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“We’re homeless and we vote!”

BERKELEY, CA - 18OCTOBER16 - After being forced by police to disband one camp on the grass median in the middle of Adeline Street, homeless community activists set up another across the street. It is a protest against policies by Berkeley City Council and by city agencies like the Impact HUB. Mike Zint is a leader of the encampment community. Copyright David Bacon

Homeless people want a voice in this election

by David Bacon

Berkeley, California — By the time you read this, Berkeley’s intentional mobile homeless community will probably have been forced to migrate again, in yet one more forcible relocation.

A week ago, at 5 a.m., six city trucks and a U-Haul van pulled up at the tent encampment on a peaceful, leaf-covered median in the middle of south Berkeley’s Adeline Street. Each truck had two municipal workers on board. Half a dozen police patrol cars accompanied them, red and blue lights flashing in the dark.

Brad, one of the camp residents, sounded the warning. Sleepy tent dwellers quickly began to text supporters, warning that the city was threatening once again to throw tents and belongings into trucks and force people to leave.

“We went into delaying tactics while we got community support mobilized,” recalls Mike Zint, one of the leaders of this homeless community. “That doesn’t stop them, but every time this happens we get more support. So they sat there in their trucks for the next six hours — a dozen city workers and a code compliance officer, all on overtime. They took seven cops off patrol. And in the end, after all the arguments, we only moved about 200 feet, across the street. And how much did that cost?”

This homeless community is not just a group of people trying to find a place to live. They call themselves an “intentional community” with a political purpose – forcing homelessness into public debate and defending the rights of homeless people. Homeless activists are fighting for the same things in many cities. Together, they are beginning to have an impact on local policies toward unhoused people [people who have no formal housing]. Political participation by homeless communities is giving them a voice in the national debate over homelessness as well.

Several weeks ago the group of people in this community “popped tents” as they say, in front of the Impact HUB, an office where the city has decided to centralize most services for homeless people. They protested an intake process they say screens out applicants for housing. Writing in the local Street Spirit newspaper, Dan McMullan, who runs the Disabled People Outside Project, recalls, “I spent a week trying to get help for a disabled woman in a wheelchair and had to watch as she slept in front of the women’s shelter one night, and the Harrison House the next. But she could not get in. I couldn’t believe it.” He goes on to say that a HUB employee said the woman didn’t fit the intake criteria, and that she was denied reconsideration of her case.

But the community’s objections go beyond the immediate denial of services. They condemn the way the city treats homeless people as victims — as passive recipients of services — rather than people capable of governing themselves.

For weeks their camp has moved from place to place, in a peregrination Zint calls the Poor Tour. “It’s a mobile occupation that can pop up anywhere,” he explains. “We’re exposing the fact that there is no solution — nothing but exposure for the homeless. And exposure [the physical cost of sleeping outside] is killing a lot of people.”

A recent death was one of the reasons for launching the Poor Tour. On September 19, Roberto Benitas, a day laborer, died sleeping in a doorway. Benitas worked minimum wage jobs, standing in the bitter cold each morning in front of nearby lumberyards, trying to flag down contractors in their pickup trucks. Getting an occasional day’s work was never enough to pay Berkeley’s skyrocketing rents.

McMullan angrily charged, “Not a cent went into Social Security for the aging worker. When he died in a doorway of the defunct U-Haul rental shop at Allston Way and San Pablo Avenue, it took a day or so for anyone to even notice.” McMullen and a progressive city council candidate organized a memorial for Benitas, and the Poor Tour started days later.

Another reason for the tour is the November election, and an effort by this group of activists to use it to assert themselves politically. For over two years, homeless activists have been increasingly involved in Berkeley city politics.

The roots of this mobile occupation actually go back to Occupy San Francisco, and the decision by some of its residents to cross San Francisco Bay to Berkeley in the wake of Occupy’s dispersal. At first they lived for months in tents in front of a local Staples store. Then, two years ago, Zint and others set up an encampment in front of Berkeley’s main post office.

The Post Office occupation became a political weapon, the most visible part of a broader coalition that successfully fought the sale of the New Deal-era building to private developers. That coalition eventually included even the mayor and the city administration, which filed suit to block the sell-off.

The community of tents, tarps and literature tables on the steps lasted for over a year and a half, before the Post Office Police finally drove the tent dwellers away. Postal authorities then built an imposing fence of iron bars around the empty space where the tents had been, to keep anyone from ever setting foot again on that section of sidewalk.

FBI insider reveals agent revolt inside the bureau Made Comey reopen Clinton investigation to “save face”

by Jack Burns
The Free Thought Project

Just after the FBI opened a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, the Free Thought Project spoke with a high-level FBI agent (retired). He said if Clinton wasn’t eventually indicted, it was almost certain there would be a data dump (click for related story) from within the FBI, from agents who were upset with James Comey’s decision not to recommend Clinton be indicted for mishandling classified information. When Comey, in July, didn’t recommend to Attorney General Loretta Lynch that Clinton be indicted, a data dump of sorts did take place when the Democratic National Committee’s server was hacked.

Could it be that the DNC hack was done from within the federal government? After its server’s emails were hacked for the whole world to see, the DNC was exposed for working with mainstream media members to rig the primaries for Clinton against Bernie Sanders, and a concerted effort was made to paint him in a negative light (something that led to the resignation of DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz). But the Democrats responded by declaring the intrusion was the work of Russian hackers — an allegation the Russians deny.

But now, it seems, the effects of not recommending Clinton for indictment are far worse than predicted. On Friday, James Comey conveyed to members of Congress that the once closed investigation of Clinton’s private email server is now open again, just days before Clinton or Donald Trump will be elected as the next U.S. president. The announcement was made after more Clinton emails turned up in an investigation into Anthony Weiner’s sexting of a 15-year-old girl from NC. Weiner is Huma Abedin’s estranged husband and Abedin is Clinton’s closest confidant.

But according to The Daily Mail, there exists an even greater problem Comey is facing which prompted him to reopen the case; the wholesale resignation of disgruntled FBI agents. One source close to Comey says it’s his last ditch attempt to save face for himself and the reputation of the FBI.

According to the Daily Mail, and a source close to James Comey, the decision, at least in part, came after he “could no longer resist mounting pressure by mutinous agents in the FBI” who “felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.”

Ed Klein, journalist for the Mail, described Comey as being depressed over the mounting stack of resignation letters he’s received as a result of his decision not to recommend charges be brought against Clinton. Klein quoted a close friend of Comey’s as saying, “’The atmosphere at the FBI has been toxic ever since Jim announced last July that he wouldn’t recommend an indictment against Hillary,’ said the source, a close friend who has known Comey for nearly two decades, shares family outings with him, and accompanies him to Catholic mass every week.”

Klein’s source continued, “Some people, including department heads, stopped talking to Jim, and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall,” said the source. “They felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting Hillary off with a slap on the wrist.”

The DM journalist continued quoting his informant as saying, “When new emails that appeared to be related to Hillary’s personal email server turned up in a computer used [her close aide] Huma Abedin and [Abedin’s disgraced husband,] Anthony Weiner, Comey jumped at the excuse to reopen the investigation.”

But Comey’s problems aren’t isolated to his workplace. He reportedly has problems at home as well. Klein’s source continued, “The people he trusts the most have been the angriest at him…that includes his wife, Pat. She kept urging him to admit that he had been wrong when he refused to press charges against the former secretary of state.”
Comey’s friend told Klein he’s being shunned by many within the FBI and that President Obama and Lynch are “furious” with him for reopening the case against Clinton. According to the DM’s source, “Lynch and Obama haven’t contacted Jim directly…they’ve made it crystal clear through third parties that they disapprove of his effort to save face.”
But the reopened investigation may be too little too late. The damage to the FBI’s investigation appears to be done, and no amount of scrambling to save face is likely to fix it. In the mind of many Americans, when former president Bill Clinton met AG Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona, the fix was in for Hillary. Comey proved to be a pawn and has passed himself off as an impotent benefactor of the Clintons.

Suit: California has illegally suspended licenses of more than 600,000

Low-income people suffer the most with the state’s inflexible laws

by Sana Saleem

A lawsuit filed in the Alameda County Superior Court on Tuesday argues that the state of California has illegally suspended licenses of more than 600,000 drivers who can’t afford to pay their increasingly expensive traffic tickets. The lawsuit argues that despite an amnesty program that was supposed to address the problem low-income families bear the brunt of exhorbitant fines they can’t afford to pay and end up losing their licenses.  

Brown and state lawmakers reduced fees for tickets issued before 2013. The move allowed many drivers to go back on the road. But the lawsuit argues that despite the reduced fee the state is still penalizing hundreds of thousands of former motorists for being poor.

“The consequences of losing a license are really severe. People need to commute to work, for medical appointments or to take their children to school. The state of California has been charging people an exorbitant amount on traffic violations which is largely effecting the poor,” said Rebekah Evenson of Bay Area Legal Aid, lead attorney in the case.  

Evenson said that the lawsuit is aiming to make the process more fair for poor people and that there were many ways in which the state could accommodate low-income individuals like providing them with an option to do community service or pay their ticket in easy monthly installments. 
“No one should be forced to choose between keeping their driver’s license and putting food on the table for their family,” she said. Evenson also noted that the tickets also disproportionately impact people of color: “You have to see who gets stopped by the police more often” she said noting that while the license suspension, for not paying your fine and being unable to appear in court, is indefinite the penalties for Driving Under Influence are far shorter. 

The law allows the DMV to suspend a license only for “willfully” failing to pay a fine or appear in court not for failing to pay sums you can’t afford. The lawsuits argues that the state’s enforcement policy is unconstitutional and violates state statues. 

Guillermo Hernández is the lead plaintiff in the case. Hernandez, a Contra Costa County resident was ticketed in March 2013 because he lacked a valid registration and hadn’t updated the address on his license, the suit said. Hernández who was out of work since his small business shut down, could afford only $200 of the $900 he owed in fines and fees, and his license was suspended, the suit said. 

The lawsuit is arguing that the traffic court failed to notify Hernández of his right to show that he could not afford to pay the fine before his license was suspended.  

Boxing schedule

Saturday, October 29 2016
Manchester Arena (formerly M.E.N Arena), Manchester, Lancashire
Tyson Fury vs. Wladimir Klitschko (WBO/WBA heavyweight title)
Hughie Fury vs. TBA (heavyweight)
Saturday, November 5 2016
TBA Las Vegas
Jessie Vargas vs. Manny Pacquiao (WBO welterweight title)
Saturday, November 19 2016
T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas
Sergey Kovalev vs. Andre Ward (WBA/IBF/WBO light heavyweight title)

Teatro Nahual presents: Leyendas y Realidades

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Introducing the Leyendas y realidades in the Bay Area @MCCLA.

Written and directed by Verónica Meza, Leyendas y Realidades depicts popular legends from Latinoamérica such as La llorona and La mulata de Córdoba, each offering a glimpse into Hispanic culture and myth.

With live music and talented local artists, this project will make you laugh and reflect about life. Showing contemporary reality and socio-political realities,  the play incorporates La Rumorosa and La madre de Ayotzinapa. “El teatro del pueblo y para el pueblo” promotes education and entertainment through theater to create social consciousness.

Friday, Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m. @ Theater. Saturday, and Nov. 19 at 7:30 p.m. @ Theater. Tickets $20 and $25.

Cinco y Cinco/Five and Five exhibition series at The Mexican Museum

The final conversation in the Cinco y Cinco/Five and Five exhibition series at The Mexican Museum. This last discussion will be between curator Anthony Torres and renowned contemporary artist Bernardo Roman Palau.  

This conversation is part of Cinco y Cinco/Five and Five exhibition that spotlight’s contemporary “Latino Art” as a rich, ambiguous area of inquiry that moves beyond geography or ethnicity.  

Join us on Thursday, Oct. 27, from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public. The Mexican Museum, located at Fort Mason Center, Building D, in San Francisco.

Lung Force Walk awareness

This is a remembrance of my dear brother Raul Rekow and a fundraiser for lung cancer research. Please donate what you can and join us. to walk in honoring our loved ones who have fallen and in raising awareness. Also, you can register and walk for free and simply add your spirit to ours in this noble effort.

Saturday morning, Nov. 5 at the Presidio, Chrissy Field, 610 Old Mason Street, San Francisco.

Mariachi Flor de Toloache

Latin GRAMMY® nominated Mariachi Flor de Toloache continue to win the hearts of music and mariachi fans alike through their distinct vision and enlightened interpretation of traditional instruments. The band’s diverse ethnicities and musical backgrounds are transcending culture and gender by forging new paths for mariachi music, showcased in an NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert. Like the legendary Toloache flower used in Mexico today as a love potion, the ladies of Flor de Toloache cast a spell over their audiences with soaring vocals and physical elegance.
The New York City-based band and first all-women Mariachi is led by co-directors Mireya I. Ramos (founder) on violin and Shae Fiol (original member) on vihuela, with Julie Acosta on trumpet and Eunice Aparicio on guitarron. 

Sunday, Oct. 30 @ 4:30 p.m. SJZ Boom Box Stage at La Ultima Parada San Jose Mexican Heritage Plaza, 1700 Alum Rock Ave., San Jose.

FREE Admission to Concert. Admission $5 to La Ultima Parada, a Celebration of Life on the Day of the Dead

Panamenian Film the finalist of Huelva Film Festival

by the El Reportero’s news services

The Panamanian film Salsipuedes (2016) is today among the 16 finalists in the Latin American Film Festival of Huelva, to be held from November 11 in the Spanish city.

The drama, which also aspires the Goya awards for best Latin American film, and Oscar, in the section of foreign films, chronicles the rise and fall of a Panamanian boxer while portraying the social and economic inequalities in the country in various stages of the capital city.

Among the protagonists stands the late Cuban actress Alina Rodriguez (Dona Raquel), who was a key element in identifying and the acting training of the children in the neighborhood who play a role in the film, directed by Ricardo Aguilar and Manolito Rodríguez.

The film, 100 percent Panamanian, deals with the recovery of the identity, the affection to the family, the neighborhood and the country, in addition to exposing social evils such as corruption, poverty, unemployment and loss of values.

For three months, the filmmakers toured about 40 scenarios in the capital, including El Chorrillo, Barraza, San Felipe, Santa Ana and Plaza Amador.

Ivette Cepeda to Celebrate Cuba’s Cultural Week in Costa Rica

Cuban singer Ivette Cepeda will perform in San Jose and in Puntarenas as part of the celebrations for the Cuban Culture, which starts today in Costa Rica.

The renowned singer arrived Sunday in San Jose accompanied by the musical group Reflexion. She will be responsible for the opening of the week of celebrations with a concert at the University of Costa Rica.

After that, she will sing along with the group Reflexion and the Costa Rican group Son de Tikizia. Then, she will sing at the House of Culture in Puntarenas.

Films from 45 countries to compete in film festival

More than 400 short films and six animated films from 45 countries will compete, starting Tuesday, here, on the 24th edition of the Anima Mundi Festival, confirmed the organizers of the event.

Among the films in competition there are included 180 Brazilian films and will be the Franco-Belgian-Japanese film ‘The Red Tuirtle’, directed by Michael DuDok de Wit and winner of the Special Jury Prize in the exhibition Un Certain Regard at the last Festival in Cannes.

In 23 editions held so far, and according to the organisers, were displayed over eight thousand productions from 80 countries, of which approximately one million 200 thousand people enjoyed.

The festival based in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo has as main attraction the fact that the winner of this festival, gets as part of the award, the right to dispute the Oscar.

Federal lawsuit to end money bail presser forward

Submitted by Equal Justice Under Law   

San Francisco, CA — A class action lawsuit seeking to end the practice of money bail in San Francisco will move forward against the city’s sheriff, a federal judge has ruled.

 United States District Court Judge Yvonne González Rogers ruled Friday that the lawsuit, which takes aim at San Francisco’s “wealth-based detention scheme,” may proceed against Sheriff Vicki Hennessy for future structural reforms that could end the city’s money bail system. González Rogers dismissed the lawsuit against the City and County of San Francisco and the state Attorney General. González Rogers denied the California Bail Bonds Association’s request to join the list of defendants. 

González Rogers ordered Hennessey to file an answer to the complaint by Nov. 1. Hennessey has never taken an official position on money bail. Her predecessor, Ross Mirkarimi, opposed its use, while California Attorney General Kamala Harris has defended it. 

Equal Justice Under Law, a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights organization that fights systemic inequalities in the legal system, filed the lawsuit on Oct. 28, 2015 on behalf of Riana Buffin and Crystal Patterson, who were unable to afford their bail after being arrested in San Francisco last year. Phil Telfeyan, the organization’s Executive Director, called the judge’s ruling “a great victory.”

  “It allows our claims against San Francisco’s unjust bail system to move forward, and it requires Sheriff Hennessy to state her official position regarding the unfairness of money bail. We trust that Sheriff Hennessy will recognize the inherent inequality in a system that frees the rich and jails the poor,” Telfeyan said.
 The lawsuit alleges that San Francisco’s bail system is unconstitutional because it violates the principle of equal protection under the law. San Francisco’s fixed bail schedule, set by San Francisco Superior Court judges and ranking among the most expensive in the state, sets bail amounts based on offense and does not take individual circumstances or public safety into account, according to the lawsuit.  Approximately 50 people per day and 18,000 people per year are booked into San Francisco County Jail.  About 85 percent of inmates have not yet been convicted.  Because they cannot afford bail, they can remain locked up for months while awaiting trial, often losing their housing, jobs, or children.

The lawsuit argues that appropriate conditions of release — including pretrial release services and text message or phone call reminders of court dates — can save taxpayer dollars while also increasing public safety and court appearance rates. The lawsuit also calls for appropriate alternatives to pretrial incarceration such as electronic monitoring, intervention and rehabilitation programs, stay-away orders, and home detention.

Since the beginning of 2015, Equal Justice Under Law has filed eleven class action challenges to money bail systems in eight states.  As a result, cities in Alabama, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, and Louisiana have reformed their practices to end the use of secured money bail for new arrestees.

San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi, whose office represented Buffin and Patterson before prosecutors dropped criminal charges against both women, said high bails can motivate innocent people to get plead guilty to crimes simply to be released from jail.

“It makes no sense that wealthy people charged with serious crimes can buy their way out of jail without regard for public safety while poor people charged with minor offenses languish behind bars,” Adachi said.

Telfeyan said Equal Justice Under Law will continue to litigate aggressively to prove to the court that money bail in San Francisco discriminates based on wealth-status, creating two separate systems of justice, one for the rich and another for people who are poor.

“Jailing people simply because they are too poor to afford bail offends basic principles of fairness that are deeply rooted in our society,” he said. 
Judge González Rogers’ ruling can be found here:

Masters and slaves: Can the world reject the rules of the game?

Will the 21st Century Invent a New Way of Living?

by Iskander Valitov
Originally appeared at RIA Novosti

The hegemon’s failures and weaknesses are obvious

The US has failed to achieve a majority of its geopolitical objectives. It failed to reduce the Russian economy to tatters; Assad is holding up; no one takes seriously the idea of Russia leaving Syria, nor could the US get Russia to deploy troops in Ukraine, or drive a wedge between Turkey and Russia. Britain ignored the American President’s orders not to vote for Brexit. Several years of negotiations on the Transatlantic Partnership have failed.

Barack Obama was also uncomfortable during the recent G20 summit in China. If one adds to this a gigantic un-payable debt the divide among American elites on US strategy, his standing is unenviable, as other challenges arise. Russia and China draw closer faster. The Collective Security Treaty Organization grows stronger, BRICS is organizing its international institutions.

There are more people ready to rebel, and the US does not always find the strength to punish them.

A change of structure or a change of master?

What exactly is going on? Should the US yield the place of world ruler to someone else? For example, to China-Russia condominium? Is this possible without a major war? Clearly, there is a serious risk for the planet.

Or should we deal with problems at another level? Perhaps a tectonic shift of the world order itself? The ruler would not change, but the centuries-old structure of society would. What kind of process is under way? What are we leaving behind and where are we going? What position should we take with our allies?

Today no one has a clear answer regarding the future world order, but the question is being intensely discussed. In will probably be arrived at empirically, but a lot will depend on how accurately we can conceptualize it.

Fundamental social relations

I believe the world has come to an important historical moment. The fundamental top-dog/underdog equation is being questioned. Until now, capitalism and democracy were accepted, but it is becoming clear that the question of who receives what part of profit is determined not by the “invisible hand of the market”, but rather by the dominant group’s rules of the “free” market.

Top dog/underdog relations originate in an environment with limited resources. They organize society, stop the war of all against all and allow for the reproduction of the social whole. Everyone wins: those who dominate and those who are subordinate.

This social organization allows for robbing less organized and weaker neighbors. Whether the distribution of goods is fair or not is a secondary question. It’s important that the whole survive, ending the chaos.

In that world, wars are inevitable. Everyone competes, wins and loses. Those are the rules.

Under conditions of universal abundance and free access to goods, top dog/ underdog relations could not appear because they would not be functional. There is no reason for subordination if all goods are available and access to them is free.

But top-dog/underdog relations have their own inertia, in which dominance itself becomes a value, shaping institutions, hierarchies and even psychological reality.
In topdog/underdog relations, abundance and free access to goods are anathema. They require access to scarce goods to be available in exchange for subordination and loyalty, i.e. only for “law-abiding” citizens.

People dominate and subordinate voluntarily and knowingly, still too close to wild nature and its hierarchies. Social relations successfully assimilate a person’s biological substrate with its instincts.

These relations are also rooted on a spiritual level. The Heavenly Kingdom is built on subordination and worship. We and the angels submit ourselves to God not only voluntarily, but also with love, as top-dog/underdog relations are reproduced.

Prospects for a top-dog/underdog world

We should not say that a world based on this relationship has no future. It’s quite clear today that it has, regardless of who the hegemon is.

We support the established order because it allows us to survive in a hostile, competitive environment. If someone allows us to hope that we can improve our position within this matrix, we be doubly loyal to it.

Many things change when the game of “king of the hill” ends in victory: There is no one to steal from, no one to resist.

Managers understand this. Top-dog/underdog relations transform into total control, including of thoughts and emotions. The next generation of control technologies is built on the dehumanization of the individual, killing his ability to reflect.

The direction of technological development is also clear. First of all, tracking of private communications, medical and drug dependency will be developed. Research into new physical principles leading to the discovery of new sources of energy will be shut down and outlawed. Ways to maintain your own health, including self-healing, will be made inaccessible.

Possible alternative

Is there an alternative to the top-dog/underdog world? If key players do not try to enslave each other, do not complete, do not fight, then what kind of consciousness would they have and what kind of strategic problems would they solve instead of pursuing dominance?

We need to create abundance instead of deficits to neutralize the fundamental basis for reproducing top-dog/underdog relations.

Once we had a thesis on the need to build the material and technical basis of communism, while social practice at the time was heading in an opposite direction. I think it is still relevant today. To enter the new world we need unlimited basic resources, first of all energy.

We need to move to club-like relations instead of hierarchies. We need venues for negotiation, platforms for joint planning instead of organs of monopolistic leadership and control.

If until now world history was about narrowing evolutionary possibilities, closing entire lines of development, a tendency toward uniformity, standardization, now a reverse process should take place: a widening of evolutionary diversity. The number of members in the world concert should start growing. We should not compete, but build. Cultural/historical creativity should become the main work in progress.

The world has come to a point where we need to decide between two opposing trends. One aims to eliminate autonomy and freedom of movement of individuals, communities and entire countries. The other trend aims to defend evolutionary lines and privacy; it implies the right to individual change as well as to self-preservation.

The first way is the way to decrease vitality, ignoring the movement of life manifesting itself through evolution and creation. The second is to increase vitality and achieve abundance and true independence from each other.

The Council of Foreign Relations


Dear readers: As the Presidential Election goes on in high gear and many of us can see the obvious biases practiced by the mainstream media, I thought this article, written by James Perloff, could bring some light of who the power to be is and really an who really rules the US. THIS IS THE THIRD PART OF A SERIES.

What is, how it formed and who are the Council of Foreign Relations

by James Perloff

Enter Obama

Candidate Barack Obama revealed he would proceed with the Bush initiatives. In a speech in Berlin on July 24, 2008, he stated:

That is why the greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another. The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes; natives and immigrants; Christian and Muslim and Jew cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down…. Yes, there have been differences between America and Europe. No doubt, there will be differences in the future. But the burdens of global citizenship continue to bind us together…. In this new century, Americans and Europeans alike will be required to do more — not less. Partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice; it is the one way, the only way, to protect our common security and advance our common humanity.

Obama had only been president for a little over two months when he traveled to Europe for a series of meetings with European leaders. He attended the G20 Summit, which ended with a tentative agreement to launch a new global financial system, using as the rationale for this major step toward global government the recent Fed- and government-spawned financial meltdown.

Henry Kissinger — foreign policy mouthpiece of the establishment for four decades — wrote an article for the January 12, 2009 issue of the International Herald Tribune entitled “The Chance for a New World Order.” He stated:

As the new U.S. administration prepares to take office amid grave financial and international crises, it may seem counterintuitive to argue that the very unsettled nature of the international system generates a unique opportunity for creative diplomacy….

Even the most affluent countries will confront shrinking resources. Each will have to redefine its national priorities. An international order will emerge if a system of compatible priorities comes into being….

The alternative to a new international order is chaos.

Kissinger also stated on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street”: “The president-elect is coming into office at a moment when there is upheaval in many parts of the world simultaneously…. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It’s a great opportunity, it isn’t just a crisis.”

Past statements reveal that the establishment wants a single currency for the world, just as the EU has consolidated its currencies into the “euro.” As far back as the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, John Maynard Keynes proposed a world currency he dubbed bancor. Richard L. Gardner (CFR) wrote in the Fall 1984 Foreign Affairs: “I suggest a radical alternative scheme for the next century: the creation of common currency for all the industrial democracies and a joint Bank of Issue to determine that Monetary Policy.”

In March of this year, Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown met with reporters at the White House. Brown announced that “there is the possibility in the next few months of a global new deal that will involve all the countries of the world in sorting out and cleaning up the banking system.” Obama added:
Globalization can be an enormous force for good…. But what is also true is … we still have a 1930s regulatory system in place in most countries designed from the last great crisis, that we’ve got to update our institutions, our regulatory frameworks, so that the power of globalization is channeled for the benefit of ordinary men and women.

If trends continue, however, the changes can be expected to benefit a tiny handful of the global elite, not “ordinary men and women.” Further evidence that Obama’s administration will simply continue the globalist agenda is indicated by his appointments.


Tamarind fruit: 7 amazing health benefits you shouldn’t ignore

Fresh Tamarind with leaves

Published by Omigy Health

It’s the fruit used in various recipes in almost all the parts of the world.Like Africa, it is the place where the tamarind originated, but now it grows in many parts of the world, mostly in Asia.

The highest consumption being in India in many recipes of the daily food. It is also a taste to eat with salt and pepper. It gives an awesome taste where you will start licking your finger tips. I remember of my school days, where the tamarind was my most favorite fruit. In the break time, me with my friends used to collect money and buy tamarinds, or sometimes used to throw stones on trees for tamarind. It was a great fun but even the taste of the tamarind was too good and was affordable to do such a mischievous thing.

It has also many health benefits included in it
1.Treating in the inflammation of joints
Aged people often suffer with this problem and are controlled by the help of tamarind. You may find for some extreme good medicines, but there is no better medicine as tamarind due to its properties of anti-inflammatory properties. The interleukin chemical which is responsible for arthritis can be controlled by tamarind by giving a protection shield to the bones and joints.
Immune system developer
Rich In vitamin C
Antioxidant property – keeps the infections away
Controls the free radicals responsible for development of cancer cells
Is known as the immune system booster
Contains another property called anti-microbial. The mixture of anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory is of great influence in ailments and infections.
The virus entering the body due to weather changes can be prevented by consuming tamarinds regularly.
This makes the immune system to build stronger and healthier
Kidney purifier
It is the best detoxifying agent
It is rich in potassium and contains cleansing properties
These properties help to flush the toxic substance away present in the kidney.
Hence it keeps the kidneys safe by its special properties.
2.Eyesight is improved
Tamarind consumption on regular basis is good for your eye health and makes your vision better.
Tamarind is rich in vitamin A
Beat-carotene required for better eyesight is found in tamarind.
It helps In reducing the risk of macular degeneration
Tamarind is helpful in curing dry eyes.
The best treatment for hair loss
The tamarind pulp liquid is applied to the scalp to enable the cells and help in growth of hair
The tamarind pulp liquid is obtained by placing it in water and then squeezing the pulp to form a paste
This paste mixed with liquid is applied all over the scalp and allowed to remain for about an hour
Later it can be washed away with Luke warm water.
Are you a diabetic patient? And looking for natural remedy in tamarind? yes! There is a natural remedy in tamarind due to its special properties. You can find yourself below;
It is the best natural medicine for diabetes
The tamarind paste can be utilized available in the market if there is no availability of tamarinds around you
This tamarind paste is mixed with the different type of herbs and jamun to keep your diabetes in control.
This above given solution will be a best medicine for your diabetes. After taking for a good period of time, you can notice the changes.
5.Good for heart
Tamarind is high in potassium level. Hence it is helpful in reducing blood pressure level.
Cholesterol level in the body is controlled by tamarind due to the presence of fiber in it.
As said above, the free radicals are in check which causes cancer cells and also are harmful to heart.
Cholesterol is the main reason for heart related problems and this is reduced- resulting in a good heart
These all properties of tamarind help your heart to stay healthy and in a good functional state.

It is also used an ayurvedic medicine in all types of heart related problems.

Many people are concerned about their health and have a mental feeling that only by spending more money they will have a better health! But this is complete false statement. Your health is in your hands- said by many people including our ancestors. This means that we are surrounded by the solution but we don’t find it instead wasting the money on unnecessary hospital bills. Have a watch in your kitchen, you’ll find all the medicines there!