Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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Zoe Saldana questions Hollywood Acadamy

by the El Reportero’s news services

US actress Zoe Saldana has questioned the reasons behind the awards granted by the Academy of Hollywood, which she claims are today influenced by external interests.

Adding that the Oscars no longer interest her, she stated that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of the United States system is marked by relationships, personal judgments and other kinds of interests.

“Only a few people have the power to determine who is worthy of the awards,” she said.

“I respect what the Academy should represent, but is not balanced nor clean. I do not need to be accepted by them,” she told the press.

According to the actress,38, her films make people happy, “if nobody watched my films, then I would have to change something,” said the acclaimed star of Avatar, Guardians Of The Galaxy and Star Trek.

Recently, the president of the Academy, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, announced changes that will hopefully lead to a transformation. Invitations were sent to 683 film personalities from around the world asking them to join the US group composed of just over 6,200 specialists.

However, this year those who voted for the Oscar nominations had an average age of 62 years, 94 percent were white and 77 percent men.
In this edition, the race for the golden statuette was tempered by racial controversy; for the second consecutive year, no black actor was among the nominees. After protests, the academy promised to take action.

Mexican playright to stage work on Perez Prado

Mexican group Conjuro Teatro will premiere a work based on the Mambo, que rico es, e, e, which compilation is based on the and musical work of Damaso Pérez Prado, was reported here today.

The selection, published by Ediciones Matanzas, is the result of the work of the playwright Ulises Rodríguez Febles and poetess Yanira Marimon, about who is known as the king of that genre and born in this city, at 100 kilometers east of Havana.

Febles Rodriguez told Prensa Latina that the playwrights of the Central American nation are scheduled to begin performances in March 2017 through Matanzas, to continue later by the rest of the island and later in Mexico.

Specialists maintain, even in these times, one porfía about the creator of the rhythm and while another part point out to Orestes López, others point to Arsenio Rodríguez, and a third group gives recognition to Perez Prado.

The truth is that the latter placed the Mambo at its highest point in the 1950s, which gained followers and caused a passion for its choreography, and offers rained down to Cara de Foca, as nicknamed to Pérez Prado another great Cuban musician, Benny Moré.

The volume, which is already circulating in Cuba, collecting items, theoretical texts and reviews of important personalities of culture such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Alejo Carpentier, Leonardo Acosta and Radames Giro, among others, commented Rodriguez Febles.

Cuban salsa band touring South America

After the successful completion of its European tour, Cuban band Maykel Blanco y su Salsa Mayor is currently organizing a tour of South America to promote his latest album “Que no me quiten la fe”.

For the first time, the band will perform in Chile, on Aug. 12 at Orixas salsa club. Later, the orchestra will play for second time in Argentina, on August 13, at La Trastienda Club in Buenos Aires and in Rumbavana dance club in Rosario, on Aug. 14.

Did you really believe Bernie Sanders was playing straight?

by Jon Rappoport

— Bernie Sanders can’t just wink and nod at his supporters, letting them know he’s faking his Hillary endorsement. No. He’s in the clutches of the octopus. He’s feathering the vulture’s nest. He’s delivering pints of blood to the vampire —

Bernie Sanders’ followers are moaning and weeping and gnashing their teeth. O the betrayal. O the horror.

He…what? He endorsed Hillary for President?

Yes, indeed.

They supported and voted for Bernie because he was righteous and independent and above party politics. He was for the people. And they hated Hillary.

But now, Bernie has gone over to Her.

Make no mistake. Bernie’s loyal army wasn’t just vehemently battling against Trump. They were repulsed at the prospect of Hillary winning the Presidency.

And now their hero, their idol, the “last honest man in American politics,” has crossed over to The Dark Side.

Well, remember, he gave up his long-time status as an Independent when he entered the race for the Presidency. He joined the Democratic Party. He knew the score. He enrolled on the team. He knew, if he lost, he would have to endorse the Democratic candidate. Play ball, or you don’t get to play at all.

He can’t just wink and nod at his supporters, letting them know he’s faking his Hillary endorsement. No. He’s in the clutches of the octopus. He’s feathering the vulture’s nest. He’s delivering pints of blood to the vampire.

This is big-time Democratic politics. This is major-league. This is when compromises are made and deals are struck. And Bernie isn’t feeling the same burn anymore. This fire is a camp fire, and Bernie is sitting there along with other Party operatives and hustlers and propagandists and strong-arm closers and creatures of the night.

As a last gasp, Bernie tried to insert a plank in the Democratic platform opposing the TPP, another hideous Globalist trade treaty. And he failed. That would have been a good time to revolt and bolt and take a stand against the Party and go back to being an Independent—but it didn’t happen. Bernie ate the poison pill.

Meet Mr. Sanders; a Democrat; a dutiful soldier in the ranks.

Hillary, Ms. Darth Vader, her helmet removed, her blonde hair blowing in the wind, strides down the line, inspecting the troops. When she comes to Bernie, she pauses for a moment and inclines her head an inch toward him in acknowledgement. He was, briefly, a minor opponent. Bernie blinks, like a lost recruit in the middle of a nightmare who doesn’t know how he arrived at this moment. She moves on. She’s on her way. She sees the future.

Far away in the distance, a cry of anguish goes up from a huge rag-tag tattered mass of The Disappointed Ones. Bernie’s people.

Duped again. Bamboozled. Cut loose from the passing vision of a Papier-mache utopia of equality.

Did they really think Bernie was playing it straight? Did they really think he would remain above the corruption?

What they and the rest of the American public failed to realize was: this was a unique Presidential campaign in all of modern history. There were two major candidates (Bernie and Trump) who, although they hated each other, were standing for the same thing:

The defeat of Globalism. The defeat of the Globalist trade treaties that destroy communities across the land, as jobs flee overseas, as huge corporations set up shop in places where they use virtual slaves to produce goods that are then sold back to America, minus any fair tax or fair tariff or penalty of any kind. Thus the US economy sinks deeper and deeper into a massive swamp.

And between these two major candidates, Bernie and Trump, who were standing at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but who were advocating the same thing—Hillary Clinton, arch-Globalist, has been cruising right up the middle stripe in her gold and jewel-encrusted limousine, smiling and waving and laughing and conniving her way toward the Oval Office.

She’s shaking her head at the sheer beauty of it. Divide and Conquer is, once again, working like a charm.

And you’d better believe it, she knows that a goodly number of those young people protesting and rioting in inner cities are the uncomprehending sons and daughters of fathers and mothers and their fathers and mothers who were thrown out of work, cast out into the streets by the Globalist plan and program. She knows. And she doesn’t care.

And the beat goes on.

—Bye, bye, Bernie. You had your moment.

You inflated your balloon, then let the air out of it, walked away and joined the team.

Fold up the chairs, take down the banners, turn out the lights, exit stage left.

Bernie’s back home, inside the Beltway, in Washington, where the loons come out and play their grotesque games.

(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

An important distinction: Democracy versus Republic, which one is best for individual liberty?


Dear readers:

Most people pretty often hear here and there accusations among political contenders of being anti-democratic, while demanding ‘more democracy.’ Most consider the United a States a Democracy regardless that only two traditional political parties – which many believe are partners – are allowed in the debates – while other less known parties are blocked from participating. The majority talk about Democracy as the safeguard of liberty, but, is it? How about a Republican form of government – we never hear public debates about it. Was the US created as a Democracy or a Republic? The following article – which doesn’t identifies its author – brings light about the difference of the two. You, the reader have the last word. THIS IS PART 1 OF A SERIES.

An important distinction: Democracy versus Republic, which one is best for individual liberty?

by anonymous author

It is important to keep in mind the difference between a Democracy and a Republic, as dissimilar forms of government. Understanding the difference is essential to comprehension of the fundamentals involved. It should be noted, in passing, that use of the word Democracy as meaning merely the popular type of government–that is, featuring genuinely free elections by the people periodically–is not helpful in discussing, as here, the difference between alternative and dissimilar forms of a popular government: a Democracy versus a Republic. This double meaning of Democracy–a popular-type government in general, as well as a specific form of popular government–needs to be made clear in any discussion, or writing, regarding this subject, for the sake of sound understanding.

These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and (b) The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority; as we shall now see.

A Democracy

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.

This is true whether it be a Direct Democracy, or a Representative Democracy. In the direct type, applicable only to a small number of people as in the little city-states of ancient Greece, or in a New England town-meeting, all of the electorate assemble to debate and decide all government questions, and all decisions are reached by a majority vote (of at least half-plus-one). Decisions of The Majority in a New England town-meeting are, of course, subject to the Constitutions of the State and of the United States which protect The Individual’s rights; so, in this case, The Majority is not omnipotent and such a town-meeting is, therefore, not an example of a true Direct Democracy. Under a Representative Democracy like Britain’s parliamentary form of government, the people elect representatives to the national legislature–the elective body there being the House of Commons–and it functions by a similar vote of at least half-plus-one in making all legislative decisions.

In both the Direct type and the Representative type of Democracy, The Majority’s power is absolute and unlimited; its decisions are unappealable under the legal system established to give effect to this form of government. This opens the door to unlimited Tyranny-by-Majority. This was what The Framers of the United States Constitution meant in 1787, in debates in the Federal (framing) Convention, when they condemned the “excesses of democracy” and abuses under any Democracy of the unalienable rights of The Individual by The Majority. Examples were provided in the immediate post-1776 years by the legislatures of some of the States. In reaction against earlier royal tyranny, which had been exercised through oppression by royal governors and judges of the new State governments, while the legislatures acted as if they were virtually omnipotent. There were no effective State Constitutions to limit the legislatures because most State governments were operating under mere Acts of their respective legislatures, which were, mislabeled “Constitutions.” Neither the governors not the courts of the offending States were able to exercise any substantial and effective restraining influence upon the legislatures in defense of The Individual’s unalienable rights, when violated by legislative infringements. (Connecticut and Rhode Island continued under their old Charters for many years.) It was not until 1780 that the first genuine Republic through constitutionally limited government, was adopted by Massachusetts–next New Hampshire in 1784, other States later.
It was in this connection that Jefferson, in his “Notes On The State of Virginia” written in 1781-1782, protected against such excesses by the Virginia Legislature in the years following the Declaration of Independence, saying: “An elective despotism was not the government we fought for . . .” (Emphasis Jefferson’s.) He also denounced the despotic concentration of power in the Virginia Legislature, under the so-called “Constitution”–in reality a mere Act of that body:

“All the powers of government, legislative, executive, judiciary, result to the legislative body. The concentrating these in the same hands is precisely the definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one. 173 despots would surely be as oppressive as one. Let those who doubt it turn their eyes on the republic of Venice.”

Benefits of regular fasting

by Ben Fuchs

One of the healthiest lifestyle strategies is easy and won’t cost you anything. In fact you’ll probably end up making money in the long run. I’m talking about intermittent fasting (IF), a healthy idea that’s been practiced for thousands of years. Intermittent fasting turns on genes that stimulate growth and repair and anti-aging, especially in combination with exercise. If done correctly it can help keep the body in fat burning mode. And it’s got important effects on stimulating motivation and drive and brain power. After all when someone is young and ambitious we often say that they are…”hungry.”

In a famous experiment in the 1940s scientists from the University of Chicago showed that they could increase the lifespans of animals by up to 20 percent simply by denying them food every 3rd day. And in a review by that was published in 2007 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from UC Berkeley found that alternate day fasting could save lives by decreasing risks for heart disease and cancer, and diabetes, the three leading causes of death in the United States, Moreover they found that they’re important for the nervous system and the brain, improving cognitive function and providing protection from Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.

There’s also an important insulin connection to the benefits of fasting. Insulin is a type of Master hormone, in the sense that it up-regulates many different cell activities; and it affects every single cell. The prime stimulus for insulin secretion is food. When we eat any carbs our protein cells get drenched in insulin. In addition to feeding cells, insulin tells cells to divide and grow. Insulin turns on cellular activates. Biochemists call that up-regulation, which, while important, is helpful only in the right context. For instance, if we’re lifting weight and we’re building muscle, exercising etc. If we live the typical American sedentary lifestyle, this up regulation is not necessarily a good thing. Elevated blood fats, hypertension, skin problems like acne and psoriasis, cysts and growths and endometriosis are all possibilities if cells are stuck in overdrive from too much exposure to insulin.

Even worse if we’re constantly eating and insulin is constantly being secreted eventually cells become immune to insulin’s effects on cell nourishment and feeding. Unfortunately, you’ll still have enough insulin around to stimulate cell growth and division, and up-regulation activates, except now cells will be upregulated in state of starvation that’s VERY, VERY BAD!! This unfortunate insulin issue is behind every single chronic degenerative disease you can name. Doctors call the various breakdowns in the body that are associated with dysfunctional, messed up insulin, Metabolic Syndrome. Which means basically everything or anything can go wrong. High blood pressure, elevated blood fats and cholesterol, heart disease, cognitive breakdown etc. eye diseases, and osteoporosis are all examples of Metabolic Syndrome symptoms that can be traced back to elevated insulin secretion.

Of course using nutrients to potentize insulin is always a good idea. Vitamins like niacin, thiamine, Vitamin A and minerals, like chromium, vanadium and zinc can be helpful. You want make sure you’re getting some regular exercise too. But there is no quicker way to get insulin back in line and to improve longevity, increase muscle growth and generally slow down the aging process, than to reduce caloric intake and make it habit to fast once or twice a month.

Uprooted in Mexico: the US children ‘returned’ to a country they berely know

At least half a million US citizens have enrolled in Mexican schools since 2010 amid a wave of deportations and voluntary repatriations

by Nina Lakhani and Monica Jacobo

SANTIAGO JUXTLAHUACA, Oaxaca – After 14 years as an undocumented farmworker in the US, Julia Aguilar returned to Mexico last year with her two sons, both of whom were born in California. The boys, then seven and 10, had never previously visited their new home town of San Martín Peras in an isolated corner of the southern state of Oaxaca.

The move was not easy: the two boys spoke English and the region’s indigenous Mixteco language, but barely any Spanish. Life was hardest for the eldest, Jorge, who was unable to make friends or participate in classes at school.

“The children called him names and laughed at his Spanish. The teacher didn’t care, he just sat in class unable to understand or speak to anyone. He cried every day and begged me to send him back to the US,” said Aguilar, 39.

Jorge is one of at least half a million American citizens to enrol in Mexican schools since 2010 amid a rising wave deportations and voluntary repatriations driven by the US economic downturn and family obligations.

Since 2010, 1.4 million Mexicans have been repatriated by US migration officials, and more are likely to follow after last month’s supreme court decision that will block legal recognition of 4 million undocumented parents.

It’s unknown how many others have returned voluntarily, often taking their US-born children with them.

Whatever the reason for their return, the transition is tough for many American-born children who face a shock of cultural and language changes, as well as delays accessing basic education and health services while their families tackle the expensive, onerous bureaucratic process of claiming Mexican nationality.

Integration is particularly hard for children who return to indigenous communities rife with poverty and illiteracy.

Many indigenous families return home to comply with traditional indigenous laws which oblige them to take up rotating community roles such as mayor or policeman, or risk heavy fines – or even losing their ancestral land.

Yucunicoco is a cluster of eight Mixteca communities in Juxtlahuaca, reached by an undulating road through pine-covered mountains patchworked with apple orchards and maize, pumpkin and potato plots. Food is plentiful, but money is scarce as there is no market to sell the abundant produce.

Isabel Mendoza, 28, and Salvador Leyva, 29, were just married when they travelled to Oxnard, California, in 2004 to work on berry farms and save enough money to build a modest house in Yucunicoco. In 2011, they reluctantly returned home because it was Leyva’s turn to run the school committee.

Their two American-born children came with them. Now aged eight and 10, they have forgotten English completely.
“I want to send my children back to learn English and study so they will find better jobs and life for them won’t be so tough,” said Mendoza in broken Spanish.

Mendoza obtained her children’s dual nationality documents before leaving California – something the US is trying to encourage as its process is much more straightforward than Mexico’s complex requirements.

But this is rare. Many parents don’t know what documents are needed; others are afraid to undertake the process because they are in the US illegally. Those who are deported often return without any documents.

Karla Ramírez, 16, was born in Oregon where her mother Rosa Rincón had travelled looking for work. It didn’t pan out, so they soon returned to San Juan Yuta, another isolated Mixteca campesino community, where Ramírez grew up with her Mexican-born sisters. (Names of all the family members have been changed to protect their identity.)

At the age of 11, Ramírez went to live with relatives in Texas where she learned English, ate pizza, went to the cinema, and dreamed of becoming a police officer.

But when she returned for a summer holiday in 2014, Ramírez decided that despite the hardships, she wanted to stay.

Her birth and school certificates were still in Texas, however, and the community school refused to accept her. She stayed home to look after her newborn niece while the others worked in the fields or went to school.

Then in February 2015, she was raped by her brother-in-law. She was too scared to tell anyone, and the truth came out only after she gave birth to a baby girl last October.

When Rincón took her daughter to report the rape, the police refused to register the complaint until Ramírez’s birth certificate arrived from the US with an apostille, or official certification. Then officers asked for 3,000 pesos ($180) for petrol to investigate the crime, which the family didn’t have. Meanwhile, the perpetrator fled.

Authorities have refused to register the baby because Rincón’s Christian name is not spelt correctly on Ramírez’s American birth certificate. The community health clinic, where the baby was born, is threatening to withhold health services including vaccines because she doesn’t have Mexican identity papers.

The family has been torn apart. Ramírez, who has not attended school in two years, is deeply traumatized.

“If only the school had accepted her or I’d made her go back to the US, none of this would have happened,” sobbed Rincón.

Ramírez wants to go back to Texas to finish high school, and the US consulate is helping her apply for a passport and citizenship for the baby, but her future remains uncertain.

In years past, returning parents often paid for a Mexican birth certificate to enable immediate access to school, vaccines and other basic services, instead of applying for dual nationality. This is illegal and makes it difficult for children to later reclaim American citizenship.

Since 2011, Rufino Domínguez and his team from the Institute of Migrant Attention has helped about a thousand families every year register their children as binational.

“Identity is a human right, it’s the key to accessing many things, but this population remains invisible,” said Domínguez, whose term ends in December. “The truth is, violence, poverty and discrimination will eventually drive many back to the US.”

Back in San Martín Peras, Julia Aguilar explains how her son Jorge was so miserable that in the end she sent him back to California to live with his older – undocumented – siblings. He’s happier at school, but separation is painful.

Aguilar said: “He won’t speak to me, he keeps crying because he wants me to go back too, but it’s too expensive and dangerous. It’s the same for everyone here, we leave children behind to find work, and send others away to study. I’ve never had all my children with me at the same time.”

This reportage was produced with funding from the WK Kellogg Foundation, as part of a research project on invisible discriminations by the Journalism on Public Policy Program at the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (cide), in Mexico City.

Last month US cops killed more citizens than UK cops fired their guns this entire century

by Matt Agorist

According to the United Kingdom’s statistics on the police use of firearms, English cops discharged their weapons a total of 80 times since the turn of the millennium. 

In stark contrast to UK cops, however, just last month, American cops sent 100 people to an early grave.

If this doesn’t highlight a serious problem with American police, then nothing will.

In the Land of the Free, police kill at more than 70 times the rate of other first world nations.

In the Land of the Free, we are told to “fear the terrorists” but US police kill 58 times more people than all terrorist activity against US civilians since 9-11!

Using the most recent numbers from 2013 to the present, and remaining conservative by using the FBI’s ‘loosely’ contrived number of 500 per year before then, the death toll reaches a whopping 8,296.

In the Land of the Free, citizens are killed by public servants at nearly twice the rate of soldiers deployed to war. 

But these people are criminals, right? They deserve to be killed, right? Wrong.

While many of the citizens who’ve been killed by police in the last 15 years may have had it coming, all of them deserved due process. Not to mention, many of those killed simply came across the wrong cop while engaging in non-violent victimless ‘crimes’ like ingesting an illegal plant. What’s more, some of these victims are innocent children like 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis of Louisiana.

There is no doubt that criminals exist and present a danger to others. However, when the number of people killed by their own government vastly surpasses the number of people who died fighting for that government in foreign wars — something needs to be said.

Some will say that since the US is much larger in population than the UK, and that is why American cops kill more. But this is a farce.
To expose this farce, we can compare the US with communist China.

China, whose population is 4 and 1/2 times the size of the United States, recorded 9 killings by law enforcement officers in 2015.

Law enforcement in the United States killed 134 times more citizens in the same period.

From 2010 through 2014, there were four fatal police shootings in England, which has a population of about 52 million. By contrast, Albuquerque, N.M., with a population 1 percent the size of England’s, had 26 fatal police shootings during that same period.

So why are police in the US so much more likely to kill than all of these other first world countries?

When we look at violent crime in this country, we can see that it is at an all time low.

While violence among citizens has dropped, violence against citizens carried out by police has been rising sharply.

We will not pretend that cops in the US kill 70 times more people than other first world countries for one simple reason. However, part of the multifaceted situation which has led to the trigger-happiness of American cops is their training.

The cop who just killed Philando Castile attended “Bulletproof Warrior” training, a year before murdering the innocent man, that taught him the public is his ‘enemy’ and he must always be ready to kill. His training worked.

This excessive violence has gotten so bad that American police chiefs are being sent to Scotland to learn steps to change this deadly paradigm. A former hostage negotiator with the Boston police department, Chuck Wexler, brought a team of cops across the pond in a last stitch effort to curb killer cops, and his story was documented by Sky News.

According to Sky News:

As the two sets of police officers met, Mr Wexler described how if confronted by a suspect holding a rock an American officer would pull out his gun.

“You’re going to kill someone for throwing a rock. That’s what you’re gonna do,” said Mr Wexler.

“How would society over here think about you shooting someone with a rock? They would not accept it.”

The senior American officers, from forces such as the NYPD and LAPD, watched demonstrations at Police Scotland training centers.

Sky News cameras joined them as they went out on patrol in Glasgow, and watched as unarmed police dealt with a variety of potentially violent situations.

What the report showed is that cops in Scotland know how to avoid confrontation. Instead of immediately resorting to deadly violence, the Scottish cop will step back, use protective shields, or move behind a car for protection.

What the report also found is that American police have a knack for verbally escalating situations too.

Sergeant Jim Young trains hundreds of Scottish police recruits every year.

“The American style of policing, it’s very authoritative,” he said.

“There’s a difference of going in, straight up at this level, whereby you’re ordering people, you’re shouting at them. You can’t go anywhere after that.

“But if you start down low you can adjust your communications to suit.”

Basically, what this experience is showing is that American police are aggressive both verbally and physically — and it’s deadly.

The good news is that there are cops out there that know this and they are taking action, like the chiefs going to Scotland, to correct it.

“It’s about time that we step up and this is our chance,” said Mr. Wexler. “It’s a crisis but it’s also our chance to do the right thing.”

While the chiefs going to Scotland to learn how not to kill is certainly positive, the violence enacted against random police officers, like the tragic events in Dallas, will be used to justify cops declaring the American public as their enemy.

Below is this eye-opening video of American cops learning to be less violent. This training cannot happen soon enough, as America is already on track to kill over 1,000 citizens in 2016.

(Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA).

Thousands of police agents in Operation Summer 2016 in México

by the El Reportero’s wire services

The operation Summer 2016 includes deployment today in Mexico of thousands of police and security agents to watch the sites with more influx of vacationers, as well as federal roads and highways.

The Federal Police said 8,500 agents and more than 4,000 vehicles had been deployed, including patrols, motorcycles, ambulances, armored units and helicopters.

Different authorities are participating in this operation, such as the Secretariats of Government, Tourism, Treasury and Communications, as well as local authorities to guarantee security, guidance and assistance to the national and foreign passers-by.

With such purposes, the police presence was reinforced in federal roads, airports, borders, maritime ports, tourist centers and central bus stations.

Institutional operations are also currently carried out, as the operation Belt, to guarantee the use of seat belt by drivers and passengers; Carousel, to foster respect for speed limits and Radar, which allows to detect vehicles that exceed the speed limits.

Mexican cartels in partnership to cultivate poppies

Several Mexican drug cartels have created partnerships in order to be present in and have control of areas of poppy production and the transfer of opium gum in Michoacán and Guerrero, according to security sources.

Officials at the Office of National Security and the Federal Police told the newspaper La Jornada that this partnership has led to a rise in the price of the heroin base product and an increase in violence in these territories.

According to sources, the ‘Jalisco Nueva Generación’ cartel, along with groups from ‘Caballeros Templarios’ (Knight Templars) and ‘Guerreros Unidos’ (United Warriors) are involved in these illegal operations.

According to the civil organization Semáforo Delictivo (“Criminal Stoplight”), violence increases each month in Guerrero, with 76 murders linked to organized crime in January, and 146 in May.

The year in Michoacan began with 70 executions; in May they had totaled 96.

Maras gangs presence in Panama ruled out

The head of the investigation by the Honduran National Anti-extortion Force, Fausto Daniel Rodríguez, ruled out the presence in Panama today of Maras and Salvatruchas gangs, based in Guatemala and El Salvador.

As a guest of the National Lawyers’ College as part of a workshop against violence and the risks for Panama of the strategic evolution of those gangs, the official said that the threat that they reach Panama would always exist, but now, they were not operating in his country.

He explained that the aforementioned groups constantly seek to expand and they are present in Spain and Italy, and said the work by the Government authorities was good, regarding prevention to avoid that they reach Panamanian territory.

There are gangs in Panama that commit crimes, but not at the levels of those that operate in the countries of the so-called north triangle. Those operating here have the weapons used by Maras, which have penetrated the security and administrative authorities, he said.

In Rodríguez’ opinion, Nicaragua has played an essential role in avoiding contacts between the gangs that operate in Panama and Maras, because it has a strong intelligence service.

Dance for a cause of Immigrant Justice in SF

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Come have fun, dance, toast and celebrate with us Saturday at our Dance for a Cause: Support Immigrant Justice in SF fundraiser!
All funds will benefit Free SF Coalition’s future organizing efforts and Pedro Figueroa’s deportation defense expenses
Pedro is a loving father and husband who was illegally turned over to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) after seeking help from the SFPD.
Pedro was detained for over two months and went without work for the entire time. Because of the generosity of a family friend, Pedro was able to cover his fees and family expenses while being detained. Pedro’s case helped bring national attention to the injustice of our criminal and immigrant justice systems. Although Pedro is now out of detention, the repercussions and damage caused by local law enforcement and ICE are still being felt by him and his family.

Friday July 15, from 6 to 9 p.m., at 1661 15th St., San Francisco,

‘No more market rate units construction in the Mission’ at City Hall

One hundred sixty-five luxury units in the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District. Only 20 are affordable, 145 go to households earning between $120,000 and $200,000. This is not in line with the vision and mission of the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District. We were able to delay from April 21 to June 16. Please save the date!

Development continues to ravage the Mission District. Lennar moves forward with plans to build 165 market rates units at 1515 South Van Ness @ 26. The old McMillan Electrical. Twelve percent deemed affordable.

Join us to ask Lennar to gift the land to the City for 100 percent affordable. Lennar has been gifted city land. Community, labor and environmentalist are opposing this project. Lennar has a long history of environmental neglect and driving displacement in our communities.
At City Hall Room 400 Planning Commission, San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Pl, San Francisco. Thursday, July 21 at 12 p.m.

Mario Woods Remembrance Day
San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution unanimously to make his birthday a Day of Remembrance. That we remember that he should have not been murdered on Dec. 2, 2015 shot down execution style in Bayview Hunters Point.

Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition remembers, the community remembers and let us come together collectively to remember Our Son Our Brother.
Join us and Gwen Woods Mario’s Mother and his family to celebrate Mario’s life. Let us remember why we continue to fight for Justice for Mario.
All are welcome and after the program there will be a prayer vigil at the site were he was murdered.

At Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church, 6190 3rd St. San Francisco, at 5 p.m.

Julieta Venegas at Stern Grove Festival
GRAMMY and Latin GRAMMY award-winning Mexican singer/songwriter Julieta Venegas performs an admission-free concert at Stern Grove Festival.
The stage opens at 2 p.m. with local high-energy Afro-Colombian and cumbia band La Misa Negra.

On Sunday, July 24 at 2 p.m., at Stern Grove, 19th St. and Sloat, San Francisco.

Visit the Stern Grove Festival website to learn about this concert and more from the 79th Season! http://www.sterngrove.org/concerts/#july-24

Colombian archeological park on virtual tours platform

by the El Reportero’s news services

Considered the greatest necropolis in the American continent, the Archaeological Park of San Agustín can be admired from anywhere in the world thanks to Google Street View, confirmed today the Colombian Ministry of Culture.

Such virtual option allows panoramic views of this amazing place, among the most attractive of its kind worldwide, said the same source.
The animated images are accompanied by a brief explanation of the characteristics of the place, famous for its prehistoric megalithic monuments.
Declared a World Heritage Site, this place belongs to the department of Huila and it is recognized because of its funerary complexes, located about 1,700 meters above the sea level.

Among its treasures stands the Forest of Statues, where great figures carved in stone can be found.

The sculptures, characterized by designs that combine human and animal features, are observed in situ by travelers from around the country and other nations, who arrive in groups or individually.

Although there is evidence of human settlements in these lands since the fourth millennium BC, the works in San Agustín were built during the period denominated by archaeologists as classic or intermediate, between 200 BC and 800 AC approximately, according to studies by the Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History.

The research conducted corroborated that it was a society which main means of survival was agriculture.

Piero, Pablo Milanes and Leon Gieco to tour for peace in Colombia

The Argentine Piero and Leon Gieco, along with the Cuban Pablo Milanes, will share the stage on September 9 during a concert for peace in Colombia, organizers confirmed today.

The tour for peace is led by Piero, who has undertaken other similar initiatives in the South American country.

The artists will reach localities where the Colombians have dreamed of peace and changes, including San Vicente del Caguan and Marquetalia.
In Marquetalia, department of Tolima, were born the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP), the newspaper El Espectador published.

The foreign singers, who will be accompanied by renowned Colombian artists like Fanny Lu, will also performed for victims of violence in villages where massacres occurred during the war.

Cuban Singer-Songwriter Polito Ibanez to Release New Album

Cuban singer-songwriter Polito Ibanez works on his new album ‘’Con las manos y los pies’’, which will be released in November 2016 under the Bis Music label.

Polito Ibanez said during a meeting at the Pabellon Cuba, that he will travel to Zacatecas, Mexico, in late August in order to make a video clip with the Philharmonic Orchestra of that city.

In September, Ibanez will offer a concert with the Philharmonic of Santa Clara. With this concert he will conclude his tour of different regions of the country.

The singer-songwriter announced to his foreign fans that he will perform in the Mexican cities of Hermosillo, Zacatecas, Queretaro and Aguas Calientes in November, as part of the Festival Trova Fe.

Polito Ibanez is one of the leading figures of the ‘Novisima Trova’ generation.

Three critical stories Americans missed

Obsessing over Pokémon is the cause

by Matt Agorist

When browsing through the mainstream media abyss, there is no shortage of stories about people hunting down Pokémon on their office desks, in hospital rooms, and even in bathrooms. One teenage girl reportedly found a dead body while looking for Pokémon.

While there is certainly no harm in playing video games, focusing solely on distractions can be detrimental to a free society. Bread and circus anyone?

The week following America’s anniversary of the declaration of independence quickly morphed into a gruesomely solemn time for the country as innocent blood spilled out into the streets.

Starting on Tuesday, a graphic cell phone video surfaced showing two officers execute Alton Sterling at point blank range as they held down his arms which prompted outrage in a Baton Rouge community and eventually nationwide.

Following the police killing of Alton Sterling, in a shocking video streamed on Facebook Live, Philando Castile, 32, is seen bleeding to death after a Minnesota police officer shot him through his driver-side car window. His girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, captured the horrific scene on her cell phone, narrating the tragic events and streaming them live on Facebook.

These two deaths were enough to shake Americans out of their slumber and thousands took to the streets across the country to protest these needless murders.

While Americans peacefully protested these killings in Dallas, a murdering psychopath shot 12 police officers, killing five of them.
As the mainstream media and politicians alike capitalize on these tragedies to push their agendas, the dead air is filled with Pokémon.

Here at the Free Thought Project, however, we like to push through the haze to focus on important stories that the world is not being told.
Below are three hard-hitting incidents that have been swept under the rug in this Pokémon induces hysteria.

Crips, Bloods Come Together in Baton Rouge with Powerful Message — “All Lives Matter”

As factions across the country, from the mainstream to the grassroots, attempt to use the recent tragedies to breed divide, an unlikely and inspiring union has emerged. Late Sunday night, during protests in Baton Rouge, Bloods and Crips came forward with a powerful message — black, white, all colors are uniting to fight injustice.

Speaking with 11 Alive news, two individuals dressed in red and blue, claiming membership with the rival Bloods and Crips gangs, said they are unified to keep the peace.

“Crips, Bloods…but you’re putting that aside right now?” asks the reporter.

“Because, black lives….all lives actually. We’re making a statement. We’re making a point. All this racism, targeting people, individuals, is not cool,” says the man with the blue bandana over his face.

The paradigm-shattering notion of saying all lives matter is likely going to stir controversy. However, hearing it from people who are supposed to be divided is awe inspiring. When people set aside their differences and get over superficial differences used to divide them, progress is made.

It is for this reason, that you will likely not see this story on FOXSNBCNN.

NATO and US agree to deploy military forces against non-existent Russian threat

As the airwaves were flooded with news about the shooting in Dallas on Friday, NATO leaders agreed to the deployment of military forces to Eastern Europe to bolster Baltic states against the threat of Russian incursion.

This move, that could likely kick off World War III, has been almost entirely ignored by the mainstream as Pokémon hysteria continues.
“These battalions will be robust and they will be multinational,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told a news conference following the first session of the alliance summit, Reuters reported. “They make clear that an attack on one ally will be considered an attack on the whole alliance.”

The only problem with US and NATO military forces responding to a Russian threat — is that there is no Russian threat.

This move by NATO is a reaction to US saber rattling propaganda, designed solely to bolster the military industrial complex. In fact, hacked emails of General Philip M. Breedlove, former head of the US European Command and supreme commander of NATO forces, reveal that the general has been attempting to push conflict with Russia for years.