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Trump plan: Deport to Mexico ‘all’ immigrants crossing illegally the border

The idea is part of a raft of immigration proposals signed by Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly that are likely to spur international and legal challenges

by Ginger Thompson and Marcelo Rochabrun

Buried deep in the Trump Administration’s plans to round up undocumented immigrants is a provision certain to enrage Mexico — new authority for federal agents to deport immigrants caught crossing the southern border to Mexico, regardless of where they are from.

If present immigration trends continue, that could mean the United States would push hundreds of thousands of Guatemalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans, Brazilians, Ecuadorans, even Haitians into Mexico. Currently, such people are detained in the U.S. and allowed to request asylum.

President Trump wants them to do so from Mexico, communicating via videoconference calls with U.S. immigration officials from facilities that Mexico would presumably be forced to build.

The new authority for immigration agents is among the dramatic, some would say untenable, tactics the Trump Administration is preparing to deploy as it upends President Obama’s policies on illegal immigration.

A pair of memos signed by John Kelly, the Homeland Security secretary, and disclosed over the weekend by McClatchy outline the plans for what present and former government officials say will be a massive roundup of undocumented immigrants.

Officials disclosed that two former Senate aides to Attorney General Jeff Sessions drafted the plan without input from career DHS policy staffers. The ideas aren’t new. Many of the approaches described in the memos come from a law that Congress passed in 1996, which policy makers and law enforcement agents disregarded as either unenforceable or absurd.

Among them was the Mexico part of the plan, for example, which calls for returning undocumented immigrants “to the foreign contiguous territory from which they arrived.” The memo goes on to point out how foisting the immigrants onto Mexico would benefit DHS’s budget, saying that it would, “save the Department’s detention and adjudication resources.”

However, former senior Mexican and American immigration officials said it could very well create new security problems along the border, as authorities in each country push unwanted migrants back and forth.

The American Immigration Lawyers Association said that the proposal would violate U.S. law and international treaty obligations. Mexico is as likely to embrace the plan as it did the notion of paying for a wall. “I would expect Mexico to respond with an emphatic ‘No,’” said Gustavo Mohar, a former senior Mexican immigration and national security policy official. Spokespeople for DHS and the White House did not respond to requests for comment.

Whether viable or not, the Trump administration’s deportation plans mark a dramatic departure from decades of policy and practice. Current and former immigration policy officials say that while the details of how the administration intends to carry out the plans remain unclear — if not insurmountable — the administration’s overall message to enforcement agents across the country is clear: limits have been lifted.
President Obama attempted to focus enforcement efforts on immigrants who had been convicted of serious crimes, and on those who were caught while or shortly after illegally entering the country. His administration deported record numbers of immigrants, most of whom had only been accused of minor crimes and immigration violations.

The Trump administration says it, too, is focused on deporting criminals, but it has redefined crimes to include any activity that might bring a conviction, including entering the U.S. without permission. Effectively, that makes virtually everyone in the U.S. without a proper visa subject to roundup at their workplace or home. The only clear exception, according to the enforcement plan, is for immigrants who were illegally brought to the U.S. as children, known as Dreamers.

“Anyone who complained about Obama as the deporter-in-chief,” said David Martin, formerly DHS’s principal deputy general counsel, “is unfortunately going to get a taste of what it’s like when someone is really gung-ho.”

Greg Chen, the policy director at AILA, said the Trump plan would “effectively unleash a massive deportation force with extremely broad authority to use detention as the default mechanism for anyone suspected of violating immigration law.”

The question looming over the proposals is how many of them, with all their legal and logistical obstacles, will the president actually be able to carry out.

The memos, for example, authorize the Border Patrol to hire 5,000 new agents, even though the force has never been able to fill the slots it has already been allotted. Some 60 percent of applicants to the Border Patrol fail the required polygraph, and those who pass take 18 months to get sent out into the field.

The Trump plan calls for the expansion of a George W. Bush-era program, known as 287g, which allows DHS to deputize state and local police as immigration agents. It was touted after 9/11 as a critical “force-multiplier.” But by 2010, some of the country’s largest police departments were refusing to participate because they believed it would shatter the trust between their officers and the communities they were sworn to protect. Meanwhile, participating agencies, which foot the bill for the program, were suddenly saddled with new debts and hounded by accusations of racial profiling and other abuse, forcing the Obama administration to suspend expansion of the program.

Until now, the enforcement of summary deportation laws, known as “expedited removal,” have been limited to those apprehended within 14 days of illegally entering the country and within 100 miles of Canada or Mexico. The memos signed by Kelly would allow use of those laws anywhere in the country against anyone who entered illegally within the past two years.

Lucas Guttentag, a DHS adviser and Stanford law professor, said this would “unleash chaos,” violate due process, and meet challenges in court, similar to those that scuttled the administration’s travel ban.

There would also be aggressive challenges, lawyers said, to plans that would allow immigration agents to deport unaccompanied minor children who crossed the border illegally, rather than uniting them with parents or other relatives in the U.S. They also expect legal opposition to a proposal that would strip undocumented immigrants of existing privacy protections, allowing personal information such as asylum cases or immigration violations to be publicly disclosed.

\The White House has said the memos are still under review, with final versions expected on Tuesday. And some of the provisions explicitly acknowledge that it could take years before DHS has the manpower and money to pull off what the president has ordered. Immigration enforcement agents, however, have already begun filling the policy void by launching raids and deportations, including some that advocates worry are meant to test the limits. Meanwhile panic has taken hold in many immigrant communities.

“The level of fear is more than anything we’ve ever seen,” said Marielena Hincapi´E, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center. She said the plan’s sweep, “sent a chill to my bones,” because it threatens to do irreparable harm to millions of families. She added, “This all seems aimed at changing who we are as a nation.”

At CPAC, panelists discuss role vetting, assimilation play in national security

by Fred Lucas

Extreme vetting and a border wall are the key issues facing the country under President Donald Trump’s administration—but aren’t the silver bullet solution to immigration, experts and members of Congress said Saturday.

“Extreme vetting is something that applies to the refugee side of this debate,” said Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., during a panel at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC.

The forum was titled “If Heaven Has a Gate, a Wall, and Extreme Vetting, Why Can’t America?” and covered a number of illegal immigration issues, from the national security impact to the economy.

On Jan. 27, Trump signed an executive order for a 120-day pause to temporarily block immigration from seven Middle Eastern terrorism hot spots—Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen.  

Buck said the United States either shouldn’t take refugees from those countries, or take them only after doing adequate background checks.

“Really, what the president was talking about, what Congress was talking about, is when we’re dealing with countries that are hot spots of terrorism that are destabilized as a result of civil war, we don’t have the ability to go into those countries and find records to determine if someone has health issues, or criminal background, or is radicalized in some ways,” Buck said.

The Trump administration calls this approach “extreme vetting,” but critics charge it is a “Muslim ban.”

After judicial setbacks, the Trump administration will take a dual track of defending the current order, while also drafting a new order, White House press secretary Sean Spicer has said.

Washington state and Minnesota sued to stop the president’s executive orders. A federal judge in Seattle suspended  enforcement of the order. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco upheld that temporary restraining order.

Multiculturalism prevents a common national identity and language, said Mike González, a senior fellow at The Heritage Foundation.
“This issue of multiculturalism has to be solved no matter what we do with immigration,” González said. “We can do all the vetting we want, but if people come in and they are assimilated into groups, we are going to have a problem unless we take care of that.”

This extends into national security, he said, because often the younger generations are taught multiculturalism in schools.

“This is true for radicalization,” González said. “It’s not really the immigrant, the guy who comes in. It’s his child or the second generation that becomes radicalized.”

This largely has been a government construct, he said.

“We have always been multiethnic. We have never been multicultural,” González said of America. “Immigrants are pressed into ethnic groups that form the building blocks of multiculturalism.”

On Jan. 25, Trump signed other executive orders regarding immigration. One order called for “immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border, monitored and supported by adequate personnel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism.”

Trump said he will ask Congress for an initial payment to build a wall at the border with Mexico—a project already authorized under the 2006 Secure Fence Act. After that, Trump said, he will seek reimbursement from the Mexican government.

Trump also issued an order scaling back funding for “sanctuary cities,” the term for municipalities that refuse to cooperate with federal officials in enforcing immigration law.

Immigration can’t be addressed without reintroducing the idea of a guest worker program, said Helen Krieble of the Vernon K. Krieble Foundation, who was the biggest advocate of the gate referred to in the title of the forum.

“You will never deport 11 or 12 or 15 million illegal immigrants,” she said.  

An audience member shouted, “Why not?”

“Because you can’t. It’s logistically impossible,” Krieble responded. “If that person has got a self-supporting job, has never committed a crime in the United States, they have no path to citizenship, no path to a green card, and no use of our social services, to allow him to apply for a simple work permit so that they are here legally is a good idea.”

However, Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., insisted: “You build the wall and plan for the gate. We have to secure the border. That has to be job one.”

He added:
That takes a wall, that takes technology, that takes boots on the ground. That takes all this administration says they are committed to doing. Similarly, they are talking about, I think  President Trump calls it,  a beautiful gate. He wants a gate. He wants people to have access. But, if folks are here, and they are then applying for these jobs that Helen is talking about, that has the potential to be very problematic.

If you are going to move in that direction, that’s why I say you have to do three things first—border control, internal enforcement, and you have to take away their inducements. But if you have inducements to come to America and apply for this card, then you have an inducement to be here, perhaps even illegally. If you’re going to allow this kind of program, you would want them in your home country to obtain that card and then work it out that way.

CPAC, the largest annual national gathering of conservative activists, runs from Wednesday to Saturday at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland, just outside Washington.

This report has been modified to flesh out the concluding quotation from Biggs, and to clarify González’s point on younger generations of immigrants learning multiculturalism at school.

How immigrants can protect their rights under Trump’s travel ban & deportation orders

by the El Reportero’s wire services

President Donald Trump’s executive order limiting the flow of refugees from predominantly Muslim countries into the U.S. has left many immigrants. Federal judges have ruled to temporarily halt Trump’s ban, which prevents the entry of any refugees for 120 days, bans citizens of seven Muslim countries for 90 days, and blocks Syrian refugees indefinitely, but right now it is unclear whether these rulings will require detainees to be admitted into the U.S.

As of now, the White House has reportedly reversed its position on green card holders, saying that they will be admitted to the country. A statement from Homeland Security, though, is not making people any less fearful: “The Department of Homeland Security will continue to enforce all of President Trump’s Executive Orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people.”

This has left many immigrants and refugees from the seven countries included in Trump’s ban — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia — scrambling to understand their rights.

Here’s what immigrants and refugees need to know to keep themselves safe.

The U.S. Constitution includes protection for refugees

Michael Wishney from Yale Law told Teen Vogue that foreign nationals, including refugees, are protected under U.S. law. The minute they are on American soil they have the right to due process and to be “free of invidious discrimination based on race or religion.”

Refugees also have rights under international law

According to UNHCR, the U.N. Refugee Agency, the 1951 Refugee Convention is the “key legal document” that outlines the rights of refugees. This “customary international law” states that refugees should not be returned to a country where they are likely to have their life and freedoms threatened.

Demand to speak to an attorney

United We Dream recommends that if an officer from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) shows up to your door with a warrant — you don’t have to open your door without them having one — ask for an attorney. Anything you do say can be used against you, which is why it’s best to let an attorney handle all aspects of your case. They can make sure you get a hearing, which you are entitled to.

The government will not pay or provide you with a lawyer, but immigration should provide you with a list of free or low-cost legal representation. If you see a judge before finding representation you can ask for more time.

Do not leave the country at this time

According to the Huffington Post, attorneys are advising that non-U.S. citizens avoid traveling outside of the U.S. at this time.

“I don’t want to make people scared for no reason, but I think caution is best right now until we see what that exact language will be,” Nermeen Arastu, clinical law professor at CUNY School of Law, told HuffPo. “If you’re a not U.S. citizen, don’t leave right now.”

If you must travel abroad, do not do so without speaking to an immigration attorney first.

Do not sign anything

This may be the most important piece of advice for anyone, including green card holders since a swipe of the pen could be catastrophic. There have been cases in which green card holders were asked to sign a Form I-407, which causes the signee to voluntarily give up legal status.

According to the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), this agreement means that you “won’t get a hearing, you will have to leave the U.S., and you may never be allowed to enter the U.S. again or get legal immigration status.”

To make things easier, the NILC is providing printable cards for immigrants that can be handed to officers. They explain that you are choosing to exercise your legal rights: “I will remain silent, and I refuse to answer your questions. If I am detained I have the right to contact an attorney immediately. I refuse to sign anything without advice from an attorney.”

Manufacturing facility in Mexico due to threats of economic retaliation by United States President Donald Trump.

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. announced yesterday it was dropping plans to build a brake manufacturing plant, estimated to represent an investment of close to US $90 million, said a report by the Nikkei Asian Review.

The company is the first from Japan to change its investment plans in Mexico in response to the U.S. government’s threats of import tariffs.

The report said the parts that were to be manufactured in Mexico were destined for the U.S. market, and that the plant will probably be built in that country instead.

The news agency AFP quoted Nisshinbo spokesperson Kiyohiro Kida saying that “Mexico was the strongest candidate [to host the new plant], but we decided to backtrack.”

A day before the firm’s announcement, executive managing director Takayoshi Okugawa stated that “We’ve abandoned Mexico… we must chose a different place other than Mexico.”

Nisshinbo is a leader in brake friction materials, with 15 percent of the global market, and has investments in textiles and electronics production as well.

While Nisshinbo was saying goodbye to Mexico, Nissan was reaffirming its commitment.

Nissan Motor Company said yesterday it was moving forward with its plant in Aguascalientes, called Compas, a billion-dollar joint manufacturing facility it is building with German auto maker Daimler AG. The new factory will build next-generation premium compact vehicles for the Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti brands.

“[The project] is under way, on schedule, and by the end of our fiscal year, new Infiniti cars will be produced there,” said Nissan corporate vice-president Joji Tagawa.

But other manufacturers may yet bail on Mexico.

An economist with the Japanese cooperative bank Norinchukin told AFP that “similar movements [to that of Nisshinbo] are expected” from other firms.

Trump’s policies “could affect companies with plants in Mexico as well as those who were expecting to invest there,” he added.

Nonetheless, abandoning projects in Mexico will have a “negligible impact” on the Japanese economy as Mexico represents half a percentage point of that country’s foreign direct investment, said an economist with the Tokyo branch of the Credit Suisse bank. (Via Mexico News Daily)

US deported more than one million Mexicans in five years

In the last five years, 1 million 372,883 Mexicans were repatriated from the United States, according to data from the Interior Ministry (Segob) released today.

Segob statistics indicate that the annual number of deportations has been declining, although Mexicans occupy the first place of expelled people from that country.

The year 2012 registered the greatest number of returned Mexicans with 369,492; while for 2015 the figure fell to 207,398.
Segob said that in 2016, 219,923 Mexicans were deported, most of them from Michoacan, Guerrero, and Oaxaca.

PG&E opens annual Better Together STEM Scholarship Program

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) today is inviting high school and college students throughout central and northern California to apply for a Better Together STEM Scholarship. The program awards a total of $100,000 in scholarships annually to local high school, community college and non-traditional students pursuing higher education in the engineering, computer science, cyber security and environmental sciences.

Scholarship winners will receive $5,000 per year renewable for up to four year

“PG&E is investing in promising students today because they will be the leaders, dreamers and innovators of tomorrow. PG&E is proud to support them and help lay smooth path for them so they can achieve even greater things in their education and careers,” said Travis Kiyota, vice president of community relations and public affairs for PG&E.

Students pursuing a degree in one of the following STEM disciplines are eligible: Engineering (electrical, mechanical, computer, industrial or environmental), Computer Science/Information Systems, Cyber Security or Environmental Sciences. Applicants must plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study for the entire 2017-2018 academic year and be pursuing their first postsecondary degree at a PG&E partner school in California.

The deadline to apply for the PG&E Better Together STEM Scholarship is March 31. Scholarship winners will be announced this summer. For more information and to apply, visit

PG&E has a long history of supporting local educational initiatives, providing more than $75 million over the last decade. Since 2012, PG&E’s Better Together STEM Scholarship Program has awarded more than $3 million to accomplished students based on a combined demonstration of community leadership, personal triumph, financial need and academic achievement.

In addition to the STEM Scholarship Program, PG&E’s 10 employee resource groups (ERGs) voluntarily raise funds for scholarships to help offset the cost of higher education. In 2016 alone, the ERGs awarded a record $430,000 in scholarships. Since 1989, more than $4.5 million in ERG scholarships have been received by thousands of recipients.

PG&E’s broader Better Together Giving Program further demonstrates the company’s commitment to building a better future together. With a focus on education, economic vitality, the environment and emergency preparedness, PG&E is aligning charitable resources with the company’s values. Working closely with local community organizations, PG&E is helping to create a strong, resilient and sustainable California. Community investments are funded entirely by the company’s shareholders.

Open Studio – Last Sunday of every month

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Urban landscape artist Anthony Holdsworth has captured the spirit of an entire neighborhood.

“Many of the paintings featured in my Holiday Exhibition remain on the walls. Join me for a cappucino, or a glass of wine and conversation.”
At 351 Lewis Street, two blocks NW of West Oakland BART, Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 26, April 30, May 28, at 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
For info call 510.836.1681, or write to For directions to studio and further information:

7th Annual San Jose Jazz Winter Fest 2017

San Jose Jazz proudly announces the official Winter Fest 2017 lineup: Roy Ayers, Donny McCaslin, The Cookers, Wallace Roney, Villalobos Brothers, Ben Allison & Think Free, Huntertones, Kim Nalley and Kalil Wilson, Mary Stallings, Natalie Cressman, Ron E. Beck Soul Revue, Reva DeVito, CME, Mark PLSTK, Shea Butter, Chale Brown, Troker, Jazz Organ Fellowship with Akiko Tsuruga and Tony Monaco, The Eulipions Jazz Sessions, Silvestre Martinez, and some of the Bay Area’s premier youth jazz ensembles.

Within the heart of Silicon Valley, San Jose Jazz Winter Fest 2017, the Jazz Beyond series, co-curated with local production house Universal Grammar, presents buzzy young stars pushing the boundaries of jazz, soul and hip-hop and the Next Gen performances showcase top regional student jazz ensembles and offer up master classes.

Coming up from now through March 3, 2017, San Jose Jazz presents its 7th Annual SJZ Winter Fest 2017, featuring more than 25 concerts in downtown San Jose, Saratoga and Palo Alto.

Tuesday, Feb. 14 – Friday, March 3, 2017, at Cafe Stritch, The Continental, Schultz Cultural Arts Hall at Oshman Family JCC (Palo Alto), Trianon Theatre, MACLA, Café Pink House (Saratoga), Poor House Bistro, Hedley and other venues in Downtown San Jose. Event Info: Tickets: $10 – $65.

Pueblo Fest 2017 has landed

PuebloFest, the first-ever three-day Latin music festival in the U.S., with an expected crowd of more than 30,000 daily attendees, will celebrate not only Latin music, but culture and entrepreneurship.

The first of its kind, PuebloFest will take place from March 17-19, 2017 at the International Agri-Center in Tulare, CA, the heart of the Central Valley and home to 1.6 million Hispanics. For three days, guests will enjoy some of Latin music’s greatest artists, food, cultural expos, and community workshops.

The festival will feature six entertainment stages including the Main Stage with major musical performers, a rodeo stage with equestrian competitions, a cultural stage featuring traditional mariachi and folklorico, and a Millennial stage with EDM DJs.

New SFMOMA contemporary art exhibitions

A Slow Succession with Many Interruptions: William Kentridge: The Refusal of Time, Runa Islam: Verso.

William Kentridge: The Refusal of Time: Making its West Coast debut at SFMOMA, artist William Kentridge’s The Refusal of Time (2012) is an immersive installation combining synchronized video projections featuring live action, animation and dance, with audio feeds that incorporate music and sound and a central kinetic sculpture called “the elephant,” which breathes a steady rhythm from the center of the gallery.

On View through April 2, 2017, at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 151 Third Street, San Francisco.

Santana says Beyoncé lost Album of the year because she’s not a singer

by the El Reportero’s news services

According to Julia Brucculieri news report, at Sunday night’s Grammy Awards ceremony, Adele took home the award for Album of the Year, beating out Beyoncé for the top prize. The Beyhive wasn’t impressed, nor was Adele herself, who thought Beyoncé deserved the award.
Carlos Santana, on the other hand, fully supports the British singer’s win. 
“I think that Adele won because she can sing, sing,” Santana recently told the Australian Associated Press, before elaborating on his opinion. 
“With all respect to our sister Beyoncé, Beyoncé is very beautiful to look at and it’s more like modeling kind of music, music to model a dress. she’s not a singer, singer, with all respect to her,” the Mexican-American musician added. 
In Santana’s opinion, however, Bey uses theatrics to mask her voice. 
“Adele can sing, sing. She doesn’t bring all the dancers and props, she can just stand there and she just stood there and sang the song and that’s it, and this is why she wins,” Santana said. (Reports Julia Brucculieri, Huffington Post).

Estrella TV takes a giant leap in its range expansion
LBI Media, Inc., the minority owned Spanish language broadcasting company in the U.S. announced today that it has signed a multiyear agreement with DISH to expand its Estrella TV Estrella TV Network’s presence and distribution in U.S.
As part of its rapidly growing national carriage expansion and broadcast affiliate additions across the U.S., Estrella TV Network becomes the latest addition to the satellite provider’s America’s Top 200 packages and above, and DishLATINO Clasico packages and above.
This new national carriage deal will allow it to compete more effectively in the marketplace and further invest in its critically acclaimed and original programming strategy, as well as continue to build and broaden the network’s brand on a national level.
The agreement significantly expands Estrella TV’s distribution influence and bolsters its growing presence in the  Hispanic television market, consolidating it as one of the leading Spanish language television networks in the U.S. -up, including its popular game shows and comedies.”
This agreement with DISH marks a significant boost in Estrella TV’s national distribution, in the Hispanic market,” said Cathy Lewis Edgerton, Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva de Distribución y Ventas Filiales, LBI Media, Inc.
Alfredo Rodriguez, vice president of DishLATINO said, “because of this agreement, the majority of DishLATINO customers can now enjoy its programming, including its popular games and comedy programs.”
Latin GRAMMY nominee, Tomas Díaz sets the tone with “Aurora
As part of the YouTube pop-up space, the legendary bandleader, singer-songwriter and Latin GRAMMY nominee, Tomas Daz sets the tone with Aurora,” a song written inspired by a woman the percussionist met on his Mariel journey to U.S. Take in the sound of Miami’s Cuban music prodigy with an acoustic rendition of “Aurora,” fifth track of his debut solo album, Está en Ti (2016).

Is the Trump administration already over?

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Hopes for the Trump administration are not burning brightly. Trump’s military chief, Gen. Mattis, is turning out to be true to his “mad dog” nickname. He has just declared that Iran “is the single biggest state sponsor of terrorism in the world.” 

He has declared Russia to be the number one threat to the US.

He has threatened intervention in China’s territorial affairs.

I was wrong. I thought Gen. Mattis was a reasonable choice as he rejects the efficacy of torture, and, according to Trump, convinced Trump that “torture doesn’t work.” Apparently Mattis cannot reach beyond this realization to higher geo-political realizations. Trump needs to fire Mattis who has placed the Pentagon in the way of normal relations with Russia.

There is no evidence in the behavior of Iran, Russia, and China to support Gen. Mattis’ views. His definition of threat is the neoconservative one—a country capable of resisting US hegemony. This is a convenient threat for the military/security complex as it justifies an unlimited budget in order to prevail over such “threats.” It is this hegemonic impulse that is the source of terrorism.

If truth can be spoken, there are only two countries in the world with hegemonic aspirations—Israel and the US—and they are the sources of terrorism. Israel terrorizes Palestinians and has done so for about 70 years. The US terrorizes the rest of the world.

All known Muslim terrorists are creations of the US government. Al Qaeda was created by the Carter administration in order to confront the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan with jihadism. ISIS was created by the Obama/Hillary regime in order to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and then was sent by the Obama/Hillary regime to overthrow Assad in Syria, as Trump’s national security advisor, Gen. Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency revealed on TV. The Ukrainian neo-Nazis assaulting the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk were also unleashed by the Obama/Hillary overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine. All terror is associated with Washington and Israel.
The fact of Washington’s overthrow of Ukraine’s government is incontestable; yet large numbers of brainwashed Americans think Russia invaded Ukraine, just as they believe the fake news that Iran is a terrorist state.

The last time Iran initiated a war of aggression was in the last decade of the 18th century when Iran reconquered the Caucasus and Georgia, which Iran soon lost to Russia.

Iran in our time has done no offense except to refuse to submit to being a Washington vassal state.

Additionally, Iran, and Syria rescued by the Russians, are the only states in the Muslim world that are not US puppet states and mere vassals that are nothing in themselves, no independent foreign policy, no independent economic policy. Only Iran and Syria have independent policies.

Iran is a large country endowed with substantial energy resources. Iran has a long history going back to ancient times of independence and military prowess. Today Iran is essential to Russia as a buffer to the US created jihadism that neoconservatives plan to export to the Muslim areas of the Russian Federation. Consequently, Iran is the most inopportune of targets for Trump if he wishes to restore normal, non-threatening relations with Russia. Yet his mad dog Pentagon chief recklessly makes threatening statements alleging Iran to be a “terrorist state.”

Do we see Israel’s hand at work in the threats against Iran? Iran and Syria are the only countries in the Middle East that are not American puppet states. Syria’s army has been hardened by combat, which is what Syria’s army needs in order to stand up to US-backed Israel. Both Syria and Iran are in the way of Israel’s Zionist policy of Greater Israel—from the Nile to the Euphrates. For the Zionists, Palestine and Southern Lebanon are merely the beginning.

Israel has successfully used the corrupt British and now the corrupt Americans to reestablish themselves on lands from which God evicted them. This doesn’t speak well of the intelligence and morality of the British and US governments. But what does?

We are also hearing from Mattis and from Tillerson threats to intervene in China’s sphere of influence. Trump’s appointees appear to be unable to understand that there can be no improvement in relations with Russia if the Trump regime has Iran and China in its crosshairs.
Is there any prospect that the Trump administration can develop geo-political awareness? Is the tough-talking Trump administration tough enough to overthrow the power that Zionist Israel exercises over US foreign policy and the votes of the US Congress?

If not, more war is inevitable.

For twenty-four years—eight years of the criminal Clinton regime, eight years of the criminal Bush regime, eight years of the criminal Obama regime—the world has heard threats from Washington that have resulted in the death and destruction of millions of peoples and entire countries. The Trump administration needs to present a different Washington to the world.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

The original source of this article is Paul Craig Roberts
Copyright © Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts, 2017

Inside the invisible government: war, propaganda, Clinton & Trump – Part 2


Dear readers:

With this past elections behind us but still causing storm, we were able to see the true face of the mainstream media lies, but which the people believed blindly. Propaganda was the name used for government media in the Soviet Union; advertising or public relations is called in the US and the rest of the ‘free world,’ which at the end it is the same propaganda, used to make people believe what the elite want us to believe. PART 2 OF TWO.
(This article series was written before the election).

Inside the invisible government: war, propaganda, Clinton & Trump

John Pilger
Originally appeared at CounterPunch

Propaganda is most effective when our consent is engineered by those with a fine education – Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Columbia — and with careers on the BBC, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post.
These organiZations are known as the liberal media. They present themselves as enlightened, progressive tribunes of the moral zeitgeist. They are anti-racist, pro-feminist and pro-LGBT.

And they love war.

While they speak up for feminism, they support rapacious wars that deny the rights of countless women, including the right to life.
In 2011, Libya, then a modern state, was destroyed on the pretext that Muammar Gaddafi was about to commit genocide on his own people.  That was the incessant news; and there was no evidence. It was a lie.

In fact, Britain, Europe and the United States wanted what they like to call “regime change” in Libya, the biggest oil producer in Africa. Gaddafi’s influence in the continent and, above all, his independence were intolerable.

So he was murdered with a knife in his rear by fanatics, backed by America, Britain and France.  Hillary Clinton cheered his gruesome death for the camera, declaring, “We came, we saw, he died!”

The destruction of Libya was a media triumph. As the war drums were beaten, Jonathan Freedland wrote in the Guardian: “Though the risks are very real, the case for intervention remains strong.”

Intervention – what a polite, benign, Guardian word, whose real meaning, for Libya, was death and destruction.

According to its own records, Nato launched 9,700 “strike sorties” against Libya, of which more than a third were aimed at civilian targets. They included missiles with uranium warheads. Look at the photographs of the rubble of Misurata and Sirte, and the mass graves identified by the Red Cross. The UNICEF report on the children killed says, “most [of them] under the age of ten”.

As a direct consequence, Sirte became the capital of ISIS. Ukraine is another media triumph. Respectable liberal newspapers such as the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Guardian, and mainstream broadcasters such as the BBC, NBC, CBS, CNN have played a critical role in conditioning their viewers to accept a new and dangerous cold war.

All have misrepresented events in Ukraine as a malign act by Russia when, in fact, the coup in Ukraine in 2014 was the work of the United States, aided by Germany and NATO.

This inversion of reality is so pervasive that Washington’s military intimidation of Russia is not news; it is suppressed behind a smear and scare campaign of the kind I grew up with during the first cold war. Once again, the Ruskies are coming to get us, led by another Stalin, whom The Economist depicts as the devil.

The suppression of the truth about Ukraine is one of the most complete news blackouts I can remember. The fascists who engineered the coup in Kiev are the same breed that backed the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. Of all the scares about the rise of fascist anti-Semitism in Europe, no leader ever mentions the fascists in Ukraine – except Vladimir Putin, but he does not count.

Many in the Western media have worked hard to present the ethnic Russian-speaking population of Ukraine as outsiders in their own country, as agents of Moscow, almost never as Ukrainians seeking a federation within Ukraine and as Ukrainian citizens resisting a foreign-orchestrated coup against their elected government.

There is almost the joie d’esprit of a class reunion of warmongers. The drum-beaters of the Washington Post inciting war with Russia are the very same editorial writers who published the lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

To most of us, the American presidential campaign is a media freak show, in which Donald Trump is the arch villain. But Trump is loathed by those with power in the United States for reasons that have little to do with his obnoxious behavior and opinions. To the invisible government in Washington, the unpredictable Trump is an obstacle to America’s design for the 21st century.

This is to maintain the dominance of the United States and to subjugate Russia, and, if possible, China.

To the militarists in Washington, the real problem with Trump is that, in his lucid moments, he seems not to want a war with Russia; he wants to talk with the Russian president, not fight him; he says he wants to talk with the president of China.

In the first debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump promised not to be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into a conflict. He said, “I would certainly not do first strike. Once the nuclear alternative happens, it’s over.” That was not news.

Did he really mean it? Who knows? He often contradicts himself. But what is clear is that Trump is considered a serious threat to the status quo maintained by the vast national security machine that runs the United States, regardless of who is in the White House.

The CIA wants him beaten. The Pentagon wants him beaten. The media wants him beaten. Even his own party wants him beaten. He is a threat to the rulers of the world – unlike Clinton who has left no doubt she is prepared to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China.

Clinton has the form, as she often boasts. Indeed, her record is proven. As a senator, she backed the bloodbath in Iraq.  When she ran against Obama in 2008, she threatened to “totally obliterate” Iran. As Secretary of State, she colluded in the destruction of governments in Libya and Honduras and set in train the baiting of China.

She has now pledged to support a No Fly Zone in Syria – a direct provocation for war with Russia. Clinton may well become the most dangerous president of the United States in my lifetime – a distinction for which the competition is fierce.

Without a shred of evidence, she has accused Russia of supporting Trump and hacking her emails. Released by WikiLeaks, these emails tell us that what Clinton says in private, in speeches to the rich and powerful, is the opposite of what she says in public.

That is why silencing and threatening Julian Assange is so important. As the editor of WikiLeaks, Assange knows the truth. And let me assure those who are concerned, he is well, and WikiLeaks is operating on all cylinders.

Today, the greatest build-up of American-led forces since World War Two is under way – in the Caucasus and eastern Europe, on the border with Russia, and in Asia and the Pacific, where China is the target.

Keep that in mind when the presidential election circus reaches its finale on Nov. 8,  If the winner is Clinton, a Greek chorus of witless commentators will celebrate her coronation as a great step forward for women. None will mention Clinton’s victims: the women of Syria, the women of Iraq, the women of Libya. None will mention the civil defence drills being conducted in Russia.  None will recall Edward Bernays’ “torches of freedom”.

George Bush’s press spokesman once called the media “complicit enablers”.

Coming from a senior official in an administration whose lies, enabled by the media, caused such suffering, that description is a warning from history.

In 1946, the Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor said of the German media: “Before every major aggression, they initiated a press campaign calculated to weaken their victims and to prepare the German people psychologically for the attack. In the propaganda system, it was the daily press and the radio that were the most important weapons.”

Can these supplements reverse or prevent gray hair?

by Danna Norek

Many a man and woman have lamented those silvery, wiry sprigs of hair that seem to pop up overnight in the most obvious face-framing places on our head. Graying hair may not be so bad if it weren’t so often accompanied by other undesirable effects.

Often graying hair comes with a loss of elasticity and rougher texture which tends to make it stand out from the rest of your hair. Since it is more brittle, it also tends to break off more easily, which is why you often see those stray grays poking up rather obviously.

Rather than relying on hair dyes and tints that often are toxic and damaging, many wonder if there is a natural way to turn gray hair darker – to somehow internally change our body chemistry to help keep that pigment around longer. So, is there a natural way to help keep your hair smoother and darker for a longer period of time before Father Time inevitably extracts the color and vibrance from your hair?

Supplements Purported to Help Prevent and Reverse Gray Hair

There are actually a few supplements out there now that some people have reported are helping them to delay or even reverse the graying of their hair. There are no in-depth or conclusive studies yet that these actually work, but that doesn’t mean the anecdotal evidence and individual success stories don’t have some validity.

It may just mean there wasn’t enough interest or funding for studies.  Also, there may just not have been enough money to be made on something that’s fairly inexpensive to manufacture.

Fo-Ti Root (Also known as He Shou Wu)

This inexpensive Chinese medicinal herb is probably at the forefront of the anti-graying supplement buzz. There are numerous success stories out there of men and women who have experienced a reduction in their grays after taking this supplement regularly.

This herb has long been used to promote youth and vigor in traditional Chinese medicine, and has also gained a reputation as a natural remedy for graying hair. In fact, the Chinese name He Shou Wu translates into a statement about turning hair “black”. It also is purported to have a hand in overall longevity and vitality among many other beneficial traits.

Fo-Ti also mimics the female hormone estrogen in the body, hence its use by women to help replenish estrogen lost during and after menopause. However, men also use the herb as a youth-promoting tonic as well as an energy and endurance enhancer.


There are many stories about regular consumption of wheatgrass and a connection to fending off grays. Most of us know this as a healthy habit for many other reasons due to its high nutrition content.

According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, wheatgrass may help slow down the rate of graying or help reverse gray hair due to its effect on our blood. Healthy blood is tied to the health and vibrance of your hair. Wheatgrass is very rich in chlorophyll, which closely mimics human hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to all your vital organs and tissues.

Regular consumption of wheatgrass really helps oxygenate your blood, which is a huge benefit for many reasons. Well, now you might add another to that list of benefits – gray hair prevention!

Anti-gray supplement in the works from a major cosmetics company

There has also been some buzz about a huge cosmetics company working on an anti-gray supplement. They were recently reportedly still working to patent the idea, and it was supposed to have been released by now, but no further updates were available.

In the meantime, it sounds like there are some other options that it wouldn’t hurt to try. Even if they don’t turn your gray hair back to its youthful tone, they certainly have a plethora of other health benefits that may make it worth it!

Actor says: The police are ‘thugs’ being shielded by corporate media

by Claire Bernish

Award-winning actor and longtime environmental and animal rights activist, James Cromwell, held nothing back in an interview late last year, when discussing ongoing exploitation and brutalization of Indigenous peoples battling Energy Transfer Partners’ construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

To Cromwell, like innumerable observers, that the government would lash out violently against Standing Rock Sioux water protectors and their supporters to defend the construction of a pipeline for Big Oil profit evinces systemic racism and oppression practiced since the first Europeans arrived in these lands.

Months of a veritable blackout by mainstream media, he contends, shows the appalling complicity of reporters obligated to deliver a narrative acceptable to corporate backers.

In a typical protest, Cromwell told The Young Turks’ Jordan Chariton, “for the most part, the police arrest people, but they behave very rationally. When they come to the Indigenous community, they behave like thugs. And that shows the racism that sort of underpins the entire thing.

“It’s either environmental justice for people of color in the East, or for Indigenous people here, in the middle of this country, who always get the short end of the stick.”

To wit, Cromwell gave the interview from the Oceti Sakowin Camp, the largest of several encampments near the Lake Oahe reservoir on the Missouri River erected to peacefully block Dakota Access construction, and one of two which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers intends to evict.

Led by the Morton County Sheriff’s Department, unnecessarily-militarized law enforcement from at least nine states have unleashed the full fury of the Police State against the unarmed water protectors in a pattern of escalation and brute force. Tear gas, rubber bullets, Tasers, bean bag projectiles, concussion grenades, sound cannons, and weaponized water, have left hundreds injured, traumatized, and even maimed.

Vanessa Dundon, a Native American water protector better known as Sioux Z, faces permanent vision loss in one eye after police launched a tear gas canister at her head, severing her retina, during the most explicitly barbarous crackdown on water protectors on Nov. 20 on Highway 1806’s Backwater Bridge. Lacking health insurance, Sioux Z — who has acted as security and a first responder during such police offensives — has been forced to rely on crowdfunding for surgery necessary to save her sight. A non-Native supporter of the water protectors, Sophia Wilansky, had her arm blown to shreds by what might have been a Stinger grenade during the same skirmish as she delivered water to 400 people trapped on the bridge. Surgeons were still trying to save her arm and avoid the possibility of amputation — a medical effort also being partially funded with donations.

Eyewitnesses say both women appeared to have been intentionally targeted by police — an allegation reinforced by medics and first responders from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and the City of Bismarck, who observed the riot-cop army aiming for water protectors’ heads and legs.

As many as 300 people suffered various injuries during the over six-hour attack by law enforcement. One tribal elder twice went into cardiac arrest amid the fog of tear gas, hail of rubber bullets, and — most astonishingly dangerous and appalling of all — a near-constant soaking by icy water in sub-freezing temperatures, a la 1960s police use of fire hoses against black civil rights protestors.

Cromwell’s distinction between the Standing Rock Sioux’ fight to preserve clean water and typical anti-fossil fuel protests isn’t an arbitrary one — and he would know from firsthand experience.

In December 2015, Cromwell and others were arrested for disorderly conduct after attempting to block the entrance to a Competitive Power Ventures power plant. A second arrest came in June 2016 for blockading the entrance to the Crestwood Compressor Station — part of an expansion of fracked-energy infrastructure greenlighted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and ignored by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, despite vociferous condemnation by local residents.

Similar to actions at Standing Rock, both incidents involved physically obstructing the commerce of Big Oil — but, quite unlike police defense of the Dakota Access Pipeline, Cromwell, and the other arrestees weren’t physically brutalized or treated as enemies of the State.
That striking contrast is additionally evidenced in mainstream media coverage — or astonishing lack thereof.

As TYT’s Chariton notes, corporate media arrives instantaneously at the scene when protests, rioting, or violence occurs following a police killing — such as with Ferguson and Baltimore — but in the case of Standing Rock, because the peaceful battle is against Big Oil, there has been a dearth of coverage by the mainstream press.

Asked to describe what he sees as this dereliction of duty by the corporate-backed media, Cromwell responde:
“They have a divided allegiance, because their allegiance should be to their viewership or their readership — but it’s not. It’s to the corporations. It’s all about the bottom line. And, therefore, they have to protect not only those sponsors, [but] the people who control the corporations who are usually involved in this sort of activity because it represents profits. And they have lost their connection, which has shown in this election — nobody believed the mainstream media.”

Controversy about the Dakota Access Pipeline has been a prime example of this, as corporate presstitutes continue pushing the official police accounts of violent incidents via Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier — whose laughably-thin explanations for officer use-of-force have been wholly invalidated by independent and alternative media outlets time and time again. In fact, independent journalists on the scene in Standing Rock have collected physical evidence of and filmed law enforcement engaged in the exact activities Kirchmeier denies.

Inaccurate or utter lack of reporting on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s efforts to end pipeline construction have been the nail in the coffin for many already weary from horrendous mainstream coverage of the 2016 presidential election cycle. Online alternative media — which has been a font of thorough and accurate information for both issues — presents quite the tenable option for those seeking non-corporate, non-establishment-biased journalism.

“That’s where people go,” Cromwell continued. “People who want to know what’s happening go online and find it — and it is there. There is real journalism, but it’s certainly not the mainstream media.”