railroad workers mounted strikes over plans to reduce their workforce of 13,000 by more than half. They lost. In 1998, Cananea miners struck over company demands to trim its directly employed labor force by 1,000 jobs, while hiring non-union workers at lower wages through contractors. Threatened with military occupation of the mine, miners ended their strike, but more than 800 were not rehired.

The miners were fighting a rearguard battle to keep the wages and conditions they’d won over decades. In the 1950s and 1960s, Mexican miners had better protective laws than miners in the United States, controlling exposure to the silica dust produced by crushing ore. They made good wages and lived in homes built with government loans.

After the miners lost the 1998 strike, however, Grupo Mexico disconnected exhaust ventilation pipes on the roof of its main ore concentrator building. Dust in work areas reached knee-high levels. Grupo Mexico also closed the Hospital Ronquillo, which had provided health care to miners’ families. For 80 years, the mine had been responsible for providing water service to the town. After the strike, Grupo Mexico said the town had to fend for itself.  

When Grupo Mexico announced it was terminating 135 workers who maintained the tailings ponds, miner Rene Enriquez Leon warned that a spill could reach the headwaters of the Sonora River and the farming region downstream. “It would be an ecological disaster,” he predicted.  

In 2006, an explosion in Grupo Mexico’s Pasta de Conchos coal mine in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, trapped 65 miners underground. After six days, the company and government authorities called off rescue attempts. The head of the union, Napoleon Gómez Urrutia, accused those responsible of “industrial homicide.” In response, the government charged him with fraud.

Gómez fled Mexico and was given sanctuary in Canada, where he’s lived with the assistance of the United Steelworkers (the union for U.S. copper miners). After years of appeals, Mexican courts threw out the charges against him. Nevertheless, Gomez continues to stay in Canada, since the government won’t guarantee his safety and freedom if he returns.

Antonio Navarette, who began working in Cananea in 1985, says that by the mid-2000s the lack of safety was producing “a psychosis of fear. Once you went in, you didn’t know if you’d come back out again.” The machinery wasn’t given preventative maintenance, he charges, including collectors for evacuating dust. Accidents grew more frequent; workers lost hands and fingers. The accelerating problems, he believes, “made it clear that the company was pushing us to go on strike. But we decided things couldn’t continue, because otherwise we were going to die there.”

For the first three years of the strike, Mexican labor law kept the company from legally operating the facility. Then the government declared the strike illegal, and in 2010, federal soldiers and police occupied the town and reopened the Cananea mine. Despite that, Seccion 65 continues to organize strike activity. The union also continued to monitor safety issues. In 2009, the miners’ strike committee warned Eduardo Bours, governor of Sonora, that “a spill that could have very serious consequences, since on April 14 the company withdrew its emergency personnel and with them the union workforce responsible for maintaining the tailings dam, which could put the population below the dam in danger.” The committee got no answer.

Five years later, the predicted spill finally occurred. At one in the morning, Navarette, a leader of the striking union, saw an appeal for help on Facebook from a doctor in Bacanuchi, the first town on the Bacanuchi River below the mine. “We went there right away,” he remembers. “The townspeople, even the children, were all crying. No one knew what could be done. Even Gila monster lizards and coyotes were fleeing from the danger.”

The strikers became the primary source of information for the affected towns, he says. “We always worried conditions in the mine could affect the communities. We began to help them organize, because we needed to join forces to get the company to listen.” That was the beginning of the Frente Rio Sonora-the Sonora River Front.

Today, the Front is headed by Marco Antonio Garcia, a farmer and former union miner from Baviacora. Garcia, whose deeply lined face shows the impact of a life working in the high desert, farms 75 acres-more than most local farmers, who cultivate just a few. When the farmers had to throw away their crops because of the contamination, he lost $33,000.  

It wasn’t just personal loss that pushed him into action. “If we don’t win, we’re lost,” he says, “and the most important thing people on the Rio Sonora will lose is their dignity.

“The Frente was organized at the urging of Seccion 65 in Cananea,” he continues. “They began visiting all the towns along the river. They had their problem with the scrapping of their union contract, and we had our problem with the river. At first, some people said the miners spent all their time fighting. But in reality, they’re involved in a big struggle. And so are we, if we want to have a future for the people of the Rio Sonora. The contamination of the river is going to last a lifetime.”

Protests first broke out in Ures, a month after the spill. “We started marching and blocking the highway,” recalls Lupita Poom, who now heads the Frente there. “These were all peaceful demonstrations, and hundreds of people took part. That’s when we began to meet the leaders from other towns on the river.” And as Navarette and other miners from Seccion 65 helped local groups get started, a bigger plan took shape. “We decided to do another planton [an organized encampment, like Occupy Wall Street], but this one directed at the mine,” Poom says.  

Martha Agupira says that when the miners came to Tahuichopa to invite people to the protest, “the municipal president told us that soldiers would come, and we’d be thrown in jail. But by then we had nothing, so why not go?”