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Obama worries future presidents will wage perpetual, covert drone war

by Ryan Devereaux,
Alex Emmons
The Intercept

President Obama warns in a new interview of a future in which a U.S. president could engage in perpetual covert wars “all over the world.” But he claims that the accountability and transparency measures he is instituting will make that less likely.

In the interview, with New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait, Obama expressed agreement with one of the most salient critiques of his drone war, that it risks creating “institutional comfort and inertia with what looks like a pretty antiseptic way of disposing of enemies.”

Obama explained that he had looked at “the way in which the number of drone strikes was going up and the routineness with which, early in my presidency, you were seeing both DOD and CIA and our intelligence teams think about this.”

He continued: “And it troubled me, because I think you could see, over the horizon, a situation in which, without Congress showing much interest in restraining actions with authorizations that were written really broadly, you end up with a president who can carry on perpetual wars all over the world, and a lot of them covert, without any accountability or democratic debate.”

The president expressed a sense of urgency to rein in these powers that seems particularly appropriate given that both candidates for the White House have indicated receptiveness to intensifying the use of military force abroad, with Donald Trump going so far as expressing openness to killing the families of suspected terrorists.

“By the time I leave here, the American people are going to have a better sense of what their president is doing,” Obama said. “Their president is going to have to be more accountable than he or she otherwise would have been. The world, I think, will have a better sense of what we’re trying to do and what we stand for. And I think all of that will serve the American people well in the future.”

But the one existing transparency measure Obama touts as an example in the interview — the administration’s release of its tally on civilian casualties from drone strikes in Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia — was viewed by many in the human rights community as a farce, largely because it pointed to a death toll far lower than outside observer tallies.

The release, made public on the Friday afternoon of Fourth of July weekend, reported that between 64 and 116 civilians were killed during Obama’s two terms. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, by comparison, has estimated that between 492 and 1,077 civilians have been killed by drone strikes during the eight years of Obama’s presidency.

And critical questions about those operations remain unanswered, such as the circumstances that led to the death of Momina Bibi, a 68-year-old Pakistani grandmother killed in an October 2012 airstrike; or the reason for the attack that took the life of Salim bin Ahmed Ali Jaber, an anti-al Qaeda imam in Yemen a month earlier; or the full story of how American forces came to target a wedding convoy, also in Yemen, a year later, killing 12 people.

Those questions remain unanswered, in part because when the administration released the civilian casualty report, it did so without detailing a single specific incident in which the deaths of civilians were confirmed — thus foreclosing any possibility for follow up or public accountability for those operations. (See The Intercept’s series The Drone Papers describing the secret military documents that exposed the inner workings of Obama’s drone wars.)
What’s more, the alarming changes that Obama describes as over the horizon are already here.

“What’s so interesting is that President Obama acknowledges this problem — that future presidents will be empowered to kill globally, and in secret. What he doesn’t acknowledge is how much of a role his administration had in making that a bizarre normal,” Naureen Shah, director of national security and human rights at Amnesty International, told The Intercept.

“There is something so strange about the person who many would say is very responsible for this situation actually acknowledging it and saying he tried to plan for it,” Shah added. “What we’ll be left with from the Obama administration is a far more dangerous precedent of secret, global killings than what we started with.”

From the very beginning of his presidency, Obama tightly embraced legal arguments, including the “state secrets privilege,” to deflect inquiries into the government’s use of lethal force in foreign countries; he fought vigorously for years to keep his rationale for assassinating an American citizen secret; he never explained how the U.S. came to kill that same American citizen’s 16-year-old son; and he has never once forced his premier intelligence agency to publicly answer for the deaths of non-Western civilians — of which there have been many — during an eight-year covert bombing campaign.

In the New York magazine interview, Obama gave human rights groups and “the left” credit for pushing him on issues of transparency in targeted killing — but at the same time indicated they had little impact on his own decisions.

“I’m glad the left pushes me on this,” Obama said. “I’ve said to my staff and I’ve said to my joint chiefs, I’ve said in the Situation Room: I don’t ever want to get to the point where we’re that comfortable with killing. It’s not why I wanted to be president, to kill people.”

Chris Anders of the American Civil Liberties Union said he was not impressed by Obama’s own sense of restraint. “The president has left behind very broad claims of executive authority to order lethal strikes away from traditional battlefields. Even if he’s instituted some processes, and some minor levels of transparency — such as aggregate levels of casualties — it is still a very broad power with almost no meaningful checks on it.”

(This article was edited to fit space).

Obama Worries Future Presidents Will Wage Perpetual, Covert Drone War

Colombian voters reject historic peace accord

by the El Reportero’s wire services

The victory of NO in the referendum on the agreement of peace signed between the Bogota government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’’s Army (guerrilla) is devastating news, declares today’s daily La Jornada.

The Colombian government has been in a violent civil war with the leftist rebel group the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia — better known as FARC — for 52 years. The protracted, bloody civil war has been a national tragedy for Colombia, with FARC’s thousands of kidnappings tearing families apart all over the country.

Despite the slim margin and low attendance to the polls, the negative to the most difficult, consistent and transcendent peace process in that country leaves the impression that the majority of Colombians is in favor of continuing the armed conflict, affirms the editorial of La Jornada.

The rejection to peace accords seems to constitute, also, a slap to the government, international organizations, personalities of the world scenario who supported actively and enthusiastically the negotiations between the Casa de Nariño and the oldest guerrilla organization in America, it says.

It also seems a signal of support to the war and militarist sectors and interests of the South American nation, beginning with former president Alvaro Uriber and the most stubborn sectors of the armed forces and the group of enterprises that for decades have prospered with the security business and the sale of weapons.

The newspaper affirms that the government of president Santos has been put into a position, due to the unexpected result of the referéndum, in a weakened position, while the guerrilla group was put into an indefinite and highly dangerous situation for their members who already had begun to concentrate preparing for their demobilization and handing out their weapons.

One of the main factors which determined this catastrophic result was the publicity campaign intoxicating public opinion by the oligarchic rightwing forces that have as target the demential total annihilation of the FARC or, at least, an unconditional surrender of its troops with no more destination than prison, explains the text.
The editorial argues that, significantly, that propaganda operative had a much greater impact in the big cities, in which most of the voters live and in which the No was majority.

La Jornada alerts that what follows is uncertain. The defeat of the peace side does not mean an automatic resuming of hostilities, but represents a push in that direction, although in strictly legal terms the only linking consequence is that both parts will have to renegotiate peace in different terms.

It also warns of a perspective difficult to realize, due to the enormous difficulties they had to overcome in order to achieve an acceptable document both for government and insurgents and the little time for Santos’ mandate to end.

On the other side, both for FARC and the government they have adopted transcendent peace decisions that cannot be easily reverted. The first approved in assembly its conversion to political force, while the second decreed an end to hostilities.

Even though none of both sides has now a defined and clear legal framework to apply their decisions, it is expected that the fragile truce established in the Havana negotiations, be maintained, concludes the editorial.

ZOPPÉ – an Italian family circus

The Zoppe family began performances Wednesday with their traditional, big top circus in Decatur. Carlo Gentile dips his wife Orlene Gentile after their acrobatic performance. Photo by Gary Cosby Jr. 4/22/09

Compiled by El Reportero’s staff

The Zoppé Circus brings an all new show for its 9th year to Redwood City, called  “Ricominciare” (ree-koh-min-CHAR-ay) meaning recommence, begin again and restart. This fresh new show will host an amazing lineup of performers featuring La Tarumba Equestrians who fuse Circus with Theatre, Music and the Equestrian arts.

Additionally, 5th Generation Circus performer Denisse Santos from Mexico brings an exciting flying trapeze show to the tent, while Ring Master Raoul Gomiero from Italy pulls the audience into the emotions of the show for an exciting new wild ride this year while juggler Liam Halstead wows the audience with his amazing feats.

October 7-23, 2016, Matinee & Evening Showtimes, at the beautiful Red Morton Park in Redwood City. Tickets and info at:

Madelina y Los Carpinteros premiering @ Berkeley’s La Peña

Between the South and the North is the La Peña’s debut concert of Madelina y Los Carpinteros and Friends. The group features the soulful voices of Madelina Zayas with Brandon Vance (both Buena Trova Social Club), and multi-instrumentalists (former members of Grupo Raíz) Fernando Feña Torres and Denis Schmidt. Also, Bay Area jewels Ruthie Dineen, Craig Thomas and Brandon Vance.

Special performance by sikuri master and choreographer Luis Valverde and partner Claudia Susana (Valverde dance and former Grupo Anqari), and Tomás Enguidanos on the Andean Mandolina.

Following the tradition of the Nueva Canción and Nueva Trova – movements that came out of The Americas’ liberation struggles to freshly embody the folk roots with an enriched lyricism – this concert will premiere Fernando Torres’ own compositions as well as unique interpretations of music from Puerto Rico to the Andes Mountains (Argentina, Chile, Perú, Venezuela, the Andes Region, Puerto Rico) and the mainland US.

Madelina, Los Carpinteros and friends will be debuting at La Peña. Since its inception 41 years ago, the Berkeley’s venerated hut has become the casa of the nueva trova/nueva canción, where the attentive ear and lovers of the genre can enjoy the musical gems of its originators as well as the work currently developed locally. A not-to-be-missed Fall evening with some soulful and rhythmic picks into the Latin American cancionero, including originals from Fernando Torres and unique interpretations from Osvaldo Torres, Simón Diaz, Rafaél Manríquez, Roy Brown, Juan Antonio Corretjer, Rafael Hernández, Fernando Solanas and Roberto Goyeneche, amongst others.

Friday, Sept. 30, 2016. 8 p.m. $15 adv. $20 dr. At La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley. 510-849-2568 Tickets:

When ‘liberty’ forces 18 girls into a single-stall shower room

by James Gottry

In recent years, a common refrain accompanying nearly every demand for newly invented “rights” has been: “It doesn’t affect you, so you can’t be against it.”
This claim—whether false or true, subjective or objective—has been played as the ultimate trump card.

If you could not point to a direct, immediate, and significant intrusion on your life, then your concerns—no matter how thoughtful and legitimate—were sacrificed at the altar of the New Regime.

Times change.

On Wednesday, Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of high school students and parents, asking the court to strike down a Minnesota school district policy that empowers a male student to enter the girls’ locker room and disrobe.

Not surprisingly, many girls have been distressed by the actions of the male student, which include twerking, grinding, and other sexually explicit actions. The response of the district and other authorities to the concerns has been a collective yawn.
This, along with recent actions by President Barack Obama’s Department of Education and Justice Department, illustrates the evolution of the push to manufacture special privileges for a select few.

The pretense that such demands don’t affect the lives of others now has been abandoned, replaced by two options: (1) get over it and get in line; or (2) be pushed to the margins of society, losing your reputation—and possibly your career—in the process.

In version 2.0 of the New Regime, even if you can point to a direct, immediate, and significant intrusion on your life, your opinion is irrelevant (and perhaps bigoted) when compared to “social progress.”

For example, when the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that wedding photographer Elaine Huguenin and her husband Jonathan must set aside their freedom to peacefully live according to their faith, a concurring justice stated that the pair “now are compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives.” Chillingly, the justice added that this compulsion “is the price of citizenship.”

As the situations in Minnesota, North Carolina, and elsewhere demonstrate, the latest test sites for this theory of “social progress” are locker rooms, showers, and other private changing facilities.

In what would have been an unthinkable battleground just a few short years ago, these tile-floored, plastic-stalled, chrome-fixtured, and (formerly) sex-specific sanctuaries are now ground zero for experiments in the subjective theory of gender.

And the wisdom of the New Regime 2.0 goes like this:
The march toward true liberty requires 18 girls to squeeze into a prison cell-sized changing space or abandon their bodily privacy, and their right to safety and comfort in the most intimate and vulnerable of settings.

Why? So that a “bearded individual” can fully disrobe in the girls’ locker room at a parks department swimming pool on New York City’s Upper West Side. Empowered by the mere proclamation that he is a woman, he appropriates the entire space for himself.

Use whatever analogy you want:
The New Regime has flushed common sense down the toilet.

The New Regime has pulled back the curtain and washed away any remaining vestiges of bodily privacy.

The New Regime has transformed locker-room peepholes into doorways.

The point is, the New Regime embraces the idea that individuals can stride with impunity into any private space they choose, regardless of biology. This dismissal of biological fact in bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers reeks of irony, in what may be the best example to date of the lengths to which the New Regime will go to impose its orthodoxy.

These spaces, perhaps more than any other physical location, exist for and because of biological differences. Bathroom doors easily could have been labeled as the kid in “Kindergarten Cop” would have it, but decorum prevailed and we used “men” and “women” instead.

Separate locker rooms for men and women do not symbolize a sinister effort to force anyone’s conformity with “gender stereotypes.” They exist because men, women, and children should not be forced to encounter the opposite sex in private spaces or be viewed by the opposite sex while in various stages of undress.

There are reasonable solutions. There are ways to accommodate men and women and boys and girls who struggle to align their subjective beliefs with biological realities.
Consider the family changing room that 18 girls in New York now are forced to use to avoid encountering a man in the girls’ locker room. Indeed, one of the purposes of single-use or “family” facilities like these is to allow fathers to assist their young daughters, or mothers to assist their young sons.

It is an acknowledgement that neither the men’s or women’s restroom is an ideal solution in such circumstances. The same fact holds true for individuals who do not personally feel comfortable entering the private space that corresponds to their biology.

These accommodations protect the privacy of all individuals, not just a select few at the expense of everyone else.

Reasonable solutions are available that protect everyone from unwelcome bodily exposure. But under the New Regime, “social progress” trumps reason.

A free people erasing their own freedoms


Dear readers, in a time when our liberties are being threaten by the current political system, and most people have forgotten how did it happen that we live in a freer society than other nations and that we need to defend it, I found this article. Authored by Matt Patterson and Lindsey DePasse, it provides a little education of freedom, philosophy, history and the Constitution in a nutshell.

A free people erasing their own freedoms

by Matt Patterson and Lindsey DePasse
American Thinker

The Greek city-state of Athens had no constitutional protections for people who advocated notions radically at odds with prevailing wisdom.
The result: Socrates was put to death for “corrupting” the youth.

Four hundred years later, the Roman province of Judea contained no constitutional protections for wild-eyed preachers who advocated radical alternatives to established political and religious orthodoxies.

The result: Jesus was crucified for claiming to be “King of the Jews.”

Sixteen hundred years later in Italy, there were no constitutional protections for thinkers who discerned profound restructuring of metaphysical realities.
The result: Galileo Galilei was tried and sentenced to house arrest by the Catholic Inquisition for advocating views contrary to Church doctrine.

Four hundred years later, the United States of America did provide constitutional protections of speech and assembly, allowing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to lead a movement that changed laws and expanded liberty for millions.

Socrates, Jesus and Galileo lacked governmental protection to say crazy things. As a result, they were put to death or imprisoned by the government for saying crazy things.

True, Dr. King also met with an untimely end, slain by a fellow citizen who denied him his constitutionally protected freedoms. But the others were killed or imprisoned by the government because they had no constitutionally protected freedoms.

That is all the difference in the world. And it is a difference that Dr. King died for.

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution allowed Dr. King to spread his liberating and glorious message. But let us not forget that for many in the 1960’s South, Dr. King’s message was considered offensive “hate speech.” And so it was — hatred for the established order that kept millions of Americans locked in a horrible caste system. Hatred for an oligarchy that denied them essential freedoms.

It just goes to show, one man’s hate speech is another man’s emancipation. One person’s offense is another person’s release. Which is why the Founders, in their wisdom, protected all speech when they approved the charter for the new American Republic in 1787 and included therein a First Amendment that explicitly guaranteed freedom of speech, press, assembly and religion.

Now those protections are threatened, threatened because they are now frighteningly little cherished, especially by young people. A 2015 Pew Research survey found, “Four-in-ten Millennials say the government should be able to prevent people publicly making statements that are offensive to minority groups.”

Let that sink in for a moment: 40 percent of Millennials favor explicit, unconstitutional censorship of “offensive” speech. The same Pew survey found that 35 percent of all Democrats and 33 percent of all women “say the government should be able to curtail speech that is offensive to minorities.”

As if that isn’t frightening enough, a federal judge recently advised his colleagues to ignore the Constitution. Writing for Slate, Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals admonished:
“I see absolutely no value to a judge… studying the Constitution, the history of its enactment, its amendments, and its implementation. Eighteenth-century guys, however smart, could not foresee the culture, technology, etc., of the 21st century. Which means that the original Constitution, the Bill of Rights… do not speak to today.”

This erosion of loyalty to the Constitution — by large sectors of the populace and those charged with protecting and preserving it — is both foolish and dangerous. Let us not forget that the “feelings” of white Southerners would have been protected with restrictions on Dr. King’s speech. Fortunately, King knew that the ideas embodied in the Constitution did speak to him and his time, just as they speak still to us and our time:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

True, these words were written by white, moneyed men in the late 18th-Century. But, if we can look past the color of the hands that shaped them, we could see profound elegance, foresight and astonishing courage.

So let judges adhere to the Constitution, not because it constricts, but because it liberates. Let young people hear all manner of speech, even (especially) offensive speech. And let us remember the words of Socrates, Jesus, Galileo and Martin Luther King Jr. were all at one time labeled “offensive.”

Let us not throw away the greatest gift ever given to a sovereign people, the freedom to think, speak, associate and worship according to the dictates of our conscience.

Let us keep the First Amendment first in our hearts.

(Matt Patterson is president of 1st Amendment First; Lindsey DePasse is executive director of 1AF. They can be reached at

Flu vaccine contains 25,000 times more mercury than is legally allowed in drinking water

by Ethan A. Huff

In case you missed it, recent lab tests conducted at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab found that seasonal flu vaccines, which are pushed on virtually everyone these days, including young babies, pregnant women and the elderly, contain outrageously high levels of neurotoxic mercury. Vials of batch flu vaccine produced by British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) were found to contain upwards of 51 parts per million of mercury, or 25,000 times the legal maximum for drinking water established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This shocking discovery was made using advanced mass spectrometry technology with incredible accuracy, filling the gap left by the nation’s regulatory agencies that have failed to conduct this type of safety testing themselves. Millions of people are injected with flu vaccines annually, and most of them are completely unaware that one of the most toxic metals known to man is being implanted directly into their muscle tissue unabated.

“Mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known to mankind,” explained Dr. David Brownstein, a board-certified family physician and holistic medicine specialist, on his blog. “For over twenty years, I have been testing nearly every patient seen in my office for heavy metal contamination. … I have found that over 80 percent of my patients, both healthy and sick, have mercury toxicity.”

Pregnant women, young children and elderly encouraged to line up for mercury injections

Presenting this type of concrete data, which contradicts the official government position on vaccines, has sparked many venomous attacks from angry pro-vaxxers who insist that mercury is completely safe. Either that or they claim that mercury is no longer being added to vaccines, a detestable lie that continues to harm the most vulnerable among us, including innocent children.

You can see for yourself on the official drug insert for FluLaval, the flu vaccine evaluated by Natural News, that the vaccine does, indeed, contain mercury. The following quote is taken directly from, the so-called “Internet Drug Index,” proving that flu vaccines contained added mercury in the form of thimerosal:
“Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is added as a preservative. Each 0.5-mL dose contains 50 mcg [micrograms] thimerosal ([less than] 25 mcg mercury). Each 0.5-mL dose may also contain residual amounts of ovalbumin ([less than or equal to] 0.3 mcg), formaldehyde ([less than or equal to] 25 mcg), and sodium deoxycholate ([less than] 50 mcg) from the manufacturing process.”

And yet, even with all these added contaminants, pregnant women, the elderly and young children are prodded to get jabbed every year by health authorities. Never mind that each of these ingredients is a known neurotoxin, not to mention the fact that formaldehyde is a known cause of cancer — just line right up and get your flu shots, because the government says they’re good for you!

The mercury double standard continues to ravage public health

The irony in all this is that the government now admits that mercury is toxic, at least when it comes from other sources. The Obama administration, as we recently reported, is on a crusade to shut down all coal power plants, using the excuse that they blast heavy amounts of mercury into the atmosphere. And official government warnings tell pregnant women to avoid mercury from canned tuna.

But what about the mercury still being used in vaccines and dental fillings? Why is mercury exposure from these sources completely safe, according to the government, but mercury in food and smokestacks should be avoided?

For more breaking news on vaccines and the heavy metals like mercury lurking in them, visit and, respectively.

Obama advocates for UN gun treaty ratification

by Fred Lucas

The Obama administration upped its commitment to get the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty ratified, a tall order since a bipartisan coalition of 50 senators have already said they oppose the gun treaty Secretary of State John Kerry signed three years ago.

Second Amendment advocates are concerned the treaty could provide an international law rationalization for a national gun registry in the United States, and is overly vague.

“The language is so vague is could almost mean anything. A lot could be done to rationalize gun control. The treaty has no prohibitions, no thou-shalt-nots,” Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America, told The Daily Signal. “President [Barack] Obama has for some time used as a defense a cell phone and a pen and not the Constitution or even a treaty for taking action.”

On Aug. 22, the Second Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty was held in Geneva. According to the State Department, the U.S. representative to the conference, William Malzahn, said the U.S. wanted to ratify the treaty that establishes export and import controls for combat vehicles, aircraft, and small arms and light weapons, but was already currently complying.

The United States remains committed to the Arms Trade Treaty, which we signed in September 2013. We are still working on the package to transmit the treaty to the U.S. Senate for its advice and consent to ratification. It is not clear when we will complete this, but we are actively working on it. … As we pursue ratification, let me assure everyone that the United States is already fully compliant with the requirements of the [Arms Trade Treaty] as the U.S. national control system exceeds those requirements.

Currently, 79 countries have ratified the treaty dealing with arms exports and imports, but diplomats from 109 countries participated in the gathering.

The treaty states that: “Each State Party shall establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list, in order to implement the provisions of this Treaty.” It goes on to say, “Each State Party is encouraged to include in those records: the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms covered under Article 2 (1), conventional arms actually transferred, details of exporting State(s), importing State(s), transit and trans-shipment State(s), and end users, as appropriate.”

Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs Claudia Ruíz Massieu told the group that of the guns used to commit crimes in Mexico, “We found that more than 70 percent were related to a buyer or distributor in the United States.”

Massieu also said at the conference, “Mexico welcomes the strenuous and sincere efforts of President Barack Obama to establish administrative measures to strengthen controls on the possession and sale of weapons.”

The State Department did not clearly answer the question about whether the 70 percent figure is accurate, but said the United States is working with Mexico to prevent gun trafficking into the country.

Ultimately, it’s a border issue, said Ted Bromund, senior research fellow in U.S.-Anglo relations for The Heritage Foundation.

“The smuggling of guns from the U.S. into Mexico, the smuggling of guns from U.S. to any country, is already illegal,” Bromund told The Daily Signal. “The problem is that the border is not controlled. Guns go south because the border is open. The answer is effective border patrol by the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico will never talk about that.”

The Gun Control Act of 1968 and the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, which has been amended several times over the years, already give the executive branch essential control over the movement of weapons in and out of the United States, Bromund said.

The Arms Trade Treaty went into effect on Christmas Eve 2014, but the administration has never submitted the treaty to the Senate for ratification, where it would require 67 senators voting for it to pass. After Kerry signed on in 2013, 50 senators—including three Democrats—signed a letter to Obama expressing concern the treaty was overly “vague and easily politicized” and could encourage a national gun registry.

It’s a horrible treaty, Bromund said, but it won’t likely lead to more gun control.

“Are people using it to justify gun control? Yes,” Bromund said. “But what is the mechanism to achieve that? This is about exports or imports. In theory, a judge could say the United States must respect the [Arms Trade Treaty] and that all arms transactions within the U.S. are subject to it, but that would be a huge stretch.”

The treaty has been such an administrative disaster that it likely will have no impact at all, Bromund said. He noted the treaty is almost entirely European countries rarely living up to the reporting requirements of the treaty.  

“I basically think we are winning on this. This is not going to work,” Bromund said. “It’s turning into nothing but boring bureaucratic meetings. The gun controllers will lose interest and find another toy.”

A recent report by Bromund looked at reporting problems, among other failings of the participants.

States parties to the [Arms Trade Treaty] are already failing to meet its reporting requirements. As of Aug. 15, 2016, of the 66 states parties that were supposed to file an initial report on their implementation of the treaty by that date, only 49 had done so, and of these, 33 were in Europe. As of the same date, of the 83 states parties, only 46 (32 of them in Europe) had filed an annual report for 2015 on authorized imports and exports of conventional arms, a report due on May 31, 2016. In short, treaty reporting is lagging badly, and outside Europe, few nations are complying even nominally with the most basic treaty requirements.

State proposes bold law to treat pot like tabacco and expunge all records of marijuana ‘crime’

by Claire Bernish

Bold legislation introduced in New Jersey last week would not only treat cannabis like tobacco — legalizing it — but would expunge records for individuals previously convicted of certain marijuana-related ‘crimes.’

Should the bill, A4193, pass, convenience stores would be permitted to sell cannabis alongside cigarettes — available to anyone aged 19 and older.
“This bill would legalize marijuana by removing all criminal liability associated with marijuana from the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice … as well as its regulation as a controlled dangerous substance under the New Jersey Controlled Dangerous Substances Act,” the proposed law states.

Sponsored by Assemblyman Michael Patrick Carroll — once deemed the state Legislature’s “Most Conservative” member, as the Newark Patch pointed out — the legislation “[l]egalizes marijuana and provides for records expungement for certain past marijuana offenses; treats marijuana products similar to tobacco products, including the use of civil penalties for providing marijuana to persons under 19 years of age.”

Carroll’s bill audacious thumbs its nose at the DEA’s vehemently criticized decision this year not to reschedule cannabis from its current inexplicable designation as a dangerous substance of no medical value, akin to heroin or cocaine.

“To me it’s just not a big deal,” Carroll told Politico. “It’s already ubiquitous. Anybody who thinks this is somehow going to increase the availability of marijuana has never been 19. If that’s the case, then what’s the big deal about having it available at the local 7-Eleven?”

Alcohol, after all, is a standard fixture at convenience stores and gas stations, with store owners facing fines and other civil penalties for underage distribution.
“The whole point here is to get the government out of the business of treating at least marijuana use as a crime and treat it instead as a social problem,” Carroll continued, adding he’s never tried cannabis, personally.

“You’re talking to the world’s most boring, straightest guy,” he said. “I’ve never popped a pill, never smoked a joint, nothing. I’ve never quite understood the all the allure of this stuff.”

Apparently, though, he doesn’t feel his personal views concerning substances should override contrary opinions and choices.

On the surface, the right-wing lawmaker would seem the last person sponsoring legislation taking such a radical departure from federal law — but on issues of personal freedom, his stances align most closely with libertarian philosophy. Carroll not only co-sponsored New Jersey’s medical cannabis legislation, in April he proposed lowering the state’s drinking age to 18, saying, according to the Patch.

“If you’re old enough to make the determination you want to enlist in the Marines, you’re old enough to determine if you want to have a beer.”

Despite an overwhelming public perception cannabis should at least be decriminalized and growing national disillusionment with the failed drug war  — with the resultant largest prison population in the world, gang violence, strengthening of Mexican cartels, epidemic-level police violence, and inability of those in need to get life-saving medical cannabis treatment — the Drug Enforcement Agency opted to maintain marijuana prohibition this year.

Should the proposed law indeed pass, New Jersey would join Alaska, Colorado, Washington, and Oregon in legal, recreational weed. In fact, degrees of decriminalization and legalization — mostly for medical use — exist in half the states in the nation.

November’s election will likely expand those numbers.

Ballot measures could potentially legalize recreational use in varying degrees in California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Arizona, and Nevada — and although they aren’t all expected to pass, the segment of the population arguing against legalization shrinks seemingly by the month.

New Jersey lawmakers are attempting a multi-pronged approach to legalizing weed. Another bill, A2068, filed in January by Assemblyman Reed Gusciora — ironically, one of the most liberal members of the state Legislature — and State Sen. Nicholas Scutari would legalize cannabis and treat it akin to alcohol. A third is expected after several legislators, including Gusciora and Scutari, return from an information-gathering field trip examining legalization in Colorado in October.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie — whom Carroll refers to as “the Fat Man” — will almost certainly veto any legislation concerning cannabis. But his tenure in office draws to a close just over a year from now.

“We would like to get the ball rolling, even with this governor and even if he vetoes it, the choice then could be made to put it on the ballot through the Legislature or set the groundwork for the next administration,” Gusciora told Politico. “I think it’s only a matter of time.”

Central America advocates for strengthening links with Russia

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras today advocated to strengthen friendship and trade ties with Russia, amid celebrations for the independence day of these five nations.

Guatemala’s ambassador to Nicaragua, Estuardo Meneses Coronado, pointed out that the Central American states are united by a feeling of friendship and gratitude to Russia. Meneses Coronado stressed today that Central America is a region in peace and development and therefore he welcomed all efforts for world peace, especially the peace process in Colombia.

‘This shows that it is through respectful and well-intentioned dialogue that peace, democracy and development of peoples can be built,’ he pointed out referring to the signing yesterday in Colombia of a definitive peace agreement in Columbia.

‘The integration process in Central America, like others in the world, has had its moments of bloom and moments of setbacks,’ the Guatemalan ambassador acknowledged.
‘There is a strong desire that our people seek better ways of understanding and develop as brothers, although we recognize that we have a long way to go,’ the diplomat said.

Russia has expressed its interest in establishing effective and mutually beneficial cooperation with the Central American Integration System, the official recalled.
Moscow supports the main pillars of our development such as democratic security, the comprehensive management of risks, disasters and climate change, social and economic integration and the strengthening regional institutions, he added.

Most Colombians would support peace agreements in referendum

The 62 percent of Colombians to vote in the next Sunday referendum would support the peace agreements between the Government and FARC-EP, indicated an opinion poll today.

According to the survey carried out by the company Cifras y Conceptos, along with Caracol Radio and Red + Noticias, only 38 percent of those participating in the referendum would vote against it.

Referring to the total number of people coming to the polling stations, the final report of the survey suggests that nine million people out of the nearly 47 million Colombians living in the country would vote.

Cifras y Conceptos says that in the regions of the Caribbean, the Pacific, Central, East, coffee main region, and in the capital city there would be a broad support for the agreements reached in Havana and signed here before more than 2,000 guests, including 15 heads of State.

In the referendum, the population will express the opinion on the peace agreements officially signed yesterday in Cartagena de Indias by President Juan Manuel Santos and leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP), Timoleon Jimenez, seeking to end the military conflict.

9th Annual Redwood City Salsa Festival

Compiled by El Reportero’s staff

The Redwood City Salsa Festival, a FREE outdoor festival happening in downtown Redwood City. With three stages of live entertainment, and a Salsa Competition & Tasting, this event is a high point in Redwood City’s summer event.

Multiple stages featuring a variety of music, including Salsa, Latin Jazz and Reggae, will fire up Redwood City with music and dancing all day long. FREE hands-on art projects, and a Children’s Play Area, complete with bounce houses, and more! More info at 650-780-7340 or

Madelina y Los Carpinteros Premiering @ Berkeley’s La Peña

Between the South and the North is the La Peña’s debut concert of Madelina y Los Carpinteros and Friends. The group features the soulful voices of Madelina Zayas with Brandon Vance (both Buena Trova Social Club), and multi-instrumentalists (former members of Grupo Raíz) Fernando Feña Torres and Denis Schmidt. Also, Bay Area jewels Ruthie Dineen, Craig Thomas and Brandon Vance.

Special performance by sikuri master and choreographer Luis Valverde and partner Claudia Susana (Valverde dance and former Grupo Anqari), and Tomás Enguidanos on the Andean Mandolina.

Following the tradition of the Nueva Canción and Nueva Trova – movements that came out of The Americas’ liberation struggles to freshly embody the folk roots with an enriched lyricism – this concert will premiere Fernando Torres’ own compositions as well as unique interpretations of music from Puerto Rico to the Andes Mountains (Argentina, Chile, Perú, Venezuela, the Andes Region, Puerto Rico) and the mainland US.

Madelina, Los Carpinteros and friends will be debuting at La Peña. Since its inception 41 years ago, the Berkeley’s venerated hut has become the casa of the nueva trova/nueva canción, where the attentive ear and lovers of the genre can enjoy the musical gems of its originators as well as the work currently developed locally. A not-to-be-missed Fall evening with some soulful and rhythmic picks into the Latin American cancionero, including originals from Fernando Torres and unique interpretations from Osvaldo Torres, Simón Diaz, Rafaél Manríquez, Roy Brown, Juan Antonio Corretjer, Rafael Hernández, Fernando Solanas and Roberto Goyeneche, amongst others.

Friday, Sept. 30, 2016. 8 p.m. $15 adv. $20 dr. At La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley. 510-849-2568 Tickets: